showed that this is an exact sequence

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Michael Zhang 2025-01-04 02:33:22 -05:00
parent 5f6faff909
commit b7cba30de2
2 changed files with 55 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Structures.Successor
@ -37,4 +38,11 @@ module _ {A B C : Group } where
isWeakExactAtRefl : (f : GroupHom A B) (g : GroupHom B C) isWeakExactAt f g refl isExactAt f g
isWeakExactAtRefl f g i = (b : B ) (isInKer g (transportRefl b i) isInIm f b) × (isInIm f b isInKer g (transportRefl b i))
record ExactSequence : Type where
-- Type-valued exact sequence
-- No truncations
record ExactSequence∙ { N : Level} (N : SuccStr N) : Type (-max N (-suc )) where
open SuccStr N
seq : (n : Index) Pointed
fun : (n : Index) seq (succ n) seq n
exactness : (n : Index) isExactAt∙ (fun (succ n)) (fun n)

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@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import ThesisWork.Exactness
-- The long exact sequence of homotopy groups
-- Except indexed by a successor structure (Cubical.Structures.Successor)
-- Also based off of Axel Ljungstrom's work in Cubical.Homotopy.Group.LES
@ -94,12 +96,53 @@ module πLES {X Y : Pointed } (f : X →∙ Y) where
fSeq : (n : ) (ASeq (suc n) ASeq n)
fSeq n = (F'^ n (X , Y , f)) .snd .snd
module _ where
open ExactSequence∙
-- It is easy to show that (Aₙ,fₙ)ₙ is a type-valued exact sequence, since
-- Aₙ₊₂ is (definitionally) the fiber of fₙ
Aₙ,fₙ-ExactSequence∙ : ExactSequence∙ +
Aₙ,fₙ-ExactSequence∙ .seq = ASeq
Aₙ,fₙ-ExactSequence∙ .fun = fSeq
Aₙ,fₙ-ExactSequence∙ .exactness n b = ker→im , im→ker where
ker→im : isInKer∙ (fSeq n) b isInIm∙ (fSeq (suc n)) b
ker→im k =
-- k : fₙ(b) ≡ 0_Aₙ
-- now trying to find an element b' : Aₙ₊₂ s.t fₙ₊₁(b') ≡ b
-- but we know Aₙ₊₂ is definitionally equal to the fiber of fₙ at Aₙ's basepoint
-- so essentially we are looking to find a pair:
-- - b'₁, an element of Aₙ₊₁
-- - b'₂, a proof that fₙ(b'₁) ≡ 0_Aₙ
-- Fortunately, we already have b and k to satisfy this.
-- The last part requires that fₙ₊₁((b, k)) ≡ b
-- But fₙ₊₁ is defined to be the fst projection
-- So this is refl
(b , k) , refl
im→ker : isInIm∙ (fSeq (suc n)) b isInKer∙ (fSeq n) b
im→ker p =
-- p : b is in the image of fₙ₊₁
-- the proof of p is
-- - p₁, an element of the domain of fₙ₊₁, which is Aₙ₊₂
-- - p₂, a proof that fₙ₊₁(p₁) ≡ b
-- But since Aₙ₊₂ is defined to be the fiber of fₙ at Aₙ's basepoint
-- which means it consists of pairs...
-- - p₁₁, an element of Aₙ₊₁
-- - p₁₂, a proof that fₙ(p₁₁) ≡ 0_Aₙ
-- we now look for a proof that fₙ(b) ≡ 0_Aₙ
-- this is (_ : fₙ(b) ≡ fₙ(fₙ₊₁(p₁))) ∙ (_ : fₙ(p₁₁) ≡ 0_Aₙ)
cong (fSeq n .fst) (sym (p .snd)) p .fst .snd
-- δ : ΩY → F
δ : Ω Y F
δ = {! p₁ !} ∘∙ {! !}
δ = {! !} ∘∙ {! e⁻¹ .fst !} where
e = lemmaEqv f
e⁻¹ = invEquiv∙ e
πSeqHom : (n : NFin3) GroupHom (πSeq (sucNFin3 n)) (πSeq n)
πSeqHom (n , 0 , p) = πHom n f
πSeqHom (n , 1 , p) = πHom n p₁
πSeqHom (n , 2 , p) = {! πHom !}
πSeqHom (n , suc (suc (suc k)) , p) = ⊥-rec (¬m+n<m p)
πSeqHom (n , 2 , p) = {! πHom !}
πSeqHom (n , suc (suc (suc k)) , p) = ⊥-rec (¬m+n<m p)