2014-09-20 07:44:48 -07:00

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Reducible hints

Lean automation can be configured using different commands and annotations. The reducible hint/annotation instructs automation which declarations can be freely unfolded. One of the main components of the Lean elaborator is a procedure for solving simultaneous higher-order unification constraints. Higher-order unification is a undecidable problem. Thus, the procedure implemented in Lean is clearly incomplete, that is, it may fail to find a solution for a set of constraints. One way to guide/help the procedure is to indicate which declarations can be unfolded. We should not confuse the reducible hint with whether a declaration is opaque or not. We say opaqueness is part of the Lean logic, and is implemented inside of its trusted kernel. The reducible hint is just a way to control/guide Lean automation to fill missing gaps in our proofs and definitions. The Lean kernel ignores this annotation.

The higher-order unification procedure has to perform case-analysis. The procedure is essentially implementing a backtracking search. This procedure has to decide whether a definition C should be unfolded or not. Here, we roughly divide this decision in two groups: simple and complex. We say an unfolding decision is simple if the procedure does not have to consider an extra case (aka case-split). That is, it does not increase the search space. We say an unfolding decision is complex if it produces at least one extra case, and consequently increases the search space.

Users can mark whether a definition is reducible or irreducible. We write reducible(C) to denote that C was marked as reducible by the user, and irreducible(C) to denote that C was marked as irreducible by the user.

Theorems are never unfolded. For a transparent definition C, the higher-order unification procedure uses the following decision tree.

if simple unfolding decision then
  if irreducible(C) then
     do not unfold
else -- complex unfolding decision
  if reducible(C) then
  else if irreducible(C) then
     do not unfold
  else if C was defined in the current module then
     do not unfold

For an opaque definition D, the higher-order unification procedure uses the same decision tree if D was declared in the current module. Otherwise, it does not unfold D.


The following command declares a transparent definition pr and mark it as reducible.

definition pr1 [reducible] (A : Type) (a b : A) : A := a

The reducible mark is saved in the compiled .olean files. The user can temporarily change the reducible and irreducible marks using the following commands. The temporary modification is effective only in the current file, and is not saved in the produced .olean file.

  definition id (A : Type) (a : A) : A := a
  definition pr2 (A : Type) (a b : A) : A := b
  -- mark pr2 as reducible
  reducible pr2
  -- ...
  -- mark id and pr2 as irreducible
  irreducible id pr2

The annotation [persistent] can be used to instruct Lean to make the modification permanent, and save it in the .olean file.

  definition pr2 (A : Type) (a b : A) : A := b
  -- Mark pr2 as irreducible.
  -- The modification will affect modules that import this one.
  irreducible [persistent] pr2

The reducible and irreducible annotations can be removed using the modifier [none].

  definition pr2 (A : Type) (a b : A) : A := b

  -- temporarily remove any reducible and irreducible annotation from pr2
  reducible [none] pr2

  -- permanently remove any reducible and irreducible annotation from pr2
  reducible [persistent] [none] pr2

Finally, the command irreducible is syntax sugar for reducible [off]. The commands reducible and reducible [on] are equivalent.