refactor(library/theories/analysis/metric_space): refactor some proofs

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Jeremy Avigad 2016-05-19 11:38:32 -04:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent e17c5c4f08
commit 2bc67cf936

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ eq_of_dist_eq_zero (eq_zero_of_nonneg_of_forall_le !dist_nonneg H)
definition open_ball (x : M) (ε : ) := {y | dist y x < ε} definition open_ball (x : M) (ε : ) := {y | dist y x < ε}
theorem open_ball_empty_of_nonpos (x : M) {ε : } (Hε : ε ≤ 0) : open_ball x ε = ∅ := theorem open_ball_eq_empty_of_nonpos (x : M) {ε : } (Hε : ε ≤ 0) : open_ball x ε = ∅ :=
begin begin
apply eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem, apply eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem,
intro y Hlt, intro y Hlt,
@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ theorem open_ball_empty_of_nonpos (x : M) {ε : } (Hε : ε ≤ 0) : open_bal
apply lt_of_lt_of_le Hlt Hε apply lt_of_lt_of_le Hlt Hε
end end
theorem radius_pos_of_nonempty {x : M} {ε : } {u : M} (Hu : u ∈ open_ball x ε) : ε > 0 := theorem pos_of_mem_open_ball {x : M} {ε : } {u : M} (Hu : u ∈ open_ball x ε) : ε > 0 :=
begin begin
apply lt_of_not_ge, apply lt_of_not_ge,
intro Hge, intro Hge,
note Hop := open_ball_empty_of_nonpos x Hge, note Hop := open_ball_eq_empty_of_nonpos x Hge,
rewrite Hop at Hu, rewrite Hop at Hu,
apply not_mem_empty _ Hu apply not_mem_empty _ Hu
end end
@ -77,205 +77,94 @@ theorem radius_pos_of_nonempty {x : M} {ε : } {u : M} (Hu : u ∈ open_ball
theorem mem_open_ball (x : M) {ε : } (H : ε > 0) : x ∈ open_ball x ε := theorem mem_open_ball (x : M) {ε : } (H : ε > 0) : x ∈ open_ball x ε :=
show dist x x < ε, by rewrite dist_self; assumption show dist x x < ε, by rewrite dist_self; assumption
definition closed_ball (x : M) (ε : ) := {y | dist x y ≤ ε} definition closed_ball (x : M) (ε : ) := {y | dist y x ≤ ε}
theorem closed_ball_eq_compl (x : M) (ε : ) : closed_ball x ε = - {y | dist x y > ε} := theorem closed_ball_eq_compl (x : M) (ε : ) : closed_ball x ε = - {y | dist y x > ε} :=
begin ext (take y, iff.intro
apply ext, (suppose dist y x ≤ ε, not_lt_of_ge this)
intro y, (suppose ¬ dist y x > ε, le_of_not_gt this))
apply iff.intro,
intro Hle,
apply mem_compl,
intro Hgt,
apply not_le_of_gt Hgt Hle,
intro Hx,
note Hx' := not_mem_of_mem_compl Hx,
apply le_of_not_gt,
intro Hgt,
apply Hx',
exact Hgt
variable (M) variable (M)
definition open_sets_basis := definition open_sets_basis : set (set M) := { s | ∃ x, ∃ ε, s = open_ball x ε }
image (λ pair : M × , open_ball (pr1 pair) (pr2 pair)) univ
definition metric_topology [instance] : topology M := definition metric_topology [instance] : topology M := topology.generated_by (open_sets_basis M)
topology.generated_by (open_sets_basis M)
variable {M} variable {M}
theorem open_ball_mem_open_sets_basis (x : M) (ε : ) : open_ball x ε ∈ open_sets_basis M := theorem open_ball_mem_open_sets_basis (x : M) (ε : ) : open_ball x ε ∈ open_sets_basis M :=
mem_image !mem_univ rfl exists.intro x (exists.intro ε rfl)
theorem open_ball_open (x : M) (ε : ) : Open (open_ball x ε) := theorem Open_open_ball (x : M) (ε : ) : Open (open_ball x ε) :=
by apply generators_mem_topology_generated_by; apply open_ball_mem_open_sets_basis by apply generators_mem_topology_generated_by; apply open_ball_mem_open_sets_basis
theorem closed_ball_closed (x : M) {ε : } (H : ε > 0) : closed (closed_ball x ε) := theorem closed_closed_ball (x : M) {ε : } (H : ε > 0) : closed (closed_ball x ε) :=
begin Open_of_forall_exists_Open_nbhd
apply iff.mpr !closed_iff_Open_compl, (take y, suppose ¬ dist y x ≤ ε,
rewrite closed_ball_eq_compl, have dist y x > ε, from lt_of_not_ge this,
rewrite compl_compl, let B := open_ball y (dist y x - ε) in
apply Open_of_forall_exists_Open_nbhd, have y ∈ B, from mem_open_ball y (sub_pos_of_lt this),
intro y Hxy, have B ⊆ - closed_ball x ε, from
existsi open_ball y (dist x y - ε), take y',
split, assume Hy'y : dist y' y < dist y x - ε,
apply open_ball_open, assume Hy'x : dist y' x ≤ ε,
split, show false, from not_lt_self (dist y x)
apply mem_open_ball, (calc
apply sub_pos_of_lt Hxy, dist y x ≤ dist y y' + dist y' x : dist_triangle
intros y' Hxy'd, ... < dist y x - ε + dist y' x : by rewrite dist_comm; apply add_lt_add_right Hy'y
apply lt_of_not_ge, ... ≤ dist y x - ε + ε : add_le_add_left Hy'x
intro Hxy', ... = dist y x : by rewrite [sub_add_cancel]),
apply not_lt_self (dist x y), exists.intro B (and.intro (Open_open_ball _ _) (and.intro `y ∈ B` this)))
exact calc
dist x y ≤ dist x y' + dist y' y : dist_triangle
... ≤ ε + dist y' y : add_le_add_right Hxy'
... < ε + (dist x y - ε) : add_lt_add_left Hxy'd
... = dist x y : by rewrite [add.comm, sub_add_cancel]
private theorem not_mem_open_basis_of_boundary_pt {s : set M} (a : s ∈ open_sets_basis M) {x : M} proposition open_ball_subset_open_ball_of_le (x : M) {r₁ r₂ : } (H : r₁ ≤ r₂) :
(Hbd : ∀ ε : , ε > 0 → ∃ v : M, v ∉ s ∧ dist x v < ε) : ¬ x ∈ s := open_ball x r₁ ⊆ open_ball x r₂ :=
begin take y, assume ymem, lt_of_lt_of_le ymem H
intro HxU,
cases a with pr Hpr,
cases pr with y r,
cases Hpr with _ Hs,
rewrite -Hs at HxU,
have H : dist x y < r, from HxU,
cases Hbd _ (sub_pos_of_lt H) with v Hv,
cases Hv with Hv Hvdist,
apply Hv,
rewrite -Hs,
apply lt_of_le_of_lt,
apply dist_triangle,
exact x,
rewrite dist_comm,
exact add_lt_of_lt_sub_right Hvdist
private theorem not_mem_intersect_of_boundary_pt {s t : set M} (a : Open s) (a_1 : Open t) {x : M} theorem exists_open_ball_subset_of_Open_of_mem {U : set M} (HU : Open U) {x : M} (Hx : x ∈ U) :
(v_0 : (x ∈ s → ¬ (∀ (ε : ), ε > 0 → (∃ (v : M), v ∉ s ∧ dist x v < ε))))
(v_1 : (x ∈ t → ¬ (∀ (ε : ), ε > 0 → (∃ (v : M), v ∉ t ∧ dist x v < ε))))
(Hbd : ∀ (ε : ), ε > 0 → (∃ (v : M), v ∉ s ∩ t ∧ dist x v < ε)) : ¬ (x ∈ s ∩ t) :=
intro HxU,
have Hxs : x ∈ s, from mem_of_mem_inter_left HxU,
have Hxt : x ∈ t, from mem_of_mem_inter_right HxU,
note Hsih := exists_not_of_not_forall (v_0 Hxs),
note Htih := exists_not_of_not_forall (v_1 Hxt),
cases Hsih with ε1 Hε1,
cases Htih with ε2 Hε2,
note Hε1' := and_not_of_not_implies Hε1,
note Hε2' := and_not_of_not_implies Hε2,
cases Hε1' with Hε1p Hε1',
cases Hε2' with Hε2p Hε2',
note Hε1'' := forall_not_of_not_exists Hε1',
note Hε2'' := forall_not_of_not_exists Hε2',
have Hmin : min ε1 ε2 > 0, from lt_min Hε1p Hε2p,
cases Hbd _ Hmin with v Hv,
cases Hv with Hvint Hvdist,
note Hε1v := Hε1'' v,
note Hε2v := Hε2'' v,
cases em (v ∉ s) with Hnm Hmem,
apply Hε1v,
exact Hnm,
apply lt_of_lt_of_le Hvdist,
apply min_le_left,
apply Hε2v,
have Hmem' : v ∈ s, from not_not_elim Hmem,
note Hnm := not_mem_of_mem_of_not_mem_inter_left Hmem' Hvint,
exact Hnm,
apply lt_of_lt_of_le Hvdist,
apply min_le_right
private theorem not_mem_sUnion_of_boundary_pt {S : set (set M)} (a : ∀₀ s ∈ S, Open s) {x : M}
(v_0 : ∀ ⦃x_1 : set M⦄,
x_1 ∈ S → x ∈ x_1 → ¬ (∀ (ε : ), ε > 0 → (∃ (v : M), v ∉ x_1 ∧ dist x v < ε)))
(Hbd : ∀ (ε : ), ε > 0 → (∃ (v : M), v ∉ ⋃₀ S ∧ dist x v < ε)) : ¬ x ∈ ⋃₀ S :=
intro HxU,
have Hex : ∃₀ s ∈ S, x ∈ s, from HxU,
cases Hex with s Hs,
cases Hs with Hs Hxs,
cases exists_not_of_not_forall (v_0 Hs Hxs) with ε Hε,
cases and_not_of_not_implies Hε with Hεp Hv,
cases Hbd _ Hεp with v Hv',
cases Hv' with Hvnm Hdist,
apply Hv,
existsi v,
apply not_mem_of_not_mem_sUnion Hvnm Hs,
exact Hdist
this should be doable by showing that the open-ball boundary definition
is equivalent to topology.on_boundary, and applying topology.not_open_of_on_boundary.
But the induction hypotheses don't work out nicely.
theorem not_open_of_ex_boundary_pt {U : set M} {x : M} (HxU : x ∈ U)
(Hbd : ∀ ε : , ε > 0 → ∃ v : M, v ∉ U ∧ dist x v < ε) : ¬ Open U :=
intro HUopen,
induction HUopen,
{apply not_mem_open_basis_of_boundary_pt a Hbd HxU},
{cases Hbd 1 zero_lt_one with v Hv,
cases Hv with Hv _,
exact Hv !mem_univ},
{apply not_mem_intersect_of_boundary_pt a a_1 v_0 v_1 Hbd HxU},
{apply not_mem_sUnion_of_boundary_pt a v_0 Hbd HxU}
theorem exists_Open_ball_subset_of_Open_of_mem {U : set M} (HU : Open U) {x : M} (Hx : x ∈ U) :
∃ (r : ), r > 0 ∧ open_ball x r ⊆ U := ∃ (r : ), r > 0 ∧ open_ball x r ⊆ U :=
begin begin
let balloon := {r ∈ univ | r > 0 ∧ open_ball x r ⊆ U}, induction HU with s sbasis s t sbasis tbasis ihs iht S Sbasis ihS,
cases em (balloon = ∅), {cases sbasis with x' aux, cases aux with ε seq,
have H : ∀ r : , r > 0 → ∃ v : M, v ∉ U ∧ dist x v < r, begin have x ∈ open_ball x' ε, by rewrite -seq; exact Hx,
intro r Hr, have εpos : ε > 0, from pos_of_mem_open_ball this,
note Hor := not_or_not_of_not_and (forall_not_of_sep_empty a (mem_univ r)), have ε - dist x x' > 0, from sub_pos_of_lt `x ∈ open_ball x' ε`,
note Hor' := or.neg_resolve_left Hor Hr, existsi (ε - dist x x'), split, exact this, rewrite seq,
apply exists_of_not_forall_not, show open_ball x (ε - dist x x') ⊆ open_ball x' ε, from
intro Hall, take y, suppose dist y x < ε - dist x x',
apply Hor', calc
intro y Hy, dist y x' ≤ dist y x + dist x x' : dist_triangle
cases not_or_not_of_not_and (Hall y) with Hmem Hge, ... < ε - dist x x' + dist x x' : add_lt_add_right this
apply not_not_elim Hmem, ... = ε : sub_add_cancel},
rewrite dist_comm at Hge, {existsi 1, split, exact zero_lt_one, exact subset_univ _},
apply absurd Hy Hge {cases ihs (and.left Hx) with rs aux, cases aux with rspos ballrs_sub,
end, cases iht (and.right Hx) with rt aux, cases aux with rtpos ballrt_sub,
apply absurd HU, let rmin := min rs rt,
apply not_open_of_ex_boundary_pt Hx H, existsi rmin, split, exact lt_min rspos rtpos,
cases exists_mem_of_ne_empty a with r Hr, have open_ball x rmin ⊆ s,
cases Hr with _ Hr, from subset.trans (open_ball_subset_open_ball_of_le x !min_le_left) ballrs_sub,
cases Hr with Hrpos HxrU, have open_ball x rmin ⊆ t,
existsi r, from subset.trans (open_ball_subset_open_ball_of_le x !min_le_right) ballrt_sub,
split, show open_ball x (min rs rt) ⊆ s ∩ t,
repeat assumption by apply subset_inter; repeat assumption},
end cases Hx with s aux, cases aux with sS xs,
cases (ihS sS xs) with r aux, cases aux with rpos ballr_sub,
existsi r, split, exact rpos,
show open_ball x r ⊆ ⋃₀ S, from subset.trans ballr_sub (subset_sUnion_of_mem sS)
/- limits in metric spaces -/ /- limits in metric spaces -/
proposition eventually_nhds_intro {P : M → Prop} {ε : } (εpos : ε > 0) {x : M} proposition eventually_nhds_intro {P : M → Prop} {ε : } (εpos : ε > 0) {x : M}
(H : ∀ x', dist x' x < ε → P x') : (H : ∀ x', dist x' x < ε → P x') :
eventually P (nhds x) := eventually P (nhds x) :=
topology.eventually_nhds_intro (open_ball_open x ε) (mem_open_ball x εpos) H topology.eventually_nhds_intro (Open_open_ball x ε) (mem_open_ball x εpos) H
proposition eventually_nhds_dest {P : M → Prop} {x : M} (H : eventually P (nhds x)) : proposition eventually_nhds_dest {P : M → Prop} {x : M} (H : eventually P (nhds x)) :
∃ ε, ε > 0 ∧ ∀ x', dist x' x < ε → P x' := ∃ ε, ε > 0 ∧ ∀ x', dist x' x < ε → P x' :=
obtain s [(Os : Open s) [(xs : x ∈ s) (Hs : ∀₀ x' ∈ s, P x')]], obtain s [(Os : Open s) [(xs : x ∈ s) (Hs : ∀₀ x' ∈ s, P x')]],
from topology.eventually_nhds_dest H, from topology.eventually_nhds_dest H,
obtain ε [(εpos : ε > 0) (Hε : open_ball x ε ⊆ s)], obtain ε [(εpos : ε > 0) (Hε : open_ball x ε ⊆ s)],
from exists_Open_ball_subset_of_Open_of_mem Os xs, from exists_open_ball_subset_of_Open_of_mem Os xs,
exists.intro ε (and.intro εpos exists.intro ε (and.intro εpos
(take x', suppose dist x' x < ε, (take x', suppose dist x' x < ε,
have x' ∈ s, from Hε this, have x' ∈ s, from Hε this,
@ -293,7 +182,7 @@ eventually_nhds_intro εpos (λ x' H, H)
proposition eventually_at_within_intro {P : M → Prop} {ε : } (εpos : ε > 0) {x : M} {s : set M} proposition eventually_at_within_intro {P : M → Prop} {ε : } (εpos : ε > 0) {x : M} {s : set M}
(H : ∀₀ x' ∈ s, dist x' x < ε → x' ≠ x → P x') : (H : ∀₀ x' ∈ s, dist x' x < ε → x' ≠ x → P x') :
eventually P [at x within s] := eventually P [at x within s] :=
topology.eventually_at_within_intro (open_ball_open x ε) (mem_open_ball x εpos) topology.eventually_at_within_intro (Open_open_ball x ε) (mem_open_ball x εpos)
(λ x' x'mem x'ne x's, H x's x'mem x'ne) (λ x' x'mem x'ne x's, H x's x'mem x'ne)
proposition eventually_at_within_dest {P : M → Prop} {x : M} {s : set M} proposition eventually_at_within_dest {P : M → Prop} {x : M} {s : set M}
@ -302,7 +191,7 @@ proposition eventually_at_within_dest {P : M → Prop} {x : M} {s : set M}
obtain t [(Ot : Open t) [(xt : x ∈ t) (Ht : ∀₀ x' ∈ t, x' ≠ x → x' ∈ s → P x')]], obtain t [(Ot : Open t) [(xt : x ∈ t) (Ht : ∀₀ x' ∈ t, x' ≠ x → x' ∈ s → P x')]],
from topology.eventually_at_within_dest H, from topology.eventually_at_within_dest H,
obtain ε [(εpos : ε > 0) (Hε : open_ball x ε ⊆ t)], obtain ε [(εpos : ε > 0) (Hε : open_ball x ε ⊆ t)],
from exists_Open_ball_subset_of_Open_of_mem Ot xt, from exists_open_ball_subset_of_Open_of_mem Ot xt,
exists.intro ε (and.intro εpos exists.intro ε (and.intro εpos
(take x', assume x's distx'x x'nex, (take x', assume x's distx'x x'nex,
have x' ∈ t, from Hε distx'x, have x' ∈ t, from Hε distx'x,
@ -316,7 +205,7 @@ iff.intro eventually_at_within_dest
proposition eventually_at_intro {P : M → Prop} {ε : } (εpos : ε > 0) {x : M} proposition eventually_at_intro {P : M → Prop} {ε : } (εpos : ε > 0) {x : M}
(H : ∀ x', dist x' x < ε → x' ≠ x → P x') : (H : ∀ x', dist x' x < ε → x' ≠ x → P x') :
eventually P [at x] := eventually P [at x] :=
topology.eventually_at_intro (open_ball_open x ε) (mem_open_ball x εpos) topology.eventually_at_intro (Open_open_ball x ε) (mem_open_ball x εpos)
(λ x' x'mem x'ne, H x' x'mem x'ne) (λ x' x'mem x'ne, H x' x'mem x'ne)
proposition eventually_at_dest {P : M → Prop} {x : M} (H : eventually P [at x]) : proposition eventually_at_dest {P : M → Prop} {x : M} (H : eventually P [at x]) :
@ -662,13 +551,13 @@ theorem continuous_at_intro {f : M → N} {x : M}
begin begin
rewrite ↑continuous_at, rewrite ↑continuous_at,
intros U Uopen HfU, intros U Uopen HfU,
cases exists_Open_ball_subset_of_Open_of_mem Uopen HfU with r Hr, cases exists_open_ball_subset_of_Open_of_mem Uopen HfU with r Hr,
cases Hr with Hr HUr, cases Hr with Hr HUr,
cases H Hr with δ Hδ, cases H Hr with δ Hδ,
cases Hδ with Hδ Hx'δ, cases Hδ with Hδ Hx'δ,
existsi open_ball x δ, existsi open_ball x δ,
split, split,
apply open_ball_open, apply Open_open_ball,
split, split,
apply mem_open_ball, apply mem_open_ball,
exact Hδ, exact Hδ,
@ -684,10 +573,10 @@ theorem continuous_at_elim {f : M → N} {x : M} (Hfx : continuous_at f x) :
begin begin
intros ε Hε, intros ε Hε,
rewrite [↑continuous_at at Hfx], rewrite [↑continuous_at at Hfx],
cases @Hfx (open_ball (f x) ε) !open_ball_open (mem_open_ball _ Hε) with V HV, cases @Hfx (open_ball (f x) ε) !Open_open_ball (mem_open_ball _ Hε) with V HV,
cases HV with HV HVx, cases HV with HV HVx,
cases HVx with HVx HVf, cases HVx with HVx HVf,
cases exists_Open_ball_subset_of_Open_of_mem HV HVx with δ Hδ, cases exists_open_ball_subset_of_Open_of_mem HV HVx with δ Hδ,
cases Hδ with Hδ Hδx, cases Hδ with Hδ Hδx,
existsi δ, existsi δ,
split, split,