feat(library/data/fintype): add finite function related theories

develop kth related techniques, all_lists_of_len, all_funs, map between lists and functions, finite inverse and cardinality
remove function module from default import list for now
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Haitao Zhang 2015-06-08 10:19:14 -07:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent 35eae96aa5
commit 6949e2d422
2 changed files with 366 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura
Finite type (type class). Finite type (type class).
-/ -/
import .basic .function .card import .basic .card

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@ -1,7 +1,365 @@
/- /-
Copyright (c) 2015 Haitao Zhang. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2015 Haitao Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Haitao Zhang
Author : Haitao Zhang
Finite type (type class). -/
-/ import data
open nat function eq.ops
namespace list
-- this is in preparation for counting the number of finite functions
section list_of_lists
open prod
variable {A : Type}
definition cons_pair (pr : A × list A) := (pr1 pr) :: (pr2 pr)
definition cons_all_of (elts : list A) (ls : list (list A)) : list (list A) :=
map cons_pair (product elts ls)
lemma pair_of_cons {a} {l} {pr : A × list A} : cons_pair pr = a::l → pr = (a, l) :=
prod.destruct pr (λ p1 p2, assume Peq, list.no_confusion Peq (by intros; substvars))
lemma cons_pair_inj : injective (@cons_pair A) :=
take p1 p2, assume Pl,
prod.eq (list.no_confusion Pl (λ P1 P2, P1)) (list.no_confusion Pl (λ P1 P2, P2))
lemma nodup_of_cons_all {elts : list A} {ls : list (list A)}
: nodup elts → nodup ls → nodup (cons_all_of elts ls) :=
assume Pelts Pls,
nodup_map cons_pair_inj (nodup_product Pelts Pls)
lemma length_cons_all {elts : list A} {ls : list (list A)} :
length (cons_all_of elts ls) = length elts * length ls := calc
length (cons_all_of elts ls) = length (product elts ls) : length_map
... = length elts * length ls : length_product
variable [finA : fintype A]
include finA
definition all_lists_of_len : ∀ (n : nat), list (list A)
| 0 := [[]]
| (succ n) := cons_all_of (elements_of A) (all_lists_of_len n)
lemma nodup_all_lists : ∀ (n : nat), nodup (@all_lists_of_len A _ n)
| 0 := nodup_singleton []
| (succ n) := nodup_of_cons_all (fintype.unique A) (nodup_all_lists n)
lemma mem_all_lists : ∀ (n : nat) (l : list A), length l = n → l ∈ all_lists_of_len n
| 0 [] := assume P, mem_cons [] []
| 0 (a::l) := assume Peq, by contradiction
| (succ n) [] := assume Peq, by contradiction
| (succ n) (a::l) := assume Peq, begin
apply mem_map, apply mem_product,
exact fintype.complete a,
exact mem_all_lists n l (succ_inj Peq)
lemma leq_of_mem_all_lists : ∀ {n : nat} ⦃l : list A⦄,
l ∈ all_lists_of_len n → length l = n
| 0 [] := assume P, rfl
| 0 (a::l) := assume Pin, assert Peq : (a::l) = [], from mem_singleton Pin,
by contradiction
| (succ n) [] := assume Pin, obtain pr Pprin Ppr, from exists_of_mem_map Pin,
by contradiction
| (succ n) (a::l) := assume Pin, obtain pr Pprin Ppr, from exists_of_mem_map Pin,
assert Pl : l ∈ all_lists_of_len n,
from mem_of_mem_product_right ((pair_of_cons Ppr) ▸ Pprin),
by rewrite [length_cons, leq_of_mem_all_lists Pl]
open fintype
lemma length_all_lists : ∀ {n : nat}, length (@all_lists_of_len A _ n) = (card A) ^ n
| 0 := calc length [[]] = 1 : length_cons
| (succ n) := calc length _ = card A * length (all_lists_of_len n) : length_cons_all
... = card A * (card A ^ n) : length_all_lists
... = (card A ^ n) * card A : nat.mul.comm
... = (card A) ^ (succ n) : pow_succ
end list_of_lists
section kth
variable {A : Type}
definition kth : ∀ k (l : list A), k < length l → A
| k [] := begin rewrite length_nil, intro Pltz, exact absurd Pltz !not_lt_zero end
| 0 (a::l) := λ P, a
| (k+1) (a::l):= by rewrite length_cons; intro Plt; exact kth k l (lt_of_succ_lt_succ Plt)
lemma kth_zero_of_cons {a} (l : list A) (P : 0 < length (a::l)) : kth 0 (a::l) P = a :=
lemma kth_succ_of_cons {a} k (l : list A) (P : k+1 < length (a::l)) :
kth (succ k) (a::l) P = kth k l (lt_of_succ_lt_succ P) :=
lemma kth_mem : ∀ {k : nat} {l : list A} P, kth k l P ∈ l
| k [] := assume P, absurd P !not_lt_zero
| 0 (a::l) := assume P, by rewrite kth_zero_of_cons; apply mem_cons
| (succ k) (a::l) := assume P, by
rewrite [kth_succ_of_cons]; apply mem_cons_of_mem a; apply kth_mem
-- Leo provided the following proof.
lemma eq_of_kth_eq [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
: ∀ {l1 l2 : list A} (Pleq : length l1 = length l2),
(∀ (k : nat) (Plt1 : k < length l1) (Plt2 : k < length l2), kth k l1 Plt1 = kth k l2 Plt2) → l1 = l2
| [] [] h₁ h₂ := rfl
| (a₁::l₁) [] h₁ h₂ := by contradiction
| [] (a₂::l₂) h₁ h₂ := by contradiction
| (a₁::l₁) (a₂::l₂) h₁ h₂ :=
have ih₁ : length l₁ = length l₂, by injection h₁; eassumption,
have ih₂ : ∀ (k : nat) (plt₁ : k < length l₁) (plt₂ : k < length l₂), kth k l₁ plt₁ = kth k l₂ plt₂,
intro k plt₁ plt₂,
have splt₁ : succ k < length l₁ + 1, from succ_le_succ plt₁,
have splt₂ : succ k < length l₂ + 1, from succ_le_succ plt₂,
have keq : kth (succ k) (a₁::l₁) splt₁ = kth (succ k) (a₂::l₂) splt₂, from h₂ (succ k) splt₁ splt₂,
rewrite *kth_succ_of_cons at keq,
exact keq
assert ih : l₁ = l₂, from eq_of_kth_eq ih₁ ih₂,
assert k₁ : a₁ = a₂,
have lt₁ : 0 < length (a₁::l₁), from !zero_lt_succ,
have lt₂ : 0 < length (a₂::l₂), from !zero_lt_succ,
have e₁ : kth 0 (a₁::l₁) lt₁ = kth 0 (a₂::l₂) lt₂, from h₂ 0 lt₁ lt₂,
rewrite *kth_zero_of_cons at e₁,
by subst l₁; subst a₁
lemma kth_of_map {B : Type} {f : A → B} :
∀ {k : nat} {l : list A} Plt Pmlt, kth k (map f l) Pmlt = f (kth k l Plt)
| k [] := assume P, absurd P !not_lt_zero
| 0 (a::l) := assume Plt, by
rewrite [map_cons]; intro Pmlt; rewrite [kth_zero_of_cons]
| (succ k) (a::l) := assume P, begin
rewrite [map_cons], intro Pmlt, rewrite [*kth_succ_of_cons],
apply kth_of_map
lemma kth_find [deceqA : decidable_eq A] :
∀ {l : list A} {a} P, kth (find a l) l P = a
| [] := take a, assume P, absurd P !not_lt_zero
| (x::l) := take a, begin
assert Pd : decidable (a = x), {apply deceqA},
cases Pd with Pe Pne,
rewrite [find_cons_of_eq l Pe], intro P, rewrite [kth_zero_of_cons, Pe],
rewrite [find_cons_of_ne l Pne], intro P, rewrite [kth_succ_of_cons],
apply kth_find
lemma find_kth [deceqA : decidable_eq A] :
∀ {k : nat} {l : list A} P, find (kth k l P) l < length l
| k [] := assume P, absurd P !not_lt_zero
| 0 (a::l) := assume P, begin
rewrite [kth_zero_of_cons, find_cons_of_eq l rfl, length_cons],
exact !zero_lt_succ
| (succ k) (a::l) := assume P, begin
rewrite [kth_succ_of_cons],
assert Pd : decidable ((kth k l (lt_of_succ_lt_succ P)) = a),
{apply deceqA},
cases Pd with Pe Pne,
rewrite [find_cons_of_eq l Pe], apply zero_lt_succ,
rewrite [find_cons_of_ne l Pne], apply succ_lt_succ, apply find_kth
lemma find_kth_of_nodup [deceqA : decidable_eq A] :
∀ {k : nat} {l : list A} P, nodup l → find (kth k l P) l = k
| k [] := assume P, absurd P !not_lt_zero
| 0 (a::l) := assume Plt Pnodup,
by rewrite [kth_zero_of_cons, find_cons_of_eq l rfl]
| (succ k) (a::l) := assume Plt Pnodup, begin
rewrite [kth_succ_of_cons],
assert Pd : decidable ((kth k l (lt_of_succ_lt_succ Plt)) = a),
{apply deceqA},
cases Pd with Pe Pne,
assert Pin : a ∈ l, {rewrite -Pe, apply kth_mem},
exact absurd Pin (not_mem_of_nodup_cons Pnodup),
rewrite [find_cons_of_ne l Pne], apply congr (eq.refl succ),
apply find_kth_of_nodup (lt_of_succ_lt_succ Plt) (nodup_of_nodup_cons Pnodup)
end kth
end list
namespace fintype
open list
section found
variables {A B : Type}
variable [finA : fintype A]
include finA
lemma find_in_range [deceqB : decidable_eq B] {f : A → B} (b : B) :
∀ (l : list A) (P : find b (map f l) < length l), f (kth (find b (map f l)) l P) = b
| [] := assume P, begin exact absurd P !not_lt_zero end
| (a::l) := decidable.rec_on (deceqB b (f a))
(assume Peq, begin
rewrite [map_cons f a l, find_cons_of_eq _ Peq],
intro P, rewrite [kth_zero_of_cons], exact (Peq⁻¹)
(assume Pne, begin
rewrite [map_cons f a l, find_cons_of_ne _ Pne],
intro P,
rewrite [kth_succ_of_cons (find b (map f l)) l P],
exact find_in_range l (lt_of_succ_lt_succ P)
end found
section list_to_fun
variables {A B : Type}
variable [finA : fintype A]
include finA
definition fun_to_list (f : A → B) : list B := map f (elems A)
lemma length_map_of_fintype (f : A → B) : length (map f (elems A)) = card A :=
by apply length_map
variable [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
include deceqA
lemma fintype_find (a : A) : find a (elems A) < card A :=
find_lt_length (complete a)
definition list_to_fun (l : list B) (leq : length l = card A) : A → B :=
take x,
kth _ _ (leq⁻¹ ▸ fintype_find x)
definition all_funs [finB : fintype B] : list (A → B) :=
dmap (λ l, length l = card A) list_to_fun (all_lists_of_len (card A))
lemma list_to_fun_apply (l : list B) (leq : length l = card A) (a : A) :
∀ P, list_to_fun l leq a = kth (find a (elems A)) l P :=
assume P, rfl
variable [deceqB : decidable_eq B]
include deceqB
lemma fun_eq_list_to_fun_map (f : A → B) : ∀ P, f = list_to_fun (map f (elems A)) P :=
assume Pleq, funext (take a,
assert Plt : _, from Pleq⁻¹ ▸ find_lt_length (complete a), begin
rewrite [list_to_fun_apply _ Pleq a (Pleq⁻¹ ▸ find_lt_length (complete a))],
assert Pmlt : find a (elems A) < length (map f (elems A)),
{rewrite length_map, exact Plt},
rewrite [@kth_of_map A B f (find a (elems A)) (elems A) Plt _, kth_find]
lemma list_eq_map_list_to_fun (l : list B) (leq : length l = card A)
: l = map (list_to_fun l leq) (elems A) :=
apply eq_of_kth_eq, rewrite length_map, apply leq,
intro k Plt Plt2,
assert Plt1 : k < length (elems A), {apply leq ▸ Plt},
assert Plt3 : find (kth k (elems A) Plt1) (elems A) < length l,
{rewrite leq, apply find_kth},
rewrite [kth_of_map Plt1 Plt2, list_to_fun_apply l leq _ Plt3],
generalize Plt3,
rewrite [find_kth_of_nodup Plt1 (unique A)],
intro Plt, exact rfl
lemma fun_to_list_to_fun (f : A → B) : ∀ P, list_to_fun (fun_to_list f) P = f :=
assume P, (fun_eq_list_to_fun_map f P)⁻¹
lemma list_to_fun_to_list (l : list B) (leq : length l = card A) :
fun_to_list (list_to_fun l leq) = l
:= (list_eq_map_list_to_fun l leq)⁻¹
lemma dinj_list_to_fun : dinj (λ (l : list B), length l = card A) list_to_fun :=
take l1 l2 Pl1 Pl2 Peq,
by rewrite [list_eq_map_list_to_fun l1 Pl1, list_eq_map_list_to_fun l2 Pl2, Peq]
variable [finB : fintype B]
include finB
lemma nodup_all_funs : nodup (@all_funs A B _ _ _) :=
dmap_nodup_of_dinj dinj_list_to_fun (nodup_all_lists _)
lemma all_funs_complete (f : A → B) : f ∈ all_funs :=
assert Plin : map f (elems A) ∈ all_lists_of_len (card A),
from mem_all_lists (card A) _ (by rewrite length_map),
assert Plfin : list_to_fun (map f (elems A)) (length_map_of_fintype f) ∈ all_funs,
from mem_of_dmap _ Plin,
begin rewrite [fun_eq_list_to_fun_map f (length_map_of_fintype f)], apply Plfin end
lemma all_funs_to_all_lists : map fun_to_list (@all_funs A B _ _ _) = all_lists_of_len (card A) :=
map_of_dmap_inv_pos list_to_fun_to_list leq_of_mem_all_lists
lemma length_all_funs : length (@all_funs A B _ _ _) = (card B) ^ (card A) := calc
length _ = length (map fun_to_list all_funs) : length_map
... = length (all_lists_of_len (card A)) : all_funs_to_all_lists
... = (card B) ^ (card A) : length_all_lists
definition fun_is_fintype [instance] : fintype (A → B) :=
fintype.mk all_funs nodup_all_funs all_funs_complete
lemma card_funs : card (A → B) = (card B) ^ (card A) := length_all_funs
end list_to_fun
section surj_inv
variables {A B : Type}
variable [finA : fintype A]
include finA
-- surj from fintype domain implies fintype range
lemma mem_map_of_surj {f : A → B} (surj : surjective f) : ∀ b, b ∈ map f (elems A) :=
take b, obtain a Peq, from surj b,
Peq ▸ mem_map f (complete a)
variable [deceqB : decidable_eq B]
include deceqB
lemma found_of_surj {f : A → B} (surj : surjective f) :
∀ b, let elts := elems A, k := find b (map f elts) in k < length elts :=
λ b, let elts := elems A, img := map f elts, k := find b img in
have Pin : b ∈ img, from mem_map_of_surj surj b,
assert Pfound : k < length img, from find_lt_length (mem_map_of_surj surj b),
length_map f elts ▸ Pfound
definition right_inv {f : A → B} (surj : surjective f) : B → A :=
λ b, let elts := elems A, k := find b (map f elts) in
kth k elts (found_of_surj surj b)
lemma id_of_right_inv {f : A → B} (surj : surjective f) : f ∘ (right_inv surj) = id :=
funext (λ b, find_in_range b (elems A) (found_of_surj surj b))
end surj_inv
-- inj functions for equal card types are also surj and therefore bij
-- the right inv (since it is surj) is also the left inv
section inj
variables {A B : Type}
variable [finA : fintype A]
include finA
variable [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
include deceqA
variable [finB : fintype B]
include finB
variable [deceqB : decidable_eq B]
include deceqB
open finset
lemma surj_of_inj_eq_card : card A = card B → ∀ {f : A → B}, injective f → surjective f :=
assume Peqcard, take f, assume Pinj,
decidable.rec_on decidable_forall_finite
(assume P : surjective f, P)
(assume Pnsurj : ¬surjective f, obtain b Pne, from exists_not_of_not_forall Pnsurj,
assert Pall : ∀ a, f a ≠ b, from forall_not_of_not_exists Pne,
assert Pbnin : b ∉ image f univ, from λ Pin,
obtain a Pa, from exists_of_mem_image Pin, absurd (and.right Pa) (Pall a),
assert Puniv : finset.card (image f univ) = card A,
from card_eq_card_image_of_inj Pinj,
assert Punivb : finset.card (image f univ) = card B, from eq.trans Puniv Peqcard,
assert P : image f univ = univ, from univ_of_card_eq_univ Punivb,
absurd (P⁻¹▸ mem_univ b) Pbnin)
end inj
end fintype