This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 122 additions and 77 deletions
@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
"gitdoc.commitMessageFormat": "'auto gitdoc commit'",
"agdaMode.connection.commandLineOptions": "",
"search.exclude": {
"src/HottBook/**": true
"src/CubicalHott/**": true
@ -5,7 +5,11 @@
module HottBook.Chapter1 where
open import Agda.Primitive public
open import Agda.Primitive.Cubical public
open import HottBook.CoreUtil
l : Level
@ -21,7 +25,7 @@ open import Agda.Primitive.Cubical public
## 1.4 Dependent function types (Π-types)
id : {l : Level} {A : Set l} → A → A
id : {A : Set l} → A → A
id x = x
@ -94,10 +98,10 @@ rec-+ C f g (inr x) = g x
data ⊥ {l : Level} : Set l where
data ⊥ : Set where
rec-⊥ : {l : Level} → {C : Set l} → (x : ⊥ {l}) → C
rec-⊥ {C} ()
rec-⊥ : {C : Set l} → (x : ⊥) → C
rec-⊥ ()
## 1.8 The type of booleans
@ -131,22 +135,22 @@ rec-ℕ C z s (suc n) = s n (rec-ℕ C z s n)
infix 3 ¬_
¬_ : ∀ {l : Level} (A : Set l) → Set l
¬_ {l} A = A → ⊥ {l}
¬_ : (A : Set l) → Set l
¬_ A = A → ⊥
## 1.12 Identity types
infix 4 _≡_
data _≡_ {l} {A : Set l} : (a b : A) → Set l where
data _≡_ {A : Set l} : (a b : A) → Set l where
instance refl : {x : A} → x ≡ x
### 1.12.3 Disequality
_≢_ : {A : Set} (x y : A) → Set
_≢_ : {A : Set l} (x y : A) → Set l
_≢_ x y = (p : x ≡ y) → ⊥
@ -5,9 +5,12 @@
module HottBook.Chapter2 where
open import Agda.Primitive.Cubical hiding (i1)
open import HottBook.Chapter1 hiding (i1)
open import HottBook.Chapter1
open import HottBook.Chapter2Lemma221 public
open import HottBook.Util
l : Level
@ -632,7 +635,7 @@ postulate
### Lemma 2.9.2
happly : {A B : Set}
happly : {A B : Set l}
→ {f g : A → B}
→ (p : f ≡ g)
→ (x : A)
@ -644,7 +647,7 @@ happly {A} {B} {f} {g} p x = ap (λ h → h x) p
funext : {l : Level} {A B : Set l}
funext : {A B : Set l}
→ {f g : A → B}
→ ((x : A) → f x ≡ g x)
→ f ≡ g
@ -707,10 +710,11 @@ module equation2∙9∙5 {X : Set} {x1 x2 : X} where
### Lemma 2.10.1
idtoeqv : {l : Level} {A B : Set l}
→ (A ≡ B)
→ (A ≃ B)
idtoeqv {l} {A} {B} refl = lemma2∙4∙12.id-equiv A
idtoeqv : {A B : Set l} → (A ≡ B) → (A ≃ B)
idtoeqv refl = transport id refl , qinv-to-isequiv (mkQinv id id-homotopy id-homotopy)
id-homotopy : (id ∘ id) ∼ id
id-homotopy x = refl
### Axiom 2.10.3 (Univalence)
@ -726,7 +730,7 @@ module axiom2∙10∙3 where
backward : {l : Level} {A B : Set l} → (p : A ≡ B) → (ua ∘ idtoeqv) p ≡ p
-- backward p = {! !}
ua-eqv : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {B : Set l} → (A ≃ B) ≃ (A ≡ B)
ua-eqv : {A B : Set l} → (A ≃ B) ≃ (A ≡ B)
ua-eqv = ua , qinv-to-isequiv (mkQinv idtoeqv backward forward)
open axiom2∙10∙3 hiding (forward; backward)
@ -847,10 +851,12 @@ theorem2∙11∙4 {A} {B} {f} {g} {a} {a'} refl q =
### Theorem 2.12.5
module theorem2∙12∙5 {l : Level} {A B : Set l} (a₀ : A) where
module theorem2∙12∙5 {A B : Set l} (a₀ : A) where
open import HottBook.CoreUtil using (Lift)
code : A + B → Set l
code (inl a) = a₀ ≡ a
code (inr b) = ⊥
code (inr b) = Lift ⊥
encode : (x : A + B) → (p : inl a₀ ≡ x) → code x
encode x p = transport code p refl
@ -877,15 +883,16 @@ module theorem2∙12∙5 {l : Level} {A B : Set l} (a₀ : A) where
### Remark 2.12.6
remark2∙12∙6 : true ≢ false
remark2∙12∙6 p = genBot tt
Bmap : 𝟚 → Set
Bmap true = 𝟙
Bmap false = ⊥
module remark2∙12∙6 where
true≢false : true ≢ false
true≢false p = genBot tt
Bmap : 𝟚 → Set
Bmap true = 𝟙
Bmap false = ⊥
genBot : 𝟙 → ⊥
genBot = transport Bmap p
genBot : 𝟙 → ⊥
genBot = transport Bmap p
## 2.13 Natural numbers
@ -225,21 +225,18 @@ exercise2∙13 = f , equiv
let p1 = ap h' p in
let p2 = trans p1 (h-id false) in
let p3 = trans (sym (h-id true)) p2 in
remark2∙12∙6 p3
⊥-elim : {l : Level} {A : Set l} → ⊥ {l} → A
⊥-elim ()
remark2∙12∙6.true≢false p3
opposite-prop : {a b : 𝟚} → (p : f' a ≡ b) → f' (neg a) ≡ neg b
opposite-prop {a} {b} p with f' (neg a) | inspect f' (neg a)
opposite-prop {true} {true} p | true | ingraph q = ⊥-elim (f-codomain-is-2 (trans p (sym q)))
opposite-prop {true} {true} p | true | ingraph q = rec-⊥ (f-codomain-is-2 (trans p (sym q)))
opposite-prop {true} {true} p | false | _ = refl
opposite-prop {true} {false} p | true | _ = refl
opposite-prop {true} {false} p | false | ingraph q = ⊥-elim (f-codomain-is-2 (trans p (sym q)))
opposite-prop {false} {true} p | true | ingraph q = ⊥-elim (f-codomain-is-2 (trans q (sym p)))
opposite-prop {true} {false} p | false | ingraph q = rec-⊥ (f-codomain-is-2 (trans p (sym q)))
opposite-prop {false} {true} p | true | ingraph q = rec-⊥ (f-codomain-is-2 (trans q (sym p)))
opposite-prop {false} {true} p | false | ingraph q = refl
opposite-prop {false} {false} p | true | ingraph q = refl
opposite-prop {false} {false} p | false | ingraph q = ⊥-elim (f-codomain-is-2 (trans q (sym p)))
opposite-prop {false} {false} p | false | ingraph q = rec-⊥ (f-codomain-is-2 (trans q (sym p)))
f-is-id' : (f' true ≡ true) → (b : 𝟚) → f' b ≡ id b
f-is-id' p true = p
@ -10,7 +10,12 @@ open import HottBook.Chapter1Util
open import HottBook.Chapter2
open import HottBook.Chapter3Definition331 public
open import HottBook.Chapter3Lemma333 public
open import HottBook.CoreUtil
open import HottBook.Util
l : Level
@ -20,7 +25,7 @@ open import HottBook.Util
### Definition 3.1.1
isSet : {l : Level} (A : Set l) → Set l
isSet : (A : Set l) → Set l
isSet A = (x y : A) → (p q : x ≡ y) → p ≡ q
@ -34,7 +39,7 @@ isSet A = (x y : A) → (p q : x ≡ y) → p ≡ q
### Example 3.1.3
⊥-is-Set : ∀ {l} → isSet (⊥ {l})
⊥-is-Set : isSet ⊥
⊥-is-Set () () p q
@ -125,56 +130,81 @@ lemma3∙1∙8 {A} A-set x y p q r s =
TODO: Study this more
theorem3∙2∙2 : {l : Level} → ((A : Set l) → ¬ ¬ A → A) → ⊥ {l}
-- theorem3∙2∙2 f = let wtf = f 𝟚 in {! !}
-- where
-- open axiom2∙10∙3
theorem3∙2∙2 : ((A : Set l) → ¬ ¬ A → A) → ⊥
theorem3∙2∙2 double-neg = conclusion
open axiom2∙10∙3
-- p : 𝟚 ≡ 𝟚
-- p = ua neg-equiv
bool = Lift 𝟚
-- wtf : ¬ ¬ 𝟚 → 𝟚
-- wtf = f 𝟚
negl : bool → bool
negl (lift true) = lift false
negl (lift false) = lift true
-- wtf2 : transport (λ A → ¬ ¬ A → A) p (f 𝟚) ≡ f 𝟚
-- wtf2 = apd f p
negl-homotopy : (negl ∘ negl) ∼ id
negl-homotopy (lift true) = refl
negl-homotopy (lift false) = refl
-- wtf3 : (u : ¬ ¬ 𝟚) → transport (λ A → ¬ ¬ A → A) p (f 𝟚) u ≡ f 𝟚 u
-- wtf3 u = happly wtf2 u
e : bool ≃ bool
e = negl , qinv-to-isequiv (mkQinv negl negl-homotopy negl-homotopy)
-- wtf4 : (u : ¬ ¬ 𝟚) → transport (λ A → ¬ ¬ A → A) p (f 𝟚) u ≡ transport (λ A → A) p (f 𝟚 (transport (λ A → ¬ ¬ A) (sym p) u))
-- wtf4 u =
-- let
-- wtf5 :
-- let A = λ A → ¬ ¬ A in
-- let B = id in
-- transport (λ x → A x → B x) p (f 𝟚) ≡ λ x → transport B p (f 𝟚 (transport A (sym p) x))
-- wtf5 = equation2∙9∙4 (f 𝟚) p
-- in
-- happly wtf5 u
p : bool ≡ bool
p = ua e
-- wtf6 : (u v : ¬ ¬ 𝟚) → u ≡ v
-- wtf6 u v = funext (λ x → rec-⊥ (u x))
fbool : ¬ ¬ bool → bool
fbool = double-neg bool
-- wtf7 : (u : ¬ ¬ 𝟚) → transport (λ A → ¬ ¬ A) (sym p) u ≡ u
-- wtf7 u = {! !}
apdfp : transport (λ A → ¬ ¬ A → A) p fbool ≡ fbool
apdfp = apd double-neg p
-- wtf8 : (u : ¬ ¬ 𝟚) → transport (λ A → A) p (f 𝟚 u) ≡ f 𝟚 u
-- wtf8 u = {! sym (wtf3 u) !} ∙ sym (wtf4 u) ∙ wtf3 u
u : ¬ ¬ bool
u = λ p → p (lift true)
-- wtf9 : (u : ¬ ¬ 𝟚) → neg (f 𝟚 u) ≡ f 𝟚 u
-- wtf9 = {! !}
foranyu : transport (λ A → ¬ ¬ A → A) p fbool u ≡ fbool u
foranyu = happly apdfp u
-- wtf10 : (x : 𝟚) → ¬ (neg x ≡ x)
-- wtf10 true p = remark2∙12∙6 (sym p)
-- wtf10 false p = remark2∙12∙6 p
what : transport (λ A → ¬ (¬ A) → A) p fbool u ≡ transport (λ X → X) p (fbool (transport (λ X → ¬ (¬ X)) (sym p) u))
what =
x = equation2∙9∙4 {A = λ X → ¬ ¬ X} {B = λ X → X} fbool p
in ap (λ f → f u) x
-- wtf11 : (u : ¬ ¬ 𝟚) → ¬ (neg (f 𝟚 u) ≡ (f 𝟚 u))
-- wtf11 u = wtf10 (f 𝟚 u)
allsame : (u v : ¬ ¬ bool) → (x : ¬ bool) → u x ≡ v x
allsame u v x = rec-⊥ (u x)
-- wtf12 : (u : ¬ ¬ 𝟚) → ⊥
-- wtf12 u = wtf11 u (wtf9 u)
allsamef : (u v : ¬ ¬ bool) → u ≡ v
all-dn-u-same : transport (λ A → ¬ ¬ A) (sym p) u ≡ u
all-dn-u-same = allsamef (transport (λ A → ¬ ¬ A) (sym p) u) u
nextStep : transport (λ A → A) p (fbool u) ≡ fbool u
nextStep =
let x = ap (λ x → transport id p (fbool x)) all-dn-u-same in
let y = what ∙ x in
sym y ∙ foranyu
huhh : (Σ.fst e) (fbool u) ≡ fbool u
huhh =
equiv1 = ap ua (axiom2∙10∙3.forward e)
x : {A B : Set l} → (e : A ≃ B) → (a : A) → transport id (ua e) a ≡ Σ.fst e a
x e a =
{! axiom2∙10∙3.forward ? !}
sym (x e (fbool u)) ∙ nextStep
finalStep : (x : bool) → ¬ ((Σ.fst e) x ≡ x)
finalStep (lift true) p =
let wtf = ap (λ f → Lift.lower f) p in
remark2∙12∙6.true≢false (sym wtf)
finalStep (lift false) p =
let wtf = ap (λ f → Lift.lower f) p in
remark2∙12∙6.true≢false wtf
conclusion : ⊥
conclusion = finalStep (fbool u) huhh
### Corollary 3.2.7
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module HottBook.CoreUtil where
open import Agda.Primitive
record Lift {a ℓ} (A : Set a) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
constructor lift
field lower : A
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