
342 lines
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Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "util/sstream.h"
#include "util/name_map.h"
#include "kernel/replace_fn.h"
#include "kernel/type_checker.h"
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/inductive/inductive.h"
#include "library/scoped_ext.h"
#include "library/locals.h"
#include "library/placeholder.h"
#include "library/aliases.h"
#include "frontends/lean/decl_cmds.h"
#include "frontends/lean/util.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser.h"
namespace lean {
static name g_assign(":=");
static name g_with("with");
static name g_colon(":");
static name g_bar("|");
using inductive::intro_rule;
using inductive::inductive_decl;
using inductive::inductive_decl_name;
using inductive::inductive_decl_type;
using inductive::inductive_decl_intros;
using inductive::intro_rule_name;
using inductive::intro_rule_type;
// Mark all parameters as implicit
static void make_implicit(buffer<parameter> & ps) {
for (parameter & p : ps)
p.m_bi = mk_implicit_binder_info();
// Make sure that every inductive datatype (in decls) occurring in \c type has
// the universe levels \c lvl_params and section parameters \c section_params
static expr fix_inductive_occs(expr const & type, buffer<inductive_decl> const & decls,
buffer<name> const & lvl_params, buffer<parameter> const & section_params) {
return replace(type, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
if (!is_constant(e))
return none_expr();
if (!std::any_of(decls.begin(), decls.end(),
[&](inductive_decl const & d) { return const_name(e) == inductive_decl_name(d); }))
return none_expr();
// found target
levels ls = const_levels(e);
unsigned n = length(ls);
if (n < lvl_params.size()) {
unsigned i = lvl_params.size() - n;
while (i > 0) {
ls = cons(mk_param_univ(lvl_params[i]), ls);
expr r = update_constant(e, ls);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < section_params.size(); i++)
r = mk_app(r, section_params[i].m_local);
return some_expr(r);
static level mk_result_level(bool impredicative, buffer<level> const & ls) {
if (ls.empty()) {
return impredicative ? mk_level_one() : mk_level_zero();
} else {
level r = ls[0];
for (unsigned i = 1; i < ls.size(); i++)
r = mk_max(r, ls[i]);
return impredicative ? mk_max(r, mk_level_one()) : r;
static expr update_result_sort(expr const & t, level const & l) {
if (is_pi(t)) {
return update_binding(t, binding_domain(t), update_result_sort(binding_body(t), l));
} else if (is_sort(t)) {
return update_sort(t, l);
} else {
static name g_tmp_prefix = name::mk_internal_unique_name();
static void set_result_universes(buffer<inductive_decl> & decls, level_param_names const & lvls, unsigned num_params, parser & p) {
if (std::all_of(decls.begin(), decls.end(), [](inductive_decl const & d) {
return !has_placeholder(inductive_decl_type(d));
return; // nothing to be done
// We can't infer the type of intro rule arguments because we did declare the inductive datatypes.
// So, we use the following trick, we create a "draft" environment where the inductive datatypes
// are asserted as variable declarations, and keep doing that until we reach a "fix" point.
unsigned num_rounds = 0;
while (true) {
if (num_rounds > 2*decls.size() + 1) {
// TODO(Leo): this is test is a hack to avoid non-termination.
// We should use a better termination condition
throw exception("failed to compute resultant universe level for inductive datatypes, "
"provide explicit universe levels");
bool progress = false;
environment env = p.env();
bool impredicative = env.impredicative();
// first assert inductive types that do not have placeholders
for (auto const & d : decls) {
expr type = inductive_decl_type(d);
if (!has_placeholder(type))
env = env.add(check(env, mk_var_decl(inductive_decl_name(d), lvls, inductive_decl_type(d))));
type_checker tc(env);
name_generator ngen(g_tmp_prefix);
// try to update resultant universe levels
for (auto & d : decls) {
expr d_t = inductive_decl_type(d);
while (is_pi(d_t)) {
d_t = binding_body(d_t);
if (!is_sort(d_t))
throw exception(sstream() << "invalid inductive datatype '" << inductive_decl_name(d) << "', "
"resultant type is not a sort");
level r_lvl = sort_level(d_t);
if (impredicative && is_zero(r_lvl))
buffer<level> lvls;
for (intro_rule const & ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
expr t = intro_rule_type(ir);
unsigned i = 0;
while (is_pi(t)) {
if (i >= num_params) {
try {
expr s = tc.ensure_type(binding_domain(t));
level lvl = sort_level(s);
if (std::find(lvls.begin(), lvls.end(), lvl) == lvls.end())
} catch (...) {
t = instantiate(binding_body(t), mk_local(ngen.next(), binding_name(t), binding_domain(t)));
level m_lvl = normalize(mk_result_level(impredicative, lvls));
if (is_placeholder(r_lvl) || !(is_geq(r_lvl, m_lvl))) {
progress = true;
// update result level
expr new_type = update_result_sort(inductive_decl_type(d), m_lvl);
d = inductive_decl(inductive_decl_name(d), new_type, inductive_decl_intros(d));
if (!progress)
static environment create_alias(environment const & env, name const & full_id, name const & id, levels const & section_leves,
buffer<parameter> const & section_params, parser & p) {
if (in_section(env)) {
expr r = mark_explicit(mk_constant(full_id, section_leves));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < section_params.size(); i++)
r = mk_app(r, section_params[i].m_local);
p.add_local_expr(id, r);
return env;
} else if (full_id != id) {
return add_alias(env, id, mk_constant(full_id));
} else {
return env;
environment inductive_cmd(parser & p) {
parser::no_undef_id_error_scope err_scope(p);
environment env = p.env();
name const & ns = get_namespace(env);
bool first = true;
buffer<name> ls_buffer;
name_map<name> id_to_short_id;
unsigned num_params = 0;
bool explicit_levels = false;
buffer<inductive_decl> decls;
while (true) {
parser::local_scope l_scope(p);
auto id_pos = p.pos();
name id = p.check_id_next("invalid inductive declaration, identifier expected");
name full_id = ns + id;
id_to_short_id.insert(full_id, id);
buffer<name> curr_ls_buffer;
expr type;
optional<parser::param_universe_scope> pu_scope;
if (parse_univ_params(p, curr_ls_buffer)) {
if (first) {
explicit_levels = true;
} else if (!explicit_levels) {
throw parser_error("invalid mutually recursive declaration, "
"explicit universe levels were not provided for previous inductive types in this declaration",
} else if (curr_ls_buffer.size() != ls_buffer.size()) {
throw parser_error("invalid mutually recursive declaration, "
"all inductive types must have the same number of universe paramaters", id_pos);
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ls_buffer.size(); i++) {
if (curr_ls_buffer[i] != ls_buffer[i])
throw parser_error("invalid mutually recursive inductive declaration, "
"all inductive types must have the same universe paramaters", id_pos);
} else {
if (first) {
explicit_levels = false;
} else if (explicit_levels) {
throw parser_error("invalid mutually recursive declaration, "
"explicit universe levels were provided for previous inductive types in this declaration",
// initialize param_universe_scope, we are using implicit universe levels
buffer<parameter> ps;
local_environment lenv = env;
auto params_pos = p.pos();
if (!p.curr_is_token(g_colon)) {
lenv = p.parse_binders(ps);
p.check_token_next(g_colon, "invalid inductive declaration, ':' expected");
parser::placeholder_universe_scope place_scope(p);
type = p.parse_scoped_expr(ps, lenv);
type = p.pi_abstract(ps, type);
} else {
parser::placeholder_universe_scope place_scope(p);
type = p.parse_scoped_expr(ps, lenv);
// check if number of parameters
if (first) {
num_params = ps.size();
} else {
// mutually recursive declaration checks
if (num_params != ps.size()) {
throw parser_error("invalid mutually recursive inductive declaration, "
"all inductive types must have the same number of arguments",
make_implicit(ps); // parameters are implicit for introduction rules
// parse introduction rules
p.check_token_next(g_assign, "invalid inductive declaration, ':=' expected");
buffer<intro_rule> intros;
while (p.curr_is_token(g_bar)) {
name intro_id = p.check_id_next("invalid introduction rule, identifier expected");
name full_intro_id = ns + intro_id;
id_to_short_id.insert(full_intro_id, intro_id);
p.check_token_next(g_colon, "invalid introduction rule, ':' expected");
expr intro_type = p.parse_scoped_expr(ps, lenv);
intro_type = p.pi_abstract(ps, intro_type);
intros.push_back(intro_rule(full_intro_id, intro_type));
decls.push_back(inductive_decl(full_id, type, to_list(intros.begin(), intros.end())));
if (!p.curr_is_token(g_with))
first = false;
// Collect (section) locals occurring in inductive_decls, and abstract them
// using these additional parameters.
name_set used_levels;
name_set section_locals;
for (inductive_decl const & d : decls) {
used_levels = collect_univ_params(inductive_decl_type(d), used_levels);
section_locals = collect_locals(inductive_decl_type(d), section_locals);
for (auto const & ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
used_levels = collect_univ_params(intro_rule_type(ir), used_levels);
section_locals = collect_locals(intro_rule_type(ir), section_locals);
update_univ_parameters(ls_buffer, used_levels, p);
buffer<parameter> section_params;
mk_section_params(section_locals, p, section_params);
// First, add section_params to inductive types type.
// We don't update the introduction rules in the first pass, because
// we will mark all section_params as implicit for them.
for (inductive_decl & d : decls) {
d = inductive_decl(inductive_decl_name(d),
p.pi_abstract(section_params, inductive_decl_type(d)),
// Add section_params to introduction rules type, and also "fix"
// occurrences of inductive types.
for (inductive_decl & d : decls) {
buffer<intro_rule> new_irs;
for (auto const & ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
expr type = intro_rule_type(ir);
type = fix_inductive_occs(type, decls, ls_buffer, section_params);
type = p.pi_abstract(section_params, type);
new_irs.push_back(intro_rule(intro_rule_name(ir), type));
d = inductive_decl(inductive_decl_name(d),
to_list(new_irs.begin(), new_irs.end()));
num_params += section_params.size();
level_param_names ls = to_list(ls_buffer.begin(), ls_buffer.end());
// Check if introduction rules do not have placeholders
for (inductive_decl const & d : decls) {
for (auto const & ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
if (has_placeholder(intro_rule_type(ir)))
throw exception(sstream() << "invalid inductive datatype '" << inductive_decl_name(d) << "', "
<< "introduction rule '" << intro_rule_name(ir) << "' has placeholders");
// "Fix" the inductive type resultant type universe level, if it was not explicitly provided.
set_result_universes(decls, ls, num_params, p);
env = module::add_inductive(env, ls, num_params, to_list(decls.begin(), decls.end()));
// Create aliases/local refs
levels section_levels = collect_section_levels(ls, p);
for (inductive_decl const & d : decls) {
name const & n = inductive_decl_name(d);
env = create_alias(env, n, *id_to_short_id.find(n), section_levels, section_params, p);
env = create_alias(env, n.append_after("_rec"), id_to_short_id.find(n)->append_after("_rec"), section_levels, section_params, p);
for (intro_rule const & ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
name const & n = intro_rule_name(ir);
env = create_alias(env, n, *id_to_short_id.find(n), section_levels, section_params, p);
return env;
void register_inductive_cmd(cmd_table & r) {
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("inductive", "declare an inductive datatype", inductive_cmd));