2013-09-27 09:27:37 -07:00

1,009 B

Instructions for Testing and Measuring Code Coverage

To measure code coverage, compile TESTCOV build using g++:

mkdir -p build/testcov
cd build/testcov
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DTESTCOV=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-4.8 -G Ninja ../../src

and run:

ninja cov

It will build the project, run testcases, and compute code-coverage. In the end, you have build/testcov/coverage directory containing a code-coverage report in HTML format.

Make sure that the version of gcov matches with the one of g++. Also try to use the latest lcov (currently lcov-1.10) if you have a problem with the existing one:

wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/ltp/lcov-1.10.tar.gz;
tar xvfz lcov-1.10.tar.gz;
cp -v lcov-1.10/bin/{lcov,genpng,gendesc,genhtml,geninfo} /usr/bin/;
rm -rf lcov-1.10.tar.gz lcov-1.10;