feat(hit/circle): prove partly that the fundamental group of the circle is int
Also add markdown files for nat and int
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 321 additions and 63 deletions
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn
Declaration of the circle
Declaration of the circle
import .sphere types.bool types.eq
import .sphere types.bool types.eq types.int.hott types.arrow types.equiv
open eq suspension bool sphere_index equiv equiv.ops
open eq suspension bool sphere_index is_equiv equiv equiv.ops is_trunc
definition circle [reducible] := sphere 1
definition circle [reducible] := sphere 1
@ -130,6 +130,10 @@ namespace circle
transport (elim_type Pbase Ploop) loop = Ploop :=
transport (elim_type Pbase Ploop) loop = Ploop :=
by rewrite [tr_eq_cast_ap_fn,↑elim_type,elim_loop];apply cast_ua_fn
by rewrite [tr_eq_cast_ap_fn,↑elim_type,elim_loop];apply cast_ua_fn
theorem elim_type_loop_inv (Pbase : Type) (Ploop : Pbase ≃ Pbase) :
transport (elim_type Pbase Ploop) loop⁻¹ = to_inv Ploop :=
by rewrite [tr_inv_fn,↑to_inv]; apply inv_eq_inv; apply elim_type_loop
definition loop_neq_idp : loop ≠ idp :=
definition loop_neq_idp : loop ≠ idp :=
assume H : loop = idp,
assume H : loop = idp,
have H2 : Π{A : Type₁} {a : A} (p : a = a), p = idp,
have H2 : Π{A : Type₁} {a : A} (p : a = a), p = idp,
@ -149,4 +153,51 @@ namespace circle
have H2 : loop = idp, from apd10 H base,
have H2 : loop = idp, from apd10 H base,
absurd H2 loop_neq_idp
absurd H2 loop_neq_idp
open int
protected definition code (x : circle) : Type₀ :=
circle.elim_type_on x ℤ equiv_succ
definition transport_code_loop (a : ℤ) : transport code loop a = succ a :=
ap10 !elim_type_loop a
definition transport_code_loop_inv (a : ℤ)
: transport code loop⁻¹ a = pred a :=
ap10 !elim_type_loop_inv a
protected definition encode {x : circle} (p : base = x) : code x :=
transport code p (of_num 0) -- why is the explicit coercion needed here?
--attribute type_quotient.rec_on [unfold-c 4]
definition circle_eq_equiv (x : circle) : (base = x) ≃ code x :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact encode},
{ refine circle.rec_on x _ _,
{ exact power loop},
{ apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a,
refine !arrow.arrow_transport ⬝ !transport_eq_r ⬝ _,
rewrite [transport_code_loop_inv,power_con,succ_pred]}},
{ refine circle.rec_on x _ _,
{ intro a, esimp [circle.rec_on, circle.rec, base, rec2_on, rec2, base1,
suspension.rec_on, suspension.rec, north, pushout.rec_on, pushout.rec,
pushout.inl, type_quotient.rec_on], --simplify after #587
apply rec_nat_on a,
{ exact idp},
{ intros n p,
apply transport (λ(y : base = base), transport code y _ = _), apply power_con,
rewrite [▸*,con_tr, transport_code_loop, ↑[encode,code] at p, p]},
{ intros n p,
apply transport (λ(y : base = base), transport code y _ = _),
{ exact !power_con_inv ⬝ ap (power loop) !neg_succ⁻¹},
rewrite [▸*,con_tr,transport_code_loop_inv, ↑[encode,code] at p, p, -neg_succ]}},
{ apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, apply @is_hset.elim, change is_hset ℤ, exact _}},
--simplify after #587
{ intro p, cases p, exact idp},
definition base_eq_base_equiv : (base = base) ≃ ℤ :=
circle_eq_equiv base
end circle
end circle
@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ namespace is_equiv
definition eq_inv_of_eq (p : f a = b) : a = f⁻¹ b :=
definition eq_inv_of_eq (p : f a = b) : a = f⁻¹ b :=
(inv_eq_of_eq p⁻¹)⁻¹
(inv_eq_of_eq p⁻¹)⁻¹
--Transporting is an equivalence
--Transporting is an equivalence
@ -220,8 +219,18 @@ namespace is_equiv
is_equiv.mk _ (transport P p⁻¹) (tr_inv_tr p) (inv_tr_tr p) (tr_inv_tr_lemma p)
is_equiv.mk _ (transport P p⁻¹) (tr_inv_tr p) (inv_tr_tr p) (tr_inv_tr_lemma p)
end is_equiv
end is_equiv
open is_equiv
open is_equiv
namespace eq
definition tr_inv_fn {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {a a' : A} (p : a = a') :
transport B p⁻¹ = (transport B p)⁻¹ := idp
definition tr_inv {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {a a' : A} (p : a = a') (b : B a') :
p⁻¹ ▸ b = (transport B p)⁻¹ b := idp
definition cast_inv_fn {A B : Type} (p : A = B) : cast p⁻¹ = (cast p)⁻¹ := idp
definition cast_inv {A B : Type} (p : A = B) (b : B) : cast p⁻¹ b = (cast p)⁻¹ b := idp
end eq
namespace equiv
namespace equiv
namespace ops
namespace ops
attribute to_fun [coercion]
attribute to_fun [coercion]
@ -275,4 +284,9 @@ namespace equiv
attribute equiv.refl [refl]
attribute equiv.refl [refl]
attribute equiv.symm [symm]
attribute equiv.symm [symm]
namespace ops
infixl `⬝e`:75 := equiv.trans
postfix `⁻¹e`:(max + 1) := equiv.symm
abbreviation erfl := @equiv.refl
end ops
end equiv
end equiv
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ namespace eq
definition cast [reducible] {A B : Type} (p : A = B) (a : A) : B :=
definition cast [reducible] {A B : Type} (p : A = B) (a : A) : B :=
p ▸ a
p ▸ a
definition tr_inv [reducible] (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (u : P y) : P x :=
definition tr_rev [reducible] (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (u : P y) : P x :=
p⁻¹ ▸ u
p⁻¹ ▸ u
definition ap ⦃A B : Type⦄ (f : A → B) {x y:A} (p : x = y) : f x = f y :=
definition ap ⦃A B : Type⦄ (f : A → B) {x y:A} (p : x = y) : f x = f y :=
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ end sum
-- Product type
-- Product type
-- ------------
-- ------------
definition pair := @prod.mk
abbreviation pair := @prod.mk
namespace prod
namespace prod
@ -46,4 +46,12 @@ namespace arrow
definition arrow_equiv_arrow_left (f0 : A ≃ A') : (A → B) ≃ (A' → B) :=
definition arrow_equiv_arrow_left (f0 : A ≃ A') : (A → B) ≃ (A' → B) :=
arrow_equiv_arrow f0 equiv.refl
arrow_equiv_arrow f0 equiv.refl
/- Transport -/
definition arrow_transport {B C : A → Type} (p : a = a') (f : B a → C a)
: (transport (λa, B a → C a) p f) ∼ (λb, p ▸ f (p⁻¹ ▸ b)) :=
eq.rec_on p (λx, idp)
end arrow
end arrow
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ namespace eq
equiv.mk inverse _
equiv.mk inverse _
definition is_equiv_concat_left [instance] (p : a1 = a2) (a3 : A)
definition is_equiv_concat_left [instance] (p : a1 = a2) (a3 : A)
: is_equiv (@concat _ a1 a2 a3 p) :=
: is_equiv (concat p : a2 = a3 → a1 = a3) :=
is_equiv.mk (concat p) (concat p⁻¹)
is_equiv.mk (concat p) (concat p⁻¹)
(con_inv_cancel_left p)
(con_inv_cancel_left p)
(inv_con_cancel_left p)
(inv_con_cancel_left p)
@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ namespace is_equiv
theorem is_hprop_is_equiv [instance] : is_hprop (is_equiv f) :=
theorem is_hprop_is_equiv [instance] : is_hprop (is_equiv f) :=
is_hprop_of_imp_is_contr (λ(H : is_equiv f), is_trunc_equiv_closed -2 (equiv.symm !sigma_char'))
is_hprop_of_imp_is_contr (λ(H : is_equiv f), is_trunc_equiv_closed -2 (equiv.symm !sigma_char'))
definition inv_eq_inv {A B : Type} {f f' : A → B} {Hf : is_equiv f} {Hf' : is_equiv f'}
(p : f = f') : f⁻¹ = f'⁻¹ :=
apd011 inv p !is_hprop.elim
/- contractible fibers -/
/- contractible fibers -/
definition is_contr_fun [reducible] (f : A → B) := Π(b : B), is_contr (fiber f b)
definition is_contr_fun [reducible] (f : A → B) := Π(b : B), is_contr (fiber f b)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: int.basic
Module: types.int.basic
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jeremy Avigad
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jeremy Avigad
The integers, with addition, multiplication, and subtraction. The representation of the integers is
The integers, with addition, multiplication, and subtraction. The representation of the integers is
@ -146,21 +146,31 @@ int.cases_on a
(take m, assume H : nat_abs (of_nat m) = 0, ap of_nat H)
(take m, assume H : nat_abs (of_nat m) = 0, ap of_nat H)
(take m', assume H : nat_abs (neg_succ_of_nat m') = 0, absurd H (succ_ne_zero _))
(take m', assume H : nat_abs (neg_succ_of_nat m') = 0, absurd H (succ_ne_zero _))
definition rec_nat_on {P : ℤ → Type} (z : ℤ) (H0 : P 0) (Hsucc : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄, P n → P (succ n))
(Hpred : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄, P (- n) → P (-succ n)) : P z :=
int.rec_on z (λn, nat.rec_on n H0 Hsucc) (λn, nat.rec_on n (Hpred H0) (λm H, Hpred H))
--the only computation rule of rec_nat_on which is not definitional
definition rec_nat_on_neg {P : ℤ → Type} (n : nat) (H0 : P zero)
(Hsucc : Π⦃n : nat⦄, P n → P (succ n)) (Hpred : Π⦃n : nat⦄, P (- n) → P (-succ n))
: rec_nat_on (-succ n) H0 Hsucc Hpred = Hpred (rec_nat_on (-n) H0 Hsucc Hpred) :=
nat.rec_on n rfl (λn H, rfl)
/- int is a quotient of ordered pairs of natural numbers -/
/- int is a quotient of ordered pairs of natural numbers -/
protected definition equiv (p q : ℕ × ℕ) : Type₀ := pr1 p + pr2 q = pr2 p + pr1 q
definition int_equiv (p q : ℕ × ℕ) : Type₀ := pr1 p + pr2 q = pr2 p + pr1 q
local infix `≡` := int.equiv
local infix `≡` := int_equiv
protected theorem equiv.refl [refl] {p : ℕ × ℕ} : p ≡ p := !add.comm
protected theorem int_equiv.refl [refl] {p : ℕ × ℕ} : p ≡ p := !add.comm
protected theorem equiv.symm [symm] {p q : ℕ × ℕ} (H : p ≡ q) : q ≡ p :=
protected theorem int_equiv.symm [symm] {p q : ℕ × ℕ} (H : p ≡ q) : q ≡ p :=
pr1 q + pr2 p = pr2 p + pr1 q : !add.comm
pr1 q + pr2 p = pr2 p + pr1 q : !add.comm
... = pr1 p + pr2 q : H⁻¹
... = pr1 p + pr2 q : H⁻¹
... = pr2 q + pr1 p : !add.comm
... = pr2 q + pr1 p : !add.comm
protected theorem equiv.trans [trans] {p q r : ℕ × ℕ} (H1 : p ≡ q) (H2 : q ≡ r) : p ≡ r :=
protected theorem int_equiv.trans [trans] {p q r : ℕ × ℕ} (H1 : p ≡ q) (H2 : q ≡ r) : p ≡ r :=
have H3 : pr1 p + pr2 r + pr2 q = pr2 p + pr1 r + pr2 q, from
have H3 : pr1 p + pr2 r + pr2 q = pr2 p + pr1 r + pr2 q, from
pr1 p + pr2 r + pr2 q = pr1 p + pr2 q + pr2 r : by exact sorry
pr1 p + pr2 r + pr2 q = pr1 p + pr2 q + pr2 r : by exact sorry
@ -170,10 +180,10 @@ have H3 : pr1 p + pr2 r + pr2 q = pr2 p + pr1 r + pr2 q, from
... = pr2 p + pr1 r + pr2 q : by exact sorry,
... = pr2 p + pr1 r + pr2 q : by exact sorry,
show pr1 p + pr2 r = pr2 p + pr1 r, from add.cancel_right H3
show pr1 p + pr2 r = pr2 p + pr1 r, from add.cancel_right H3
protected definition equiv_equiv : is_equivalence equiv :=
protected definition int_equiv_int_equiv : is_equivalence int_equiv :=
is_equivalence.mk @equiv.refl @equiv.symm @equiv.trans
is_equivalence.mk @int_equiv.refl @int_equiv.symm @int_equiv.trans
protected definition equiv_cases {p q : ℕ × ℕ} (H : equiv p q) :
protected definition int_equiv_cases {p q : ℕ × ℕ} (H : int_equiv p q) :
(pr1 p ≥ pr2 p × pr1 q ≥ pr2 q) ⊎ (pr1 p < pr2 p × pr1 q < pr2 q) :=
(pr1 p ≥ pr2 p × pr1 q ≥ pr2 q) ⊎ (pr1 p < pr2 p × pr1 q < pr2 q) :=
sum.rec_on (@le_or_gt (pr2 p) (pr1 p))
sum.rec_on (@le_or_gt (pr2 p) (pr1 p))
(assume H1: pr1 p ≥ pr2 p,
(assume H1: pr1 p ≥ pr2 p,
@ -183,7 +193,7 @@ sum.rec_on (@le_or_gt (pr2 p) (pr1 p))
have H2 : pr2 p + pr1 q < pr2 p + pr2 q, from H ▸ add_lt_add_right H1 (pr2 q),
have H2 : pr2 p + pr1 q < pr2 p + pr2 q, from H ▸ add_lt_add_right H1 (pr2 q),
sum.inr (pair H1 (lt_of_add_lt_add_left H2)))
sum.inr (pair H1 (lt_of_add_lt_add_left H2)))
protected definition equiv_of_eq {p q : ℕ × ℕ} (H : p = q) : p ≡ q := H ▸ equiv.refl
protected definition int_equiv_of_eq {p q : ℕ × ℕ} (H : p = q) : p ≡ q := H ▸ int_equiv.refl
/- the representation and abstraction functions -/
/- the representation and abstraction functions -/
@ -220,15 +230,15 @@ sum.rec_on (@le_or_gt n m)
definition repr_abstr (p : ℕ × ℕ) : repr (abstr p) ≡ p :=
definition repr_abstr (p : ℕ × ℕ) : repr (abstr p) ≡ p :=
!prod.eta ▸ !repr_sub_nat_nat
!prod.eta ▸ !repr_sub_nat_nat
definition abstr_eq {p q : ℕ × ℕ} (Hequiv : p ≡ q) : abstr p = abstr q :=
definition abstr_eq {p q : ℕ × ℕ} (Hint_equiv : p ≡ q) : abstr p = abstr q :=
sum.rec_on (equiv_cases Hequiv)
sum.rec_on (int_equiv_cases Hint_equiv)
(assume H2,
(assume H2,
have H3 : pr1 p ≥ pr2 p, from prod.pr1 H2,
have H3 : pr1 p ≥ pr2 p, from prod.pr1 H2,
have H4 : pr1 q ≥ pr2 q, from prod.pr2 H2,
have H4 : pr1 q ≥ pr2 q, from prod.pr2 H2,
have H5 : pr1 p = pr1 q - pr2 q + pr2 p, from
have H5 : pr1 p = pr1 q - pr2 q + pr2 p, from
pr1 p = pr1 p + pr2 q - pr2 q : add_sub_cancel
pr1 p = pr1 p + pr2 q - pr2 q : add_sub_cancel
... = pr2 p + pr1 q - pr2 q : by rewrite [↑int.equiv at Hequiv,Hequiv]
... = pr2 p + pr1 q - pr2 q : by rewrite [↑int_equiv at Hint_equiv,Hint_equiv]
... = pr2 p + (pr1 q - pr2 q) : add_sub_assoc H4
... = pr2 p + (pr1 q - pr2 q) : add_sub_assoc H4
... = pr1 q - pr2 q + pr2 p : add.comm,
... = pr1 q - pr2 q + pr2 p : add.comm,
have H6 : pr1 p - pr2 p = pr1 q - pr2 q, from
have H6 : pr1 p - pr2 p = pr1 q - pr2 q, from
@ -242,7 +252,7 @@ sum.rec_on (equiv_cases Hequiv)
have H5 : pr2 p = pr2 q - pr1 q + pr1 p, from
have H5 : pr2 p = pr2 q - pr1 q + pr1 p, from
pr2 p = pr2 p + pr1 q - pr1 q : add_sub_cancel
pr2 p = pr2 p + pr1 q - pr1 q : add_sub_cancel
... = pr1 p + pr2 q - pr1 q : by rewrite [↑int.equiv at Hequiv,Hequiv]
... = pr1 p + pr2 q - pr1 q : by rewrite [↑int_equiv at Hint_equiv,Hint_equiv]
... = pr1 p + (pr2 q - pr1 q) : add_sub_assoc (le_of_lt H4)
... = pr1 p + (pr2 q - pr1 q) : add_sub_assoc (le_of_lt H4)
... = pr2 q - pr1 q + pr1 p : add.comm,
... = pr2 q - pr1 q + pr1 p : add.comm,
have H6 : pr2 p - pr1 p = pr2 q - pr1 q, from
have H6 : pr2 p - pr1 p = pr2 q - pr1 q, from
@ -251,20 +261,20 @@ sum.rec_on (equiv_cases Hequiv)
... = pr2 q - pr1 q : add_sub_cancel,
... = pr2 q - pr1 q : add_sub_cancel,
abstr_of_lt H3 ⬝ ap neg_succ_of_nat (ap pred H6)⬝ (abstr_of_lt H4)⁻¹)
abstr_of_lt H3 ⬝ ap neg_succ_of_nat (ap pred H6)⬝ (abstr_of_lt H4)⁻¹)
definition equiv_iff (p q : ℕ × ℕ) : (p ≡ q) ↔ ((p ≡ p) × (q ≡ q) × (abstr p = abstr q)) :=
definition int_equiv_iff (p q : ℕ × ℕ) : (p ≡ q) ↔ ((p ≡ p) × (q ≡ q) × (abstr p = abstr q)) :=
(assume H : equiv p q,
(assume H : int_equiv p q,
pair !equiv.refl (pair !equiv.refl (abstr_eq H)))
pair !int_equiv.refl (pair !int_equiv.refl (abstr_eq H)))
(assume H : equiv p p × equiv q q × abstr p = abstr q,
(assume H : int_equiv p p × int_equiv q q × abstr p = abstr q,
have H1 : abstr p = abstr q, from prod.pr2 (prod.pr2 H),
have H1 : abstr p = abstr q, from prod.pr2 (prod.pr2 H),
equiv.trans (H1 ▸ equiv.symm (repr_abstr p)) (repr_abstr q))
int_equiv.trans (H1 ▸ int_equiv.symm (repr_abstr p)) (repr_abstr q))
definition eq_abstr_of_equiv_repr {a : ℤ} {p : ℕ × ℕ} (Hequiv : repr a ≡ p) : a = abstr p :=
definition eq_abstr_of_int_equiv_repr {a : ℤ} {p : ℕ × ℕ} (Hint_equiv : repr a ≡ p) : a = abstr p :=
a = abstr (repr a) : abstr_repr
a = abstr (repr a) : abstr_repr
... = abstr p : abstr_eq Hequiv
... = abstr p : abstr_eq Hint_equiv
definition eq_of_repr_equiv_repr {a b : ℤ} (H : repr a ≡ repr b) : a = b :=
definition eq_of_repr_int_equiv_repr {a b : ℤ} (H : repr a ≡ repr b) : a = b :=
a = abstr (repr a) : abstr_repr
a = abstr (repr a) : abstr_repr
... = abstr (repr b) : abstr_eq H
... = abstr (repr b) : abstr_eq H
@ -322,9 +332,9 @@ definition repr_add (a b : ℤ) : repr (add a b) ≡ padd (repr a) (repr b) :=
int.cases_on a
int.cases_on a
(take m,
(take m,
int.cases_on b
int.cases_on b
(take n, !equiv.refl)
(take n, !int_equiv.refl)
(take n',
(take n',
have H1 : equiv (repr (add (of_nat m) (neg_succ_of_nat n'))) (m, succ n'),
have H1 : int_equiv (repr (add (of_nat m) (neg_succ_of_nat n'))) (m, succ n'),
from !repr_sub_nat_nat,
from !repr_sub_nat_nat,
have H2 : padd (repr (of_nat m)) (repr (neg_succ_of_nat n')) = (m, 0 + succ n'),
have H2 : padd (repr (of_nat m)) (repr (neg_succ_of_nat n')) = (m, 0 + succ n'),
from rfl,
from rfl,
@ -332,7 +342,7 @@ int.cases_on a
(take m',
(take m',
int.cases_on b
int.cases_on b
(take n,
(take n,
have H1 : equiv (repr (add (neg_succ_of_nat m') (of_nat n))) (n, succ m'),
have H1 : int_equiv (repr (add (neg_succ_of_nat m') (of_nat n))) (n, succ m'),
from !repr_sub_nat_nat,
from !repr_sub_nat_nat,
have H2 : padd (repr (neg_succ_of_nat m')) (repr (of_nat n)) = (0 + n, succ m'),
have H2 : padd (repr (neg_succ_of_nat m')) (repr (of_nat n)) = (0 + n, succ m'),
from rfl,
from rfl,
@ -362,25 +372,25 @@ calc
definition add.comm (a b : ℤ) : a + b = b + a :=
definition add.comm (a b : ℤ) : a + b = b + a :=
apply eq_of_repr_equiv_repr,
apply eq_of_repr_int_equiv_repr,
apply equiv.trans,
apply int_equiv.trans,
apply repr_add,
apply repr_add,
apply equiv.symm,
apply int_equiv.symm,
apply eq.subst (padd_comm (repr b) (repr a)),
apply eq.subst (padd_comm (repr b) (repr a)),
apply repr_add
apply repr_add
definition add.assoc (a b c : ℤ) : a + b + c = a + (b + c) :=
definition add.assoc (a b c : ℤ) : a + b + c = a + (b + c) :=
assert H1 : repr (a + b + c) ≡ padd (padd (repr a) (repr b)) (repr c), from
assert H1 : repr (a + b + c) ≡ padd (padd (repr a) (repr b)) (repr c), from
equiv.trans (repr_add (a + b) c) (padd_congr !repr_add !equiv.refl),
int_equiv.trans (repr_add (a + b) c) (padd_congr !repr_add !int_equiv.refl),
assert H2 : repr (a + (b + c)) ≡ padd (repr a) (padd (repr b) (repr c)), from
assert H2 : repr (a + (b + c)) ≡ padd (repr a) (padd (repr b) (repr c)), from
equiv.trans (repr_add a (b + c)) (padd_congr !equiv.refl !repr_add),
int_equiv.trans (repr_add a (b + c)) (padd_congr !int_equiv.refl !repr_add),
apply eq_of_repr_equiv_repr,
apply eq_of_repr_int_equiv_repr,
apply equiv.trans,
apply int_equiv.trans,
apply H1,
apply H1,
apply eq.subst (padd_assoc _ _ _)⁻¹,
apply eq.subst (padd_assoc _ _ _)⁻¹,
apply equiv.symm,
apply int_equiv.symm,
apply H2
apply H2
@ -424,7 +434,7 @@ have H : repr (-a + a) ≡ repr 0, from
repr (-a + a) ≡ padd (repr (neg a)) (repr a) : repr_add
repr (-a + a) ≡ padd (repr (neg a)) (repr a) : repr_add
... ≡ padd (pneg (repr a)) (repr a) : sorry
... ≡ padd (pneg (repr a)) (repr a) : sorry
... ≡ repr 0 : padd_pneg,
... ≡ repr 0 : padd_pneg,
eq_of_repr_equiv_repr H
eq_of_repr_int_equiv_repr H
/- nat abs -/
/- nat abs -/
@ -506,7 +516,7 @@ int.cases_on a
... = (succ m' * succ n', 0) : zero_mul
... = (succ m' * succ n', 0) : zero_mul
... = repr (mul (neg_succ_of_nat m') (neg_succ_of_nat n')) : rfl)⁻¹))
... = repr (mul (neg_succ_of_nat m') (neg_succ_of_nat n')) : rfl)⁻¹))
definition equiv_mul_prep {xa ya xb yb xn yn xm ym : ℕ}
definition int_equiv_mul_prep {xa ya xb yb xn yn xm ym : ℕ}
(H1 : xa + yb = ya + xb) (H2 : xn + ym = yn + xm)
(H1 : xa + yb = ya + xb) (H2 : xn + ym = yn + xm)
: xa * xn + ya * yn + (xb * ym + yb * xm) = xa * yn + ya * xn + (xb * xm + yb * ym) :=
: xa * xn + ya * yn + (xb * ym + yb * xm) = xa * yn + ya * xn + (xb * xm + yb * ym) :=
have H3 : xa * xn + ya * yn + (xb * ym + yb * xm) + (yb * xn + xb * yn + (xb * xn + yb * yn))
have H3 : xa * xn + ya * yn + (xb * ym + yb * xm) + (yb * xn + xb * yn + (xb * xn + yb * yn))
@ -524,7 +534,7 @@ have H3 : xa * xn + ya * yn + (xb * ym + yb * xm) + (yb * xn + xb * yn + (xb * x
nat.add.cancel_right H3
nat.add.cancel_right H3
definition pmul_congr {p p' q q' : ℕ × ℕ} (H1 : p ≡ p') (H2 : q ≡ q') : pmul p q ≡ pmul p' q' :=
definition pmul_congr {p p' q q' : ℕ × ℕ} (H1 : p ≡ p') (H2 : q ≡ q') : pmul p q ≡ pmul p' q' :=
equiv_mul_prep H1 H2
int_equiv_mul_prep H1 H2
definition pmul_comm (p q : ℕ × ℕ) : pmul p q = pmul q p :=
definition pmul_comm (p q : ℕ × ℕ) : pmul p q = pmul q p :=
@ -536,26 +546,26 @@ calc
... = (pr1 q * pr1 p + pr2 q * pr2 p, pr1 q * pr2 p + pr2 q * pr1 p) : nat.add.comm
... = (pr1 q * pr1 p + pr2 q * pr2 p, pr1 q * pr2 p + pr2 q * pr1 p) : nat.add.comm
definition mul.comm (a b : ℤ) : a * b = b * a :=
definition mul.comm (a b : ℤ) : a * b = b * a :=
repr (a * b) = pmul (repr a) (repr b) : repr_mul
repr (a * b) = pmul (repr a) (repr b) : repr_mul
... = pmul (repr b) (repr a) : pmul_comm
... = pmul (repr b) (repr a) : pmul_comm
... = repr (b * a) : repr_mul) ▸ !equiv.refl)
... = repr (b * a) : repr_mul) ▸ !int_equiv.refl)
definition pmul_assoc (p q r: ℕ × ℕ) : pmul (pmul p q) r = pmul p (pmul q r) :=
definition pmul_assoc (p q r: ℕ × ℕ) : pmul (pmul p q) r = pmul p (pmul q r) :=
by exact sorry
by exact sorry
definition mul.assoc (a b c : ℤ) : (a * b) * c = a * (b * c) :=
definition mul.assoc (a b c : ℤ) : (a * b) * c = a * (b * c) :=
repr (a * b * c) = pmul (repr (a * b)) (repr c) : repr_mul
repr (a * b * c) = pmul (repr (a * b)) (repr c) : repr_mul
... = pmul (pmul (repr a) (repr b)) (repr c) : repr_mul
... = pmul (pmul (repr a) (repr b)) (repr c) : repr_mul
... = pmul (repr a) (pmul (repr b) (repr c)) : pmul_assoc
... = pmul (repr a) (pmul (repr b) (repr c)) : pmul_assoc
... = pmul (repr a) (repr (b * c)) : repr_mul
... = pmul (repr a) (repr (b * c)) : repr_mul
... = repr (a * (b * c)) : repr_mul) ▸ !equiv.refl)
... = repr (a * (b * c)) : repr_mul) ▸ !int_equiv.refl)
definition mul_one (a : ℤ) : a * 1 = a :=
definition mul_one (a : ℤ) : a * 1 = a :=
eq_of_repr_equiv_repr (equiv_of_eq
eq_of_repr_int_equiv_repr (int_equiv_of_eq
repr (a * 1) = pmul (repr a) (repr 1) : repr_mul
repr (a * 1) = pmul (repr a) (repr 1) : repr_mul
... = (pr1 (repr a), pr2 (repr a)) : by exact sorry
... = (pr1 (repr a), pr2 (repr a)) : by exact sorry
@ -565,14 +575,14 @@ definition one_mul (a : ℤ) : 1 * a = a :=
mul.comm a 1 ▸ mul_one a
mul.comm a 1 ▸ mul_one a
definition mul.right_distrib (a b c : ℤ) : (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c :=
definition mul.right_distrib (a b c : ℤ) : (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c :=
repr ((a + b) * c) = pmul (repr (a + b)) (repr c) : repr_mul
repr ((a + b) * c) = pmul (repr (a + b)) (repr c) : repr_mul
... ≡ pmul (padd (repr a) (repr b)) (repr c) : pmul_congr !repr_add equiv.refl
... ≡ pmul (padd (repr a) (repr b)) (repr c) : pmul_congr !repr_add int_equiv.refl
... = padd (pmul (repr a) (repr c)) (pmul (repr b) (repr c)) : by exact sorry
... = padd (pmul (repr a) (repr c)) (pmul (repr b) (repr c)) : by exact sorry
... = padd (repr (a * c)) (pmul (repr b) (repr c)) : {(repr_mul a c)⁻¹}
... = padd (repr (a * c)) (pmul (repr b) (repr c)) : {(repr_mul a c)⁻¹}
... = padd (repr (a * c)) (repr (b * c)) : repr_mul
... = padd (repr (a * c)) (repr (b * c)) : repr_mul
... ≡ repr (a * c + b * c) : equiv.symm !repr_add)
... ≡ repr (a * c + b * c) : int_equiv.symm !repr_add)
definition mul.left_distrib (a b c : ℤ) : a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c :=
definition mul.left_distrib (a b c : ℤ) : a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c :=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: types.int.default
Authors: Floris van Doorn
import .basic
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: types.int.hott
Author: Floris van Doorn
Theorems about the integers specific to HoTT
import .basic types.eq
open core is_equiv equiv nat equiv.ops
namespace int
definition succ (a : ℤ) := a + (succ zero)
definition pred (a : ℤ) := a - (succ zero)
definition pred_succ (a : ℤ) : pred (succ a) = a := !sub_add_cancel
definition succ_pred (a : ℤ) : succ (pred a) = a := !add_sub_cancel
definition neg_succ (a : ℤ) : -succ a = pred (-a) :=
by rewrite [↑succ,neg_add]
definition succ_neg_succ (a : ℤ) : succ (-succ a) = -a :=
by rewrite [neg_succ,succ_pred]
definition is_equiv_succ [instance] : is_equiv succ :=
adjointify succ pred (λa, !add_sub_cancel) (λa, !sub_add_cancel)
definition equiv_succ : ℤ ≃ ℤ := equiv.mk succ _
definition is_equiv_neg [instance] : is_equiv neg :=
adjointify neg neg (λx, !neg_neg) (λa, !neg_neg)
definition equiv_neg : ℤ ≃ ℤ := equiv.mk neg _
definition iterate {A : Type} (f : A ≃ A) (a : ℤ) : A ≃ A :=
rec_nat_on a erfl
(λb g, f ⬝e g)
(λb g, g ⬝e f⁻¹e)
-- definition iterate_trans {A : Type} (f : A ≃ A) (a : ℤ)
-- : iterate f a ⬝e f = iterate f (a + 1) :=
-- sorry
-- definition trans_iterate {A : Type} (f : A ≃ A) (a : ℤ)
-- : f ⬝e iterate f a = iterate f (a + 1) :=
-- sorry
-- definition iterate_trans_symm {A : Type} (f : A ≃ A) (a : ℤ)
-- : iterate f a ⬝e f⁻¹e = iterate f (a - 1) :=
-- sorry
-- definition symm_trans_iterate {A : Type} (f : A ≃ A) (a : ℤ)
-- : f⁻¹e ⬝e iterate f a = iterate f (a - 1) :=
-- sorry
-- definition iterate_neg {A : Type} (f : A ≃ A) (a : ℤ)
-- : iterate f (-a) = (iterate f a)⁻¹e :=
-- rec_nat_on a idp
-- (λn p, calc
-- iterate f (-succ n) = iterate f (-n) ⬝e f⁻¹e : rec_nat_on_neg
-- ... = (iterate f n)⁻¹e ⬝e f⁻¹e : by rewrite p
-- ... = (f ⬝e iterate f n)⁻¹e : sorry
-- ... = (iterate f (succ n))⁻¹e : idp)
-- sorry
-- definition iterate_add {A : Type} (f : A ≃ A) (a b : ℤ)
-- : iterate f (a + b) = equiv.trans (iterate f a) (iterate f b) :=
-- sorry
-- definition iterate_sub {A : Type} (f : A ≃ A) (a b : ℤ)
-- : iterate f (a - b) = equiv.trans (iterate f a) (equiv.symm (iterate f b)) :=
-- sorry
-- definition iterate_mul {A : Type} (f : A ≃ A) (a b : ℤ)
-- : iterate f (a * b) = iterate (iterate f a) b :=
-- sorry
end int open int
namespace eq
variables {A : Type} {a : A} (p : a = a) (b : ℤ)
definition power : a = a :=
rec_nat_on b idp
(λc q, q ⬝ p)
(λc q, q ⬝ p⁻¹)
definition power_neg_succ (n : ℕ) : power p (-succ n) = power p (-n) ⬝ p⁻¹ :=
rewrite [↑power], exact sorry
-- rec_nat_on_neg idp
-- (λc q, q ⬝ p)
-- (λc q, q ⬝ p⁻¹) n
--iterate (equiv_eq_closed_right p a) b idp
set_option pp.coercions true
-- attribute nat.add int.add int.of_num nat.of_num int.succ [constructor]
attribute rec_nat_on [unfold-c 2]
definition power_con : power p b ⬝ p = power p (succ b) :=
rec_nat_on b
(λn IH, idp)
(λn IH, calc
power p (-succ n) ⬝ p = (power p (-n) ⬝ p⁻¹) ⬝ p : {!rec_nat_on_neg}
... = power p (-n) : inv_con_cancel_right
... = power p (succ (-succ n)) : {(succ_neg_succ n)⁻¹})
definition con_power : p ⬝ power p b = power p (succ b) :=
rec_nat_on b
(by rewrite ↑[power];exact !idp_con⁻¹)
(λn IH, calc
p ⬝ power p (succ n) = (p ⬝ power p n) ⬝ p : con.assoc
... = power p (succ (succ n)) : by rewrite IH)
(λn IH, calc
p ⬝ power p (-succ n) = p ⬝ (power p (-n) ⬝ p⁻¹) : sorry
... = (p ⬝ power p (-n)) ⬝ p⁻¹ : con.assoc
... = power p (succ (-n)) ⬝ p⁻¹ : by rewrite IH
... = power p (succ (-succ n)) : sorry)
definition power_con_inv : power p b ⬝ p⁻¹ = power p (pred b) :=
rec_nat_on b sorry
-- definition inv_con_power : p⁻¹ ⬝ power p b = power p (pred b) :=
-- rec_nat_on b sorry
-- sorry
-- sorry
end eq
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
The integers. Note: most of these files are ported from the standard library. If anything needs to be changed, it is probably a good idea to change it in the standard library and then port the file again (see also [script/port.pl](../../script/port.pl)).
* [basic](basic.hlean) : the integers, with basic operations
* [hott](hott.hlean) : facts about the integers specific to the HoTT library
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
The natural numbers. Note: all these files are ported from the standard library. If anything needs to be changed, it is probably a good idea to change it in the standard library and then port the file again (see also [script/port.pl](../../script/port.pl)).
* [basic](basic.hlean) : the natural numbers, with succ, pred, addition, and multiplication
* [order](order.hlean) : less-than, less-then-or-equal, etc.
* [sub](sub.hlean) : subtraction, and distance
@ -126,16 +126,16 @@ namespace pi
unfold pi_functor, unfold function.compose, unfold function.id,
unfold pi_functor, unfold function.compose, unfold function.id,
intro a',
intro a',
apply (tr_inv _ (adj f0 a')),
apply (tr_rev _ (adj f0 a')),
apply (transport (λx, f1 a' x = h a') (transport_compose B f0 (left_inv f0 a') _)),
apply (transport (λx, f1 a' x = h a') (transport_compose B f0 (left_inv f0 a') _)),
apply (tr_inv (λx, x = h a') (fn_tr_eq_tr_fn _ f1 _)), unfold function.compose,
apply (tr_rev (λx, x = h a') (fn_tr_eq_tr_fn _ f1 _)), unfold function.compose,
apply (tr_inv (λx, left_inv f0 a' ▸ x = h a') (right_inv (f1 _) _)), unfold function.id,
apply (tr_rev (λx, left_inv f0 a' ▸ x = h a') (right_inv (f1 _) _)), unfold function.id,
apply apd
apply apd
intro h,
intro h,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a,
apply (tr_inv (λx, right_inv f0 a ▸ x = h a) (left_inv (f1 _) _)), unfold function.id,
apply (tr_rev (λx, right_inv f0 a ▸ x = h a) (left_inv (f1 _) _)), unfold function.id,
apply apd
apply apd
@ -145,21 +145,24 @@ end is_trunc open is_trunc
namespace trunc
namespace trunc
variable {A : Type}
variable {A : Type}
definition trunc_eq_type (n : trunc_index) (aa aa' : trunc n.+1 A) : n-Type :=
protected definition code (n : trunc_index) (aa aa' : trunc n.+1 A) : n-Type :=
trunc.rec_on aa (λa, trunc.rec_on aa' (λa', trunctype.mk' n (trunc n (a = a'))))
trunc.rec_on aa (λa, trunc.rec_on aa' (λa', trunctype.mk' n (trunc n (a = a'))))
-- protected definition encode (n : trunc_index) (aa aa' : trunc n.+1 A) : aa = aa' → code n aa aa' :=
-- trunc.rec_on aa (λa, trunc.rec_on aa' (λa' p, _))
definition trunc_eq_equiv (n : trunc_index) (aa aa' : trunc n.+1 A)
definition trunc_eq_equiv (n : trunc_index) (aa aa' : trunc n.+1 A)
: aa = aa' ≃ trunc_eq_type n aa aa' :=
: aa = aa' ≃ code n aa aa' :=
fapply equiv.MK,
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro p, cases p, apply (trunc.rec_on aa),
{ intro p, cases p, apply (trunc.rec_on aa),
intro a, esimp [trunc_eq_type,trunc.rec_on], exact (tr idp)},
intro a, esimp [code,trunc.rec_on], exact (tr idp)},
{ eapply (trunc.rec_on aa'), eapply (trunc.rec_on aa),
{ eapply (trunc.rec_on aa'), eapply (trunc.rec_on aa),
intro a a' x, esimp [trunc_eq_type, trunc.rec_on] at x,
intro a a' x, esimp [code, trunc.rec_on] at x,
apply (trunc.rec_on x), intro p, exact (ap tr p)},
apply (trunc.rec_on x), intro p, exact (ap tr p)},
-- apply (trunc.rec_on aa'), apply (trunc.rec_on aa),
-- apply (trunc.rec_on aa'), apply (trunc.rec_on aa),
-- intro a a' x, esimp [trunc_eq_type, trunc.rec_on] at x,
-- intro a a' x, esimp [code, trunc.rec_on] at x,
-- apply (trunc.rec_on x), intro p,
-- apply (trunc.rec_on x), intro p,
-- cases p, esimp [trunc.rec_on,eq.cases_on,compose,id], -- apply idp --?
-- cases p, esimp [trunc.rec_on,eq.cases_on,compose,id], -- apply idp --?
apply sorry},
apply sorry},
@ -16,3 +16,8 @@ Various datatypes.
* [function](function.hlean): embeddings, (split) surjections, retractions
* [function](function.hlean): embeddings, (split) surjections, retractions
* [trunc](trunc.hlean): truncation levels, n-Types, truncation
* [trunc](trunc.hlean): truncation levels, n-Types, truncation
* [W](W.hlean): W-types (not loaded by default)
* [W](W.hlean): W-types (not loaded by default)
* [nat](nat/nat.md)
* [int](int/int.md)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: int.basic
Module: data.int.basic
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jeremy Avigad
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jeremy Avigad
The integers, with addition, multiplication, and subtraction. The representation of the integers is
The integers, with addition, multiplication, and subtraction. The representation of the integers is
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ int.cases_on a
(if H : m' = n' then inl (congr_arg neg_succ_of_nat H) else
(if H : m' = n' then inl (congr_arg neg_succ_of_nat H) else
inr (take H1, H (neg_succ_of_nat.inj H1)))))
inr (take H1, H (neg_succ_of_nat.inj H1)))))
theorem of_nat_add_of_nat (n m : nat) : of_nat n + of_nat m = #nat n + m := rfl
theorem of_nat_add_of_nat (n m : nat) : #int n + m = #nat n + m := rfl
theorem of_nat_succ (n : ℕ) : of_nat (succ n) = of_nat n + 1 := rfl
theorem of_nat_succ (n : ℕ) : of_nat (succ n) = of_nat n + 1 := rfl
@ -148,6 +148,16 @@ int.cases_on a
(take m, assume H : nat_abs (of_nat m) = 0, congr_arg of_nat H)
(take m, assume H : nat_abs (of_nat m) = 0, congr_arg of_nat H)
(take m', assume H : nat_abs (neg_succ_of_nat m') = 0, absurd H (succ_ne_zero _))
(take m', assume H : nat_abs (neg_succ_of_nat m') = 0, absurd H (succ_ne_zero _))
definition rec_nat_on {P : ℤ → Type} (z : ℤ) (H0 : P 0) (Hsucc : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄, P n → P (succ n))
(Hpred : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄, P (- n) → P (-succ n)) : P z :=
int.rec_on z (λn, nat.rec_on n H0 Hsucc) (λn, nat.rec_on n (Hpred H0) (λm H, Hpred H))
--the only computation rule of rec_nat_on which is not definitional
definition rec_nat_on_neg {P : ℤ → Type} (n : nat) (H0 : P 0)
(Hsucc : Π⦃n : nat⦄, P n → P (succ n)) (Hpred : Π⦃n : nat⦄, P (- n) → P (-succ n))
: rec_nat_on (-succ n) H0 Hsucc Hpred = Hpred (rec_nat_on (-n) H0 Hsucc Hpred) :=
nat.rec_on n rfl (λn H, rfl)
/- int is a quotient of ordered pairs of natural numbers -/
/- int is a quotient of ordered pairs of natural numbers -/
protected definition equiv (p q : ℕ × ℕ) : Prop := pr1 p + pr2 q = pr2 p + pr1 q
protected definition equiv (p q : ℕ × ℕ) : Prop := pr1 p + pr2 q = pr2 p + pr1 q
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
by simp;by exact sorry
by simp;by exact sorry
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