Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
190 lines
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190 lines
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Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <vector>
#include "kernel/justification.h"
#include "kernel/unification_constraint.h"
#include "kernel/metavar.h"
namespace lean {
\brief Base class for justifying propagations and failures
class propagation_justification : public justification_cell {
unification_constraint m_constraint;
/** \brief Auxiliary method used by pp_header to label a propagation step, subclasses must redefine it. */
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const = 0;
propagation_justification(unification_constraint const & c);
virtual ~propagation_justification();
virtual void get_children(buffer<justification_cell*> & r) const;
virtual optional<expr> get_main_expr() const;
virtual format pp_header(formatter const &, options const &, optional<metavar_env> const &) const;
unification_constraint const & get_constraint() const { return m_constraint; }
\brief Justification object used to mark that a particular unification constraint could not be solved.
class unification_failure_justification : public propagation_justification {
// We store the menv at the time of failure. We use it to produce less cryptic error messages.
metavar_env m_menv;
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Failed to solve"; }
unification_failure_justification(unification_constraint const & c, metavar_env const & menv):
propagation_justification(c), m_menv(menv) {}
virtual format pp_header(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, optional<metavar_env> const &) const {
return propagation_justification::pp_header(fmt, opts, optional<metavar_env>(m_menv));
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool display_children,
optional<metavar_env> const &) const {
return propagation_justification::pp(fmt, opts, p, display_children, optional<metavar_env>(m_menv));
metavar_env get_menv() const { return m_menv; }
\brief Justification object created for justifying that a constraint that
generated a case-split does not have a solution. Each case-split
corresponds to a different way of solving the constraint.
class unification_failure_by_cases_justification : public unification_failure_justification {
std::vector<justification> m_cases; // why each case failed
unification_failure_by_cases_justification(unification_constraint const & c, unsigned num, justification const * cs, metavar_env const & menv);
virtual ~unification_failure_by_cases_justification();
virtual void get_children(buffer<justification_cell*> & r) const;
std::vector<justification> const & get_cases() const { return m_cases; }
\brief Justification object used to justify a metavar assignment.
class assignment_justification : public propagation_justification {
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Assignment"; }
assignment_justification(unification_constraint const & c):propagation_justification(c) {}
\brief Justification object used to justify simple structural steps when processing unification
constraints. For example, given the constraint
<tt>ctx |- (f a) == (f b)</tt>
where \c f is a variable, we must have
<tt>ctx |- a == b</tt>
The justification for the latter is a destruct justification based on the former.
class destruct_justification : public propagation_justification {
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Destruct/Decompose"; }
destruct_justification(unification_constraint const & c):propagation_justification(c) {}
\brief Justification object used to justify a normalization step such as.
<tt>ctx |- (fun x : T, x) a == b</tt>
<tt>ctx |- a == b</tt>
class normalize_justification : public propagation_justification {
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Normalize"; }
normalize_justification(unification_constraint const & c):propagation_justification(c) {}
\brief Justification object used to justify an imitation step.
An imitation step is used when solving constraints such as:
<tt>ctx |- ?m[lift:s:n, ...] == Pi (x : A), B x</tt>
In this case, ?m must be a Pi. We make progress, by adding the constraint
<tt>ctx |- ?m == Pi (x : ?M1), (?M2 x)</tt>
where ?M1 and ?M2 are fresh metavariables.
class imitation_justification : public propagation_justification {
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Imitation"; }
imitation_justification(unification_constraint const & c):propagation_justification(c) {}
\brief Justification object used to justify a new constraint obtained by substitution.
class substitution_justification : public propagation_justification {
justification m_assignment_justification;
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Substitution"; }
substitution_justification(unification_constraint const & c, justification const & t);
virtual ~substitution_justification();
virtual void get_children(buffer<justification_cell*> & r) const;
\brief Justification object used to justify a new constraint obtained by multiple substitution.
class multi_substitution_justification : public propagation_justification {
std::vector<justification> m_assignment_justifications;
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Substitution"; }
multi_substitution_justification(unification_constraint const & c, unsigned num, justification const * ts);
virtual ~multi_substitution_justification();
virtual void get_children(buffer<justification_cell*> & r) const;
\brief Justification object used to justify a <tt>typeof(m) == t</tt> constraint generated when
we assign a metavariable \c m.
class typeof_mvar_justification : public justification_cell {
context m_context;
expr m_mvar;
expr m_typeof_mvar;
expr m_type;
justification m_justification;
typeof_mvar_justification(context const & ctx, expr const & m, expr const & mt, expr const & t, justification const & tr);
virtual ~typeof_mvar_justification();
virtual format pp_header(formatter const &, options const &, optional<metavar_env> const & menv) const;
virtual void get_children(buffer<justification_cell*> & r) const;
justification const & get_justification() const { return m_justification; }
\brief Justification object used to justify that we are moving to the next solution.
class next_solution_justification : public justification_cell {
std::vector<justification> m_assumptions; // Set of assumptions used to derive last solution
next_solution_justification(unsigned num, justification const * as);
virtual ~next_solution_justification();
virtual format pp_header(formatter const &, options const &, optional<metavar_env> const & menv) const;
virtual void get_children(buffer<justification_cell*> & r) const;
virtual optional<expr> get_main_expr() const;
\brief Create a new justification object where we eliminate
intermediate steps and assignment justifications. This function
produces a new justification object that is better for
pretty printing.
justification remove_detail(justification const & j);