feat(library/data/set/function.lean): begin theory of functions on sets
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LIcENSE.
Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: data.set.basic
Author: Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura
@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ notation e ∈ a := mem e a
theorem setext {a b : set T} (H : ∀x, x ∈ a ↔ x ∈ b) : a = b :=
funext (take x, propext (H x))
definition subset (a b : set T) := ∀ x, x ∈ a → x ∈ b
definition subset (a b : set T) := ∀⦃x⦄, x ∈ a → x ∈ b
infix `⊆`:50 := subset
/- bounded quantification -/
abbreviation bounded_forall (a : set T) (P : T → Prop) := ∀x, x ∈ a → P x
abbreviation bounded_forall (a : set T) (P : T → Prop) := ∀⦃x⦄, x ∈ a → P x
notation `forallb` binders `∈` a `,` r:(scoped:1 P, P) := bounded_forall a r
notation `∀₀` binders `∈` a `,` r:(scoped:1 P, P) := bounded_forall a r
abbreviation bounded_exists (a : set T) (P : T → Prop) := ∃x, x ∈ a ∧ P x
abbreviation bounded_exists (a : set T) (P : T → Prop) := ∃⦃x⦄, x ∈ a ∧ P x
notation `existsb` binders `∈` a `,` r:(scoped:1 P, P) := bounded_exists a r
notation `∃₀` binders `∈` a `,` r:(scoped:1 P, P) := bounded_exists a r
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: data.set.function
Author: Jeremy Avigad, Andrew Zipperer
Functions between subsets of finite types.
import .basic
import algebra.function
open function eq.ops
namespace set
variables {X Y Z : Type}
abbreviation eq_on (f1 f2 : X → Y) (a : set X) : Prop :=
∀₀ x ∈ a, f1 x = f2 x
definition image (f : X → Y) (a : set X) : set Y := {y : Y | ∃x, x ∈ a ∧ f x = y}
notation f `'[`:max a `]` := image f a
theorem image_eq_image_of_eq_on {f1 f2 : X → Y} {a : set X} (H1 : eq_on f1 f2 a) :
f1 '[a] = f2 '[a] :=
setext (take y, iff.intro
(assume H2,
obtain x (H3 : x ∈ a ∧ f1 x = y), from H2,
have H4 : x ∈ a, from and.left H3,
have H5 : f2 x = y, from (H1 H4)⁻¹ ⬝ and.right H3,
exists.intro x (and.intro H4 H5))
(assume H2,
obtain x (H3 : x ∈ a ∧ f2 x = y), from H2,
have H4 : x ∈ a, from and.left H3,
have H5 : f1 x = y, from (H1 H4) ⬝ and.right H3,
exists.intro x (and.intro H4 H5)))
definition maps_to (f : X → Y) (a : set X) (b : set Y) : Prop := ∀⦃x⦄, x ∈ a → f x ∈ b
theorem maps_to_compose {g : Y → Z} {f : X → Y} {a : set X} {b : set Y} {c : set Z}
(H1 : maps_to g b c) (H2 : maps_to f a b) : maps_to (g ∘ f) a c :=
take x, assume H : x ∈ a, H1 (H2 H)
definition inj_on (f : X → Y) (a : set X) : Prop :=
∀⦃x1 x2 : X⦄, x1 ∈ a → x2 ∈ a → f x1 = f x2 → x1 = x2
theorem inj_on_of_eq_on {f1 f2 : X → Y} {a : set X} (inj_f1 : inj_on f1 a)
(eq_f1_f2 : eq_on f1 f2 a) : inj_on f2 a :=
take x1 x2 : X,
assume ax1 : x1 ∈ a,
assume ax2 : x2 ∈ a,
assume H : f2 x1 = f2 x2,
have H' : f1 x1 = f1 x2, from eq_f1_f2 ax1 ⬝ H ⬝ (eq_f1_f2 ax2)⁻¹,
show x1 = x2, from inj_f1 ax1 ax2 H'
definition surj_on (f : X → Y) (a : set X) (b : set Y) : Prop := b ⊆ f '[a]
theorem surj_on_of_eq_on {f1 f2 : X → Y} {a : set X} {b : set Y} (surj_f1 : surj_on f1 a b)
(eq_f1_f2 : eq_on f1 f2 a) : surj_on f2 a b :=
take y, assume H : y ∈ b,
obtain x (H1 : x ∈ a ∧ f1 x = y), from surj_f1 H,
have H2 : x ∈ a, from and.left H1,
have H3 : f2 x = y, from (eq_f1_f2 H2)⁻¹ ⬝ and.right H1,
exists.intro x (and.intro H2 H3)
end set
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