feat(homotopy): prove the naive Seifert-Van Kampen theorem
Also define the pushout of categories and the pushout of groupoids
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 477 additions and 56 deletions
@ -10,11 +10,13 @@ Common categories and constructions on categories. The following files are in th
* [product](product.hlean) : Product category
* [product](product.hlean) : Product category
* [comma](comma.hlean) : Comma category
* [comma](comma.hlean) : Comma category
* [cone](cone.hlean) : Cone category
* [cone](cone.hlean) : Cone category
* [pushout](pushout.hlean) : Pushout of categories, pushout of groupoids. Also more generally the category formed by a (quotient of) paths in a graph
* [fundamental_groupoid](fundamental_groupoid.hlean) : The fundamental groupoid of a type
Discrete, indiscrete or finite categories:
Discrete, indiscrete or finite categories:
* [finite_cats](finite_cats.hlean) : Some finite categories, which are diagrams of common limits (the diagram for the pullback or the equalizer). Also contains a general construction of categories where you give some generators for the morphisms, with the condition that you cannot compose two of thosex
* [finite_cats](finite_cats.hlean) : Some finite categories, which are diagrams of common limits (the diagram for the pullback or the equalizer). Also contains a general construction of categories where you give some generators for the morphisms, with the condition that you cannot compose two of thosex
* [discrete](discrete.hlean)
* [discrete](discrete.hlean) : Discrete category. Also the groupoid formed by a 1-type
* [indiscrete](indiscrete.hlean)
* [indiscrete](indiscrete.hlean)
* [terminal](terminal.hlean)
* [terminal](terminal.hlean)
* [initial](initial.hlean)
* [initial](initial.hlean)
@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn
import .functor .set .opposite .product .comma .sum .discrete .indiscrete .terminal .initial .order
import .functor .set .opposite .product .comma .sum .discrete .indiscrete .terminal .initial .order
.pushout .fundamental_groupoid
@ -69,6 +69,4 @@ namespace category
{ intro b₁ b₂ p, induction p, induction b₁: esimp: apply id_comp_eq_comp_id},
{ intro b₁ b₂ p, induction p, induction b₁: esimp: apply id_comp_eq_comp_id},
end category
end category
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn
import ..groupoid ..functor.basic
open eq is_trunc iso trunc functor
namespace category
definition fundamental_precategory [constructor] (A : Type) : Precategory :=
precategory.MK A
(λa a', trunc 0 (a = a'))
(λa₁ a₂ a₃ q p, tconcat p q)
(λa, tidp)
(λa₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ r q p, tassoc p q r)
(λa₁ a₂, tcon_tidp)
(λa₁ a₂, tidp_tcon)
definition fundamental_groupoid [constructor] (A : Type) : Groupoid :=
groupoid.MK (fundamental_precategory A)
(λa b p, is_iso.mk (tinverse p) (right_tinv p) (left_tinv p))
definition fundamental_groupoid_functor [constructor] {A B : Type} (f : A → B) :
fundamental_groupoid A ⇒ fundamental_groupoid B :=
functor.mk f (λa a', tap f) (λa, tap_tidp f) (λa₁ a₂ a₃ q p, tap_tcon f p q)
end category
@ -156,6 +156,52 @@ namespace indexed_list
{ rewrite [cons_append, +reverse_cons, append_concat, v_0]}
{ rewrite [cons_append, +reverse_cons, append_concat, v_0]}
definition realize (P : A → A → Type) (f : Π⦃a a'⦄, R a a' → P a a') (ρ : Πa, P a a)
(c : Π⦃a₁ a₂ a₃⦄, P a₁ a₂ → P a₂ a₃ → P a₁ a₃)
⦃a a' : A⦄ (l : indexed_list R a a') : P a a' :=
induction l,
{ exact ρ a},
{ exact c v_0 (f r)}
definition realize_nil (P : A → A → Type) (f : Π⦃a a'⦄, R a a' → P a a') (ρ : Πa, P a a)
(c : Π⦃a₁ a₂ a₃⦄, P a₁ a₂ → P a₂ a₃ → P a₁ a₃) (a : A) :
realize P f ρ c nil = ρ a :=
definition realize_cons (P : A → A → Type) (f : Π⦃a a'⦄, R a a' → P a a') (ρ : Πa, P a a)
(c : Π⦃a₁ a₂ a₃⦄, P a₁ a₂ → P a₂ a₃ → P a₁ a₃)
⦃a₁ a₂ a₃ : A⦄ (r : R a₂ a₃) (l : indexed_list R a₁ a₂) :
realize P f ρ c (r :: l) = c (realize P f ρ c l) (f r) :=
theorem realize_singleton {P : A → A → Type} {f : Π⦃a a'⦄, R a a' → P a a'} {ρ : Πa, P a a}
{c : Π⦃a₁ a₂ a₃⦄, P a₁ a₂ → P a₂ a₃ → P a₁ a₃}
(id_left : Π⦃a₁ a₂⦄ (p : P a₁ a₂), c (ρ a₁) p = p)
⦃a₁ a₂ : A⦄ (r : R a₁ a₂) :
realize P f ρ c [r] = f r :=
id_left (f r)
theorem realize_pair {P : A → A → Type} {f : Π⦃a a'⦄, R a a' → P a a'} {ρ : Πa, P a a}
{c : Π⦃a₁ a₂ a₃⦄, P a₁ a₂ → P a₂ a₃ → P a₁ a₃}
(id_left : Π⦃a₁ a₂⦄ (p : P a₁ a₂), c (ρ a₁) p = p)
⦃a₁ a₂ a₃ : A⦄ (r₂ : R a₂ a₃) (r₁ : R a₁ a₂) :
realize P f ρ c [r₂, r₁] = c (f r₁) (f r₂) :=
ap (λx, c x (f r₂)) (realize_singleton id_left r₁)
theorem realize_append {P : A → A → Type} {f : Π⦃a a'⦄, R a a' → P a a'} {ρ : Πa, P a a}
{c : Π⦃a₁ a₂ a₃⦄, P a₁ a₂ → P a₂ a₃ → P a₁ a₃}
(assoc : Π⦃a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄⦄ (p : P a₁ a₂) (q : P a₂ a₃) (r : P a₃ a₄), c (c p q) r = c p (c q r))
(id_right : Π⦃a₁ a₂⦄ (p : P a₁ a₂), c p (ρ a₂) = p)
⦃a₁ a₂ a₃ : A⦄ (l₂ : indexed_list R a₂ a₃) (l₁ : indexed_list R a₁ a₂) :
realize P f ρ c (l₂ ++ l₁) = c (realize P f ρ c l₁) (realize P f ρ c l₂) :=
induction l₂,
{ exact !id_right⁻¹},
{ rewrite [cons_append, +realize_cons, v_0, assoc]}
inductive indexed_list_rel {A : Type} {R : A → A → Type}
inductive indexed_list_rel {A : Type} {R : A → A → Type}
(Q : Π⦃a a' : A⦄, indexed_list R a a' → indexed_list R a a' → Type)
(Q : Π⦃a a' : A⦄, indexed_list R a a' → indexed_list R a a' → Type)
: Π⦃a a' : A⦄, indexed_list R a a' → indexed_list R a a' → Type :=
: Π⦃a a' : A⦄, indexed_list R a a' → indexed_list R a a' → Type :=
@ -249,6 +295,23 @@ namespace indexed_list
exact rel_respect_append_right _ (ri r)}
exact rel_respect_append_right _ (ri r)}
definition realize_eq {P : A → A → Type} {f : Π⦃a a'⦄, R a a' → P a a'} {ρ : Πa, P a a}
{c : Π⦃a₁ a₂ a₃⦄, P a₁ a₂ → P a₂ a₃ → P a₁ a₃}
(assoc : Π⦃a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄⦄ (p : P a₁ a₂) (q : P a₂ a₃) (r : P a₃ a₄), c (c p q) r = c p (c q r))
(id_right : Π⦃a₁ a₂⦄ (p : P a₁ a₂), c p (ρ a₂) = p)
(resp_rel : Π⦃a₁ a₂⦄ {l₁ l₂ : indexed_list R a₁ a₂}, Q l₁ l₂ →
realize P f ρ c l₁ = realize P f ρ c l₂)
⦃a a' : A⦄ {l l' : indexed_list R a a'} (H : indexed_list_rel Q l l') :
realize P f ρ c l = realize P f ρ c l' :=
induction H,
{ reflexivity},
{ rewrite [+realize_append assoc id_right], apply ap (c _), exact resp_rel q},
{ exact ap (λx, c x (f r)) v_0},
{ exact v_0 ⬝ v_1}
end indexed_list
end indexed_list
namespace indexed_list
namespace indexed_list
@ -347,7 +410,6 @@ namespace indexed_list
end indexed_list
end indexed_list
open indexed_list
open indexed_list
@ -355,10 +417,10 @@ namespace category
inductive pushout_prehom_index {C D E : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D) (G : C ⇒ E) :
inductive pushout_prehom_index {C D E : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D) (G : C ⇒ E) :
D + E → D + E → Type :=
D + E → D + E → Type :=
| il : Π{d d' : D} (f : d ⟶ d'), pushout_prehom_index F G (inl d) (inl d')
| iD : Π{d d' : D} (f : d ⟶ d'), pushout_prehom_index F G (inl d) (inl d')
| ir : Π{e e' : E} (g : e ⟶ e'), pushout_prehom_index F G (inr e) (inr e')
| iE : Π{e e' : E} (g : e ⟶ e'), pushout_prehom_index F G (inr e) (inr e')
| lr : Π{c c' : C} (h : c ⟶ c'), pushout_prehom_index F G (inl (F c)) (inr (G c'))
| DE : Π(c : C), pushout_prehom_index F G (inl (F c)) (inr (G c))
| rl : Π{c c' : C} (h : c ⟶ c'), pushout_prehom_index F G (inr (G c)) (inl (F c'))
| ED : Π(c : C), pushout_prehom_index F G (inr (G c)) (inl (F c))
open pushout_prehom_index
open pushout_prehom_index
@ -368,15 +430,13 @@ namespace category
inductive pushout_hom_rel_index {C D E : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D) (G : C ⇒ E) :
inductive pushout_hom_rel_index {C D E : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D) (G : C ⇒ E) :
Π⦃x x' : D + E⦄, pushout_prehom F G x x' → pushout_prehom F G x x' → Type :=
Π⦃x x' : D + E⦄, pushout_prehom F G x x' → pushout_prehom F G x x' → Type :=
| DD : Π{d₁ d₂ d₃ : D} (g : d₂ ⟶ d₃) (f : d₁ ⟶ d₂),
| DD : Π{d₁ d₂ d₃ : D} (g : d₂ ⟶ d₃) (f : d₁ ⟶ d₂),
pushout_hom_rel_index F G [il F G g, il F G f] [il F G (g ∘ f)]
pushout_hom_rel_index F G [iD F G g, iD F G f] [iD F G (g ∘ f)]
| EE : Π{e₁ e₂ e₃ : E} (g : e₂ ⟶ e₃) (f : e₁ ⟶ e₂),
| EE : Π{e₁ e₂ e₃ : E} (g : e₂ ⟶ e₃) (f : e₁ ⟶ e₂),
pushout_hom_rel_index F G [ir F G g, ir F G f] [ir F G (g ∘ f)]
pushout_hom_rel_index F G [iE F G g, iE F G f] [iE F G (g ∘ f)]
| DED : Π{c₁ c₂ c₃ : C} (g : c₂ ⟶ c₃) (f : c₁ ⟶ c₂),
| DED : Π(c : C), pushout_hom_rel_index F G [ED F G c, DE F G c] nil
pushout_hom_rel_index F G [rl F G g, lr F G f] [il F G (to_fun_hom F (g ∘ f))]
| EDE : Π(c : C), pushout_hom_rel_index F G [DE F G c, ED F G c] nil
| EDE : Π{c₁ c₂ c₃ : C} (g : c₂ ⟶ c₃) (f : c₁ ⟶ c₂),
| idD : Π(d : D), pushout_hom_rel_index F G [iD F G (ID d)] nil
pushout_hom_rel_index F G [lr F G g, rl F G f] [ir F G (to_fun_hom G (g ∘ f))]
| idE : Π(e : E), pushout_hom_rel_index F G [iE F G (ID e)] nil
| idD : Π(d : D), pushout_hom_rel_index F G [il F G (ID d)] nil
| idE : Π(e : E), pushout_hom_rel_index F G [ir F G (ID e)] nil
open pushout_hom_rel_index
open pushout_hom_rel_index
-- section
-- section
@ -450,10 +510,10 @@ namespace category
pushout_prehom_index F G x' x :=
pushout_prehom_index F G x' x :=
induction i,
induction i,
{ exact il F G f⁻¹},
{ exact iD F G f⁻¹},
{ exact ir F G g⁻¹},
{ exact iE F G g⁻¹},
{ exact rl F G h⁻¹},
{ exact ED F G c},
{ exact lr F G h⁻¹},
{ exact DE F G c},
open indexed_list.indexed_list_rel
open indexed_list.indexed_list_rel
@ -461,14 +521,9 @@ namespace category
(q : pushout_hom_rel_index F G l l') : indexed_list_rel (pushout_hom_rel_index F G)
(q : pushout_hom_rel_index F G l l') : indexed_list_rel (pushout_hom_rel_index F G)
(reverse (pushout_index_inv F G) l) (reverse (pushout_index_inv F G) l') :=
(reverse (pushout_index_inv F G) l) (reverse (pushout_index_inv F G) l') :=
induction q: apply indexed_list_rel_of_Q; rewrite reverse_singleton; try rewrite reverse_pair;
induction q: apply indexed_list_rel_of_Q;
try rewrite reverse_nil; esimp,
try rewrite reverse_singleton; try rewrite reverse_pair; try rewrite reverse_nil; esimp;
{ rewrite [comp_inverse], constructor},
try rewrite [comp_inverse]; try rewrite [id_inverse]; constructor,
{ rewrite [comp_inverse], constructor},
{ rewrite [-respect_inv, comp_inverse], constructor},
{ rewrite [-respect_inv, comp_inverse], constructor},
{ rewrite [id_inverse], constructor},
{ rewrite [id_inverse], constructor}
theorem pushout_index_li (i : pushout_prehom_index F G x x') :
theorem pushout_index_li (i : pushout_prehom_index F G x x') :
@ -479,10 +534,8 @@ namespace category
rewrite [comp.left_inverse], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idD},
rewrite [comp.left_inverse], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idD},
{ refine rtrans (indexed_list_rel_of_Q !EE) _,
{ refine rtrans (indexed_list_rel_of_Q !EE) _,
rewrite [comp.left_inverse], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idE},
rewrite [comp.left_inverse], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idE},
{ refine rtrans (indexed_list_rel_of_Q !DED) _,
{ exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !DED},
rewrite [comp.left_inverse, respect_id], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idD},
{ exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !EDE}
{ refine rtrans (indexed_list_rel_of_Q !EDE) _,
rewrite [comp.left_inverse, respect_id], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idE}
theorem pushout_index_ri (i : pushout_prehom_index F G x x') :
theorem pushout_index_ri (i : pushout_prehom_index F G x x') :
@ -493,10 +546,8 @@ namespace category
rewrite [comp.right_inverse], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idD},
rewrite [comp.right_inverse], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idD},
{ refine rtrans (indexed_list_rel_of_Q !EE) _,
{ refine rtrans (indexed_list_rel_of_Q !EE) _,
rewrite [comp.right_inverse], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idE},
rewrite [comp.right_inverse], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idE},
{ refine rtrans (indexed_list_rel_of_Q !EDE) _,
{ exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !EDE},
rewrite [comp.right_inverse, respect_id], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idE},
{ exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !DED}
{ refine rtrans (indexed_list_rel_of_Q !DED) _,
rewrite [comp.right_inverse, respect_id], exact indexed_list_rel_of_Q !idD}
definition Groupoid_pushout [constructor] : Groupoid :=
definition Groupoid_pushout [constructor] : Groupoid :=
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ namespace category
abbreviation all_iso := @groupoid.all_iso
abbreviation all_iso := @groupoid.all_iso
attribute groupoid.all_iso [instance] [priority 3000]
attribute groupoid.all_iso [instance] [priority 3000]
attribute groupoid.to_precategory [unfold 2]
definition groupoid.mk [reducible] {ob : Type} (C : precategory ob)
definition groupoid.mk [reducible] [constructor] {ob : Type} (C : precategory ob)
(H : Π (a b : ob) (f : a ⟶ b), is_iso f) : groupoid ob :=
(H : Π (a b : ob) (f : a ⟶ b), is_iso f) : groupoid ob :=
precategory.rec_on C groupoid.mk' H
precategory.rec_on C groupoid.mk' H
@ -58,11 +58,18 @@ namespace quotient
: transport (quotient.elim_type Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel R H) = to_fun (Pp H) :=
: transport (quotient.elim_type Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel R H) = to_fun (Pp H) :=
by rewrite [tr_eq_cast_ap_fn, ↑quotient.elim_type, elim_eq_of_rel];apply cast_ua_fn
by rewrite [tr_eq_cast_ap_fn, ↑quotient.elim_type, elim_eq_of_rel];apply cast_ua_fn
-- rename to elim_type_eq_of_rel_fn_inv
theorem elim_type_eq_of_rel_inv (Pc : A → Type)
theorem elim_type_eq_of_rel_inv (Pc : A → Type)
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a ≃ Pc a') {a a' : A} (H : R a a')
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a ≃ Pc a') {a a' : A} (H : R a a')
: transport (quotient.elim_type Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel R H)⁻¹ = to_inv (Pp H) :=
: transport (quotient.elim_type Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel R H)⁻¹ = to_inv (Pp H) :=
by rewrite [tr_eq_cast_ap_fn, ↑quotient.elim_type, ap_inv, elim_eq_of_rel];apply cast_ua_inv_fn
by rewrite [tr_eq_cast_ap_fn, ↑quotient.elim_type, ap_inv, elim_eq_of_rel];apply cast_ua_inv_fn
-- remove '
theorem elim_type_eq_of_rel_inv' (Pc : A → Type)
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a ≃ Pc a') {a a' : A} (H : R a a') (x : Pc a')
: transport (quotient.elim_type Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel R H)⁻¹ x = to_inv (Pp H) x :=
ap10 (elim_type_eq_of_rel_inv Pc Pp H) x
theorem elim_type_eq_of_rel.{u} (Pc : A → Type.{u})
theorem elim_type_eq_of_rel.{u} (Pc : A → Type.{u})
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a ≃ Pc a') {a a' : A} (H : R a a') (p : Pc a)
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a ≃ Pc a') {a a' : A} (H : R a a') (p : Pc a)
: transport (quotient.elim_type Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel R H) p = to_fun (Pp H) p :=
: transport (quotient.elim_type Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel R H) p = to_fun (Pp H) p :=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn
import hit.pushout algebra.category.constructions.pushout algebra.category.constructions.type
open eq pushout category functor sum iso indexed_list set_quotient is_trunc trunc pi quotient
namespace pushout
universe variables u v w
parameters {TL : Type.{u}} {BL : Type.{v}} {TR : Type.{w}} (f : TL → BL) (g : TL → TR)
definition pushout_of_sum [unfold 6] (x : BL + TR) : pushout f g :=
quotient.class_of _ x
local notation `C` := Groupoid_pushout (fundamental_groupoid_functor f)
(fundamental_groupoid_functor g)
local notation `R` := pushout_prehom_index (fundamental_groupoid_functor f)
(fundamental_groupoid_functor g)
local notation `Q` := pushout_hom_rel_index (fundamental_groupoid_functor f)
(fundamental_groupoid_functor g)
protected definition code [unfold 7] (x : BL + TR) (y : pushout f g) : Type.{max u v w} :=
refine quotient.elim_type _ _ y,
{ clear y, intro y, exact @hom C _ x y},
{ clear y, intro y z r, induction r with y, fapply equiv_postcompose,
{ apply class_of, exact [pushout_prehom_index.DE _ _ y]},
{ refine all_iso _}}
definition is_set_code (x : BL + TR) (y : pushout f g) : is_set (code x y) :=
induction y using pushout.rec_prop, apply is_set_hom, apply is_set_hom,
local attribute is_set_code [instance]
-- encode is easy
definition encode {x : BL + TR} {y : pushout f g} (p : trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = y)) :
code x y :=
induction p with p,
exact transport (code x) p id
-- decode is harder
definition decode_reduction_rule [unfold 8] ⦃x x' : BL + TR⦄ (i : R x x') :
trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = pushout_of_sum x') :=
induction i,
{ exact tap inl f_1},
{ exact tap inr g_1},
{ exact tr (glue c)},
{ exact tr (glue c)⁻¹},
definition decode_list ⦃x x' : BL + TR⦄ (l : indexed_list R x x') :
trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = pushout_of_sum x') :=
realize (λa a', trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum a = pushout_of_sum a'))
(λa, tidp)
(λa₁ a₂ a₃, tconcat) l
definition decode_list_nil (x : BL + TR) : decode_list (@nil _ _ x) = tidp :=
definition decode_list_cons ⦃x₁ x₂ x₃ : BL + TR⦄ (r : R x₂ x₃) (l : indexed_list R x₁ x₂) :
decode_list (r :: l) = tconcat (decode_list l) (decode_reduction_rule r) :=
definition decode_list_singleton ⦃x₁ x₂ : BL + TR⦄ (r : R x₁ x₂) :
decode_list [r] = decode_reduction_rule r :=
realize_singleton (λa b p, tidp_tcon p) r
definition decode_list_pair ⦃x₁ x₂ x₃ : BL + TR⦄ (r₂ : R x₂ x₃) (r₁ : R x₁ x₂) :
decode_list [r₂, r₁] = tconcat (decode_reduction_rule r₁) (decode_reduction_rule r₂) :=
realize_pair (λa b p, tidp_tcon p) r₂ r₁
definition decode_list_append ⦃x₁ x₂ x₃ : BL + TR⦄ (l₂ : indexed_list R x₂ x₃)
(l₁ : indexed_list R x₁ x₂) :
decode_list (l₂ ++ l₁) = tconcat (decode_list l₁) (decode_list l₂) :=
realize_append (λa b c d, tassoc) (λa b, tcon_tidp) l₂ l₁
theorem decode_list_rel ⦃x x' : BL + TR⦄ {l l' : indexed_list R x x'} (H : Q l l') :
decode_list l = decode_list l' :=
induction H,
{ rewrite [decode_list_pair, decode_list_singleton], exact !tap_tcon⁻¹},
{ rewrite [decode_list_pair, decode_list_singleton], exact !tap_tcon⁻¹},
{ rewrite [decode_list_pair, decode_list_nil], exact ap tr !con.right_inv},
{ rewrite [decode_list_pair, decode_list_nil], exact ap tr !con.left_inv},
{ apply decode_list_singleton},
{ apply decode_list_singleton}
definition decode_point [unfold 8] {x x' : BL + TR} (c : @hom C _ x x') :
trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = pushout_of_sum x') :=
induction c with l,
{ exact decode_list l},
{ induction H with H, refine realize_eq _ _ _ H,
{ intros, apply tassoc},
{ intros, apply tcon_tidp},
{ clear H a a', intros, exact decode_list_rel a}}
theorem decode_coh (x : BL + TR) (y : TL) (p : trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = inl (f y))) :
p =[glue y] tconcat p (tr (glue y)) :=
induction p with p,
apply trunc_pathover, apply eq_pathover_constant_left_id_right,
apply square_of_eq, exact !idp_con⁻¹
definition decode [unfold 7] {x : BL + TR} {y : pushout f g} (c : code x y) :
trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = y) :=
induction y using quotient.rec with y,
{ exact decode_point c},
{ induction H with y, apply arrow_pathover_left, intro c,
revert c, apply @set_quotient.rec_prop, { intro z, apply is_trunc_pathover},
intro l,
refine _ ⬝op ap decode_point !quotient.elim_type_eq_of_rel⁻¹,
apply decode_coh}
-- report the failing of esimp in the commented-out proof below
-- definition decode [unfold 7] {x : BL + TR} {y : pushout f g} (c : code x y) :
-- trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = y) :=
-- begin
-- induction y using quotient.rec with y,
-- { exact decode_point c},
-- { induction H with y, apply arrow_pathover_left, intro c,
-- revert c, apply @set_quotient.rec_prop, { intro z, apply is_trunc_pathover},
-- intro l,
-- refine _ ⬝op ap decode_point !quotient.elim_type_eq_of_rel⁻¹,
-- -- REPORT THIS!!! esimp fails here, but works after this change
-- --esimp,
-- change pathover (λ (a : pushout f g), trunc 0 (eq (pushout_of_sum x) a))
-- (decode_point (class_of l))
-- (glue y)
-- (decode_point (class_of ((pushout_prehom_index.lr (fundamental_groupoid_functor f)
-- (fundamental_groupoid_functor g) id) :: l))),
-- esimp, rewrite [▸*, decode_list_cons, ▸*], generalize (decode_list l), clear l,
-- apply @trunc.rec, { intro z, apply is_trunc_pathover},
-- intro p, apply trunc_pathover, apply eq_pathover_constant_left_id_right,
-- apply square_of_eq, exact !idp_con⁻¹}
-- end
-- decode-encode is easy
protected theorem decode_encode {x : BL + TR} {y : pushout f g}
(p : trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = y)) : decode (encode p) = p :=
induction p with p, induction p, reflexivity
-- encode-decode is harder
definition code_comp [unfold 8] {x y : BL + TR} {z : pushout f g}
(c : code x (pushout_of_sum y)) (d : code y z) : code x z :=
induction z using quotient.rec with z,
{ exact d ∘ c},
{ induction H with z,
apply arrow_pathover_left, intro d,
refine !pathover_tr ⬝op _,
refine !elim_type_eq_of_rel ⬝ _ ⬝ ap _ !elim_type_eq_of_rel⁻¹,
apply assoc}
theorem encode_tcon' {x y : BL + TR} {z : pushout f g}
(p : trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = pushout_of_sum y))
(q : trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum y = z)):
encode (tconcat p q) = code_comp (encode p) (encode q) :=
induction q with q,
induction q,
refine ap encode !tcon_tidp ⬝ _,
symmetry, apply id_left
theorem encode_tcon {x y z : BL + TR}
(p : trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = pushout_of_sum y))
(q : trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum y = pushout_of_sum z)):
encode (tconcat p q) = encode q ∘ encode p :=
encode_tcon' p q
open category.pushout_hom_rel_index
theorem encode_decode_singleton {x y : BL + TR} (r : R x y) :
encode (decode_reduction_rule r) = class_of [r] :=
have is_prop (encode (decode_reduction_rule r) = class_of [r]), from !is_trunc_eq,
induction r,
{ induction f_1 with p, induction p, symmetry, apply eq_of_rel,
apply tr, apply indexed_list_rel_of_Q, apply idD},
{ induction g_1 with p, induction p, symmetry, apply eq_of_rel,
apply tr, apply indexed_list_rel_of_Q, apply idE},
{ refine !elim_type_eq_of_rel ⬝ _, apply eq_of_rel, apply tr, rewrite [append_nil]},
{ refine !elim_type_eq_of_rel_inv' ⬝ _, apply eq_of_rel, apply tr, rewrite [append_nil]}
local attribute pushout [reducible]
protected theorem encode_decode {x : BL + TR} {y : pushout f g} (c : code x y) :
encode (decode c) = c :=
induction y using quotient.rec_prop with y,
revert c, apply @set_quotient.rec_prop, { intro, apply is_trunc_eq}, intro l,
change encode (decode_list l) = class_of l,
-- do induction on l
induction l,
{ reflexivity},
{ rewrite [decode_list_cons, encode_tcon, encode_decode_singleton, v_0]}
definition pushout_teq_equiv [constructor] (x : BL + TR) (y : pushout f g) :
trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = y) ≃ code x y :=
equiv.MK encode
definition vankampen [constructor] (x y : BL + TR) :
trunc 0 (pushout_of_sum x = pushout_of_sum y) ≃ @hom C _ x y :=
pushout_teq_equiv x (pushout_of_sum y)
definition decode_point_comp [unfold 8] {x₁ x₂ x₃ : BL + TR}
(c₂ : @hom C _ x₂ x₃) (c₁ : @hom C _ x₁ x₂) :
decode_point (c₂ ∘ c₁) = tconcat (decode_point c₁) (decode_point c₂) :=
induction c₂ using set_quotient.rec_prop with l₂,
induction c₁ using set_quotient.rec_prop with l₁,
apply decode_list_append
definition vankampen_functor [constructor] : C ⇒ fundamental_groupoid (pushout f g) :=
{ exact pushout_of_sum},
{ intro x y c, exact decode_point c},
{ intro x, reflexivity},
{ intro x y z d c, apply decode_point_comp}
definition fully_faithful_vankampen_functor : fully_faithful vankampen_functor :=
intro x x',
fapply adjointify,
{ apply encode},
{ intro p, apply decode_encode},
{ intro c, apply encode_decode}
definition essentially_surjective_vankampen_functor : essentially_surjective vankampen_functor :=
intro z, induction z using quotient.rec_prop with x,
apply exists.intro x, reflexivity
definition is_weak_equivalence_vankampen_functor [constructor] :
is_weak_equivalence vankampen_functor :=
{ exact fully_faithful_vankampen_functor},
{ exact essentially_surjective_vankampen_functor}
end pushout
@ -494,5 +494,4 @@ namespace eq
{ reflexivity}
{ reflexivity}
end eq
end eq
@ -446,7 +446,45 @@ end is_trunc open is_trunc
namespace trunc
namespace trunc
universe variable u
universe variable u
variable {A : Type.{u}}
variables {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type.{u}} {B : Type} {a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ : A}
definition trunc_functor2 [unfold 6 7] {n : ℕ₋₂} {A B C : Type} (f : A → B → C)
(x : trunc n A) (y : trunc n B) : trunc n C :=
by induction x with a; induction y with b; exact tr (f a b)
definition tconcat [unfold 6 7] (p : trunc n (a₁ = a₂)) (q : trunc n (a₂ = a₃)) :
trunc n (a₁ = a₃) :=
trunc_functor2 concat p q
definition tinverse [unfold 5] (p : trunc n (a₁ = a₂)) : trunc n (a₂ = a₁) :=
trunc_functor _ inverse p
definition tidp [reducible] [constructor] : trunc n (a₁ = a₁) :=
tr idp
definition tassoc (p : trunc n (a₁ = a₂)) (q : trunc n (a₂ = a₃))
(r : trunc n (a₃ = a₄)) : tconcat (tconcat p q) r = tconcat p (tconcat q r) :=
by induction p; induction q; induction r; exact ap tr !con.assoc
definition tidp_tcon (p : trunc n (a₁ = a₂)) : tconcat tidp p = p :=
by induction p; exact ap tr !idp_con
definition tcon_tidp (p : trunc n (a₁ = a₂)) : tconcat p tidp = p :=
by induction p; reflexivity
definition left_tinv (p : trunc n (a₁ = a₂)) : tconcat (tinverse p) p = tidp :=
by induction p; exact ap tr !con.left_inv
definition right_tinv (p : trunc n (a₁ = a₂)) : tconcat p (tinverse p) = tidp :=
by induction p; exact ap tr !con.right_inv
definition tap [unfold 7] (f : A → B) (p : trunc n (a₁ = a₂)) : trunc n (f a₁ = f a₂) :=
trunc_functor _ (ap f) p
definition tap_tidp (f : A → B) : tap f (@tidp n A a₁) = tidp := idp
definition tap_tcon (f : A → B) (p : trunc n (a₁ = a₂)) (q : trunc n (a₂ = a₃)) :
tap f (tconcat p q) = tconcat (tap f p) (tap f q) :=
by induction p; induction q; exact ap tr !ap_con
/- characterization of equality in truncated types -/
/- characterization of equality in truncated types -/
protected definition code [unfold 3 4] (n : ℕ₋₂) (aa aa' : trunc n.+1 A) : trunctype.{u} n :=
protected definition code [unfold 3 4] (n : ℕ₋₂) (aa aa' : trunc n.+1 A) : trunctype.{u} n :=
@ -483,22 +521,14 @@ namespace trunc
: (tr a = tr a' :> trunc n.+1 A) ≃ trunc n (a = a') :=
: (tr a = tr a' :> trunc n.+1 A) ≃ trunc n (a = a') :=
/- encode preserves concatenation -/
definition trunc_functor2 [unfold 6 7] {n : ℕ₋₂} {A B C : Type} (f : A → B → C)
(x : trunc n A) (y : trunc n B) : trunc n C :=
by induction x with a; induction y with b; exact tr (f a b)
definition trunc_concat [unfold 6 7] {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type} {a₁ a₂ a₃ : A}
(p : trunc n (a₁ = a₂)) (q : trunc n (a₂ = a₃)) : trunc n (a₁ = a₃) :=
trunc_functor2 concat p q
definition code_mul {n : ℕ₋₂} {aa₁ aa₂ aa₃ : trunc n.+1 A}
definition code_mul {n : ℕ₋₂} {aa₁ aa₂ aa₃ : trunc n.+1 A}
(g : trunc.code n aa₁ aa₂) (h : trunc.code n aa₂ aa₃) : trunc.code n aa₁ aa₃ :=
(g : trunc.code n aa₁ aa₂) (h : trunc.code n aa₂ aa₃) : trunc.code n aa₁ aa₃ :=
induction aa₁ with a₁, induction aa₂ with a₂, induction aa₃ with a₃,
induction aa₁ with a₁, induction aa₂ with a₂, induction aa₃ with a₃,
esimp at *, apply trunc_concat g h,
esimp at *, apply tconcat g h,
/- encode preserves concatenation -/
definition encode_con' {n : ℕ₋₂} {aa₁ aa₂ aa₃ : trunc n.+1 A} (p : aa₁ = aa₂) (q : aa₂ = aa₃)
definition encode_con' {n : ℕ₋₂} {aa₁ aa₂ aa₃ : trunc n.+1 A} (p : aa₁ = aa₂) (q : aa₂ = aa₃)
: trunc.encode (p ⬝ q) = code_mul (trunc.encode p) (trunc.encode q) :=
: trunc.encode (p ⬝ q) = code_mul (trunc.encode p) (trunc.encode q) :=
@ -507,7 +537,7 @@ namespace trunc
definition encode_con {n : ℕ₋₂} {a₁ a₂ a₃ : A} (p : tr a₁ = tr a₂ :> trunc (n.+1) A)
definition encode_con {n : ℕ₋₂} {a₁ a₂ a₃ : A} (p : tr a₁ = tr a₂ :> trunc (n.+1) A)
(q : tr a₂ = tr a₃ :> trunc (n.+1) A)
(q : tr a₂ = tr a₃ :> trunc (n.+1) A)
: trunc.encode (p ⬝ q) = trunc_concat (trunc.encode p) (trunc.encode q) :=
: trunc.encode (p ⬝ q) = tconcat (trunc.encode p) (trunc.encode q) :=
encode_con' p q
encode_con' p q
/- the principle of unique choice -/
/- the principle of unique choice -/
@ -654,7 +684,7 @@ namespace trunc
definition loop_ptrunc_pequiv_con {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type*} (p q : Ω (ptrunc (n+1) A)) :
definition loop_ptrunc_pequiv_con {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type*} (p q : Ω (ptrunc (n+1) A)) :
loop_ptrunc_pequiv n A (p ⬝ q) =
loop_ptrunc_pequiv n A (p ⬝ q) =
trunc_concat (loop_ptrunc_pequiv n A p) (loop_ptrunc_pequiv n A q) :=
tconcat (loop_ptrunc_pequiv n A p) (loop_ptrunc_pequiv n A q) :=
encode_con p q
encode_con p q
definition iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv (n : ℕ₋₂) (k : ℕ) (A : Type*) :
definition iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv (n : ℕ₋₂) (k : ℕ) (A : Type*) :
@ -671,8 +701,8 @@ namespace trunc
definition iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv_con {n : ℕ₋₂} {k : ℕ} {A : Type*}
definition iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv_con {n : ℕ₋₂} {k : ℕ} {A : Type*}
(p q : Ω[succ k] (ptrunc (n+succ k) A)) :
(p q : Ω[succ k] (ptrunc (n+succ k) A)) :
iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A (p ⬝ q) =
iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A (p ⬝ q) =
trunc_concat (iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A p)
tconcat (iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A p)
(iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A q) :=
(iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A q) :=
refine _ ⬝ loop_ptrunc_pequiv_con _ _,
refine _ ⬝ loop_ptrunc_pequiv_con _ _,
exact ap !loop_ptrunc_pequiv !loop_pequiv_loop_con
exact ap !loop_ptrunc_pequiv !loop_pequiv_loop_con
@ -680,10 +710,10 @@ namespace trunc
definition iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv_inv_con {n : ℕ₋₂} {k : ℕ} {A : Type*}
definition iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv_inv_con {n : ℕ₋₂} {k : ℕ} {A : Type*}
(p q : ptrunc n (Ω[succ k] A)) :
(p q : ptrunc n (Ω[succ k] A)) :
(iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A)⁻¹ᵉ* (trunc_concat p q) =
(iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A)⁻¹ᵉ* (tconcat p q) =
(iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A)⁻¹ᵉ* p ⬝
(iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A)⁻¹ᵉ* p ⬝
(iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A)⁻¹ᵉ* q :=
(iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A)⁻¹ᵉ* q :=
equiv.inv_preserve_binary (iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A) concat trunc_concat
equiv.inv_preserve_binary (iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (succ k) A) concat tconcat
(@iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv_con n k A) p q
(@iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv_con n k A) p q
definition ptrunc_functor_pcompose [constructor] {X Y Z : Type*} (n : ℕ₋₂) (g : Y →* Z)
definition ptrunc_functor_pcompose [constructor] {X Y Z : Type*} (n : ℕ₋₂) (g : Y →* Z)
@ -730,6 +760,32 @@ namespace trunc
end trunc open trunc
end trunc open trunc
/- The truncated encode-decode method -/
namespace eq
definition truncated_encode {k : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type} {a₀ a : A} {code : A → Type}
[Πa, is_trunc k (code a)] (c₀ : code a₀) (p : trunc k (a₀ = a)) : code a :=
induction p with p,
exact transport code p c₀
definition truncated_encode_decode_method {k : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type} (a₀ a : A) (code : A → Type)
[Πa, is_trunc k (code a)] (c₀ : code a₀)
(decode : Π(a : A) (c : code a), trunc k (a₀ = a))
(encode_decode : Π(a : A) (c : code a), truncated_encode c₀ (decode a c) = c)
(decode_encode : decode a₀ c₀ = tr idp) : trunc k (a₀ = a) ≃ code a :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact truncated_encode c₀},
{ apply decode},
{ intro c, apply encode_decode},
{ intro p, induction p with p, induction p, exact decode_encode},
end eq
/- some consequences for properties about functions (surjectivity etc.) -/
/- some consequences for properties about functions (surjectivity etc.) -/
namespace function
namespace function
variables {A B : Type}
variables {A B : Type}
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