This commit is contained in:
Michael Zhang 2024-12-22 16:56:29 -06:00
parent 73e6009179
commit 9cef0fa691
3 changed files with 82 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -45,11 +45,15 @@ _ = ≈-trans add-zero add-zero
-- phase 1: evaluation
eval : SNat
eval x = {!!}
eval zero = 0
eval one = 1
eval (add x y) = (eval x) + (eval y)
-- phase 2: reification
reify : SNat
reify n = {!!}
reify zero = zero
reify (suc zero) = one
reify (2+ n) = add one (add one (reify n))
-- optimisation is just composition! hurray!
optimise : SNat SNat
@ -57,4 +61,20 @@ optimise x = reify (eval x)
-- phase 3: correctness
correct : x optimise x x
correct x = {!!}
correct zero = ≈-refl
correct one = ≈-refl
correct (add x y) = ≈-trans (lemma x y) (≈-cong (correct x) (correct y)) where
lemma : (x y : SNat) optimise (add x y) add (optimise x) (optimise y)
lemma zero y = ≈-sym add-zero
lemma one zero = ≈-trans (≈-sym add-zero) (≈-sym add-one)
lemma one one = ≈-cong ≈-refl (≈-trans add-one add-zero)
lemma one (add x y) = {! !}
-- optimize (add one (add x y))
-- add (optimize one) (add (optimize x) (optimize y))
-- add (optimize one) (optimize (add x y))
lemma (add x y) z = {! !}
-- optimise (add (add x y) z)
-- add (add x y) z
-- add (add x y) (optimise z)
-- add (add (optimize x) (optimize y)) (optimise z)
-- add (optimise (add x y)) (optimise z)

src/AOP/palindromes.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ([_])
open ≡-Reasoning
infixr 5 _∷_
data Vec (A : Set) : Set where
[] : Vec A 0
_∷_ : {n} A Vec A n Vec A (suc n)
snoc : {A : Set}{n} Vec A n A Vec A (suc n)
snoc [] x = x []
snoc (x₁ xs) x = x₁ snoc xs x
rev : {A : Set}{n} Vec A n Vec A n
rev [] = []
rev (x xs) = snoc (rev xs) x
tail : {A : Set}{n} Vec A (suc n) Vec A n
tail (x xs) = xs
init : {A : Set}{n} Vec A (suc n) Vec A n
init (x []) = []
init (x x₁ xs) = x init (x₁ xs)
last : {A : Set}{n} Vec A (suc n) A
last (x []) = x
last (x x₁ xs) = last (x₁ xs)
module _(X : Set) where
data IsPalindrome : {n : } Vec X n Set where
empty : IsPalindrome []
one : {x} IsPalindrome (x [])
more : {n}{x}{xs : Vec X n} IsPalindrome xs IsPalindrome (snoc (x xs) x)
proof₁ : {n}{xs : Vec X n} IsPalindrome xs rev xs xs
proof₁ empty = refl
proof₁ one = refl
proof₁ {n} (more {x = x} {xs} p) = helper where
helper2 : {x} {xs} rev (snoc xs x) x xs
helper2 {x} {[]} = refl
helper2 {x} {y xs} = {! !}
-- rev (snoc xs x) ≡⟨ {! !} ⟩ x ∷ rev xs ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) (proof₁ p) ⟩ x ∷ xs ∎
helper =
snoc (rev (snoc xs x)) x ≡⟨ cong (λ z snoc z x) helper2
snoc (x xs) x ≡⟨ refl
x snoc xs x
proof₂ : {n}{xs : Vec X n} rev xs xs IsPalindrome xs
proof₂ {n} {[]} x = empty
proof₂ {n} {a []} refl = one
proof₂ {n} {a b xs} p = let IH = proof₂ p in {! !}

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@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ module _ where
test : K[ Group ,1]
test = isoToEquiv (iso f g {! !} {! !}) where
loop^_ : S¹-base S¹-base
loop^ pos (suc n) = (loop^ (pos n)) S¹-loop
loop^ pos zero = refl
loop^ negsuc zero = sym S¹-loop
loop^ negsuc (suc n) = (loop^ (negsuc n)) sym S¹-loop
-- loop^ pos (suc n) = (loop^ (pos n)) ∙ S¹-loop
-- loop^ pos zero = refl
-- loop^ negsuc zero = sym S¹-loop
-- loop^ negsuc (suc n) = (loop^ (negsuc n)) ∙ sym S¹-loop
Code1 : Type
Code1 S¹-base =
@ -117,11 +117,12 @@ module _ (G : Group ) where
CodesFunc : G G G
CodesFunc g = {! !}
Codes' : K1 G hSet
Codes' : K[ G ,1] hSet
Codes' base = G , is-set
Codes' (loop x i) = G , is-set
Codes' (loop-1g i i₁) = {! !}
Codes' (loop-∙ x y i i₁) = {! !}
Codes' x = ?
module _ where
_ : (x y : G ) subst {! λ x → Codes x .snd !} {! !} {! !} {! !}