feat(library/algebra/group): add theorems for calculation
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@ -5,19 +5,20 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.group
Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura
Various multiplicative and additive structures.
Various multiplicative and additive structures. Partially modeled on Isabelle's library.
import logic.eq logic.connectives
import data.unit data.sigma data.prod
import algebra.function algebra.binary
open eq
open eq eq.ops -- note: ⁻¹ will be overloaded
namespace algebra
variables {A : Type}
section A_Type
variable {A : Type}
/- overloaded symbols -/
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ theorem mul_assoc [s : semigroup A] (a b c : A) : a * b * c = a * (b * c) :=
structure comm_semigroup [class] (A : Type) extends semigroup A :=
(mul_comm : ∀a b, mul a b = mul b a)
theorem mul_comm [s : comm_semigroup A] (a b : A) : a * b = b * a :=
theorem mul_comm [s : comm_semigroup A] (a b : A) : a * b = b * a :=
theorem mul_left_comm [s : comm_semigroup A] (a b c : A) : a * (b * c) = b * (a * c) :=
@ -70,14 +71,14 @@ binary.right_comm (@mul_comm A s) (@mul_assoc A s) a b c
structure left_cancel_semigroup [class] (A : Type) extends semigroup A :=
(mul_left_cancel : ∀a b c, mul a b = mul a c → b = c)
theorem mul_left_cancel [s : left_cancel_semigroup A] {a b c : A} :
theorem mul_left_cancel [s : left_cancel_semigroup A] {a b c : A} :
a * b = a * c → b = c :=
structure right_cancel_semigroup [class] (A : Type) extends semigroup A :=
(mul_right_cancel : ∀a b c, mul a b = mul c b → a = c)
theorem mul_right_cancel [s : right_cancel_semigroup A] {a b c : A} :
theorem mul_right_cancel [s : right_cancel_semigroup A] {a b c : A} :
a * b = c * b → a = c :=
@ -93,27 +94,27 @@ theorem add_assoc [s : add_semigroup A] (a b c : A) : a + b + c = a + (b + c) :=
structure add_comm_semigroup [class] (A : Type) extends add_semigroup A :=
(comm : ∀a b, add a b = add b a)
theorem add_comm [s : add_comm_semigroup A] {a b : A} : a + b = b + a :=
theorem add_comm [s : add_comm_semigroup A] (a b : A) : a + b = b + a :=
theorem add_left_comm [s : add_comm_semigroup A] {a b c : A} :
theorem add_left_comm [s : add_comm_semigroup A] (a b c : A) :
a + (b + c) = b + (a + c) :=
binary.left_comm (@add_comm A s) (@add_assoc A s) a b c
theorem add_right_comm [s : add_comm_semigroup A] {a b c : A} : (a + b) + c = (a + c) + b :=
theorem add_right_comm [s : add_comm_semigroup A] (a b c : A) : (a + b) + c = (a + c) + b :=
binary.right_comm (@add_comm A s) (@add_assoc A s) a b c
structure add_left_cancel_semigroup [class] (A : Type) extends add_semigroup A :=
(add_left_cancel : ∀a b c, add a b = add a c → b = c)
theorem add_left_cancel [s : add_left_cancel_semigroup A] {a b c : A} :
theorem add_left_cancel [s : add_left_cancel_semigroup A] {a b c : A} :
a + b = a + c → b = c :=
structure add_right_cancel_semigroup [class] (A : Type) extends add_semigroup A :=
(add_right_cancel : ∀a b c, add a b = add c b → a = c)
theorem add_right_cancel [s : add_right_cancel_semigroup A] {a b c : A} :
theorem add_right_cancel [s : add_right_cancel_semigroup A] {a b c : A} :
a + b = c + b → a = c :=
@ -121,77 +122,155 @@ theorem add_right_cancel [s : add_right_cancel_semigroup A] {a b c : A} :
/- monoid -/
structure monoid [class] (A : Type) extends semigroup A, has_one A :=
(mul_right_id : ∀a, mul a one = a) (mul_left_id : ∀a, mul one a = a)
theorem mul_right_id [s : monoid A] (a : A) : a * 1 = a := !monoid.mul_right_id
(mul_left_id : ∀a, mul one a = a) (mul_right_id : ∀a, mul a one = a)
theorem mul_left_id [s : monoid A] (a : A) : 1 * a = a := !monoid.mul_left_id
theorem mul_right_id [s : monoid A] (a : A) : a * 1 = a := !monoid.mul_right_id
structure comm_monoid [class] (A : Type) extends monoid A, comm_semigroup A
/- additive monoid -/
structure add_monoid [class] (A : Type) extends add_semigroup A, has_zero A :=
(add_right_id : ∀a, add a zero = a) (add_left_id : ∀a, add zero a = a)
theorem add_right_id [s : add_monoid A] (a : A) : a + 0 = a := !add_monoid.add_right_id
(add_left_id : ∀a, add zero a = a) (add_right_id : ∀a, add a zero = a)
theorem add_left_id [s : add_monoid A] (a : A) : 0 + a = a := !add_monoid.add_left_id
theorem add_right_id [s : add_monoid A] (a : A) : a + 0 = a := !add_monoid.add_right_id
structure add_comm_monoid [class] (A : Type) extends add_monoid A, add_comm_semigroup A
/- group -/
structure group [class] (A : Type) extends monoid A, has_inv A :=
(mul_left_inv : ∀a, mul (inv a) a = one) (mul_right_inv : ∀a, mul a (inv a) = one)
(mul_left_inv : ∀a, mul (inv a) a = one)
theorem mul_left_inv [s : group A] (a : A) : a⁻¹ * a = 1 := !group.mul_left_inv
-- Note: with more work, we could derive the axiom mul_left_id
theorem mul_right_inv [s : group A] (a : A) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 := !group.mul_right_inv
section group
theorem mul_inv_cancel_right [s : group A] (a b : A) : a * b * b⁻¹ = a :=
a * b * b⁻¹ = a * (b * b⁻¹) : mul_assoc
... = a * 1 : mul_right_inv
variable [s : group A]
include s
theorem mul_left_inv (a : A) : a⁻¹ * a = 1 := !group.mul_left_inv
theorem inv_mul_cancel_left (a b : A) : a⁻¹ * (a * b) = b :=
a⁻¹ * (a * b) = a⁻¹ * a * b : mul_assoc
... = 1 * b : mul_left_inv
... = b : mul_left_id
theorem inv_mul_cancel_right (a b : A) : a * b⁻¹ * b = a :=
a * b⁻¹ * b = a * (b⁻¹ * b) : mul_assoc
... = a * 1 : mul_left_inv
... = a : mul_right_id
theorem mul_cancel_inv_right [s : group A] (a b : A) : a * b⁻¹ * b = a :=
a * b⁻¹ * b = a * (b⁻¹ * b) : mul_assoc
... = a * 1 : mul_left_inv
... = a : mul_right_id
theorem inv_unique {a b : A} (H : a * b = 1) : a⁻¹ = b :=
a⁻¹ = a⁻¹ * 1 : mul_right_id
... = a⁻¹ * (a * b) : H
... = b : inv_mul_cancel_left
theorem mul_inv_cancel_left [s : group A] (a b : A) : a * (a⁻¹ * b) = b :=
a * (a⁻¹ * b) = a * a⁻¹ * b : mul_assoc
... = 1 * b : mul_right_inv
... = b : mul_left_id
theorem inv_one : 1⁻¹ = 1 := inv_unique (mul_left_id 1)
theorem mul_cancel_inv_left [s : group A] (a b : A) : a⁻¹ * (a * b) = b :=
a⁻¹ * (a * b) = a⁻¹ * a * b : mul_assoc
... = 1 * b : mul_left_inv
... = b : mul_left_id
theorem inv_inv (a : A) : (a⁻¹)⁻¹ = a := inv_unique (mul_left_inv a)
definition group.to_left_cancel_semigroup [instance] [s : group A] : left_cancel_semigroup A :=
left_cancel_semigroup.mk (@group.mul A s) (@group.mul_assoc A s)
(take a b c,
assume H : a * b = a * c,
b = a⁻¹ * (a * b) : mul_cancel_inv_left
... = a⁻¹ * (a * c) : H
... = c : mul_cancel_inv_left)
theorem inv_inj {a b : A} (H : a⁻¹ = b⁻¹) : a = b :=
a = (a⁻¹)⁻¹ : inv_inv
... = b : inv_unique (H⁻¹ ▸ (mul_left_inv _))
definition group.to_right_cancel_semigroup [instance] [s : group A] : right_cancel_semigroup A :=
right_cancel_semigroup.mk (@group.mul A s) (@group.mul_assoc A s)
(take a b c,
assume H : a * b = c * b,
a = (a * b) * b⁻¹ : mul_inv_cancel_right
... = (c * b) * b⁻¹ : H
... = c : mul_inv_cancel_right)
theorem inv_eq_inv_iff_eq (a b : A) : a⁻¹ = b⁻¹ ↔ a = b :=
iff.intro (assume H, inv_inj H) (assume H, congr_arg _ H)
theorem inv_eq_one_iff_eq_one (a b : A) : a⁻¹ = 1 ↔ a = 1 :=
inv_one ▸ !inv_eq_inv_iff_eq
theorem eq_inv_imp_eq_inv {a b : A} (H : a = b⁻¹) : b = a⁻¹ :=
H⁻¹ ▸ (inv_inv b)⁻¹
theorem eq_inv_iff_eq_inv (a b : A) : a = b⁻¹ ↔ b = a⁻¹ :=
iff.intro !eq_inv_imp_eq_inv !eq_inv_imp_eq_inv
theorem mul_right_inv (a : A) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 :=
a * a⁻¹ = (a⁻¹)⁻¹ * a⁻¹ : inv_inv
... = 1 : mul_left_inv
theorem mul_inv_cancel_left (a b : A) : a * (a⁻¹ * b) = b :=
a * (a⁻¹ * b) = a * a⁻¹ * b : mul_assoc
... = 1 * b : mul_right_inv
... = b : mul_left_id
theorem mul_inv_cancel_right (a b : A) : a * b * b⁻¹ = a :=
a * b * b⁻¹ = a * (b * b⁻¹) : mul_assoc
... = a * 1 : mul_right_inv
... = a : mul_right_id
theorem inv_mul (a b : A) : (a * b)⁻¹ = b⁻¹ * a⁻¹ :=
a * b * (b⁻¹ * a⁻¹) = a * (b * (b⁻¹ * a⁻¹)) : mul_assoc
... = a * a⁻¹ : mul_inv_cancel_left
... = 1 : mul_right_inv)
theorem mul_inv_eq_one_imp_eq {a b : A} (H : a * b⁻¹ = 1) : a = b :=
a = a * b⁻¹ * b : inv_mul_cancel_right
... = 1 * b : H
... = b : mul_left_id
-- TODO: better names for the next eight theorems? (Also for additive ones.)
theorem mul_eq_imp_eq_mul_inv {a b c : A} (H : a * b = c) : a = c * b⁻¹ :=
H ▸ !mul_inv_cancel_right⁻¹
theorem mul_eq_imp_eq_inv_mul {a b c : A} (H : a * b = c) : b = a⁻¹ * c :=
H ▸ !inv_mul_cancel_left⁻¹
theorem eq_mul_imp_inv_mul_eq {a b c : A} (H : a = b * c) : b⁻¹ * a = c :=
H⁻¹ ▸ !inv_mul_cancel_left
theorem eq_mul_imp_mul_inv_eq {a b c : A} (H : a = b * c) : a * c⁻¹ = b :=
H⁻¹ ▸ !mul_inv_cancel_right
theorem mul_inv_eq_imp_eq_mul {a b c : A} (H : a * b⁻¹ = c) : a = c * b :=
!inv_inv ▸ (mul_eq_imp_eq_mul_inv H)
theorem inv_mul_eq_imp_eq_mul {a b c : A} (H : a⁻¹ * b = c) : b = a * c :=
!inv_inv ▸ (mul_eq_imp_eq_inv_mul H)
theorem eq_inv_mul_imp_mul_eq {a b c : A} (H : a = b⁻¹ * c) : b * a = c :=
!inv_inv ▸ (eq_mul_imp_inv_mul_eq H)
theorem eq_mul_inv_imp_mul_eq {a b c : A} (H : a = b * c⁻¹) : a * c = b :=
!inv_inv ▸ (eq_mul_imp_mul_inv_eq H)
definition group.to_left_cancel_semigroup [instance] : left_cancel_semigroup A :=
left_cancel_semigroup.mk (@group.mul A s) (@group.mul_assoc A s)
(take a b c,
assume H : a * b = a * c,
b = a⁻¹ * (a * b) : inv_mul_cancel_left
... = a⁻¹ * (a * c) : H
... = c : inv_mul_cancel_left)
definition group.to_right_cancel_semigroup [instance] : right_cancel_semigroup A :=
right_cancel_semigroup.mk (@group.mul A s) (@group.mul_assoc A s)
(take a b c,
assume H : a * b = c * b,
a = (a * b) * b⁻¹ : mul_inv_cancel_right
... = (c * b) * b⁻¹ : H
... = c : mul_inv_cancel_right)
end group
structure comm_group [class] (A : Type) extends group A, comm_monoid A
@ -199,58 +278,211 @@ structure comm_group [class] (A : Type) extends group A, comm_monoid A
/- additive group -/
structure add_group [class] (A : Type) extends add_monoid A, has_neg A :=
(add_left_inv : ∀a, add (neg a) a = zero) (add_right_inv : ∀a, add a (neg a) = zero)
(add_left_inv : ∀a, add (neg a) a = zero)
theorem add_left_inv [s : add_group A] (a : A) : -a + a = 0 := !add_group.add_left_inv
section add_group
theorem add_right_inv [s : add_group A] (a : A) : a + -a = 0 := !add_group.add_right_inv
variables [s : add_group A]
include s
theorem add_inv_cancel_right [s : add_group A] (a b : A) : a + b + -b = a :=
a + b + -b = a + (b + -b) : add_assoc
... = a + 0 : add_right_inv
... = a : add_right_id
theorem add_left_inv (a : A) : -a + a = 0 := !add_group.add_left_inv
theorem add_cancel_inv_right [s : add_group A] (a b : A) : a + -b + b = a :=
a + -b + b = a + (-b + b) : add_assoc
... = a + 0 : add_left_inv
... = a : add_right_id
theorem neg_add_cancel_left (a b : A) : -a + (a + b) = b :=
-a + (a + b) = -a + a + b : add_assoc
... = 0 + b : add_left_inv
... = b : add_left_id
theorem add_inv_cancel_left [s : add_group A] (a b : A) : a + (-a + b) = b :=
a + (-a + b) = a + -a + b : add_assoc
... = 0 + b : add_right_inv
... = b : add_left_id
theorem neg_add_cancel_right (a b : A) : a + -b + b = a :=
a + -b + b = a + (-b + b) : add_assoc
... = a + 0 : add_left_inv
... = a : add_right_id
theorem add_cancel_inv_left [s : add_group A] (a b : A) : -a + (a + b) = b :=
-a + (a + b) = -a + a + b : add_assoc
... = 0 + b : add_left_inv
... = b : add_left_id
theorem neg_unique {a b : A} (H : a + b = 0) : -a = b :=
-a = -a + 0 : add_right_id
... = -a + (a + b) : H
... = b : neg_add_cancel_left
definition add_group.to_left_cancel_semigroup [instance] [s : add_group A] :
add_left_cancel_semigroup A :=
add_left_cancel_semigroup.mk (@add_group.add A s) (@add_group.add_assoc A s)
(take a b c,
assume H : a + b = a + c,
b = -a + (a + b) : add_cancel_inv_left
... = -a + (a + c) : H
... = c : add_cancel_inv_left)
theorem neg_zero : -0 = 0 := neg_unique (add_left_id 0)
definition add_group.to_add_right_cancel_semigroup [instance] [s : add_group A] :
add_right_cancel_semigroup A :=
add_right_cancel_semigroup.mk (@add_group.add A s) (@add_group.add_assoc A s)
(take a b c,
assume H : a + b = c + b,
a = (a + b) + -b : add_inv_cancel_right
... = (c + b) + -b : H
... = c : add_inv_cancel_right)
theorem neg_neg (a : A) : -(-a) = a := neg_unique (add_left_inv a)
theorem neg_inj {a b : A} (H : -a = -b) : a = b :=
a = -(-a) : neg_neg
... = b : neg_unique (H⁻¹ ▸ (add_left_inv _))
theorem neg_eq_neg_iff_eq (a b : A) : -a = -b ↔ a = b :=
iff.intro (assume H, neg_inj H) (assume H, congr_arg _ H)
theorem neg_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero (a b : A) : -a = 0 ↔ a = 0 :=
neg_zero ▸ !neg_eq_neg_iff_eq
theorem eq_neg_imp_eq_neg {a b : A} (H : a = -b) : b = -a :=
H⁻¹ ▸ (neg_neg b)⁻¹
theorem eq_neg_iff_eq_neg (a b : A) : a = -b ↔ b = -a :=
iff.intro !eq_neg_imp_eq_neg !eq_neg_imp_eq_neg
theorem add_right_inv (a : A) : a + -a = 0 :=
a + -a = -(-a) + -a : neg_neg
... = 0 : add_left_inv
theorem add_neg_cancel_left (a b : A) : a + (-a + b) = b :=
a + (-a + b) = a + -a + b : add_assoc
... = 0 + b : add_right_inv
... = b : add_left_id
theorem add_neg_cancel_right (a b : A) : a + b + -b = a :=
a + b + -b = a + (b + -b) : add_assoc
... = a + 0 : add_right_inv
... = a : add_right_id
theorem neg_add (a b : A) : -(a + b) = -b + -a :=
a + b + (-b + -a) = a + (b + (-b + -a)) : add_assoc
... = a + -a : add_neg_cancel_left
... = 0 : add_right_inv)
theorem add_eq_imp_eq_add_neg {a b c : A} (H : a + b = c) : a = c + -b :=
H ▸ !add_neg_cancel_right⁻¹
theorem add_eq_imp_eq_neg_add {a b c : A} (H : a + b = c) : b = -a + c :=
H ▸ !neg_add_cancel_left⁻¹
theorem eq_add_imp_neg_add_eq {a b c : A} (H : a = b + c) : -b + a = c :=
H⁻¹ ▸ !neg_add_cancel_left
theorem eq_add_imp_add_neg_eq {a b c : A} (H : a = b + c) : a + -c = b :=
H⁻¹ ▸ !add_neg_cancel_right
theorem add_neg_eq_imp_eq_add {a b c : A} (H : a + -b = c) : a = c + b :=
!neg_neg ▸ (add_eq_imp_eq_add_neg H)
theorem neg_add_eq_imp_eq_add {a b c : A} (H : -a + b = c) : b = a + c :=
!neg_neg ▸ (add_eq_imp_eq_neg_add H)
theorem eq_neg_add_imp_add_eq {a b c : A} (H : a = -b + c) : b + a = c :=
!neg_neg ▸ (eq_add_imp_neg_add_eq H)
theorem eq_add_neg_imp_add_eq {a b c : A} (H : a = b + -c) : a + c = b :=
!neg_neg ▸ (eq_add_imp_add_neg_eq H)
definition add_group.to_left_cancel_semigroup [instance] :
add_left_cancel_semigroup A :=
add_left_cancel_semigroup.mk (@add_group.add A s) (@add_group.add_assoc A s)
(take a b c,
assume H : a + b = a + c,
b = -a + (a + b) : neg_add_cancel_left
... = -a + (a + c) : H
... = c : neg_add_cancel_left)
definition add_group.to_add_right_cancel_semigroup [instance] :
add_right_cancel_semigroup A :=
add_right_cancel_semigroup.mk (@add_group.add A s) (@add_group.add_assoc A s)
(take a b c,
assume H : a + b = c + b,
a = (a + b) + -b : add_neg_cancel_right
... = (c + b) + -b : H
... = c : add_neg_cancel_right)
/- minus -/
-- TODO: derive corresponding facts for div in a field
definition minus (a b : A) : A := a + -b
infix `-` := minus
theorem minus_self (a : A) : a - a = 0 := !add_right_inv
theorem minus_add_cancel (a b : A) : a - b + b = a := !neg_add_cancel_right
theorem add_minus_cancel (a b : A) : a + b - b = a := !add_neg_cancel_right
theorem minus_eq_zero_imp_eq {a b : A} (H : a - b = 0) : a = b :=
a = (a - b) + b : minus_add_cancel
... = 0 + b : H
... = b : add_left_id
theorem eq_iff_minus_eq_zero (a b : A) : a = b ↔ a - b = 0 :=
iff.intro (assume H, H ▸ !minus_self) (assume H, minus_eq_zero_imp_eq H)
theorem zero_minus (a : A) : 0 - a = -a := !add_left_id
theorem minus_zero (a : A) : a - 0 = a := subst (eq.symm neg_zero) !add_right_id
theorem minus_neg_eq_add (a b : A) : a - (-b) = a + b := !neg_neg⁻¹ ▸ rfl
theorem neg_minus_eq (a b : A) : -(a - b) = b - a :=
a - b + (b - a) = a - b + b - a : add_assoc
... = a - a : minus_add_cancel
... = 0 : minus_self)
theorem add_minus_eq (a b c : A) : a + (b - c) = a + b - c := !add_assoc⁻¹
theorem minus_add_eq_minus_swap (a b c : A) : a - (b + c) = a - c - b :=
a - (b + c) = a + (-c - b) : neg_add
... = a - c - b : add_assoc
theorem minus_eq_iff_eq_add (a b c : A) : a - b = c ↔ a = c + b :=
iff.intro (assume H, add_neg_eq_imp_eq_add H) (assume H, eq_add_imp_add_neg_eq H)
theorem eq_minus_iff_add_eq (a b c : A) : a = b - c ↔ a + c = b :=
iff.intro (assume H, eq_add_neg_imp_add_eq H) (assume H, add_eq_imp_eq_add_neg H)
theorem minus_eq_minus_iff {a b c d : A} (H : a - b = c - d) : a = b ↔ c = d :=
a = b ↔ a - b = 0 : eq_iff_minus_eq_zero
... ↔ c - d = 0 : H ▸ !iff.refl
... ↔ c = d : iff.symm (eq_iff_minus_eq_zero c d)
end add_group
structure add_comm_group [class] (A : Type) extends add_group A, add_comm_monoid A
section add_comm_group
variable [s : add_comm_group A]
include s
theorem minus_add_eq (a b c : A) : a - (b + c) = a - b - c :=
!add_comm ▸ !minus_add_eq_minus_swap
theorem neg_add_eq_minus (a b : A) : -a + b = b - a := !add_comm
theorem neg_add_distrib (a b : A) : -(a + b) = -a + -b := !add_comm ▸ !neg_add
theorem minus_add_right_comm (a b c : A) : a - b + c = a + c - b := !add_right_comm
theorem minus_minus_eq (a b c : A) : a - b - c = a - (b + c) :=
a - b - c = a + (-b + -c) : add_assoc
... = a + -(b + c) : neg_add_distrib
... = a - (b + c) : rfl
theorem add_minus_cancel_left (a b c : A) : (c + a) - (c + b) = a - b :=
(c + a) - (c + b) = c + a - c - b : minus_add_eq
... = a + c - c - b : add_comm a c
... = a - b : add_minus_cancel
end add_comm_group
end A_Type
/- bundled structures -/
@ -327,4 +559,3 @@ coercion AddCommGroup.carrier
instance AddCommGroup.struct
end algebra
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