feat(library/data/set/filter): add filters, show they form a complete lattice
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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Complete lattices
TODO: define dual complete lattice and simplify proof of dual theorems.
TODO: define dual complete lattice and simplify proof of dual theorems.
import algebra.lattice data.set
import algebra.lattice data.set.basic
open set
open set
namespace algebra
namespace algebra
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
Author: Jeremy Avigad
import .basic .function .map .finite .card
import .basic .function .map .finite .card .filter
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
Filters, following Hölzl, Immler, and Huffman, "Type classes and filters for mathematical
analysis in Isabelle/HOL".
import data.set.function logic.identities logic.choice algebra.complete_lattice
namespace set
structure filter (A : Type) :=
(sets : set (set A))
(univ_mem_sets : univ ∈ sets)
(inter_closed : ∀ {a b}, a ∈ sets → b ∈ sets → a ∩ b ∈ sets)
(is_mono : ∀ {a b}, a ⊆ b → a ∈ sets → b ∈ sets)
attribute filter.sets [coercion]
namespace filter -- i.e. set.filter
variable {A : Type}
variables {P Q : A → Prop}
variables {F₁ : filter A} {F₂ : filter A} {F : filter A}
definition eventually (P : A → Prop) (F : filter A) : Prop :=
P ∈ F
-- TODO: notation for eventually?
-- notation `forallf` binders `∈` F `,` r:(scoped:1 P, P) := eventually r F
-- notation `'∀f` binders `∈` F `,` r:(scoped:1 P, P) := eventually r F
theorem eventually_true (F : filter A) : eventually (λx, true) F :=
theorem eventually_of_forall {P : A → Prop} (F : filter A) (H : ∀ x, P x) : eventually P F :=
by rewrite [eq_univ_of_forall H]; apply eventually_true
theorem eventually_mono (H₁ : eventually P F) (H₂ : ∀x, P x → Q x) : eventually Q F :=
!filter.is_mono H₂ H₁
theorem eventually_and (H₁ : eventually P F) (H₂ : eventually Q F) :
eventually (λ x, P x ∧ Q x) F :=
!filter.inter_closed H₁ H₂
theorem eventually_mp (H₁ : eventually (λx, P x → Q x) F) (H₂ : eventually P F) :
eventually Q F :=
have ∀ x, (P x → Q x) ∧ P x → Q x, from take x, assume H, and.left H (and.right H),
eventually_mono (eventually_and H₁ H₂) this
theorem eventually_mpr (H₁ : eventually P F) (H₂ : eventually (λx, P x → Q x) F) :
eventually Q F := eventually_mp H₂ H₁
variables (P Q F)
theorem eventually_and_iff : eventually (λ x, P x ∧ Q x) F ↔ eventually P F ∧ eventually Q F :=
(assume H, and.intro
(eventually_mpr H (eventually_of_forall F (take x, and.left)))
(eventually_mpr H (eventually_of_forall F (take x, and.right))))
(assume H, eventually_and (and.left H) (and.right H))
variables {P Q F}
-- TODO: port eventually_ball_finite_distrib, etc.
theorem eventually_choice {B : Type} [nonemptyB : nonempty B] {R : A → B → Prop} {F : filter A}
(H : eventually (λ x, ∃ y, R x y) F) : ∃ f, eventually (λ x, R x (f x)) F :=
let f := λ x, epsilon (λ y, R x y) in
exists.intro f
(eventually_mono H
(take x, suppose ∃ y, R x y,
show R x (f x), from epsilon_spec this))
theorem exists_not_of_not_eventually (H : ¬ eventually P F) : ∃ x, ¬ P x :=
exists_not_of_not_forall (assume H', H (eventually_of_forall F H'))
theorem eventually_iff_mp (H₁ : eventually (λ x, P x ↔ Q x) F) (H₂ : eventually P F) :
eventually Q F :=
eventually_mono (eventually_and H₁ H₂) (λ x H, iff.mp (and.left H) (and.right H))
theorem eventually_iff_mpr (H₁ : eventually (λ x, P x ↔ Q x) F) (H₂ : eventually Q F) :
eventually P F :=
eventually_mono (eventually_and H₁ H₂) (λ x H, iff.mpr (and.left H) (and.right H))
theorem eventually_iff_iff (H : eventually (λ x, P x ↔ Q x) F) : eventually P F ↔ eventually Q F :=
iff.intro (eventually_iff_mp H) (eventually_iff_mpr H)
-- TODO: port frequently and properties?
/- filters form a lattice under ⊇ -/
protected theorem eq : sets F₁ = sets F₂ → F₁ = F₂ :=
cases F₁ with s₁ u₁ i₁ m₁, cases F₂ with s₂ u₂ i₂ m₂, esimp,
intro eqs₁s₂, revert [u₁, i₁, m₁, u₂, i₂, m₂],
subst s₁, intros, exact rfl
definition weakens [reducible] (F₁ F₂ : filter A) := F₁ ⊇ F₂
infix `≼`:50 := weakens
definition refines [reducible] (F₁ F₂ : filter A) := F₁ ⊆ F₂
infix `≽`:50 := refines
theorem weakens.refl (F : filter A) : F ≼ F := subset.refl _
theorem weakens.trans {F₁ F₂ F₃ : filter A} (H₁ : F₁ ≼ F₂) (H₂ : F₂ ≼ F₃) : F₁ ≼ F₃ :=
subset.trans H₂ H₁
theorem weakens.antisymm (H₁ : F₁ ≼ F₂) (H₂ : F₂ ≼ F₁) : F₁ = F₂ :=
filter.eq (eq_of_subset_of_subset H₂ H₁)
definition bot : filter A :=
⦃ filter,
sets := univ,
univ_mem_sets := trivial,
inter_closed := λ a b Ha Hb, trivial,
is_mono := λ a b Ha Hsub, trivial
notation `⊥` := bot
definition top : filter A :=
⦃ filter,
sets := '{univ},
univ_mem_sets := !or.inl rfl,
inter_closed := abstract
λ a b Ha Hb,
by rewrite [*!mem_singleton_iff at *]; substvars; exact !inter_univ
is_mono := abstract
λ a b Hsub Ha,
rewrite [mem_singleton_iff at Ha], subst [Ha],
exact or.inl (eq_univ_of_univ_subset Hsub)
notation `⊤` := top
definition sup (F₁ F₂ : filter A) : filter A :=
⦃ filter,
sets := F₁ ∩ F₂,
univ_mem_sets := and.intro (filter.univ_mem_sets F₁) (filter.univ_mem_sets F₂),
inter_closed := abstract
λ a b Ha Hb,
(filter.inter_closed F₁ (and.left Ha) (and.left Hb))
(filter.inter_closed F₂ (and.right Ha) (and.right Hb))
is_mono := abstract
λ a b Hsub Ha,
(filter.is_mono F₁ Hsub (and.left Ha))
(filter.is_mono F₂ Hsub (and.right Ha))
infix `⊔`:65 := sup
definition inf (F₁ F₂ : filter A) : filter A :=
⦃ filter,
sets := {r | ∃₀ s ∈ F₁, ∃₀ t ∈ F₂, r ⊇ s ∩ t},
univ_mem_sets := abstract
bounded_exists.intro (univ_mem_sets F₁)
(bounded_exists.intro (univ_mem_sets F₂)
(by rewrite univ_inter; apply subset.refl))
inter_closed := abstract
λ a b Ha Hb,
obtain a₁ [a₁F₁ [a₂ [a₂F₂ (Ha' : a ⊇ a₁ ∩ a₂)]]], from Ha,
obtain b₁ [b₁F₁ [b₂ [b₂F₂ (Hb' : b ⊇ b₁ ∩ b₂)]]], from Hb,
assert a₁ ∩ b₁ ∩ (a₂ ∩ b₂) = a₁ ∩ a₂ ∩ (b₁ ∩ b₂),
by rewrite [*inter.assoc, inter.left_comm b₁],
have a ∩ b ⊇ a₁ ∩ b₁ ∩ (a₂ ∩ b₂),
rewrite this,
apply subset_inter,
{apply subset.trans,
apply inter_subset_left,
exact Ha'},
apply subset.trans,
apply inter_subset_right,
exact Hb'
bounded_exists.intro (inter_closed F₁ a₁F₁ b₁F₁)
(bounded_exists.intro (inter_closed F₂ a₂F₂ b₂F₂)
is_mono := abstract
λ a b Hsub Ha,
obtain a₁ [a₁F₁ [a₂ [a₂F₂ (Ha' : a ⊇ a₁ ∩ a₂)]]], from Ha,
bounded_exists.intro a₁F₁
(bounded_exists.intro a₂F₂ (subset.trans Ha' Hsub))
infix `⊓`:70 := inf
definition Sup (S : set (filter A)) : filter A :=
⦃ filter,
sets := {s | ∀₀ F ∈ S, s ∈ F},
univ_mem_sets := λ F FS, univ_mem_sets F,
inter_closed := abstract
λ a b Ha Hb F FS,
inter_closed F (Ha F FS) (Hb F FS)
is_mono := abstract
λ a b asubb Ha F FS,
is_mono F asubb (Ha F FS)
prefix `⨆`:65 := Sup
definition Inf (S : set (filter A)) : filter A :=
Sup {F | ∀ G, G ∈ S → G ≽ F}
prefix `⨅`:70 := Inf
theorem eventually_of_refines (H₁ : eventually P F₁) (H₂ : F₁ ≽ F₂) : eventually P F₂ := H₂ H₁
theorem refines_of_forall (H : ∀ P, eventually P F₁ → eventually P F₂) : F₁ ≽ F₂ := H
theorem eventually_bot (P : A → Prop) : eventually P ⊥ := trivial
theorem refines_bot (F : filter A) : F ≽ ⊥ :=
take P, suppose eventually P F, eventually_bot P
theorem eventually_top_of_forall (H : ∀ x, P x) : eventually P ⊤ :=
by rewrite [↑eventually, ↑top, mem_singleton_iff]; exact eq_univ_of_forall H
theorem forall_of_eventually_top : eventually P ⊤ → ∀ x, P x :=
by rewrite [↑eventually, ↑top, mem_singleton_iff]; intro H x; rewrite H; exact trivial
theorem eventually_top (P : A → Prop) : eventually P top ↔ ∀ x, P x :=
iff.intro forall_of_eventually_top eventually_top_of_forall
theorem top_refines (F : filter A) : ⊤ ≽ F :=
take P, suppose eventually P top,
eventually_of_forall F (forall_of_eventually_top this)
theorem eventually_sup (P : A → Prop) (F₁ F₂ : filter A) :
eventually P (sup F₁ F₂) ↔ eventually P F₁ ∧ eventually P F₂ :=
theorem sup_refines_left (F₁ F₂ : filter A) : F₁ ⊔ F₂ ≽ F₁ :=
inter_subset_left _ _
theorem sup_refines_right (F₁ F₂ : filter A) : F₁ ⊔ F₂ ≽ F₂ :=
inter_subset_right _ _
theorem refines_sup (H₁ : F ≽ F₁) (H₂ : F ≽ F₂) : F ≽ F₁ ⊔ F₂ :=
subset_inter H₁ H₂
theorem refines_inf_left (F₁ F₂ : filter A) : F₁ ≽ F₁ ⊓ F₂ :=
take s, suppose s ∈ F₁,
bounded_exists.intro `s ∈ F₁`
(bounded_exists.intro (univ_mem_sets F₂) (by rewrite inter_univ; apply subset.refl))
theorem refines_inf_right (F₁ F₂ : filter A) : F₂ ≽ F₁ ⊓ F₂ :=
take s, suppose s ∈ F₂,
bounded_exists.intro (univ_mem_sets F₁)
(bounded_exists.intro `s ∈ F₂` (by rewrite univ_inter; apply subset.refl))
theorem inf_refines (H₁ : F₁ ≽ F) (H₂ : F₂ ≽ F) : F₁ ⊓ F₂ ≽ F :=
take s, suppose s ∈ F₁ ⊓ F₂,
obtain a₁ [a₁F₁ [a₂ [a₂F₂ (Hsub : s ⊇ a₁ ∩ a₂)]]], from this,
have a₁ ∈ F, from H₁ a₁F₁,
have a₂ ∈ F, from H₂ a₂F₂,
show s ∈ F, from is_mono F Hsub (inter_closed F `a₁ ∈ F` `a₂ ∈ F`)
theorem refines_Sup {F : filter A} {S : set (filter A)} (H : ∀₀ G ∈ S, F ≽ G) : F ≽ ⨆ S :=
λ s Fs G GS, H GS Fs
theorem Sup_refines {F : filter A} {S : set (filter A)} (FS : F ∈ S) : ⨆ S ≽ F :=
λ s sInfS, sInfS F FS
theorem Inf_refines {F : filter A} {S : set (filter A)} (H : ∀₀ G ∈ S, G ≽ F) : ⨅ S ≽ F :=
Sup_refines H
theorem refines_Inf {F : filter A} {S : set (filter A)} (FS : F ∈ S) : F ≽ ⨅ S :=
refines_Sup (λ G GS, GS F FS)
protected definition complete_lattice [reducible] : algebra.complete_lattice (filter A) :=
⦃ algebra.complete_lattice,
le := weakens,
le_refl := weakens.refl,
le_trans := @weakens.trans A,
le_antisymm := @weakens.antisymm A,
inf := inf,
le_inf := @inf_refines A,
inf_le_left := refines_inf_left,
inf_le_right := refines_inf_right,
sup := sup,
sup_le := @refines_sup A,
le_sup_left := sup_refines_left,
le_sup_right := sup_refines_right,
Inf := Inf,
Inf_le := @refines_Inf A,
le_Inf := @Inf_refines A
-- TODO: migrate theorems from weak order, lattice
-- TODO: continue porting
end filter
end set
@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ Subsets of an arbitrary type.
* [map](map.lean) : set functions bundled with their domain and codomain
* [map](map.lean) : set functions bundled with their domain and codomain
* [finite](finite.lean) : the "finite" predicate on sets
* [finite](finite.lean) : the "finite" predicate on sets
* [card](card.lean) : cardinality (for finite sets)
* [card](card.lean) : cardinality (for finite sets)
* [filter](filter.lean) : filters on sets
* [classical_inverse](classical_inverse.lean) : inverse functions, defined classically
* [classical_inverse](classical_inverse.lean) : inverse functions, defined classically
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