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Michael Zhang 2024-04-29 14:19:48 -04:00
parent 0399dca62a
commit 33c42508ad
2 changed files with 45 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -114,7 +114,11 @@ composite : {A B C : Set}
→ A → C
composite f g x = g (f x)
syntax composite f g = g ∘ f
_∘_ : {A B C : Set}
→ (g : B → C)
→ (f : A → B)
→ A → C
_∘_ g f x = g (f x)
composite-assoc : {A B C D : Set}
→ (f : A → B)

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@ -51,89 +51,51 @@ main proof:
exercise2∙13 : (𝟚𝟚) ≃ 𝟚
exercise2∙13 = aux1 , equiv1
exercise2∙13 = f , equiv
aux1 : 𝟚𝟚𝟚
aux1 (fst , snd) = fst true
neg : 𝟚𝟚
neg true = false
neg false = true
neg-homotopy : (neg ∘ neg) id
neg-homotopy true = refl
neg-homotopy false = refl
f : 𝟚𝟚𝟚
f (fst , snd) = fst true
open Σ
open isequiv
rev : 𝟚 → (𝟚𝟚)
fst (rev true) = id
g (snd (rev true)) = id
g-id (snd (rev true)) x = refl
h (snd (rev true)) = id
h-id (snd (rev true)) x = refl
fst (rev false) = neg
g (snd (rev false)) = neg
g-id (snd (rev false)) = neg-homotopy
h (snd (rev false)) = neg
h-id (snd (rev false)) = neg-homotopy
equiv1 : isequiv aux1
g equiv1 = rev
g-id equiv1 true = refl
g-id equiv1 false = refl
h equiv1 = rev
h-id equiv1 e@(f , f-equiv @ (mkIsEquiv g g-id h h-id)) =
-- proving that given any equivalence e, that:
-- ((aux1 ∘ rev) e ≡ id e)
-- (rev (aux1 e) ≡ e)
-- (rev (e.fst true) ≡ e)
-- since e is a pair, decompose it using Σ-≡ and prove separately that:
-- - fst (rev (e.fst true)) ≡ e.fst
-- - left side is a function and right side is a function too
-- - use function extensionality to show they behave the same
-- - somehow use the fact that e.snd.g-id exists
-- - snd (rev (e.fst true)) ≡ e.snd
-- test1 : (x : 𝟚) → fst (aux1 x) ≡ f x
-- test1 x with x , f true
-- test1 _ | true , true = {! !}
-- test1 _ | true , false = {! !}
-- test1 _ | false , y = {! !}
-- equiv-funcs : (x : 𝟚) → aux1 x ≡ f x
-- -- if f mapped everything to the same value, then the inverse couldn't exist
-- -- how to state this as a proof?
-- asdf : (x : 𝟚) → neg (f x) ≡ f (neg x)
-- -- known that (f ∘ g) x ≡ x
-- -- g (f x) ≡ x
-- -- g (f true) ≡ true
-- -- maybe a proof by contradiction? suppose f true ≡ f false. why doesn't this work if f ∘ g id?
-- -- how to work backwards from the f ∘ g id? since we have a value `g-id` of that
-- asdf true = {! !}
-- asdf false = {! !}
-- ft = f true
-- ff = f false
-- div : ft ≢ ff
-- div p =
-- let
-- id𝟚 : 𝟚𝟚
-- id𝟚 = id
-- wtf : ft ≡ ff
-- wtf = p
-- wtf2 : g ft ≡ g ff
-- wtf2 = ap g wtf
-- in {! !}
-- in Σ-≡ (funext test1 , {! !})
{! !}
g : 𝟚𝟚𝟚
g true = id , mkIsEquiv id (λ _ → refl) id (λ _ → refl)
g false = neg , mkIsEquiv neg neg-id neg neg-id
test1 : (x : 𝟚𝟚) → aux1 x ≡ {! !}
test1 (x , y) = {! !}
neg-id : (neg ∘ neg) id
neg-id true = refl
neg-id false = refl
f∘gid : f ∘ g id
f∘gid true = refl
f∘gid false = refl
g∘fid : g ∘ f id
g∘fid e' @ (f' , ie' @ (mkIsEquiv g' g-id h' h-id)) = {! !}
f-codomain-is-2 : f' true ≢ f' false
f-codomain-is-2 p = {! !}
f-true-is-true-to-id : f' true ≡ true → f' ≡ id
f-true-is-true-to-id p = funext prf
prf : (x : 𝟚) → f' x ≡ id x
prf true = p
prf false with f' false
prf false | true = {! !}
prf false | false = refl
equivPrf' : (x : 𝟚) → Σ.fst (g (f' true)) x ≡ f' x
equivPrf' x = {! !}
equivPrf : Σ.fst (g (f' true)) ≡ f'
equivPrf = funext equivPrf'
attempt : (g ∘ f) e' ≡ id e'
attempt = posEqLemma ((g ∘ f) e') (id e') equivPrf
equiv : isequiv f
equiv = mkIsEquiv g f∘gid g g∘fid