
354 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "util/script_state.h"
#include "util/name_map.h"
#include "util/exception.h"
#include "util/thread_script_state.h"
#include "util/script_exception.h"
#include "util/worker_queue.h"
#include "util/name_generator.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "kernel/expr_maps.h"
#include "library/io_state.h"
#include "library/io_state_stream.h"
#include "library/kernel_bindings.h"
#include "library/definition_cache.h"
#include "library/declaration_index.h"
#include "frontends/lean/scanner.h"
#include "frontends/lean/elaborator.h"
#include "frontends/lean/local_decls.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser_config.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser_pos_provider.h"
#include "frontends/lean/theorem_queue.h"
#include "frontends/lean/info_manager.h"
namespace lean {
/** \brief Exception used to track parsing erros, it does not leak outside of this class. */
struct parser_error : public exception {
pos_info m_pos;
parser_error(char const * msg, pos_info const & p):exception(msg), m_pos(p) {}
parser_error(sstream const & msg, pos_info const & p):exception(msg), m_pos(p) {}
virtual exception * clone() const { return new parser_error(m_msg.c_str(), m_pos); }
virtual void rethrow() const { throw *this; }
struct interrupt_parser {};
typedef local_decls<expr> local_expr_decls;
typedef local_decls<level> local_level_decls;
typedef environment local_environment;
/** \brief Snapshot of the state of the Lean parser */
struct snapshot {
environment m_env;
local_level_decls m_lds;
local_expr_decls m_eds;
options m_options;
unsigned m_line;
snapshot():m_line(0) {}
snapshot(environment const & env, options const & o):m_env(env), m_options(o), m_line(1) {}
snapshot(environment const & env, local_level_decls const & lds, local_expr_decls const & eds, options const & opts, unsigned line):
m_env(env), m_lds(lds), m_eds(eds), m_options(opts), m_line(line) {}
typedef std::vector<snapshot> snapshot_vector;
class parser {
environment m_env;
io_state m_ios;
name_generator m_ngen;
bool m_verbose;
bool m_use_exceptions;
bool m_show_errors;
unsigned m_num_threads;
scanner m_scanner;
scanner::token_kind m_curr;
local_level_decls m_local_level_decls;
local_expr_decls m_local_decls;
pos_info m_last_cmd_pos;
pos_info m_last_script_pos;
unsigned m_next_tag_idx;
bool m_found_errors;
bool m_used_sorry;
pos_info_table m_pos_table;
// By default, when the parser finds a unknown identifier, it signs an error.
// When the following flag is true, it creates a constant.
// This flag is when we are trying to parse mutually recursive declarations.
bool m_no_undef_id_error;
optional<bool> m_has_num;
optional<bool> m_has_string;
optional<bool> m_has_tactic_decls;
// We process theorems in parallel
theorem_queue m_theorem_queue;
// info support
snapshot_vector * m_snapshot_vector;
info_manager * m_info_manager;
info_manager m_pre_info_manager; // type information before elaboration
// cache support
definition_cache * m_cache;
// index support
declaration_index * m_index;
// curr command token
name m_cmd_token;
void display_warning_pos(unsigned line, unsigned pos);
void display_warning_pos(pos_info p);
void display_error_pos(unsigned line, unsigned pos);
void display_error_pos(pos_info p);
void display_error(char const * msg, unsigned line, unsigned pos);
void display_error(char const * msg, pos_info p);
void display_error(exception const & ex);
void throw_parser_exception(char const * msg, pos_info p);
void throw_nested_exception(exception & ex, pos_info p);
void sync_command();
void protected_call(std::function<void()> && f, std::function<void()> && sync);
template<typename F>
typename std::result_of<F(lua_State * L)>::type using_script(F && f) {
try {
script_state S = get_thread_script_state();
set_io_state set1(S, m_ios);
set_environment set2(S, m_env);
return f(S.get_state());
} catch (script_nested_exception & ex) {
tag get_tag(expr e);
expr copy_with_new_pos(expr const & e, pos_info p);
expr propagate_levels(expr const & e, levels const & ls);
cmd_table const & cmds() const { return get_cmd_table(env()); }
parse_table const & nud() const { return get_nud_table(env()); }
parse_table const & led() const { return get_led_table(env()); }
unsigned curr_level_lbp() const;
level parse_max_imax(bool is_max);
level parse_level_id();
level parse_level_nud();
level parse_level_led(level left);
void parse_imports();
void parse_command();
void parse_script(bool as_expr = false);
bool parse_commands();
unsigned curr_lbp() const;
expr parse_notation(parse_table t, expr * left);
expr parse_nud_notation();
expr parse_led_notation(expr left);
expr parse_nud();
expr parse_id();
expr parse_numeral_expr();
expr parse_decimal_expr();
expr parse_string_expr();
expr parse_binder_core(binder_info const & bi);
void parse_binder_block(buffer<expr> & r, binder_info const & bi);
void parse_binders_core(buffer<expr> & r, buffer<notation_entry> * nentries);
local_environment parse_binders(buffer<expr> & r, buffer<notation_entry> * nentries);
bool parse_local_notation_decl(buffer<notation_entry> * entries);
friend environment section_cmd(parser & p);
friend environment context_cmd(parser & p);
friend environment end_scoped_cmd(parser & p);
void push_local_scope();
void pop_local_scope();
void save_snapshot();
void save_overload(expr const & e);
void save_type_info(expr const & e);
void save_pre_info_data();
void save_identifier_info(pos_info const & p, name const & full_id);
void commit_info(unsigned line);
elaborator_context mk_elaborator_context(pos_info_provider const & pp, bool check_unassigned = true);
elaborator_context mk_elaborator_context(environment const & env, pos_info_provider const & pp);
elaborator_context mk_elaborator_context(environment const & env, local_level_decls const & lls, pos_info_provider const & pp);
parser(environment const & env, io_state const & ios,
std::istream & strm, char const * str_name,
bool use_exceptions = false, unsigned num_threads = 1,
local_level_decls const & lds = local_level_decls(),
local_expr_decls const & eds = local_expr_decls(), unsigned line = 1,
snapshot_vector * sv = nullptr, info_manager * im = nullptr);
void set_cache(definition_cache * c) { m_cache = c; }
void cache_definition(name const & n, expr const & pre_type, expr const & pre_value,
level_param_names const & ls, expr const & type, expr const & value);
/** \brief Try to find an elaborated definition for (n, pre_type, pre_value) in the cache */
optional<std::tuple<level_param_names, expr, expr>> find_cached_definition(name const & n, expr const & pre_type, expr const & pre_value);
void erase_cached_definition(name const & n) { if (m_cache) m_cache->erase(n); }
bool are_info_lines_valid(unsigned start_line, unsigned end_line) const;
bool collecting_info() const { return m_info_manager; }
void set_index(declaration_index * i) { m_index = i; }
void add_decl_index(name const & n, pos_info const & pos, name const & k, expr const & t);
void add_ref_index(name const & n, pos_info const & pos);
void add_abbrev_index(name const & a, name const & d);
environment const & env() const { return m_env; }
io_state const & ios() const { return m_ios; }
local_level_decls const & get_local_level_decls() const { return m_local_level_decls; }
local_expr_decls const & get_local_expr_decls() const { return m_local_decls; }
bool has_tactic_decls();
expr mk_by(expr const & t, pos_info const & pos);
void updt_options();
template<typename T> void set_option(name const & n, T const & v) { m_ios.set_option(n, v); }
name mk_fresh_name() { return m_ngen.next(); }
name_generator mk_ngen() { return m_ngen.mk_child(); }
/** \brief Return the current position information */
pos_info pos() const { return pos_info(m_scanner.get_line(), m_scanner.get_pos()); }
expr save_pos(expr e, pos_info p);
expr rec_save_pos(expr const & e, pos_info p);
pos_info pos_of(expr const & e, pos_info default_pos);
pos_info pos_of(expr const & e) { return pos_of(e, pos()); }
pos_info cmd_pos() const { return m_last_cmd_pos; }
name const & get_cmd_token() const { return m_cmd_token; }
void set_line(unsigned p) { return m_scanner.set_line(p); }
expr mk_app(expr fn, expr arg, pos_info const & p);
expr mk_app(std::initializer_list<expr> const & args, pos_info const & p);
unsigned num_threads() const { return m_num_threads; }
void add_delayed_theorem(environment const & env, name const & n, level_param_names const & ls, expr const & t, expr const & v);
/** \brief Read the next token. */
void scan() { m_curr = m_scanner.scan(m_env); }
/** \brief Return the current token */
scanner::token_kind curr() const { return m_curr; }
/** \brief Return true iff the current token is an identifier */
bool curr_is_identifier() const { return curr() == scanner::token_kind::Identifier; }
/** \brief Return true iff the current token is a numeral */
bool curr_is_numeral() const { return curr() == scanner::token_kind::Numeral; }
/** \brief Return true iff the current token is a string */
bool curr_is_string() const { return curr() == scanner::token_kind::String; }
/** \brief Return true iff the current token is a keyword */
bool curr_is_keyword() const { return curr() == scanner::token_kind::Keyword; }
/** \brief Return true iff the current token is a keyword */
bool curr_is_command() const { return curr() == scanner::token_kind::CommandKeyword; }
/** \brief Return true iff the current token is a keyword */
bool curr_is_quoted_symbol() const { return curr() == scanner::token_kind::QuotedSymbol; }
/** \brief Return true iff the current token is a keyword named \c tk or an identifier named \c tk */
bool curr_is_token_or_id(name const & tk) const;
/** \brief Return true iff the current token is a command, EOF, period or script block */
bool curr_is_command_like() const;
/** \brief Read the next token if the current one is not End-of-file. */
void next() { if (m_curr != scanner::token_kind::Eof) scan(); }
/** \brief Return true iff the current token is a keyword (or command keyword) named \c tk */
bool curr_is_token(name const & tk) const;
/** \brief Check current token, and move to next characther, throw exception if current token is not \c tk. */
void check_token_next(name const & tk, char const * msg);
/** \brief Check if the current token is an identifier, if it is return it and move to next token, otherwise throw an exception. */
name check_id_next(char const * msg);
/** \brief Check if the current token is an atomic identifier, if it is, return it and move to next token, otherwise throw an exception. */
name check_atomic_id_next(char const * msg);
/** \brief Check if the current token is a constant, if it is, return it and move to next token, otherwise throw an exception. */
name check_constant_next(char const * msg);
mpq const & get_num_val() const { return m_scanner.get_num_val(); }
name const & get_name_val() const { return m_scanner.get_name_val(); }
std::string const & get_str_val() const { return m_scanner.get_str_val(); }
token_info const & get_token_info() const { return m_scanner.get_token_info(); }
std::string const & get_stream_name() const { return m_scanner.get_stream_name(); }
io_state_stream regular_stream() const { return regular(env(), ios()); }
io_state_stream diagnostic_stream() const { return diagnostic(env(), ios()); }
unsigned get_small_nat();
unsigned parse_small_nat();
double parse_double();
bool parse_local_notation_decl() { return parse_local_notation_decl(nullptr); }
level parse_level(unsigned rbp = 0);
expr parse_binder();
local_environment parse_binders(buffer<expr> & r) { return parse_binders(r, nullptr); }
local_environment parse_binders(buffer<expr> & r, buffer<notation_entry> & nentries) { return parse_binders(r, &nentries); }
optional<binder_info> parse_optional_binder_info();
binder_info parse_binder_info();
void parse_close_binder_info(optional<binder_info> const & bi);
void parse_close_binder_info(binder_info const & bi) { return parse_close_binder_info(optional<binder_info>(bi)); }
/** \brief Convert an identifier into an expression (constant or local constant) based on the current scope */
expr id_to_expr(name const & id, pos_info const & p);
expr parse_expr(unsigned rbp = 0);
expr parse_led(expr left);
expr parse_scoped_expr(unsigned num_params, expr const * ps, local_environment const & lenv, unsigned rbp = 0);
expr parse_scoped_expr(buffer<expr> & ps, local_environment const & lenv, unsigned rbp = 0) {
return parse_scoped_expr(ps.size(), ps.data(), lenv, rbp);
expr parse_scoped_expr(unsigned num_params, expr const * ps, unsigned rbp = 0) {
return parse_scoped_expr(num_params, ps, local_environment(m_env), rbp);
expr parse_scoped_expr(buffer<expr> & ps, unsigned rbp = 0) { return parse_scoped_expr(ps.size(), ps.data(), rbp); }
struct local_scope { parser & m_p; environment m_env; local_scope(parser & p); ~local_scope(); };
void add_local_level(name const & n, level const & l);
void add_local_expr(name const & n, expr const & p);
void add_local(expr const & p) { return add_local_expr(local_pp_name(p), p); }
/** \brief Position of the local level declaration named \c n in the sequence of local level decls. */
unsigned get_local_level_index(name const & n) const;
/** \brief Position of the local declaration named \c n in the sequence of local decls. */
unsigned get_local_index(name const & n) const;
/** \brief Return the local parameter named \c n */
expr const * get_local(name const & n) const { return m_local_decls.find(n); }
\brief By default, when the parser finds a unknown identifier, it signs an error.
This scope object temporarily changes this behavior. In any scope where this object
is declared, the parse creates a constant even when the identifier is unknown.
This behavior is useful when we are trying to parse mutually recursive declarations.
struct no_undef_id_error_scope { parser & m_p; bool m_old; no_undef_id_error_scope(parser &); ~no_undef_id_error_scope(); };
/** \brief Elaborate \c e, and tolerate metavariables in the result. */
std::tuple<expr, level_param_names> elaborate_relaxed(expr const & e, list<expr> const & ctx = list<expr>());
/** \brief Elaborate \c e, and ensure it is a type. */
std::tuple<expr, level_param_names> elaborate_type(expr const & e, list<expr> const & ctx = list<expr>());
/** \brief Elaborate \c e in the given environment. */
std::tuple<expr, level_param_names> elaborate_at(environment const & env, expr const & e);
/** \brief Elaborate \c e (making sure the result does not have metavariables). */
std::tuple<expr, level_param_names> elaborate(expr const & e) { return elaborate_at(m_env, e); }
/** \brief Elaborate the definition n : t := v */
std::tuple<expr, expr, level_param_names> elaborate_definition(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & v, bool is_opaque);
/** \brief Elaborate the definition n : t := v in the given environment*/
std::tuple<expr, expr, level_param_names> elaborate_definition_at(environment const & env, local_level_decls const & lls,
name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & v, bool is_opaque);
expr mk_sorry(pos_info const & p);
bool used_sorry() const { return m_used_sorry; }
void declare_sorry();
parser_pos_provider get_pos_provider() const { return parser_pos_provider(m_pos_table, get_stream_name(), m_last_cmd_pos); }
/** parse all commands in the input stream */
bool operator()() { return parse_commands(); }
bool parse_commands(environment & env, io_state & ios, std::istream & in, char const * strm_name,
bool use_exceptions, unsigned num_threads, definition_cache * cache = nullptr,
declaration_index * index = nullptr);
bool parse_commands(environment & env, io_state & ios, char const * fname, bool use_exceptions, unsigned num_threads,
definition_cache * cache = nullptr, declaration_index * index = nullptr);