feat(library/data/{finset,set}): various basic facts

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Jeremy Avigad 2015-07-25 13:38:24 -04:00
parent 9cd7db3fea
commit c9d6cc5255
7 changed files with 185 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ rfl
theorem card_singleton (a : A) : card (singleton a) = 1 := theorem card_singleton (a : A) : card (singleton a) = 1 :=
rfl rfl
lemma ne_empty_of_card_eq_succ {s : finset A} {n : nat} : card s = succ n → s ≠ ∅ :=
by intros; substvars; contradiction
/- insert -/ /- insert -/
section insert section insert
variable [h : decidable_eq A] variable [h : decidable_eq A]
@ -190,6 +193,9 @@ theorem insert_eq_of_mem {a : A} {s : finset A} (H : a ∈ s) : insert a s = s :
ext (λ x, eq.substr (mem_insert_eq x a s) ext (λ x, eq.substr (mem_insert_eq x a s)
(or_iff_right_of_imp (λH1, eq.substr H1 H))) (or_iff_right_of_imp (λH1, eq.substr H1 H)))
theorem insert.comm (x y : A) (s : finset A) : insert x (insert y s) = insert y (insert x s) :=
ext (take a, by rewrite [*mem_insert_eq, propext !or.left_comm])
theorem card_insert_of_mem {a : A} {s : finset A} : a ∈ s → card (insert a s) = card s := theorem card_insert_of_mem {a : A} {s : finset A} : a ∈ s → card (insert a s) = card s :=
quot.induction_on s quot.induction_on s
(λ (l : nodup_list A) (ainl : a ∈ ⟦l⟧), list.length_insert_of_mem ainl) (λ (l : nodup_list A) (ainl : a ∈ ⟦l⟧), list.length_insert_of_mem ainl)
@ -203,9 +209,6 @@ theorem card_insert_le (a : A) (s : finset A) :
if H : a ∈ s then by rewrite [card_insert_of_mem H]; apply le_succ if H : a ∈ s then by rewrite [card_insert_of_mem H]; apply le_succ
else by rewrite [card_insert_of_not_mem H] else by rewrite [card_insert_of_not_mem H]
lemma ne_empty_of_card_eq_succ {s : finset A} {n : nat} : card s = succ n → s ≠ ∅ :=
by intros; substvars; contradiction
protected theorem induction [recursor 6] {P : finset A → Prop} protected theorem induction [recursor 6] {P : finset A → Prop}
(H1 : P empty) (H1 : P empty)
(H2 : ∀ ⦃a : A⦄, ∀{s : finset A}, a ∉ s → P s → P (insert a s)) : (H2 : ∀ ⦃a : A⦄, ∀{s : finset A}, a ∉ s → P s → P (insert a s)) :
@ -285,6 +288,14 @@ quot.induction_on s (λ l bin, mem_of_mem_erase bin)
theorem mem_erase_of_ne_of_mem {a b : A} {s : finset A} : a ≠ b → a ∈ s → a ∈ erase b s := theorem mem_erase_of_ne_of_mem {a b : A} {s : finset A} : a ≠ b → a ∈ s → a ∈ erase b s :=
quot.induction_on s (λ l n ain, list.mem_erase_of_ne_of_mem n ain) quot.induction_on s (λ l n ain, list.mem_erase_of_ne_of_mem n ain)
theorem mem_erase_iff (a b : A) (s : finset A) : a ∈ erase b s ↔ a ∈ s ∧ a ≠ b :=
(assume H, and.intro (mem_of_mem_erase H) (ne_of_mem_erase H))
(assume H, mem_erase_of_ne_of_mem (and.right H) (and.left H))
theorem mem_erase_eq (a b : A) (s : finset A) : a ∈ erase b s = (a ∈ s ∧ a ≠ b) :=
propext !mem_erase_iff
open decidable open decidable
theorem erase_insert (a : A) (s : finset A) : a ∉ s → erase a (insert a s) = s := theorem erase_insert (a : A) (s : finset A) : a ∉ s → erase a (insert a s) = s :=
λ anins, finset.ext (λ b, by_cases λ anins, finset.ext (λ b, by_cases
@ -354,6 +365,12 @@ ext (λ a, by rewrite [*mem_union_eq]; exact or.comm)
theorem union.assoc (s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset A) : (s₁ s₂) s₃ = s₁ (s₂ s₃) := theorem union.assoc (s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset A) : (s₁ s₂) s₃ = s₁ (s₂ s₃) :=
ext (λ a, by rewrite [*mem_union_eq]; exact or.assoc) ext (λ a, by rewrite [*mem_union_eq]; exact or.assoc)
theorem union.left_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset A) : s₁ (s₂ s₃) = s₂ (s₁ s₃) :=
!left_comm union.comm union.assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
theorem union.right_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset A) : (s₁ s₂) s₃ = (s₁ s₃) s₂ :=
!right_comm union.comm union.assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
theorem union_self (s : finset A) : s s = s := theorem union_self (s : finset A) : s s = s :=
ext (λ a, iff.intro ext (λ a, iff.intro
(λ ain, or.elim (mem_or_mem_of_mem_union ain) (λ i, i) (λ i, i)) (λ ain, or.elim (mem_or_mem_of_mem_union ain) (λ i, i) (λ i, i))
@ -417,6 +434,12 @@ ext (λ a, by rewrite [*mem_inter_eq]; exact and.comm)
theorem inter.assoc (s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset A) : (s₁ ∩ s₂) ∩ s₃ = s₁ ∩ (s₂ ∩ s₃) := theorem inter.assoc (s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset A) : (s₁ ∩ s₂) ∩ s₃ = s₁ ∩ (s₂ ∩ s₃) :=
ext (λ a, by rewrite [*mem_inter_eq]; exact and.assoc) ext (λ a, by rewrite [*mem_inter_eq]; exact and.assoc)
theorem inter.left_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset A) : s₁ ∩ (s₂ ∩ s₃) = s₂ ∩ (s₁ ∩ s₃) :=
!left_comm inter.comm inter.assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
theorem inter.right_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset A) : (s₁ ∩ s₂) ∩ s₃ = (s₁ ∩ s₃) ∩ s₂ :=
!right_comm inter.comm inter.assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
theorem inter_self (s : finset A) : s ∩ s = s := theorem inter_self (s : finset A) : s ∩ s = s :=
ext (λ a, iff.intro ext (λ a, iff.intro
(λ h, mem_of_mem_inter_right h) (λ h, mem_of_mem_inter_right h)
@ -532,22 +555,85 @@ quot.induction_on₃ s₁ s₂ s₃ (λ l₁ l₂ l₃ h₁ h₂, list.sub.trans
theorem mem_of_subset_of_mem {s₁ s₂ : finset A} {a : A} : s₁ ⊆ s₂ → a ∈ s₁ → a ∈ s₂ := theorem mem_of_subset_of_mem {s₁ s₂ : finset A} {a : A} : s₁ ⊆ s₂ → a ∈ s₁ → a ∈ s₂ :=
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ h₁ h₂, h₁ a h₂) quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ h₁ h₂, h₁ a h₂)
theorem subset.antisymm {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (H₁ : s₁ ⊆ s₂) (H₂ : s₂ ⊆ s₁) : s₁ = s₂ :=
ext (take x, iff.intro (assume H, mem_of_subset_of_mem H₁ H) (assume H, mem_of_subset_of_mem H₂ H))
-- alternative name
theorem eq_of_subset_of_subset {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (H₁ : s₁ ⊆ s₂) (H₂ : s₂ ⊆ s₁) : s₁ = s₂ :=
subset.antisymm H₁ H₂
theorem subset_of_forall {s₁ s₂ : finset A} : (∀x, x ∈ s₁ → x ∈ s₂) → s₁ ⊆ s₂ := theorem subset_of_forall {s₁ s₂ : finset A} : (∀x, x ∈ s₁ → x ∈ s₂) → s₁ ⊆ s₂ :=
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ H, H) quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ H, H)
theorem subset_insert [h : decidable_eq A] (s : finset A) (a : A) : s ⊆ insert a s := theorem subset_insert [h : decidable_eq A] (s : finset A) (a : A) : s ⊆ insert a s :=
subset_of_forall (take x, suppose x ∈ s, mem_insert_of_mem _ this) subset_of_forall (take x, suppose x ∈ s, mem_insert_of_mem _ this)
theorem eq_of_subset_of_subset {s₁ s₂ : finset A} (H₁ : s₁ ⊆ s₂) (H₂ : s₂ ⊆ s₁) : s₁ = s₂ := theorem eq_empty_of_subset_empty {x : finset A} (H : x ⊆ ∅) : x = ∅ :=
ext (take x, iff.intro (assume H, mem_of_subset_of_mem H₁ H) (assume H, mem_of_subset_of_mem H₂ H)) subset.antisymm H (empty_subset x)
theorem subset_empty_iff (x : finset A) : x ⊆ ∅ ↔ x = ∅ :=
iff.intro eq_empty_of_subset_empty (take xeq, by rewrite xeq; apply subset.refl ∅)
section section
variable [decA : decidable_eq A] variable [decA : decidable_eq A]
include decA include decA
theorem erase_subset_erase_of_subset {a : A} {s₁ s₂ : finset A} : s₁ ⊆ s₂ → erase a s₁ ⊆ erase a s₂ := theorem erase_subset_erase (a : A) {s t : finset A} (H : s ⊆ t) : erase a s ⊆ erase a t :=
λ is_sub, subset_of_forall (λ b bin, begin
mem_erase_of_ne_of_mem (ne_of_mem_erase bin) (mem_of_subset_of_mem is_sub (mem_of_mem_erase bin))) apply subset_of_forall,
intro x,
rewrite *mem_erase_eq,
intro H',
show x ∈ t ∧ x ≠ a, from and.intro (mem_of_subset_of_mem H (and.left H')) (and.right H')
theorem erase_subset (a : A) (s : finset A) : erase a s ⊆ s :=
apply subset_of_forall,
intro x,
rewrite mem_erase_eq,
intro H,
apply and.left H
theorem erase_eq_of_not_mem {a : A} {s : finset A} (anins : a ∉ s) : erase a s = s :=
eq_of_subset_of_subset !erase_subset
(subset_of_forall (take x, assume xs : x ∈ s,
have x ≠ a, from assume H', anins (eq.subst H' xs),
mem_erase_of_ne_of_mem this xs))
theorem erase_insert_subset (a : A) (s : finset A) : erase a (insert a s) ⊆ s :=
(assume ains : a ∈ s, by rewrite [insert_eq_of_mem ains]; apply erase_subset)
(assume nains : a ∉ s, by rewrite [!erase_insert nains]; apply subset.refl)
theorem erase_subset_of_subset_insert {a : A} {s t : finset A} (H : s ⊆ insert a t) :
erase a s ⊆ t :=
subset.trans (!erase_subset_erase H) !erase_insert_subset
theorem insert_erase_subset (a : A) (s : finset A) : s ⊆ insert a (erase a s) :=
(assume ains : a ∈ s, by rewrite [!insert_erase ains]; apply subset.refl)
(assume nains : a ∉ s, by rewrite[erase_eq_of_not_mem nains]; apply subset_insert)
theorem insert_subset_insert (a : A) {s t : finset A} (H : s ⊆ t) : insert a s ⊆ insert a t :=
apply subset_of_forall,
intro x,
rewrite *mem_insert_eq,
intro H',
cases H' with [xeqa, xins],
exact (or.inl xeqa),
exact (or.inr (mem_of_subset_of_mem H xins))
theorem subset_insert_of_erase_subset {s t : finset A} {a : A} (H : erase a s ⊆ t) :
s ⊆ insert a t :=
subset.trans (insert_erase_subset a s) (!insert_subset_insert H)
theorem subset_insert_iff (s t : finset A) (a : A) : s ⊆ insert a t ↔ erase a s ⊆ t :=
iff.intro !erase_subset_of_subset_insert !subset_insert_of_erase_subset
end end
/- upto -/ /- upto -/

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ definition image (f : A → B) (s : finset A) : finset B :=
quot.lift_on s quot.lift_on s
(λ l, to_finset (list.map f (elt_of l))) (λ l, to_finset (list.map f (elt_of l)))
(λ l₁ l₂ p, quot.sound (perm_erase_dup_of_perm (perm_map _ p))) (λ l₁ l₂ p, quot.sound (perm_erase_dup_of_perm (perm_map _ p)))
notation f `'[`:max a `]` := image f a
theorem image_empty (f : A → B) : image f ∅ = ∅ := theorem image_empty (f : A → B) : image f ∅ = ∅ :=
rfl rfl
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ rfl
theorem mem_image_of_mem (f : A → B) {s : finset A} {a : A} : a ∈ s → f a ∈ image f s := theorem mem_image_of_mem (f : A → B) {s : finset A} {a : A} : a ∈ s → f a ∈ image f s :=
quot.induction_on s (take l, assume H : a ∈ elt_of l, mem_to_finset (mem_map f H)) quot.induction_on s (take l, assume H : a ∈ elt_of l, mem_to_finset (mem_map f H))
theorem mem_image_of_mem_of_eq {f : A → B} {s : finset A} {a : A} {b : B} theorem mem_image {f : A → B} {s : finset A} {a : A} {b : B}
(H1 : a ∈ s) (H2 : f a = b) : (H1 : a ∈ s) (H2 : f a = b) :
b ∈ image f s := b ∈ image f s :=
eq.subst H2 (mem_image_of_mem f H1) eq.subst H2 (mem_image_of_mem f H1)
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ theorem mem_image_iff (f : A → B) {s : finset A} {y : B} : y ∈ image f s ↔
iff.intro exists_of_mem_image iff.intro exists_of_mem_image
(assume H, (assume H,
obtain x (H₁ : x ∈ s) (H₂ : f x = y), from H, obtain x (H₁ : x ∈ s) (H₂ : f x = y), from H,
mem_image_of_mem_of_eq H₁ H₂) mem_image H₁ H₂)
theorem mem_image_eq (f : A → B) {s : finset A} {y : B} : y ∈ image f s = ∃x, x ∈ s ∧ f x = y := theorem mem_image_eq (f : A → B) {s : finset A} {y : B} : y ∈ image f s = ∃x, x ∈ s ∧ f x = y :=
propext (mem_image_iff f) propext (mem_image_iff f)
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ theorem mem_image_of_mem_image_of_subset {f : A → B} {s t : finset A} {y : B}
(H1 : y ∈ image f s) (H2 : s ⊆ t) : y ∈ image f t := (H1 : y ∈ image f s) (H2 : s ⊆ t) : y ∈ image f t :=
obtain x (H3: x ∈ s) (H4 : f x = y), from exists_of_mem_image H1, obtain x (H3: x ∈ s) (H4 : f x = y), from exists_of_mem_image H1,
have H5 : x ∈ t, from mem_of_subset_of_mem H2 H3, have H5 : x ∈ t, from mem_of_subset_of_mem H2 H3,
show y ∈ image f t, from mem_image_of_mem_of_eq H5 H4 show y ∈ image f t, from mem_image H5 H4
theorem image_insert [h' : decidable_eq A] (f : A → B) (s : finset A) (a : A) : theorem image_insert [h' : decidable_eq A] (f : A → B) (s : finset A) (a : A) :
image f (insert a s) = insert (f a) (image f s) := image f (insert a s) = insert (f a) (image f s) :=
@ -84,8 +85,30 @@ ext (take z, iff.intro
(suppose z ∈ image f (image g s), (suppose z ∈ image f (image g s),
obtain y (Hy : y ∈ image g s) (Hfy : f y = z), from exists_of_mem_image this, obtain y (Hy : y ∈ image g s) (Hfy : f y = z), from exists_of_mem_image this,
obtain x (Hx : x ∈ s) (Hgx : g x = y), from exists_of_mem_image Hy, obtain x (Hx : x ∈ s) (Hgx : g x = y), from exists_of_mem_image Hy,
mem_image_of_mem_of_eq Hx (by esimp; rewrite [Hgx, Hfy]))) mem_image Hx (by esimp; rewrite [Hgx, Hfy])))
lemma image_subset {a b : finset A} (f : A → B) (H : a ⊆ b) : f '[a] ⊆ f '[b] :=
(take y, assume Hy : y ∈ f '[a],
obtain x (Hx₁ : x ∈ a) (Hx₂ : f x = y), from exists_of_mem_image Hy,
mem_image (mem_of_subset_of_mem H Hx₁) Hx₂)
theorem image_union [h' : decidable_eq A] (f : A → B) (s t : finset A) :
image f (s t) = image f s image f t :=
ext (take y, iff.intro
(assume H : y ∈ image f (s t),
obtain x [(xst : x ∈ s t) (fxy : f x = y)], from exists_of_mem_image H,
or.elim (mem_or_mem_of_mem_union xst)
(assume xs, mem_union_l (mem_image xs fxy))
(assume xt, mem_union_r (mem_image xt fxy)))
(assume H : y ∈ image f s image f t,
or.elim (mem_or_mem_of_mem_union H)
(assume yifs : y ∈ image f s,
obtain x [(xs : x ∈ s) (fxy : f x = y)], from exists_of_mem_image yifs,
mem_image (mem_union_l xs) fxy)
(assume yift : y ∈ image f t,
obtain x [(xt : x ∈ t) (fxy : f x = y)], from exists_of_mem_image yift,
mem_image (mem_union_r xt) fxy)))
end image end image
/- filter and set-builder notation -/ /- filter and set-builder notation -/
@ -126,8 +149,12 @@ iff.intro
theorem mem_filter_eq : x ∈ filter p s = (x ∈ s ∧ p x) := theorem mem_filter_eq : x ∈ filter p s = (x ∈ s ∧ p x) :=
propext !mem_filter_iff propext !mem_filter_iff
end filter end filter
theorem mem_singleton_eq' {A : Type} [deceq : decidable_eq A] (x a : A) : x ∈ '{a} = (x = a) :=
by rewrite [mem_insert_eq, mem_empty_eq, or_false]
/- set difference -/ /- set difference -/
section diff section diff
variables {A : Type} [deceq : decidable_eq A] variables {A : Type} [deceq : decidable_eq A]

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura Author: Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura
-/ -/
import logic import logic algebra.binary
open eq.ops open eq.ops binary
definition set [reducible] (X : Type) := X → Prop definition set [reducible] (X : Type) := X → Prop
@ -29,9 +29,13 @@ theorem subset.refl (a : set X) : a ⊆ a := take x, assume H, H
theorem subset.trans (a b c : set X) (subab : a ⊆ b) (subbc : b ⊆ c) : a ⊆ c := theorem subset.trans (a b c : set X) (subab : a ⊆ b) (subbc : b ⊆ c) : a ⊆ c :=
take x, assume ax, subbc (subab ax) take x, assume ax, subbc (subab ax)
theorem subset.antisymm (a b : set X) (h₁ : a ⊆ b) (h₂ : b ⊆ a) : a = b := theorem subset.antisymm {a b : set X} (h₁ : a ⊆ b) (h₂ : b ⊆ a) : a = b :=
setext (λ x, iff.intro (λ ina, h₁ ina) (λ inb, h₂ inb)) setext (λ x, iff.intro (λ ina, h₁ ina) (λ inb, h₂ inb))
-- an alterantive name
theorem eq_of_subset_of_subset {a b : set X} (h₁ : a ⊆ b) (h₂ : b ⊆ a) : a = b :=
subset.antisymm h₁ h₂
definition strict_subset (a b : set X) := a ⊆ b ∧ a ≠ b definition strict_subset (a b : set X) := a ⊆ b ∧ a ≠ b
infix `⊂`:50 := strict_subset infix `⊂`:50 := strict_subset
@ -58,6 +62,20 @@ assume H : x ∈ ∅, H
theorem mem_empty_eq (x : X) : x ∈ ∅ = false := rfl theorem mem_empty_eq (x : X) : x ∈ ∅ = false := rfl
theorem eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem {s : set X} (H : ∀ x, x ∉ s) : s = ∅ :=
setext (take x, iff.intro
(assume xs, absurd xs (H x))
(assume xe, absurd xe !not_mem_empty))
theorem empty_subset (s : set X) : ∅ ⊆ s :=
take x, assume H, false.elim H
theorem eq_empty_of_subset_empty {s : set X} (H : s ⊆ ∅) : s = ∅ :=
subset.antisymm H (empty_subset s)
theorem subset_empty_iff (s : set X) : s ⊆ ∅ ↔ s = ∅ :=
iff.intro eq_empty_of_subset_empty (take xeq, by rewrite xeq; apply subset.refl ∅)
/- universal set -/ /- universal set -/
definition univ : set X := λx, true definition univ : set X := λx, true
@ -94,6 +112,12 @@ setext (take x, or.comm)
theorem union.assoc (a b c : set X) : (a b) c = a (b c) := theorem union.assoc (a b c : set X) : (a b) c = a (b c) :=
setext (take x, or.assoc) setext (take x, or.assoc)
theorem union.left_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : set X) : s₁ (s₂ s₃) = s₂ (s₁ s₃) :=
!left_comm union.comm union.assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
theorem union.right_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : set X) : (s₁ s₂) s₃ = (s₁ s₃) s₂ :=
!right_comm union.comm union.assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
/- intersection -/ /- intersection -/
definition inter [reducible] (a b : set X) : set X := λx, x ∈ a ∧ x ∈ b definition inter [reducible] (a b : set X) : set X := λx, x ∈ a ∧ x ∈ b
@ -118,6 +142,12 @@ setext (take x, !and.comm)
theorem inter.assoc (a b c : set X) : (a ∩ b) ∩ c = a ∩ (b ∩ c) := theorem inter.assoc (a b c : set X) : (a ∩ b) ∩ c = a ∩ (b ∩ c) :=
setext (take x, !and.assoc) setext (take x, !and.assoc)
theorem inter.left_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : set X) : s₁ ∩ (s₂ ∩ s₃) = s₂ ∩ (s₁ ∩ s₃) :=
!left_comm inter.comm inter.assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
theorem inter.right_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : set X) : (s₁ ∩ s₂) ∩ s₃ = (s₁ ∩ s₃) ∩ s₂ :=
!right_comm inter.comm inter.assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
theorem inter_univ (a : set X) : a ∩ univ = a := theorem inter_univ (a : set X) : a ∩ univ = a :=
setext (take x, !and_true) setext (take x, !and_true)

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@ -58,6 +58,23 @@ take y, assume Hy : y ∈ f '[a],
obtain x (Hx₁ : x ∈ a) (Hx₂ : f x = y), from Hy, obtain x (Hx₁ : x ∈ a) (Hx₂ : f x = y), from Hy,
mem_image (H Hx₁) Hx₂ mem_image (H Hx₁) Hx₂
theorem image_union (f : X → Y) (s t : set X) :
image f (s t) = image f s image f t :=
setext (take y, iff.intro
(assume H : y ∈ image f (s t),
obtain x [(xst : x ∈ s t) (fxy : f x = y)], from H,
or.elim xst
(assume xs, or.inl (mem_image xs fxy))
(assume xt, or.inr (mem_image xt fxy)))
(assume H : y ∈ image f s image f t,
or.elim H
(assume yifs : y ∈ image f s,
obtain x [(xs : x ∈ s) (fxy : f x = y)], from yifs,
mem_image (or.inl xs) fxy)
(assume yift : y ∈ image f t,
obtain x [(xt : x ∈ t) (fxy : f x = y)], from yift,
mem_image (or.inr xt) fxy)))
/- maps to -/ /- maps to -/
definition maps_to [reducible] (f : X → Y) (a : set X) (b : set Y) : Prop := ∀⦃x⦄, x ∈ a → f x ∈ b definition maps_to [reducible] (f : X → Y) (a : set X) (b : set Y) : Prop := ∀⦃x⦄, x ∈ a → f x ∈ b

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ lemma exists_of_orbit {b : S} : b ∈ orbit hom H a → ∃ h, h ∈ H ∧ hom h
lemma orbit_of_exists {b : S} : (∃ h, h ∈ H ∧ hom h a = b) → b ∈ orbit hom H a := lemma orbit_of_exists {b : S} : (∃ h, h ∈ H ∧ hom h a = b) → b ∈ orbit hom H a :=
assume Pex, obtain h PinH Phab, from Pex, assume Pex, obtain h PinH Phab, from Pex,
mem_image_of_mem_of_eq (mem_image_of_mem hom PinH) Phab mem_image (mem_image_of_mem hom PinH) Phab
lemma is_fixed_point_of_mem_fixed_points : lemma is_fixed_point_of_mem_fixed_points :
a ∈ fixed_points hom H → is_fixed_point hom H a := a ∈ fixed_points hom H → is_fixed_point hom H a :=
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ variables {hom : G → perm S} [Hom : is_hom_class hom] {H : finset G} [subgH :
include Hom subgH include Hom subgH
lemma in_orbit_refl {a : S} : a ∈ orbit hom H a := lemma in_orbit_refl {a : S} : a ∈ orbit hom H a :=
mem_image_of_mem_of_eq (mem_image_of_mem_of_eq (finsubg_has_one H) (hom_map_one hom)) rfl mem_image (mem_image (finsubg_has_one H) (hom_map_one hom)) rfl
lemma in_orbit_trans {a b c : S} : lemma in_orbit_trans {a b c : S} :
a ∈ orbit hom H b → b ∈ orbit hom H c → a ∈ orbit hom H c := a ∈ orbit hom H b → b ∈ orbit hom H c → a ∈ orbit hom H c :=
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ ext take s, iff.intro
(assume Pin, (assume Pin,
obtain Psin Ps, from iff.elim_left !mem_filter_iff Pin, obtain Psin Ps, from iff.elim_left !mem_filter_iff Pin,
obtain a Pa, from exists_of_mem_orbits Psin, obtain a Pa, from exists_of_mem_orbits Psin,
mem_image_of_mem_of_eq mem_image
(mem_filter_of_mem !mem_univ (eq.symm (mem_filter_of_mem !mem_univ (eq.symm
(eq_of_card_eq_of_subset (by rewrite [card_singleton, Pa, Ps]) (eq_of_card_eq_of_subset (by rewrite [card_singleton, Pa, Ps])
(subset_of_forall (subset_of_forall
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ ext (take (pp : perm (fin (succ n))), iff.intro
mem_filter_of_mem !mem_univ Ppp) mem_filter_of_mem !mem_univ Ppp)
(assume Pstab, (assume Pstab,
assert Ppp : pp maxi = maxi, from of_mem_filter Pstab, assert Ppp : pp maxi = maxi, from of_mem_filter Pstab,
mem_image_of_mem_of_eq !mem_univ (lift_lower_eq Ppp))) mem_image !mem_univ (lift_lower_eq Ppp)))
definition move_from_max_to (i : fin (succ n)) : perm (fin (succ n)) := definition move_from_max_to (i : fin (succ n)) : perm (fin (succ n)) :=
perm.mk (madd (i - maxi)) madd_inj perm.mk (madd (i - maxi)) madd_inj
@ -552,8 +552,8 @@ lemma orbit_max : orbit (@id (perm (fin (succ n)))) univ maxi = univ :=
ext (take i, iff.intro ext (take i, iff.intro
(assume P, !mem_univ) (assume P, !mem_univ)
(assume P, begin (assume P, begin
apply mem_image_of_mem_of_eq, apply mem_image,
apply mem_image_of_mem_of_eq, apply mem_image,
apply mem_univ (move_from_max_to i), apply rfl, apply mem_univ (move_from_max_to i), apply rfl,
apply sub_add_cancel apply sub_add_cancel
end)) end))

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@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ assume Pe, let s := image (pow a) (upto (succ n)) in
assert Psub: cyc a ⊆ s, from subset_of_forall assert Psub: cyc a ⊆ s, from subset_of_forall
(take g, assume Pgin, obtain i Pilt Pig, from of_mem_filter Pgin, begin (take g, assume Pgin, obtain i Pilt Pig, from of_mem_filter Pgin, begin
rewrite [-Pig, pow_mod Pe], rewrite [-Pig, pow_mod Pe],
apply mem_image_of_mem_of_eq, apply mem_image,
apply mem_upto_of_lt (mod_lt i !zero_lt_succ), apply mem_upto_of_lt (mod_lt i !zero_lt_succ),
exact rfl end), exact rfl end),
#nat calc order a ≤ card s : card_le_card_of_subset Psub #nat calc order a ≤ card s : card_le_card_of_subset Psub

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@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ lemma fin_lrcoset_comm {a b : A} :
by esimp [fin_lcoset, fin_rcoset]; rewrite [-*image_compose, lmul_rmul] by esimp [fin_lcoset, fin_rcoset]; rewrite [-*image_compose, lmul_rmul]
lemma inv_mem_fin_inv {a : A} : a ∈ H → a⁻¹ ∈ fin_inv H := lemma inv_mem_fin_inv {a : A} : a ∈ H → a⁻¹ ∈ fin_inv H :=
assume Pin, mem_image_of_mem_of_eq Pin rfl assume Pin, mem_image Pin rfl
lemma fin_lcoset_eq (a : A) : ts (fin_lcoset H a) = a ∘> (ts H) := calc lemma fin_lcoset_eq (a : A) : ts (fin_lcoset H a) = a ∘> (ts H) := calc
ts (fin_lcoset H a) = coset.l a (ts H) : to_set_image ts (fin_lcoset H a) = coset.l a (ts H) : to_set_image
@ -401,11 +401,11 @@ lemma lrcoset_same_of_mem_normalizer {g : G} :
g ∈ normalizer H → fin_lcoset H g = fin_rcoset H g := g ∈ normalizer H → fin_lcoset H g = fin_rcoset H g :=
assume Pg, ext take h, iff.intro assume Pg, ext take h, iff.intro
(assume Pl, obtain j Pjin Pj, from exists_of_mem_image Pl, (assume Pl, obtain j Pjin Pj, from exists_of_mem_image Pl,
mem_image_of_mem_of_eq (of_mem_filter Pg j Pjin) mem_image (of_mem_filter Pg j Pjin)
(calc g*j*g⁻¹*g = g*j : inv_mul_cancel_right (calc g*j*g⁻¹*g = g*j : inv_mul_cancel_right
... = h : Pj)) ... = h : Pj))
(assume Pr, obtain j Pjin Pj, from exists_of_mem_image Pr, (assume Pr, obtain j Pjin Pj, from exists_of_mem_image Pr,
mem_image_of_mem_of_eq (of_mem_filter (finsubg_has_inv (normalizer H) Pg) j Pjin) mem_image (of_mem_filter (finsubg_has_inv (normalizer H) Pg) j Pjin)
(calc g*(g⁻¹*j*g⁻¹⁻¹) = g*(g⁻¹*j*g) : inv_inv (calc g*(g⁻¹*j*g⁻¹⁻¹) = g*(g⁻¹*j*g) : inv_inv
... = g*(g⁻¹*(j*g)) : mul.assoc ... = g*(g⁻¹*(j*g)) : mul.assoc
... = j*g : mul_inv_cancel_left ... = j*g : mul_inv_cancel_left