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* Introduction
- Lean is a new automated/interactive theorem prover.
- It is a powerful system for
- reasoning about complex systems
- reasoning about mathematics
- proving claims about both
- It aims to bring the automated and interactive theorem proving worlds together.
* Big picture
- Proving should be as easy as programming.
- We can teach logic to any kid that knows how to program.
- Lean as a new engine for software verification tools.
- Lean offers a much richer language.
- We offer multiple APIs (C/C++, Lua, Lean, Javascript).
- Impact on education.
- We want to have a "live" and formalized version of Euclid's Elements (book 1).
- _Natural deduction_ style proofs are like _flowcharts_, they should be "eradicated".
- Revolutionize mathematics.
* The logical framework
- Lean's default logical framework is a version of the *Calculus of Constructions* with:
- an impredicative, proof irrelevant type `Prop` of propositions.
- a non-cumulative hierarchy of universes `Type 1`, `Type 2`, ... above `Prop`
- universe polymorphism
- inductively defined types
- Features
- the kernel is *constructive*
- smooth support for *classical* logic
- support for Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT)
* Reasoning about abstractions
- At CMU, Jeremy Avigad, Floris van Doorn and Jakob von Raumer are formalizing
Category theory and Homotopy type theory using Lean.
- Why this relevant?
- It is stressing all lean major components.
- _If we can do it, then we can do anything._
- _Test if we can reason about higher-level abstractions._
- In CS, we also want to reason about higher-level abstractions.
* Constructive and classical logic
- Almost everything we do is constructive, but we want to support _classical_ users
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
inductive decidable [class] (p : Prop) : Type :=
inl : p → decidable p,
inr : ¬p → decidable p
- `decidable` is the _type class_ of decidable propositions.
- The excluded middle is a theorem for decidable propositions.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
theorem em (p : Prop) [H : decidable p] : p ¬p :=
induction_on H (assume Hp, or.inl Hp) (assume Hnp, or.inr Hnp)
- The `[...]` instructs lean that `H : decidable p` is an _implicit argument_,
and it should be synthesized automatically using type-class instantiation
- We have populated the lean standard library with many decidability results.
Example: the conjunction of two decidable propositions is decidable
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
variables p q : Prop
definition and_decidable [instance] (Hp : decidable p) (Hq : decidable q) : decidable (p ∧ q) :=
rec_on Hp
(assume Hp : p, rec_on Hq
(assume Hq : q, inl (and.intro Hp Hq))
(assume Hnq : ¬q, inr (and.not_right p Hnq)))
(assume Hnp : ¬p, inr (and.not_left q Hnp))
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
definition decidable_eq (A : Type) := Π (a b : A), decidable (a = b)
protected definition nat.has_decidable_eq [instance] : decidable_eq :=
take n m : ,
- We define `if-then-else` expressions as
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
definition ite (c : Prop) [H : decidable c] {A : Type} (t e : A) : A :=
decidable.rec_on H (assume Hc, t) (assume Hnc, e)
notation `if` c `then` t:45 `else` e:45 := ite c t e
Lean will only allow us to use `if-then-else` for decidable propositions.
By default, it will try to prove decidability using type-class resolution.
If we write
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import standard
open nat decidable
variables a b : nat
check if a = b ∧ a > 0 then a else b
Lean automatically synthesizes the implicit argument `H : decidable c`.
(and_decidable (nat.has_decidable_eq a b) (ge_decidable a (succ 0)))
# Note: we can see this argument by setting options
# set_option pp.notation false
# set_option pp.implicit true
- When we import the classical axioms, then we can prove that *all propositions are decidable*.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
theorem prop_decidable [instance] (a : Prop) : decidable a
Moreover, we can write arbitrary `if-then-else` expressions.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
if riemman_hypothesis then t else e
* Lean interfaces
* Future work
- Definitional package: convert "recursive equations" into recursors.
The user wants to write
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
append : list A → list A → list A
append nil t = t
append (x :: l) t = x :: (append l t)
instead of
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
definition append (s t : list A) : list A :=
rec_on s
(λx l u, x::u)
- Automation
- Simplifier
- SMT-like engines
- Arithmetic
* Future work (cont.)
- Next semester, we will have a course on theorem proving based on Lean at CMU
- Tutorial at CADE
* Example
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import algebra.category
open eq.ops category functor natural_transformation
variables {ob₁ ob₂ : Type} {C : category ob₁} {D : category ob₂} {F G H : C ⇒ D}
-- infix `↣`:20 := hom
-- F G H are functors
-- η θ are natural transformations
-- A natural transformation provides a way of transforming one functor
-- into another while respecting the internal structure.
-- A natural transformation can be considered to be a "morphism of functors".
-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_transformation
definition nt_compose (η : G ⟹ H) (θ : F ⟹ G) : F ⟹ H :=
(take a, η a ∘ θ a)
(take a b f, calc
H f ∘ (η a ∘ θ a) = (H f ∘ η a) ∘ θ a : !assoc
... = (η b ∘ G f) ∘ θ a : {naturality η f}
... = η b ∘ (G f ∘ θ a) : !assoc⁻¹
... = η b ∘ (θ b ∘ F f) : {naturality θ f} -- {@naturality _ _ _ _ _ _ θ _ _ f}
... = (η b ∘ θ b) ∘ F f : !assoc)
-- check nt_compose
-- check @nt_compose
set_option pp.implicit true
set_option pp.full_names true
set_option pp.notation false
set_option pp.coercions true
-- set_option pp.universes true
print definition nt_compose