fix(frontends/lean/pp): pretty printer for Type

Add parenthesis around Type when it has a universe.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2013-12-19 15:23:43 -08:00
parent ae01d3818d
commit f43db96e1f
7 changed files with 56 additions and 55 deletions

View file

@ -197,12 +197,10 @@ class pp_fn {
bool is_atomic(expr const & e) {
switch (e.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Constant:
case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Type:
return true;
case expr_kind::Value:
return !is_choice(e);
case expr_kind::Type:
return e == Type();
case expr_kind::MetaVar:
return !metavar_lctx(e);
case expr_kind::App:
@ -257,7 +255,7 @@ class pp_fn {
if (e == Type()) {
return mk_result(g_Type_fmt, 1);
} else {
return mk_result(format{g_Type_fmt, space(), ::lean::pp(ty_level(e), m_unicode)}, 1);
return mk_result(paren(format{g_Type_fmt, space(), ::lean::pp(ty_level(e), m_unicode)}), 1);

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ p f : Bool
g a : Bool
Defined: c2
Assumed: b
c2::explicit : Π (T : Type), Type 3 → T → Type 3
c2::explicit : Π (T : Type), (Type 3) → T → (Type 3)
Assumed: g2
g2 : c2 (Type 2) b → Bool
Assumed: a2

View file

@ -210,7 +210,8 @@ Failed to solve
Failed to solve
⊢ (?M::0 ≈ Type) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ Type 1) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ Type 2) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ Type M) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ Type U)
(?M::0 ≈ Type) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ (Type 1)) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ (Type 2)) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ (Type M)) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ (Type U))
⊢ Type ≺ ?M::0
(line: 24: pos: 6) Type of argument 2 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
@ -220,9 +221,9 @@ Failed to solve
Failed to solve
⊢ Type 1 ≺ Type
(Type 1) ≺ Type
⊢ Type 1 ≺ ?M::1
(Type 1) ≺ ?M::1
Propagate type, ?M::0 : ?M::1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ Type
@ -231,51 +232,52 @@ Failed to solve
⊢ ?M::1 ≈ Type
Assumption 0
Failed to solve
⊢ Type 2 ≺ Type
(Type 2) ≺ Type
⊢ Type 2 ≺ ?M::1
(Type 2) ≺ ?M::1
Propagate type, ?M::0 : ?M::1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ Type 1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ (Type 1)
Assumption 2
⊢ ?M::1 ≈ Type
Assumption 0
Failed to solve
⊢ Type 3 ≺ Type
(Type 3) ≺ Type
⊢ Type 3 ≺ ?M::1
(Type 3) ≺ ?M::1
Propagate type, ?M::0 : ?M::1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ Type 2
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ (Type 2)
Assumption 3
⊢ ?M::1 ≈ Type
Assumption 0
Failed to solve
⊢ Type M+1 ≺ Type
(Type M+1) ≺ Type
⊢ Type M+1 ≺ ?M::1
(Type M+1) ≺ ?M::1
Propagate type, ?M::0 : ?M::1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ Type M
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ (Type M)
Assumption 4
⊢ ?M::1 ≈ Type
Assumption 0
Failed to solve
⊢ Type U+1 ≺ Type
(Type U+1) ≺ Type
⊢ Type U+1 ≺ ?M::1
(Type U+1) ≺ ?M::1
Propagate type, ?M::0 : ?M::1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ Type U
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ (Type U)
Assumption 5
⊢ ?M::1 ≈ Type
Assumption 0
Failed to solve
⊢ (?M::0 ≈ Type) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ Type 1) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ Type 2) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ Type M) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ Type U)
(?M::0 ≈ Type) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ (Type 1)) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ (Type 2)) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ (Type M)) ⊕ (?M::0 ≈ (Type U))
⊢ Type ≺ ?M::0
(line: 24: pos: 6) Type of argument 2 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
@ -285,9 +287,9 @@ Failed to solve
Failed to solve
⊢ Type 1 ≺ Bool
(Type 1) ≺ Bool
⊢ Type 1 ≺ ?M::1
(Type 1) ≺ ?M::1
Propagate type, ?M::0 : ?M::1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ Type
@ -296,45 +298,45 @@ Failed to solve
⊢ ?M::1 ≈ Bool
Assumption 6
Failed to solve
⊢ Type 2 ≺ Bool
(Type 2) ≺ Bool
⊢ Type 2 ≺ ?M::1
(Type 2) ≺ ?M::1
Propagate type, ?M::0 : ?M::1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ Type 1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ (Type 1)
Assumption 8
⊢ ?M::1 ≈ Bool
Assumption 6
Failed to solve
⊢ Type 3 ≺ Bool
(Type 3) ≺ Bool
⊢ Type 3 ≺ ?M::1
(Type 3) ≺ ?M::1
Propagate type, ?M::0 : ?M::1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ Type 2
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ (Type 2)
Assumption 9
⊢ ?M::1 ≈ Bool
Assumption 6
Failed to solve
⊢ Type M+1 ≺ Bool
(Type M+1) ≺ Bool
⊢ Type M+1 ≺ ?M::1
(Type M+1) ≺ ?M::1
Propagate type, ?M::0 : ?M::1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ Type M
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ (Type M)
Assumption 10
⊢ ?M::1 ≈ Bool
Assumption 6
Failed to solve
⊢ Type U+1 ≺ Bool
(Type U+1) ≺ Bool
⊢ Type U+1 ≺ ?M::1
(Type U+1) ≺ ?M::1
Propagate type, ?M::0 : ?M::1
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ Type U
⊢ ?M::0 ≈ (Type U)
Assumption 11
⊢ ?M::1 ≈ Bool

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
λ (f : N → N) (y : N), g (f a)
λ (a : N) (f : N → N) (g : (N → N) → N → N) (h : N → N → N) (z : N), h (g (λ x : N, f (f x)) (f a)) (f a)
λ (a b : N) (g : Bool → N) (y : Bool), g (a == b)
λ (a : Type) (b : a → Type) (g : Type U → Bool) (y : Type U), g (Π x : a, b x)
λ (a : Type) (b : a → Type) (g : (Type U) → Bool) (y : (Type U)), g (Π x : a, b x)
λ (f : N → N) (y z : N), g (f a)
λ (f g : N → N) (y z : N), g (f a)
λ (f : N → N) (y z : N), P (f a) y z

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Assumed: a
a ⊕ a ⊕ a
Subst::explicit : Π (A : Type U) (a b : A) (P : A → Bool), P a → a == b → P b
Subst::explicit : Π (A : (Type U)) (a b : A) (P : A → Bool), P a → a == b → P b
Proved: EM2
EM2 : Π a : Bool, a ¬ a
EM2 a : a ¬ a

View file

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Assumed: x
x : Type U+3 ⊔ M+2 ⊔ 3
x : (Type U+3 ⊔ M+2 ⊔ 3)
Assumed: f
f : Type U+10 → Type
f : (Type U+10) → Type
f x : Type
Type 4 : Type 5
x : Type U+3 ⊔ M+2 ⊔ 3
Type U ⊔ M : Type U+1 ⊔ M+1
Type U+3
Type U+3 : Type U+4
Type U ⊔ M : Type U+1 ⊔ M+1
Type U ⊔ M ⊔ 3 : Type U+1 ⊔ M+1 ⊔ 4
Type U+1 ⊔ M ⊔ 3
Type U+1 ⊔ M ⊔ 3 : Type U+2 ⊔ M+1 ⊔ 4
Type U → Type 5
Type U → Type 5 : Type U+1 ⊔ 6
Type M ⊔ 3 → Type U+5 : Type M+1 ⊔ 4 ⊔ U+6
Type M ⊔ 3 → Type U → Type 5
Type M ⊔ 3 → Type U → Type 5 : Type M+1 ⊔ 6 ⊔ U+1
Type U
(Type 4) : (Type 5)
x : (Type U+3 ⊔ M+2 ⊔ 3)
(Type U ⊔ M) : (Type U+1 ⊔ M+1)
(Type U+3)
(Type U+3) : (Type U+4)
(Type U ⊔ M) : (Type U+1 ⊔ M+1)
(Type U ⊔ M ⊔ 3) : (Type U+1 ⊔ M+1 ⊔ 4)
(Type U+1 ⊔ M ⊔ 3)
(Type U+1 ⊔ M ⊔ 3) : (Type U+2 ⊔ M+1 ⊔ 4)
(Type U)(Type 5)
(Type U)(Type 5) : (Type U+1 ⊔ 6)
(Type M ⊔ 3)(Type U+5) : (Type M+1 ⊔ 4 ⊔ U+6)
(Type M ⊔ 3)(Type U)(Type 5)
(Type M ⊔ 3)(Type U)(Type 5) : (Type M+1 ⊔ 6 ⊔ U+1)
(Type U)

View file

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ f::explicit ((N → N) → N → N) (λ x : N → N, x) (λ y : N → N, y)
Assumed: EqNice
EqNice::explicit N n1 n2
f::explicit N n1 n2 : N
Congr::explicit : Π (A : Type U) (B : A → Type U) (f g : Π x : A, B x) (a b : A), f == g → a == b → f a == g b
Congr::explicit :
Π (A : (Type U)) (B : A → (Type U)) (f g : Π x : A, B x) (a b : A), f == g → a == b → f a == g b
f::explicit N n1 n2
Assumed: a
Assumed: b