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Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "frontends/lean/token_table.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parse_table.h"
#include "frontends/lean/cmd_table.h"
namespace lean {
struct token_entry {
bool m_expr; // true if it precedence for an expression token
std::string m_token;
unsigned m_prec;
token_entry(bool e, std::string const & tk, unsigned prec):m_expr(e), m_token(tk), m_prec(prec) {}
inline token_entry mk_expr_token_entry(std::string const & tk, unsigned prec) { return token_entry(true, tk, prec); }
inline token_entry mk_tactic_token_entry(std::string const & tk, unsigned prec) { return token_entry(false, tk, prec); }
enum class notation_entry_kind { NuD, LeD, Numeral };
enum class notation_entry_group { Main, Reserve, Tactic };
class notation_entry {
typedef notation::transition transition;
notation_entry_kind m_kind;
union {
list<transition> m_transitions;
mpz m_num;
expr m_expr;
bool m_overload;
bool m_safe_ascii;
notation_entry_group m_group;
bool m_parse_only;
notation_entry(notation_entry const & e);
notation_entry(bool is_nud, list<transition> const & ts, expr const & e, bool overload, notation_entry_group g, bool parse_only);
notation_entry(mpz const & val, expr const & e, bool overload, bool parse_only);
notation_entry(notation_entry const & e, bool overload);
notation_entry_kind kind() const { return m_kind; }
bool is_numeral() const { return m_kind == notation_entry_kind::Numeral; }
bool is_nud() const { return m_kind == notation_entry_kind::NuD; }
list<transition> const & get_transitions() const { lean_assert(!is_numeral()); return m_transitions; }
mpz const & get_num() const { lean_assert(is_numeral()); return m_num; }
expr const & get_expr() const { return m_expr; }
bool overload() const { return m_overload; }
bool is_safe_ascii() const { return m_safe_ascii; }
notation_entry_group group() const { return m_group; }
bool reserve() const { return group() == notation_entry_group::Reserve; }
bool parse_only() const { return m_parse_only; }
bool operator==(notation_entry const & e1, notation_entry const & e2);
inline bool operator!=(notation_entry const & e1, notation_entry const & e2) {
return !(e1 == e2);
/** \brief Apply \c f to expressions embedded in the notation entry */
notation_entry replace(notation_entry const & e, std::function<expr(expr const &)> const & f);
environment add_token(environment const & env, token_entry const & e, bool persistent = true);
environment add_notation(environment const & env, notation_entry const & e, bool persistent = true);
environment add_expr_token(environment const & env, char const * val, unsigned prec);
environment add_tactic_token(environment const & env, char const * val, unsigned prec);
environment add_nud_notation(environment const & env, unsigned num, notation::transition const * ts, expr const & a,
bool overload = true, notation_entry_group g = notation_entry_group::Main, bool parse_only = false);
environment add_led_notation(environment const & env, unsigned num, notation::transition const * ts, expr const & a,
bool overload = true, notation_entry_group g = notation_entry_group::Main, bool parse_only = false);
environment add_nud_notation(environment const & env, std::initializer_list<notation::transition> const & ts, expr const & a,
bool overload = true, bool parse_only = false);
environment add_led_notation(environment const & env, std::initializer_list<notation::transition> const & ts, expr const & a,
bool overload = true, bool parse_only = false);
token_table const & get_token_table(environment const & env);
parse_table const & get_nud_table(environment const & env);
parse_table const & get_led_table(environment const & env);
parse_table const & get_reserved_nud_table(environment const & env);
parse_table const & get_reserved_led_table(environment const & env);
parse_table const & get_tactic_nud_table(environment const & env);
parse_table const & get_tactic_led_table(environment const & env);
cmd_table const & get_cmd_table(environment const & env);
/** \brief Force notation from namespace \c n to shadow any existing notation */
environment override_notation(environment const & env, name const & n, bool persistent = true);
/** \brief Add \c n as notation for \c e */
environment add_mpz_notation(environment const & env, mpz const & n, expr const & e, bool overload = true, bool parse_only = false);
/** \brief Return the additional interpretations for \c n in the current environment.
\remark It does not include the default one based on the \c num inductive datatype.
list<expr> get_mpz_notation(environment const & env, mpz const & n);
/** \brief Return the notation declaration that start with a given head symbol.
\remark Notation declarations that contain C++ and Lua actions are not indexed.
Thus, they are to included in the result.
list<notation_entry> get_notation_entries(environment const & env, head_index const & idx);
void initialize_parser_config();
void finalize_parser_config();