2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Some finite categories which are neither discrete nor indiscrete
2015-10-23 01:12:34 -04:00
import ..functor.basic types.sum
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
open bool unit is_trunc sum eq functor equiv
namespace category
variables {A : Type} (R : A → A → Type) (H : Π⦃a b c⦄, R a b → R b c → empty)
[HR : Πa b, is_hset (R a b)] [HA : is_trunc 1 A]
include H HR HA
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
-- we call a category sparse if you cannot compose two morphism, except the ones which come from equality
definition sparse_category' [constructor] : precategory A :=
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(λa b, R a b ⊎ a = b)
intros a b c g f, induction g with rg pg: induction f with rf pf,
{ exfalso, exact H rf rg},
{ exact inl (pf⁻¹ ▸ rg)},
{ exact inl (pg ▸ rf)},
{ exact inr (pf ⬝ pg)},
(λa, inr idp)
abstract begin
intros a b c d h g f, induction h with rh ph: induction g with rg pg: induction f with rf pf:
esimp: try induction pf; try induction pg; try induction ph: esimp;
try (exfalso; apply H;assumption;assumption)
end end
abstract by intros a b f; induction f with rf pf: reflexivity end
abstract by intros a b f; (induction f with rf pf: esimp); rewrite idp_con end
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
definition sparse_category [constructor] : Precategory :=
precategory.Mk (sparse_category' R @H)
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2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
definition sparse_category_functor [constructor] (C : Precategory) (f : A → C)
(g : Π{a b} (r : R a b), f a ⟶ f b) : sparse_category R H ⇒ C :=
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
functor.mk f
(λa b, sum.rec g (eq.rec id))
(λa, idp)
abstract begin
intro a b c g f, induction g with rg pg: induction f with rf pf: esimp:
try induction pg: try induction pf: esimp,
exfalso, exact H rf rg,
exact !id_right⁻¹,
exact !id_left⁻¹,
exact !id_id⁻¹
end end
omit H HR HA
section equalizer
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
inductive equalizer_category_hom : bool → bool → Type :=
| f1 : equalizer_category_hom ff tt
| f2 : equalizer_category_hom ff tt
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
open equalizer_category_hom
theorem is_hset_equalizer_category_hom (b₁ b₂ : bool) : is_hset (equalizer_category_hom b₁ b₂) :=
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2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
assert H : Πb b', equalizer_category_hom b b' ≃ bool.rec (bool.rec empty bool) (λb, empty) b b',
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
{ intro b b', fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro x, induction x, exact ff, exact tt},
{ intro v, induction b: induction b': induction v, exact f1, exact f2},
{ intro v, induction b: induction b': induction v: reflexivity},
{ intro x, induction x: reflexivity}},
apply is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev, apply H,
induction b₁: induction b₂: exact _
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
local attribute is_hset_equalizer_category_hom [instance]
definition equalizer_category [constructor] : Precategory :=
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begin intro a b c g f; cases g: cases f end
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
definition equalizer_category_functor [constructor] (C : Precategory) {x y : C} (f g : x ⟶ y)
: equalizer_category ⇒ C :=
sparse_category_functor _ _ C
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
(bool.rec x y)
begin intro a b h; induction h, exact f, exact g end
end equalizer
section pullback
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
inductive pullback_category_ob : Type :=
| TR : pullback_category_ob
| BL : pullback_category_ob
| BR : pullback_category_ob
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
theorem pullback_category_ob_decidable_equality : decidable_eq pullback_category_ob :=
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
intro x y; induction x: induction y:
try exact decidable.inl idp:
apply decidable.inr; contradiction
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
open pullback_category_ob
inductive pullback_category_hom : pullback_category_ob → pullback_category_ob → Type :=
| f1 : pullback_category_hom TR BR
| f2 : pullback_category_hom BL BR
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
open pullback_category_hom
theorem is_hset_pullback_category_hom (b₁ b₂ : pullback_category_ob)
: is_hset (pullback_category_hom b₁ b₂) :=
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
assert H : Πb b', pullback_category_hom b b' ≃
pullback_category_ob.rec (λb, empty) (λb, empty)
(pullback_category_ob.rec unit unit empty) b' b,
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
{ intro b b', fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro x, induction x: exact star},
{ intro v, induction b: induction b': induction v, exact f1, exact f2},
{ intro v, induction b: induction b': induction v: reflexivity},
{ intro x, induction x: reflexivity}},
apply is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev, apply H,
induction b₁: induction b₂: exact _
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
local attribute is_hset_pullback_category_hom pullback_category_ob_decidable_equality [instance]
definition pullback_category [constructor] : Precategory :=
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
begin intro a b c g f; cases g: cases f end
2015-09-25 19:44:04 -04:00
definition pullback_category_functor [constructor] (C : Precategory) {x y z : C}
(f : x ⟶ z) (g : y ⟶ z) : pullback_category ⇒ C :=
sparse_category_functor _ _ C
(pullback_category_ob.rec x y z)
2015-09-23 22:44:36 -04:00
begin intro a b h; induction h, exact f, exact g end
end pullback
end category