remove funext class, remove a couple of sorry's, add characterization of equality in trunctypes, use Jeremy's format for headers everywhere in the HoTT library, continue working on Yoneda embedding
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Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.precategory.functor
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import .basic types.pi
open function category eq prod equiv is_equiv sigma sigma.ops is_trunc funext
open pi
structure functor (C D : Precategory) : Type :=
(obF : C → D)
(homF : Π ⦃a b : C⦄, hom a b → hom (obF a) (obF b))
(respect_id : Π (a : C), homF (ID a) = ID (obF a))
(respect_comp : Π {a b c : C} (g : hom b c) (f : hom a b),
homF (g ∘ f) = homF g ∘ homF f)
namespace functor
infixl `⇒`:25 := functor
variables {C D E : Precategory}
attribute obF [coercion]
attribute homF [coercion]
-- The following lemmas will later be used to prove that the type of
-- precategories forms a precategory itself
protected definition compose (G : functor D E) (F : functor C D) : functor C E :=
(λ x, G (F x))
(λ a b f, G (F f))
(λ a, calc
G (F (ID a)) = G (ID (F a)) : {respect_id F a}
... = ID (G (F a)) : respect_id G (F a))
(λ a b c g f, calc
G (F (g ∘ f)) = G (F g ∘ F f) : respect_comp F g f
... = G (F g) ∘ G (F f) : respect_comp G (F g) (F f))
infixr `∘f`:60 := compose
definition functor_eq_mk'' {F₁ F₂ : C → D} {H₁ : Π(a b : C), hom a b → hom (F₁ a) (F₁ b)}
{H₂ : Π(a b : C), hom a b → hom (F₂ a) (F₂ b)} (id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂)
(pF : F₁ = F₂) (pH : pF ▹ H₁ = H₂)
: F₁ H₁ id₁ comp₁ = F₂ H₂ id₂ comp₂ :=
apD01111 pF pH !is_hprop.elim !is_hprop.elim
definition functor_eq_mk' {F₁ F₂ : C → D} {H₁ : Π(a b : C), hom a b → hom (F₁ a) (F₁ b)}
{H₂ : Π(a b : C), hom a b → hom (F₂ a) (F₂ b)} (id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂)
(pF : F₁ ∼ F₂) (pH : Π(a b : C) (f : hom a b), eq_of_homotopy pF ▹ (H₁ a b f) = H₂ a b f)
: F₁ H₁ id₁ comp₁ = F₂ H₂ id₂ comp₂ :=
functor_eq_mk'' id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂ (eq_of_homotopy pF)
(eq_of_homotopy (λc, eq_of_homotopy (λc', eq_of_homotopy (λf,
apply concat, rotate_left 1, exact (pH c c' f),
apply concat, rotate_left 1,
exact (pi_transport_constant (eq_of_homotopy pF) (H₁ c c') f),
apply (apD10' f),
apply concat, rotate_left 1,
exact (pi_transport_constant (eq_of_homotopy pF) (H₁ c) c'),
apply (apD10' c'),
apply concat, rotate_left 1,
exact (pi_transport_constant (eq_of_homotopy pF) H₁ c),
apply idp
definition functor_eq_mk_constant {F : C → D} {H₁ : Π(a b : C), hom a b → hom (F a) (F b)}
{H₂ : Π(a b : C), hom a b → hom (F a) (F b)} (id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂)
(pH : Π(a b : C) (f : hom a b), H₁ a b f = H₂ a b f)
: F H₁ id₁ comp₁ = F H₂ id₂ comp₂ :=
functor_eq_mk'' id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂ idp
(eq_of_homotopy (λc, eq_of_homotopy (λc', eq_of_homotopy (λf, pH c c' f))))
definition functor_eq_mk {F₁ F₂ : C ⇒ D} : Π(p : obF F₁ ∼ obF F₂),
(Π(a b : C) (f : hom a b), transport (λF, hom (F a) (F b)) (eq_of_homotopy p) (F₁ f) = F₂ f)
→ F₁ = F₂ :=
functor.rec_on F₁ (λO₁ H₁ id₁ comp₁, functor.rec_on F₂ (λO₂ H₂ id₂ comp₂ p q, !functor_eq_mk' q))
-- protected definition congr
-- {C : Precategory} {D : Precategory}
-- (F : C → D)
-- (foo2 : Π ⦃a b : C⦄, hom a b → hom (F a) (F b))
-- (foo3a foo3b : Π (a : C), foo2 (ID a) = ID (F a))
-- (foo4a foo4b : Π {a b c : C} (g : @hom C C b c) (f : @hom C C a b),
-- foo2 (g ∘ f) = foo2 g ∘ foo2 f)
-- (p3 : foo3a = foo3b) (p4 : @foo4a = @foo4b)
-- : F foo2 foo3a @foo4a = F foo2 foo3b @foo4b
-- :=
-- begin
-- apply (eq.rec_on p3), intros,
-- apply (eq.rec_on p4), intros,
-- apply idp,
-- end
protected definition assoc {A B C D : Precategory} (H : functor C D) (G : functor B C) (F : functor A B) :
H ∘f (G ∘f F) = (H ∘f G) ∘f F :=
!functor_eq_mk_constant (λa b f, idp)
protected definition id {C : Precategory} : functor C C :=
mk (λa, a) (λ a b f, f) (λ a, idp) (λ a b c f g, idp)
protected definition ID (C : Precategory) : functor C C := id
protected definition id_left (F : functor C D) : id ∘f F = F :=
functor.rec_on F (λF1 F2 F3 F4, !functor_eq_mk_constant (λa b f, idp))
protected definition id_right (F : functor C D) : F ∘f id = F :=
functor.rec_on F (λF1 F2 F3 F4, !functor_eq_mk_constant (λa b f, idp))
set_option apply.class_instance false
-- "functor C D" is equivalent to a certain sigma type
set_option unifier.max_steps 38500
protected definition sigma_char :
(Σ (obF : C → D)
(homF : Π ⦃a b : C⦄, hom a b → hom (obF a) (obF b)),
(Π (a : C), homF (ID a) = ID (obF a)) ×
(Π {a b c : C} (g : hom b c) (f : hom a b),
homF (g ∘ f) = homF g ∘ homF f)) ≃ (functor C D) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{intro S, fapply,
exact (S.1), exact (S.2.1),
exact (pr₁ S.2.2), exact (pr₂ S.2.2)},
{intro F,
cases F with (d1, d2, d3, d4),
exact ( d1 ( d2 (pair d3 (@d4))))},
{intro F,
cases F,
apply idp},
{intro S,
cases S with (d1, S2),
cases S2 with (d2, P1),
cases P1,
apply idp},
protected definition strict_cat_has_functor_hset
[HD : is_hset D] : is_hset (functor C D) :=
apply is_trunc_is_equiv_closed, apply equiv.to_is_equiv,
apply sigma_char,
apply is_trunc_sigma, apply is_trunc_pi, intros, exact HD, intro F,
apply is_trunc_sigma, apply is_trunc_pi, intro a,
{apply is_trunc_pi, intro b,
apply is_trunc_pi, intro c, apply !homH},
intro H, apply is_trunc_prod,
{apply is_trunc_pi, intro a,
apply is_trunc_eq, apply is_trunc_succ, apply !homH},
{repeat (apply is_trunc_pi; intros),
apply is_trunc_eq, apply is_trunc_succ, apply !homH},
end functor
namespace category
open functor
--TODO: make this a structure
definition precat_of_strict_precats : precategory (Σ (C : Precategory), is_hset C) :=
|| (λ a b, functor a.1 b.1)
(λ a b, @functor.strict_cat_has_functor_hset a.1 b.1 b.2)
(λ a b c g f, functor.compose g f)
(λ a,
(λ a b c d h g f, !functor.assoc)
(λ a b f, !functor.id_left)
(λ a b f, !functor.id_right)
definition Precat_of_strict_cats := precategory.Mk precat_of_strict_precats
namespace ops
abbreviation PreCat := Precat_of_strict_cats
--attribute precat_of_strict_precats [instance]
end ops
end category