Merge pull request #1 from vishnuraghavb/main

Update Portuguese translation for v1.2.5 release
This commit is contained in:
EpicalXYZ 2020-12-21 16:48:05 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 69437ea40d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
18 changed files with 1754 additions and 178 deletions

.github/FUNDING.YML vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
liberapay: vishnuraghavb

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: "[BUG]"
labels: bug
assignees: vishnuraghavb
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
**Device information (please complete the following information):**
- Android Version: [e.g. 8 or Oreo]
- EnRecipes Version(as in app's about page): [e.g. 1.1.4]
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
labels: enhancement
assignees: vishnuraghavb
**Please check the [roadmap]( for upcoming features before proceeding**
- [ ] I've checked the roadmap and my feature request is not listed there
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
**Describe the solution you'd like**
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

76 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression,
level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal
appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
- Using welcoming and inclusive language
- Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
- Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
- Focusing on what is best for the community
- Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
- The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
- Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
- Public or private harassment
- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at <>
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see

23 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# How to contribute
:+1::tada: First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! :+1::tada:
Here are some important resources:
- The [roadmap]( will tell you whats the future of EnRecipes
- You can help [translate]( EnRecipes in your native language(not limited to those existing in the `To do`)
- Bugs, suggestions or feedback? You can [create an issue here]( or [join the Telegram group]( replies) to make the app better.
### Instruction for translators
1. Fork this repository and head to the `app/i18n` folder.
2. Create a new JSON file or duplicate any existing file and start translating its values.
3. The filenames should be based on this [gist](
4. Once done, create a new pull request.
#### Don't know what fork means? No issues.
1. Just [download the JSON file]( and start translating its value(right side part after the colon":").
2. Once done, share the file to the [EnRecipes Telegram group]( or email it to for verification.
If everything looks good, your translations will be included in the next update and you'll be added to the contributors list for your work.

25 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Privacy Policy
I(Vishnu Raghav B) built the app EnRecipes as an open source app for use as is.
## Your Privacy
As a privacy-conscious internet user, I respect your privacy; that's why this app has NO Ads, NO User Tracking and does NOT collect or share any personal information.
The app also does NOT use third party services that collect information used to identify you.
## Links To Third Party Websites
The app may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Please be aware that I am not responsible for the privacy policies on these websites. These sites are not subject to this privacy policy, and you should check their individual privacy policies.
## Changes To This Privacy Policy
I will occasionally update this Privacy Policy but only in a manner not affecting your privacy. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new privacy policy on this page. I will also change the “Last Updated” date at the end of this privacy policy. Any changes I make to the privacy policy are effective as of this Last Updated date and replace any prior privacy policies.
If I make any material changes to this privacy policy, I will notify you by placing a prominent notice on my app.
## Contact Information
For any questions, suggestions or concerns regarding my privacy policy, please send me an email to
Last Updated: 18 December 2020

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@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
# EnRecipes
<p align="center"><a href=""><img src="fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/featureGraphic.png" width="100%"></a></p>
> A simple, offline recipe manager.
<h3 align="center">A simple, offline recipe manager</h3>
<h4 align="center">EnRecipes is an easy to use, privacy-friendly digital cookbook that lets you create, manage and share your own recipes.</h4>
<p align="center">
<a href="" alt="Release version"><img src=""></a> <a href="" alt="Release date"><img src=""></a> <a href="" alt="License: GPLv3"><img src=""></a> <a href="" alt="GitHub issues"><img src=""></a> <a href="" alt="Translation Status"><img src=""></a>
EnRecipes is an easy to use, privacy-friendly digital cookbook that lets you create, manage and share your own recipes.
## Principles
- Privacy by Design
<p align="center"><a href="#features">Features</a> - <a href="#downloads">Downloads</a> - <a href="#screenshots">Screenshots</a> - <a href="#future">Future</a> - <a href="#contributors">Contribution</a> - <a href="#credits">Credits</a> - <a href="#license">License</a> - <a href="">Website</a> - <a href="">Telegram group</a></p>
## Features
- Create recipes quickly
- Add photo, notes and combinations to your recipes
- Organise your recipes by category
- Quickly search for your recipes
- Quickly search for your recipes either by name or ingredient
- Mark recipes as favourites and add them to your Try Later list
- Scale your recipe ingredients to serve more or less people
- Get notified of the last time you tried a recipe
@ -25,41 +27,52 @@ EnRecipes is an easy to use, privacy-friendly digital cookbook that lets you cre
- No internet access is required and never asks for any unwanted permissions
- 100% free and open-source
Lots of interesting features on the way...
**Languages supported**: English, German, Tamil
Check the [Roadmap]( for upcoming features.
## Downloads
You can get the latest release [here](
You can get the latest release [here](
## Screenshots
![EnRecipe](assets/Screenshots/2.png)![View Recipe](assets/Screenshots/3.png)![Ingredients](assets/Screenshots/4.png)![Edit Recipe](assets/Screenshots/5.png)![Share](assets/Screenshots/6.png)![Side Drawer](assets/Screenshots/7.png)![Mealplanner](assets/Screenshots/8.png)![Dark Mode](assets/Screenshots/10.png)
[<img src="fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/2.png" width=276>](fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/2.png)[<img src="fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/3.png" width=276>](fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/3.png)[<img src="fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/4.png" width=276>](fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/4.png)[<img src="fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/5.png" width=276>](fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/5.png)[<img src="fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/6.png" width=276>](fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/6.png)[<img src="fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/7.png" width=276>](fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/7.png)[<img src="fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/8.png" width=276>](fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/8.png)[<img src="fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/10.png" width=276>](fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/10.png)
## Having issues, suggestions and feedback?
You can add an issue [here]( or [join the Telegram group]( replies)
You can [create an issue here]( or [join the Telegram group]( replies)
## Future
- [Roadmap](
- [Translations]( - Contributors are welcome! No technical knowledge is required.
- [Translations]( - Contributors are welcome!
## Contributors
- [mondstern]( (Translator)
- [epicalxyz]( (Translator)
### Want to contribute?
Please read the [](
## Credits
This app was written in my free time using NativeScript. I would like to thank all those people who helped me understand the concepts during the process and my special thanks to the NativeScript team and the community.
### Recipes used in the Screenshots
- **Meen Pollichathu** by [Bency Veronica](
- **Curd Vada** by P. Shanmugalakshmi
- **Roasted Chicken Biriyani** by [Ranga](
This app was written in my free time using NativeScript. I would like to thank all those people who helped me understand the concepts during the process and my special thanks to the NativeScript team and the community.
## Principles
## Contributors
- [mondstern]( (Translator)
- Privacy by Design
## Technologies

View file

@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
<Page @loaded="onPageLoad" actionBarHidden="true" :androidStatusBarBackground="appTheme == 'Light' ? '#f1f3f5' : '#212529'">
<RadSideDrawer allowEdgeSwipe="true" showOverNavigation="true" ref="drawer" id="sideDrawer" drawerContentSize="270" gesturesEnabled="true" drawerTransition="SlideInOnTopTransition">
<GridLayout rows="*, auto" columns="*" ~drawerContent class="sd">
<StackLayout row="0">
<GridLayout rows="48" columns="auto, 24, *" v-for="(item, index) in topmenu" :key="index" class="sd-item orkm" :class="{
<GridLayout rows="48" columns="auto, *, auto" v-for="(item, index) in topmenu" :key="index" class="sd-item orkm" :class="{
'selected-sd-item': currentComponent === item.component,
<MDRipple row="0" colSpan="3" @tap="navigateTo(item.component, item.component, false, false)" />
<Label col="0" row="0" class="bx" :text="icon[item.icon]" />
<Label col="2" row="0" :text="`${item.title}` | L" />
<Label col="1" row="0" :text="`${item.title}` | L" />
<Label class="recipeCount" v-if="getRecipeCount(item.title)" :text="getRecipeCount(item.title)" col="2" />
<StackLayout class="hr" margin="8"></StackLayout>
<GridLayout rows="48" columns="auto, 24, *" class="sd-item orkm" :class="{
<GridLayout rows="48" columns="auto, *" class="sd-item orkm" :class="{
'selected-sd-item': currentComponent === 'MealPlanner',
<MDRipple row="0" colSpan="3" @tap="navigateTo(MealPlanner, 'MealPlanner', true, false)" />
<Label col="0" row="0" class="bx" :text="icon.calendar" />
<Label col="2" row="0" :text="'Meal Planner' | L" />
@ -31,9 +30,10 @@
'selected-sd-item': currentComponent == item,
}" columns="auto, *, auto">
<MDRipple row="0" colSpan="3" @tap="navigateTo(item, item, false, true)" />
<Label col="0" class="bx" :text="icon.label" margin="0 24 0 0" />
<Label col="0" class="bx" :text="icon.label" />
<Label col="1" :text="`${item}` | L" />
<MDButton variant="text" v-if="editCategory" @tap="renameCategory(item)" col="2" class="bx" :text="icon.edit" />
<Label class="recipeCount" v-else :text="getRecipeCount(item)" col="2" />
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<StackLayout class="hr" margin="0 8 8"></StackLayout>
<GridLayout class="sd-item orkm" :class="{
'selected-sd-item': currentComponent == item.title,
}" v-for="(item, index) in bottommenu" :key="index" rows="48" columns="auto, 24, *">
}" v-for="(item, index) in bottommenu" :key="index" rows="48" columns="auto, *">
<MDRipple colSpan="3" @tap="navigateTo(item.component, 'item.title', true, false)" />
<Label class="bx" col="0" :text="icon[item.icon]" />
<Label col="2" :text="`${item.title}` | L" />
@ -73,14 +73,11 @@ import {
from "vuex"
import EnRecipes from "./EnRecipes"
import MealPlanner from "./MealPlanner"
import Settings from "./Settings"
import About from "./About"
import PromptDialog from "./modal/PromptDialog"
export default {
data() {
return {
@ -89,32 +86,27 @@ export default {
filterTrylater: false,
MealPlanner: MealPlanner,
topmenu: [ {
title: "EnRecipes",
component: "EnRecipes",
icon: "home",
title: "Try Later",
component: "Try Later",
icon: "trylater",
title: "Favourites",
component: "Favourites",
icon: "heart",
title: "EnRecipes",
component: "EnRecipes",
icon: "home",
}, {
title: "Try Later",
component: "Try Later",
icon: "trylater",
}, {
title: "Favourites",
component: "Favourites",
icon: "heart",
}, ],
bottommenu: [ {
title: "Settings",
component: Settings,
icon: "cog",
title: "About",
component: About,
icon: "info",
title: "Settings",
component: Settings,
icon: "cog",
}, {
title: "About",
component: About,
icon: "info",
}, ],
editCategory: false,
appTheme: "Light",
@ -124,14 +116,7 @@ export default {
computed: {
...mapState( [
] ),
...mapState( [ "icon", "recipes", "categories", "yieldUnits", "mealPlans", "currentComponent", ] ),
categoriesWithRecipes() {
let arr = ( e ) => {
return e.category
@ -140,14 +125,7 @@ export default {
methods: {
...mapActions( [
] ),
...mapActions( [ "setCurrentComponentAction", "initializeRecipes", "initializeCategories", "initializeYieldUnits", "initializeMealPlans", "renameCategoryAction", ] ),
onPageLoad() {
if ( this.appTheme === "Light" ) {
const View = android.view.View
@ -156,7 +134,6 @@ export default {
decorView.setSystemUiVisibility( View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR )
toggleCatEdit() {
this.editCategory = !this.editCategory
@ -189,23 +166,32 @@ export default {
this.selectedCategory = e.item
closeDrawer() {
getRecipeCount( category ) {
let count = ''
switch ( category ) {
case 'EnRecipes':
count =
case 'Try Later':
count = e => !e.tried ).length
case 'Favourites':
count = e => e.isFavorite ).length
count = e => e.category === category ).length
return count
hijackGlobalBackEvent() {
AndroidApplication.on( AndroidApplication.activityBackPressedEvent, this.globalBackEvent )
releaseGlobalBackEvent() {
) AndroidApplication.activityBackPressedEvent, this.globalBackEvent )
globalBackEvent( args ) {
function preventDefault() {
@ -215,12 +201,8 @@ export default {
this.editCategory = false
else if (
[ "Favourites", "Try Later", this.selectedCategory ].includes(
) {
} else if (
[ "Favourites", "Try Later", this.selectedCategory ].includes( this.currentComponent ) ) {
this.setCurrentComponentAction( "EnRecipes" )
this.filterFavourites = this.filterTrylater = false
@ -237,8 +219,7 @@ export default {
backstackVisible: false
} )
else if ( !this.editCategory || !isCategory ) {
} else if ( !this.editCategory || !isCategory ) {
this.setCurrentComponentAction( to )
@ -253,8 +234,7 @@ export default {
this.editCategory = false
else {
} else {

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<ActionBar :androidElevation="viewIsScrolled ? 4 : 0">
<GridLayout v-if="showSearch" columns="auto, *" verticalAlignment="center">
<MDButton class="bx" :text="icon.back" variant="text" automationText="Back" col="0" @tap="closeSearch" />
<SearchBar col="1" :hint="'Search' | L" v-model="searchQuery" @textChange="updateFilter" @clear="clearSearch" />
<SearchBar col="1" :hint="'Search by name or ingredient' | L" v-model="searchQuery" @textChange="updateFilter" @clear="clearSearch" />
<GridLayout v-else columns="auto, *, auto, auto">
<MDButton class="bx" col="0" variant="text" @tap="showDrawer" :text="" automationText="Back" />
@ -133,17 +133,15 @@ export default {
computed: {
...mapState( [ "icon", "recipes", "currentComponent" ] ),
filteredRecipes() {
let ingredients = e => f => f.item.toLowerCase() ).join() ).join()
if ( this.filterFavourites ) {
return e => e.isFavorite && e.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) );
else if ( this.filterTrylater ) {
return e => !e.tried && e.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) );
else if ( this.selectedCategory ) {
return e => e.category === this.selectedCategory && e.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) );
else {
return e => e.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) );
return e => e.isFavorite && e.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) || ingredients.includes( this.searchQuery ) );
} else if ( this.filterTrylater ) {
return e => !e.tried && e.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) || ingredients.includes( this.searchQuery ) );
} else if ( this.selectedCategory ) {
return e => e.category === this.selectedCategory && e.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) || ingredients.includes( this.searchQuery ) );
} else {
return e => e.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) || ingredients.includes( this.searchQuery ) );
noResultFor() {
@ -292,17 +290,15 @@ export default {
}, 1 );
filterFunction( item ) {
let ingredients = e => e.item.toLowerCase() ).join()
if ( this.filterFavourites ) {
return item.isFavorite ? item.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) : false;
else if ( this.filterTrylater ) {
return item.tried ? false : item.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery );
else if ( this.selectedCategory ) {
return item.category === this.selectedCategory ? item.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) : false;
else {
return item.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery );
return item.isFavorite ? item.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) || ingredients.includes( this.searchQuery ) : false;
} else if ( this.filterTrylater ) {
return item.tried ? false : item.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) || ingredients.includes( this.searchQuery );
} else if ( this.selectedCategory ) {
return item.category === this.selectedCategory ? item.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) || ingredients.includes( this.searchQuery ) : false;
} else {
return item.title.toLowerCase().includes( this.searchQuery ) || ingredients.includes( this.searchQuery );
onSwiping( {

app/i18n/da.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
"": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Prøv senere",
"Favourites": "Favorit",
"Meal Planner": "Måltid planner",
"Categories": "Kategori",
"Settings": "Indstilling",
"About": "Om",
"Appetizers": "Forret",
"Barbecue": "Grill",
"Beverages": "Drink",
"Breads": "Brød",
"Breakfast": "Morgenmad",
"Desserts": "Dessertbuffet",
"Dinner": "Abendessen",
"Drinks": "Drink",
"Healthy": "Sund",
"Lunch": "Mittag",
"Main dishes": "Hovedret",
"Meat": "Kød",
"Noodles": "Noodle",
"Pasta": "Pasta",
"Poultry": "Fjerkræ",
"Rice": "Ris",
"Salads": "Salater",
"Sauces": "Sauce",
"Seafood": "Skaldyr",
"Side dishes": "Side retter",
"Snacks": "Snackbar",
"Soups": "Suppe",
"Undefined": "Ikke defineret",
"Vegan": "Vegetarisk",
"Vegetarian": "Vegetarisk",
"Serving": "Serverer",
"Piece": "Stykke",
"Teaspoon": "TL",
"Tablespoon": "EL",
"Fluid Ounce": "Flydende Ounce",
"Ounce": "Ounce",
"Pound": "Pund",
"Gram": "Gram",
"Kilogram": "Kilo",
"Cup": "Kop",
"Gallon": "Gallon",
"Millilitre": "Ml",
"Litre": "Liter",
"Roll": "Roller",
"Patty": "Patty",
"Loaf": "Brød",
"unit": "enhed",
"Unit": "Enhed",
"tsp": "TL",
"dsp": "SL",
"tbsp": "EL",
"fl oz": "fl",
"cup": "Kop",
"pt": "pt",
"qt": "qt",
"gal": "gal",
"ml": "ml",
"l": "l",
"oz": "oz",
"lb": "Pf",
"mg": "mg",
"g": "g",
"kg": "kg",
"cm": "cm",
"in": "in",
"leaf": "blad",
"clove": "spaltes",
"piece": "stykke",
"pinch": "klemme",
"drop": "dråbe",
"dozen": "dusin",
"stick": "stok",
"small": "lille",
"medium": "medium",
"large": "stor",
"Start adding your recipes!": "Begynd at tilføje dine opskrifter!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Brug plusknappen til at tilføje en",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Brug pen-ikonet til at tilføje nogle ingredienser",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Brug penikonet til at tilføje nogle forberedelser",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Brug pennikonet til at tilføje nogle kombinationer",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Brug pen-ikonet til at tilføje nogle noter",
"All done!": "Alle gjort!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Opskrifter, der er markeret med try later, vises her",
"No favourites yet": "Ingen favoritter endnu",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Opskrifter, som du markerer som favoritter, er vist her",
"Category looks empty": "Kategori er tom",
"No recipes found": "Ingen opskrifter fundet",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "Din søgning stemte ikke overens med opskrifter",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "Din søgning stemte ikke overens med opskrifter i denne kategori",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "Din søgning matchede ikke Opskrifter i dine favoritter",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "Din søgning matchede ikke Opskrifter i din senere prøveliste",
"Interface": "Interface",
"App language": "App Sprog",
"System default": "Systemstandard",
"Theme": "Emne",
"Light": "Lyst",
"Dark": "Mørk",
"Database": "Database",
"Export a full backup": "Eksporter til en sikkerhedskopi",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Opretter en fileip-fil, der indeholder alle data. Denne fil kan importeres igen.",
"Import from backup": "Import fra Backup",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Understøtter fuld sikkerhedskopier eksporteret af denne App",
"Version": "version",
"Join the Telegram group": "Deltag i telegram-gruppen",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "til rapportering af problemer, forslag og Feedback",
"Author": "Forfatter",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Ny Opskrift",
"Edit recipe": "Opskrift Rediger",
"Title": "Titel",
"Category": "kategori",
"Preparation time": "Forberedelsestid",
"Cooking time": "Tilberedningstid",
"Yield quantity": "Udbyttebeløb",
"Yield measured in": "Udbytte målt i",
"Ingredient": "Ingrediens",
"Ingredients": "Ingredienser",
"Instruction": "Forberedelse",
"Instructions": "Forberedelser",
"Combinations": "Kombinationer",
"Note": "Note",
"Notes": "Noter",
"Item": "Element",
"Step": "Trin",
"Note": "Note",
"Sort by": "Sorter efter",
"Select a recipe": "Opskrift vælg",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "Der er intet her! Tilføj nogle opskrifter og prøv igen.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Min Sunde Opskrift",
"hr": "h",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "Foto",
"Recipe": "Opskrift",
"Overview": "Oversigt",
"Share": "Dele",
"Restart required": "En genstart er påkrævet",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "EnRecipes skal genstartes for at emneændringen kan træde i kraft.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "EnRecipes skal genstartes, for at det nyligt indstillede sprog ændres",
"Grant permission": "Give tilladelse",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "EnRecipes hukommelse krævede tilladelse til at importere dine data fra en tidligere sikkerhedskopi.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "EnRecipes kræver tilladelse til opbevaring for at sikkerhedskopiere dine data på denne enhed.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Tilføj mindst en opskrift for at udføre en sikkerhedskopi",
"Added to Favourites": "Tilføjet Til Favoritter",
"Removed from Favourites": "Fjernet fra favoritter",
"Added to Try Later": "Tilføjet i prøve senere",
"Removed from Try Later": "Fjernet fra senere prøve",
"Delete recipe?": "Slet opskrift?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Vil du virkelig slette opskriften",
"Search": "Søge",
"Unsaved changes": "Ikke-Gemte Ændringer",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Vil du kassere ikke-gemte ændringer i denne opskrift?",
"Remove ingredient?": "Ingredienser fjerne?",
"Remove instruction?": "Forberedelse fjerne?",
"Remove combination?": "Kombination fjerne?",
"Remove note?": "Bemærk fjerne?",
"New yield unit": "Nyt Udbytte Enhed",
"New category": "Neue-kategori",
"Required": "Nødvendig",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "EnRecipes kræver opbevaring tilladelse til at sætte opskriften fotos.",
"Recipe photo": "Opskrift Foto",
"Crop photo": "Beskæring af et foto",
"breakfast": "Morgenmad",
"lunch": "Frokost",
"dinner": "Aftensmad",
"snacks": "Snackbar",
"You tried this recipe:": "Du har prøvet denne opskrift:",
"today": "dag",
"yesterday": "i går",
"days ago": "Dage før",
"weeks ago": "Uger før",
"months ago": "Måneder før",
"long time ago": "lang tid siden",
"Verifying...": "Check...",
"Import successful": "Import vellykket",
"Permission denied": "Tilladelse nægtet",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Deles via EnRecipes. Få det på Play Butik eller fra F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Bidragyder",
"Translator": "Translator",
"View on GitHub": "View on GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Privacy policy",
"User guide": "User guide",
"Options": "Options",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Shake to view random recipe",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Reset cuisines list",
"Reset categories list": "Reset categories list",
"Reset yield units list": "Reset yield units list",
"Reset units list": "Reset units list",
"Reset successful": "Reset successful",
"Recipe not found": "Recipe not found",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result",
"Quickest first": "Quickest first",
"Slowest first": "Slowest first",
"Rating": "Rating",
"Difficulty level": "Difficulty level",
"Last updated": "Last updated",
"Newest first": "Newest first",
"Oldest first": "Oldest first",
"Easy": "Easy",
"Moderate": "Moderate",
"Challenging": "Challenging",
"New cuisine": "New cuisine",
"New unit": "New unit",
"Remove cuisine?": "Remove cuisine?",
"Remove category?": "Remove category?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Remove yield unit?",
"Remove unit?": "Remove unit?",
"Units": "Units",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Are you sure you want to remove",
"Cuisine": "Cuisine",
"Cuisines": "Cuisines",
"All Cuisines": "All Cuisines",
"American": "American",
"Brazilian": "Brazilian",
"British": "British",
"Chinese": "Chinese",
"Danish": "Danish",
"Egyptian": "Egyptian",
"English": "English",
"Filipino": "Filipino",
"French": "French",
"German": "German",
"Greek": "Greek",
"Indian": "Indian",
"Irish": "Irish",
"Italian": "Italian",
"Jamaican": "Jamaican",
"Japanese": "Japanese",
"Jewish": "Jewish",
"Kenyan": "Kenyan",
"Korean": "Korean",
"Mexican": "Mexican",
"Nigerian": "Nigerian",
"Portuguese": "Portuguese",
"Russian": "Russian",
"Scottish": "Scottish",
"Spanish": "Spanish",
"Sri Lankan": "Sri Lankan",
"Swedish": "Swedish",
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turkish",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"All Categories": "All Categories",
"All Tags": "All Tags",
"No tags available": "No tags available",
"Tags": "Tags",
"separate with spaces": "separate with spaces",
"Import summary": "Import summary",
"recipes found": "recipes found",
"recipes imported": "recipes imported",
"recipes already exists": "recipes already exists",
"recipes updated": "recipes updated",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Filtered result",
"Created": "Created",
"Star rating": "Star rating",
"Untitled Recipe": "Untitled Recipe"

View file

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
"Favourites": "Favoriten",
"Meal Planner": "Essensplaner",
"Categories": "Kategorien",
"Settings": "Einstellungen",
"About": "Über",
"Appetizers": "Vorspeisen",
@ -107,13 +105,10 @@
"Import from backup": "Importieren vom Backup",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Unterstützt vollständige Backups, die von dieser App exportiert werden",
"Version": "Version",
"View project on GitHub": "Projekt auf GitHub anzeigen",
"Join the Telegram group": "Tritt der Telegrammgruppe bei",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "für die Meldung von Problemen, Anregungen und Feedback",
"Author": "Autor",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"Follow on GitHub": "Folge auf GitHub",
"Follow on Mastodon": "Folge auf Mastodon",
"New recipe": "Neues Rezept",
"Edit recipe": "Rezept Bearbeiten",
"Title": "Titel",
@ -137,9 +132,6 @@
"Step": "Schritt",
"Note": "Notiz",
"Sort by": "Sortieren nach",
"Natural order": "Reihenfolge",
"Duration": "Dauer",
"Last modified": "Zuletzt geändert",
@ -172,7 +164,6 @@
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Möchtest Du das Rezept wirklich löschen",
"Search": "Suche",
"Rename category": "Kategorie umbenennen",
"Unsaved changes": "Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Möchtest Du nicht gespeicherte Änderungen an diesem Rezept verwerfen?",
@ -204,5 +195,86 @@
"Permission denied": "Berechtigung verweigert",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Geteilt über EnRecipes. Hole es Dir auf dem Play Store oder von F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Mitwirkende",
"Translations:": "Übersetzungen:"
"Translator": "Translator",
"View on GitHub": "View on GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Privacy policy",
"User guide": "User guide",
"Options": "Options",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Shake to view random recipe",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Reset cuisines list",
"Reset categories list": "Reset categories list",
"Reset yield units list": "Reset yield units list",
"Reset units list": "Reset units list",
"Reset successful": "Reset successful",
"Recipe not found": "Recipe not found",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result",
"Quickest first": "Quickest first",
"Slowest first": "Slowest first",
"Rating": "Rating",
"Difficulty level": "Difficulty level",
"Last updated": "Last updated",
"Newest first": "Newest first",
"Oldest first": "Oldest first",
"Easy": "Easy",
"Moderate": "Moderate",
"Challenging": "Challenging",
"New cuisine": "New cuisine",
"New unit": "New unit",
"Remove cuisine?": "Remove cuisine?",
"Remove category?": "Remove category?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Remove yield unit?",
"Remove unit?": "Remove unit?",
"Units": "Units",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Are you sure you want to remove",
"Cuisine": "Cuisine",
"Cuisines": "Cuisines",
"All Cuisines": "All Cuisines",
"American": "American",
"Brazilian": "Brazilian",
"British": "British",
"Chinese": "Chinese",
"Danish": "Danish",
"Egyptian": "Egyptian",
"English": "English",
"Filipino": "Filipino",
"French": "French",
"German": "German",
"Greek": "Greek",
"Indian": "Indian",
"Irish": "Irish",
"Italian": "Italian",
"Jamaican": "Jamaican",
"Japanese": "Japanese",
"Jewish": "Jewish",
"Kenyan": "Kenyan",
"Korean": "Korean",
"Mexican": "Mexican",
"Nigerian": "Nigerian",
"Portuguese": "Portuguese",
"Russian": "Russian",
"Scottish": "Scottish",
"Spanish": "Spanish",
"Sri Lankan": "Sri Lankan",
"Swedish": "Swedish",
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turkish",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"All Categories": "All Categories",
"All Tags": "All Tags",
"No tags available": "No tags available",
"Tags": "Tags",
"separate with spaces": "separate with spaces",
"Import summary": "Import summary",
"recipes found": "recipes found",
"recipes imported": "recipes imported",
"recipes already exists": "recipes already exists",
"recipes updated": "recipes updated",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Filtered result",
"Created": "Created",
"Star rating": "Star rating",
"Untitled Recipe": "Untitled Recipe"

View file

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
"Favourites": "Favourites",
"Meal Planner": "Meal Planner",
"Categories": "Categories",
"Settings": "Settings",
"About": "About",
"Appetizers": "Appetizers",
@ -107,13 +105,10 @@
"Import from backup": "Import from backup",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Supports full backups exported by this app",
"Version": "Version",
"View project on GitHub": "View project on GitHub",
"Join the Telegram group": "Join the Telegram group",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback",
"Author": "Author",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"Follow on GitHub": "Follow on GitHub",
"Follow on Mastodon": "Follow on Mastodon",
"New recipe": "New recipe",
"Edit recipe": "Edit recipe",
"Title": "Title",
@ -137,9 +132,6 @@
"Step": "Step",
"Note": "Note",
"Sort by": "Sort by",
"Natural order": "Natural order",
"Duration": "Duration",
"Last modified": "Last modified",
"ADD": "ADD",
@ -172,7 +164,6 @@
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Are you sure you want to delete the recipe",
"Search": "Search",
"Rename category": "Rename category",
"Unsaved changes": "Unsaved changes",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?",
@ -204,5 +195,86 @@
"Permission denied": "Permission denied",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Contributors",
"Translations:": "Translations:"
"Translator": "Translator",
"View on GitHub": "View on GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Privacy policy",
"User guide": "User guide",
"Options": "Options",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Shake to view random recipe",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Reset cuisines list",
"Reset categories list": "Reset categories list",
"Reset yield units list": "Reset yield units list",
"Reset units list": "Reset units list",
"Reset successful": "Reset successful",
"Recipe not found": "Recipe not found",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result",
"Quickest first": "Quickest first",
"Slowest first": "Slowest first",
"Rating": "Rating",
"Difficulty level": "Difficulty level",
"Last updated": "Last updated",
"Newest first": "Newest first",
"Oldest first": "Oldest first",
"Easy": "Easy",
"Moderate": "Moderate",
"Challenging": "Challenging",
"New cuisine": "New cuisine",
"New unit": "New unit",
"Remove cuisine?": "Remove cuisine?",
"Remove category?": "Remove category?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Remove yield unit?",
"Remove unit?": "Remove unit?",
"Units": "Units",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Are you sure you want to remove",
"Cuisine": "Cuisine",
"Cuisines": "Cuisines",
"All Cuisines": "All Cuisines",
"American": "American",
"Brazilian": "Brazilian",
"British": "British",
"Chinese": "Chinese",
"Danish": "Danish",
"Egyptian": "Egyptian",
"English": "English",
"Filipino": "Filipino",
"French": "French",
"German": "German",
"Greek": "Greek",
"Indian": "Indian",
"Irish": "Irish",
"Italian": "Italian",
"Jamaican": "Jamaican",
"Japanese": "Japanese",
"Jewish": "Jewish",
"Kenyan": "Kenyan",
"Korean": "Korean",
"Mexican": "Mexican",
"Nigerian": "Nigerian",
"Portuguese": "Portuguese",
"Russian": "Russian",
"Scottish": "Scottish",
"Spanish": "Spanish",
"Sri Lankan": "Sri Lankan",
"Swedish": "Swedish",
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turkish",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"All Categories": "All Categories",
"All Tags": "All Tags",
"No tags available": "No tags available",
"Tags": "Tags",
"separate with spaces": "separate with spaces",
"Import summary": "Import summary",
"recipes found": "recipes found",
"recipes imported": "recipes imported",
"recipes already exists": "recipes already exists",
"recipes updated": "recipes updated",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Filtered result",
"Created": "Created",
"Star rating": "Star rating",
"Untitled Recipe": "Untitled Recipe"

app/i18n/es.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
"": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Probar luego",
"Favourites": "Favoritos",
"Meal Planner": "Planificador de comida",
"Categories": "Categorías",
"Settings": "Ajustes",
"About": "Acerca de",
"Appetizers": "Aperitivos",
"Barbecue": "Barbacoa",
"Beverages": "Bebidas",
"Breads": "Panes",
"Breakfast": "Desayuno",
"Desserts": "Postres",
"Dinner": "Cena",
"Drinks": "Drinks",
"Healthy": "Saludable",
"Lunch": "Almuerzo",
"Main dishes": "Platos principales",
"Meat": "Carnes",
"Noodles": "Fideos",
"Pasta": "Pasta",
"Poultry": "Pollería",
"Rice": "Arroz",
"Salads": "Ensaladas",
"Sauces": "Salsas",
"Seafood": "Comida del mar",
"Side dishes": "Platos de acompañamiento",
"Snacks": "Bocadillo",
"Soups": "Sopas",
"Undefined": "Indefinido",
"Vegan": "Vegano",
"Vegetarian": "Vegetariano",
"Serving": "Servicio",
"Piece": "Pieza",
"Teaspoon": "Cucharadita",
"Tablespoon": "Cucharada",
"Fluid Ounce": "Onza líquida",
"Ounce": "Onza",
"Pound": "Libra",
"Gram": "Gramo",
"Kilogram": "Kilogramo",
"Cup": "Taza",
"Gallon": "Galon",
"Millilitre": "Mililitro",
"Litre": "Litro",
"Roll": "Enrollar",
"Patty": "Empanada",
"Loaf": "Hogaza",
"unit": "unidad",
"Unit": "Unidad",
"tsp": "tsp",
"dsp": "dsp",
"tbsp": "tbsp",
"fl oz": "oz liq",
"cup": "taza",
"pt": "parte",
"qt": "cuarto",
"gal": "gal",
"ml": "ml",
"l": "l",
"oz": "onz",
"lb": "lb",
"mg": "mg",
"g": "g",
"kg": "kg",
"cm": "cm",
"in": "pulg",
"leaf": "hoja",
"clove": "clavo",
"piece": "porción",
"pinch": "pizca",
"drop": "gota",
"dozen": "docena",
"stick": "rama",
"small": "pequeño",
"medium": "mediano",
"large": "grande",
"Start adding your recipes!": "¡Comienza a agregar tus recetas!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Usa el botón más para agregar una",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Usa el lapiz para agregar ingredientes",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Usa el boton del lapiz para agregar instrucciones",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Usa el botón del lapiz para agregar mezclas",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Usa el botón del lapiz para agregar notas",
"All done!": "¡Listo!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Las recetas que marques como intentar luego serán listadas aquí",
"No favourites yet": "No tienes favoritos todavía",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Las recetas que marques como favoritas serán listadas aquí",
"Category looks empty": "Categoría vacía",
"No recipes found": "No se encontraron recetas",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas de esta categoría",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas en tus favoritos",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas en tu listado de intentar luego",
"Interface": "Interfaz",
"App language": "Lenguaje",
"System default": "Default del sistema",
"Theme": "Tema",
"Light": "Claro",
"Dark": "Oscuro",
"Database": "Base de datos",
"Export a full backup": "Exportar un respaldo completo",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Generar un archivo zip con tus datos. Este puede ser importado nuevamente.",
"Import from backup": "Importar de un respaldo",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Soporta respaldos completos exportados por esta app",
"Version": "Version",
"Join the Telegram group": "Únete al grupo de Telegram",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "para reportar problemas, sugerencias y devoluciones",
"Author": "Autor",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Nueva receta",
"Edit recipe": "Editar receta",
"Title": "Titulo",
"Category": "Categoria",
"Preparation time": "Tiempo de preparación",
"Cooking time": "Tiempo de cocción",
"Yield quantity": "Cantidad",
"Yield measured in": "Cantidad medida en",
"Ingredient": "Ingrediente",
"Ingredients": "Ingredientes",
"Instruction": "Instrucción",
"Instructions": "Instrucciones",
"Combinations": "Combinaciones",
"Note": "Nota",
"Notes": "Notas",
"Item": "Item",
"Step": "Paso",
"Note": "Nota",
"Sort by": "Ordenada por",
"Select a recipe": "Elegir una receta",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "¡Nada por aquí! Agregar algunas recetas e intenta nuevamente.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Mi receta saludable",
"hr": "hr",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "Foto",
"Recipe": "Receta",
"Overview": "Resumen",
"Share": "Compartir",
"Restart required": "Reinicio requerido",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "EnRecipes debe reiniciarse para que el cambio de tema surta efecto.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "EnRecipes debe reiniciarse para que el cambio de lenguaje surta efecto.",
"Grant permission": "Dar permmiso",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "EnRecipes requiere el permiso de almacenamiento para importar tus datos de un respaldo previo.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "EnRecipes requiere el permiso de almacenamiento para respaldar los datos en este dispositivo",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Agrega al menos una receta para realizar un respaldo",
"Added to Favourites": "Agregar a favoritos",
"Removed from Favourites": "Remover de favoritos",
"Added to Try Later": "Agrega a Intentar luego",
"Removed from Try Later": "Remueve de Intentar luego",
"Delete recipe?": "¿Borrar receta?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Seguro que quieres borrar la receta",
"Search": "Buscar",
"Unsaved changes": "Cambios no guardados",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "¿Seguro que quieres descartar los cambios no guardados de esta receta?",
"Remove ingredient?": "¿Remover ingrediente?",
"Remove instruction?": "¿Remover instrucción?",
"Remove combination?": "¿Remover combinación?",
"Remove note?": "¿Remover nota?",
"New yield unit": "Nueva unidad de medida",
"New category": "Nueva categoría",
"Required": "Requerido",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "EnRecipes requiere el permiso de almacenamiento para colocar la foto de receta.",
"Recipe photo": "Foto de receta",
"Crop photo": "Recortar foto",
"breakfast": "desayuno",
"lunch": "almuerzo",
"dinner": "cena",
"snacks": "bocadillos",
"You tried this recipe:": "Haz intentado esta receta:",
"today": "hoy",
"yesterday": "ayer",
"days ago": "algunos dias atrás",
"weeks ago": "semanas atrás",
"months ago": "hace meses",
"long time ago": "hace mucho tiempo",
"Verifying...": "Verificando...",
"Import successful": "Importado satisfactoriamente",
"Permission denied": "Permiso denegado",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Compartido via EnRecipes. Consíguela en Play Store o F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Contribuyentes",
"Translator": "Traductor",
"View on GitHub": "Visita en GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Política de privacidad",
"User guide": "Guía de usuario",
"Options": "Opciones",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Sacude para ver una receta aleatoria",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Ayuda a decidir que cocinar cuando no sabes que cocinar",
"Reset": "Reiniciar",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Resetear un listado NO borrará tus entradas existentes pero restaurará las eliminadas por default.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Resetea el listado de comidas",
"Reset categories list": "Resetea el listado de categorías",
"Reset yield units list": "Resetea el listado de unidad de medidas",
"Reset units list": "Resetea el listado de unidades",
"Reset successful": "Reseteo satisfactorio",
"Recipe not found": "Receta no encontrada",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Tu búsqueda no encajó con ninguna receta de los resultados filtrados",
"Quickest first": "La más rápida primero",
"Slowest first": "La más lenta primero",
"Rating": "Rating",
"Difficulty level": "Nivel de dificultad",
"Last updated": "Última actualización",
"Newest first": "Más nuevas primero",
"Oldest first": "Más antiguas primero",
"Easy": "Fácil",
"Moderate": "Moderada",
"Challenging": "Desafiante",
"New cuisine": "Nueva comida",
"New unit": "Nueva unidad",
"Remove cuisine?": "¿Remover comida?",
"Remove category?": "¿Remover categoría?",
"Remove yield unit?": "¿Remover unidad de medida?",
"Remove unit?": "¿Remover unidad?",
"Units": "Unidades",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Seguro deseas eliminar",
"Cuisine": "Comida",
"Cuisines": "Comidas",
"All Cuisines": "Todas las cocinas",
"American": "Americana",
"Brazilian": "Brasileña",
"British": "Británica",
"Chinese": "China",
"Danish": "Danesa",
"Egyptian": "Egipcia",
"English": "Inglesa",
"Filipino": "Filipina",
"French": "Francesa",
"German": "Alemana",
"Greek": "Griega",
"Indian": "Hindú",
"Irish": "Irlandés",
"Italian": "Italiano",
"Jamaican": "Jamaiquino",
"Japanese": "Japonés",
"Jewish": "Judía",
"Kenyan": "Keniata",
"Korean": "Coreana",
"Mexican": "Mejicana",
"Nigerian": "Nigeriana",
"Portuguese": "Portuguesa",
"Russian": "Rusa",
"Scottish": "Escocesa",
"Spanish": "Española",
"Sri Lankan": "Sri Lankiana",
"Swedish": "Sueca",
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turca",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamita",
"All Categories": "Todas las categorías",
"All Tags": "Todas las etiquetas",
"No tags available": "No hay etiquetas disponibles",
"Tags": "Etiquetas",
"separate with spaces": "separar con espacios",
"Import summary": "Resumen de importación",
"recipes found": "recetas encontradas",
"recipes imported": "recetas importadas",
"recipes already exists": "la receta ya existe",
"recipes updated": "recetas actualizadas",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Resultados filtrados",
"Created": "Creado",
"Star rating": "Valoración por estrellas",
"Untitled Recipe": "Receta sin título"

app/i18n/nl.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
"": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Later proberen",
"Favourites": "Favoriten",
"Meal Planner": "Maaltijdenplanner",
"Categories": "Categorieën",
"Settings": "Instellingen",
"About": "Over",
"Appetizers": "Voorgerechten",
"Barbecue": "Barbecue",
"Beverages": "Drankjes",
"Breads": "Broodjes",
"Breakfast": "Ontbijt",
"Desserts": "Toetsen",
"Dinner": "Diner",
"Drinks": "Drankjes",
"Healthy": "Gezond",
"Lunch": "Lunchen",
"Main dishes": "Hoofdgerechten",
"Meat": "Vlees",
"Noodles": "Noedels",
"Pasta": "Deegwaren",
"Poultry": "Gevogelte",
"Rice": "Rijst",
"Salads": "Salades",
"Sauces": "Sausen",
"Seafood": "Zeevruchten",
"Side dishes": "Bijgerechten",
"Snacks": "Hapje",
"Soups": "Soepen",
"Undefined": "Onbekend",
"Vegan": "Veganistisch",
"Vegetarian": "Vegetarisch",
"Serving": "Portie",
"Piece": "Stukje",
"Teaspoon": "TL",
"Tablespoon": "EL",
"Fluid Ounce": "Vloeibare Ounce",
"Ounce": "Ounce",
"Pound": "Pond",
"Gram": "Oproep",
"Kilogram": "Kilogram",
"Cup": "Beker",
"Gallon": "Galon",
"Millilitre": "Milliliter",
"Litre": "Liter",
"Roll": "Rol",
"Patty": "Pasteitje",
"Loaf": "Brood",
"unit": "eenheid",
"Unit": "Eenheid",
"tsp": "TL",
"dsp": "SL",
"tbsp": "EL",
"fl oz": "fl",
"cup": "Beker",
"pt": "pt",
"qt": "qt",
"gal": "gal",
"ml": "ml",
"l": "l",
"oz": "oz",
"lb": "Pf",
"mg": "mg",
"g": "g",
"kg": "kg",
"cm": "cm",
"in": "in",
"leaf": "blad",
"clove": "kruidnagel",
"piece": "deel",
"pinch": "knijpen",
"drop": "druppel",
"dozen": "tientallen",
"stick": "stiksel",
"small": "kleine",
"medium": "middelgroot",
"large": "groot",
"Start adding your recipes!": "Begin met het toevoegen van uw recepten!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Gebruik het plusteken om er een toe te voegen",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Gebruik het potloodicoon om wat ingrediënten toe te voegen",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Gebruik het potloodicoon om wat voorbereidingen toe te voegen",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Gebruik het potloodicoon om enkele combinaties toe te voegen",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Gebruik het potloodicoon om wat aantekeningen toe te voegen",
"All done!": "Alles klaar!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Recepten die gemarkeerd zijn met 'Try later' staan hier vermeld.",
"No favourites yet": "Nog geen favorieten",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Recepten die u als favoriet markeert staan hier vermeld",
"Category looks empty": "Categorie is leeg",
"No recipes found": "Geen recepten gevonden",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "Uw zoekopdracht kwam niet overeen met recepten",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "Uw zoekopdracht kwam niet overeen met recepten in deze categorie",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "Uw zoekopdracht kwam niet overeen met de recepten in uw favorieten",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "Uw zoekopdracht kwam niet overeen met de recepten in uw Try Later-lijst",
"Interface": "Gebruikersinterface",
"App language": "App taal",
"System default": "Systeem Standaard",
"Theme": "Thema",
"Light": "Helder",
"Dark": "Donker",
"Database": "Databank",
"Export a full backup": "Exporteren naar backup",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Maakt een zip-bestand aan met alle gegevens. Dit bestand kan opnieuw worden geïmporteerd.",
"Import from backup": "Importieren vom Backup",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Ondersteunt volledige back-ups die vanuit deze app worden geëxporteerd",
"Version": "Versie",
"Join the Telegram group": "Sluit zich aan bij de telegrammengroep",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "voor het melden van problemen, suggesties en feedback",
"Author": "Auteur",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Nieuw recept",
"Edit recipe": "Recept aanpassen",
"Title": "Titel",
"Category": "Categorie",
"Preparation time": "Voorbereidingstijd",
"Cooking time": "Kooktijd",
"Yield quantity": "Opbrengstbedrag",
"Yield measured in": "Opbrengst gemeten in",
"Ingredient": "Ingrediënt",
"Ingredients": "Ingrediënten",
"Instruction": "Voorbereiding",
"Instructions": "Voorbereidingen",
"Combinations": "Combinaties",
"Note": "Opmerking",
"Notes": "Opmerkingen",
"Item": "Artikel",
"Step": "Stap",
"Note": "Opmerking",
"Sort by": "Sorteren op",
"Select a recipe": "Recept selecteren",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "Niets hier! Voeg wat recepten toe en probeer het opnieuw.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Mijn Gezond Recept",
"hr": "h",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "FOTO",
"Recipe": "Recept",
"Overview": "Overzicht",
"Share": "Deel",
"Restart required": "Herstart nodig",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "EnRecipes moeten opnieuw worden opgestart om de wijziging van het onderwerp in werking te laten treden.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "EnRecipes moeten opnieuw worden opgestart om de nieuw ingestelde taal te wijzigen",
"Grant permission": "Toestemming",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "EnRecipes heeft toestemming nodig om uw gegevens uit een eerdere back-up te importeren.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "EnRecipes heeft toestemming nodig om uw gegevens op dit apparaat op te slaan.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Voeg ten minste één recept toe om een back-up te maken",
"Added to Favourites": "Toegevoegd aan favorieten",
"Removed from Favourites": "Uit favorieten verwijderd",
"Added to Try Later": "Toegevoegd in Later proberen",
"Removed from Try Later": "Verwijderd uit Probeer Later",
"Delete recipe?": "Recept verwijderen?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Wil je echt het recept verwijderen",
"Search": "Zoeken",
"Unsaved changes": "Onopgeslagen veranderingen",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Wilt u niet opgeslagen wijzigingen in dit recept weggooien?",
"Remove ingredient?": "Ingrediënten verwijderen?",
"Remove instruction?": "Voorbereiding verwijderen?",
"Remove combination?": "Combinatie verwijderen?",
"Remove note?": "Noot verwijderen?",
"New yield unit": "Nieuwe opbrengsteenheid",
"New category": "Nieuwe categorie",
"Required": "Benodigd",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "EnRecipes heeft toestemming nodig om receptfoto's in te stellen.",
"Recipe photo": "Receptfoto",
"Crop photo": "Een foto afknippen",
"breakfast": "Ontbijt",
"lunch": "Middag",
"dinner": "Diner",
"snacks": "Hapje",
"You tried this recipe:": "Je probeerde dit recept:",
"today": "vandaag",
"yesterday": "Gisteren",
"days ago": "voorgaande dagen",
"weeks ago": "voorgaande weken",
"months ago": "voorgaande maanden",
"long time ago": "lang geleden",
"Verifying...": "Het controleren...",
"Import successful": "Succesvol importeren",
"Permission denied": "toestemming geweigerd",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Gedeeld via EnRecipes. Haal het in de Play Store of bij F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Medewerkers",
"Translator": "Translator",
"View on GitHub": "View on GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Privacy policy",
"User guide": "User guide",
"Options": "Options",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Shake to view random recipe",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Reset cuisines list",
"Reset categories list": "Reset categories list",
"Reset yield units list": "Reset yield units list",
"Reset units list": "Reset units list",
"Reset successful": "Reset successful",
"Recipe not found": "Recipe not found",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result",
"Quickest first": "Quickest first",
"Slowest first": "Slowest first",
"Rating": "Rating",
"Difficulty level": "Difficulty level",
"Last updated": "Last updated",
"Newest first": "Newest first",
"Oldest first": "Oldest first",
"Easy": "Easy",
"Moderate": "Moderate",
"Challenging": "Challenging",
"New cuisine": "New cuisine",
"New unit": "New unit",
"Remove cuisine?": "Remove cuisine?",
"Remove category?": "Remove category?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Remove yield unit?",
"Remove unit?": "Remove unit?",
"Units": "Units",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Are you sure you want to remove",
"Cuisine": "Cuisine",
"Cuisines": "Cuisines",
"All Cuisines": "All Cuisines",
"American": "American",
"Brazilian": "Brazilian",
"British": "British",
"Chinese": "Chinese",
"Danish": "Danish",
"Egyptian": "Egyptian",
"English": "English",
"Filipino": "Filipino",
"French": "French",
"German": "German",
"Greek": "Greek",
"Indian": "Indian",
"Irish": "Irish",
"Italian": "Italian",
"Jamaican": "Jamaican",
"Japanese": "Japanese",
"Jewish": "Jewish",
"Kenyan": "Kenyan",
"Korean": "Korean",
"Mexican": "Mexican",
"Nigerian": "Nigerian",
"Portuguese": "Portuguese",
"Russian": "Russian",
"Scottish": "Scottish",
"Spanish": "Spanish",
"Sri Lankan": "Sri Lankan",
"Swedish": "Swedish",
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turkish",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"All Categories": "All Categories",
"All Tags": "All Tags",
"No tags available": "No tags available",
"Tags": "Tags",
"separate with spaces": "separate with spaces",
"Import summary": "Import summary",
"recipes found": "recipes found",
"recipes imported": "recipes imported",
"recipes already exists": "recipes already exists",
"recipes updated": "recipes updated",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Filtered result",
"Created": "Created",
"Star rating": "Star rating",
"Untitled Recipe": "Untitled Recipe"

View file

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
"Favourites": "Favoritos",
"Meal Planner": "Planeador de Refeições",
"Categories": "Categorias",
"Settings": "Definições",
"About": "Sobre",
"Appetizers": "Aperitivos",
@ -107,13 +105,10 @@
"Import from backup": "Importar do backup",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Suporta backups completos exportados por este aplicativo",
"Version": "Versão",
"View project on GitHub": "Ver projeto no GitHub",
"Join the Telegram group": "Entrar no grupo do Telegram",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "para reportar problemas, sugestões e feedback",
"Author": "Autor",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"Follow on GitHub": "Seguir no GitHub",
"Follow on Mastodon": "Seguir no Mastodon",
"New recipe": "Nova receita",
"Edit recipe": "Editar receita",
"Title": "Título",
@ -137,9 +132,6 @@
"Step": "Passo",
"Note": "Nota",
"Sort by": "Ordenar por",
"Natural order": "Ordem natural",
"Duration": "Duração",
"Last modified": "Ultima Modificação",
@ -172,7 +164,6 @@
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Tem certeza que deseja eliminar a receita",
"Search": "Procurar",
"Rename category": "Renomear categoria",
"Unsaved changes": "Alterações não salvas",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Tem certeza que deseja descartar as alterações não salvas nesta receita?",
@ -204,5 +195,86 @@
"Permission denied": "Permissão recusada",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Partilhado via EnRecipes. Download na Play Store ou F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Contribuidores",
"Translations:": "Traduções:"
"Translator": "Translator",
"View on GitHub": "View on GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Privacy policy",
"User guide": "User guide",
"Options": "Options",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Shake to view random recipe",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Reset cuisines list",
"Reset categories list": "Reset categories list",
"Reset yield units list": "Reset yield units list",
"Reset units list": "Reset units list",
"Reset successful": "Reset successful",
"Recipe not found": "Recipe not found",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result",
"Quickest first": "Quickest first",
"Slowest first": "Slowest first",
"Rating": "Rating",
"Difficulty level": "Difficulty level",
"Last updated": "Last updated",
"Newest first": "Newest first",
"Oldest first": "Oldest first",
"Easy": "Easy",
"Moderate": "Moderate",
"Challenging": "Challenging",
"New cuisine": "New cuisine",
"New unit": "New unit",
"Remove cuisine?": "Remove cuisine?",
"Remove category?": "Remove category?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Remove yield unit?",
"Remove unit?": "Remove unit?",
"Units": "Units",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Are you sure you want to remove",
"Cuisine": "Cuisine",
"Cuisines": "Cuisines",
"All Cuisines": "All Cuisines",
"American": "American",
"Brazilian": "Brazilian",
"British": "British",
"Chinese": "Chinese",
"Danish": "Danish",
"Egyptian": "Egyptian",
"English": "English",
"Filipino": "Filipino",
"French": "French",
"German": "German",
"Greek": "Greek",
"Indian": "Indian",
"Irish": "Irish",
"Italian": "Italian",
"Jamaican": "Jamaican",
"Japanese": "Japanese",
"Jewish": "Jewish",
"Kenyan": "Kenyan",
"Korean": "Korean",
"Mexican": "Mexican",
"Nigerian": "Nigerian",
"Portuguese": "Portuguese",
"Russian": "Russian",
"Scottish": "Scottish",
"Spanish": "Spanish",
"Sri Lankan": "Sri Lankan",
"Swedish": "Swedish",
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turkish",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"All Categories": "All Categories",
"All Tags": "All Tags",
"No tags available": "No tags available",
"Tags": "Tags",
"separate with spaces": "separate with spaces",
"Import summary": "Import summary",
"recipes found": "recipes found",
"recipes imported": "recipes imported",
"recipes already exists": "recipes already exists",
"recipes updated": "recipes updated",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Filtered result",
"Created": "Created",
"Star rating": "Star rating",
"Untitled Recipe": "Untitled Recipe"

app/i18n/ru.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
"": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "Рецепты",
"Try Later": "Попробовать позже",
"Favourites": "Избранное",
"Meal Planner": "Планировщик питания",
"Categories": "Категории",
"Settings": "Настройки",
"About": "О приложении",
"Appetizers": "Закуски",
"Barbecue": "Барбекю",
"Beverages": "Напитки",
"Breads": "Выпечка",
"Breakfast": "Завтрак",
"Desserts": "Десерты",
"Dinner": "Ужин",
"Drinks": "Напитки",
"Healthy": "Здоровая пища",
"Lunch": "Обед",
"Main dishes": "Основные блюда",
"Meat": "Мясо",
"Noodles": "Лапша",
"Pasta": "Макаронные изделия",
"Poultry": "Птица",
"Rice": "Рис",
"Salads": "Салаты",
"Sauces": "Соусы",
"Seafood": "Морепродукты",
"Side dishes": "Гарнир",
"Snacks": "Закуски",
"Soups": "Супы",
"Undefined": "Не указано",
"Vegan": "Веганский",
"Vegetarian": "Вегетарианский",
"Serving": "Порция",
"Piece": "Кусок",
"Teaspoon": "Чайная ложка",
"Tablespoon": "Столовая ложка",
"Fluid Ounce": "Жидкая унция",
"Ounce": "Унция",
"Pound": "Фунт",
"Gram": "Грамм",
"Kilogram": "Килограмм",
"Cup": "Чашка",
"Gallon": "Галлон",
"Millilitre": "Миллилитр",
"Litre": "Литр",
"Roll": "Рулет",
"Patty": "Лепешка",
"Loaf": "Буханка",
"unit": "единица измерения",
"Unit": "Единица измерения",
"tsp": "ч.л..",
"dsp": "д.л.",
"tbsp": "ст.л.",
"fl oz": "жидкая унция",
"cup": "чашка",
"pt": "пинта",
"qt": "кварта",
"gal": "галлон",
"ml": "мл",
"l": "л",
"oz": "унция",
"lb": "фунт",
"mg": "мг",
"g": "г",
"kg": "кг",
"cm": "см",
"in": "дюйм",
"leaf": "лист",
"clove": "долька",
"piece": "кусок",
"pinch": "щепотка",
"drop": "капля",
"dozen": "дюжина",
"stick": "палочка",
"small": "маленький",
"medium": "средний",
"large": "большой",
"Start adding your recipes!": "Начните добавлять свои рецепты!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Используйте кнопку плюса, чтобы добавить рецепт",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить ингредиенты",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить инструкции",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить несколько комбинаций",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить заметки",
"All done!": "Все сделано!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Здесь будут перечислены рецепты, которые вы хотите попробовать позже",
"No favourites yet": "Пока что нет любимых рецептов",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Здесь будут перечислены рецепты, которые вы отметили как любимые.",
"Category looks empty": "Похоже что в категории нет рецептов",
"No recipes found": "Рецептов не найдено",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "По вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "По вашему запросу ничего не найдено в этой категории",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "В избранном по вашему запросу ничего не найдено ",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "В списке \"Попробовать позже\" по вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"Interface": "Интерфейс",
"App language": "Язык приложения",
"System default": "По умолчанию",
"Theme": "Тема",
"Light": "Светлая",
"Dark": "Темная",
"Database": "База данных",
"Export a full backup": "Экспорт полной резервной копии",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Создает zip-файл, содержащий все ваши данные. Этот файл можно импортировать обратно.",
"Import from backup": "Импорт из резервной копии",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Поддерживает полные резервные копии, созданные этим приложением",
"Version": "Версия",
"Join the Telegram group": "Присоединяйтесь к группе в Telegram",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "для сообщения о проблемах, предложений и отзывов",
"Author": "Автор",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Новый рецепт",
"Edit recipe": "Редактировать рецепт",
"Title": "Заголовок",
"Category": "Категория",
"Preparation time": "Время подготовки",
"Cooking time": "Время готовки",
"Yield quantity": "Подавать в количестве",
"Yield measured in": "Подавать в",
"Ingredient": "Ингредиент",
"Ingredients": "Ингредиенты",
"Instruction": "Инструкция",
"Instructions": "Инструкции",
"Combinations": "Комбинации",
"Note": "Заметка",
"Notes": "Заметки",
"Item": "Ингредиент",
"Step": "Шаг",
"Note": "Заметка",
"Sort by": "Сортировать по",
"Select a recipe": "Выберите рецепт",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "Здесь ничего! Добавьте рецепты и попробуйте еще раз.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Мой полезный рецепт",
"hr": "ч",
"min": "мин",
"Photo": "Фото",
"Recipe": "Рецепт",
"Overview": "Краткое описание",
"Share": "Поделиться",
"Restart required": "Требуется перезапуск",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "Необходимо перезапустить приложение, чтобы изменение темы вступило в силу.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "Необходимо перезапустить приложение, чтобы изменение языка вступило в силу.",
"Grant permission": "Предоставить разрешение",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "EnRecipes требует доступ к файлам, чтобы импортировать ваши данные из предыдущей резервной копии.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "EnRecipes требует доступ к файлам для резервного копирования ваших данных на это устройство.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Добавьте хотя бы один рецепт для резервного копирования",
"Added to Favourites": "Добавлено в избранное",
"Removed from Favourites": "Удалено из избранного",
"Added to Try Later": "Добавлено в \"Попробовать позже\"",
"Removed from Try Later": "Удалено из \"Попробовать позже\"",
"Delete recipe?": "Удалить рецепт?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить рецепт",
"Search": "Поиск",
"Unsaved changes": "Несохраненные изменения",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Вы уверены, что хотите отменить несохраненные изменения этого рецепта?",
"Remove ingredient?": "Удалить ингредиент?",
"Remove instruction?": "Удалить инструкцию?",
"Remove combination?": "Удалить комбинацию?",
"Remove note?": "Удалить заметку?",
"New yield unit": "Новая единица измерения подачи",
"New category": "Новая категория",
"Required": "Требуется",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "EnRecipes требует доступ к файлам, чтобы установить фото для рецепта.",
"Recipe photo": "Фото для рецепта",
"Crop photo": "Обрезать фотографию",
"breakfast": "завтрак",
"lunch": "обед",
"dinner": "ужин",
"snacks": "закуски",
"You tried this recipe:": "Вы пробовали этот рецепт:",
"today": "сегодня",
"yesterday": "вчера",
"days ago": "несколько дней назад",
"weeks ago": "несколько недель назад",
"months ago": "несколько месяцев назад",
"long time ago": "давно",
"Verifying...": "Проверка ...",
"Import successful": "Импортировано успешно",
"Permission denied": "В доступе отказано",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Отправлено через EnRecipes. Скачайте его в Play Store или F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Участники",
"Translator": "Translator",
"View on GitHub": "View on GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Privacy policy",
"User guide": "User guide",
"Options": "Options",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Shake to view random recipe",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Reset cuisines list",
"Reset categories list": "Reset categories list",
"Reset yield units list": "Reset yield units list",
"Reset units list": "Reset units list",
"Reset successful": "Reset successful",
"Recipe not found": "Recipe not found",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result",
"Quickest first": "Quickest first",
"Slowest first": "Slowest first",
"Rating": "Rating",
"Difficulty level": "Difficulty level",
"Last updated": "Last updated",
"Newest first": "Newest first",
"Oldest first": "Oldest first",
"Easy": "Easy",
"Moderate": "Moderate",
"Challenging": "Challenging",
"New cuisine": "New cuisine",
"New unit": "New unit",
"Remove cuisine?": "Remove cuisine?",
"Remove category?": "Remove category?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Remove yield unit?",
"Remove unit?": "Remove unit?",
"Units": "Units",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Are you sure you want to remove",
"Cuisine": "Cuisine",
"Cuisines": "Cuisines",
"All Cuisines": "All Cuisines",
"American": "American",
"Brazilian": "Brazilian",
"British": "British",
"Chinese": "Chinese",
"Danish": "Danish",
"Egyptian": "Egyptian",
"English": "English",
"Filipino": "Filipino",
"French": "French",
"German": "German",
"Greek": "Greek",
"Indian": "Indian",
"Irish": "Irish",
"Italian": "Italian",
"Jamaican": "Jamaican",
"Japanese": "Japanese",
"Jewish": "Jewish",
"Kenyan": "Kenyan",
"Korean": "Korean",
"Mexican": "Mexican",
"Nigerian": "Nigerian",
"Portuguese": "Portuguese",
"Russian": "Russian",
"Scottish": "Scottish",
"Spanish": "Spanish",
"Sri Lankan": "Sri Lankan",
"Swedish": "Swedish",
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turkish",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"All Categories": "All Categories",
"All Tags": "All Tags",
"No tags available": "No tags available",
"Tags": "Tags",
"separate with spaces": "separate with spaces",
"Import summary": "Import summary",
"recipes found": "recipes found",
"recipes imported": "recipes imported",
"recipes already exists": "recipes already exists",
"recipes updated": "recipes updated",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Filtered result",
"Created": "Created",
"Star rating": "Star rating",
"Untitled Recipe": "Untitled Recipe"

View file

@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
"Try Later": "பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க",
"Favourites": "பிடித்தவை",
"Meal Planner": "உணவுத் திட்டம்",
"Categories": "வகைகள்",
"DONE": "முடிந்தது",
"RENAME": "மறுபெயரிடு",
"Categories": "பகுப்புகள்",
"Settings": "அமைப்புகள்",
"About": "பற்றி",
"Appetizers": "பசித்தூண்டி",
@ -80,7 +78,7 @@
"medium": "நடுத்தர",
"large": "பெரிய",
"Start adding your recipes!": "உங்கள் சமையல் குறிப்புகளைச் சேர்க்கத் தொடங்குங்கள்!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "ஒரு செய்முறையைச் சேர்க்க பிளஸ் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"Use the plus button to add one": "ஒரு சமையல் குறிப்பைச் சேர்க்க பிளஸ் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "தேவையான பொருட்களைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "செய்முறைகளைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "சில சேர்க்கைகளைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
@ -89,12 +87,12 @@
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "முயற்சிக்க வேண்டும் என நீங்கள் குறிக்கும் சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இங்கே பட்டியலிடப்படும்",
"No favourites yet": "இன்னும் பிடித்தவை எதுவும் இல்லை",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "நீங்கள் பிடித்ததாகக் குறிக்கும் சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இங்கே பட்டியலிடப்படும்",
"Category looks empty": "இந்த பிரிவில் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் இல்லை",
"Category looks empty": "இந்த பகுப்பில் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் இல்லை",
"No recipes found": "எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் இல்லை",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "உங்கள் தேடல் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுக்கும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "உங்கள் தேடல் இந்த வகையில் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடன் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "உங்கள் தேடல் உங்களுக்கு பிடித்தவற்றில் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடன் பொருந்தவில்லைை",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "உங்கள் தேடல் நீங்கள் முயற்சிக்க வேண்டிய பட்டியலில் உள்ள எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடன் பொருந்தவில்லைை",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "உங்கள் தேடல் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடனும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "உங்கள் தேடல் இப்பகுப்பில் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடனும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "உங்கள் தேடல் உங்களுக்கு பிடித்தவற்றில் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடனும் பொருந்தவில்லைை",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "உங்கள் தேடல் நீங்கள் முயற்சிக்க வேண்டிய பட்டியலில் உள்ள எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடனும் பொருந்தவில்ல",
"Interface": "இடைமுகம்",
"App language": "பயன்பாட்டு மொழி",
"System default": "கணினி இயல்புநிலை",
@ -107,17 +105,14 @@
"Import from backup": "காப்புப்பிரதியிலிருந்து இறக்குமதி செய்க",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "இந்த பயன்பாட்டின் மூலம் ஏற்றுமதி செய்யப்பட்ட முழு காப்புப்பிரதிகளை ஆதரிக்கும்",
"Version": "பதிப்பு",
"View project on GitHub": "கிட்ஹப்பில் திட்டத்தைக் காண்க",
"Join the Telegram group": "டெலிகிராம் குழுவில் சேரவும்",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "சிக்கல்கள், பரிந்துரைகள் மற்றும் கருத்துக்களைப் புகாரளிக்க",
"Author": "பயன்பாட்டு ஆசிரியர்",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "விஷ்ணு ராகவ் .பா",
"Follow on GitHub": "கிட்ஹப்பில் அவரைப் பின்தொடரவும்",
"Follow on Mastodon": "மஸ்டோடனில் அவரைப் பின்தொடரவும்",
"New recipe": "புதிய செய்முறை",
"Edit recipe": "செய்முறையைத் திருத்து",
"Author": "ஆக்கியோன்",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "பா. விஷ்ணு ராகவ்",
"New recipe": "புதிய சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"Edit recipe": "சமையல் குறிப்பை திருத்து",
"Title": "தலைப்பு",
"Category": "வகை",
"Category": "பகுப்பு",
"Preparation time": "தயாரிப்பு நேரம்",
"Cooking time": "சமைக்கும் நேரம்",
"Yield quantity": "மகசூல் அளவு",
@ -137,19 +132,16 @@
"Step": "செயஂமுறை",
"Note": "குறிப்பு",
"Sort by": "வரிசை விதி",
"Natural order": "இயற்கை வரிசை",
"Duration": "நேரம்",
"Last modified": "கடைசியாக மாற்றப்பட்டது",
"CANCEL": "ரத்துசெய்",
"REMOVE": "அகற்று",
"ADD": "சேர்",
"Select a recipe": "ஒரு செய்முறையைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "இங்கு எதுவுமில்லை! சில சமையல் வகைகளைச் சேர்த்து மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "எனது ஆரோக்கியமான செய்முறை",
"Select a recipe": "ஒரு சமையல் குறிப்பை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "இங்கு எதுவுமில்லை! சில சமையல் குறிப்பிப்புகளை சேர்த்து மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "எனது ஆரோக்கியமான சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"hr": "மணி",
"min": "நிமிடம்",
"Photo": "புகைப்படம்",
"Recipe": "செய்முறை",
"Recipe": "சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"Overview": "கண்ணோட்டம்",
"Share": "பகிர்",
"ADD NEW": "புதியனவற்றை சேர்",
@ -163,18 +155,17 @@
"NOT NOW": "இப்போது இல்லை",
"CONTINUE": "தொடர்",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "இந்தச் சாதனத்தில் உங்கள் தரவை காப்புப் பிரதி எடுக்க என்ரெசிபீஸ்க்கு சேமிப்பக அனுமதி தேவைப்படுகிறது.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "காப்புப்பிரதி செய்ய குறைந்தபட்சம் ஒரு செய்முறையாவது சேர்க்கவும்",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "காப்புப்பிரதி செய்ய குறைந்தபட்சம் ஒரு சமையல் குறிப்பு சேர்க்கவும்",
"Added to Favourites": "பிடித்தவையில் சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"Removed from Favourites": "பிடித்தவற்றிலிருந்து அகற்றப்பட்டது",
"Added to Try Later": "பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"Removed from Try Later": "பின்னர் முயற்சிப்பதில் இருந்து நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"Delete recipe?": "செய்முறையை நீக்கவா?",
"Delete recipe?": "சமையல் குறிப்பை நீக்கவா?",
"DELETE": "நீக்கு",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "இந்த செய்முறையை நீக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "இந்த சமையல் குறிப்பை நீக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா",
"Search": "தேடு",
"Rename category": "வகையை மறுபெயரிடுங்கள்",
"Unsaved changes": "சேமிக்கப்படாத மாற்றங்கள்",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "இந்த செய்முறையில் சேமிக்கப்படாத மாற்றங்களை நிராகரிக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா?",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "இந்த சமையல் குறிப்பில் சேமிக்கப்படாத மாற்றங்களை நிராகரிக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா?",
"DISCARD": "நிராகரி",
"KEEP EDITING": "தொடர்ந்து திருத்து",
"Remove ingredient?": "பொருளை அகற்றவா?",
@ -182,17 +173,17 @@
"Remove combination?": "சேர்க்கையை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove note?": "குறிப்பை அகற்றவா?",
"New yield unit": "புதிய மகசூல் அலகு",
"New category": "புதிய வகை",
"New category": "புதிய பகுப்பு",
"Required": "தேவையான",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "செய்முறை புகைப்படத்தை அமைக்க என்ரெசிபீஸ்க்கு சேமிப்பு அனுமதி தேவை.",
"Recipe photo": "செய்முறை புகைப்படம்",
"REPLACE PHOTO": "புகைப்படத்தை மாற்றம்",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "சமையல் குறிப்பு புகைப்படத்தை அமைக்க என்ரெசிபீஸ்க்கு சேமிப்பு அனுமதி தேவை.",
"Recipe photo": "சமையல் குறிப்பு புகைப்படம்",
"REPLACE PHOTO": "புகைப்படத்தை மாற்று",
"Crop photo": "படத்தை வெட்டு",
"breakfast": "காலை உணவு",
"lunch": "மதிய உணவு",
"dinner": "இரவு உணவு",
"snacks": "சிற்றிடை உணவு",
"You tried this recipe:": "இந்த செய்முறையை முயற்சித்தீர்கள்:",
"You tried this recipe:": "இச்சமையல் குறிப்பை முயற்சித்தீர்கள்:",
"today": "இன்று",
"yesterday": "நேற்று",
"days ago": "நாட்களுக்கு முன்பு",
@ -204,5 +195,86 @@
"Permission denied": "அனுமதி மறுக்கப்பட்டது",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "என்ரெசிபீஸ் வழியாக பகிரப்பட்டது. அதை ப்ளே ஸ்டோர் அல்லது எஃப்-டிரயோடு இருந்து பெறுங்கள்.",
"Contributors": "பங்களிப்பாளர்கள்",
"Translations:": "மொழிபெயர்ப்புகள்:"
"Translator": "மொழிபெயர்ப்பாளர்",
"View on GitHub": "கிட்ஹப்பில் காண்க",
"Privacy policy": "தனியுரிமைக் கொள்கை",
"User guide": "பயனர் வழிகாட்டி",
"Options": "விருப்பங்கள்",
"Shake to view random recipe": "சாதனத்தை அசைத்து சீரற்ற சமையல் குறிப்பை காண்க",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "நீங்கள் தீர்மானிக்க முடியாதபோது என்ன சமைக்க வேண்டும் என்பதைத் தேர்வுசெய்ய உதவும்",
"Reset": "மீட்டமை",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "பட்டியலை மீட்டமைப்பது உங்கள் இருக்கும் உள்ளீடுகளை நீக்காது, ஆனால் நீக்கப்பட்ட இயல்புநிலை உள்ளீடுகளை மட்டுமே மீட்டமைக்கும்.",
"Reset cuisines list": "உணவு வகைகள் பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"Reset categories list": "பகுப்புகள் பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"Reset yield units list": "மகசூல் அலகுகள் பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"Reset units list": "அலகுகளின் பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"Reset successful": "வெற்றிகரமாக மீட்டமைக்கப்பட்டது",
"Recipe not found": "சமையல் குறிப்பு காணப்படவில்லை",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "உங்கள் தேடல் வடிகட்டப்பட்ட முடிவில் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடனும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"Quickest first": "விரைவானவை முதலில்",
"Slowest first": "மெதுவானவை முதலில்",
"Rating": "மதிப்பீடு",
"Difficulty level": "சிரமநிலை",
"Last updated": "கடைசியாக புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது",
"Newest first": "புதியது முதலில்",
"Oldest first": "பழையன முதலில்",
"Easy": "எளிது",
"Moderate": "மிதமானது",
"Challenging": "சவாலானது",
"New cuisine": "புதிய உணவு வகை",
"New unit": "புதிய அலகு",
"Remove cuisine?": "உணவு வகையை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove category?": "பகுப்பை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove yield unit?": "மகசூல் அலகை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove unit?": "அலகை அகற்றவா?",
"Units": "அலகுகள்",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "இதை நிச்சயமாக அகற்ற விரும்புகிறீர்களா",
"Cuisine": "உணவு வகை",
"Cuisines": "உணவு வகைகள்",
"All Cuisines": "அனைத்து உணவு வகைகள்",
"American": "அமெரிக்க",
"Brazilian": "பிரேசிலிய",
"British": "பிரிட்டிஷ்",
"Chinese": "சீன",
"Danish": "டேனிஷ்",
"Egyptian": "எகிப்திய",
"English": "ஆங்கில",
"Filipino": "பிலிப்பைன்ஸ்",
"French": "பிரஞ்சு",
"German": "ஜெர்மன்",
"Greek": "கிரேக்க",
"Indian": "இந்திய",
"Irish": "ஐரிஷ்",
"Italian": "இத்தாலிய",
"Jamaican": "ஜமைக்கா",
"Japanese": "ஜப்பானிய",
"Jewish": "யூத",
"Kenyan": "கென்ய",
"Korean": "கொரிய",
"Mexican": "மெக்சிகன்",
"Nigerian": "நைஜீரிய",
"Portuguese": "போர்த்துகீசியம்",
"Russian": "ரஷ்ய",
"Scottish": "ஸ்காட்டிஷ்",
"Spanish": "ஸ்பானிஷ்",
"Sri Lankan": "இலங்கை",
"Swedish": "ஸ்வீடிஷ்",
"Thai": "தாய்",
"Turkish": "துருக்கிய",
"Vietnamese": "வியட்நாமிய",
"All Categories": "அனைத்து பகுப்புகள்",
"All Tags": "அனைத்து குறிச்சொற்கள்",
"No tags available": "குறிச்சொற்கள் எதுவுமில்லை",
"Tags": "குறிச்சொற்கள்",
"separate with spaces": "இடைவெளிகளுடன் பிரிக்கவும்",
"Import summary": "இறக்குமதி சுருக்கம்",
"recipes found": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் கண்டறியப்பட்டது",
"recipes imported": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இறக்குமதி செய்யப்பட்டது",
"recipes already exists": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் ஏற்கனவே உள்ளது",
"recipes updated": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது",
"OK": "சரி",
"Filtered result": "வடிகட்டப்பட்ட முடிவு",
"Created": "உருவாக்கப்பட்டது",
"Star rating": "நட்சத்திர மதிப்பீடு",
"Untitled Recipe": "பெயரிடப்படாத சமையல் குறிப்பு"

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