refactor(library): major changes in the library
I made some major changes in the library. I wanted to wait with pushing until I had finished the formalization of the slice functor, but for some reason that is very hard to formalize, requiring a lot of casts and manipulation of casts. So I've not finished that yet. Changes: - in multiple files make more use of variables - move dependent congr_arg theorems to logic.cast and proof them using heq (which doesn't involve nested inductions and fewer casts). - prove some more theorems involving heq, e.g. hcongr_arg3 (which do not require piext) - in theorems where casts are used in the statement use eq.rec_on instead of eq.drec_on - in category split basic into basic, functor and natural_transformation - change the definition of functor to use fully bundled categories. @avigad: this means that the file semisimplicial.lean will also need changes (but I'm quite sure nothing major). You want to define the fully bundled category Delta, and use only fully bundled categories (type and ᵒᵖ are notations for the fully bundled Type_category and Opposite if you open namespace category.ops). If you want I can make the changes. - lots of minor changes
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 704 additions and 503 deletions
@ -2,32 +2,31 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Floris van Doorn
-- Author: Floris van Doorn
import .basic .constructions
import .constructions
open eq eq.ops category functor natural_transformation category.ops prod category.product
open eq eq.ops category functor natural_transformation category.ops prod category.product
namespace adjoint
namespace adjoint
--representable functor
--representable functor
definition foo {obC : Type} (C : category obC) : C ×c C ⇒ C ×c C :=
definition foo (C : Category) : C ×c C ⇒ C ×c C :=
definition Hom {obC : Type} (C : category obC) : Cᵒᵖ ×c C ⇒ type :=
-- definition Hom (C : Category) : Cᵒᵖ ×c C ⇒ type :=
|||||| _ _ _ _ (λ a, hom (pr1 a) (pr2 a))
-- (λ a, hom (pr1 a) (pr2 a))
(λ a b f h, pr2 f ∘ h ∘ pr1 f)
-- (λ a b f h, pr2 f ∘ h ∘ pr1 f)
(λ a, funext (λh, !id_left ⬝ !id_right))
-- (λ a, funext (λh, !id_left ⬝ !id_right))
(λ a b c g f, funext (λh,
-- (λ a b c g f, funext (λh,
show (pr2 g ∘ pr2 f) ∘ h ∘ (pr1 f ∘ pr1 g) = pr2 g ∘ (pr2 f ∘ h ∘ pr1 f) ∘ pr1 g, from sorry))
-- show (pr2 g ∘ pr2 f) ∘ h ∘ (pr1 f ∘ pr1 g) = pr2 g ∘ (pr2 f ∘ h ∘ pr1 f) ∘ pr1 g, from sorry))
--I'm lazy, waiting for automation to fill this
--I'm lazy, waiting for automation to fill this
variables {obC obD : Type} (C : category obC) {D : category obD}
variables (C D : Category)
variables (f : Cᵒᵖ ×c C ⇒ C ×c C) (g : C ×c C ⇒ C ×c C)
-- private definition aux_prod_cat [instance] : category (obD × obD) := prod_category (opposite.opposite D) D
check g ∘f f
check natural_transformation (Hom D)
-- definition adjoint.{l} (F : C ⇒ D) (G : D ⇒ C) :=
-- --@natural_transformation _ Type.{l} (Dᵒᵖ ×c D) type_category.{l+1} (Hom D) (Hom D)
definition adjoint (F : C ⇒ D) (G : D ⇒ C) :=
-- sorry
natural_transformation (@functor.compose _ _ _ _ _ _ (Hom D) sorry)
--(@functor.compose _ _ _ _ _ _ (Hom D) (@product.prod_functor _ _ _ _ _ _ (Dᵒᵖ) D sorry sorry))
--(Hom C ∘f sorry)
--(Hom C ∘f sorry)
--product.prod_functor (opposite.opposite_functor F) (functor.ID D)
--product.prod_functor (opposite.opposite_functor F) (functor.ID D)
end adjoint
end adjoint
@ -20,13 +20,14 @@ namespace category
variables {ob : Type} [C : category ob]
variables {ob : Type} [C : category ob]
variables {a b c d : ob}
variables {a b c d : ob}
include C
include C
definition hom [reducible] : ob → ob → Type := rec (λ hom compose id assoc idr idl, hom) C
definition hom [reducible] : ob → ob → Type := rec (λ hom compose id assoc idr idl, hom) C
-- note: needs to be reducible to typecheck composition in opposite category
-- note: needs to be reducible to typecheck composition in opposite category
definition compose [reducible] : Π {a b c : ob}, hom b c → hom a b → hom a c :=
definition compose [reducible] : Π {a b c : ob}, hom b c → hom a b → hom a c :=
rec (λ hom compose id assoc idr idl, compose) C
rec (λ hom compose id assoc idr idl, compose) C
definition id [reducible] : Π {a : ob}, hom a a := rec (λ hom compose id assoc idr idl, id) C
definition id [reducible] : Π {a : ob}, hom a a := rec (λ hom compose id assoc idr idl, id) C
definition ID [reducible] : Π (a : ob), hom a a := @id ob C
definition ID [reducible] (a : ob) : hom a a := id
infixr `∘`:60 := compose
infixr `∘`:60 := compose
infixl `⟶`:25 := hom -- input ⟶ using \--> (this is a different arrow than \-> (→))
infixl `⟶`:25 := hom -- input ⟶ using \--> (this is a different arrow than \-> (→))
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ namespace category
theorem id_right : Π ⦃a b : ob⦄ (f : hom a b), f ∘ id = f :=
theorem id_right : Π ⦃a b : ob⦄ (f : hom a b), f ∘ id = f :=
rec (λ hom comp id assoc idl idr, idr) C
rec (λ hom comp id assoc idl idr, idr) C
--the following is the only theorem for which "include C" is necessary if C is a variable (why?)
theorem id_compose (a : ob) : (ID a) ∘ id = id := !id_left
theorem id_compose (a : ob) : (ID a) ∘ id = id := !id_left
theorem left_id_unique (H : Π{b} {f : hom b a}, i ∘ f = f) : i = id :=
theorem left_id_unique (H : Π{b} {f : hom b a}, i ∘ f = f) : i = id :=
@ -56,145 +58,18 @@ end category
inductive Category : Type := mk : Π (ob : Type), category ob → Category
inductive Category : Type := mk : Π (ob : Type), category ob → Category
namespace category
namespace category
definition objects [coercion] (C : Category) : Type
definition Mk {ob} (C) : Category := ob C
definition MK (a b c d e f g) : Category := a ( b c d e f g)
definition objects [coercion] [reducible] (C : Category) : Type
:= Category.rec (fun c s, c) C
:= Category.rec (fun c s, c) C
definition category_instance [instance] (C : Category) : category (objects C)
definition category_instance [instance] [coercion] [reducible] (C : Category) : category (objects C)
:= Category.rec (fun c s, s) C
:= Category.rec (fun c s, s) C
end category
end category
open category
open category
inductive functor {obC obD : Type} (C : category obC) (D : category obD) : Type :=
theorem Category.equal (C : Category) : C C = C :=
mk : Π (obF : obC → obD) (homF : Π⦃a b : obC⦄, hom a b → hom (obF a) (obF b)),
Category.rec (λ ob c, rfl) C
(Π ⦃a : obC⦄, homF (ID a) = ID (obF a)) →
(Π ⦃a b c : obC⦄ {g : hom b c} {f : hom a b}, homF (g ∘ f) = homF g ∘ homF f) →
functor C D
inductive Functor (C D : Category) : Type :=
mk : functor (category_instance C) (category_instance D) → Functor C D
infixl `⇒`:25 := functor
namespace functor
variables {obC obD obE : Type} {C : category obC} {D : category obD} {E : category obE}
definition object [coercion] (F : C ⇒ D) : obC → obD := rec (λ obF homF Hid Hcomp, obF) F
definition morphism [coercion] (F : C ⇒ D) : Π{a b : obC}, hom a b → hom (F a) (F b) :=
rec (λ obF homF Hid Hcomp, homF) F
theorem respect_id (F : C ⇒ D) : Π (a : obC), F (ID a) = id :=
rec (λ obF homF Hid Hcomp, Hid) F
theorem respect_comp (F : C ⇒ D) : Π ⦃a b c : obC⦄ (g : hom b c) (f : hom a b),
F (g ∘ f) = F g ∘ F f :=
rec (λ obF homF Hid Hcomp, Hcomp) F
protected definition compose (G : D ⇒ E) (F : C ⇒ D) : C ⇒ E :=
(λx, G (F x))
(λ a b f, G (F f))
(λ a, calc
G (F (ID a)) = G id : respect_id F a
... = id : respect_id G (F a))
(λ a b c g f, calc
G (F (g ∘ f)) = G (F g ∘ F f) : respect_comp F g f
... = G (F g) ∘ G (F f) : respect_comp G (F g) (F f))
infixr `∘f`:60 := compose
protected theorem assoc {obA obB obC obD : Type} {A : category obA} {B : category obB}
{C : category obC} {D : category obD} (H : C ⇒ D) (G : B ⇒ C) (F : A ⇒ B) :
H ∘f (G ∘f F) = (H ∘f G) ∘f F :=
-- later check whether we want implicit or explicit arguments here. For the moment, define both
protected definition id {ob : Type} {C : category ob} : functor C C :=
mk (λa, a) (λ a b f, f) (λ a, rfl) (λ a b c f g, rfl)
protected definition ID {ob : Type} (C : category ob) : functor C C := id
protected definition Id {C : Category} : Functor C C := id
protected definition iD (C : Category) : Functor C C := id
protected theorem id_left (F : C ⇒ D) : id ∘f F = F := rec (λ obF homF idF compF, rfl) F
protected theorem id_right (F : C ⇒ D) : F ∘f id = F := rec (λ obF homF idF compF, rfl) F
variables {C₁ C₂ C₃ C₄: Category}
definition Functor_functor (F : Functor C₁ C₂) :
functor (category_instance C₁) (category_instance C₂) :=
Functor.rec (λ x, x) F
protected definition Compose (G : Functor C₂ C₃) (F : Functor C₁ C₂) : Functor C₁ C₃ :=
|||||| (compose (Functor_functor G) (Functor_functor F))
infixr `∘F`:60 := Compose
protected definition Assoc (H : Functor C₃ C₄) (G : Functor C₂ C₃) (F : Functor C₁ C₂)
: H ∘F (G ∘F F) = (H ∘F G) ∘F F :=
protected theorem Id_left (F : Functor C₁ C₂) : Id ∘F F = F :=
Functor.rec (λ f, subst !id_left rfl) F
protected theorem Id_right {F : Functor C₁ C₂} : F ∘F Id = F :=
Functor.rec (λ f, subst !id_right rfl) F
end functor
open functor
inductive natural_transformation {obC obD : Type} {C : category obC} {D : category obD}
(F G : functor C D) : Type :=
mk : Π (η : Π(a : obC), hom (F a) (G a)), (Π{a b : obC} (f : hom a b), G f ∘ η a = η b ∘ F f)
→ natural_transformation F G
-- inductive Natural_transformation {C D : Category} (F G : Functor C D) : Type :=
-- mk : natural_transformation (Functor_functor F) (Functor_functor G) → Natural_transformation F G
infixl `⟹`:25 := natural_transformation
namespace natural_transformation
variables {obC obD : Type} {C : category obC} {D : category obD} {F G H : C ⇒ D}
definition natural_map [coercion] (η : F ⟹ G) :
Π(a : obC), hom (F a) (G a) :=
rec (λ x y, x) η
definition naturality (η : F ⟹ G) :
Π{a b : obC} (f : hom a b), G f ∘ η a = η b ∘ F f :=
rec (λ x y, y) η
protected definition compose (η : G ⟹ H) (θ : F ⟹ G) : F ⟹ H :=
(λ a, η a ∘ θ a)
(λ a b f,
H f ∘ (η a ∘ θ a) = (H f ∘ η a) ∘ θ a : assoc
... = (η b ∘ G f) ∘ θ a : naturality η f
... = η b ∘ (G f ∘ θ a) : assoc
... = η b ∘ (θ b ∘ F f) : naturality θ f
... = (η b ∘ θ b) ∘ F f : assoc)
precedence `∘n` : 60
infixr `∘n` := compose
variables {F₁ F₂ F₃ F₄ : C ⇒ D}
protected theorem assoc (η₃ : F₃ ⟹ F₄) (η₂ : F₂ ⟹ F₃) (η₁ : F₁ ⟹ F₂) :
η₃ ∘n (η₂ ∘n η₁) = (η₃ ∘n η₂) ∘n η₁ :=
congr_arg2_dep mk (funext (take x, !assoc)) !proof_irrel
--TODO: check whether some of the below identities are superfluous
protected definition id {obC obD : Type} {C : category obC} {D : category obD} {F : C ⇒ D}
: natural_transformation F F :=
mk (λa, id) (λa b f, !id_right ⬝ symm !id_left)
protected definition ID {obC obD : Type} {C : category obC} {D : category obD} (F : C ⇒ D)
: natural_transformation F F := id
-- protected definition Id {C D : Category} {F : Functor C D} : Natural_transformation F F :=
-- id
-- protected definition iD {C D : Category} (F : Functor C D) : Natural_transformation F F :=
-- id
protected theorem id_left (η : F₁ ⟹ F₂) : natural_transformation.compose id η = η :=
rec (λf H, congr_arg2_dep mk (funext (take x, !id_left)) !proof_irrel) η
protected theorem id_right (η : F₁ ⟹ F₂) : natural_transformation.compose η id = η :=
rec (λf H, congr_arg2_dep mk (funext (take x, !id_right)) !proof_irrel) η
end natural_transformation
@ -5,48 +5,46 @@
-- This file contains basic constructions on categories, including common categories
-- This file contains basic constructions on categories, including common categories
import .basic
import .natural_transformation
import data.unit data.sigma data.empty data.bool
import data.unit data.sigma data.empty data.bool
open eq eq.ops prod
open eq eq.ops prod
namespace category
namespace category
open unit
definition category_one : category unit :=
mk (λa b, unit)
(λ a b c f g, star)
(λ a, star)
(λ a b c d f g h, !unit.equal)
(λ a b f, !unit.equal)
(λ a b f, !unit.equal)
namespace opposite
namespace opposite
variables {ob : Type} {C : category ob} {a b c : ob}
definition opposite {ob : Type} (C : category ob) : category ob :=
definition opposite (C : category ob) : category ob :=
mk (λa b, hom b a)
mk (λa b, hom b a)
(λ a b c f g, g ∘ f)
(λ a b c f g, g ∘ f)
(λ a, id)
(λ a, id)
(λ a b c d f g h, symm !assoc)
(λ a b c d f g h, symm !assoc)
(λ a b f, !id_right)
(λ a b f, !id_right)
(λ a b f, !id_left)
(λ a b f, !id_left)
--definition compose_opposite {C : category ob} {a b c : ob} {g : a => b} {f : b => c} : compose
precedence `∘op` : 60
infixr `∘op` := @compose _ (opposite _) _ _ _
theorem compose_op {f : @hom ob C a b} {g : hom b c} : f ∘op g = g ∘ f :=
definition Opposite (C : Category) : Category := Mk (opposite C)
--direct construction:
-- MK C
-- (λa b, hom b a)
-- (λ a b c f g, g ∘ f)
-- (λ a, id)
-- (λ a b c d f g h, symm !assoc)
-- (λ a b f, !id_right)
-- (λ a b f, !id_left)
theorem op_op {C : category ob} : opposite (opposite C) = C :=
infixr `∘op`:60 := @compose _ (opposite _) _ _ _
variables {C : Category} {a b c : C}
theorem compose_op {f : hom a b} {g : hom b c} : f ∘op g = g ∘ f := rfl
theorem op_op' {ob : Type} (C : category ob) : opposite (opposite C) = C :=
category.rec (λ hom comp id assoc idl idr, refl (mk _ _ _ _ _ _)) C
category.rec (λ hom comp id assoc idl idr, refl (mk _ _ _ _ _ _)) C
definition Opposite (C : Category) : Category :=
theorem op_op : Opposite (Opposite C) = C :=
|||||| (objects C) (opposite (category_instance C))
(@congr_arg _ _ _ _ ( C) (op_op' C)) ⬝ !Category.equal
end opposite
end opposite
definition type_category : category Type :=
definition type_category : category Type :=
mk (λa b, a → b)
mk (λa b, a → b)
(λ a b c, function.compose)
(λ a b c, function.compose)
@ -54,7 +52,8 @@ namespace category
(λ a b c d h g f, symm (function.compose_assoc h g f))
(λ a b c d h g f, symm (function.compose_assoc h g f))
(λ a b f, function.compose_id_left f)
(λ a b f, function.compose_id_left f)
(λ a b f, function.compose_id_right f)
(λ a b f, function.compose_id_right f)
definition Type_category : Category := Mk type_category
open decidable unit empty
open decidable unit empty
@ -70,32 +69,24 @@ namespace category
(λ Hab f, rec_on_true (trans Hab Hbc) ⋆)
(λ Hab f, rec_on_true (trans Hab Hbc) ⋆)
(λh f, empty.rec _ f) f)
(λh f, empty.rec _ f) f)
(λh (g : empty), empty.rec _ g) g
(λh (g : empty), empty.rec _ g) g
omit H
definition set_category (A : Type) [H : decidable_eq A] : category A :=
definition set_category (A : Type) [H : decidable_eq A] : category A :=
mk (λa b, set_hom a b)
mk (λa b, set_hom a b)
(λ a b c g f, set_compose g f)
(λ a b c g f, set_compose g f)
(λ a, rec_on_true rfl ⋆)
(λ a, decidable.rec_on_true rfl ⋆)
(λ a b c d h g f, subsingleton.elim _ _ _)
(λ a b c d h g f, @subsingleton.elim (set_hom a d) _ _ _)
(λ a b f, subsingleton.elim _ _ _)
(λ a b f, @subsingleton.elim (set_hom a b) _ _ _)
(λ a b f, subsingleton.elim _ _ _)
(λ a b f, @subsingleton.elim (set_hom a b) _ _ _)
definition Set_category (A : Type) [H : decidable_eq A] := Mk (set_category A)
open bool
open unit bool
definition category_one := set_category unit
definition Category_one := Mk category_one
definition category_two := set_category bool
definition category_two := set_category bool
definition Category_two := Mk category_two
section cat_of_cat
definition category_of_categories : category Category :=
mk (λ a b, Functor a b)
(λ a b c g f, functor.Compose g f)
(λ a, functor.Id)
(λ a b c d h g f, !functor.Assoc)
(λ a b f, !functor.Id_left)
(λ a b f, !functor.Id_right)
end cat_of_cat
namespace product
namespace product
open prod
open prod
@ -107,25 +98,28 @@ namespace category
(λ a b c d h g f, pair_eq !assoc !assoc )
(λ a b c d h g f, pair_eq !assoc !assoc )
(λ a b f, prod.equal !id_left !id_left )
(λ a b f, prod.equal !id_left !id_left )
(λ a b f, prod.equal !id_right !id_right)
(λ a b f, prod.equal !id_right !id_right)
definition Prod_category (C D : Category) : Category := Mk (prod_category C D)
end product
end product
namespace ops
namespace ops
notation `Cat` := category_of_categories
notation `type`:max := Type_category
notation `type` := type_category
notation 1 := Category_one --it was confusing for me (Floris) that no ``s are needed here
notation 1 := category_one
notation 2 := Category_two
postfix `ᵒᵖ`:max := opposite.opposite
postfix `ᵒᵖ`:max := opposite.Opposite
infixr `×c`:30 := product.prod_category
infixr `×c`:30 := product.Prod_category
instance [persistent] category_of_categories type_category category_one product.prod_category
instance [persistent] type_category category_one
category_two product.prod_category
end ops
end ops
open ops
open ops
namespace opposite
namespace opposite
open ops functor
open ops functor
--set_option pp.implicit true
definition opposite_functor {C D : Category} (F : C ⇒ D) : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ Dᵒᵖ :=
definition opposite_functor {obC obD : Type} {C : category obC} {D : category obD} (F : C ⇒ D)
| (Cᵒᵖ) (Dᵒᵖ)
: Cᵒᵖ ⇒ Dᵒᵖ :=
|||||| obC obD (Cᵒᵖ) (Dᵒᵖ)
(λ a, F a)
(λ a, F a)
(λ a b f, F f)
(λ a b f, F f)
(λ a, !respect_id)
(λ a, !respect_id)
@ -136,8 +130,7 @@ end ops
namespace product
namespace product
open ops functor
open ops functor
definition prod_functor {obC obC' obD obD' : Type} {C : category obC} {C' : category obC'}
definition prod_functor {C C' D D' : Category} (F : C ⇒ D) (G : C' ⇒ D') : C ×c C' ⇒ D ×c D' :=
{D : category obD} {D' : category obD'} (F : C ⇒ D) (G : C' ⇒ D') : C ×c C' ⇒ D ×c D' :=
|||||| (λ a, pair (F (pr1 a)) (G (pr2 a)))
| (λ a, pair (F (pr1 a)) (G (pr2 a)))
(λ a b f, pair (F (pr1 f)) (G (pr2 f)))
(λ a b f, pair (F (pr1 f)) (G (pr2 f)))
(λ a, pair_eq !respect_id !respect_id)
(λ a, pair_eq !respect_id !respect_id)
@ -151,7 +144,7 @@ end ops
end ops
end ops
section functor_category
section functor_category
variables {obC obD : Type} (C : category obC) (D : category obD)
variables (C D : Category)
definition functor_category : category (functor C D) :=
definition functor_category : category (functor C D) :=
mk (λa b, natural_transformation a b)
mk (λa b, natural_transformation a b)
(λ a b c g f, natural_transformation.compose g f)
(λ a b c g f, natural_transformation.compose g f)
@ -161,79 +154,136 @@ end ops
(λ a b f, !natural_transformation.id_right)
(λ a b f, !natural_transformation.id_right)
end functor_category
end functor_category
namespace slice
open sigma
open sigma function
variables {ob : Type} {C : category ob} {c : ob}
protected definition slice_obs (C : category ob) (c : ob) := Σ(b : ob), hom b c
variables {a b : slice_obs C c}
protected definition to_ob (a : slice_obs C c) : ob := dpr1 a
protected definition to_ob_def (a : slice_obs C c) : to_ob a = dpr1 a := rfl
protected definition ob_hom (a : slice_obs C c) : hom (to_ob a) c := dpr2 a
-- protected theorem slice_obs_equal (H₁ : to_ob a = to_ob b)
-- (H₂ : eq.drec_on H₁ (ob_hom a) = ob_hom b) : a = b :=
-- sigma.equal H₁ H₂
definition slice_category [reducible] {ob : Type} (C : category ob) (c : ob) : category (Σ(b : ob), hom b c) :=
mk (λa b, Σ(g : hom (dpr1 a) (dpr1 b)), dpr2 b ∘ g = dpr2 a)
protected definition slice_hom (a b : slice_obs C c) : Type :=
(λ a b c g f, dpair (dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f)
Σ(g : hom (to_ob a) (to_ob b)), ob_hom b ∘ g = ob_hom a
(show dpr2 c ∘ (dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f) = dpr2 a,
protected definition hom_hom (f : slice_hom a b) : hom (to_ob a) (to_ob b) := dpr1 f
protected definition commute (f : slice_hom a b) : ob_hom b ∘ (hom_hom f) = ob_hom a := dpr2 f
-- protected theorem slice_hom_equal (f g : slice_hom a b) (H : hom_hom f = hom_hom g) : f = g :=
-- sigma.equal H !proof_irrel
definition slice_category (C : category ob) (c : ob) : category (slice_obs C c) :=
mk (λa b, slice_hom a b)
(λ a b c g f, dpair (hom_hom g ∘ hom_hom f)
(show ob_hom c ∘ (hom_hom g ∘ hom_hom f) = ob_hom a,
dpr2 c ∘ (dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f) = (dpr2 c ∘ dpr1 g) ∘ dpr1 f : !assoc
ob_hom c ∘ (hom_hom g ∘ hom_hom f) = (ob_hom c ∘ hom_hom g) ∘ hom_hom f : !assoc
... = dpr2 b ∘ dpr1 f : {dpr2 g}
... = ob_hom b ∘ hom_hom f : {commute g}
... = dpr2 a : {dpr2 f}
... = ob_hom a : {commute f}
(λ a, dpair id !id_right)
(λ a, dpair id !id_right)
(λ a b c d h g f, dpair_eq !assoc !proof_irrel)
(λ a b c d h g f, dpair_eq !assoc !proof_irrel)
(λ a b f, sigma.equal !id_left !proof_irrel)
(λ a b f, sigma.equal !id_left !proof_irrel)
(λ a b f, sigma.equal !id_right !proof_irrel)
(λ a b f, sigma.equal !id_right !proof_irrel)
-- We use !proof_irrel instead of rfl, to give the unifier an easier time
-- We use !proof_irrel instead of rfl, to give the unifier an easier time
end --remove
namespace slice
-- definition slice_category {ob : Type} (C : category ob) (c : ob) : category (Σ(b : ob), hom b c)
section --remove
-- :=
open sigma category.ops --remove sigma
-- mk (λa b, Σ(g : hom (dpr1 a) (dpr1 b)), dpr2 b ∘ g = dpr2 a)
-- (λ a b c g f, dpair (dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f)
-- (show dpr2 c ∘ (dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f) = dpr2 a,
-- proof
-- calc
-- dpr2 c ∘ (dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f) = (dpr2 c ∘ dpr1 g) ∘ dpr1 f : !assoc
-- ... = dpr2 b ∘ dpr1 f : {dpr2 g}
-- ... = dpr2 a : {dpr2 f}
-- qed))
-- (λ a, dpair id !id_right)
-- (λ a b c d h g f, dpair_eq !assoc !proof_irrel)
-- (λ a b f, sigma.equal !id_left !proof_irrel)
-- (λ a b f, sigma.equal !id_right !proof_irrel)
-- We use !proof_irrel instead of rfl, to give the unifier an easier time
definition Slice_category [reducible] (C : Category) (c : C) := Mk (slice_category C c)
open category.ops
instance [persistent] slice_category
instance [persistent] slice_category
variables {ob : Type} (C : category ob)
variables {D : Category}
definition forgetful (x : ob) : (slice_category C x) ⇒ C :=
definition forgetful (x : D) : (Slice_category D x) ⇒ D :=
|||||| (λ a, dpr1 a)
| (λ a, to_ob a)
(λ a b f, dpr1 f)
(λ a b f, hom_hom f)
(λ a, rfl)
(λ a, rfl)
(λ a b c g f, rfl)
(λ a b c g f, rfl)
definition composition_functor {x y : ob} (h : x ⟶ y) : slice_category C x ⇒ slice_category C y :=
|||||| (λ a, dpair (dpr1 a) (h ∘ dpr2 a))
definition postcomposition_functor {x y : D} (h : x ⟶ y)
(λ a b f, dpair (dpr1 f)
: Slice_category D x ⇒ Slice_category D y :=
| (λ a, dpair (to_ob a) (h ∘ ob_hom a))
(λ a b f, dpair (hom_hom f)
(h ∘ dpr2 b) ∘ dpr1 f = h ∘ (dpr2 b ∘ dpr1 f) : !assoc⁻¹
(h ∘ ob_hom b) ∘ hom_hom f = h ∘ (ob_hom b ∘ hom_hom f) : assoc h (ob_hom b) (hom_hom f)⁻¹
... = h ∘ dpr2 a : {dpr2 f}))
... = h ∘ ob_hom a : congr_arg (λx, h ∘ x) (commute f)))
(λ a, rfl)
(λ a, rfl)
(λ a b c g f, dpair_eq rfl !proof_irrel)
(λ a b c g f, dpair_eq rfl !proof_irrel)
-- the following definition becomes complicated
-- definition slice_functor : C ⇒ category_of_categories :=
-- -- in the following comment I tried to have (A = B) in the type of a == b, but that doesn't solve the problems
-- (λ a, _ (slice_category C a))
-- definition heq2 {A B : Type} (H : A = B) (a : A) (b : B) := a == b
-- (λ a b f, (composition_functor f))
-- definition heq2.intro {A B : Type} {a : A} {b : B} (H : a == b) : heq2 (heq.type_eq H) a b := H
-- (λ a, congr_arg
-- definition heq2.elim {A B : Type} {a : A} {b : B} (H : A = B) (H2 : heq2 H a b) : a == b := H2
-- (congr_arg4_dep
-- definition heq2.proof_irrel {A B : Prop} (a : A) (b : B) (H : A = B) : heq2 H a b :=
-- (funext (λx, sigma.equal rfl !id_left))
-- hproof_irrel H a b
-- sorry
-- theorem functor.mk_eq2 {C D : Category} {obF obG : C → D} {homF homG idF idG compF compG}
-- (Hob : ∀x, obF x = obG x)
-- (Hmor : ∀(a b : C) (f : a ⟶ b), heq2 (congr_arg (λ x, x a ⟶ x b) (funext Hob)) (homF a b f) (homG a b f))
-- : obF homF idF compF = obG homG idG compG :=
-- hddcongr_arg4
-- (funext Hob)
-- (hfunext (λ a, hfunext (λ b, hfunext (λ f, !Hmor))))
-- !proof_irrel
-- !proof_irrel
-- !proof_irrel))
-- !proof_irrel
-- (λ a b c g f, sorry)
-- set_option pp.implicit true
-- set_option pp.coercions true
-- definition slice_functor : D ⇒ Category_of_categories :=
-- (λ a, (slice_obs D a) (slice_category D a))
-- (λ a b f, postcomposition_functor f)
-- (λ a, functor.mk_heq
-- (λx, sigma.equal rfl !id_left)
-- (λb c f, sigma.hequal sorry !heq.refl (hproof_irrel sorry _ _)))
-- (λ a b c g f, functor.mk_heq
-- (λx, sigma.equal (sorry ⬝ refl (dpr1 x)) sorry)
-- (λb c f, sorry))
--the error message generated here is really confusing: the type of the above refl should be
-- "@dpr1 D (λ (a_1 : D), a_1 ⟶ a) x = @dpr1 D (λ (a_1 : D), a_1 ⟶ c) x", but the second dpr1 is not even well-typed
end slice
end slice
section coslice
-- section coslice
open sigma
-- open sigma
definition coslice {ob : Type} (C : category ob) (c : ob) : category (Σ(b : ob), hom c b) :=
-- definition coslice {ob : Type} (C : category ob) (c : ob) : category (Σ(b : ob), hom c b) :=
mk (λa b, Σ(g : hom (dpr1 a) (dpr1 b)), g ∘ dpr2 a = dpr2 b)
-- mk (λa b, Σ(g : hom (dpr1 a) (dpr1 b)), g ∘ dpr2 a = dpr2 b)
(λ a b c g f, dpair (dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f)
-- (λ a b c g f, dpair (dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f)
(show (dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f) ∘ dpr2 a = dpr2 c,
-- (show (dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f) ∘ dpr2 a = dpr2 c,
-- proof
-- calc
(dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f) ∘ dpr2 a = dpr1 g ∘ (dpr1 f ∘ dpr2 a): symm !assoc
-- (dpr1 g ∘ dpr1 f) ∘ dpr2 a = dpr1 g ∘ (dpr1 f ∘ dpr2 a): symm !assoc
... = dpr1 g ∘ dpr2 b : {dpr2 f}
-- ... = dpr1 g ∘ dpr2 b : {dpr2 f}
... = dpr2 c : {dpr2 g}
-- ... = dpr2 c : {dpr2 g}
-- qed))
(λ a, dpair id !id_left)
-- (λ a, dpair id !id_left)
(λ a b c d h g f, dpair_eq !assoc !proof_irrel)
-- (λ a b c d h g f, dpair_eq !assoc !proof_irrel)
(λ a b f, sigma.equal !id_left !proof_irrel)
-- (λ a b f, sigma.equal !id_left !proof_irrel)
(λ a b f, sigma.equal !id_right !proof_irrel)
-- (λ a b f, sigma.equal !id_right !proof_irrel)
-- theorem slice_coslice_opp {ob : Type} (C : category ob) (c : ob) :
-- -- theorem slice_coslice_opp {ob : Type} (C : category ob) (c : ob) :
-- coslice C c = opposite (slice (opposite C) c) :=
-- -- coslice C c = opposite (slice (opposite C) c) :=
-- sorry
-- -- sorry
end coslice
-- end coslice
section arrow
section arrow
open sigma eq.ops
open sigma eq.ops
@ -287,9 +337,9 @@ end ops
(λ a, dpair id (dpair id (!id_right ⬝ (symm !id_left))))
(λ a, dpair id (dpair id (!id_right ⬝ (symm !id_left))))
(λ a b c d h g f, dtrip_eq_ndep !assoc !assoc !proof_irrel)
(λ a b c d h g f, ndtrip_eq !assoc !assoc !proof_irrel)
(λ a b f, trip.equal_ndep !id_left !id_left !proof_irrel)
(λ a b f, ndtrip_equal !id_left !id_left !proof_irrel)
(λ a b f, trip.equal_ndep !id_right !id_right !proof_irrel)
(λ a b f, ndtrip_equal !id_right !id_right !proof_irrel)
end arrow
end arrow
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Floris van Doorn
-- Author: Floris van Doorn
import .basic .constructions
import .basic .morphism .functor .constructions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Floris van Doorn
import .basic
import logic.cast
import algebra.function --remove if "typeof" is moved
open function --remove if "typeof" is moved
open category eq eq.ops heq
inductive functor (C D : Category) : Type :=
mk : Π (obF : C → D) (homF : Π(a b : C), hom a b → hom (obF a) (obF b)),
(Π (a : C), homF a a (ID a) = ID (obF a)) →
(Π (a b c : C) {g : hom b c} {f : hom a b}, homF a c (g ∘ f) = homF b c g ∘ homF a b f) →
functor C D
infixl `⇒`:25 := functor
namespace functor
variables {C D E : Category}
definition object [coercion] (F : functor C D) : C → D := rec (λ obF homF Hid Hcomp, obF) F
definition morphism [coercion] (F : functor C D) : Π⦃a b : C⦄, hom a b → hom (F a) (F b) :=
rec (λ obF homF Hid Hcomp, homF) F
theorem respect_id (F : functor C D) : Π (a : C), F (ID a) = id :=
rec (λ obF homF Hid Hcomp, Hid) F
theorem respect_comp (F : functor C D) : Π ⦃a b c : C⦄ (g : hom b c) (f : hom a b),
F (g ∘ f) = F g ∘ F f :=
rec (λ obF homF Hid Hcomp, Hcomp) F
protected definition compose (G : functor D E) (F : functor C D) : functor C E :=
(λx, G (F x))
(λ a b f, G (F f))
(λ a, calc
G (F (ID a)) = G id : {respect_id F a} --not giving the braces explicitly makes the elaborator compute a couple more seconds
... = id : respect_id G (F a))
(λ a b c g f, calc
G (F (g ∘ f)) = G (F g ∘ F f) : respect_comp F g f
... = G (F g) ∘ G (F f) : respect_comp G (F g) (F f))
infixr `∘f`:60 := compose
protected theorem assoc {A B C D : Category} (H : functor C D) (G : functor B C) (F : functor A B) :
H ∘f (G ∘f F) = (H ∘f G) ∘f F :=
protected definition id {C : Category} : functor C C :=
mk (λa, a) (λ a b f, f) (λ a, rfl) (λ a b c f g, rfl)
protected definition ID (C : Category) : functor C C := id
protected theorem id_left (F : functor C D) : id ∘f F = F :=
functor.rec (λ obF homF idF compF, dcongr_arg4 mk rfl rfl !proof_irrel !proof_irrel) F
protected theorem id_right (F : functor C D) : F ∘f id = F :=
functor.rec (λ obF homF idF compF, dcongr_arg4 mk rfl rfl !proof_irrel !proof_irrel) F
end functor
namespace category
open functor
definition category_of_categories [reducible] : category Category :=
mk (λ a b, functor a b)
(λ a b c g f, functor.compose g f)
(λ a,
(λ a b c d h g f, !functor.assoc)
(λ a b f, !functor.id_left)
(λ a b f, !functor.id_right)
definition Category_of_categories [reducible] := Mk category_of_categories
namespace ops
notation `Cat`:max := Category_of_categories
instance [persistent] category_of_categories
end ops
end category
namespace functor
-- open category.ops
-- universes l m
variables {C D : Category}
-- check hom C D
-- variables (F : C ⟶ D) (G : D ⇒ C)
-- check G ∘ F
-- check F ∘f G
-- variables (a b : C) (f : a ⟶ b)
-- check F a
-- check F b
-- check F f
-- check G (F f)
-- print "---"
-- -- check (G ∘ F) f --error
-- check (λ(x : functor C C), x) (G ∘ F) f
-- check (G ∘f F) f
-- print "---"
-- -- check (G ∘ F) a --error
-- check (G ∘f F) a
-- print "---"
-- -- check λ(H : hom C D) (x : C), H x --error
-- check λ(H : @hom _ Cat C D) (x : C), H x
-- check λ(H : C ⇒ D) (x : C), H x
-- print "---"
-- -- variables {obF obG : C → D} (Hob : ∀x, obF x = obG x) (homF : Π(a b : C) (f : a ⟶ b), obF a ⟶ obF b) (homG : Π(a b : C) (f : a ⟶ b), obG a ⟶ obG b)
-- -- check eq.rec_on (funext Hob) homF = homG
theorem mk_heq {obF obG : C → D} {homF homG idF idG compF compG} (Hob : ∀x, obF x = obG x)
(Hmor : ∀(a b : C) (f : a ⟶ b), homF a b f == homG a b f)
: mk obF homF idF compF = mk obG homG idG compG :=
hddcongr_arg4 mk
(funext Hob)
(hfunext (λ a, hfunext (λ b, hfunext (λ f, !Hmor))))
protected theorem hequal {F G : C ⇒ D} : Π (Hob : ∀x, F x = G x)
(Hmor : ∀a b (f : a ⟶ b), F f == G f), F = G :=
(λ obF homF idF compF,
(λ obG homG idG compG Hob Hmor, mk_heq Hob Hmor)
-- theorem mk_eq {obF obG : C → D} {homF homG idF idG compF compG} (Hob : ∀x, obF x = obG x)
-- (Hmor : ∀(a b : C) (f : a ⟶ b), cast (congr_arg (λ x, x a ⟶ x b) (funext Hob)) (homF a b f)
-- = homG a b f)
-- : mk obF homF idF compF = mk obG homG idG compG :=
-- dcongr_arg4 mk
-- (funext Hob)
-- (funext (λ a, funext (λ b, funext (λ f, sorry ⬝ Hmor a b f))))
-- -- to fill this sorry use (a generalization of) cast_pull
-- !proof_irrel
-- !proof_irrel
-- protected theorem equal {F G : C ⇒ D} : Π (Hob : ∀x, F x = G x)
-- (Hmor : ∀a b (f : a ⟶ b), cast (congr_arg (λ x, x a ⟶ x b) (funext Hob)) (F f) = G f), F = G :=
-- functor.rec
-- (λ obF homF idF compF,
-- functor.rec
-- (λ obG homG idG compG Hob Hmor, mk_eq Hob Hmor)
-- G)
-- F
end functor
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Floris van Doorn
-- Author: Floris van Doorn
import .basic
import .natural_transformation
import data.sigma
import data.sigma
open eq eq.ops category functor natural_transformation
open eq eq.ops category functor natural_transformation
@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ open eq eq.ops category functor natural_transformation
namespace limits
namespace limits
--representable functor
--representable functor
variables {obI ob : Type} {I : category obI} {C : category ob} {D : I ⇒ C}
variables {I C : Category} {D : I ⇒ C}
definition constant_diagram (a : ob) : I ⇒ C :=
definition constant_diagram (a : C) : I ⇒ C :=
mk (λ i, a)
mk (λ i, a)
(λ i j u, id)
(λ i j u, id)
(λ i, rfl)
(λ i, rfl)
(λ i j k v u, symm !id_compose)
(λ i j k v u, symm !id_compose)
definition cone := Σ(a : ob), constant_diagram a ⟹ D
definition cone := Σ(a : C), constant_diagram a ⟹ D
-- definition cone_category : category cone :=
-- definition cone_category : category cone :=
-- mk (λa b, sorry)
-- mk (λa b, sorry)
-- (λ a b c g f, sorry)
-- (λ a b c g f, sorry)
@ -7,41 +7,40 @@ import .basic algebra.relation algebra.binary
open eq eq.ops category
open eq eq.ops category
namespace morphism
namespace morphism
variables {ob : Type} [C : category ob] include C
variables {ob : Type} [C : category ob] include C
variables {a b c d : ob} {h : hom c d} {g : hom b c} {f : hom a b} {i : hom b a}
variables {a b c : ob} {g : b ⟶ c} {f : a ⟶ b} {h : b ⟶ a}
inductive is_section [class] (f : hom a b) : Type
inductive is_section [class] (f : a ⟶ b) : Type
:= mk : ∀{g}, g ∘ f = id → is_section f
:= mk : ∀{g}, g ∘ f = id → is_section f
inductive is_retraction [class] (f : hom a b) : Type
inductive is_retraction [class] (f : a ⟶ b) : Type
:= mk : ∀{g}, f ∘ g = id → is_retraction f
:= mk : ∀{g}, f ∘ g = id → is_retraction f
inductive is_iso [class] (f : hom a b) : Type
inductive is_iso [class] (f : a ⟶ b) : Type
:= mk : ∀{g}, g ∘ f = id → f ∘ g = id → is_iso f
:= mk : ∀{g}, g ∘ f = id → f ∘ g = id → is_iso f
--remove implicit arguments in above lines
definition retraction_of (f : hom a b) [H : is_section f] : hom b a :=
definition retraction_of (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_section f] : hom b a :=
is_section.rec (λg h, g) H
is_section.rec (λg h, g) H
definition section_of (f : hom a b) [H : is_retraction f] : hom b a :=
definition section_of (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_retraction f] : hom b a :=
is_retraction.rec (λg h, g) H
is_retraction.rec (λg h, g) H
definition inverse (f : hom a b) [H : is_iso f] : hom b a :=
definition inverse (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_iso f] : hom b a :=
is_iso.rec (λg h1 h2, g) H
is_iso.rec (λg h1 h2, g) H
notation H ⁻¹ := inverse H
notation H ⁻¹ := inverse H
theorem inverse_compose (f : hom a b) [H : is_iso f] : f⁻¹ ∘ f = id :=
theorem inverse_compose (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_iso f] : f⁻¹ ∘ f = id :=
is_iso.rec (λg h1 h2, h1) H
is_iso.rec (λg h1 h2, h1) H
theorem compose_inverse (f : hom a b) [H : is_iso f] : f ∘ f⁻¹ = id :=
theorem compose_inverse (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_iso f] : f ∘ f⁻¹ = id :=
is_iso.rec (λg h1 h2, h2) H
is_iso.rec (λg h1 h2, h2) H
theorem retraction_compose (f : hom a b) [H : is_section f] : retraction_of f ∘ f = id :=
theorem retraction_compose (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_section f] : retraction_of f ∘ f = id :=
is_section.rec (λg h, h) H
is_section.rec (λg h, h) H
theorem compose_section (f : hom a b) [H : is_retraction f] : f ∘ section_of f = id :=
theorem compose_section (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_retraction f] : f ∘ section_of f = id :=
is_retraction.rec (λg h, h) H
is_retraction.rec (λg h, h) H
theorem iso_imp_retraction [instance] (f : hom a b) [H : is_iso f] : is_section f :=
theorem iso_imp_retraction [instance] (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_iso f] : is_section f :=
|||||| !inverse_compose
| !inverse_compose
theorem iso_imp_section [instance] (f : hom a b) [H : is_iso f] : is_retraction f :=
theorem iso_imp_section [instance] (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_iso f] : is_retraction f :=
|||||| !compose_inverse
| !compose_inverse
theorem id_is_iso [instance] : is_iso (ID a) :=
theorem id_is_iso [instance] : is_iso (ID a) :=
@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ namespace morphism
theorem inverse_is_iso [instance] (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_iso f] : is_iso (f⁻¹) :=
theorem inverse_is_iso [instance] (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_iso f] : is_iso (f⁻¹) :=
|||||| !compose_inverse !inverse_compose
| !compose_inverse !inverse_compose
theorem left_inverse_eq_right_inverse {f : hom a b} {g g' : hom b a}
theorem left_inverse_eq_right_inverse {f : a ⟶ b} {g g' : hom b a}
(Hl : g ∘ f = id) (Hr : f ∘ g' = id) : g = g' :=
(Hl : g ∘ f = id) (Hr : f ∘ g' = id) : g = g' :=
g = g ∘ id : symm !id_right
g = g ∘ id : symm !id_right
@ -59,16 +58,16 @@ namespace morphism
... = id ∘ g' : {Hl}
... = id ∘ g' : {Hl}
... = g' : !id_left
... = g' : !id_left
theorem retraction_eq_intro [H : is_section f] (H2 : f ∘ i = id) : retraction_of f = i
theorem retraction_eq_intro [H : is_section f] (H2 : f ∘ h = id) : retraction_of f = h
:= left_inverse_eq_right_inverse !retraction_compose H2
:= left_inverse_eq_right_inverse !retraction_compose H2
theorem section_eq_intro [H : is_retraction f] (H2 : i ∘ f = id) : section_of f = i
theorem section_eq_intro [H : is_retraction f] (H2 : h ∘ f = id) : section_of f = h
:= symm (left_inverse_eq_right_inverse H2 !compose_section)
:= symm (left_inverse_eq_right_inverse H2 !compose_section)
theorem inverse_eq_intro_right [H : is_iso f] (H2 : f ∘ i = id) : f⁻¹ = i
theorem inverse_eq_intro_right [H : is_iso f] (H2 : f ∘ h = id) : f⁻¹ = h
:= left_inverse_eq_right_inverse !inverse_compose H2
:= left_inverse_eq_right_inverse !inverse_compose H2
theorem inverse_eq_intro_left [H : is_iso f] (H2 : i ∘ f = id) : f⁻¹ = i
theorem inverse_eq_intro_left [H : is_iso f] (H2 : h ∘ f = id) : f⁻¹ = h
:= symm (left_inverse_eq_right_inverse H2 !compose_inverse)
:= symm (left_inverse_eq_right_inverse H2 !compose_inverse)
theorem section_eq_retraction (f : a ⟶ b) [Hl : is_section f] [Hr : is_retraction f] :
theorem section_eq_retraction (f : a ⟶ b) [Hl : is_section f] [Hr : is_retraction f] :
@ -120,34 +119,25 @@ namespace morphism
inductive isomorphic (a b : ob) : Type := mk : ∀(g : a ⟶ b) [H : is_iso g], isomorphic a b
inductive isomorphic (a b : ob) : Type := mk : ∀(g : a ⟶ b) [H : is_iso g], isomorphic a b
end -- remove
namespace isomorphic
namespace isomorphic
section --remove
variables {ob : Type} {C : category ob} include C --remove
variables {a b c d : ob} {h : @hom ob C c d} {g : @hom ob C b c} {f : @hom ob C a b} --remove
open relation
open relation
-- should these be coercions?
-- should these be coercions?
definition iso [coercion] (H : isomorphic a b) : hom a b :=
definition iso [coercion] (H : isomorphic a b) : a ⟶ b :=
isomorphic.rec (λg h, g) H
isomorphic.rec (λg h, g) H
theorem is_iso [coercion][instance] (H : isomorphic a b) : is_iso (isomorphic.iso H) :=
theorem is_iso [instance] (H : isomorphic a b) : is_iso (isomorphic.iso H) :=
isomorphic.rec (λg h, h) H
isomorphic.rec (λg h, h) H
infix `≅`:50 := morphism.isomorphic -- why does "isomorphic" not work here?
infix `≅`:50 := isomorphic
theorem refl (a : ob) : a ≅ a := mk id
theorem refl (a : ob) : a ≅ a := mk id
theorem symm ⦃a b : ob⦄ (H : a ≅ b) : b ≅ a := mk (inverse (iso H))
theorem symm ⦃a b : ob⦄ (H : a ≅ b) : b ≅ a := mk (inverse (iso H))
theorem trans ⦃a b c : ob⦄ (H1 : a ≅ b) (H2 : b ≅ c) : a ≅ c := mk (iso H2 ∘ iso H1)
theorem trans ⦃a b c : ob⦄ (H1 : a ≅ b) (H2 : b ≅ c) : a ≅ c := mk (iso H2 ∘ iso H1)
theorem is_equivalence_eq [instance] (T : Type) : is_equivalence isomorphic :=
theorem is_equivalence_eq [instance] (T : Type) : is_equivalence isomorphic :=
|||||| ( refl) ( symm) ( trans)
| ( refl) ( symm) ( trans)
end -- remove
end isomorphic
end isomorphic
section --remove
variables {ob : Type} {C : category ob} include C --remove
inductive is_mono [class] (f : a ⟶ b) : Prop :=
variables {a b c d : ob} {h : @hom ob C c d} {g : @hom ob C b c} {f : @hom ob C a b} --remove
--remove implicit arguments below
inductive is_mono [class] (f : @hom ob C a b) : Prop :=
mk : (∀c (g h : hom c a), f ∘ g = f ∘ h → g = h) → is_mono f
mk : (∀c (g h : hom c a), f ∘ g = f ∘ h → g = h) → is_mono f
inductive is_epi [class] (f : @hom ob C a b) : Prop :=
inductive is_epi [class] (f : a ⟶ b) : Prop :=
mk : (∀c (g h : hom b c), g ∘ f = h ∘ f → g = h) → is_epi f
mk : (∀c (g h : hom b c), g ∘ f = h ∘ f → g = h) → is_epi f
theorem mono_elim [H : is_mono f] {g h : c ⟶ a} (H2 : f ∘ g = f ∘ h) : g = h
theorem mono_elim [H : is_mono f] {g h : c ⟶ a} (H2 : f ∘ g = f ∘ h) : g = h
@ -155,7 +145,7 @@ namespace morphism
theorem epi_elim [H : is_epi f] {g h : b ⟶ c} (H2 : g ∘ f = h ∘ f) : g = h
theorem epi_elim [H : is_epi f] {g h : b ⟶ c} (H2 : g ∘ f = h ∘ f) : g = h
:= is_epi.rec (λH3, H3 c g h H2) H
:= is_epi.rec (λH3, H3 c g h H2) H
theorem section_is_mono [instance] (f : hom a b) [H : is_section f] : is_mono f :=
theorem section_is_mono [instance] (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_section f] : is_mono f :=
(λ c g h H,
(λ c g h H,
@ -167,7 +157,7 @@ namespace morphism
... = id ∘ h : {retraction_compose f}
... = id ∘ h : {retraction_compose f}
... = h : !id_left)
... = h : !id_left)
theorem retraction_is_epi [instance] (f : hom a b) [H : is_retraction f] : is_epi f :=
theorem retraction_is_epi [instance] (f : a ⟶ b) [H : is_retraction f] : is_epi f :=
(λ c g h H,
(λ c g h H,
@ -195,17 +185,16 @@ namespace morphism
(λ d h₁ h₂ H,
(λ d h₁ h₂ H,
have H2 : (h₁ ∘ g) ∘ f = (h₂ ∘ g) ∘ f, from assoc h₁ g f ▸ assoc h₂ g f ▸ H,
have H2 : (h₁ ∘ g) ∘ f = (h₂ ∘ g) ∘ f, from assoc h₁ g f ▸ assoc h₂ g f ▸ H,
epi_elim (epi_elim H2))
epi_elim (epi_elim H2))
end morphism
namespace morphism
--rewrite lemmas for inverses, modified from
--rewrite lemmas for inverses, modified from
namespace iso
namespace iso
variables {ob : Type} [C : category ob] include C
variables {ob : Type} [C : category ob] include C
variables {a b c d : ob} (f : @hom ob C b a)
variables {a b c d : ob} (f : b ⟶ a)
(r : @hom ob C c d) (q : @hom ob C b c) (p : @hom ob C a b)
(r : c ⟶ d) (q : b ⟶ c) (p : a ⟶ b)
(g : @hom ob C d c)
(g : d ⟶ c)
variable [Hq : is_iso q] include Hq
variable [Hq : is_iso q] include Hq
theorem compose_pV : q ∘ q⁻¹ = id := !compose_inverse
theorem compose_pV : q ∘ q⁻¹ = id := !compose_inverse
theorem compose_Vp : q⁻¹ ∘ q = id := !inverse_compose
theorem compose_Vp : q⁻¹ ∘ q = id := !inverse_compose
@ -235,7 +224,7 @@ namespace morphism
have H2 : (p⁻¹) ∘ (q⁻¹ ∘ (q ∘ p)) = p⁻¹ ∘ p, from congr_arg _ (compose_V_pp q p),
have H2 : (p⁻¹) ∘ (q⁻¹ ∘ (q ∘ p)) = p⁻¹ ∘ p, from congr_arg _ (compose_V_pp q p),
have H3 : p⁻¹ ∘ p = id, from inverse_compose p,
have H3 : p⁻¹ ∘ p = id, from inverse_compose p,
inverse_eq_intro_left (H1 ⬝ H2 ⬝ H3)
inverse_eq_intro_left (H1 ⬝ H2 ⬝ H3)
--the following calc proof is hard for the unifier (needs ~90k steps)
--the proof using calc is hard for the unifier (needs ~90k steps)
-- inverse_eq_intro_left
-- inverse_eq_intro_left
-- (calc
-- (calc
-- (p⁻¹ ∘ (q⁻¹)) ∘ q ∘ p = p⁻¹ ∘ (q⁻¹ ∘ (q ∘ p)) : assoc (p⁻¹) (q⁻¹) (q ∘ p)⁻¹
-- (p⁻¹ ∘ (q⁻¹)) ∘ q ∘ p = p⁻¹ ∘ (q⁻¹ ∘ (q ∘ p)) : assoc (p⁻¹) (q⁻¹) (q ∘ p)⁻¹
@ -244,16 +233,15 @@ namespace morphism
theorem inv_Vp [H' : is_iso g] : (q⁻¹ ∘ g)⁻¹ = g⁻¹ ∘ q := inverse_involutive q ▸ inv_pp (q⁻¹) g
theorem inv_Vp [H' : is_iso g] : (q⁻¹ ∘ g)⁻¹ = g⁻¹ ∘ q := inverse_involutive q ▸ inv_pp (q⁻¹) g
theorem inv_pV [H' : is_iso f] : (q ∘ f⁻¹)⁻¹ = f ∘ q⁻¹ := inverse_involutive f ▸ inv_pp q (f⁻¹)
theorem inv_pV [H' : is_iso f] : (q ∘ f⁻¹)⁻¹ = f ∘ q⁻¹ := inverse_involutive f ▸ inv_pp q (f⁻¹)
theorem inv_VV [H' : is_iso r] : (q⁻¹ ∘ r⁻¹)⁻¹ = r ∘ q := inverse_involutive r ▸ inv_Vp q (r⁻¹)
theorem inv_VV [H' : is_iso r] : (q⁻¹ ∘ r⁻¹)⁻¹ = r ∘ q := inverse_involutive r ▸ inv_Vp q (r⁻¹)
variables {ob : Type} {C : category ob} include C
variables {ob : Type} {C : category ob} include C
variables {d c b a : ob}
variables {d c b a : ob}
{i : @hom ob C b c} {f : @hom ob C b a}
{i : b ⟶ c} {f : b ⟶ a}
{r : @hom ob C c d} {q : @hom ob C b c} {p : @hom ob C a b}
{r : c ⟶ d} {q : b ⟶ c} {p : a ⟶ b}
{g : @hom ob C d c} {h : @hom ob C c b}
{g : d ⟶ c} {h : c ⟶ b}
{x : @hom ob C b d} {z : @hom ob C a c}
{x : b ⟶ d} {z : a ⟶ c}
{y : @hom ob C d b} {w : @hom ob C c a}
{y : d ⟶ b} {w : c ⟶ a}
variable [Hq : is_iso q] include Hq
variable [Hq : is_iso q] include Hq
theorem moveR_Mp (H : y = q⁻¹ ∘ g) : q ∘ y = g := H⁻¹ ▸ compose_p_Vp q g
theorem moveR_Mp (H : y = q⁻¹ ∘ g) : q ∘ y = g := H⁻¹ ▸ compose_p_Vp q g
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Floris van Doorn
import .functor
open category eq eq.ops functor
inductive natural_transformation {C D : Category} (F G : C ⇒ D) : Type :=
mk : Π (η : Π(a : C), hom (F a) (G a)), (Π{a b : C} (f : hom a b), G f ∘ η a = η b ∘ F f)
→ natural_transformation F G
infixl `⟹`:25 := natural_transformation -- \==>
namespace natural_transformation
variables {C D : Category} {F G H I : functor C D}
definition natural_map [coercion] (η : F ⟹ G) : Π(a : C), F a ⟶ G a :=
rec (λ x y, x) η
theorem naturality (η : F ⟹ G) : Π⦃a b : C⦄ (f : a ⟶ b), G f ∘ η a = η b ∘ F f :=
rec (λ x y, y) η
protected definition compose (η : G ⟹ H) (θ : F ⟹ G) : F ⟹ H :=
(λ a, η a ∘ θ a)
(λ a b f,
H f ∘ (η a ∘ θ a) = (H f ∘ η a) ∘ θ a : assoc
... = (η b ∘ G f) ∘ θ a : naturality η f
... = η b ∘ (G f ∘ θ a) : assoc
... = η b ∘ (θ b ∘ F f) : naturality θ f
... = (η b ∘ θ b) ∘ F f : assoc)
--congr_arg (λx, η b ∘ x) (naturality θ f) -- this needed to be explicit for some reason (on Oct 24)
infixr `∘n`:60 := compose
protected theorem assoc (η₃ : H ⟹ I) (η₂ : G ⟹ H) (η₁ : F ⟹ G) :
η₃ ∘n (η₂ ∘n η₁) = (η₃ ∘n η₂) ∘n η₁ :=
dcongr_arg2 mk (funext (take x, !assoc)) !proof_irrel
protected definition id {C D : Category} {F : functor C D} : natural_transformation F F :=
mk (λa, id) (λa b f, !id_right ⬝ symm !id_left)
protected definition ID {C D : Category} (F : functor C D) : natural_transformation F F := id
protected theorem id_left (η : F ⟹ G) : natural_transformation.compose id η = η :=
rec (λf H, dcongr_arg2 mk (funext (take x, !id_left)) !proof_irrel) η
protected theorem id_right (η : F ⟹ G) : natural_transformation.compose η id = η :=
rec (λf H, dcongr_arg2 mk (funext (take x, !id_right)) !proof_irrel) η
end natural_transformation
@ -2,27 +2,13 @@
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Floris van Doorn
-- Author: Floris van Doorn
import .basic .constructions
import .constructions
open eq eq.ops category functor category.ops prod
open eq eq.ops category functor category.ops prod
namespace yoneda
namespace yoneda
--representable functor
--representable functor
variables {ob : Type} {C : category ob}
set_option pp.universes true
check @type_category
variables {a a' b b' : ob} (f : @hom ob C a' a) (g : @hom ob C b b')
-- definition Hom_fun_fun :
definition Hom : Cᵒᵖ ×c C ⇒ type :=
|||||| _ _ _ _ (λ a, hom (pr1 a) (pr2 a))
(λ a b f h, pr2 f ∘ h ∘ pr1 f)
(λ a, funext (λh, !id_left ⬝ !id_right))
(λ a b c g f, funext (λh,
show (pr2 g ∘ pr2 f) ∘ h ∘ (pr1 f ∘ pr1 g) = pr2 g ∘ (pr2 f ∘ h ∘ pr1 f) ∘ pr1 g, from sorry))
--I'm lazy, waiting for automation to fill this
@ -115,19 +115,19 @@ R_intro Q Ha Hc Hac
definition rec {A B : Type} {R : A → A → Prop} {abs : A → B} {rep : B → A}
definition rec {A B : Type} {R : A → A → Prop} {abs : A → B} {rep : B → A}
(Q : is_quotient R abs rep) {C : B → Type} (f : forall (a : A), C (abs a)) (b : B) : C b :=
(Q : is_quotient R abs rep) {C : B → Type} (f : forall (a : A), C (abs a)) (b : B) : C b :=
eq.drec_on (abs_rep Q b) (f (rep b))
eq.rec_on (abs_rep Q b) (f (rep b))
theorem comp {A B : Type} {R : A → A → Prop} {abs : A → B} {rep : B → A}
theorem comp {A B : Type} {R : A → A → Prop} {abs : A → B} {rep : B → A}
(Q : is_quotient R abs rep) {C : B → Type} {f : forall (a : A), C (abs a)}
(Q : is_quotient R abs rep) {C : B → Type} {f : forall (a : A), C (abs a)}
(H : forall (r s : A) (H' : R r s), eq.drec_on (eq_abs Q H') (f r) = f s)
(H : forall (r s : A) (H' : R r s), eq.rec_on (eq_abs Q H') (f r) = f s)
{a : A} (Ha : R a a) : rec Q f (abs a) = f a :=
{a : A} (Ha : R a a) : rec Q f (abs a) = f a :=
have H2 [visible] : R a (rep (abs a)), from
have H2 [visible] : R a (rep (abs a)), from
R_rep_abs Q Ha,
R_rep_abs Q Ha,
have Heq [visible] : abs (rep (abs a)) = abs a, from
have Heq [visible] : abs (rep (abs a)) = abs a, from
abs_rep Q (abs a),
abs_rep Q (abs a),
rec Q f (abs a) = eq.drec_on Heq (f (rep (abs a))) : rfl
rec Q f (abs a) = eq.rec_on Heq (f (rep (abs a))) : rfl
... = eq.drec_on Heq (eq.drec_on (Heq⁻¹) (f a)) : {(H _ _ H2)⁻¹}
... = eq.rec_on Heq (eq.rec_on (Heq⁻¹) (f a)) : {(H _ _ H2)⁻¹}
... = f a : eq.rec_on_compose (eq_abs Q H2) _ _
... = f a : eq.rec_on_compose (eq_abs Q H2) _ _
definition rec_constant {A B : Type} {R : A → A → Prop} {abs : A → B} {rep : B → A}
definition rec_constant {A B : Type} {R : A → A → Prop} {abs : A → B} {rep : B → A}
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-- Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad, Floris van Doorn
-- Author: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad, Floris van Doorn
import logic.inhabited logic.eq
import logic.inhabited logic.cast
open inhabited eq.ops
open inhabited eq.ops
inductive sigma {A : Type} (B : A → Type) : Type :=
inductive sigma {A : Type} (B : A → Type) : Type :=
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ dpair : Πx : A, B x → sigma B
notation `Σ` binders `,` r:(scoped P, sigma P) := r
notation `Σ` binders `,` r:(scoped P, sigma P) := r
namespace sigma
namespace sigma
variables {A : Type} {B : A → Type}
universe variables u v
variables {A A' : Type.{u}} {B : A → Type.{v}} {B' : A' → Type.{v}}
--without reducible tag, slice.composition_functor in algebra.category.constructions fails
--without reducible tag, slice.composition_functor in algebra.category.constructions fails
definition dpr1 [reducible] (p : Σ x, B x) : A := rec (λ a b, a) p
definition dpr1 [reducible] (p : Σ x, B x) : A := rec (λ a b, a) p
@ -25,18 +26,30 @@ namespace sigma
protected theorem eta (p : sigma B) : dpair (dpr1 p) (dpr2 p) = p :=
protected theorem eta (p : sigma B) : dpair (dpr1 p) (dpr2 p) = p :=
destruct p (take a b, rfl)
destruct p (take a b, rfl)
theorem dpair_eq {a₁ a₂ : A} {b₁ : B a₁} {b₂ : B a₂} (H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : eq.drec_on H₁ b₁ = b₂) :
theorem dpair_eq {a₁ a₂ : A} {b₁ : B a₁} {b₂ : B a₂} (H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : eq.rec_on H₁ b₁ = b₂) :
dpair a₁ b₁ = dpair a₂ b₂ :=
dpair a₁ b₁ = dpair a₂ b₂ :=
congr_arg2_dep dpair H₁ H₂
dcongr_arg2 dpair H₁ H₂
protected theorem equal {p₁ p₂ : Σx : A, B x} :
theorem dpair_heq {a : A} {a' : A'} {b : B a} {b' : B' a'}
∀(H₁ : dpr1 p₁ = dpr1 p₂) (H₂ : eq.drec_on H₁ (dpr2 p₁) = dpr2 p₂), p₁ = p₂ :=
(HB : B == B') (Ha : a == a') (Hb : b == b') : dpair a b == dpair a' b' :=
hcongr_arg4 @dpair (heq.type_eq Ha) HB Ha Hb
protected theorem equal {p₁ p₂ : Σa : A, B a} :
∀(H₁ : dpr1 p₁ = dpr1 p₂) (H₂ : eq.rec_on H₁ (dpr2 p₁) = dpr2 p₂), p₁ = p₂ :=
destruct p₁ (take a₁ b₁, destruct p₂ (take a₂ b₂ H₁ H₂, dpair_eq H₁ H₂))
destruct p₁ (take a₁ b₁, destruct p₂ (take a₂ b₂ H₁ H₂, dpair_eq H₁ H₂))
protected theorem hequal {p : Σa : A, B a} {p' : Σa' : A', B' a'} (HB : B == B') :
∀(H₁ : dpr1 p == dpr1 p') (H₂ : dpr2 p == dpr2 p'), p == p' :=
destruct p (take a₁ b₁, destruct p' (take a₂ b₂ H₁ H₂, dpair_heq HB H₁ H₂))
protected definition is_inhabited [instance] (H₁ : inhabited A) (H₂ : inhabited (B (default A))) :
protected definition is_inhabited [instance] (H₁ : inhabited A) (H₂ : inhabited (B (default A))) :
inhabited (sigma B) :=
inhabited (sigma B) :=
inhabited.destruct H₁ (λa, inhabited.destruct H₂ (λb, (dpair (default A) b)))
inhabited.destruct H₁ (λa, inhabited.destruct H₂ (λb, (dpair (default A) b)))
theorem eq_rec_dpair_commute {C : Πa, B a → Type} {a a' : A} (H : a = a') (b : B a) (c : C a b) :
eq.rec_on H (dpair b c) = dpair (eq.rec_on H b) (eq.rec_on (dcongr_arg2 C H rfl) c) :=
eq.drec_on H (dpair_eq rfl (!eq.rec_on_id⁻¹))
variables {C : Πa, B a → Type} {D : Πa b, C a b → Type}
variables {C : Πa, B a → Type} {D : Πa b, C a b → Type}
definition dtrip (a : A) (b : B a) (c : C a b) := dpair a (dpair b c)
definition dtrip (a : A) (b : B a) (c : C a b) := dpair a (dpair b c)
@ -49,20 +62,20 @@ namespace sigma
definition dpr4 (x : Σ a b c, D a b c) := dpr2 (dpr2 (dpr2 x))
definition dpr4 (x : Σ a b c, D a b c) := dpr2 (dpr2 (dpr2 x))
theorem dtrip_eq {a₁ a₂ : A} {b₁ : B a₁} {b₂ : B a₂} {c₁ : C a₁ b₁} {c₂ : C a₂ b₂}
theorem dtrip_eq {a₁ a₂ : A} {b₁ : B a₁} {b₂ : B a₂} {c₁ : C a₁ b₁} {c₂ : C a₂ b₂}
(H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : eq.drec_on H₁ b₁ = b₂) (H₃ : eq.drec_on (congr_arg2_dep C H₁ H₂) c₁ = c₂) :
(H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : eq.rec_on H₁ b₁ = b₂) (H₃ : cast (dcongr_arg2 C H₁ H₂) c₁ = c₂) :
dtrip a₁ b₁ c₁ = dtrip a₂ b₂ c₂ :=
dtrip a₁ b₁ c₁ = dtrip a₂ b₂ c₂ :=
congr_arg3_dep dtrip H₁ H₂ H₃
dcongr_arg3 dtrip H₁ H₂ H₃
theorem dtrip_eq_ndep {A B : Type} {C : A → B → Type} {a₁ a₂ : A} {b₁ b₂ : B}
theorem ndtrip_eq {A B : Type} {C : A → B → Type} {a₁ a₂ : A} {b₁ b₂ : B}
{c₁ : C a₁ b₁} {c₂ : C a₂ b₂} (H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : b₁ = b₂)
{c₁ : C a₁ b₁} {c₂ : C a₂ b₂} (H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : b₁ = b₂)
(H₃ : eq.drec_on (congr_arg2 C H₁ H₂) c₁ = c₂) :
(H₃ : cast (congr_arg2 C H₁ H₂) c₁ = c₂) :
dtrip a₁ b₁ c₁ = dtrip a₂ b₂ c₂ :=
dtrip a₁ b₁ c₁ = dtrip a₂ b₂ c₂ :=
congr_arg3_ndep_dep dtrip H₁ H₂ H₃
hdcongr_arg3 dtrip H₁ (heq.from_eq H₂) H₃
theorem trip.equal_ndep {A B : Type} {C : A → B → Type} {p₁ p₂ : Σa b, C a b} :
theorem ndtrip_equal {A B : Type} {C : A → B → Type} {p₁ p₂ : Σa b, C a b} :
∀(H₁ : dpr1 p₁ = dpr1 p₂) (H₂ : dpr2' p₁ = dpr2' p₂)
∀(H₁ : dpr1 p₁ = dpr1 p₂) (H₂ : dpr2' p₁ = dpr2' p₂)
(H₃ : eq.drec_on (congr_arg2 C H₁ H₂) (dpr3 p₁) = dpr3 p₂), p₁ = p₂ :=
(H₃ : eq.rec_on (congr_arg2 C H₁ H₂) (dpr3 p₁) = dpr3 p₂), p₁ = p₂ :=
destruct p₁ (take a₁ q₁, destruct q₁ (take b₁ c₁, destruct p₂ (take a₂ q₂, destruct q₂
destruct p₁ (take a₁ q₁, destruct q₁ (take b₁ c₁, destruct p₂ (take a₂ q₂, destruct q₂
(take b₂ c₂ H₁ H₂ H₃, dtrip_eq_ndep H₁ H₂ H₃))))
(take b₂ c₂ H₁ H₂ H₃, ndtrip_eq H₁ H₂ H₃))))
end sigma
end sigma
@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
-- logic.axioms.funext
-- logic.axioms.funext
-- ===================
-- ===================
import logic.eq algebra.function
import logic.cast algebra.function data.sigma
open function
open function eq.ops
-- Function extensionality
-- Function extensionality
axiom funext : ∀ {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {f g : Π x, B x} (H : ∀ x, f x = g x), f = g
axiom funext : ∀ {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {f g : Π a, B a} (H : ∀ a, f a = g a), f = g
namespace function
namespace function
variables {A B C D: Type}
variables {A B C D: Type}
@ -25,4 +25,10 @@ namespace function
theorem compose_const_right (f : B → C) (b : B) : f ∘ (const A b) = const A (f b) :=
theorem compose_const_right (f : B → C) (b : B) : f ∘ (const A b) = const A (f b) :=
funext (take x, rfl)
funext (take x, rfl)
theorem hfunext {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {B' : A → Type} {f : Π x, B x} {g : Π x, B' x}
(H : ∀ a, f a == g a) : f == g :=
let HH : B = B' := (funext (λ x, heq.type_eq (H x))) in
cast_to_heq (funext (λ a, heq.to_eq (heq.trans (cast_app' HH f a) (H a))))
end function
end function
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ open inhabited
axiom piext {A : Type} {B B' : A → Type} [H : inhabited (Π x, B x)] :
axiom piext {A : Type} {B B' : A → Type} [H : inhabited (Π x, B x)] :
(Π x, B x) = (Π x, B' x) → B = B'
(Π x, B x) = (Π x, B' x) → B = B'
-- TODO: generalize to eq_rec
theorem cast_app {A : Type} {B B' : A → Type} (H : (Π x, B x) = (Π x, B' x)) (f : Π x, B x)
theorem cast_app {A : Type} {B B' : A → Type} (H : (Π x, B x) = (Π x, B' x)) (f : Π x, B x)
(a : A) : cast H f a == f a :=
(a : A) : cast H f a == f a :=
have Hi [visible] : inhabited (Π x, B x), from f,
have Hi [visible] : inhabited (Π x, B x), from f,
@ -6,56 +6,63 @@ open eq.ops
-- cast.lean
-- cast.lean
-- =========
-- =========
definition cast {A B : Type} (H : A = B) (a : A) : B :=
universe variable u
variables {A B : Type.{u}}
definition cast (H : A = B) (a : A) : B :=
eq.rec a H
eq.rec a H
theorem cast_refl {A : Type} (a : A) : cast (eq.refl A) a = a :=
theorem cast_refl (a : A) : cast (eq.refl A) a = a :=
theorem cast_proof_irrel {A B : Type} (H₁ H₂ : A = B) (a : A) : cast H₁ a = cast H₂ a :=
theorem cast_proof_irrel (H₁ H₂ : A = B) (a : A) : cast H₁ a = cast H₂ a :=
theorem cast_eq {A : Type} (H : A = A) (a : A) : cast H a = a :=
theorem cast_eq (H : A = A) (a : A) : cast H a = a :=
inductive heq {A : Type} (a : A) : Π {B : Type}, B → Prop :=
inductive heq {A : Type} (a : A) : Π {B : Type}, B → Prop :=
refl : heq a a
refl : heq a a
infixl `==`:50 := heq
infixl `==`:50 := heq
namespace heq
namespace heq
theorem drec_on {A B : Type} {a : A} {b : B} {C : Π {B : Type} (b : B), a == b → Type} (H₁ : a == b) (H₂ : C a (refl a)) : C b H₁ :=
universe variable u
variables {A B C : Type.{u}} {a a' : A} {b b' : B} {c : C}
theorem drec_on {C : Π {B : Type} (b : B), a == b → Type} (H₁ : a == b) (H₂ : C a (refl a)) : C b H₁ :=
rec (λ H₁ : a == a, show C a H₁, from H₂) H₁ H₁
rec (λ H₁ : a == a, show C a H₁, from H₂) H₁ H₁
theorem subst {A B : Type} {a : A} {b : B} {P : ∀T : Type, T → Prop} (H₁ : a == b) (H₂ : P A a) : P B b :=
theorem subst {P : ∀T : Type, T → Prop} (H₁ : a == b) (H₂ : P A a) : P B b :=
rec_on H₁ H₂
rec_on H₁ H₂
theorem symm {A B : Type} {a : A} {b : B} (H : a == b) : b == a :=
theorem symm (H : a == b) : b == a :=
subst H (refl a)
subst H (refl a)
theorem type_eq {A B : Type} {a : A} {b : B} (H : a == b) : A = B :=
theorem type_eq (H : a == b) : A = B :=
subst H (eq.refl A)
subst H (eq.refl A)
theorem from_eq {A : Type} {a b : A} (H : a = b) : a == b :=
theorem from_eq (H : a = a') : a == a' :=
eq.subst H (refl a)
eq.subst H (refl a)
theorem trans {A B C : Type} {a : A} {b : B} {c : C} (H₁ : a == b) (H₂ : b == c) : a == c :=
theorem trans (H₁ : a == b) (H₂ : b == c) : a == c :=
subst H₂ H₁
subst H₂ H₁
theorem trans_left {A B : Type} {a : A} {b c : B} (H₁ : a == b) (H₂ : b = c) : a == c :=
theorem trans_left (H₁ : a == b) (H₂ : b = b') : a == b' :=
trans H₁ (from_eq H₂)
trans H₁ (from_eq H₂)
theorem trans_right {A C : Type} {a b : A} {c : C} (H₁ : a = b) (H₂ : b == c) : a == c :=
theorem trans_right (H₁ : a = a') (H₂ : a' == b) : a == b :=
trans (from_eq H₁) H₂
trans (from_eq H₁) H₂
theorem to_cast_eq {A B : Type} {a : A} {b : B} (H : a == b) : cast (type_eq H) a = b :=
theorem to_cast_eq (H : a == b) : cast (type_eq H) a = b :=
drec_on H !cast_eq
drec_on H !cast_eq
theorem to_eq {A : Type} {a b : A} (H : a == b) : a = b :=
theorem to_eq (H : a == a') : a = a' :=
calc a = cast (eq.refl A) a : !cast_eq⁻¹
... = b : to_cast_eq H
a = cast (eq.refl A) a : cast_eq
... = a' : to_cast_eq H
theorem elim {A B : Type} {C : Prop} {a : A} {b : B} (H₁ : a == b)
theorem elim {D : Type} (H₁ : a == b) (H₂ : ∀ (Hab : A = B), cast Hab a = b → D) : D :=
(H₂ : ∀ (Hab : A = B), cast Hab a = b → C) : C :=
H₂ (type_eq H₁) (to_cast_eq H₁)
H₂ (type_eq H₁) (to_cast_eq H₁)
end heq
end heq
@ -65,53 +72,140 @@ calc_trans heq.trans_left
calc_trans heq.trans_right
calc_trans heq.trans_right
calc_symm heq.symm
calc_symm heq.symm
theorem cast_heq {A B : Type} (H : A = B) (a : A) : cast H a == a :=
have H₁ : ∀ (H : A = A) (a : A), cast H a == a, from
universe variables u v
assume H a, heq.from_eq (cast_eq H a),
variables {A A' B C : Type.{u}} {P P' : A → Type.{v}} {a a' : A} {b : B}
eq.subst H H₁ H a
theorem cast_eq_to_heq {A B : Type} {a : A} {b : B} {H : A = B} (H₁ : cast H a = b) : a == b :=
theorem eq_rec_heq (H : a = a') (p : P a) : eq.rec_on H p == p :=
calc a == cast H a : heq.symm (cast_heq H a)
eq.drec_on H !heq.refl
... = b : H₁
-- should H₁ be explicit (useful in e.g. hproof_irrel)
theorem eq_rec_to_heq {H₁ : a = a'} {p : P a} {p' : P a'} (H₂ : eq.rec_on H₁ p = p') : p == p' :=
p == eq.rec_on H₁ p : heq.symm (eq_rec_heq H₁ p)
... = p' : H₂
theorem cast_to_heq {H₁ : A = B} (H₂ : cast H₁ a = b) : a == b :=
eq_rec_to_heq H₂
theorem hproof_irrel {a b : Prop} (H : a = b) (H₁ : a) (H₂ : b) : H₁ == H₂ :=
eq_rec_to_heq (proof_irrel (cast H H₁) H₂)
theorem heq.true_elim {a : Prop} (H : a == true) : a :=
theorem heq.true_elim {a : Prop} (H : a == true) : a :=
eq_true_elim (heq.to_eq H)
eq_true_elim (heq.to_eq H)
theorem cast_trans {A B C : Type} (Hab : A = B) (Hbc : B = C) (a : A) :
--TODO: generalize to eq.rec. This is a special case of rec_on_compose in eq.lean
theorem cast_trans (Hab : A = B) (Hbc : B = C) (a : A) :
cast Hbc (cast Hab a) = cast (Hab ⬝ Hbc) a :=
cast Hbc (cast Hab a) = cast (Hab ⬝ Hbc) a :=
heq.to_eq (calc cast Hbc (cast Hab a) == cast Hab a : cast_heq Hbc (cast Hab a)
heq.to_eq (calc
... == a : cast_heq Hab a
cast Hbc (cast Hab a) == cast Hab a : eq_rec_heq Hbc (cast Hab a)
... == cast (Hab ⬝ Hbc) a : heq.symm (cast_heq (Hab ⬝ Hbc) a))
... == a : eq_rec_heq Hab a
... == cast (Hab ⬝ Hbc) a : heq.symm (eq_rec_heq (Hab ⬝ Hbc) a))
theorem pi_eq {A : Type} {B B' : A → Type} (H : B = B') : (Π x, B x) = (Π x, B' x) :=
theorem pi_eq (H : P = P') : (Π x, P x) = (Π x, P' x) :=
H ▸ (eq.refl (Π x, B x))
H ▸ (eq.refl (Π x, P x))
theorem dcongr_arg {A : Type} {B : A → Type} (f : Πx, B x) {a b : A} (H : a = b) : f a == f b :=
theorem hcongr_arg (f : Πx, P x) {a b : A} (H : a = b) : f a == f b :=
have e1 : ∀ (H : B a = B a), cast H (f a) = f a, from
have e1 : ∀ (H : P a = P a), cast H (f a) = f a, from
assume H, cast_eq H (f a),
assume H, cast_eq H (f a),
have e2 : ∀ (H : B a = B b), cast H (f a) = f b, from
have e2 : ∀ (H : P a = P b), cast H (f a) = f b, from
H ▸ e1,
H ▸ e1,
have e3 : cast (congr_arg B H) (f a) = f b, from
have e3 : cast (congr_arg P H) (f a) = f b, from
e2 (congr_arg B H),
e2 (congr_arg P H),
cast_eq_to_heq e3
eq_rec_to_heq e3
theorem cast_app' {A : Type} {B B' : A → Type} (H : B = B') (f : Π x, B x) (a : A) :
-- TODO: generalize to eq_rec
theorem cast_app' (H : P = P') (f : Π x, P x) (a : A) :
cast (pi_eq H) f a == f a :=
cast (pi_eq H) f a == f a :=
have H₁ : ∀ (H : (Π x, B x) = (Π x, B x)), cast H f a == f a, from
have H₁ : ∀ (H : (Π x, P x) = (Π x, P x)), cast H f a == f a, from
assume H, heq.from_eq (congr_fun (cast_eq H f) a),
assume H, heq.from_eq (congr_fun (cast_eq H f) a),
have H₂ : ∀ (H : (Π x, B x) = (Π x, B' x)), cast H f a == f a, from
have H₂ : ∀ (H : (Π x, P x) = (Π x, P' x)), cast H f a == f a, from
H ▸ H₁,
H ▸ H₁,
H₂ (pi_eq H)
H₂ (pi_eq H)
theorem cast_pull {A : Type} {B B' : A → Type} (H : B = B') (f : Π x, B x) (a : A) :
-- TODO: generalize to eq_rec
theorem cast_pull (H : P = P') (f : Π x, P x) (a : A) :
cast (pi_eq H) f a = cast (congr_fun H a) (f a) :=
cast (pi_eq H) f a = cast (congr_fun H a) (f a) :=
heq.to_eq (calc cast (pi_eq H) f a == f a : cast_app' H f a
heq.to_eq (calc
... == cast (congr_fun H a) (f a) : heq.symm (cast_heq (congr_fun H a) (f a)))
cast (pi_eq H) f a == f a : cast_app' H f a
... == cast (congr_fun H a) (f a) : heq.symm (eq_rec_heq (congr_fun H a) (f a)))
theorem hcongr_fun' {A : Type} {B B' : A → Type} {f : Π x, B x} {f' : Π x, B' x} (a : A)
theorem hcongr_fun' {f : Π x, P x} {f' : Π x, P' x} (a : A)
(H₁ : f == f') (H₂ : B = B')
(H₁ : f == f') (H₂ : P = P') : f a == f' a :=
: f a == f' a :=
heq.elim H₁ (λ (Ht : (Π x, P x) = (Π x, P' x)) (Hw : cast Ht f = f'),
heq.elim H₁ (λ (Ht : (Π x, B x) = (Π x, B' x)) (Hw : cast Ht f = f'),
calc f a == cast (pi_eq H₂) f a : heq.symm (cast_app' H₂ f a)
calc f a == cast (pi_eq H₂) f a : heq.symm (cast_app' H₂ f a)
... = cast Ht f a : eq.refl (cast Ht f a)
... = cast Ht f a : eq.refl (cast Ht f a)
... = f' a : congr_fun Hw a)
... = f' a : congr_fun Hw a)
theorem hcongr' {P' : A' → Type} {f : Π a, P a} {f' : Π a', P' a'} {a : A} {a' : A'}
(Hf : f == f') (HP : P == P') (Ha : a == a') : f a == f' a' :=
have H1 : ∀ (B P' : A → Type) (f : Π x, P x) (f' : Π x, P' x), f == f' → (λx, P x) == (λx, P' x)
→ f a == f' a, from
take P P' f f' Hf HB, hcongr_fun' a Hf (heq.to_eq HB),
have H2 : ∀ (B : A → Type) (P' : A' → Type) (f : Π x, P x) (f' : Π x, P' x),
f == f' → (λx, P x) == (λx, P' x) → f a == f' a', from heq.subst Ha H1,
H2 P P' f f' Hf HP
variables {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type} {D : Πa b, C a b → Type}
{E : Πa b c, D a b c → Type} {F : Type}
variables {a a' : A}
{b : B a} {b' : B a'}
{c : C a b} {c' : C a' b'}
{d : D a b c} {d' : D a' b' c'}
theorem hcongr_arg2 (f : Πa b, C a b) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b == b') : f a b == f a' b' :=
hcongr' (hcongr_arg f Ha) (hcongr_arg C Ha) Hb
theorem hcongr_arg3 (f : Πa b c, D a b c) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b == b') (Hc : c == c')
: f a b c == f a' b' c' :=
hcongr' (hcongr_arg2 f Ha Hb) (hcongr_arg2 D Ha Hb) Hc
theorem hcongr_arg4 (f : Πa b c d, E a b c d)
(Ha : a = a') (Hb : b == b') (Hc : c == c') (Hd : d == d') : f a b c d == f a' b' c' d' :=
hcongr' (hcongr_arg3 f Ha Hb Hc) (hcongr_arg3 E Ha Hb Hc) Hd
theorem dcongr_arg2 (f : Πa, B a → F) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : eq.rec_on Ha b = b')
: f a b = f a' b' :=
heq.to_eq (hcongr_arg2 f Ha (eq_rec_to_heq Hb))
theorem dcongr_arg3 (f : Πa b, C a b → F) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : eq.rec_on Ha b = b')
(Hc : cast (dcongr_arg2 C Ha Hb) c = c') : f a b c = f a' b' c' :=
heq.to_eq (hcongr_arg3 f Ha (eq_rec_to_heq Hb) (eq_rec_to_heq Hc))
theorem dcongr_arg4 (f : Πa b c, D a b c → F) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : eq.rec_on Ha b = b')
(Hc : cast (dcongr_arg2 C Ha Hb) c = c')
(Hd : cast (dcongr_arg3 D Ha Hb Hc) d = d') : f a b c d = f a' b' c' d' :=
heq.to_eq (hcongr_arg4 f Ha (eq_rec_to_heq Hb) (eq_rec_to_heq Hc) (eq_rec_to_heq Hd))
--mixed versions (we want them for example if C a' b' is a subsingleton, like a proposition. Then proving eq is easier than proving heq)
theorem hdcongr_arg3 (f : Πa b, C a b → F) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b == b')
(Hc : cast (heq.to_eq (hcongr_arg2 C Ha Hb)) c = c')
: f a b c = f a' b' c' :=
heq.to_eq (hcongr_arg3 f Ha Hb (eq_rec_to_heq Hc))
theorem hhdcongr_arg4 (f : Πa b c, D a b c → F) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b == b')
(Hc : c == c')
(Hd : cast (dcongr_arg3 D Ha (!eq.rec_on_irrel_arg ⬝ heq.to_cast_eq Hb)
(!eq.rec_on_irrel_arg ⬝ heq.to_cast_eq Hc)) d = d')
: f a b c d = f a' b' c' d' :=
heq.to_eq (hcongr_arg4 f Ha Hb Hc (eq_rec_to_heq Hd))
theorem hddcongr_arg4 (f : Πa b c, D a b c → F) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b == b')
(Hc : cast (heq.to_eq (hcongr_arg2 C Ha Hb)) c = c')
(Hd : cast (hdcongr_arg3 D Ha Hb Hc) d = d')
: f a b c d = f a' b' c' d' :=
heq.to_eq (hcongr_arg4 f Ha Hb (eq_rec_to_heq Hc) (eq_rec_to_heq Hd))
--Is a reasonable version of "hcongr2" provable without pi_ext and funext?
--It looks like you need some ugly extra conditions
-- theorem hcongr2' {A A' : Type} {B : A → Type} {B' : A' → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type} {C' : Πa, B' a → Type}
-- {f : Π a b, C a b} {f' : Π a' b', C' a' b'} {a : A} {a' : A'} {b : B a} {b' : B' a'}
-- (HBB' : B == B') (HCC' : C == C')
-- (Hff' : f == f') (Haa' : a == a') (Hbb' : b == b') : f a b == f' a' b' :=
-- hcongr' (hcongr' Hff' (sorry) Haa') (hcongr' HCC' (sorry) Haa') Hbb'
@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ namespace decidable
theorem em (p : Prop) [H : decidable p] : p ∨ ¬p :=
induction_on H (λ Hp, or.inl Hp) (λ Hnp, or.inr Hnp)
definition by_cases {q : Type} [C : decidable p] (Hpq : p → q) (Hnpq : ¬p → q) : q :=
definition by_cases {q : Type} [C : decidable p] (Hpq : p → q) (Hnpq : ¬p → q) : q :=
rec_on C (assume Hp, Hpq Hp) (assume Hnp, Hnpq Hnp)
rec_on C (assume Hp, Hpq Hp) (assume Hnp, Hnpq Hnp)
theorem em (p : Prop) [H : decidable p] : p ∨ ¬p :=
by_cases (λ Hp, or.inl Hp) (λ Hnp, or.inr Hnp)
theorem by_contradiction [Hp : decidable p] (H : ¬p → false) : p :=
theorem by_contradiction [Hp : decidable p] (H : ¬p → false) : p :=
or.elim (em p)
(assume H1 : p, H1)
(assume H1 : p, H1)
(assume H1 : ¬p, false_elim (H H1))
(assume H1 : ¬p, false_elim (H H1))
@ -95,6 +95,6 @@ definition decidable_rel {A : Type} (R : A → Prop) := Π (a : A), decid
definition decidable_rel2 {A : Type} (R : A → A → Prop) := Π (a b : A), decidable (R a b)
definition decidable_rel2 {A : Type} (R : A → A → Prop) := Π (a b : A), decidable (R a b)
definition decidable_eq (A : Type) := decidable_rel2 (@eq A)
definition decidable_eq (A : Type) := decidable_rel2 (@eq A)
--empty cannot depend on decidable
--empty cannot depend on decidable, so we prove this here
protected definition empty.has_decidable_eq [instance] : decidable_eq empty :=
protected definition empty.has_decidable_eq [instance] : decidable_eq empty :=
take (a b : empty), decidable.inl (!empty.elim a)
take (a b : empty), decidable.inl (!empty.elim a)
@ -54,30 +54,65 @@ calc_symm eq.symm
open eq.ops
open eq.ops
namespace eq
namespace eq
definition drec_on {A : Type} {a a' : A} {B : Πa' : A, a = a' → Type} (H₁ : a = a') (H₂ : B a (refl a)) : B a' H₁ :=
variables {A B : Type} {a a' a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ : A}
definition drec_on {B : Πa' : A, a = a' → Type} (H₁ : a = a') (H₂ : B a (refl a)) : B a' H₁ :=
eq.rec (λH₁ : a = a, show B a H₁, from H₂) H₁ H₁
eq.rec (λH₁ : a = a, show B a H₁, from H₂) H₁ H₁
theorem rec_on_id {A : Type} {a : A} {B : Πa' : A, a = a' → Type} (H : a = a) (b : B a H) : drec_on H b = b :=
--can we remove the theorems about drec_on and only have the rec_on versions?
-- theorem drec_on_id {B : Πa' : A, a = a' → Type} (H : a = a) (b : B a H) : drec_on H b = b :=
-- rfl
-- theorem drec_on_constant (H : a = a') {B : Type} (b : B) : drec_on H b = b :=
-- drec_on H rfl
-- theorem drec_on_constant2 (H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : a₃ = a₄) (b : B) : drec_on H₁ b = drec_on H₂ b :=
-- drec_on_constant H₁ b ⬝ (drec_on_constant H₂ b)⁻¹
-- theorem drec_on_irrel_arg {f : A → B} {D : B → Type} (H : a = a') (H' : f a = f a')
-- (b : D (f a)) : drec_on H b = drec_on H' b :=
-- drec_on H (λ(H' : f a = f a), !drec_on_id⁻¹) H'
-- theorem drec_on_irrel {D : A → Type} (H H' : a = a') (b : D a) :
-- drec_on H b = drec_on H' b :=
-- !drec_on_irrel_arg
-- theorem drec_on_compose {a b c : A} {P : A → Type} (H₁ : a = b) (H₂ : b = c)
-- (u : P a) : drec_on H₂ (drec_on H₁ u) = drec_on (trans H₁ H₂) u :=
-- (show ∀ H₂ : b = c, drec_on H₂ (drec_on H₁ u) = drec_on (trans H₁ H₂) u,
-- from drec_on H₂ (take (H₂ : b = b), drec_on_id H₂ _))
-- H₂
theorem rec_on_id {B : A → Type} (H : a = a) (b : B a) : rec_on H b = b :=
theorem rec_on_constant {A : Type} {a a' : A} {B : Type} (H : a = a') (b : B) : drec_on H b = b :=
theorem rec_on_constant (H : a = a') {B : Type} (b : B) : rec_on H b = b :=
drec_on H (λ(H' : a = a), rec_on_id H' b) H
drec_on H rfl
theorem rec_on_constant2 {A : Type} {a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ : A} {B : Type} (H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : a₃ = a₄) (b : B) :
theorem rec_on_constant2 (H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : a₃ = a₄) (b : B) : rec_on H₁ b = rec_on H₂ b :=
drec_on H₁ b = drec_on H₂ b :=
rec_on_constant H₁ b ⬝ (rec_on_constant H₂ b)⁻¹
rec_on_constant H₁ b ⬝ (rec_on_constant H₂ b)⁻¹
theorem rec_on_irrel {A B : Type} {a a' : A} {f : A → B} {D : B → Type} (H : a = a') (H' : f a = f a') (b : D (f a)) :
theorem rec_on_irrel_arg {f : A → B} {D : B → Type} (H : a = a') (H' : f a = f a') (b : D (f a)) :
rec_on H b = rec_on H' b :=
drec_on H (λ(H' : f a = f a), !rec_on_id⁻¹) H'
theorem rec_on_irrel {a a' : A} {D : A → Type} (H H' : a = a') (b : D a) :
drec_on H b = drec_on H' b :=
drec_on H b = drec_on H' b :=
drec_on H (λ(H : a = a) (H' : f a = f a), rec_on_id H b ⬝ rec_on_id H' b⁻¹) H H'
theorem rec_id {A : Type} {a : A} {B : A → Type} (H : a = a) (b : B a) : rec b H = b :=
--do we need the following?
-- theorem rec_on_irrel_fun {B : A → Type} {a : A} {f f' : Π x, B x} {D : Π a, B a → Type} (H : f = f') (H' : f a = f' a) (b : D a (f a)) :
-- rec_on H b = rec_on H' b :=
-- sorry
theorem rec_on_compose {A : Type} {a b c : A} {P : A → Type} (H₁ : a = b) (H₂ : b = c)
-- the
(u : P a) :
-- theorem rec_on_comm_ap {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type} {a a' : A} {f : Π x, C a x}
drec_on H₂ (drec_on H₁ u) = drec_on (trans H₁ H₂) u :=
-- (H : a = a') (H' : a = a') (b : B a) : rec_on H f b = rec_on H' (f b) :=
(show ∀ H₂ : b = c, drec_on H₂ (drec_on H₁ u) = drec_on (trans H₁ H₂) u,
-- sorry
theorem rec_on_compose {a b c : A} {P : A → Type} (H₁ : a = b) (H₂ : b = c)
(u : P a) : rec_on H₂ (rec_on H₁ u) = rec_on (trans H₁ H₂) u :=
(show ∀ H₂ : b = c, rec_on H₂ (rec_on H₁ u) = rec_on (trans H₁ H₂) u,
from drec_on H₂ (take (H₂ : b = b), rec_on_id H₂ _))
from drec_on H₂ (take (H₂ : b = b), rec_on_id H₂ _))
end eq
end eq
@ -86,7 +121,7 @@ open eq
variables {A B C D E F : Type}
variables {A B C D E F : Type}
variables {a a' : A} {b b' : B} {c c' : C} {d d' : D} {e e' : E} {f f' : F}
variables {a a' : A} {b b' : B} {c c' : C} {d d' : D} {e e' : E}
theorem congr_fun {B : A → Type} {f g : Π x, B x} (H : f = g) (a : A) : f a = g a :=
theorem congr_fun {B : A → Type} {f g : Π x, B x} (H : f = g) (a : A) : f a = g a :=
H ▸ rfl
H ▸ rfl
@ -100,76 +135,37 @@ section
theorem congr_arg2 (f : A → B → C) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') : f a b = f a' b' :=
theorem congr_arg2 (f : A → B → C) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') : f a b = f a' b' :=
congr (congr_arg f Ha) Hb
congr (congr_arg f Ha) Hb
theorem congr_arg3 (f : A → B → C → D) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') : f a b c = f a' b' c' :=
theorem congr_arg3 (f : A → B → C → D) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c')
: f a b c = f a' b' c' :=
congr (congr_arg2 f Ha Hb) Hc
congr (congr_arg2 f Ha Hb) Hc
theorem congr_arg4 (f : A → B → C → D → E) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') (Hd : d = d') : f a b c d = f a' b' c' d' :=
theorem congr_arg4 (f : A → B → C → D → E) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') (Hd : d = d')
: f a b c d = f a' b' c' d' :=
congr (congr_arg3 f Ha Hb Hc) Hd
congr (congr_arg3 f Ha Hb Hc) Hd
theorem congr_arg5 (f : A → B → C → D → E → F) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') (Hd : d = d') (He : e = e')
theorem congr_arg5 (f : A → B → C → D → E → F)
(Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') (Hd : d = d') (He : e = e')
: f a b c d e = f a' b' c' d' e' :=
: f a b c d e = f a' b' c' d' e' :=
congr (congr_arg4 f Ha Hb Hc Hd) He
congr (congr_arg4 f Ha Hb Hc Hd) He
theorem congr2 (f f' : A → B → C) (Hf : f = f') (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') : f a b = f' a' b' :=
theorem congr2 (f f' : A → B → C) (Hf : f = f') (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') : f a b = f' a' b' :=
Hf ▸ congr_arg2 f Ha Hb
Hf ▸ congr_arg2 f Ha Hb
theorem congr3 (f f' : A → B → C → D) (Hf : f = f') (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') : f a b c = f' a' b' c' :=
theorem congr3 (f f' : A → B → C → D) (Hf : f = f') (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c')
: f a b c = f' a' b' c' :=
Hf ▸ congr_arg3 f Ha Hb Hc
Hf ▸ congr_arg3 f Ha Hb Hc
theorem congr4 (f f' : A → B → C → D → E) (Hf : f = f') (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') (Hd : d = d')
theorem congr4 (f f' : A → B → C → D → E)
(Hf : f = f') (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') (Hd : d = d')
: f a b c d = f' a' b' c' d' :=
: f a b c d = f' a' b' c' d' :=
Hf ▸ congr_arg4 f Ha Hb Hc Hd
Hf ▸ congr_arg4 f Ha Hb Hc Hd
theorem congr5 (f f' : A → B → C → D → E → F) (Hf : f = f') (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') (Hd : d = d') (He : e = e')
theorem congr5 (f f' : A → B → C → D → E → F)
(Hf : f = f') (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') (Hd : d = d') (He : e = e')
: f a b c d e = f' a' b' c' d' e' :=
: f a b c d e = f' a' b' c' d' e' :=
Hf ▸ congr_arg5 f Ha Hb Hc Hd He
Hf ▸ congr_arg5 f Ha Hb Hc Hd He
variables {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type} {D : Πa b, C a b → Type} {R : Type}
variables {a₁ a₂ : A}
{b₁ : B a₁} {b₂ : B a₂}
{c₁ : C a₁ b₁} {c₂ : C a₂ b₂}
{d₁ : D a₁ b₁ c₁} {d₂ : D a₂ b₂ c₂}
theorem congr_arg2_dep (f : Πa, B a → R) (H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : eq.drec_on H₁ b₁ = b₂)
: f a₁ b₁ = f a₂ b₂ :=
eq.drec_on H₁
(λ (b₂ : B a₁) (H₁ : a₁ = a₁) (H₂ : eq.drec_on H₁ b₁ = b₂),
f a₁ b₁ = f a₁ (eq.drec_on H₁ b₁) : {(eq.rec_on_id H₁ b₁)⁻¹}
... = f a₁ b₂ : {H₂})
b₂ H₁ H₂
theorem congr_arg3_dep (f : Πa b, C a b → R) (H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : eq.drec_on H₁ b₁ = b₂)
(H₃ : eq.drec_on (congr_arg2_dep C H₁ H₂) c₁ = c₂) : f a₁ b₁ c₁ = f a₂ b₂ c₂ :=
eq.drec_on H₁
(λ (b₂ : B a₁) (H₂ : b₁ = b₂) (c₂ : C a₁ b₂)
(H₃ : (drec_on (congr_arg2_dep C (refl a₁) H₂) c₁) = c₂),
have H₃' : eq.drec_on H₂ c₁ = c₂, from rec_on_irrel H₂ _ c₁ ⬝ H₃,
congr_arg2_dep (f a₁) H₂ H₃')
b₂ H₂ c₂ H₃
-- for the moment the following theorem is commented out, because it takes long to prove
-- theorem congr_arg4_dep (f : Πa b c, D a b c → R) (H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : eq.rec_on H₁ b₁ = b₂)
-- (H₃ : eq.rec_on (congr_arg2_dep C H₁ H₂) c₁ = c₂)
-- (H₄ : eq.rec_on (congr_arg3_dep D H₁ H₂ H₃) d₁ = d₂) : f a₁ b₁ c₁ d₁ = f a₂ b₂ c₂ d₂ :=
-- eq.rec_on H₁
-- (λ b₂ H₂ c₂ H₃ d₂ (H₄ : _),
-- have H₃' [visible] : eq.rec_on H₂ c₁ = c₂, from rec_on_irrel H₂ _ c₁ ⬝ H₃,
-- have H₄' : rec_on (congr_arg2_dep (D a₁) H₂ H₃') d₁ = d₂, from rec_on_irrel _ _ d₁ ⬝ H₄,
-- congr_arg3_dep (f a₁) H₂ H₃' H₄')
-- b₂ H₂ c₂ H₃ d₂ H₄
variables {A B : Type} {C : A → B → Type} {R : Type}
variables {a₁ a₂ : A} {b₁ b₂ : B} {c₁ : C a₁ b₁} {c₂ : C a₂ b₂}
theorem congr_arg3_ndep_dep (f : Πa b, C a b → R) (H₁ : a₁ = a₂) (H₂ : b₁ = b₂) (H₃ : eq.drec_on (congr_arg2 C H₁ H₂) c₁ = c₂) :
f a₁ b₁ c₁ = f a₂ b₂ c₂ :=
congr_arg3_dep f H₁ (rec_on_constant H₁ b₁ ⬝ H₂) H₃
theorem equal_f {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {f g : Π x, B x} (H : f = g) : ∀x, f x = g x :=
theorem equal_f {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {f g : Π x, B x} (H : f = g) : ∀x, f x = g x :=
take x, congr_fun H x
take x, congr_fun H x
@ -255,8 +251,7 @@ inductive subsingleton [class] (A : Type) : Prop :=
intro : (∀ a b : A, a = b) -> subsingleton A
intro : (∀ a b : A, a = b) -> subsingleton A
namespace subsingleton
namespace subsingleton
definition elim {A : Type} (H : subsingleton A) : ∀(a b : A), a = b :=
definition elim {A : Type} {H : subsingleton A} : ∀(a b : A), a = b := rec (fun p, p) H
rec (fun p, p) H
end subsingleton
end subsingleton
protected definition prop.subsingleton [instance] (P : Prop) : subsingleton P :=
protected definition prop.subsingleton [instance] (P : Prop) : subsingleton P :=
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