solve case 1 of theorem 7.1.11

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Michael Zhang 2024-10-20 13:44:09 -05:00
parent 136d9f67c3
commit aa460fd5af
5 changed files with 71 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module CubicalHott.Example3-6-2 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
example : {A : Type} {B : A Type}
example : {l l2 : Level} {A : Type l} {B : A Type l2}
((x : A) isProp (B x))
isProp ((x : A) B x)
example B-x-prop fx fy = λ i z B-x-prop z (B-x-prop z (fx z) (fy z) i) (B-x-prop z (fx z) (fy z) i) i

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@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ module CubicalHott.Lemma3-11-4 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import CubicalHott.Example3-6-2 renaming (example to example3-6-2)
lemma : {A : Type} isProp (isContr A)
lemma {A} A-contr-x @ (x , px) (y , py) i =
lemma : {l : Level} {A : Type l} isProp (isContr A)
lemma {A = A} A-contr-x @ (x , px) (y , py) i =
px y i , goal i where
A-is-set = isProp→isSet (isContr→isProp A-contr-x)

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Lemma3-5-1 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
lemma : {l l2 : Level} {A : Type l} {P : A Type l2}
((x : A) isProp (P x))
(u v : Σ A P)
(fst u fst v)
u v
lemma {P = P} Px-isProp u v p i = p i , goal i where
goal : PathP (λ i P (p i)) (snd u) (snd v)
goal = toPathP (Px-isProp (fst v) (subst P p (snd u)) (snd v))

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import CubicalHott.Lemma3-11-4 renaming (lemma to lemma3-11-4)
theorem : {X : Type} (n : ) isProp (isOfHLevel n X)
theorem : {l : Level} {X : Type l} (n : ) isProp (isOfHLevel n X)
theorem zero = lemma3-11-4
theorem (suc zero) isProp1 isProp2 i x y j = isProp→isSet isProp1 x y (isProp1 x y) (isProp2 x y) i j
theorem {X = X} (suc (suc n)) isHLevel1 isHLevel2 =

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@ -11,47 +11,67 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Data.Unit
open import CubicalHott.Lemma3-5-1 renaming (lemma to lemma3-5-1)
open import CubicalHott.Theorem7-1-8 renaming (theorem to theorem7-1-8)
open import CubicalHott.Theorem7-1-10 renaming (theorem to theorem7-1-10)
lemma : {l} (n : HLevel) isOfHLevel (suc n) (TypeOfHLevel l n)
lemma zero (A , a , Acontr) (B , b , Bcontr) i = A≡B i , a≡b i , λ y j wtf i y j where
eqv1 : A B
eqv1 = isoToEquiv (iso (λ _ b) (λ _ a) Bcontr Acontr)
lemma zero (A , a , Acontr) (B , b , Bcontr) i =
A≡B i , goal i where
-- isContr (A≡B i)
-- Acontr ≡ Bcontr
A≡B : A B
A≡B = ua eqv1
-- A≡B i , a≡b i , λ y j → wtf i y j where
eqv1 : A B
eqv1 = isoToEquiv (iso (λ _ b) (λ _ a) Bcontr Acontr)
a≡b : PathP (λ i A≡B i) a b
a≡b j = glue (λ { (j = i0) a ; (j = i1) b }) b
A≡B : A B
A≡B = ua eqv1
-- eqv2 : ((y : A) → a ≡ y) ≡ ((y : B) → b ≡ y)
-- eqv2 = λ i → (y : A≡B i) → a≡b i ≡ y
a≡b : PathP (λ i A≡B i) a b
a≡b j = glue (λ { (j = i0) a ; (j = i1) b }) b
-- T1 = λ { (i = i0) → ((y : A) → a ≡ y) ; (i = i1) → ((y : B) → b ≡ y) }
-- e1 = λ { (i = i0) → pathToEquiv eqv2 ; (i = i1) → idEquiv ((y : B) → b ≡ y) }
-- Uhh = primGlue ((y : B) → b ≡ y) T1 e1
-- uhh : Uhh
-- uhh = glue {T = T1} {e = e1} (λ { (i = i0) → Acontr ; (i = i1) → Bcontr }) λ y j → {! Bcontr y j !}
helper2 : (x : B) isProp ((y : B) x y)
helper2 x f1 f2 =
let helper = isProp→isSet (isContr→isProp (b , Bcontr)) in
funExt (λ (y : B) helper x y (f1 y) (f2 y))
Acontr-is-Prop : isProp ((y : A) a y)
helper : subst isContr A≡B (a , Acontr) (b , Bcontr)
helper = lemma3-5-1 helper2 (subst isContr A≡B (a , Acontr)) (b , Bcontr) (fromPathP a≡b)
wtf : PathP (λ i (y : A≡B i) a≡b i y) Acontr Bcontr
wtf = λ i y j {! !}
goal : PathP (λ i isContr (A≡B i)) (a , Acontr) (b , Bcontr)
goal = toPathP helper
-- -- eqv2 : ((y : A) → a ≡ y) ≡ ((y : B) → b ≡ y)
-- -- eqv2 = λ i → (y : A≡B i) → a≡b i ≡ y
-- -- T1 = λ { (i = i0) → ((y : A) → a ≡ y) ; (i = i1) → ((y : B) → b ≡ y) }
-- -- e1 = λ { (i = i0) → pathToEquiv eqv2 ; (i = i1) → idEquiv ((y : B) → b ≡ y) }
-- -- Uhh = primGlue ((y : B) → b ≡ y) T1 e1
-- -- uhh : Uhh
-- -- uhh = glue {T = T1} {e = e1} (λ { (i = i0) → Acontr ; (i = i1) → Bcontr }) λ y j → {! Bcontr y j !}
-- Acontr-is-Prop : isProp ((y : A) → a ≡ y)
-- wtf : PathP (λ i → (y : A≡B i) → a≡b i ≡ y) Acontr Bcontr
-- wtf = λ i y j → {! !}
-- a≡b i ≡ y
-- ———— Boundary (wanted) —————————————————————————————————————
-- i = i0 ⊢ λ i₁ → Acontr y i₁
-- i = i1 ⊢ λ i₁ → Bcontr y i₁
-- -- a≡b i ≡ y
-- -- ———— Boundary (wanted) —————————————————————————————————————
-- -- i = i0 ⊢ λ i₁ → Acontr y i₁
-- -- i = i1 ⊢ λ i₁ → Bcontr y i₁
-- z = let
-- z1 = λ (y : A≡B i) (j : I) →
-- let u = λ k → λ where
-- (i = i0) → Acontr y (~ j)
-- (i = i1) → Bcontr y j
-- (j = i0) → a≡b i
-- (j = i1) → {! y i !}
-- in hfill u (inS (a≡b {! j !})) j
-- in {! !}
-- z = let
-- z1 = λ (y : A≡B i) (j : I) →
-- let u = λ k → λ where
-- (i = i0) → Acontr y (~ j)
-- (i = i1) → Bcontr y j
-- (j = i0) → a≡b i
-- (j = i1) → {! y i !}
-- in hfill u (inS (a≡b {! j !})) j
-- in {! !}
lemma (suc zero) (A , A-prop) (B , B-prop) x y i j = {! !}
@ -85,4 +105,4 @@ lemma (suc (suc n)) x y = {! !}
-- -- (glue (λ { (i = i1) → {! !} }) {! !})
-- -- (glue (λ { (i = i0) → a ; (i = i1) → b }) b))
-- lemma (suc n) x y = {! !}