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Raw Normal View History

Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "util/rc.h"
#include "util/optional.h"
#include "util/list.h"
#include "util/rb_map.h"
#include "util/name_set.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "kernel/constraint.h"
#include "kernel/declaration.h"
namespace lean {
class type_checker;
class environment;
class certified_declaration;
\brief The Lean kernel can be instantiated with different normalization extensions.
Each extension is part of the trusted code base. The extensions allow us to support
different flavors of the core type theory. We will use these extensions to implement
inductive datatype (ala Coq), HIT, record types, etc.
class normalizer_extension {
virtual ~normalizer_extension() {}
virtual optional<expr> operator()(expr const & e, extension_context & ctx) const = 0;
\brief The header of an environment is created when we create the empty environment.
Moreover if environment B is an extension of environment A, then A and B share the same header.
class environment_header {
/* In the following field, 0 means untrusted mode (i.e., check everything),
>= 1 means do not check imported modules, and do not check macros
with level less than the value of this field.
unsigned m_trust_lvl; //!the given one.
bool m_prop_proof_irrel; //!< true if the kernel assumes proof irrelevance for Bool/Type (aka Type(0))
bool m_eta; //!< true if the kernel uses eta-reduction in convertability checks
bool m_impredicative; //!< true if the kernel should treat (universe level 0) as a impredicative Prop/Bool.
list<name> m_cls_proof_irrel; //!< list of proof irrelevant classes, if we want Id types to be proof irrelevant, we the name 'Id' in this list.
std::unique_ptr<normalizer_extension const> m_norm_ext;
void dealloc();
environment_header(unsigned trust_lvl, bool prop_proof_irrel, bool eta, bool impredicative,
list<name> const & cls_proof_irrel, std::unique_ptr<normalizer_extension const> ext);
unsigned trust_lvl() const { return m_trust_lvl; }
bool prop_proof_irrel() const { return m_prop_proof_irrel; }
bool eta() const { return m_eta; }
bool impredicative() const { return m_impredicative; }
list<name> const & cls_proof_irrel() const { return m_cls_proof_irrel; }
normalizer_extension const & norm_ext() const { return *(m_norm_ext.get()); }
class environment_extension {
virtual ~environment_extension();
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<environment_extension const>> environment_extensions;
\brief environment identifier that allows us to track descendants of a given environment.
class environment_id {
friend class environment; // Only the environment class can create object of this type.
list<unsigned> m_trail; //!< trail of ancestors. The unsigned value is redundant, it store the depth of the trail.
\brief Create an identifier for an environment that is a direct descendant of the given one.
The bool field is just to make sure this constructor is not confused with a copy constructor
environment_id(environment_id const & ancestor, bool);
/** \brief Create an identifier for an environment without ancestors (e.g., empty environment) */
/** Create an identifier for an environment that is a direct descendant of the given one. */
static environment_id mk_descendant(environment_id const & ancestor) { return environment_id(ancestor, true); }
/** \brief Return true iff this object is a descendant of the given one. */
bool is_descendant(environment_id const & id) const;
\brief Lean core environment. An environment object can be extended/customized in different ways:
1- By providing a normalizer_extension when creating an empty environment.
2- By setting the proof_irrel and eta flags when creating an empty environment.
3- By attaching additional data as environment::extensions. The additional data can be added
at any time. They contain information used by the automation (e.g., rewriting sets, unification hints, etc).
class environment {
typedef std::shared_ptr<environment_header const> header;
typedef rb_map<name, declaration, name_quick_cmp> declarations;
typedef std::shared_ptr<environment_extensions const> extensions;
header m_header;
environment_id m_id;
declarations m_declarations;
name_set m_global_levels;
extensions m_extensions;
environment(header const & h, environment_id const & id, declarations const & d, name_set const & global_levels, extensions const & ext);
environment(unsigned trust_lvl = 0, bool prop_proof_irrel = true, bool eta = true, bool impredicative = true,
list<name> const & cls_proof_irrel = list<name>());
environment(unsigned trust_lvl, bool prop_proof_irrel, bool eta, bool impredicative, list<name> const & cls_proof_irrel,
std::unique_ptr<normalizer_extension> ext);
/** \brief Return the environment unique identifier. */
environment_id const & get_id() const { return m_id; }
/** \brief Return true iff this environment is a descendant of \c env. */
bool is_descendant(environment const & env) const { return m_id.is_descendant(env.m_id); }
/** \brief Return the trust level of this environment. */
unsigned trust_lvl() const { return m_header->trust_lvl(); }
/** \brief Return true iff the environment assumes proof irrelevance for Type.{0} (i.e., Bool) */
bool prop_proof_irrel() const { return m_header->prop_proof_irrel(); }
/** \brief Return the list of classes marked as proof irrelevant */
list<name> const & cls_proof_irrel() const { return m_header->cls_proof_irrel(); }
/** \brief Return true iff the environment assumes Eta-reduction */
bool eta() const { return m_header->eta(); }
/** \brief Return true iff the environment treats universe level 0 as an impredicative Prop/Bool */
bool impredicative() const { return m_header->impredicative(); }
/** \brief Return reference to the normalizer extension associatied with this environment. */
normalizer_extension const & norm_ext() const { return m_header->norm_ext(); }
/** \brief Return declaration with name \c n (if it is defined in this environment). */
optional<declaration> find(name const & n) const;
/** \brief Return declaration with name \c n. Throws and exception if declaration does not exist in this environment. */
declaration get(name const & n) const;
\brief Add a new global universe level with name \c n
This method throws an exception if the environment already contains a level named \c n.
environment add_global_level(name const & n) const;
/** \brief Return true iff the environment has a universe level named \c n. */
bool is_global_level(name const & n) const;
\brief Extends the current environment with the given (certified) declaration
This method throws an exception if:
- The declaration was certified in an environment which is not an ancestor of this one.
- The environment already contains a declaration with the given name.
environment add(certified_declaration const & d) const;
\brief Replace the axiom with name <tt>t.get_declaration().get_name()</tt> with the theorem t.get_declaration().
This method throws an exception if:
- The theorem was certified in an environment which is not an ancestor of this one.
- The environment does not contain an axiom named <tt>t.get_declaration().get_name()</tt>
environment replace(certified_declaration const & t) const;
\brief Register an environment extension. Every environment
object may contain this extension. The argument \c initial is
the initial value for the new extensions. The extension object
can be retrieved using the given token (unsigned integer) returned
by this method.
\remark The extension objects are created on demand.
\see get_extension
static unsigned register_extension(std::shared_ptr<environment_extension const> const & initial);
/** \brief Return the extension with the given id. */
environment_extension const & get_extension(unsigned extid) const;
/** \brief Update the environment extension with the given id. */
environment update(unsigned extid, std::shared_ptr<environment_extension const> const & ext) const;
\brief Return a new environment, where its "history" has been truncated/forgotten.
That is, <tt>is_descendant(e)</tt> will return false for any environment \c e that
is not pointer equal to the result.
environment forget() const;
/** \brief Apply the function \c f to each declaration */
void for_each(std::function<void(declaration const & d)> const & f) const;
class name_generator;
\brief A certified declaration is one that has been type checked.
Only the type_checker class can create certified declarations.
class certified_declaration {
friend certified_declaration check(environment const & env, declaration const & d, name_generator const & g, name_set const & extra_opaque, bool memoize);
environment_id m_id;
declaration m_declaration;
certified_declaration(environment_id const & id, declaration const & d):m_id(id), m_declaration(d) {}
/** \brief Return the id of the environment that was used to type check this declaration. */
environment_id const & get_id() const { return m_id; }
declaration const & get_declaration() const { return m_declaration; }