2015-04-16 22:39:51 -07:00
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Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura
Classical proof that if f is injective, then f has a left inverse (if domain is not empty).
The proof uses the classical axioms: choice and excluded middle.
The excluded middle is being used "behind the scenes" to allow us to write the if-then-else expression
with (∃ a : A, f a = b).
2015-08-12 17:06:15 -07:00
open function classical
2015-04-16 22:39:51 -07:00
2015-07-28 21:56:35 -07:00
noncomputable definition mk_left_inv {A B : Type} [h : nonempty A] (f : A → B) : B → A :=
2015-04-16 22:39:51 -07:00
λ b : B, if ex : (∃ a : A, f a = b) then some ex else inhabited.value (inhabited_of_nonempty h)
theorem has_left_inverse_of_injective {A B : Type} {f : A → B} : nonempty A → injective f → has_left_inverse f :=
assume h : nonempty A,
assume inj : ∀ a₁ a₂, f a₁ = f a₂ → a₁ = a₂,
let finv : B → A := mk_left_inv f in
2015-06-04 18:51:34 +10:00
have linv : left_inverse finv f, from
λ a,
2016-02-29 11:47:33 -08:00
have ex : ∃ a₁ : A, f a₁ = f a, from exists.intro a rfl,
have h₁ : f (some ex) = f a, from !some_spec,
2015-04-16 22:39:51 -07:00
esimp [mk_left_inv, compose, id],
rewrite [dif_pos ex],
exact (!inj h₁)
2015-06-04 18:51:34 +10:00
2015-04-16 22:39:51 -07:00
exists.intro finv linv