some of the changes are backported from the hott3 library pi_pathover and pi_pathover' are interchanged (same for variants and for sigma) various definitions received explicit arguments: pinverse and eq_equiv_homotopy and ***.sigma_char eq_of_fn_eq_fn is renamed to inj in definitions about higher loop spaces and homotopy groups, the natural number arguments are now consistently before the type arguments
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import types.eq types.pi hit.colimit
open eq is_trunc unit quotient seq_colim equiv
axiom mysorry : ∀ {A : Type}, A
namespace one_step_tr
parameters {A : Type}
variables (a a' : A)
protected definition R (a a' : A) : Type₀ := unit
parameter (A)
definition one_step_tr : Type := quotient R
parameter {A}
definition tr : one_step_tr :=
class_of R a
definition tr_eq : tr a = tr a' :=
eq_of_rel _ star
protected definition rec {P : one_step_tr → Type} (Pt : Π(a : A), P (tr a))
(Pe : Π(a a' : A), Pt a =[tr_eq a a'] Pt a') (x : one_step_tr) : P x :=
fapply (quotient.rec_on x),
{ intro a, apply Pt},
{ intro a a' H, cases H, apply Pe}
protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pt : A → P)
(Pe : Π(a a' : A), Pt a = Pt a') (x : one_step_tr) : P :=
rec Pt (λa a', pathover_of_eq _ (Pe a a')) x
theorem rec_tr_eq {P : one_step_tr → Type} (Pt : Π(a : A), P (tr a))
(Pe : Π(a a' : A), Pt a =[tr_eq a a'] Pt a') (a a' : A)
: apd (rec Pt Pe) (tr_eq a a') = Pe a a' :=
theorem elim_tr_eq {P : Type} (Pt : A → P)
(Pe : Π(a a' : A), Pt a = Pt a') (a a' : A)
: ap (elim Pt Pe) (tr_eq a a') = Pe a a' :=
apply inj_inv !(pathover_constant (tr_eq a a')),
rewrite [▸*,-apd_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑elim,rec_tr_eq],
end one_step_tr
attribute one_step_tr.rec one_step_tr.elim [recursor 5]
open one_step_tr
definition one_step_tr_up (A B : Type)
: (one_step_tr A → B) ≃ Σ(f : A → B), Π(x y : A), f x = f y :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro f, fconstructor, intro a, exact f (tr a), intros, exact ap f !tr_eq},
{ exact mysorry},
{ exact mysorry},
{ exact mysorry},