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6 changed files with 280 additions and 13 deletions
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module Exercises1 where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import foundation-core.empty-types
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.negation
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.univalence
open import foundation.sections
open import foundation.retractions
_≡_ = _=_
⊥ = empty
equal-to-zero : {A : Set} (f : ¬ A) → A ≡ ⊥
equal-to-zero {A} f = eq-equiv A ⊥ eqv
s : section f
s = (λ ()) , λ x → ex-falso x
r : retraction f
r = (λ ()) , λ x → ex-falso (f x)
eqv : A ≃ ⊥
eqv = f , s , r
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Inductive empty : Type := .
Definition slide16_exercise (t : empty): bool :=
match t with end.
Definition slide18_exercise (t : nat): bool :=
match t with
| O => true
| S _ => false
(* Slide 22, Exercise 1*)
Definition fst {A B : Type} (p : A × B): A.
induction p.
apply pr1.
(* Show Proof. *)
Definition snd {A B : Type} (p : A × B): B.
induction p.
apply pr2.
Definition swap {A B : Type} (p : A × B): B × A :=
match p with (a ,, b) => (b ,, a) end.
(* Definition swap {A B : Type} (p : A × B): B × A.
induction p.
- apply pr2.
- apply pr1.
Defined. *)
(* Slide 38, Exercise: transport *)
Definition transport {A : Type} {B : A -> Type}
{x y : A} (p : paths x y) (bx : B x): B y.
induction p.
apply bx.
(* Show Proof. *)
(* Slide 39, Exercise: swap involutive *)
Definition slide39_exercise {A B : Type} (t : A × B) : paths (swap (swap t)) t.
Show Proof.
(* Slide 44, Exercise: neg *)
(* Definition slide44_exercise {A : Type} : not *)
@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ Important features in MLTT:
#let Nat = $sans("Nat")$
#let Vect = $sans("Vect")$
#let Bool = $sans("Bool")$
#let tru = $sans("true")$
#let fls = $sans("false")$
- Dependent types and functions.
e.g $ "concatenate": Pi_(m,n:"Nat") Vect(m) -> Vect(n) -> Vect(m+n) $
- Function arrows always associate to the right.
@ -36,11 +40,13 @@ $ "context" tack.r "conclusion" $
$ "isZero?"& : Nat -> "Bool" \
"isZero?"& (n) :defeq "??"
#let isZero = $sans("isZero?")$
$ isZero& : Nat -> Bool \
isZero& (n) :defeq "??"
At this point, looking for $(n: Nat) tack.r "isZero?"(n) : "Bool"$.
At this point, looking for $(n: Nat) tack.r isZero(n) : Bool$.
=== Inference rules
@ -96,13 +102,16 @@ If $a defeq a'$ then $f @ a defeq f @ a'$.
Example (context $Gamma$ are elided):
=== Functions
[If $A$ and $B$ are types, then $A -> B$ is a type
#prooftree(axiom($Gamma tack.r A$), axiom($Gamma tack.r B$), rule(n: 2, $Gamma tack.r A -> B$))],
[If $(x : A) tack.r b : B$, then $tack.r lambda (x : A) . b(x) : A -> B$
- $b$ is an expression that might involve $x$],
[If we have a function $f : A -> B$, and $a : A$, then $f @ a : B$ (or $f(a) : B$)],
[What is the result of the application? $(lambda(x : A) . b(x)) @ a defeq subst(a, x, b)$
[What is the result of the application? \
$(lambda(x : A) . b(x)) @ a defeq subst(a, x, b)$
- Substitution $subst(a, x, b)$ is built-in],
@ -112,9 +121,12 @@ Questions:
Another example: the singleton type
=== Unit type
#let unit = $bb(1)$
#let tt = $t t$
#let tt = $star$
#let rec = $sans("rec")$
#let ind = $sans("ind")$
[$unit$ is a type],
@ -127,11 +139,7 @@ Another example: the singleton type
- Question: *How to construct this using lambda abstraction?*
- (Structural rule: having $tack.r c : C$ means $x : unit tack.r c : C$, which by the lambda introduction rule gives us $lambda x.c : unit -> C$)
#let Bool = $sans("Bool")$
#let tru = $sans("true")$
#let fls = $sans("false")$
=== Booleans
[$Bool$ is a type],
@ -140,7 +148,7 @@ Booleans
[$rec_Bool (C, c, c', tru) defeq c$ and $rec_Bool (C, c, c', fls) defeq c'$],
Empty type
=== Empty type
#let empty = $bb(0)$
@ -151,7 +159,7 @@ Empty type
[_(no computation rule)_],
Natural numbers
=== Natural numbers
#let zero = $sans("zero")$
#let suc = $sans("suc")$
@ -166,3 +174,169 @@ Natural numbers
We can define computation rule on naturals using a universal property],
=== Pattern matching
*Exercise.* Define a function $isZero : Nat -> Bool$.
*Solution.* $isZero :defeq lambda (x : Nat) . rec_Nat (Bool , tru, lambda (x : Bool) . fls , x)$.
This is cumbersome and prone to mistakes. Instead we use pattern matching. A function $A -> C$ is completely specified if it's specified on the *canonical elements* of $A$.
$ isZero& : Nat -> Bool \
isZero& zero defeq tru \
isZero& suc (n) defeq fls \
=== Pairs
#let pair = $sans("pair")$
[If $A$ and $B$ are types, then $A times B$ is a type],
[If $a : A$ and $b : B$, then $pair(a, b) : A times B$],
[If $C$ is a type, and $p : A -> B -> C$ and $t : A times B$, then $rec_times (A, B, C, p, t) : C$],
#let fst = $sans("fst")$
#let snd = $sans("snd")$
#let swap = $sans("swap")$
#let assoc = $sans("assoc")$
*Exercise.* Define $snd : A times B -> A$ and $snd : A times B -> B$.
*Exercise.* Given types $A$ and $B$, write a function $swap$ of type $A times B -> B times A$.
*Exercise.* What is the type of $swap @ pair (tt , fls)$?
*Exercise.* Write a function $assoc$ of type $(A times B) times C -> A times (B times C)$
=== Type dependency
In particular: dependent type $B$ over $A$. (read "family $B$ of types indexed by $A$")
Example: type of vectors.
$ n : Nat tack.r Vect(n) $
=== Universes
#let Type = $sans("Type")$
There is a type $Type$. Its elements are types ($A : Type$). The dependent function $x : A tack.r B$ can be considered a function $lambda x . B : A -> Type$.
What is the type of $Type$? $Type$ is in an indexed hierarchy to avoid type-in-type paradox. We usually omit the index: $Type_i : Type_(i + 1)$
=== Dependent functions $product_(x : A) B$
[If $A$ is a type, and $B$ is a type family indexed by $A$, then there is a type $product_(x : A) B$],
[If $(x : A) tack.r b : B$, then $lambda (x : A) . b : product_(x : A) B$],
[If $f : product_(x : A) B$ and $a : A$, then $f(a) : subst(x, a, B)$],
[$(lambda (x : A) . b) ( a) defeq subst(x, a, b)$
- The case $A -> B$ is a special case of the dependent function, where $B$ doesn't depend on $x : A$],
=== Dependent pairs $Sigma_(x : A) B$
[If $x : A tack.r B$, then there is a type $Sigma_(x : A) B$],
[If $a : A$ and $b : B(a)$, then $pair (a, b) : Sigma_(x : A) B$],
- The case $A times B$ is a special case of the dependent function, where $B$ doesn't depend on $x : A$],
=== Identity type
#let Id = $sans("Id")$
#let refl = $sans("refl")$
#let propeq = $=$
[If $a : A$ and $b : A$, then $Id_A (a, b)$ is a type],
[If $a : A$, then $refl(a) : Id_A (a, a)$],
- If $(x, y : A), (p : Id_A (x, y)) tack.r C (x, y, p)$
- and $(x : A) tack.r t(x) : C(x, x, refl(x))$
- then $(x, y : A), (p : Id_A (x, y)) tack.r ind_Id (t; x, y, p) : C(x, y, p)$],
- (There are dependent versions of each of the previous elimination rules that resulted in $C$)
- $ind$ "induction" is used more when the $C$ is dependent, while $rec$ is better for non-dependent $C$'s.
For example, to define:
#let sym = $sans("sym")$
$ sym : product_(x, y : A) Id(x, y) -> Id(y, x) $
it suffices to just specify its image on $(x, x, refl)$
axiom($x : A tack.r refl(x) : Id(x, x)$),
rule($(x, y : A) , (p : Id(x, y)) tack.r Id(y, x)$),
rule($x, y : A tack.r Id(x, y) -> Id(y, x)$),
rule($sym : product_(x, y : A) Id(x, y) -> Id(y, x)$)
So $sym(x, x, refl(x)) :defeq refl(x)$
#let transport = $sans("transport")$
*Exercise.* Define $transport^B : product_(x, y : A) Id(x, y) -> B(x) -> B(y)$.
*Exercise: swap is involutive.* Given types $A$ and $B$, write a function $product_(t : A times B) Id(swap(swap(t)), t)$
=== Disjoint sum
#let inl = $sans("inl")$
#let inr = $sans("inr")$
[If $A$ and $B$ are types, then $A + B$ is a type],
- If $a : A$, then $inl(a) : A + B$
- If $b : B$, then $inr(b) : A + B$
[If $f : A -> C$ and $g : B ->C $ then $rec_+ (C, f, g) : A + B -> C$],
- $rec_+ (C, f, g)( inl(a)) defeq f(a)$
- $rec_+ (C, f, g)( inr(b)) defeq g(a)$
=== Interpreting types as sets and propositions
columns: 3,
stroke: 0in,
[$A$], [set $A$], [proposition $A$],
[$a:A$], [$a in A$], [$a$ is a proof of $A$],
[$unit$], [], [$top$],
[$empty$], [], [$bot$],
[$A times B$], [cartesian product], [$A and B$],
[$A + B$], [disjoint unions $A B$], [$A or B$],
[$A -> B$], [set of functions $A -> B$], [$A => B$],
[$x : A tack.r B(x)$], [], [predicate $B$ on $A$],
[$sum_(x : A) B(x)$], [], [$exists x in A, B(x)$],
[$product_(x : A) B(x)$], [], [$forall x in A, B(x)$],
[$Id_A (a, b)$], [], [equality $a = b$],
The connectives $forall$ and $exists$ behave constructively.
The interpretation into propositions is known as the *Curry-Howard correspondence*.
=== Negation
$ not A :defeq A -> empty $
*Exercise.* Construct a term of type $A -> not not A$.
*Exercise ($tru eq.not fls$).* Construct a term of type $not Id(tru, fls)$.
*Solution.* Let $B :defeq rec_Bool (Type, unit, empty)$. Then $B(tru) defeq unit$ and $B(fls) defeq empty$. Then:
$ lambda (p : Id(tru, fls)) . transport^B (p, tt) : Id(tru, fls) -> empty $
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= Coq
UniMath is library for univalent math.
Plain coq has general coinductive datatypes and other things we will not use.
Also, univalence axiom is assumed.
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depend: agda-unimath
include: .
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