build table
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 168 additions and 33 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
indent_size = 2
indent_style = space
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
indent_style = tab
@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
GENDIR := html/src/generated
nu scripts/build-table
find src \
-not \( -path src/Misc -prune \) \
\( -name "*.agda" -o -name "*" \) \
-print0 \
| rust-parallel -0 agda \
--html \
-not \( -path src/Misc -prune \) \
\( -name "*.agda" -o -name "*" \) \
-print0 \
| rust-parallel -0 agda \
--html \
--html-dir=$(GENDIR) \
--allow-unsolved-metas \
--html-highlight=auto \
--no-load-primitives \
|| true
--no-load-primitives \
|| true
fd --no-ignore "html$$" $(GENDIR) -x rm
build-book: build-to-html
@ -25,3 +25,7 @@ I have scaled down some of these materials to eBook size, for easier reading on
Cubical Type Theory: a constructive interpretation of the univalence axiom (CCHM) (2015)
[[ebook-sized pdf](]
[[original pdf](]
## HottBook Progress:
{{#include generated/}}
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nu
let chapters = {
2: 7,
3: 9,
4: 19,
let gradients = [
[0, [90, 0, 0]],
[0.5, [90, 90, 0]],
[1, [0, 90, 0]],
let formatColor = {|color| $"rgb\(($color.0), ($color.1), ($color.2)\)" }
let interpColor = {|p|
let next = ($gradients
| enumerate
| skip until { $p <= $in.item.0 }
| get index).0
if $next == 0 { return (do $formatColor ($gradients.0.1)) }
let prev = ($gradients | get ($next - 1))
let next = ($gradients | get $next)
let pp = ($p - $prev.0) / ($next.0 - $prev.0)
let color = ($prev.1 | zip $next.1 | each {|a| $a.0 * (1 - $pp) + $a.1 * $pp})
do $formatColor $color
let viz = { |k, n|
let ratio = ($k / $n) | math round --precision 1
# let color = if n == 0 { "gray" } else if $ratio < 0.25 { "red" } else if $ratio < 0.5 { "orange"} else if $ratio < 0.75 { "yellow"} else { "green" }
let color = if $n == 0 { "gray" } else { do $interpColor ($k / $n) }
let textColor = if $k == $n { "gold" } else { "white" }
$"<div style=\"
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
aspect-ratio: 1;
min-height: 80px;
background-color: ($color);
color: ($textColor);
($k) / ($n)
</div>" | str replace -a "\n" ""
# $n | math round --precision 1
let vizChapter = { |n|
let nStr = $n | into string
let url = $"$chapters | get $nStr)"
curl -s $url
| jq -r .body
| lines
| rg -o $"\\[\(x| \)\\] \(.*\) \(\\d+\(\\.\\d+\)*\)" -r "$1,$2,$3"
| from csv --noheaders
| rename completed type number
| insert section { if $in.type == "Exercise" { "Exercise" } else { $in.number | split row "." | get 1 } }
| group-by section
| transpose
| each { $in | update column1 { do $viz ($in | where completed == "x" | length) ($in | length) } }
| sort-by -n column0
| prepend { column0: "Ch", column1: $n }
| transpose -r
| columns
| each { do $vizChapter $in }
| reduce {|it, acc| $acc | append $it }
| sort-by Ch
| tee { save -f html/src/generated/ }
# open breakdown.json
# | transpose
# | each {|row| [$row.column0, $row.column1.ratioCompleted] }
@ -57,18 +57,18 @@ TODO: DO this without path induction
×-Set : {A B : Set} → isSet A → isSet B → isSet (A × B)
×-Set {A} {B} A-set B-set (xa , xb) (ya , yb) refl refl =
open theorem2∙6∙2
×-Set {A} {B} A-set B-set (xa , xb) (ya , yb) refl refl = refl
-- p-pair = definition2∙6∙1 p
-- q-pair = definition2∙6∙1 q
### Example 3.1.6
-- a-eq = A-set xa ya (Σ.fst p-pair) (Σ.fst q-pair)
-- b-eq = B-set xb yb (Σ.snd p-pair) (Σ.snd q-pair)
-- overall = pair-≡ {xa ≡ ya} {xb ≡ yb} {p-pair} {q-pair} (a-eq , b-eq)
in refl
-- example3∙1∙6 : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} → ((x : A) → isSet (B x)) → isSet ((x : A) → B x)
-- example3∙1∙6 func f g p q =
-- let
-- wtf : p ≡ funext (λ x → happly p x)
-- wtf = refl
-- in {! !}
### Definition 3.1.7
@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ is-1-type A = (x y : A) → (p q : x ≡ y) → (r s : p ≡ q) → r ≡ s
### Lemma 3.1.8
"levels are upward-closed"
lemma3∙1∙8 : {A : Set} → isSet A → is-1-type A
lemma3∙1∙8 {A} A-set x y p q r s =
@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ lemma3∙1∙8 {A} A-set x y p q r s =
### Example 3.1.9
example3∙1∙9 : ¬ (isSet Set)
example3∙1∙9 : ¬ (isSet Set)
example3∙1∙9 p = remark2∙12∙6.true≢false lol
open axiom2∙10∙3
@ -262,8 +264,8 @@ module definition3∙4∙3 where
data decidable (A : Set) : Set where
proof : A + (¬ A) → decidable A
data decidable2 {A : Set} (B : A → Set) : Set where
proof : (a : A) → (B a + (¬ (B a))) → decidable2 B
data decidable-family {A : Set} (B : A → Set) : Set where
proof : (a : A) → (B a + (¬ (B a))) → decidable-family B
data decidable-equality (A : Set) : Set where
proof : (a b : A) → ((a ≡ b) + (¬ a ≡ b)) → decidable-equality A
@ -283,9 +285,10 @@ module section3∙7 where
∥_∥ : Set → Set
∣_∣ : {A : Set} → (a : A) → ∥ A ∥
witness : {A : Set} → (x y : ∥ A ∥) → x ≡ y → Set
rec-∥_∥ : (A : Set) → {B : Set} → isProp B → (f : A → B)
→ Σ (∥ A ∥ → B) (λ g → (a : A) → g (∣ a ∣) ≡ f a)
open section3∙7
open section3∙7 public
### Definition 3.7.1
@ -298,22 +301,27 @@ open section3∙7
lemma3∙9∙1 : {P : Set} → isProp P → P ≃ ∥ P ∥
lemma3∙9∙1 {P} prop = lemma3∙3∙3 prop prop2 ∣_∣ g
thing : Σ (∥ P ∥ → P) (λ g → (a : P) → g ∣ a ∣ ≡ id a)
thing2 : Σ (∥ P ∥ → P) (λ g → (a : P) → g ∣ (∣ a ∣) ∣ ≡ ∣ a ∣)
thing2 = rec-∥ P ∥ prop ∣_∣
thing : Σ (∥ P ∥ → P) (λ g → (a : P) → g ∣ a ∣ ≡ a)
thing = rec-∥ P ∥ prop id
g = Σ.fst thing
g-prop : (a : P) → g ∣ a ∣ ≡ a
g-prop = Σ.snd thing
prop2 : isProp ∥ P ∥
-- x y : ∥ P ∥
prop2 x y =
let a = g-prop (g x) in
let b = g-prop (g y) in
let eqProp = prop (g x) (g y) in
concat : g (∣ g x ∣) ≡ g (∣ g y ∣)
concat = a ∙ eqProp ∙ (sym b)
gx = g x
gy = g y
eqP = prop gx gy
gpx = g-prop gx
{! !}
-- TODO: Finish this
@ -12,9 +12,47 @@ ProvethatifA≃BandAisaset,thensoisB.
exercise3∙1 : {A B : Set}
→ isSet (A ≃ B)
→ A ≃ B
→ isSet A
→ isSet B
exercise3∙1 {A} {B} isSetAB isSetA xB yB pB qB =
{! !}
exercise3∙1 {A} {B} equiv@(f , mkIsEquiv g g* h h*) isSetA xB yB pB qB =
xA = g xB
yA = g yB
pA : xA ≡ yA
pA = ap g pB
qA : xA ≡ yA
qA = ap g qB
eq = isSetA xA yA pA qA
idAB = axiom2∙10∙ equiv
eqB = transport (λ S → {! !}) idAB eq
in {! !}
### Exercise 3.5
exercise3∙5 : ∀ {A} → isProp A ≃ ((x : A) → isContr A)
exercise3∙5 {A} = {! f , ? !}
f : isProp A → ((x : A) → isContr A)
f AisProp x = x , λ y → AisProp x y
g : ((x : A) → isContr A) → isProp A
g func x y = {! !}
### Exercise 3.19
exercise3∙19 : (P : ℕ → Set)
→ definition3∙4∙3.decidable-family P
→ ∥ Σ ℕ P ∥ → Σ ℕ P
exercise3∙19 P Pdecidable trunc = {! !}
### Exercise 3.20
exercise3∙20 = lemma3∙11∙9.ii
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