This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 56 additions and 28 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
-- Extra stuff not in the cubical standard library
module ThesisWork.ExactCouple where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.DirProd
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Int
open import ThesisWork.Graded
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
module _ {R : Ring ℓ} where
ℤ×ℤGroup = DirProd ℤGroup ℤGroup
ℤ×ℤ = ⟨ ℤ×ℤGroup ⟩
record ExactCouple : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
D E : GradedModule R ℤ×ℤ
i : GradedHom R ℤ×ℤGroup D D
j : GradedHom R ℤ×ℤGroup D E
k : GradedHom R ℤ×ℤGroup E D
deriveExactCouple : {R : Ring ℓ} → ExactCouple {R = R} → ExactCouple {R = R}
deriveExactCouple = {! !}
@ -15,11 +15,14 @@ private
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
module _ {R : Ring ℓ} where
compLeftModule : {M N P : LeftModule R ℓ'}
idLeftModuleHom : (M : LeftModule R ℓ') → LeftModuleHom M M
idLeftModuleHom M = (idfun ⟨ M ⟩) , record { pres0 = refl ; pres+ = λ x y → refl ; pres- = λ x → refl ; pres⋆ = λ r y → refl }
compLeftModuleHom : {M N P : LeftModule R ℓ'}
→ (f : LeftModuleHom M N)
→ (g : LeftModuleHom N P)
→ LeftModuleHom M P
compLeftModule {M = M} {N} {P} f g =
compLeftModuleHom {M = M} {N} {P} f g =
fg , record { pres0 = pres0 ; pres+ = pres+ ; pres- = pres- ; pres⋆ = pres⋆ } where
open LeftModuleStr (M .snd) using () renaming (0m to 0M; _+_ to _+M_; -_ to -M_; _⋆_ to _⋆M_)
open LeftModuleStr (N .snd) using () renaming (0m to 0N; _+_ to _+N_; -_ to -N_; _⋆_ to _⋆N_)
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ private
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
-- Using FVD's definition of graded here
graded : Type ℓ → Type ℓ' → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
graded str I = I → str
@ -35,6 +36,13 @@ module _ (R : Ring ℓ) (G : Group ℓ') (M₁ M₂ : GradedModule R ⟨ G ⟩)
-- Graded abelian group homomorphism (definition 5.1.1 in FVD thesis)
-- https://git.mzhang.io/michael/Spectral/src/commit/ea402f56eaf63c8668313fb4c6a382d95a45f5ea/algebra/graded.hlean#L45-L48
-- Wikipedia definition: A morphism (f : N → M) of graded modules,
-- called a graded morphism or graded homomorphism,
-- is a homomorphism of the underlying modules that respects grading;
-- i.e. f(Nᵢ) ⊆ Mᵢ.
-- Question: why did FVD use Equivalences here? Could I just use GroupHom?
record GradedHom : Type (ℓ-max ℓ (ℓ-suc ℓ')) where
constructor mkGradedHom
@ -46,10 +54,14 @@ module _ (R : Ring ℓ) (G : Group ℓ') (M₁ M₂ : GradedModule R ⟨ G ⟩)
let e = groupEquivFun equiv in -- the function of the equivalence
{x y : ⟨ G ⟩} → (p : e x ≡ y) → (M₁ x) -[lm]→ (M₂ y)
idGradedModuleHom : {R : Ring ℓ} {G : Group ℓ'} (M : GradedModule R ⟨ G ⟩) → GradedHom R G M M
idGradedModuleHom {G = G} M = mkGradedHom idGroupEquiv (λ g → sym (·IdR g)) (λ {x = x} p → J (λ y p → M x -[lm]→ M y) (idLeftModuleHom (M x)) p) where
open GroupStr (G .snd)
-- Composition of graded homomorphisms
gradedHomComp : {R : Ring ℓ} {G : Group ℓ'} {M₁ M₂ M₃ : GradedModule R ⟨ G ⟩}
compGradedModuleHom : {R : Ring ℓ} {G : Group ℓ'} {M₁ M₂ M₃ : GradedModule R ⟨ G ⟩}
→ (f : GradedHom R G M₁ M₂) → (g : GradedHom R G M₂ M₃) → GradedHom R G M₁ M₃
gradedHomComp {G = G} {M₁} {M₂} {M₃} (mkGradedHom feqv fp ffn) (mkGradedHom geqv gp gfn) =
compGradedModuleHom {G = G} {M₁} {M₂} {M₃} (mkGradedHom feqv fp ffn) (mkGradedHom geqv gp gfn) =
mkGradedHom (compGroupEquiv feqv geqv) fgp fgFn where
-- Composition of the equivalence
fgEqv : ⟨ G ⟩ ≃ ⟨ G ⟩
@ -61,26 +73,6 @@ gradedHomComp {G = G} {M₁} {M₂} {M₃} (mkGradedHom feqv fp ffn) (mkGradedHo
f = feqv .fst .fst
g = geqv .fst .fst
fg = fgEqv .fst
-- -- Reminder: these are definitionally equal
-- _ : fg ≡ λ x → g (f x)
-- _ = refl
-- fgEqvIsGroupEquiv : IsGroupEquiv (G .snd) fgEqv (G .snd)
-- -- f(g(x · y)) ≡ f(g(x)) · f(g(y))
-- -- f(g(x) · g(y)) ≡
-- -- f(g(x)) · f(g(y)) ≡
-- fgEqvIsGroupEquiv .pres· x y =
-- let p = refl {x = g (f (x · y))} in -- g(f(x·y)) ≡ g(f(x·y))
-- let p = p ∙ cong g (feqv .snd .pres· x y) in -- g(f(x·y)) ≡ g(f(x)·f(y))
-- let p = p ∙ geqv .snd .pres· (f x) (f y) in -- g(f(x·y)) ≡ g(f(x))·g(f(y))
-- p
-- fgEqvIsGroupEquiv .pres1 = cong g (feqv .snd .pres1) ∙ geqv .snd .pres1
-- fgEqvIsGroupEquiv .presinv x =
-- let p = refl {x = g (f (inv x))} in -- g(f(inv x)) ≡ g(f(inv x))
-- let p = p ∙ cong g (feqv .snd .presinv x) in -- g(f(inv x)) ≡ g(inv(f x))
-- let p = p ∙ geqv .snd .presinv (f x) in -- g(f(inv x)) ≡ inv(g(f x))
-- p
fgp : (x : ⟨ G ⟩) → fg x ≡ x · fg 1g
fgp x =
@ -91,7 +83,7 @@ gradedHomComp {G = G} {M₁} {M₂} {M₃} (mkGradedHom feqv fp ffn) (mkGradedHo
fgFn : {x y : ⟨ G ⟩} → fg x ≡ y → M₁ x -[lm]→ M₃ y
fgFn {x} {y} p = compLeftModule (ffn refl) (gfn p)
fgFn {x} {y} p = compLeftModuleHom (ffn refl) (gfn p)
-- p : g(f(x)) ≡ y
-- break into f(x) ≡ z and g(z) ≡ y for some z
-- just pick z = f(x) and the second can use p
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ module _ (R : Ring ℓ) where
-- differentials, are graded morphisms dᵣ : Eᵣ → Eᵣ such that dᵣ ◦ dᵣ = 0
d : (s : ℕ) → E s -[gm]→ E s
dᵣ∘dᵣ≡0 :
let _∘_ = λ (x y : {! !}) → {! !} in
(s : ℕ) → ({! !} ∘ {! !}) ≡ {! !}
dᵣ∘dᵣ≡0 : (s : ℕ) → compGradedModuleHom (d s) (d s) ≡ idGradedModuleHom (E s)
-- Isomorphisms
-- the cohomology of the cochain complex determined by dᵣ.
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