feat(hott): start cancellation proof for sums
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@ -538,4 +538,17 @@ calc
fin n + unit ≃ fin n + fin 1 : H
... ≃ fin (n+1) : fin_sum_equiv
definition eq_of_fin_equiv {m n : nat} (H :fin m ≃ fin n) : m = n :=
revert n H, induction m with m IH IH,
{ intro n H, cases n, reflexivity, exfalso,
apply to_fun fin_zero_equiv_empty, apply to_inv H, apply fin.zero },
{ intro n H, cases n with n, exfalso,
apply to_fun fin_zero_equiv_empty, apply to_fun H, apply fin.zero,
have fin n + unit ≃ fin m + unit, from
calc fin n + unit ≃ fin (nat.succ n) : fin_succ_equiv
... ≃ fin (nat.succ m) : H
... ≃ fin m + unit : fin_succ_equiv, exact sorry },
end fin
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Author: Floris van Doorn
Theorems about sums/coproducts/disjoint unions
import .pi
import .pi logic
open lift eq is_equiv equiv equiv.ops prod prod.ops is_trunc sigma bool
@ -195,6 +195,55 @@ namespace sum
... ≃ (A × B) + (C × A) : prod_comm_equiv
... ≃ (A × B) + (A × C) : prod_comm_equiv
-- TODO generalizing, this is acutally true for all finite sets
open unit decidable sigma.ops
definition foo_sum {A B : Type} (x : A + B) : (Σ a, x = inl a) + (Σ b, x = inr b) :=
by cases x with a b; exact inl ⟨a, idp⟩; exact inr ⟨b, idp⟩
definition sum_unit_cancel_left_map {A B : Type} (H : unit + A ≃ unit + B) : A → B :=
intro a, cases foo_sum (H (inr a)) with u b, rotate 1, exact b.1,
cases u with u Hu, cases foo_sum (H (inl ⋆)) with u' b, rotate 1, exact b.1,
cases u' with u' Hu', exfalso, apply empty_of_inl_eq_inr,
calc inl ⋆ = H⁻¹ (H (inl ⋆)) : to_left_inv H
... = H⁻¹ (inl u') : Hu'
... = H⁻¹ (inl u) : is_hprop.elim
... = H⁻¹ (H (inr a)) : Hu
... = inr a : to_left_inv H
definition sum_unit_cancel_left_inv {A B : Type} (H : unit + A ≃ unit + B) (b : B) :
sum_unit_cancel_left_map H (sum_unit_cancel_left_map H⁻¹ b) = b :=
assert HH : to_fun H⁻¹ = (to_fun H)⁻¹, cases H, reflexivity,
esimp[sum_unit_cancel_left_map], apply sum.rec, intro x, cases x with u Hu, esimp,
apply sum.rec, intro x, cases x with u' Hu', esimp, exfalso, apply empty_of_inl_eq_inr,
calc inl ⋆ = H⁻¹ (H (inl ⋆)) : to_left_inv H
... = H⁻¹ (inl u') : Hu'
... = H⁻¹ (inl u) : is_hprop.elim
... = H⁻¹ (H (inr _)) : Hu
... = inr _ : to_left_inv H,
intro x, cases x with b' Hb', esimp, cases foo_sum (H⁻¹ (inr b)) with x x,
cases x with u' Hu', cases u', apply eq_of_inr_eq_inr, rewrite -HH at Hu',
calc inr b' = H (inl ⋆) : Hb'
... = H (H⁻¹ (inr b)) : ap (to_fun H) Hu'
... = inr b : to_right_inv H,
cases x with a Ha, exfalso,
assert GG : inr b = H (inr a), apply concat, apply inverse, apply to_right_inv H,
apply ap H, exact Ha,
rewrite -HH at Ha, rewrite Ha at Hu,
check @empty.rec,
definition sum_unit_cancel_left {A B : Type} (H : unit + A ≃ unit + B) : A ≃ B :=
fapply equiv.MK, apply sum_unit_cancel_left_map H,
apply sum_unit_cancel_left_map H⁻¹,
intro b, esimp,
/- universal property -/
definition sum_rec_unc [unfold 5] {P : A + B → Type} (fg : (Πa, P (inl a)) × (Πb, P (inr b)))
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