chore(hott) fix init
This commit is contained in:
21 changed files with 612 additions and 570 deletions
@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad
General properties of binary operations.
import hott.path
open path
open eq
namespace path_binary
@ -20,26 +19,26 @@ namespace path_binary
notation [local] a ⁻¹ := inv a
notation [local] 1 := one
definition commutative := ∀a b, a*b ≈ b*a
definition associative := ∀a b c, (a*b)*c ≈ a*(b*c)
definition left_identity := ∀a, 1 * a ≈ a
definition right_identity := ∀a, a * 1 ≈ a
definition left_inverse := ∀a, a⁻¹ * a ≈ 1
definition right_inverse := ∀a, a * a⁻¹ ≈ 1
definition left_cancelative := ∀a b c, a * b ≈ a * c → b ≈ c
definition right_cancelative := ∀a b c, a * b ≈ c * b → a ≈ c
definition commutative := ∀a b, a*b = b*a
definition associative := ∀a b c, (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)
definition left_identity := ∀a, 1 * a = a
definition right_identity := ∀a, a * 1 = a
definition left_inverse := ∀a, a⁻¹ * a = 1
definition right_inverse := ∀a, a * a⁻¹ = 1
definition left_cancelative := ∀a b c, a * b = a * c → b = c
definition right_cancelative := ∀a b c, a * b = c * b → a = c
definition inv_op_cancel_left := ∀a b, a⁻¹ * (a * b) ≈ b
definition op_inv_cancel_left := ∀a b, a * (a⁻¹ * b) ≈ b
definition inv_op_cancel_right := ∀a b, a * b⁻¹ * b ≈ a
definition op_inv_cancel_right := ∀a b, a * b * b⁻¹ ≈ a
definition inv_op_cancel_left := ∀a b, a⁻¹ * (a * b) = b
definition op_inv_cancel_left := ∀a b, a * (a⁻¹ * b) = b
definition inv_op_cancel_right := ∀a b, a * b⁻¹ * b = a
definition op_inv_cancel_right := ∀a b, a * b * b⁻¹ = a
variable (op₂ : A → A → A)
notation [local] a + b := op₂ a b
definition left_distributive := ∀a b c, a * (b + c) ≈ a * b + a * c
definition right_distributive := ∀a b c, (a + b) * c ≈ a * c + b * c
definition left_distributive := ∀a b c, a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
definition right_distributive := ∀a b c, (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c
@ -48,17 +47,17 @@ namespace path_binary
variable H_comm : commutative f
variable H_assoc : associative f
infixl `*` := f
theorem left_comm : ∀a b c, a*(b*c) ≈ b*(a*c) :=
theorem left_comm : ∀a b c, a*(b*c) = b*(a*c) :=
take a b c, calc
a*(b*c) ≈ (a*b)*c : H_assoc
... ≈ (b*a)*c : H_comm
... ≈ b*(a*c) : H_assoc
a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c : H_assoc
... = (b*a)*c : H_comm
... = b*(a*c) : H_assoc
theorem right_comm : ∀a b c, (a*b)*c ≈ (a*c)*b :=
theorem right_comm : ∀a b c, (a*b)*c = (a*c)*b :=
take a b c, calc
(a*b)*c ≈ a*(b*c) : H_assoc
... ≈ a*(c*b) : H_comm
... ≈ (a*c)*b : H_assoc
(a*b)*c = a*(b*c) : H_assoc
... = a*(c*b) : H_comm
... = (a*c)*b : H_assoc
@ -66,10 +65,10 @@ namespace path_binary
variable {f : A → A → A}
variable H_assoc : associative f
infixl `*` := f
theorem assoc4helper (a b c d) : (a*b)*(c*d) ≈ a*((b*c)*d) :=
theorem assoc4helper (a b c d) : (a*b)*(c*d) = a*((b*c)*d) :=
(a*b)*(c*d) ≈ a*(b*(c*d)) : H_assoc
... ≈ a*((b*c)*d) : H_assoc
(a*b)*(c*d) = a*(b*(c*d)) : H_assoc
... = a*((b*c)*d) : H_assoc
end path_binary
@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ namespace is_congruence
||| (λx1 x2 H, app2 C3 (app C1 H) (app C2 H))
theorem const {T2 : Type} (R2 : T2 → T2 → Type) (H : relation.reflexive R2)
⦃T1 : Type⦄ (R1 : T1 → T1 → Prop) (c : T2) :
⦃T1 : Type⦄ (R1 : T1 → T1 → Type) (c : T2) :
is_congruence R1 R2 (λu : T1, c) :=
|||| (λx y H1, H c)
end is_congruence
theorem congruence_const [instance] {T2 : Type} (R2 : T2 → T2 → Type)
[C : is_reflexive R2] ⦃T1 : Type⦄ (R1 : T1 → T1 → Prop) (c : T2) :
[C : is_reflexive R2] ⦃T1 : Type⦄ (R1 : T1 → T1 → Type) (c : T2) :
is_congruence R1 R2 (λu : T1, c) :=
is_congruence.const R2 (is_reflexive.refl R2) R1 c
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Jeremy Avigad
-- Author: Jeremy Avigad, Jakob von Raumer
-- hott.default
-- ============
-- A library for homotopy type theory
import ..standard .path .equiv .trunc .fibrant
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Jakob von Raumer
-- Ported from Coq HoTT
import hott.equiv hott.axioms.funext
open path function funext
import init.equiv init.axioms.funext
open eq function funext
namespace is_equiv
@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ namespace is_equiv
--the domain or the codomain.
protected definition isequiv_precompose_eq {A B : Type} (f : A → B) (C D : Type)
(Ceq : is_equiv (precomp f C)) (Deq : is_equiv (precomp f D)) (k : C → D) (h : A → C) :
k ∘ (inv (precomp f C)) h ≈ (inv (precomp f D)) (k ∘ h) :=
k ∘ (inv (precomp f C)) h = (inv (precomp f D)) (k ∘ h) :=
let invD := inv (precomp f D) in
let invC := inv (precomp f C) in
have eq1 : invD (k ∘ h) ≈ k ∘ (invC h),
from calc invD (k ∘ h) ≈ invD (k ∘ (precomp f C (invC h))) : retr (precomp f C) h
... ≈ k ∘ (invC h) : !sect,
have eq1 : invD (k ∘ h) = k ∘ (invC h),
from calc invD (k ∘ h) = invD (k ∘ (precomp f C (invC h))) : retr (precomp f C) h
... = k ∘ (invC h) : !sect,
definition from_isequiv_precomp {A B : Type} (f : A → B) (Aeq : is_equiv (precomp f A))
@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ namespace is_equiv
let invA := inv (precomp f A) in
let invB := inv (precomp f B) in
let sect' : f ∘ (invA id) ∼ id := (λx,
calc f (invA id x) ≈ (f ∘ invA id) x : idp
... ≈ invB (f ∘ id) x : apD10 (!isequiv_precompose_eq)
... ≈ invB (precomp f B id) x : idp
... ≈ x : apD10 (sect (precomp f B) id))
calc f (invA id x) = (f ∘ invA id) x : idp
... = invB (f ∘ id) x : apD10 (!isequiv_precompose_eq)
... = invB (precomp f B id) x : idp
... = x : apD10 (sect (precomp f B) id))
let retr' : (invA id) ∘ f ∼ id := (λx,
calc invA id (f x) ≈ precomp f A (invA id) x : idp
... ≈ x : apD10 (retr (precomp f A) id)) in
calc invA id (f x) = precomp f A (invA id) x : idp
... = x : apD10 (retr (precomp f A) id)) in
adjointify f (invA id) sect' retr'
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Jeremy Avigad, Jakob von Raumer
-- Ported from Coq HoTT
import hott.path hott.equiv
open path
import ..path ..equiv
open eq
-- Funext
-- ------
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ namespace funext
protected definition ap [instance] (f g : Π x, P x) : is_equiv (@apD10 A P f g) :=
rec_on F (λ(H : Π A P f g, _), !H)
definition path_pi {f g : Π x, P x} : f ∼ g → f ≈ g :=
definition path_pi {f g : Π x, P x} : f ∼ g → f = g :=
is_equiv.inv (@apD10 A P f g)
omit F
definition path_pi2 [F : funext] {A B : Type} {P : A → B → Type}
(f g : Πx y, P x y) : (Πx y, f x y ≈ g x y) → f ≈ g :=
(f g : Πx y, P x y) : (Πx y, f x y = g x y) → f = g :=
λ E, path_pi (λx, path_pi (E x))
end funext
@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Jakob von Raumer
-- Ported from Coq HoTT
import hott.equiv hott.funext_varieties hott.axioms.funext
import data.sigma data.unit
import ..equiv ..datatypes
import .funext_varieties .ua .funext
open path function prod sigma truncation equiv is_equiv unit ua_type
open eq function prod sigma truncation equiv is_equiv unit ua_type
universe variables l
@ -14,38 +15,38 @@ context
protected theorem ua_isequiv_postcompose {A B : Type.{l+1}} {C : Type}
{w : A → B} {H0 : is_equiv w} : is_equiv (@compose C A B w) :=
let w' := w H0 in
let eqinv : A ≈ B := ((@is_equiv.inv _ _ _ (@ua_type.inst UA A B)) w') in
let eqinv : A = B := ((@is_equiv.inv _ _ _ (@ua_type.inst UA A B)) w') in
let eq' := equiv_path eqinv in
is_equiv.adjointify (@compose C A B w)
(@compose C B A (is_equiv.inv w))
(λ (x : C → B),
have eqretr : eq' ≈ w',
have eqretr : eq' = w',
from (@retr _ _ (@equiv_path A B) (@ua_type.inst UA A B) w'),
have invs_eq : (to_fun eq')⁻¹ ≈ (to_fun w')⁻¹,
have invs_eq : (to_fun eq')⁻¹ = (to_fun w')⁻¹,
from inv_eq eq' w' eqretr,
have eqfin : (to_fun eq') ∘ ((to_fun eq')⁻¹ ∘ x) ≈ x,
have eqfin : (to_fun eq') ∘ ((to_fun eq')⁻¹ ∘ x) = x,
from (λ p,
(@path.rec_on Type.{l+1} A
(@eq.rec_on Type.{l+1} A
(λ B' p', Π (x' : C → B'), (to_fun (equiv_path p'))
∘ ((to_fun (equiv_path p'))⁻¹ ∘ x') ≈ x')
∘ ((to_fun (equiv_path p'))⁻¹ ∘ x') = x')
B p (λ x', idp))
) eqinv x,
have eqfin' : (to_fun w') ∘ ((to_fun eq')⁻¹ ∘ x) ≈ x,
have eqfin' : (to_fun w') ∘ ((to_fun eq')⁻¹ ∘ x) = x,
from eqretr ▹ eqfin,
have eqfin'' : (to_fun w') ∘ ((to_fun w')⁻¹ ∘ x) ≈ x,
have eqfin'' : (to_fun w') ∘ ((to_fun w')⁻¹ ∘ x) = x,
from invs_eq ▹ eqfin',
(λ (x : C → A),
have eqretr : eq' ≈ w',
have eqretr : eq' = w',
from (@retr _ _ (@equiv_path A B) ua_type.inst w'),
have invs_eq : (to_fun eq')⁻¹ ≈ (to_fun w')⁻¹,
have invs_eq : (to_fun eq')⁻¹ = (to_fun w')⁻¹,
from inv_eq eq' w' eqretr,
have eqfin : (to_fun eq')⁻¹ ∘ ((to_fun eq') ∘ x) ≈ x,
from (λ p, path.rec_on p idp) eqinv,
have eqfin' : (to_fun eq')⁻¹ ∘ ((to_fun w') ∘ x) ≈ x,
have eqfin : (to_fun eq')⁻¹ ∘ ((to_fun eq') ∘ x) = x,
from (λ p, eq.rec_on p idp) eqinv,
have eqfin' : (to_fun eq')⁻¹ ∘ ((to_fun w') ∘ x) = x,
from eqretr ▹ eqfin,
have eqfin'' : (to_fun w')⁻¹ ∘ ((to_fun w') ∘ x) ≈ x,
have eqfin'' : (to_fun w')⁻¹ ∘ ((to_fun w') ∘ x) = x,
from invs_eq ▹ eqfin',
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ context
-- We are ready to prove functional extensionality,
-- starting with the naive non-dependent version.
protected definition diagonal [reducible] (B : Type) : Type
:= Σ xy : B × B, pr₁ xy ≈ pr₂ xy
:= Σ xy : B × B, pr₁ xy = pr₂ xy
protected definition isequiv_src_compose {A B : Type}
: @is_equiv (A → diagonal B)
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ context
(λ x, dpair (x , x) idp) (λx, idp)
(λ x, sigma.rec_on x
(λ xy, prod.rec_on xy
(λ b c p, path.rec_on p idp))))
(λ b c p, eq.rec_on p idp))))
protected definition isequiv_tgt_compose {A B : Type}
: @is_equiv (A → diagonal B)
@ -75,10 +76,10 @@ context
(λ x, dpair (x , x) idp) (λx, idp)
(λ x, sigma.rec_on x
(λ xy, prod.rec_on xy
(λ b c p, path.rec_on p idp))))
(λ b c p, eq.rec_on p idp))))
theorem nondep_funext_from_ua {A : Type} {B : Type.{l+1}}
: Π {f g : A → B}, f ∼ g → f ≈ g :=
: Π {f g : A → B}, f ∼ g → f = g :=
(λ (f g : A → B) (p : f ∼ g),
let d := λ (x : A), dpair (f x , f x) idp in
let e := λ (x : A), dpair (f x , g x) (p x) in
@ -88,13 +89,13 @@ context
have equiv2 [visible] : Π x y, is_equiv (ap precomp1),
from is_equiv.ap_closed precomp1,
have H' : Π (x y : A → diagonal B),
pr₁ ∘ dpr1 ∘ x ≈ pr₁ ∘ dpr1 ∘ y → x ≈ y,
pr₁ ∘ dpr1 ∘ x = pr₁ ∘ dpr1 ∘ y → x = y,
from (λ x y, is_equiv.inv (ap precomp1)),
have eq2 : pr₁ ∘ dpr1 ∘ d ≈ pr₁ ∘ dpr1 ∘ e,
have eq2 : pr₁ ∘ dpr1 ∘ d = pr₁ ∘ dpr1 ∘ e,
from idp,
have eq0 : d ≈ e,
have eq0 : d = e,
from H' d e eq2,
have eq1 : (pr₂ ∘ dpr1) ∘ d ≈ (pr₂ ∘ dpr1) ∘ e,
have eq1 : (pr₂ ∘ dpr1) ∘ d = (pr₂ ∘ dpr1) ∘ e,
from ap _ eq0,
@ -109,10 +110,10 @@ theorem weak_funext_from_ua [ua3 : ua_type.{k+1}] [ua4 : ua_type.{k+2}] : weak_f
let U := (λ (x : A), unit) in
have pequiv : Π (x : A), P x ≃ U x,
from (λ x, @equiv_contr_unit(P x) (allcontr x)),
have psim : Π (x : A), P x ≈ U x,
have psim : Π (x : A), P x = U x,
from (λ x, @is_equiv.inv _ _
equiv_path ua_type.inst (pequiv x)),
have p : P ≈ U,
have p : P = U,
from @nondep_funext_from_ua _ A Type P U psim,
have tU' : is_contr (A → unit),
from (λ x, ⋆)
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ theorem weak_funext_from_ua [ua3 : ua_type.{k+1}] [ua4 : ua_type.{k+2}] : weak_f
have tU : is_contr (Π x, U x),
from tU',
have tlast : is_contr (Πx, P x),
from path.transport _ (p⁻¹) tU,
from eq.transport _ (p⁻¹) tU,
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Authors: Jakob von Raumer
-- Ported from Coq HoTT
import hott.path hott.trunc hott.equiv hott.axioms.funext
import ..path ..trunc ..equiv .funext
open path truncation sigma function
open eq truncation sigma function
/- In hott.axioms.funext, we defined function extensionality to be the assertion
that the map apD10 is an equivalence. We now prove that this follows
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ open path truncation sigma function
-- Naive funext is the simple assertion that pointwise equal functions are equal.
-- TODO think about universe levels
definition naive_funext :=
Π {A : Type} {P : A → Type} (f g : Πx, P x), (f ∼ g) → f ≈ g
Π {A : Type} {P : A → Type} (f g : Πx, P x), (f ∼ g) → f = g
-- Weak funext says that a product of contractible types is contractible.
definition weak_funext.{l k} :=
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ definition weak_funext_from_naive_funext : naive_funext → weak_funext :=
||| c (λ f,
have eq' : (λx, center (P x)) ∼ f,
from (λx, contr (f x)),
have eq : (λx, center (P x)) ≈ f,
have eq : (λx, center (P x)) = f,
from nf A P (λx, center (P x)) f eq',
@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ context
||| (dpair f idhtpy)
(λ dp, sigma.rec_on dp
(λ (g : Π x, B x) (h : f ∼ g),
let r := λ (k : Π x, Σ y, f x ≈ y),
let r := λ (k : Π x, Σ y, f x = y),
@dpair _ (λg, f ∼ g)
(λx, dpr1 (k x)) (λx, dpr2 (k x)) in
let s := λ g h x, @dpair _ (λy, f x ≈ y) (g x) (h x) in
have t1 : Πx, is_contr (Σ y, f x ≈ y),
let s := λ g h x, @dpair _ (λy, f x = y) (g x) (h x) in
have t1 : Πx, is_contr (Σ y, f x = y),
from (λx, !contr_basedpaths),
have t2 : is_contr (Πx, Σ y, f x ≈ y),
have t2 : is_contr (Πx, Σ y, f x = y),
from !wf,
have t3 : (λ x, @dpair _ (λ y, f x ≈ y) (f x) idp) ≈ s g h,
from @path_contr (Π x, Σ y, f x ≈ y) t2 _ _,
have t4 : r (λ x, dpair (f x) idp) ≈ r (s g h),
have t3 : (λ x, @dpair _ (λ y, f x = y) (f x) idp) = s g h,
from @path_contr (Π x, Σ y, f x = y) t2 _ _,
have t4 : r (λ x, dpair (f x) idp) = r (s g h),
from ap r t3,
have endt : dpair f idhtpy ≈ dpair g h,
have endt : dpair f idhtpy = dpair g h,
from t4,
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ context
@transport _ (λ gh, Q (dpr1 gh) (dpr2 gh)) (dpair f idhtpy) (dpair g h)
(@path_contr _ contr_basedhtpy _ _) d
definition htpy_ind_beta : htpy_ind f idhtpy ≈ d :=
definition htpy_ind_beta : htpy_ind f idhtpy = d :=
(@path2_contr _ _ _ _ !path_contr idp)⁻¹ ▹ idp
@ -94,16 +94,16 @@ universe variables l k
theorem funext_from_weak_funext (wf : weak_funext.{l+1 k+1}) : funext.{l+1 k+1} :=
|||| (λ A B f g,
let eq_to_f := (λ g' x, f ≈ g') in
let eq_to_f := (λ g' x, f = g') in
let sim2path := htpy_ind _ f eq_to_f idp in
have t1 : sim2path f (idhtpy f) ≈ idp,
have t1 : sim2path f (idhtpy f) = idp,
proof htpy_ind_beta _ f eq_to_f idp qed,
have t2 : apD10 (sim2path f (idhtpy f)) ≈ (idhtpy f),
have t2 : apD10 (sim2path f (idhtpy f)) = (idhtpy f),
proof ap apD10 t1 qed,
have sect : apD10 ∘ (sim2path g) ∼ id,
proof (htpy_ind _ f (λ g' x, apD10 (sim2path g' x) ≈ x) t2) g qed,
proof (htpy_ind _ f (λ g' x, apD10 (sim2path g' x) = x) t2) g qed,
have retr : (sim2path g) ∘ apD10 ∼ id,
from (λ h, path.rec_on h (htpy_ind_beta _ f _ idp)),
from (λ h, eq.rec_on h (htpy_ind_beta _ f _ idp)),
is_equiv.adjointify apD10 (sim2path g) sect retr)
definition funext_from_naive_funext : naive_funext -> funext :=
@ -2,18 +2,19 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Jakob von Raumer
-- Ported from Coq HoTT
import hott.path hott.equiv
open path equiv
import ..path ..equiv
open eq equiv
--Ensure that the types compared are in the same universe
universe variable l
variables {A B : Type.{l}}
definition isequiv_path (H : A ≈ B) :=
definition isequiv_path (H : A = B) :=
(@is_equiv.transport Type (λX, X) A B H)
definition equiv_path (H : A ≈ B) : A ≃ B :=
definition equiv_path (H : A = B) : A ≃ B :=
|||| _ (isequiv_path H)
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ namespace ua_type
rec_on F (λ H, H A B)
-- This is the version of univalence axiom we will probably use most often
definition ua : A ≃ B → A ≈ B :=
definition ua : A ≃ B → A = B :=
@is_equiv.inv _ _ (@equiv_path A B) inst
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ namespace Equiv
protected definition subst [UA : ua_type] (P : Type → Type) {A B : Type.{l}} (H : A ≃ B)
: P A → P B :=
path.transport P ( H)
eq.transport P ( H)
-- We can use this for calculation evironments
calc_subst subst
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura
Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jakob von Raumer
Basic datatypes
@ -17,7 +17,13 @@ notation `Type₃` := Type.{3}
inductive unit.{l} : Type.{l} :=
star : unit
inductive empty : Type
namespace unit
notation `⋆` := star
end unit
inductive empty.{l} : Type.{l}
inductive eq.{l} {A : Type.{l}} (a : A) : A → Type.{l} :=
refl : eq a a
@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import init.datatypes init.reserved_notation init.tactic init.logic
import init.bool init.num init.priority init.relation
import init.sigma
import init.bool init.num init.priority init.relation
import init.types.sigma
import init.trunc init.path init.equiv
@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Jeremy Avigad, Jakob von Raumer
-- Ported from Coq HoTT
import .path
open path function
import .path .function
open eq function
-- Equivalences
-- ------------
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ structure is_equiv [class] {A B : Type} (f : A → B) :=
(inv : B → A)
(retr : (f ∘ inv) ∼ id)
(sect : (inv ∘ f) ∼ id)
(adj : Πx, retr (f x) ≈ ap f (sect x))
(adj : Πx, retr (f x) = ap f (sect x))
-- A more bundled version of equivalence to calculate with
@ -47,8 +48,8 @@ namespace is_equiv
-- Any function equal to an equivalence is an equivlance as well.
definition path_closed [Hf : is_equiv f] (Heq : f ≈ f') : (is_equiv f') :=
path.rec_on Heq Hf
definition path_closed [Hf : is_equiv f] (Heq : f = f') : (is_equiv f') :=
eq.rec_on Heq Hf
-- Any function pointwise equal to an equivalence is an equivalence as well.
definition homotopy_closed [Hf : is_equiv f] (Hty : f ∼ f') : (is_equiv f') :=
@ -60,26 +61,26 @@ namespace is_equiv
let secta := sect f a in
let retrfa := retr f (f a) in
let retrf'a := retr f (f' a) in
have eq1 : _ ≈ _,
have eq1 : _ = _,
from calc ap f secta ⬝ ff'a
≈ retrfa ⬝ ff'a : ap _ (@adj _ _ f _ _)
... ≈ ap (f ∘ invf) ff'a ⬝ retrf'a : concat_A1p
... ≈ ap f (ap invf ff'a) ⬝ retrf'a : ap_compose invf f,
have eq2 : _ ≈ _,
= retrfa ⬝ ff'a : ap _ (@adj _ _ f _ _)
... = ap (f ∘ invf) ff'a ⬝ retrf'a : concat_A1p
... = ap f (ap invf ff'a) ⬝ retrf'a : ap_compose invf f,
have eq2 : _ = _,
from calc retrf'a
≈ (ap f (ap invf ff'a))⁻¹ ⬝ (ap f secta ⬝ ff'a) : moveL_Vp _ _ _ (eq1⁻¹)
... ≈ ap f (ap invf ff'a)⁻¹ ⬝ (ap f secta ⬝ Hty a) : ap_V invf ff'a
... ≈ ap f (ap invf ff'a)⁻¹ ⬝ (Hty (invf (f a)) ⬝ ap f' secta) : concat_Ap
... ≈ (ap f (ap invf ff'a)⁻¹ ⬝ Hty (invf (f a))) ⬝ ap f' secta : concat_pp_p
... ≈ (ap f ((ap invf ff'a)⁻¹) ⬝ Hty (invf (f a))) ⬝ ap f' secta : ap_V
... ≈ (Hty (invf (f' a)) ⬝ ap f' ((ap invf ff'a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap f' secta : concat_Ap
... ≈ (Hty (invf (f' a)) ⬝ (ap f' (ap invf ff'a))⁻¹) ⬝ ap f' secta : ap_V
... ≈ Hty (invf (f' a)) ⬝ ((ap f' (ap invf ff'a))⁻¹ ⬝ ap f' secta) : concat_pp_p,
have eq3 : _ ≈ _,
= (ap f (ap invf ff'a))⁻¹ ⬝ (ap f secta ⬝ ff'a) : moveL_Vp _ _ _ (eq1⁻¹)
... = ap f (ap invf ff'a)⁻¹ ⬝ (ap f secta ⬝ Hty a) : ap_V invf ff'a
... = ap f (ap invf ff'a)⁻¹ ⬝ (Hty (invf (f a)) ⬝ ap f' secta) : concat_Ap
... = (ap f (ap invf ff'a)⁻¹ ⬝ Hty (invf (f a))) ⬝ ap f' secta : concat_pp_p
... = (ap f ((ap invf ff'a)⁻¹) ⬝ Hty (invf (f a))) ⬝ ap f' secta : ap_V
... = (Hty (invf (f' a)) ⬝ ap f' ((ap invf ff'a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap f' secta : concat_Ap
... = (Hty (invf (f' a)) ⬝ (ap f' (ap invf ff'a))⁻¹) ⬝ ap f' secta : ap_V
... = Hty (invf (f' a)) ⬝ ((ap f' (ap invf ff'a))⁻¹ ⬝ ap f' secta) : concat_pp_p,
have eq3 : _ = _,
from calc (Hty (invf (f' a)))⁻¹ ⬝ retrf'a
≈ (ap f' (ap invf ff'a))⁻¹ ⬝ ap f' secta : moveR_Vp _ _ _ eq2
... ≈ (ap f' ((ap invf ff'a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap f' secta : ap_V
... ≈ ap f' ((ap invf ff'a)⁻¹ ⬝ secta) : ap_pp,
= (ap f' (ap invf ff'a))⁻¹ ⬝ ap f' secta : moveR_Vp _ _ _ eq2
... = (ap f' ((ap invf ff'a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap f' secta : ap_V
... = ap f' ((ap invf ff'a)⁻¹ ⬝ secta) : ap_pp,
eq3) in
|||| (inv f) sect' retr' adj'
end is_equiv
@ -92,34 +93,34 @@ namespace is_equiv
definition adjointify_sect' : g ∘ f ∼ id :=
(λx, ap g (ap f (inverse (sec x))) ⬝ ap g (ret (f x)) ⬝ sec x)
definition adjointify_adj' : Π (x : A), ret (f x) ≈ ap f (adjointify_sect' x) :=
definition adjointify_adj' : Π (x : A), ret (f x) = ap f (adjointify_sect' x) :=
(λ (a : A),
let fgretrfa := ap f (ap g (ret (f a))) in
let fgfinvsect := ap f (ap g (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹))) in
let fgfa := f (g (f a)) in
let retrfa := ret (f a) in
have eq1 : ap f (sec a) ≈ _,
have eq1 : ap f (sec a) = _,
from calc ap f (sec a)
≈ idp ⬝ ap f (sec a) : !concat_1p⁻¹
... ≈ (ret (f a) ⬝ (ret (f a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : concat_pV
... ≈ ((ret (fgfa))⁻¹ ⬝ ap (f ∘ g) (ret (f a))) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {!concat_pA1⁻¹}
... ≈ ((ret (fgfa))⁻¹ ⬝ fgretrfa) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {ap_compose g f _}
... ≈ (ret (fgfa))⁻¹ ⬝ (fgretrfa ⬝ ap f (sec a)) : !concat_pp_p,
have eq2 : ap f (sec a) ⬝ idp ≈ (ret fgfa)⁻¹ ⬝ (fgretrfa ⬝ ap f (sec a)),
= idp ⬝ ap f (sec a) : !concat_1p⁻¹
... = (ret (f a) ⬝ (ret (f a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : concat_pV
... = ((ret (fgfa))⁻¹ ⬝ ap (f ∘ g) (ret (f a))) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {!concat_pA1⁻¹}
... = ((ret (fgfa))⁻¹ ⬝ fgretrfa) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {ap_compose g f _}
... = (ret (fgfa))⁻¹ ⬝ (fgretrfa ⬝ ap f (sec a)) : !concat_pp_p,
have eq2 : ap f (sec a) ⬝ idp = (ret fgfa)⁻¹ ⬝ (fgretrfa ⬝ ap f (sec a)),
from !concat_p1 ⬝ eq1,
have eq3 : idp ≈ _,
have eq3 : idp = _,
from calc idp
≈ (ap f (sec a))⁻¹ ⬝ ((ret fgfa)⁻¹ ⬝ (fgretrfa ⬝ ap f (sec a))) : moveL_Vp _ _ _ eq2
... ≈ (ap f (sec a)⁻¹ ⬝ (ret fgfa)⁻¹) ⬝ (fgretrfa ⬝ ap f (sec a)) : !concat_p_pp
... ≈ (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹) ⬝ (ret fgfa)⁻¹) ⬝ (fgretrfa ⬝ ap f (sec a)) : {!ap_V⁻¹}
... ≈ ((ap f ((sec a)⁻¹) ⬝ (ret fgfa)⁻¹) ⬝ fgretrfa) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : !concat_p_pp
... ≈ ((retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ ap (f ∘ g) (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹))) ⬝ fgretrfa) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {!concat_pA1⁻¹}
... ≈ ((retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ fgfinvsect) ⬝ fgretrfa) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {ap_compose g f _}
... ≈ (retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ (fgfinvsect ⬝ fgretrfa)) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {!concat_p_pp⁻¹}
... ≈ retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ ap f (ap g (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap g (ret (f a))) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {!ap_pp⁻¹}
... ≈ retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ (ap f (ap g (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap g (ret (f a))) ⬝ ap f (sec a)) : !concat_p_pp⁻¹
... ≈ retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ ap f ((ap g (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap g (ret (f a))) ⬝ sec a) : {!ap_pp⁻¹},
have eq4 : ret (f a) ≈ ap f ((ap g (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap g (ret (f a))) ⬝ sec a),
= (ap f (sec a))⁻¹ ⬝ ((ret fgfa)⁻¹ ⬝ (fgretrfa ⬝ ap f (sec a))) : moveL_Vp _ _ _ eq2
... = (ap f (sec a)⁻¹ ⬝ (ret fgfa)⁻¹) ⬝ (fgretrfa ⬝ ap f (sec a)) : !concat_p_pp
... = (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹) ⬝ (ret fgfa)⁻¹) ⬝ (fgretrfa ⬝ ap f (sec a)) : {!ap_V⁻¹}
... = ((ap f ((sec a)⁻¹) ⬝ (ret fgfa)⁻¹) ⬝ fgretrfa) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : !concat_p_pp
... = ((retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ ap (f ∘ g) (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹))) ⬝ fgretrfa) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {!concat_pA1⁻¹}
... = ((retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ fgfinvsect) ⬝ fgretrfa) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {ap_compose g f _}
... = (retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ (fgfinvsect ⬝ fgretrfa)) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {!concat_p_pp⁻¹}
... = retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ ap f (ap g (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap g (ret (f a))) ⬝ ap f (sec a) : {!ap_pp⁻¹}
... = retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ (ap f (ap g (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap g (ret (f a))) ⬝ ap f (sec a)) : !concat_p_pp⁻¹
... = retrfa⁻¹ ⬝ ap f ((ap g (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap g (ret (f a))) ⬝ sec a) : {!ap_pp⁻¹},
have eq4 : ret (f a) = ap f ((ap g (ap f ((sec a)⁻¹)) ⬝ ap g (ret (f a))) ⬝ sec a),
from moveR_M1 _ _ eq3,
@ -153,16 +154,16 @@ namespace is_equiv
@homotopy_closed _ _ _ _ (compose (f ∘ g) (f⁻¹)) (λa, sect f (g a))
--Rewrite rules
definition moveR_M {x : A} {y : B} (p : x ≈ (inv f) y) : (f x ≈ y) :=
definition moveR_M {x : A} {y : B} (p : x = (inv f) y) : (f x = y) :=
(ap f p) ⬝ (@retr _ _ f _ y)
definition moveL_M {x : A} {y : B} (p : (inv f) y ≈ x) : (y ≈ f x) :=
definition moveL_M {x : A} {y : B} (p : (inv f) y = x) : (y = f x) :=
(moveR_M f (p⁻¹))⁻¹
definition moveR_V {x : B} {y : A} (p : x ≈ f y) : (inv f) x ≈ y :=
definition moveR_V {x : B} {y : A} (p : x = f y) : (inv f) x = y :=
ap (f⁻¹) p ⬝ sect f y
definition moveL_V {x : B} {y : A} (p : f y ≈ x) : y ≈ (inv f) x :=
definition moveL_V {x : B} {y : A} (p : f y = x) : y = (inv f) x :=
(moveR_V f (p⁻¹))⁻¹
definition ap_closed [instance] (x y : A) : is_equiv (ap f) :=
@ -191,20 +192,20 @@ namespace is_equiv
definition equiv_rect (P : B -> Type) :
(Πx, P (f x)) → (Πy, P y) :=
(λg y, path.transport _ (retr f y) (g (f⁻¹ y)))
(λg y, eq.transport _ (retr f y) (g (f⁻¹ y)))
definition equiv_rect_comp (P : B → Type)
(df : Π (x : A), P (f x)) (x : A) : equiv_rect f P df (f x) ≈ df x :=
(df : Π (x : A), P (f x)) (x : A) : equiv_rect f P df (f x) = df x :=
calc equiv_rect f P df (f x)
≈ transport P (retr f (f x)) (df (f⁻¹ (f x))) : idp
... ≈ transport P (ap f (sect f x)) (df (f⁻¹ (f x))) : adj f
... ≈ transport (P ∘ f) (sect f x) (df (f⁻¹ (f x))) : transport_compose
... ≈ df x : apD df (sect f x)
= transport P (retr f (f x)) (df (f⁻¹ (f x))) : idp
... = transport P (ap f (sect f x)) (df (f⁻¹ (f x))) : adj f
... = transport (P ∘ f) (sect f x) (df (f⁻¹ (f x))) : transport_compose
... = df x : apD df (sect f x)
--Transporting is an equivalence
protected definition transport [instance] (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) : (is_equiv (transport P p)) :=
protected definition transport [instance] (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : (is_equiv (transport P p)) :=
|||| (transport P (p⁻¹)) (transport_pV P p) (transport_Vp P p) (transport_pVp P p)
end is_equiv
@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ namespace equiv
||| ((to_fun eqg) ∘ f)
(is_equiv.compose f (to_fun eqg))
theorem path_closed (f' : A → B) (Heq : to_fun eqf ≈ f') : A ≃ B :=
theorem path_closed (f' : A → B) (Heq : to_fun eqf = f') : A ≃ B :=
|||| f' (is_equiv.path_closed f Heq)
theorem symm : B ≃ A :=
@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ namespace equiv
theorem cancel_L (g : C → A) [Hgf : is_equiv (f ∘ g)] : C ≃ A :=
|||| g (is_equiv.cancel_L f _)
protected theorem transport (P : A → Type) {x y : A} {p : x ≈ y} : (P x) ≃ (P y) :=
protected theorem transport (P : A → Type) {x y : A} {p : x = y} : (P x) ≃ (P y) :=
|||| (transport P p) (is_equiv.transport P p)
@ -251,9 +252,9 @@ namespace equiv
private definition Hg [instance] : is_equiv (to_fun eqg) := to_is_equiv eqg
--We need this theorem for the funext_from_ua proof
theorem inv_eq (p : eqf ≈ eqg)
: is_equiv.inv (to_fun eqf) ≈ is_equiv.inv (to_fun eqg) :=
path.rec_on p idp
theorem inv_eq (p : eqf = eqg)
: is_equiv.inv (to_fun eqf) = is_equiv.inv (to_fun eqg) :=
eq.rec_on p idp
@ -1,47 +1,44 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Jeremy Avigad
-- Author: Jeremy Avigad, Jakob von Raumer
-- Ported from Coq HoTT
-- TODO: things to test:
-- o To what extent can we use opaque definitions outside the file?
-- o Try doing these proofs with tactics.
-- o Try using the simplifier on some of these proofs.
import .function .datatypes .relation .tactic
import algebra.function
open function eq
open function
-- Path equality
-- ---- --------
-- Path
-- ----
inductive path.{l} {A : Type.{l}} (a : A) : A → Type.{l} :=
idpath : path a a
namespace path
namespace eq
variables {A B C : Type} {P : A → Type} {x y z t : A}
notation a ≈ b := path a b
notation x ≈ y `:>`:50 A:49 := @path A x y
definition idp {a : A} := idpath a
--notation a = b := eq a b
notation x = y `:>`:50 A:49 := @eq A x y
definition idp {a : A} := refl a
-- unbased path induction
definition rec' [reducible] {P : Π (a b : A), (a ≈ b) -> Type}
(H : Π (a : A), P a a idp) {a b : A} (p : a ≈ b) : P a b p :=
path.rec (H a) p
definition rec' [reducible] {P : Π (a b : A), (a = b) -> Type}
(H : Π (a : A), P a a idp) {a b : A} (p : a = b) : P a b p :=
eq.rec (H a) p
definition rec_on' [reducible] {P : Π (a b : A), (a ≈ b) -> Type} {a b : A} (p : a ≈ b)
definition rec_on' [reducible] {P : Π (a b : A), (a = b) -> Type} {a b : A} (p : a = b)
(H : Π (a : A), P a a idp) : P a b p :=
path.rec (H a) p
eq.rec (H a) p
-- Concatenation and inverse
-- -------------------------
definition concat (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) : x ≈ z :=
path.rec (λu, u) q p
definition concat (p : x = y) (q : y = z) : x = z :=
eq.rec (λu, u) q p
definition inverse (p : x ≈ y) : y ≈ x :=
path.rec (idpath x) p
definition inverse (p : x = y) : y = x :=
eq.rec (refl x) p
notation p₁ ⬝ p₂ := concat p₁ p₂
notation p ⁻¹ := inverse p
@ -50,159 +47,159 @@ namespace path
-- ------------------------------------
-- The identity path is a right unit.
definition concat_p1 (p : x ≈ y) : p ⬝ idp ≈ p :=
definition concat_p1 (p : x = y) : p ⬝ idp = p :=
rec_on p idp
-- The identity path is a right unit.
definition concat_1p (p : x ≈ y) : idp ⬝ p ≈ p :=
definition concat_1p (p : x = y) : idp ⬝ p = p :=
rec_on p idp
-- Concatenation is associative.
definition concat_p_pp (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) (r : z ≈ t) :
p ⬝ (q ⬝ r) ≈ (p ⬝ q) ⬝ r :=
definition concat_p_pp (p : x = y) (q : y = z) (r : z = t) :
p ⬝ (q ⬝ r) = (p ⬝ q) ⬝ r :=
rec_on r (rec_on q idp)
definition concat_pp_p (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) (r : z ≈ t) :
(p ⬝ q) ⬝ r ≈ p ⬝ (q ⬝ r) :=
definition concat_pp_p (p : x = y) (q : y = z) (r : z = t) :
(p ⬝ q) ⬝ r = p ⬝ (q ⬝ r) :=
rec_on r (rec_on q idp)
-- The left inverse law.
definition concat_pV (p : x ≈ y) : p ⬝ p⁻¹ ≈ idp :=
definition concat_pV (p : x = y) : p ⬝ p⁻¹ = idp :=
rec_on p idp
-- The right inverse law.
definition concat_Vp (p : x ≈ y) : p⁻¹ ⬝ p ≈ idp :=
definition concat_Vp (p : x = y) : p⁻¹ ⬝ p = idp :=
rec_on p idp
-- Several auxiliary theorems about canceling inverses across associativity. These are somewhat
-- redundant, following from earlier theorems.
definition concat_V_pp (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) : p⁻¹ ⬝ (p ⬝ q) ≈ q :=
definition concat_V_pp (p : x = y) (q : y = z) : p⁻¹ ⬝ (p ⬝ q) = q :=
rec_on q (rec_on p idp)
definition concat_p_Vp (p : x ≈ y) (q : x ≈ z) : p ⬝ (p⁻¹ ⬝ q) ≈ q :=
definition concat_p_Vp (p : x = y) (q : x = z) : p ⬝ (p⁻¹ ⬝ q) = q :=
rec_on q (rec_on p idp)
definition concat_pp_V (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) : (p ⬝ q) ⬝ q⁻¹ ≈ p :=
definition concat_pp_V (p : x = y) (q : y = z) : (p ⬝ q) ⬝ q⁻¹ = p :=
rec_on q (rec_on p idp)
definition concat_pV_p (p : x ≈ z) (q : y ≈ z) : (p ⬝ q⁻¹) ⬝ q ≈ p :=
definition concat_pV_p (p : x = z) (q : y = z) : (p ⬝ q⁻¹) ⬝ q = p :=
rec_on q (take p, rec_on p idp) p
-- Inverse distributes over concatenation
definition inv_pp (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) : (p ⬝ q)⁻¹ ≈ q⁻¹ ⬝ p⁻¹ :=
definition inv_pp (p : x = y) (q : y = z) : (p ⬝ q)⁻¹ = q⁻¹ ⬝ p⁻¹ :=
rec_on q (rec_on p idp)
definition inv_Vp (p : y ≈ x) (q : y ≈ z) : (p⁻¹ ⬝ q)⁻¹ ≈ q⁻¹ ⬝ p :=
definition inv_Vp (p : y = x) (q : y = z) : (p⁻¹ ⬝ q)⁻¹ = q⁻¹ ⬝ p :=
rec_on q (rec_on p idp)
-- universe metavariables
definition inv_pV (p : x ≈ y) (q : z ≈ y) : (p ⬝ q⁻¹)⁻¹ ≈ q ⬝ p⁻¹ :=
definition inv_pV (p : x = y) (q : z = y) : (p ⬝ q⁻¹)⁻¹ = q ⬝ p⁻¹ :=
rec_on p (take q, rec_on q idp) q
definition inv_VV (p : y ≈ x) (q : z ≈ y) : (p⁻¹ ⬝ q⁻¹)⁻¹ ≈ q ⬝ p :=
definition inv_VV (p : y = x) (q : z = y) : (p⁻¹ ⬝ q⁻¹)⁻¹ = q ⬝ p :=
rec_on p (rec_on q idp)
-- Inverse is an involution.
definition inv_V (p : x ≈ y) : p⁻¹⁻¹ ≈ p :=
definition inv_V (p : x = y) : p⁻¹⁻¹ = p :=
rec_on p idp
-- Theorems for moving things around in equations
-- ----------------------------------------------
definition moveR_Mp (p : x ≈ z) (q : y ≈ z) (r : y ≈ x) :
p ≈ (r⁻¹ ⬝ q) → (r ⬝ p) ≈ q :=
definition moveR_Mp (p : x = z) (q : y = z) (r : y = x) :
p = (r⁻¹ ⬝ q) → (r ⬝ p) = q :=
rec_on r (take p h, concat_1p _ ⬝ h ⬝ concat_1p _) p
definition moveR_pM (p : x ≈ z) (q : y ≈ z) (r : y ≈ x) :
r ≈ q ⬝ p⁻¹ → r ⬝ p ≈ q :=
definition moveR_pM (p : x = z) (q : y = z) (r : y = x) :
r = q ⬝ p⁻¹ → r ⬝ p = q :=
rec_on p (take q h, (concat_p1 _ ⬝ h ⬝ concat_p1 _)) q
definition moveR_Vp (p : x ≈ z) (q : y ≈ z) (r : x ≈ y) :
p ≈ r ⬝ q → r⁻¹ ⬝ p ≈ q :=
definition moveR_Vp (p : x = z) (q : y = z) (r : x = y) :
p = r ⬝ q → r⁻¹ ⬝ p = q :=
rec_on r (take q h, concat_1p _ ⬝ h ⬝ concat_1p _) q
definition moveR_pV (p : z ≈ x) (q : y ≈ z) (r : y ≈ x) :
r ≈ q ⬝ p → r ⬝ p⁻¹ ≈ q :=
definition moveR_pV (p : z = x) (q : y = z) (r : y = x) :
r = q ⬝ p → r ⬝ p⁻¹ = q :=
rec_on p (take r h, concat_p1 _ ⬝ h ⬝ concat_p1 _) r
definition moveL_Mp (p : x ≈ z) (q : y ≈ z) (r : y ≈ x) :
r⁻¹ ⬝ q ≈ p → q ≈ r ⬝ p :=
definition moveL_Mp (p : x = z) (q : y = z) (r : y = x) :
r⁻¹ ⬝ q = p → q = r ⬝ p :=
rec_on r (take p h, (concat_1p _)⁻¹ ⬝ h ⬝ (concat_1p _)⁻¹) p
definition moveL_pM (p : x ≈ z) (q : y ≈ z) (r : y ≈ x) :
q ⬝ p⁻¹ ≈ r → q ≈ r ⬝ p :=
definition moveL_pM (p : x = z) (q : y = z) (r : y = x) :
q ⬝ p⁻¹ = r → q = r ⬝ p :=
rec_on p (take q h, (concat_p1 _)⁻¹ ⬝ h ⬝ (concat_p1 _)⁻¹) q
definition moveL_Vp (p : x ≈ z) (q : y ≈ z) (r : x ≈ y) :
r ⬝ q ≈ p → q ≈ r⁻¹ ⬝ p :=
definition moveL_Vp (p : x = z) (q : y = z) (r : x = y) :
r ⬝ q = p → q = r⁻¹ ⬝ p :=
rec_on r (take q h, (concat_1p _)⁻¹ ⬝ h ⬝ (concat_1p _)⁻¹) q
definition moveL_pV (p : z ≈ x) (q : y ≈ z) (r : y ≈ x) :
q ⬝ p ≈ r → q ≈ r ⬝ p⁻¹ :=
definition moveL_pV (p : z = x) (q : y = z) (r : y = x) :
q ⬝ p = r → q = r ⬝ p⁻¹ :=
rec_on p (take r h, (concat_p1 _)⁻¹ ⬝ h ⬝ (concat_p1 _)⁻¹) r
definition moveL_1M (p q : x ≈ y) :
p ⬝ q⁻¹ ≈ idp → p ≈ q :=
definition moveL_1M (p q : x = y) :
p ⬝ q⁻¹ = idp → p = q :=
rec_on q (take p h, (concat_p1 _)⁻¹ ⬝ h) p
definition moveL_M1 (p q : x ≈ y) :
q⁻¹ ⬝ p ≈ idp → p ≈ q :=
definition moveL_M1 (p q : x = y) :
q⁻¹ ⬝ p = idp → p = q :=
rec_on q (take p h, (concat_1p _)⁻¹ ⬝ h) p
definition moveL_1V (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ x) :
p ⬝ q ≈ idp → p ≈ q⁻¹ :=
definition moveL_1V (p : x = y) (q : y = x) :
p ⬝ q = idp → p = q⁻¹ :=
rec_on q (take p h, (concat_p1 _)⁻¹ ⬝ h) p
definition moveL_V1 (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ x) :
q ⬝ p ≈ idp → p ≈ q⁻¹ :=
definition moveL_V1 (p : x = y) (q : y = x) :
q ⬝ p = idp → p = q⁻¹ :=
rec_on q (take p h, (concat_1p _)⁻¹ ⬝ h) p
definition moveR_M1 (p q : x ≈ y) :
idp ≈ p⁻¹ ⬝ q → p ≈ q :=
definition moveR_M1 (p q : x = y) :
idp = p⁻¹ ⬝ q → p = q :=
rec_on p (take q h, h ⬝ (concat_1p _)) q
definition moveR_1M (p q : x ≈ y) :
idp ≈ q ⬝ p⁻¹ → p ≈ q :=
definition moveR_1M (p q : x = y) :
idp = q ⬝ p⁻¹ → p = q :=
rec_on p (take q h, h ⬝ (concat_p1 _)) q
definition moveR_1V (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ x) :
idp ≈ q ⬝ p → p⁻¹ ≈ q :=
definition moveR_1V (p : x = y) (q : y = x) :
idp = q ⬝ p → p⁻¹ = q :=
rec_on p (take q h, h ⬝ (concat_p1 _)) q
definition moveR_V1 (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ x) :
idp ≈ p ⬝ q → p⁻¹ ≈ q :=
definition moveR_V1 (p : x = y) (q : y = x) :
idp = p ⬝ q → p⁻¹ = q :=
rec_on p (take q h, h ⬝ (concat_1p _)) q
-- Transport
-- ---------
definition transport [reducible] (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) (u : P x) : P y :=
path.rec_on p u
definition transport [reducible] (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (u : P x) : P y :=
eq.rec_on p u
-- This idiom makes the operation right associative.
notation p `▹`:65 x:64 := transport _ p x
definition ap ⦃A B : Type⦄ (f : A → B) {x y:A} (p : x ≈ y) : f x ≈ f y :=
path.rec_on p idp
definition ap ⦃A B : Type⦄ (f : A → B) {x y:A} (p : x = y) : f x = f y :=
eq.rec_on p idp
definition ap01 := ap
definition homotopy [reducible] (f g : Πx, P x) : Type :=
Πx : A, f x ≈ g x
Πx : A, f x = g x
notation f ∼ g := homotopy f g
definition apD10 {f g : Πx, P x} (H : f ≈ g) : f ∼ g :=
λx, path.rec_on H idp
definition apD10 {f g : Πx, P x} (H : f = g) : f ∼ g :=
λx, eq.rec_on H idp
definition ap10 {f g : A → B} (H : f ≈ g) : f ∼ g := apD10 H
definition ap10 {f g : A → B} (H : f = g) : f ∼ g := apD10 H
definition ap11 {f g : A → B} (H : f ≈ g) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) : f x ≈ g y :=
definition ap11 {f g : A → B} (H : f = g) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : f x = g y :=
rec_on H (rec_on p idp)
definition apD (f : Πa:A, P a) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) : p ▹ (f x) ≈ f y :=
definition apD (f : Πa:A, P a) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : p ▹ (f x) = f y :=
rec_on p idp
@ -211,26 +208,26 @@ namespace path
calc_subst transport
calc_trans concat
calc_refl idpath
calc_refl refl
calc_symm inverse
-- More theorems for moving things around in equations
-- ---------------------------------------------------
definition moveR_transport_p (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) (u : P x) (v : P y) :
u ≈ p⁻¹ ▹ v → p ▹ u ≈ v :=
definition moveR_transport_p (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (u : P x) (v : P y) :
u = p⁻¹ ▹ v → p ▹ u = v :=
rec_on p (take v, id) v
definition moveR_transport_V (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : y ≈ x) (u : P x) (v : P y) :
u ≈ p ▹ v → p⁻¹ ▹ u ≈ v :=
definition moveR_transport_V (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : y = x) (u : P x) (v : P y) :
u = p ▹ v → p⁻¹ ▹ u = v :=
rec_on p (take u, id) u
definition moveL_transport_V (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) (u : P x) (v : P y) :
p ▹ u ≈ v → u ≈ p⁻¹ ▹ v :=
definition moveL_transport_V (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (u : P x) (v : P y) :
p ▹ u = v → u = p⁻¹ ▹ v :=
rec_on p (take v, id) v
definition moveL_transport_p (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : y ≈ x) (u : P x) (v : P y) :
p⁻¹ ▹ u ≈ v → u ≈ p ▹ v :=
definition moveL_transport_p (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : y = x) (u : P x) (v : P y) :
p⁻¹ ▹ u = v → u = p ▹ v :=
rec_on p (take u, id) u
-- Functoriality of functions
@ -240,115 +237,115 @@ namespace path
-- functorial.
-- Functions take identity paths to identity paths
definition ap_1 (x : A) (f : A → B) : (ap f idp) ≈ idp :> (f x ≈ f x) := idp
definition ap_1 (x : A) (f : A → B) : (ap f idp) = idp :> (f x = f x) := idp
definition apD_1 (x : A) (f : Π x : A, P x) : apD f idp ≈ idp :> (f x ≈ f x) := idp
definition apD_1 (x : A) (f : Π x : A, P x) : apD f idp = idp :> (f x = f x) := idp
-- Functions commute with concatenation.
definition ap_pp (f : A → B) {x y z : A} (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) :
ap f (p ⬝ q) ≈ (ap f p) ⬝ (ap f q) :=
definition ap_pp (f : A → B) {x y z : A} (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
ap f (p ⬝ q) = (ap f p) ⬝ (ap f q) :=
rec_on q (rec_on p idp)
definition ap_p_pp (f : A → B) {w x y z : A} (r : f w ≈ f x) (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) :
r ⬝ (ap f (p ⬝ q)) ≈ (r ⬝ ap f p) ⬝ (ap f q) :=
definition ap_p_pp (f : A → B) {w x y z : A} (r : f w = f x) (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
r ⬝ (ap f (p ⬝ q)) = (r ⬝ ap f p) ⬝ (ap f q) :=
rec_on q (take p, rec_on p (concat_p_pp r idp idp)) p
definition ap_pp_p (f : A → B) {w x y z : A} (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) (r : f z ≈ f w) :
(ap f (p ⬝ q)) ⬝ r ≈ (ap f p) ⬝ (ap f q ⬝ r) :=
definition ap_pp_p (f : A → B) {w x y z : A} (p : x = y) (q : y = z) (r : f z = f w) :
(ap f (p ⬝ q)) ⬝ r = (ap f p) ⬝ (ap f q ⬝ r) :=
rec_on q (rec_on p (take r, concat_pp_p _ _ _)) r
-- Functions commute with path inverses.
definition inverse_ap (f : A → B) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) : (ap f p)⁻¹ ≈ ap f (p⁻¹) :=
definition inverse_ap (f : A → B) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : (ap f p)⁻¹ = ap f (p⁻¹) :=
rec_on p idp
definition ap_V {A B : Type} (f : A → B) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) : ap f (p⁻¹) ≈ (ap f p)⁻¹ :=
definition ap_V {A B : Type} (f : A → B) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : ap f (p⁻¹) = (ap f p)⁻¹ :=
rec_on p idp
-- [ap] itself is functorial in the first argument.
definition ap_idmap (p : x ≈ y) : ap id p ≈ p :=
definition ap_idmap (p : x = y) : ap id p = p :=
rec_on p idp
definition ap_compose (f : A → B) (g : B → C) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) :
ap (g ∘ f) p ≈ ap g (ap f p) :=
definition ap_compose (f : A → B) (g : B → C) {x y : A} (p : x = y) :
ap (g ∘ f) p = ap g (ap f p) :=
rec_on p idp
-- Sometimes we don't have the actual function [compose].
definition ap_compose' (f : A → B) (g : B → C) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) :
ap (λa, g (f a)) p ≈ ap g (ap f p) :=
definition ap_compose' (f : A → B) (g : B → C) {x y : A} (p : x = y) :
ap (λa, g (f a)) p = ap g (ap f p) :=
rec_on p idp
-- The action of constant maps.
definition ap_const (p : x ≈ y) (z : B) :
ap (λu, z) p ≈ idp :=
definition ap_const (p : x = y) (z : B) :
ap (λu, z) p = idp :=
rec_on p idp
-- Naturality of [ap].
definition concat_Ap {f g : A → B} (p : Π x, f x ≈ g x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y) :
(ap f q) ⬝ (p y) ≈ (p x) ⬝ (ap g q) :=
definition concat_Ap {f g : A → B} (p : Π x, f x = g x) {x y : A} (q : x = y) :
(ap f q) ⬝ (p y) = (p x) ⬝ (ap g q) :=
rec_on q (concat_1p _ ⬝ (concat_p1 _)⁻¹)
-- Naturality of [ap] at identity.
definition concat_A1p {f : A → A} (p : Πx, f x ≈ x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y) :
(ap f q) ⬝ (p y) ≈ (p x) ⬝ q :=
definition concat_A1p {f : A → A} (p : Πx, f x = x) {x y : A} (q : x = y) :
(ap f q) ⬝ (p y) = (p x) ⬝ q :=
rec_on q (concat_1p _ ⬝ (concat_p1 _)⁻¹)
definition concat_pA1 {f : A → A} (p : Πx, x ≈ f x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y) :
(p x) ⬝ (ap f q) ≈ q ⬝ (p y) :=
definition concat_pA1 {f : A → A} (p : Πx, x = f x) {x y : A} (q : x = y) :
(p x) ⬝ (ap f q) = q ⬝ (p y) :=
rec_on q (concat_p1 _ ⬝ (concat_1p _)⁻¹)
-- Naturality with other paths hanging around.
definition concat_pA_pp {f g : A → B} (p : Πx, f x ≈ g x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y)
{w z : B} (r : w ≈ f x) (s : g y ≈ z) :
(r ⬝ ap f q) ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) ≈ (r ⬝ p x) ⬝ (ap g q ⬝ s) :=
definition concat_pA_pp {f g : A → B} (p : Πx, f x = g x) {x y : A} (q : x = y)
{w z : B} (r : w = f x) (s : g y = z) :
(r ⬝ ap f q) ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) = (r ⬝ p x) ⬝ (ap g q ⬝ s) :=
rec_on s (rec_on q idp)
definition concat_pA_p {f g : A → B} (p : Πx, f x ≈ g x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y)
{w : B} (r : w ≈ f x) :
(r ⬝ ap f q) ⬝ p y ≈ (r ⬝ p x) ⬝ ap g q :=
definition concat_pA_p {f g : A → B} (p : Πx, f x = g x) {x y : A} (q : x = y)
{w : B} (r : w = f x) :
(r ⬝ ap f q) ⬝ p y = (r ⬝ p x) ⬝ ap g q :=
rec_on q idp
-- TODO: try this using the simplifier, and compare proofs
definition concat_A_pp {f g : A → B} (p : Πx, f x ≈ g x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y)
{z : B} (s : g y ≈ z) :
(ap f q) ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) ≈ (p x) ⬝ (ap g q ⬝ s) :=
definition concat_A_pp {f g : A → B} (p : Πx, f x = g x) {x y : A} (q : x = y)
{z : B} (s : g y = z) :
(ap f q) ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) = (p x) ⬝ (ap g q ⬝ s) :=
rec_on s (rec_on q
(ap f idp) ⬝ (p x ⬝ idp) ≈ idp ⬝ p x : idp
... ≈ p x : concat_1p _
... ≈ (p x) ⬝ (ap g idp ⬝ idp) : idp))
(ap f idp) ⬝ (p x ⬝ idp) = idp ⬝ p x : idp
... = p x : concat_1p _
... = (p x) ⬝ (ap g idp ⬝ idp) : idp))
-- This also works:
-- rec_on s (rec_on q (concat_1p _ ▹ idp))
definition concat_pA1_pp {f : A → A} (p : Πx, f x ≈ x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y)
{w z : A} (r : w ≈ f x) (s : y ≈ z) :
(r ⬝ ap f q) ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) ≈ (r ⬝ p x) ⬝ (q ⬝ s) :=
definition concat_pA1_pp {f : A → A} (p : Πx, f x = x) {x y : A} (q : x = y)
{w z : A} (r : w = f x) (s : y = z) :
(r ⬝ ap f q) ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) = (r ⬝ p x) ⬝ (q ⬝ s) :=
rec_on s (rec_on q idp)
definition concat_pp_A1p {g : A → A} (p : Πx, x ≈ g x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y)
{w z : A} (r : w ≈ x) (s : g y ≈ z) :
(r ⬝ p x) ⬝ (ap g q ⬝ s) ≈ (r ⬝ q) ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) :=
definition concat_pp_A1p {g : A → A} (p : Πx, x = g x) {x y : A} (q : x = y)
{w z : A} (r : w = x) (s : g y = z) :
(r ⬝ p x) ⬝ (ap g q ⬝ s) = (r ⬝ q) ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) :=
rec_on s (rec_on q idp)
definition concat_pA1_p {f : A → A} (p : Πx, f x ≈ x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y)
{w : A} (r : w ≈ f x) :
(r ⬝ ap f q) ⬝ p y ≈ (r ⬝ p x) ⬝ q :=
definition concat_pA1_p {f : A → A} (p : Πx, f x = x) {x y : A} (q : x = y)
{w : A} (r : w = f x) :
(r ⬝ ap f q) ⬝ p y = (r ⬝ p x) ⬝ q :=
rec_on q idp
definition concat_A1_pp {f : A → A} (p : Πx, f x ≈ x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y)
{z : A} (s : y ≈ z) :
(ap f q) ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) ≈ (p x) ⬝ (q ⬝ s) :=
definition concat_A1_pp {f : A → A} (p : Πx, f x = x) {x y : A} (q : x = y)
{z : A} (s : y = z) :
(ap f q) ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) = (p x) ⬝ (q ⬝ s) :=
rec_on s (rec_on q (concat_1p _ ▹ idp))
definition concat_pp_A1 {g : A → A} (p : Πx, x ≈ g x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y)
{w : A} (r : w ≈ x) :
(r ⬝ p x) ⬝ ap g q ≈ (r ⬝ q) ⬝ p y :=
definition concat_pp_A1 {g : A → A} (p : Πx, x = g x) {x y : A} (q : x = y)
{w : A} (r : w = x) :
(r ⬝ p x) ⬝ ap g q = (r ⬝ q) ⬝ p y :=
rec_on q idp
definition concat_p_A1p {g : A → A} (p : Πx, x ≈ g x) {x y : A} (q : x ≈ y)
{z : A} (s : g y ≈ z) :
p x ⬝ (ap g q ⬝ s) ≈ q ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) :=
definition concat_p_A1p {g : A → A} (p : Πx, x = g x) {x y : A} (q : x = y)
{z : A} (s : g y = z) :
p x ⬝ (ap g q ⬝ s) = q ⬝ (p y ⬝ s) :=
apply (rec_on s),
apply (rec_on q),
@ -360,27 +357,27 @@ namespace path
-- Application of paths between functions preserves the groupoid structure
definition apD10_1 (f : Πx, P x) (x : A) : apD10 (idpath f) x ≈ idp := idp
definition apD10_1 (f : Πx, P x) (x : A) : apD10 (refl f) x = idp := idp
definition apD10_pp {f f' f'' : Πx, P x} (h : f ≈ f') (h' : f' ≈ f'') (x : A) :
apD10 (h ⬝ h') x ≈ apD10 h x ⬝ apD10 h' x :=
definition apD10_pp {f f' f'' : Πx, P x} (h : f = f') (h' : f' = f'') (x : A) :
apD10 (h ⬝ h') x = apD10 h x ⬝ apD10 h' x :=
rec_on h (take h', rec_on h' idp) h'
definition apD10_V {f g : Πx : A, P x} (h : f ≈ g) (x : A) :
apD10 (h⁻¹) x ≈ (apD10 h x)⁻¹ :=
definition apD10_V {f g : Πx : A, P x} (h : f = g) (x : A) :
apD10 (h⁻¹) x = (apD10 h x)⁻¹ :=
rec_on h idp
definition ap10_1 {f : A → B} (x : A) : ap10 (idpath f) x ≈ idp := idp
definition ap10_1 {f : A → B} (x : A) : ap10 (refl f) x = idp := idp
definition ap10_pp {f f' f'' : A → B} (h : f ≈ f') (h' : f' ≈ f'') (x : A) :
ap10 (h ⬝ h') x ≈ ap10 h x ⬝ ap10 h' x := apD10_pp h h' x
definition ap10_pp {f f' f'' : A → B} (h : f = f') (h' : f' = f'') (x : A) :
ap10 (h ⬝ h') x = ap10 h x ⬝ ap10 h' x := apD10_pp h h' x
definition ap10_V {f g : A → B} (h : f ≈ g) (x : A) : ap10 (h⁻¹) x ≈ (ap10 h x)⁻¹ :=
definition ap10_V {f g : A → B} (h : f = g) (x : A) : ap10 (h⁻¹) x = (ap10 h x)⁻¹ :=
apD10_V h x
-- [ap10] also behaves nicely on paths produced by [ap]
definition ap_ap10 (f g : A → B) (h : B → C) (p : f ≈ g) (a : A) :
ap h (ap10 p a) ≈ ap10 (ap (λ f', h ∘ f') p) a:=
definition ap_ap10 (f g : A → B) (h : B → C) (p : f = g) (a : A) :
ap h (ap10 p a) = ap10 (ap (λ f', h ∘ f') p) a:=
rec_on p idp
@ -388,77 +385,77 @@ namespace path
-- ---------------------------------------------
definition transport_1 (P : A → Type) {x : A} (u : P x) :
idp ▹ u ≈ u := idp
idp ▹ u = u := idp
definition transport_pp (P : A → Type) {x y z : A} (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) (u : P x) :
p ⬝ q ▹ u ≈ q ▹ p ▹ u :=
definition transport_pp (P : A → Type) {x y z : A} (p : x = y) (q : y = z) (u : P x) :
p ⬝ q ▹ u = q ▹ p ▹ u :=
rec_on q (rec_on p idp)
definition transport_pV (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) (z : P y) :
p ▹ p⁻¹ ▹ z ≈ z :=
definition transport_pV (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (z : P y) :
p ▹ p⁻¹ ▹ z = z :=
(transport_pp P (p⁻¹) p z)⁻¹ ⬝ ap (λr, transport P r z) (concat_Vp p)
definition transport_Vp (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) (z : P x) :
p⁻¹ ▹ p ▹ z ≈ z :=
definition transport_Vp (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (z : P x) :
p⁻¹ ▹ p ▹ z = z :=
(transport_pp P p (p⁻¹) z)⁻¹ ⬝ ap (λr, transport P r z) (concat_pV p)
definition transport_p_pp (P : A → Type)
{x y z w : A} (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) (r : z ≈ w) (u : P x) :
{x y z w : A} (p : x = y) (q : y = z) (r : z = w) (u : P x) :
ap (λe, e ▹ u) (concat_p_pp p q r) ⬝ (transport_pp P (p ⬝ q) r u) ⬝
ap (transport P r) (transport_pp P p q u)
≈ (transport_pp P p (q ⬝ r) u) ⬝ (transport_pp P q r (p ▹ u))
:> ((p ⬝ (q ⬝ r)) ▹ u ≈ r ▹ q ▹ p ▹ u) :=
= (transport_pp P p (q ⬝ r) u) ⬝ (transport_pp P q r (p ▹ u))
:> ((p ⬝ (q ⬝ r)) ▹ u = r ▹ q ▹ p ▹ u) :=
rec_on r (rec_on q (rec_on p idp))
-- Here is another coherence lemma for transport.
definition transport_pVp (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) (z : P x) :
transport_pV P p (transport P p z) ≈ ap (transport P p) (transport_Vp P p z) :=
definition transport_pVp (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (z : P x) :
transport_pV P p (transport P p z) = ap (transport P p) (transport_Vp P p z) :=
rec_on p idp
-- Dependent transport in a doubly dependent type.
-- should P, Q and y all be explicit here?
definition transportD (P : A → Type) (Q : Π a : A, P a → Type)
{a a' : A} (p : a ≈ a') (b : P a) (z : Q a b) : Q a' (p ▹ b) :=
{a a' : A} (p : a = a') (b : P a) (z : Q a b) : Q a' (p ▹ b) :=
rec_on p z
-- In Coq the variables B, C and y are explicit, but in Lean we can probably have them implicit using the following notation
notation p `▹D`:65 x:64 := transportD _ _ p _ x
-- Transporting along higher-dimensional paths
definition transport2 (P : A → Type) {x y : A} {p q : x ≈ y} (r : p ≈ q) (z : P x) :
p ▹ z ≈ q ▹ z :=
definition transport2 (P : A → Type) {x y : A} {p q : x = y} (r : p = q) (z : P x) :
p ▹ z = q ▹ z :=
ap (λp', p' ▹ z) r
notation p `▹2`:65 x:64 := transport2 _ p _ x
-- An alternative definition.
definition transport2_is_ap10 (Q : A → Type) {x y : A} {p q : x ≈ y} (r : p ≈ q)
definition transport2_is_ap10 (Q : A → Type) {x y : A} {p q : x = y} (r : p = q)
(z : Q x) :
transport2 Q r z ≈ ap10 (ap (transport Q) r) z :=
transport2 Q r z = ap10 (ap (transport Q) r) z :=
rec_on r idp
definition transport2_p2p (P : A → Type) {x y : A} {p1 p2 p3 : x ≈ y}
(r1 : p1 ≈ p2) (r2 : p2 ≈ p3) (z : P x) :
transport2 P (r1 ⬝ r2) z ≈ transport2 P r1 z ⬝ transport2 P r2 z :=
definition transport2_p2p (P : A → Type) {x y : A} {p1 p2 p3 : x = y}
(r1 : p1 = p2) (r2 : p2 = p3) (z : P x) :
transport2 P (r1 ⬝ r2) z = transport2 P r1 z ⬝ transport2 P r2 z :=
rec_on r1 (rec_on r2 idp)
definition transport2_V (Q : A → Type) {x y : A} {p q : x ≈ y} (r : p ≈ q) (z : Q x) :
transport2 Q (r⁻¹) z ≈ ((transport2 Q r z)⁻¹) :=
definition transport2_V (Q : A → Type) {x y : A} {p q : x = y} (r : p = q) (z : Q x) :
transport2 Q (r⁻¹) z = ((transport2 Q r z)⁻¹) :=
rec_on r idp
definition transportD2 (B C : A → Type) (D : Π(a:A), B a → C a → Type)
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 ≈ x2) (y : B x1) (z : C x1) (w : D x1 y z) : D x2 (p ▹ y) (p ▹ z) :=
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (y : B x1) (z : C x1) (w : D x1 y z) : D x2 (p ▹ y) (p ▹ z) :=
rec_on p w
notation p `▹D2`:65 x:64 := transportD2 _ _ _ p _ _ x
definition concat_AT (P : A → Type) {x y : A} {p q : x ≈ y} {z w : P x} (r : p ≈ q)
(s : z ≈ w) :
ap (transport P p) s ⬝ transport2 P r w ≈ transport2 P r z ⬝ ap (transport P q) s :=
definition concat_AT (P : A → Type) {x y : A} {p q : x = y} {z w : P x} (r : p = q)
(s : z = w) :
ap (transport P p) s ⬝ transport2 P r w = transport2 P r z ⬝ ap (transport P q) s :=
rec_on r (concat_p1 _ ⬝ (concat_1p _)⁻¹)
-- TODO (from Coq library): What should this be called?
definition ap_transport {P Q : A → Type} {x y : A} (p : x ≈ y) (f : Πx, P x → Q x) (z : P x) :
f y (p ▹ z) ≈ (p ▹ (f x z)) :=
definition ap_transport {P Q : A → Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) (f : Πx, P x → Q x) (z : P x) :
f y (p ▹ z) = (p ▹ (f x z)) :=
rec_on p idp
@ -475,34 +472,34 @@ namespace path
-- Transporting in a constant fibration.
definition transport_const (p : x ≈ y) (z : B) : transport (λx, B) p z ≈ z :=
definition transport_const (p : x = y) (z : B) : transport (λx, B) p z = z :=
rec_on p idp
definition transport2_const {p q : x ≈ y} (r : p ≈ q) (z : B) :
transport_const p z ≈ transport2 (λu, B) r z ⬝ transport_const q z :=
definition transport2_const {p q : x = y} (r : p = q) (z : B) :
transport_const p z = transport2 (λu, B) r z ⬝ transport_const q z :=
rec_on r (concat_1p _)⁻¹
-- Transporting in a pulled back fibration.
-- TODO: P can probably be implicit
definition transport_compose (P : B → Type) (f : A → B) (p : x ≈ y) (z : P (f x)) :
transport (P ∘ f) p z ≈ transport P (ap f p) z :=
definition transport_compose (P : B → Type) (f : A → B) (p : x = y) (z : P (f x)) :
transport (P ∘ f) p z = transport P (ap f p) z :=
rec_on p idp
definition transport_precompose (f : A → B) (g g' : B → C) (p : g ≈ g') :
transport (λh : B → C, g ∘ f ≈ h ∘ f) p idp ≈ ap (λh, h ∘ f) p :=
definition transport_precompose (f : A → B) (g g' : B → C) (p : g = g') :
transport (λh : B → C, g ∘ f = h ∘ f) p idp = ap (λh, h ∘ f) p :=
rec_on p idp
definition apD10_ap_precompose (f : A → B) (g g' : B → C) (p : g ≈ g') (a : A) :
apD10 (ap (λh : B → C, h ∘ f) p) a ≈ apD10 p (f a) :=
definition apD10_ap_precompose (f : A → B) (g g' : B → C) (p : g = g') (a : A) :
apD10 (ap (λh : B → C, h ∘ f) p) a = apD10 p (f a) :=
rec_on p idp
definition apD10_ap_postcompose (f : B → C) (g g' : A → B) (p : g ≈ g') (a : A) :
apD10 (ap (λh : A → B, f ∘ h) p) a ≈ ap f (apD10 p a) :=
definition apD10_ap_postcompose (f : B → C) (g g' : A → B) (p : g = g') (a : A) :
apD10 (ap (λh : A → B, f ∘ h) p) a = ap f (apD10 p a) :=
rec_on p idp
-- A special case of [transport_compose] which seems to come up a lot.
definition transport_idmap_ap (P : A → Type) x y (p : x ≈ y) (u : P x) :
transport P p u ≈ transport (λz, z) (ap P p) u :=
definition transport_idmap_ap (P : A → Type) x y (p : x = y) (u : P x) :
transport P p u = transport (λz, z) (ap P p) u :=
rec_on p idp
@ -510,8 +507,8 @@ namespace path
-- ------------------------------
-- In a constant fibration, [apD] reduces to [ap], modulo [transport_const].
definition apD_const (f : A → B) (p: x ≈ y) :
apD f p ≈ transport_const p (f x) ⬝ ap f p :=
definition apD_const (f : A → B) (p: x = y) :
apD f p = transport_const p (f x) ⬝ ap f p :=
rec_on p idp
@ -519,87 +516,87 @@ namespace path
-- ------------------------------------
-- Horizontal composition of 2-dimensional paths.
definition concat2 {p p' : x ≈ y} {q q' : y ≈ z} (h : p ≈ p') (h' : q ≈ q') :
p ⬝ q ≈ p' ⬝ q' :=
definition concat2 {p p' : x = y} {q q' : y = z} (h : p = p') (h' : q = q') :
p ⬝ q = p' ⬝ q' :=
rec_on h (rec_on h' idp)
infixl `◾`:75 := concat2
-- 2-dimensional path inversion
definition inverse2 {p q : x ≈ y} (h : p ≈ q) : p⁻¹ ≈ q⁻¹ :=
definition inverse2 {p q : x = y} (h : p = q) : p⁻¹ = q⁻¹ :=
rec_on h idp
-- Whiskering
-- ----------
definition whiskerL (p : x ≈ y) {q r : y ≈ z} (h : q ≈ r) : p ⬝ q ≈ p ⬝ r :=
definition whiskerL (p : x = y) {q r : y = z} (h : q = r) : p ⬝ q = p ⬝ r :=
idp ◾ h
definition whiskerR {p q : x ≈ y} (h : p ≈ q) (r : y ≈ z) : p ⬝ r ≈ q ⬝ r :=
definition whiskerR {p q : x = y} (h : p = q) (r : y = z) : p ⬝ r = q ⬝ r :=
h ◾ idp
-- Unwhiskering, a.k.a. cancelling
definition cancelL {x y z : A} (p : x ≈ y) (q r : y ≈ z) : (p ⬝ q ≈ p ⬝ r) → (q ≈ r) :=
definition cancelL {x y z : A} (p : x = y) (q r : y = z) : (p ⬝ q = p ⬝ r) → (q = r) :=
rec_on p (take r, rec_on r (take q a, (concat_1p q)⁻¹ ⬝ a)) r q
definition cancelR {x y z : A} (p q : x ≈ y) (r : y ≈ z) : (p ⬝ r ≈ q ⬝ r) → (p ≈ q) :=
definition cancelR {x y z : A} (p q : x = y) (r : y = z) : (p ⬝ r = q ⬝ r) → (p = q) :=
rec_on r (rec_on p (take q a, a ⬝ concat_p1 q)) q
-- Whiskering and identity paths.
definition whiskerR_p1 {p q : x ≈ y} (h : p ≈ q) :
(concat_p1 p)⁻¹ ⬝ whiskerR h idp ⬝ concat_p1 q ≈ h :=
definition whiskerR_p1 {p q : x = y} (h : p = q) :
(concat_p1 p)⁻¹ ⬝ whiskerR h idp ⬝ concat_p1 q = h :=
rec_on h (rec_on p idp)
definition whiskerR_1p (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) :
whiskerR idp q ≈ idp :> (p ⬝ q ≈ p ⬝ q) :=
definition whiskerR_1p (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
whiskerR idp q = idp :> (p ⬝ q = p ⬝ q) :=
rec_on q idp
definition whiskerL_p1 (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) :
whiskerL p idp ≈ idp :> (p ⬝ q ≈ p ⬝ q) :=
definition whiskerL_p1 (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
whiskerL p idp = idp :> (p ⬝ q = p ⬝ q) :=
rec_on q idp
definition whiskerL_1p {p q : x ≈ y} (h : p ≈ q) :
(concat_1p p) ⁻¹ ⬝ whiskerL idp h ⬝ concat_1p q ≈ h :=
definition whiskerL_1p {p q : x = y} (h : p = q) :
(concat_1p p) ⁻¹ ⬝ whiskerL idp h ⬝ concat_1p q = h :=
rec_on h (rec_on p idp)
definition concat2_p1 {p q : x ≈ y} (h : p ≈ q) :
h ◾ idp ≈ whiskerR h idp :> (p ⬝ idp ≈ q ⬝ idp) :=
definition concat2_p1 {p q : x = y} (h : p = q) :
h ◾ idp = whiskerR h idp :> (p ⬝ idp = q ⬝ idp) :=
rec_on h idp
definition concat2_1p {p q : x ≈ y} (h : p ≈ q) :
idp ◾ h ≈ whiskerL idp h :> (idp ⬝ p ≈ idp ⬝ q) :=
definition concat2_1p {p q : x = y} (h : p = q) :
idp ◾ h = whiskerL idp h :> (idp ⬝ p = idp ⬝ q) :=
rec_on h idp
-- TODO: note, 4 inductions
-- The interchange law for concatenation.
definition concat_concat2 {p p' p'' : x ≈ y} {q q' q'' : y ≈ z}
(a : p ≈ p') (b : p' ≈ p'') (c : q ≈ q') (d : q' ≈ q'') :
(a ◾ c) ⬝ (b ◾ d) ≈ (a ⬝ b) ◾ (c ⬝ d) :=
definition concat_concat2 {p p' p'' : x = y} {q q' q'' : y = z}
(a : p = p') (b : p' = p'') (c : q = q') (d : q' = q'') :
(a ◾ c) ⬝ (b ◾ d) = (a ⬝ b) ◾ (c ⬝ d) :=
rec_on d (rec_on c (rec_on b (rec_on a idp)))
definition concat_whisker {x y z : A} (p p' : x ≈ y) (q q' : y ≈ z) (a : p ≈ p') (b : q ≈ q') :
(whiskerR a q) ⬝ (whiskerL p' b) ≈ (whiskerL p b) ⬝ (whiskerR a q') :=
definition concat_whisker {x y z : A} (p p' : x = y) (q q' : y = z) (a : p = p') (b : q = q') :
(whiskerR a q) ⬝ (whiskerL p' b) = (whiskerL p b) ⬝ (whiskerR a q') :=
rec_on b (rec_on a (concat_1p _)⁻¹)
-- Structure corresponding to the coherence equations of a bicategory.
-- The "pentagonator": the 3-cell witnessing the associativity pentagon.
definition pentagon {v w x y z : A} (p : v ≈ w) (q : w ≈ x) (r : x ≈ y) (s : y ≈ z) :
definition pentagon {v w x y z : A} (p : v = w) (q : w = x) (r : x = y) (s : y = z) :
whiskerL p (concat_p_pp q r s)
⬝ concat_p_pp p (q ⬝ r) s
⬝ whiskerR (concat_p_pp p q r) s
≈ concat_p_pp p q (r ⬝ s) ⬝ concat_p_pp (p ⬝ q) r s :=
= concat_p_pp p q (r ⬝ s) ⬝ concat_p_pp (p ⬝ q) r s :=
rec_on s (rec_on r (rec_on q (rec_on p idp)))
-- The 3-cell witnessing the left unit triangle.
definition triangulator (p : x ≈ y) (q : y ≈ z) :
concat_p_pp p idp q ⬝ whiskerR (concat_p1 p) q ≈ whiskerL p (concat_1p q) :=
definition triangulator (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
concat_p_pp p idp q ⬝ whiskerR (concat_p1 p) q = whiskerL p (concat_1p q) :=
rec_on q (rec_on p idp)
definition eckmann_hilton {x:A} (p q : idp ≈ idp :> (x ≈ x)) : p ⬝ q ≈ q ⬝ p :=
definition eckmann_hilton {x:A} (p q : idp = idp :> (x = x)) : p ⬝ q = q ⬝ p :=
(!whiskerR_p1 ◾ !whiskerL_1p)⁻¹
⬝ (!concat_p1 ◾ !concat_p1)
⬝ (!concat_1p ◾ !concat_1p)
@ -609,51 +606,52 @@ namespace path
⬝ (!whiskerL_1p ◾ !whiskerR_p1)
-- The action of functions on 2-dimensional paths
definition ap02 (f:A → B) {x y : A} {p q : x ≈ y} (r : p ≈ q) : ap f p ≈ ap f q :=
definition ap02 (f:A → B) {x y : A} {p q : x = y} (r : p = q) : ap f p = ap f q :=
rec_on r idp
definition ap02_pp (f : A → B) {x y : A} {p p' p'' : x ≈ y} (r : p ≈ p') (r' : p' ≈ p'') :
ap02 f (r ⬝ r') ≈ ap02 f r ⬝ ap02 f r' :=
definition ap02_pp (f : A → B) {x y : A} {p p' p'' : x = y} (r : p = p') (r' : p' = p'') :
ap02 f (r ⬝ r') = ap02 f r ⬝ ap02 f r' :=
rec_on r (rec_on r' idp)
definition ap02_p2p (f : A → B) {x y z : A} {p p' : x ≈ y} {q q' :y ≈ z} (r : p ≈ p')
(s : q ≈ q') :
ap02 f (r ◾ s) ≈ ap_pp f p q
definition ap02_p2p (f : A → B) {x y z : A} {p p' : x = y} {q q' :y = z} (r : p = p')
(s : q = q') :
ap02 f (r ◾ s) = ap_pp f p q
⬝ (ap02 f r ◾ ap02 f s)
⬝ (ap_pp f p' q')⁻¹ :=
rec_on r (rec_on s (rec_on q (rec_on p idp)))
-- rec_on r (rec_on s (rec_on p (rec_on q idp)))
definition apD02 {p q : x ≈ y} (f : Π x, P x) (r : p ≈ q) :
apD f p ≈ transport2 P r (f x) ⬝ apD f q :=
definition apD02 {p q : x = y} (f : Π x, P x) (r : p = q) :
apD f p = transport2 P r (f x) ⬝ apD f q :=
rec_on r (concat_1p _)⁻¹
-- And now for a lemma whose statement is much longer than its proof.
definition apD02_pp (P : A → Type) (f : Π x:A, P x) {x y : A}
{p1 p2 p3 : x ≈ y} (r1 : p1 ≈ p2) (r2 : p2 ≈ p3) :
apD02 f (r1 ⬝ r2) ≈ apD02 f r1
{p1 p2 p3 : x = y} (r1 : p1 = p2) (r2 : p2 = p3) :
apD02 f (r1 ⬝ r2) = apD02 f r1
⬝ whiskerL (transport2 P r1 (f x)) (apD02 f r2)
⬝ concat_p_pp _ _ _
⬝ (whiskerR ((transport2_p2p P r1 r2 (f x))⁻¹) (apD f p3)) :=
rec_on r2 (rec_on r1 (rec_on p1 idp))
end path
namespace path
end eq
namespace eq
variables {A B C D E : Type} {a a' : A} {b b' : B} {c c' : C} {d d' : D}
theorem congr_arg2 (f : A → B → C) (Ha : a ≈ a') (Hb : b ≈ b') : f a b ≈ f a' b' :=
theorem congr_arg2 (f : A → B → C) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') : f a b = f a' b' :=
rec_on Ha (rec_on Hb idp)
theorem congr_arg3 (f : A → B → C → D) (Ha : a ≈ a') (Hb : b ≈ b') (Hc : c ≈ c')
: f a b c ≈ f a' b' c' :=
theorem congr_arg3 (f : A → B → C → D) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c')
: f a b c = f a' b' c' :=
rec_on Ha (congr_arg2 (f a) Hb Hc)
theorem congr_arg4 (f : A → B → C → D → E) (Ha : a ≈ a') (Hb : b ≈ b') (Hc : c ≈ c') (Hd : d ≈ d')
: f a b c d ≈ f a' b' c' d' :=
theorem congr_arg4 (f : A → B → C → D → E) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') (Hd : d = d')
: f a b c d = f a' b' c' d' :=
rec_on Ha (congr_arg3 (f a) Hb Hc Hd)
end path
end eq
namespace path
namespace eq
variables {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type} {D : Πa b, C a b → Type}
{E : Πa b c, D a b c → Type} {F : Type}
variables {a a' : A}
@ -661,8 +659,8 @@ variables {a a' : A}
{c : C a b} {c' : C a' b'}
{d : D a b c} {d' : D a' b' c'}
theorem dcongr_arg2 (f : Πa, B a → F) (Ha : a ≈ a') (Hb : Ha ▹ b ≈ b')
: f a b ≈ f a' b' :=
theorem dcongr_arg2 (f : Πa, B a → F) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
: f a b = f a' b' :=
rec_on Hb (rec_on Ha idp)
/- From the Coq version:
@ -717,4 +715,4 @@ rec_on Hb (rec_on Ha idp)
autorewrite with paths in * |- * ; auto with path_hints.
end path
end eq
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Floris van Doorn
-- Ported from Coq HoTT
import .path .logic data.nat.basic data.empty data.unit data.sigma .equiv
open path nat sigma unit
import .path .logic .datatypes .equiv .types.empty .types.sigma
open eq nat sigma unit
set_option pp.universes true
-- Truncation levels
@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ namespace truncation
structure contr_internal (A : Type) :=
(center : A) (contr : Π(a : A), center ≈ a)
(center : A) (contr : Π(a : A), center = a)
definition is_trunc_internal (n : trunc_index) : Type → Type :=
trunc_index.rec_on n (λA, contr_internal A)
(λn trunc_n A, (Π(x y : A), trunc_n (x ≈ y)))
(λn trunc_n A, (Π(x y : A), trunc_n (x = y)))
structure is_trunc [class] (n : trunc_index) (A : Type) :=
(to_internal : is_trunc_internal n A)
@ -79,33 +79,33 @@ namespace truncation
variables {A B : Type}
-- TODO: rename to is_trunc_succ
definition is_trunc_succ (A : Type) (n : trunc_index) [H : ∀x y : A, is_trunc n (x ≈ y)]
definition is_trunc_succ (A : Type) (n : trunc_index) [H : ∀x y : A, is_trunc n (x = y)]
: is_trunc n.+1 A :=
|||| (λ x y, !is_trunc.to_internal)
-- TODO: rename to is_trunc_path
definition succ_is_trunc (n : trunc_index) [H : is_trunc (n.+1) A] (x y : A) : is_trunc n (x ≈ y) :=
definition succ_is_trunc (n : trunc_index) [H : is_trunc (n.+1) A] (x y : A) : is_trunc n (x = y) :=
|||| (!is_trunc.to_internal x y)
/- contractibility -/
definition (center : A) (contr : Π(a : A), center ≈ a) : is_contr A :=
definition (center : A) (contr : Π(a : A), center = a) : is_contr A :=
|||| ( center contr)
definition center (A : Type) [H : is_contr A] : A :=
|||| A !is_trunc.to_internal
definition contr [H : is_contr A] (a : A) : !center ≈ a :=
definition contr [H : is_contr A] (a : A) : !center = a :=
@contr_internal.contr A !is_trunc.to_internal a
definition path_contr [H : is_contr A] (x y : A) : x ≈ y :=
definition path_contr [H : is_contr A] (x y : A) : x = y :=
contr x⁻¹ ⬝ (contr y)
definition path2_contr {A : Type} [H : is_contr A] {x y : A} (p q : x ≈ y) : p ≈ q :=
have K : ∀ (r : x ≈ y), path_contr x y ≈ r, from (λ r, path.rec_on r !concat_Vp),
definition path2_contr {A : Type} [H : is_contr A] {x y : A} (p q : x = y) : p = q :=
have K : ∀ (r : x = y), path_contr x y = r, from (λ r, eq.rec_on r !concat_Vp),
K p⁻¹ ⬝ K q
definition contr_paths_contr [instance] {A : Type} [H : is_contr A] (x y : A) : is_contr (x ≈ y) :=
definition contr_paths_contr [instance] {A : Type} [H : is_contr A] (x y : A) : is_contr (x = y) :=
|||| !path_contr (λ p, !path2_contr)
/- truncation is upward close -/
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ namespace truncation
λm IHm n, trunc_index.rec_on n
(λA Hnm Hn, @trunc_succ A m (IHm -2 A star Hn))
(λn IHn A Hnm (Hn : is_trunc n.+1 A),
@is_trunc_succ A m (λx y, IHm n (x≈y) (trunc_index.succ_le_cancel Hnm) !succ_is_trunc)),
@is_trunc_succ A m (λx y, IHm n (x = y) (trunc_index.succ_le_cancel Hnm) !succ_is_trunc)),
trunc_index.rec_on m base step n A Hnm Hn
-- the following cannot be instances in their current form, because it is looping
@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ namespace truncation
definition trunc_hset (A : Type) (n : trunc_index) [H : is_hset A]
: is_trunc (n.+2) A :=
trunc_leq A 0 (n.+2) star
trunc_leq A (n.+2) star
/- hprops -/
definition is_hprop.elim [H : is_hprop A] (x y : A) : x ≈ y :=
definition is_hprop.elim [H : is_hprop A] (x y : A) : x = y :=
@center _ !succ_is_trunc
definition contr_inhabited_hprop {A : Type} [H : is_hprop A] (x : A) : is_contr A :=
@ -162,21 +162,21 @@ namespace truncation
have H2 [visible] : is_contr A, from H x,
definition {A : Type} (H : ∀x y : A, x ≈ y) : is_hprop A :=
definition {A : Type} (H : ∀x y : A, x = y) : is_hprop A :=
hprop_inhabited_contr (λ x, x (H x))
/- hsets -/
definition (A : Type) (H : ∀(x y : A) (p q : x ≈ y), p ≈ q) : is_hset A :=
definition (A : Type) (H : ∀(x y : A) (p q : x = y), p = q) : is_hset A :=
@is_trunc_succ _ _ (λ x y, (H x y))
definition is_hset.elim [H : is_hset A] ⦃x y : A⦄ (p q : x ≈ y) : p ≈ q :=
definition is_hset.elim [H : is_hset A] ⦃x y : A⦄ (p q : x = y) : p = q :=
@is_hprop.elim _ !succ_is_trunc p q
/- instances -/
definition contr_basedpaths [instance] {A : Type} (a : A) : is_contr (Σ(x : A), a ≈ x) :=
|||| (dpair a idp) (λp, sigma.rec_on p (λ b q, path.rec_on q idp))
definition contr_basedpaths [instance] {A : Type} (a : A) : is_contr (Σ(x : A), a = x) :=
|||| (dpair a idp) (λp, sigma.rec_on p (λ b q, eq.rec_on q idp))
-- definition is_trunc_is_hprop [instance] {n : trunc_index} : is_hprop (is_trunc n A) := sorry
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ namespace truncation
notation `hset` := 0-Type
definition := -1
definition := 0
definition :=
--what does the following line in Coq do?
--Canonical Structure default_TruncType := fun n T P => (@BuildTruncType n T P).
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ namespace truncation
trunc_index.rec_on n
(λA (HA : is_contr A) B f (H : is_equiv f), !equiv_preserves_contr)
(λn IH A (HA : is_trunc n.+1 A) B f (H : is_equiv f), @is_trunc_succ _ _ (λ x y : B,
IH (f⁻¹ x ≈ f⁻¹ y) !succ_is_trunc (x ≈ y) ((ap (f⁻¹))⁻¹) !inv_closed))
IH (f⁻¹ x = f⁻¹ y) !succ_is_trunc (x = y) ((ap (f⁻¹))⁻¹) !inv_closed))
A HA B f H
definition trunc_equiv' (n : trunc_index) (f : A ≃ B) [HA : is_trunc n A] : is_trunc n B :=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Jeremy Avigad, Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import ..datatypes ..logic
-- Empty type
-- ----------
namespace empty
protected theorem elim (A : Type) (H : empty) : A :=
rec (λe, A) H
end empty
protected definition empty.has_decidable_eq [instance] : decidable_eq empty :=
take (a b : empty), decidable.inl (!empty.elim a)
definition tneg.tneg (A : Type) := A → empty
prefix `~` := tneg.tneg
namespace tneg
variables {A B : Type}
protected definition intro (H : A → empty) : ~A := H
protected definition elim (H1 : ~A) (H2 : A) : empty := H1 H2
protected definition empty : ~empty := λH : empty, H
definition tabsurd (H1 : A) (H2 : ~A) : B := !empty.elim (H2 H1)
definition tneg_tneg_intro (H : A) : ~~A := λH2 : ~A, tneg.elim H2 H
definition tmt (H1 : A → B) (H2 : ~B) : ~A := λHA : A, tabsurd (H1 HA) H2
definition tneg_pi_left {B : A → Type} (H : ~Πa, B a) : ~~A :=
λHnA : ~A, tneg.elim H (λHA : A, tabsurd HA HnA)
definition tneg_function_right (H : ~(A → B)) : ~B :=
λHB : B, tneg.elim H (λHA : A, HB)
end tneg
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Module:
Author: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad
definition pair :=
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ namespace prod
infixr `*` := prod
end low_precedence_times
definition flip {A B : Type} (a : A × B) : B × A := pair (pr2 a) (pr1 a)
notation `pr₁` := pr1
notation `pr₂` := pr2
@ -80,4 +82,5 @@ namespace prod
||| (rprod.sub_lex) ( Ha Hb)
end prod
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad, Floris van Doorn
import init.num init.logic init.tactic
import ..num ..logic ..tactic
structure sigma {A : Type} (B : A → Type) :=
dpair :: (dpr1 : A) (dpr2 : B dpr1)
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import data.empty .path
--javra: Maybe this should go somewhere else
open path
open eq
inductive tdecidable [class] (A : Type) : Type :=
inl : A → tdecidable A,
inr : ~A → tdecidable A
structure decidable_paths [class] (A : Type) :=
(elim : ∀(x y : A), tdecidable (x ≈ y))
(elim : ∀(x y : A), tdecidable (x = y))
@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Jakob von Raumer
-- Ported from Coq HoTT
import hott.path hott.trunc data.sigma
open path prod truncation
import init.trunc
open eq prod truncation
structure is_pointed [class] (A : Type) :=
(point : A)
@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ namespace is_pointed
: is_pointed (A × B) :=
|||| ( (point A) (point B))
protected definition loop_space (a : A) : is_pointed (a ≈ a) :=
protected definition loop_space (a : A) : is_pointed (a = a) :=
|||| idp
end is_pointed
@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ Ported from Coq HoTT
Theorems about pi-types (dependent function spaces)
import ..trunc ..axioms.funext .sigma
open path equiv is_equiv funext
import init.equiv init.axioms.funext types.sigma
open eq equiv is_equiv funext
namespace pi
universe variables l k
@ -27,45 +26,45 @@ namespace pi
definition apD10_path_pi [H : funext] (h : f ∼ g) : apD10 (path_pi h) ∼ h :=
apD10 (retr apD10 h)
definition path_pi_eta [H : funext] (p : f ≈ g) : path_pi (apD10 p) ≈ p :=
definition path_pi_eta [H : funext] (p : f = g) : path_pi (apD10 p) = p :=
sect apD10 p
definition path_pi_idp [H : funext] : path_pi (λx : A, idpath (f x)) ≈ idpath f :=
definition path_pi_idp [H : funext] : path_pi (λx : A, refl (f x)) = refl f :=
/- The identification of the path space of a dependent function space, up to equivalence, is of course just funext. -/
definition path_equiv_homotopy [H : funext] (f g : Πx, B x) : (f ≈ g) ≃ (f ∼ g) :=
definition path_equiv_homotopy [H : funext] (f g : Πx, B x) : (f = g) ≃ (f ∼ g) :=
|||| _ !funext.ap
definition is_equiv_path_pi [instance] [H : funext] (f g : Πx, B x)
: is_equiv (@path_pi _ _ _ f g) :=
inv_closed apD10
definition homotopy_equiv_path [H : funext] (f g : Πx, B x) : (f ∼ g) ≃ (f ≈ g) :=
definition homotopy_equiv_path [H : funext] (f g : Πx, B x) : (f ∼ g) ≃ (f = g) :=
|||| _ !is_equiv_path_pi
/- Transport -/
protected definition transport (p : a ≈ a') (f : Π(b : B a), C a b)
protected definition transport (p : a = a') (f : Π(b : B a), C a b)
: (transport (λa, Π(b : B a), C a b) p f)
∼ (λb, transport (C a') !transport_pV (transportD _ _ p _ (f (p⁻¹ ▹ b)))) :=
path.rec_on p (λx, idp)
eq.rec_on p (λx, idp)
/- A special case of [transport_pi] where the type [B] does not depend on [A],
and so it is just a fixed type [B]. -/
definition transport_constant {C : A → A' → Type} (p : a ≈ a') (f : Π(b : A'), C a b)
: (path.transport (λa, Π(b : A'), C a b) p f) ∼ (λb, path.transport (λa, C a b) p (f b)) :=
path.rec_on p (λx, idp)
definition transport_constant {C : A → A' → Type} (p : a = a') (f : Π(b : A'), C a b)
: (eq.transport (λa, Π(b : A'), C a b) p f) ∼ (λb, eq.transport (λa, C a b) p (f b)) :=
eq.rec_on p (λx, idp)
/- Maps on paths -/
/- The action of maps given by lambda. -/
definition ap_lambdaD [H : funext] {C : A' → Type} (p : a ≈ a') (f : Πa b, C b) :
ap (λa b, f a b) p ≈ path_pi (λb, ap (λa, f a b) p) :=
definition ap_lambdaD [H : funext] {C : A' → Type} (p : a = a') (f : Πa b, C b) :
ap (λa b, f a b) p = path_pi (λb, ap (λa, f a b) p) :=
apply (path.rec_on p),
apply (eq.rec_on p),
apply inverse,
apply path_pi_idp
@ -73,20 +72,20 @@ namespace pi
/- Dependent paths -/
/- with more implicit arguments the conclusion of the following theorem is
(Π(b : B a), transportD B C p b (f b) ≈ g (path.transport B p b)) ≃
(path.transport (λa, Π(b : B a), C a b) p f ≈ g) -/
definition dpath_pi [H : funext] (p : a ≈ a') (f : Π(b : B a), C a b) (g : Π(b' : B a'), C a' b')
: (Π(b : B a), p ▹D (f b) ≈ g (p ▹ b)) ≃ (p ▹ f ≈ g) :=
path.rec_on p (λg, !homotopy_equiv_path) g
(Π(b : B a), transportD B C p b (f b) = g (eq.transport B p b)) ≃
(eq.transport (λa, Π(b : B a), C a b) p f = g) -/
definition dpath_pi [H : funext] (p : a = a') (f : Π(b : B a), C a b) (g : Π(b' : B a'), C a' b')
: (Π(b : B a), p ▹D (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) ≃ (p ▹ f = g) :=
eq.rec_on p (λg, !homotopy_equiv_path) g
section open sigma.ops
/- more implicit arguments:
(Π(b : B a), path.transport C (sigma.path p idp) (f b) ≈ g (p ▹ b)) ≃
(Π(b : B a), transportD B (λ(a : A) (b : B a), C ⟨a, b⟩) p b (f b) ≈ g (path.transport B p b)) -/
definition dpath_pi_sigma {C : (Σa, B a) → Type} (p : a ≈ a')
(Π(b : B a), eq.transport C (sigma.path p idp) (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) ≃
(Π(b : B a), transportD B (λ(a : A) (b : B a), C ⟨a, b⟩) p b (f b) = g (eq.transport B p b)) -/
definition dpath_pi_sigma {C : (Σa, B a) → Type} (p : a = a')
(f : Π(b : B a), C ⟨a, b⟩) (g : Π(b' : B a'), C ⟨a', b'⟩) :
(Π(b : B a), (sigma.path p idp) ▹ (f b) ≈ g (p ▹ b)) ≃ (Π(b : B a), p ▹D (f b) ≈ g (p ▹ b)) :=
path.rec_on p (λg, !equiv.refl) g
(Π(b : B a), (sigma.path p idp) ▹ (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) ≃ (Π(b : B a), p ▹D (f b) = g (p ▹ b)) :=
eq.rec_on p (λg, !equiv.refl) g
/- truncation -/
@ -108,12 +107,12 @@ namespace pi
apply equiv.symm, apply path_equiv_homotopy,
apply IH,
intro a,
show is_trunc n (f a ≈ g a), from
show is_trunc n (f a = g a), from
succ_is_trunc n (f a) (g a)
definition trunc_path_pi [instance] [H : funext.{l k}] (n : trunc_index) (f g : Πa, B a)
[H : ∀a, is_trunc n (f a ≈ g a)] : is_trunc n (f ≈ g) :=
[H : ∀a, is_trunc n (f a = g a)] : is_trunc n (f = g) :=
apply trunc_equiv', apply equiv.symm,
apply path_equiv_homotopy,
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Ported from Coq HoTT
Theorems about products
import ..trunc
open path equiv is_equiv truncation prod
import init.trunc init.datatypes
open eq equiv is_equiv truncation prod
variables {A A' B B' C D : Type}
{a a' a'' : A} {b b₁ b₂ b' b'' : B} {u v w : A × B}
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ variables {A A' B B' C D : Type}
namespace prod
-- prod.eta is already used for the eta rule for strict equality
protected definition peta (u : A × B) : (pr₁ u , pr₂ u) ≈ u :=
protected definition peta (u : A × B) : (pr₁ u , pr₂ u) = u :=
destruct u (λu1 u2, idp)
definition pair_path (pa : a ≈ a') (pb : b ≈ b') : (a , b) ≈ (a' , b') :=
path.rec_on pa (path.rec_on pb idp)
definition pair_path (pa : a = a') (pb : b = b') : (a , b) = (a' , b') :=
eq.rec_on pa (eq.rec_on pb idp)
protected definition path : (pr₁ u ≈ pr₁ v) → (pr₂ u ≈ pr₂ v) → u ≈ v :=
protected definition path : (pr₁ u = pr₁ v) → (pr₂ u = pr₂ v) → u = v :=
apply (prod.rec_on u), intros (a₁, b₁),
apply (prod.rec_on v), intros (a₂, b₂, H₁, H₂),
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Ported from Coq HoTT
Theorems about sigma-types (dependent sums)
import ..trunc .prod ..axioms.funext
open path sigma sigma.ops equiv is_equiv
import init.trunc init.axioms.funext
open eq sigma sigma.ops equiv is_equiv
namespace sigma
infixr [local] ∘ := function.compose --remove
@ -17,95 +17,95 @@ namespace sigma
{a a' a'' : A} {b b₁ b₂ : B a} {b' : B a'} {b'' : B a''} {u v w : Σa, B a}
-- sigma.eta is already used for the eta rule for strict equality
protected definition peta (u : Σa, B a) : ⟨u.1 , u.2⟩ ≈ u :=
protected definition peta (u : Σa, B a) : ⟨u.1 , u.2⟩ = u :=
destruct u (λu1 u2, idp)
definition eta2 (u : Σa b, C a b) : ⟨u.1, u.2.1, u.2.2⟩ ≈ u :=
definition eta2 (u : Σa b, C a b) : ⟨u.1, u.2.1, u.2.2⟩ = u :=
destruct u (λu1 u2, destruct u2 (λu21 u22, idp))
definition eta3 (u : Σa b c, D a b c) : ⟨u.1, u.2.1, u.2.2.1, u.2.2.2⟩ ≈ u :=
definition eta3 (u : Σa b c, D a b c) : ⟨u.1, u.2.1, u.2.2.1, u.2.2.2⟩ = u :=
destruct u (λu1 u2, destruct u2 (λu21 u22, destruct u22 (λu221 u222, idp)))
definition dpair_eq_dpair (p : a ≈ a') (q : p ▹ b ≈ b') : dpair a b ≈ dpair a' b' :=
path.rec_on p (λb b' q, path.rec_on q idp) b b' q
definition dpair_eq_dpair (p : a = a') (q : p ▹ b = b') : dpair a b = dpair a' b' :=
eq.rec_on p (λb b' q, eq.rec_on q idp) b b' q
/- In Coq they often have to give u and v explicitly -/
protected definition path (p : u.1 ≈ v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2) : u ≈ v :=
protected definition path (p : u.1 = v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 = v.2) : u = v :=
destruct u
(λu1 u2, destruct v (λ v1 v2, dpair_eq_dpair))
p q
/- Projections of paths from a total space -/
definition path_pr1 (p : u ≈ v) : u.1 ≈ v.1 :=
definition path_pr1 (p : u = v) : u.1 = v.1 :=
ap dpr1 p
postfix `..1`:(max+1) := path_pr1
definition path_pr2 (p : u ≈ v) : p..1 ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2 :=
path.rec_on p idp
definition path_pr2 (p : u = v) : p..1 ▹ u.2 = v.2 :=
eq.rec_on p idp
--Coq uses the following proof, which only computes if u,v are dpairs AND p is idp
--(transport_compose B dpr1 p u.2)⁻¹ ⬝ apD dpr2 p
postfix `..2`:(max+1) := path_pr2
definition dpair_sigma_path (p : u.1 ≈ v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2)
: dpair (sigma.path p q)..1 (sigma.path p q)..2 ≈ ⟨p, q⟩ :=
definition dpair_sigma_path (p : u.1 = v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 = v.2)
: dpair (sigma.path p q)..1 (sigma.path p q)..2 = ⟨p, q⟩ :=
reverts (p, q),
apply (destruct u), intros (u1, u2),
apply (destruct v), intros (v1, v2, p), generalize v2, --change to revert
apply (path.rec_on p), intros (v2, q),
apply (path.rec_on q), apply idp
apply (eq.rec_on p), intros (v2, q),
apply (eq.rec_on q), apply idp
definition sigma_path_pr1 (p : u.1 ≈ v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2) : (sigma.path p q)..1 ≈ p :=
definition sigma_path_pr1 (p : u.1 = v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 = v.2) : (sigma.path p q)..1 = p :=
definition sigma_path_pr2 (p : u.1 ≈ v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2)
: sigma_path_pr1 p q ▹ (sigma.path p q)..2 ≈ q :=
definition sigma_path_pr2 (p : u.1 = v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 = v.2)
: sigma_path_pr1 p q ▹ (sigma.path p q)..2 = q :=
definition sigma_path_eta (p : u ≈ v) : sigma.path (p..1) (p..2) ≈ p :=
definition sigma_path_eta (p : u = v) : sigma.path (p..1) (p..2) = p :=
apply (path.rec_on p),
apply (eq.rec_on p),
apply (destruct u), intros (u1, u2),
apply idp
definition transport_dpr1_sigma_path {B' : A → Type} (p : u.1 ≈ v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2)
: transport (λx, B' x.1) (sigma.path p q) ≈ transport B' p :=
definition transport_dpr1_sigma_path {B' : A → Type} (p : u.1 = v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 = v.2)
: transport (λx, B' x.1) (sigma.path p q) = transport B' p :=
reverts (p, q),
apply (destruct u), intros (u1, u2),
apply (destruct v), intros (v1, v2, p), generalize v2,
apply (path.rec_on p), intros (v2, q),
apply (path.rec_on q), apply idp
apply (eq.rec_on p), intros (v2, q),
apply (eq.rec_on q), apply idp
/- the uncurried version of sigma_path. We will prove that this is an equivalence -/
/- the uncurried version of sigma_eq. We will prove that this is an equivalence -/
definition sigma_path_uncurried (pq : Σ(p : dpr1 u ≈ dpr1 v), p ▹ (dpr2 u) ≈ dpr2 v) : u ≈ v :=
definition sigma_path_uncurried (pq : Σ(p : dpr1 u = dpr1 v), p ▹ (dpr2 u) = dpr2 v) : u = v :=
destruct pq sigma.path
definition dpair_sigma_path_uncurried (pq : Σ(p : u.1 ≈ v.1), p ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2)
: dpair (sigma_path_uncurried pq)..1 (sigma_path_uncurried pq)..2 ≈ pq :=
definition dpair_sigma_path_uncurried (pq : Σ(p : u.1 = v.1), p ▹ u.2 = v.2)
: dpair (sigma_path_uncurried pq)..1 (sigma_path_uncurried pq)..2 = pq :=
destruct pq dpair_sigma_path
definition sigma_path_pr1_uncurried (pq : Σ(p : u.1 ≈ v.1), p ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2)
: (sigma_path_uncurried pq)..1 ≈ pq.1 :=
definition sigma_path_pr1_uncurried (pq : Σ(p : u.1 = v.1), p ▹ u.2 = v.2)
: (sigma_path_uncurried pq)..1 = pq.1 :=
definition sigma_path_pr2_uncurried (pq : Σ(p : u.1 ≈ v.1), p ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2)
: (sigma_path_pr1_uncurried pq) ▹ (sigma_path_uncurried pq)..2 ≈ pq.2 :=
definition sigma_path_pr2_uncurried (pq : Σ(p : u.1 = v.1), p ▹ u.2 = v.2)
: (sigma_path_pr1_uncurried pq) ▹ (sigma_path_uncurried pq)..2 = pq.2 :=
definition sigma_path_eta_uncurried (p : u ≈ v) : sigma_path_uncurried (dpair p..1 p..2) ≈ p :=
definition sigma_path_eta_uncurried (p : u = v) : sigma_path_uncurried (dpair p..1 p..2) = p :=
definition transport_sigma_path_dpr1_uncurried {B' : A → Type}
(pq : Σ(p : u.1 ≈ v.1), p ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2)
: transport (λx, B' x.1) (@sigma_path_uncurried A B u v pq) ≈ transport B' pq.1 :=
(pq : Σ(p : u.1 = v.1), p ▹ u.2 = v.2)
: transport (λx, B' x.1) (@sigma_path_uncurried A B u v pq) = transport B' pq.1 :=
destruct pq transport_dpr1_sigma_path
definition is_equiv_sigma_path [instance] (u v : Σa, B a)
@ -115,25 +115,25 @@ namespace sigma
definition equiv_sigma_path (u v : Σa, B a) : (Σ(p : u.1 ≈ v.1), p ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2) ≃ (u ≈ v) :=
definition equiv_sigma_path (u v : Σa, B a) : (Σ(p : u.1 = v.1), p ▹ u.2 = v.2) ≃ (u = v) :=
|||| sigma_path_uncurried !is_equiv_sigma_path
definition dpair_eq_dpair_pp_pp (p1 : a ≈ a' ) (q1 : p1 ▹ b ≈ b' )
(p2 : a' ≈ a'') (q2 : p2 ▹ b' ≈ b'') :
definition dpair_eq_dpair_pp_pp (p1 : a = a' ) (q1 : p1 ▹ b = b' )
(p2 : a' = a'') (q2 : p2 ▹ b' = b'') :
dpair_eq_dpair (p1 ⬝ p2) (transport_pp B p1 p2 b ⬝ ap (transport B p2) q1 ⬝ q2)
≈ dpair_eq_dpair p1 q1 ⬝ dpair_eq_dpair p2 q2 :=
= dpair_eq_dpair p1 q1 ⬝ dpair_eq_dpair p2 q2 :=
reverts (b', p2, b'', q1, q2),
apply (path.rec_on p1), intros (b', p2),
apply (path.rec_on p2), intros (b'', q1),
apply (path.rec_on q1), intro q2,
apply (path.rec_on q2), apply idp
apply (eq.rec_on p1), intros (b', p2),
apply (eq.rec_on p2), intros (b'', q1),
apply (eq.rec_on q1), intro q2,
apply (eq.rec_on q2), apply idp
definition sigma_path_pp_pp (p1 : u.1 ≈ v.1) (q1 : p1 ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2)
(p2 : v.1 ≈ w.1) (q2 : p2 ▹ v.2 ≈ w.2) :
definition sigma_path_pp_pp (p1 : u.1 = v.1) (q1 : p1 ▹ u.2 = v.2)
(p2 : v.1 = w.1) (q2 : p2 ▹ v.2 = w.2) :
sigma.path (p1 ⬝ p2) (transport_pp B p1 p2 u.2 ⬝ ap (transport B p2) q1 ⬝ q2)
≈ sigma.path p1 q1 ⬝ sigma.path p2 q2 :=
= sigma.path p1 q1 ⬝ sigma.path p2 q2 :=
reverts (p1, q1, p2, q2),
apply (destruct u), intros (u1, u2),
@ -142,49 +142,49 @@ namespace sigma
apply dpair_eq_dpair_pp_pp
definition dpair_eq_dpair_p1_1p (p : a ≈ a') (q : p ▹ b ≈ b') :
dpair_eq_dpair p q ≈ dpair_eq_dpair p idp ⬝ dpair_eq_dpair idp q :=
definition dpair_eq_dpair_p1_1p (p : a = a') (q : p ▹ b = b') :
dpair_eq_dpair p q = dpair_eq_dpair p idp ⬝ dpair_eq_dpair idp q :=
reverts (b', q),
apply (path.rec_on p), intros (b', q),
apply (path.rec_on q), apply idp
apply (eq.rec_on p), intros (b', q),
apply (eq.rec_on q), apply idp
/- path_pr1 commutes with the groupoid structure. -/
definition path_pr1_idp (u : Σa, B a) : (idpath u)..1 ≈ idpath (u.1) := idp
definition path_pr1_pp (p : u ≈ v) (q : v ≈ w) : (p ⬝ q) ..1 ≈ (p..1) ⬝ (q..1) := !ap_pp
definition path_pr1_V (p : u ≈ v) : p⁻¹ ..1 ≈ (p..1)⁻¹ := !ap_V
definition path_pr1_idp (u : Σa, B a) : (refl u)..1 = refl (u.1) := idp
definition path_pr1_pp (p : u = v) (q : v = w) : (p ⬝ q) ..1 = (p..1) ⬝ (q..1) := !ap_pp
definition path_pr1_V (p : u = v) : p⁻¹ ..1 = (p..1)⁻¹ := !ap_V
/- Applying dpair to one argument is the same as dpair_eq_dpair with reflexivity in the first place. -/
definition ap_dpair (q : b₁ ≈ b₂) : ap (dpair a) q ≈ dpair_eq_dpair idp q :=
path.rec_on q idp
definition ap_dpair (q : b₁ = b₂) : ap (dpair a) q = dpair_eq_dpair idp q :=
eq.rec_on q idp
/- Dependent transport is the same as transport along a sigma_path. -/
/- Dependent transport is the same as transport along a sigma_eq. -/
definition transportD_eq_transport (p : a ≈ a') (c : C a b) :
p ▹D c ≈ transport (λu, C (u.1) (u.2)) (dpair_eq_dpair p idp) c :=
path.rec_on p idp
definition transportD_eq_transport (p : a = a') (c : C a b) :
p ▹D c = transport (λu, C (u.1) (u.2)) (dpair_eq_dpair p idp) c :=
eq.rec_on p idp
definition sigma_path_eq_sigma_path {p1 q1 : a ≈ a'} {p2 : p1 ▹ b ≈ b'} {q2 : q1 ▹ b ≈ b'}
(r : p1 ≈ q1) (s : r ▹ p2 ≈ q2) : sigma.path p1 p2 ≈ sigma.path q1 q2 :=
path.rec_on r
proof (λq2 s, path.rec_on s idp) qed
definition sigma_path_eq_sigma_path {p1 q1 : a = a'} {p2 : p1 ▹ b = b'} {q2 : q1 ▹ b = b'}
(r : p1 = q1) (s : r ▹ p2 = q2) : sigma.path p1 p2 = sigma.path q1 q2 :=
eq.rec_on r
proof (λq2 s, eq.rec_on s idp) qed
-- begin
-- reverts (q2, s),
-- apply (path.rec_on r), intros (q2, s),
-- apply (path.rec_on s), apply idp
-- apply (eq.rec_on r), intros (q2, s),
-- apply (eq.rec_on s), apply idp
-- end
/- A path between paths in a total space is commonly shown component wise. -/
definition path_sigma_path {p q : u ≈ v} (r : p..1 ≈ q..1) (s : r ▹ p..2 ≈ q..2) : p ≈ q :=
definition path_sigma_path {p q : u = v} (r : p..1 = q..1) (s : r ▹ p..2 = q..2) : p = q :=
reverts (q, r, s),
apply (path.rec_on p),
apply (eq.rec_on p),
apply (destruct u), intros (u1, u2, q, r, s),
apply concat, rotate 1,
apply sigma_path_eta,
@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ namespace sigma
/- In Coq they often have to give u and v explicitly when using the following definition -/
definition path_sigma_path_uncurried {p q : u ≈ v}
(rs : Σ(r : p..1 ≈ q..1), transport (λx, transport B x u.2 ≈ v.2) r p..2 ≈ q..2) : p ≈ q :=
definition path_sigma_path_uncurried {p q : u = v}
(rs : Σ(r : p..1 = q..1), transport (λx, transport B x u.2 = v.2) r p..2 = q..2) : p = q :=
destruct rs path_sigma_path
/- Transport -/
@ -202,30 +202,30 @@ namespace sigma
In particular, this indicates why `transport` alone cannot be fully defined by induction on the structure of types, although Id-elim/transportD can be (cf. Observational Type Theory). A more thorough set of lemmas, along the lines of the present ones but dealing with Id-elim rather than just transport, might be nice to have eventually? -/
definition transport_eq (p : a ≈ a') (bc : Σ(b : B a), C a b)
: p ▹ bc ≈ ⟨p ▹ bc.1, p ▹D bc.2⟩ :=
definition transport_eq (p : a = a') (bc : Σ(b : B a), C a b)
: p ▹ bc = ⟨p ▹ bc.1, p ▹D bc.2⟩ :=
apply (path.rec_on p),
apply (eq.rec_on p),
apply (destruct bc), intros (b, c),
apply idp
/- The special case when the second variable doesn't depend on the first is simpler. -/
definition transport_eq_deg {B : Type} {C : A → B → Type} (p : a ≈ a') (bc : Σ(b : B), C a b)
: p ▹ bc ≈ ⟨bc.1, p ▹ bc.2⟩ :=
definition transport_eq_deg {B : Type} {C : A → B → Type} (p : a = a') (bc : Σ(b : B), C a b)
: p ▹ bc = ⟨bc.1, p ▹ bc.2⟩ :=
apply (path.rec_on p),
apply (eq.rec_on p),
apply (destruct bc), intros (b, c),
apply idp
/- Or if the second variable contains a first component that doesn't depend on the first. -/
definition transport_eq_4deg {C : A → Type} {D : Π a:A, B a → C a → Type} (p : a ≈ a')
(bcd : Σ(b : B a) (c : C a), D a b c) : p ▹ bcd ≈ ⟨p ▹ bcd.1, p ▹ bcd.2.1, p ▹D2 bcd.2.2⟩ :=
definition transport_eq_4deg {C : A → Type} {D : Π a:A, B a → C a → Type} (p : a = a')
(bcd : Σ(b : B a) (c : C a), D a b c) : p ▹ bcd = ⟨p ▹ bcd.1, p ▹ bcd.2.1, p ▹D2 bcd.2.2⟩ :=
revert bcd,
apply (path.rec_on p), intro bcd,
apply (eq.rec_on p), intro bcd,
apply (destruct bcd), intros (b, cd),
apply (destruct cd), intros (c, d),
apply idp
@ -251,24 +251,24 @@ namespace sigma
apply (sigma.path (retr f a')),
-- "rewrite retr (g (f⁻¹ a'))"
apply concat, apply (ap (λx, (transport B' (retr f a') x))), apply (retr (g (f⁻¹ a'))),
show retr f a' ▹ (((retr f a') ⁻¹) ▹ b') ≈ b',
show retr f a' ▹ (((retr f a') ⁻¹) ▹ b') = b',
from transport_pV B' (retr f a') b'
intro u,
apply (destruct u), intros (a, b),
apply (sigma.path (sect f a)),
show transport B (sect f a) (g (f⁻¹ (f a))⁻¹ (transport B' (retr f (f a)⁻¹) (g a b))) ≈ b,
show transport B (sect f a) (g (f⁻¹ (f a))⁻¹ (transport B' (retr f (f a)⁻¹) (g a b))) = b,
from calc
transport B (sect f a) (g (f⁻¹ (f a))⁻¹ (transport B' (retr f (f a)⁻¹) (g a b)))
≈ g a⁻¹ (transport (B' ∘ f) (sect f a) (transport B' (retr f (f a)⁻¹) (g a b)))
= g a⁻¹ (transport (B' ∘ f) (sect f a) (transport B' (retr f (f a)⁻¹) (g a b)))
: ap_transport (sect f a) (λ a, g a⁻¹)
... ≈ g a⁻¹ (transport B' (ap f (sect f a)) (transport B' (retr f (f a)⁻¹) (g a b)))
... = g a⁻¹ (transport B' (ap f (sect f a)) (transport B' (retr f (f a)⁻¹) (g a b)))
: ap (g a⁻¹) !transport_compose
... ≈ g a⁻¹ (transport B' (ap f (sect f a)) (transport B' (ap f (sect f a)⁻¹) (g a b)))
... = g a⁻¹ (transport B' (ap f (sect f a)) (transport B' (ap f (sect f a)⁻¹) (g a b)))
: ap (λ x, g a⁻¹ (transport B' (ap f (sect f a)) (transport B' (x⁻¹) (g a b)))) (adj f a)
... ≈ g a⁻¹ (g a b) : transport_pV
... ≈ b : sect (g a) b
... = g a⁻¹ (g a b) : transport_pV
... = b : sect (g a) b
-- -- "rewrite ap_transport"
-- apply concat, apply inverse, apply (ap_transport (sect f a) (λ a, g a⁻¹)),
@ -293,20 +293,20 @@ namespace sigma
definition equiv_functor_id {B' : A → Type} (Hg : Π a, B a ≃ B' a) : (Σa, B a) ≃ Σa, B' a :=
equiv_functor equiv.refl Hg
definition ap_functor_sigma_dpair (p : a ≈ a') (q : p ▹ b ≈ b')
definition ap_functor_sigma_dpair (p : a = a') (q : p ▹ b = b')
: ap (sigma.functor f g) (sigma.path p q)
≈ sigma.path (ap f p)
= sigma.path (ap f p)
(transport_compose _ f p (g a b)⁻¹ ⬝ ap_transport p g b⁻¹ ⬝ ap (g a') q) :=
reverts (b', q),
apply (path.rec_on p),
intros (b', q), apply (path.rec_on q),
apply (eq.rec_on p),
intros (b', q), apply (eq.rec_on q),
apply idp
definition ap_functor_sigma (p : u.1 ≈ v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 ≈ v.2)
definition ap_functor_sigma (p : u.1 = v.1) (q : p ▹ u.2 = v.2)
: ap (sigma.functor f g) (sigma.path p q)
≈ sigma.path (ap f p)
= sigma.path (ap f p)
(transport_compose B' f p (g u.1 u.2)⁻¹ ⬝ ap_transport p g u.2⁻¹ ⬝ ap (g v.1) q) :=
reverts (p, q),
@ -429,14 +429,14 @@ namespace sigma
/- ** Subtypes (sigma types whose second components are hprops) -/
/- To prove equality in a subtype, we only need equality of the first component. -/
definition path_hprop [H : Πa, is_hprop (B a)] (u v : Σa, B a) : u.1 ≈ v.1 → u ≈ v :=
definition path_hprop [H : Πa, is_hprop (B a)] (u v : Σa, B a) : u.1 = v.1 → u = v :=
(sigma_path_uncurried ∘ (@inv _ _ dpr1 (@is_equiv_dpr1 _ _ (λp, !succ_is_trunc))))
definition is_equiv_path_hprop [instance] [H : Πa, is_hprop (B a)] (u v : Σa, B a)
: is_equiv (path_hprop u v) :=
definition equiv_path_hprop [H : Πa, is_hprop (B a)] (u v : Σa, B a) : (u.1 ≈ v.1) ≃ (u ≈ v)
definition equiv_path_hprop [H : Πa, is_hprop (B a)] (u v : Σa, B a) : (u.1 = v.1) ≃ (u = v)
|||| !path_hprop _
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ namespace sigma
apply IH,
apply succ_is_trunc, assumption,
intro p,
show is_trunc n (p ▹ u .2 ≈ v .2), from
show is_trunc n (p ▹ u .2 = v .2), from
succ_is_trunc n (p ▹ u.2) (v.2),
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