feat(library/theories/measure_theory/sigma_algebra): add measurable and borel functions, from Jacob Gross
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1 changed files with 87 additions and 4 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Jacob Gross, Jeremy Avigad
Sigma algebras.
import data.set data.nat theories.topology.basic
import data.set data.nat theories.topology.continuous ..move
open eq.ops set nat
structure sigma_algebra [class] (X : Type) :=
@ -65,13 +65,47 @@ theorem measurable_insert {x : X} {s : set X} (Hx : measurable '{x}) (Hs : measu
end measure_theory
/- Measurable functions -/
namespace measure_theory
open sigma_algebra function
variables {X Y Z : Type} {M : sigma_algebra X} {N : sigma_algebra Y} {L : sigma_algebra Z}
definition measurable_fun (f : X → Y) (M : sigma_algebra X) (N : sigma_algebra Y) :=
∀ ⦃s⦄, s ∈ sets Y → f '- s ∈ sets X
theorem measurable_fun_id : measurable_fun (@id X) M M :=
take s, suppose s ∈ sets X, this
theorem measurable_fun_comp {f : X → Y} {g : Y → Z} (Hf : measurable_fun f M N)
(Hg : measurable_fun g N L) :
measurable_fun (g ∘ f) M L :=
take s, assume Hs, Hf (Hg Hs)
open classical
theorem measurable_fun_const (c : Y) :
measurable_fun (λ x : X, c) M N :=
take s, assume Hs,
if cs : c ∈ s then
have (λx, c) '- s = @univ X, from eq_univ_of_forall (take x, mem_preimage cs),
by rewrite this; apply measurable_univ
have (λx, c) '- s = (∅ : set X),
from eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem (take x, assume H, cs (mem_of_mem_preimage H)),
by rewrite this; apply measurable_empty
end measure_theory
-- Properties of sigma algebras
namespace sigma_algebra
open measure_theory
variable {X : Type}
variables {X : Type}
protected theorem eq {M N : sigma_algebra X} (H : @sets X M = @sets X N) :
M = N :=
@ -108,6 +142,21 @@ theorem measurable_generated_by {G : set (set X)} :
∀₀ s ∈ G, @measurable _ (sigma_algebra.generated_by G) s :=
λ s H, sets_generated_by.generators_mem H
variables {Y : Type} {M : sigma_algebra X}
theorem measurable_fun_generated_by (f : X → Y) (G : set (set Y))
(Hg : ∀₀ g ∈ G, f '- g ∈ sets X) : measurable_fun f M (sigma_algebra.generated_by G) :=
intro A HA,
induction HA with Hg A s setsG pre s' HsetsG HsetsG',
exact Hg A,
exact measurable_univ,
rewrite [preimage_compl]; exact measurable_compl pre,
rewrite [preimage_Union]; exact measurable_cUnion HsetsG'
/- The collection of sigma algebras forms a complete lattice. -/
protected definition le (M N : sigma_algebra X) : Prop := @sets _ M ⊆ @sets _ N
@ -237,12 +286,46 @@ section
variable {X}
definition borel (s : set X) : Prop := @measurable _ (borel_algebra X) s
theorem borel_of_open {s : set X} (H : Open s) : borel s :=
theorem borel_of_Open {s : set X} (H : Open s) : borel s :=
sigma_algebra.measurable_generated_by H
theorem borel_of_closed {s : set X} (H : closed s) : borel s :=
have borel (-s), from borel_of_open H,
have borel (-s), from borel_of_Open H,
@measurable_of_measurable_compl _ (borel_algebra X) _ this
/- borel functions -/
open topology function
variables {X Y Z : Type} [topology X] [topology Y] [topology Z]
definition borel_fun (f : X → Y) := ∀ ⦃s⦄, Open s → borel (f '- s)
theorem borel_fun_id : borel_fun (@id X) := λ s Os, borel_of_Open Os
theorem borel_fun_of_continuous {f : X → Y} (H : continuous f) : borel_fun f :=
λ s Os, borel_of_Open (H Os)
theorem borel_fun_const (c : Y) : borel_fun (λ x : X, c) :=
borel_fun_of_continuous (continuous_const c)
theorem measurable_fun_of_borel_fun {f : X → Y} (H : borel_fun f) :
measurable_fun f (borel_algebra X) (borel_algebra Y) :=
sigma_algebra.measurable_fun_generated_by f (opens Y) H
theorem borel_fun_of_measurable_fun {f : X → Y}
(H : measurable_fun f (borel_algebra X) (borel_algebra Y)) :
borel_fun f :=
λ s Os, H (borel_of_Open Os)
theorem borel_fun_iff (f : X → Y) :
borel_fun f ↔ measurable_fun f (borel_algebra X) (borel_algebra Y) :=
iff.intro measurable_fun_of_borel_fun borel_fun_of_measurable_fun
theorem borel_fun_comp {f : X → Y} {g : Y → Z} (Hf : borel_fun f) (Hg : borel_fun g) :
borel_fun (g ∘ f) :=
λ s Os, measurable_fun_of_borel_fun Hf (Hg Os)
end measure_theory
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