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2018-04-17 20:15:08 -04:00
Require Import Frap.
(** * Syntax and semantics of a simple imperative language *)
Inductive exp :=
| Const (n : nat)
| Var (x : string)
| Read (e1 : exp)
| Plus (e1 e2 : exp)
| Minus (e1 e2 : exp)
| Mult (e1 e2 : exp).
Inductive bexp :=
| Equal (e1 e2 : exp)
| Less (e1 e2 : exp).
Definition heap := fmap nat nat.
Definition valuation := fmap var nat.
Definition assertion := heap -> valuation -> Prop.
Inductive cmd :=
| Skip
| Assign (x : var) (e : exp)
| Write (e1 e2 : exp)
| Seq (c1 c2 : cmd)
| If_ (be : bexp) (then_ else_ : cmd)
| While_ (inv : assertion) (be : bexp) (body : cmd)
| Assert (a : assertion).
(* Shorthand notation for looking up in a finite map, returning zero if the key
* is not found *)
Notation "m $! k" := (match m $? k with Some n => n | None => O end) (at level 30).
(* Start of expression semantics: meaning of expressions *)
Fixpoint eval (e : exp) (h : heap) (v : valuation) : nat :=
match e with
| Const n => n
| Var x => v $! x
| Read e1 => h $! eval e1 h v
| Plus e1 e2 => eval e1 h v + eval e2 h v
| Minus e1 e2 => eval e1 h v - eval e2 h v
| Mult e1 e2 => eval e1 h v * eval e2 h v
(* Meaning of Boolean expressions *)
Fixpoint beval (b : bexp) (h : heap) (v : valuation) : bool :=
match b with
| Equal e1 e2 => if eval e1 h v ==n eval e2 h v then true else false
| Less e1 e2 => if eval e2 h v <=? eval e1 h v then false else true
(* A big-step operational semantics for commands *)
Inductive exec : heap -> valuation -> cmd -> heap -> valuation -> Prop :=
| ExSkip : forall h v,
exec h v Skip h v
| ExAssign : forall h v x e,
exec h v (Assign x e) h (v $+ (x, eval e h v))
| ExWrite : forall h v e1 e2,
exec h v (Write e1 e2) (h $+ (eval e1 h v, eval e2 h v)) v
| ExSeq : forall h1 v1 c1 h2 v2 c2 h3 v3,
exec h1 v1 c1 h2 v2
-> exec h2 v2 c2 h3 v3
-> exec h1 v1 (Seq c1 c2) h3 v3
| ExIfTrue : forall h1 v1 b c1 c2 h2 v2,
beval b h1 v1 = true
-> exec h1 v1 c1 h2 v2
-> exec h1 v1 (If_ b c1 c2) h2 v2
| ExIfFalse : forall h1 v1 b c1 c2 h2 v2,
beval b h1 v1 = false
-> exec h1 v1 c2 h2 v2
-> exec h1 v1 (If_ b c1 c2) h2 v2
| ExWhileFalse : forall I h v b c,
beval b h v = false
-> exec h v (While_ I b c) h v
| ExWhileTrue : forall I h1 v1 b c h2 v2 h3 v3,
beval b h1 v1 = true
-> exec h1 v1 c h2 v2
-> exec h2 v2 (While_ I b c) h3 v3
-> exec h1 v1 (While_ I b c) h3 v3
(* Assertions execute only when they are true. They provide a way to embed
* proof obligations within programs. *)
| ExAssert : forall h v (a : assertion),
a h v
-> exec h v (Assert a) h v.
(** * Hoare logic *)
Inductive hoare_triple : assertion -> cmd -> assertion -> Prop :=
| HtSkip : forall P, hoare_triple P Skip P
| HtAssign : forall (P : assertion) x e,
hoare_triple P (Assign x e) (fun h v => exists v', P h v' /\ v = v' $+ (x, eval e h v'))
| HtWrite : forall (P : assertion) (e1 e2 : exp),
hoare_triple P (Write e1 e2) (fun h v => exists h', P h' v /\ h = h' $+ (eval e1 h' v, eval e2 h' v))
| HtSeq : forall (P Q R : assertion) c1 c2,
hoare_triple P c1 Q
-> hoare_triple Q c2 R
-> hoare_triple P (Seq c1 c2) R
| HtIf : forall (P Q1 Q2 : assertion) b c1 c2,
hoare_triple (fun h v => P h v /\ beval b h v = true) c1 Q1
-> hoare_triple (fun h v => P h v /\ beval b h v = false) c2 Q2
-> hoare_triple P (If_ b c1 c2) (fun h v => Q1 h v \/ Q2 h v)
| HtWhile : forall (I P : assertion) b c,
(forall h v, P h v -> I h v)
-> hoare_triple (fun h v => I h v /\ beval b h v = true) c I
-> hoare_triple P (While_ I b c) (fun h v => I h v /\ beval b h v = false)
| HtAssert : forall P I : assertion,
(forall h v, P h v -> I h v)
-> hoare_triple P (Assert I) P
| HtConsequence : forall (P Q P' Q' : assertion) c,
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall h v, P' h v -> P h v)
-> (forall h v, Q h v -> Q' h v)
-> hoare_triple P' c Q'.
Lemma hoare_triple_big_step_while: forall (I : assertion) b c,
(forall h v h' v', exec h v c h' v'
-> I h v
-> beval b h v = true
-> I h' v')
-> forall h v h' v', exec h v (While_ I b c) h' v'
-> I h v
-> I h' v' /\ beval b h' v' = false.
induct 2; eauto.
Theorem hoare_triple_big_step : forall pre c post,
hoare_triple pre c post
-> forall h v h' v', exec h v c h' v'
-> pre h v
-> post h' v'.
induct 1; eauto; invert 1; eauto.
eapply hoare_triple_big_step_while; eauto.
(* BEGIN syntax macros that won't be explained *)
Coercion Const : nat >-> exp.
Coercion Var : string >-> exp.
Notation "*[ e ]" := (Read e) : cmd_scope.
Infix "+" := Plus : cmd_scope.
Infix "-" := Minus : cmd_scope.
Infix "*" := Mult : cmd_scope.
Infix "=" := Equal : cmd_scope.
Infix "<" := Less : cmd_scope.
Definition set (dst src : exp) : cmd :=
match dst with
| Read dst' => Write dst' src
| Var dst' => Assign dst' src
| _ => Assign "Bad LHS" 0
Infix "<-" := set (no associativity, at level 70) : cmd_scope.
Infix ";;" := Seq (right associativity, at level 75) : cmd_scope.
Notation "'when' b 'then' then_ 'else' else_ 'done'" := (If_ b then_ else_) (at level 75, b at level 0).
Notation "{{ I }} 'while' b 'loop' body 'done'" := (While_ I b body) (at level 75).
Notation "'assert' {{ I }}" := (Assert I) (at level 75).
Delimit Scope cmd_scope with cmd.
Infix "+" := plus : reset_scope.
Infix "-" := Init.Nat.sub : reset_scope.
2018-04-17 20:15:08 -04:00
Infix "*" := mult : reset_scope.
Infix "=" := eq : reset_scope.
Infix "<" := lt : reset_scope.
Delimit Scope reset_scope with reset.
Open Scope reset_scope.
(* END macros *)
(* We should draw some attention to the next notation, which defines special
* lambdas for writing assertions. *)
Notation "h & v ~> e" := (fun h v => e%reset) (at level 85, v at level 0).
(* And here's the classic notation for Hoare triples. *)
Notation "{{ P }} c {{ Q }}" := (hoare_triple P c%cmd Q) (at level 90, c at next level).
(* Special case of consequence: keeping the precondition; only changing the
* postcondition. *)
Lemma HtStrengthenPost : forall (P Q Q' : assertion) c,
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall h v, Q h v -> Q' h v)
-> hoare_triple P c Q'.
simplify; eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
(* Finally, three tactic definitions that we won't explain. The overall tactic
* [ht] tries to prove Hoare triples, essentially by rote application of the
* rules. Some other obligations are generated, generally of implications
* between assertions, and [ht] also makes a best effort to solve those. *)
Ltac ht1 := apply HtSkip || apply HtAssign || apply HtWrite || eapply HtSeq
|| eapply HtIf || eapply HtWhile || eapply HtAssert
|| eapply HtStrengthenPost.
Ltac t := cbv beta; propositional; subst;
repeat match goal with
| [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => invert H; propositional; subst
repeat match goal with
| [ _ : context[?a <=? ?b] |- _ ] => destruct (a <=? b); try discriminate
| [ H : ?E = ?E |- _ ] => clear H
end; simplify; propositional; auto; try equality; try linear_arithmetic.
Ltac ht := simplify; repeat ht1; t.
(** * Some examples of verified programs *)
(** ** Swapping the values in two variables *)
Theorem swap_ok : forall a b,
{{_&v ~> v $! "x" = a /\ v $! "y" = b}}
"tmp" <- "x";;
"x" <- "y";;
"y" <- "tmp"
{{_&v ~> v $! "x" = b /\ v $! "y" = a}}.
(** ** Computing the maximum of two variables *)
Theorem max_ok : forall a b,
{{_&v ~> v $! "x" = a /\ v $! "y" = b}}
when "x" < "y" then
"m" <- "y"
"m" <- "x"
{{_&v ~> v $! "m" = max a b}}.
(** ** Iterative factorial *)
Theorem fact_ok : forall n,
{{_&v ~> v $! "n" = n}}
"acc" <- 1;;
{{_&v ~> True}}
while 0 < "n" loop
"acc" <- "acc" * "n";;
"n" <- "n" - 1
{{_&v ~> v $! "acc" = fact n}}.
(** ** Selection sort *)
(* This is our one example of a program reading/writing memory, which holds the
* representation of an array that we want to sort in-place. *)
(* One simple lemma turns out to be helpful to guide [eauto] properly. *)
Lemma leq_f : forall A (m : fmap A nat) x y,
x = y
-> m $! x <= m $! y.
Hint Resolve leq_f.
Hint Extern 1 (@eq nat _ _) => linear_arithmetic.
Hint Extern 1 (_ < _) => linear_arithmetic.
Hint Extern 1 (_ <= _) => linear_arithmetic.
(* We also register [linear_arithmetic] as a step to try during proof search. *)
Theorem selectionSort_ok :
{{_&_ ~> True}}
"i" <- 0;;
{{h&v ~> True}}
while "i" < "n" loop
"j" <- "i"+1;;
"best" <- "i";;
{{h&v ~> True}}
while "j" < "n" loop
when *["a" + "j"] < *["a" + "best"] then
"best" <- "j"
"j" <- "j" + 1
"tmp" <- *["a" + "best"];;
*["a" + "best"] <- *["a" + "i"];;
*["a" + "i"] <- "tmp";;
"i" <- "i" + 1
{{h&v ~> forall i j, i < j < v $! "n" -> h $! (v $! "a" + i) <= h $! (v $! "a" + j)}}.
(** * An alternative correctness theorem for Hoare logic, with small-step semantics *)
Inductive step : heap * valuation * cmd -> heap * valuation * cmd -> Prop :=
| StAssign : forall h v x e,
step (h, v, Assign x e) (h, v $+ (x, eval e h v), Skip)
| StWrite : forall h v e1 e2,
step (h, v, Write e1 e2) (h $+ (eval e1 h v, eval e2 h v), v, Skip)
| StStepSkip : forall h v c,
step (h, v, Seq Skip c) (h, v, c)
| StStepRec : forall h1 v1 c1 h2 v2 c1' c2,
step (h1, v1, c1) (h2, v2, c1')
-> step (h1, v1, Seq c1 c2) (h2, v2, Seq c1' c2)
| StIfTrue : forall h v b c1 c2,
beval b h v = true
-> step (h, v, If_ b c1 c2) (h, v, c1)
| StIfFalse : forall h v b c1 c2,
beval b h v = false
-> step (h, v, If_ b c1 c2) (h, v, c2)
| StWhileFalse : forall I h v b c,
beval b h v = false
-> step (h, v, While_ I b c) (h, v, Skip)
| StWhileTrue : forall I h v b c,
beval b h v = true
-> step (h, v, While_ I b c) (h, v, Seq c (While_ I b c))
| StAssert : forall h v (a : assertion),
a h v
-> step (h, v, Assert a) (h, v, Skip).
Hint Constructors step.
Definition trsys_of (st : heap * valuation * cmd) := {|
Initial := {st};
Step := step
Definition unstuck (st : heap * valuation * cmd) :=
snd st = Skip
\/ exists st', step st st'.
Lemma hoare_triple_unstuck : forall P c Q,
{{P}} c {{Q}}
-> forall h v, P h v
-> unstuck (h, v, c).
induct 1; unfold unstuck; simplify; propositional; eauto.
apply IHhoare_triple1 in H1.
unfold unstuck in H1; simplify; first_order; subst; eauto.
cases x.
cases p.
cases (beval b h v); eauto.
cases (beval b h v); eauto.
apply H0 in H2.
apply IHhoare_triple in H2.
unfold unstuck in H2; simplify; first_order.
Lemma hoare_triple_Skip : forall P Q,
{{P}} Skip {{Q}}
-> forall h v, P h v -> Q h v.
induct 1; auto.
Lemma hoare_triple_step : forall P c Q,
{{P}} c {{Q}}
-> forall h v h' v' c',
step (h, v, c) (h', v', c')
-> P h v
-> {{h''&v'' ~> h'' = h' /\ v'' = v'}} c' {{Q}}.
induct 1.
invert 1.
invert 1; ht; eauto.
invert 1; ht; eauto.
invert 1; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
propositional; subst.
eapply hoare_triple_Skip; eauto.
econstructor; eauto.
invert 1; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto; equality.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto; equality.
invert 1; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence with (P := h'' & v'' ~> h'' = h' /\ v'' = v').
apply HtSkip.
simplify; propositional; subst; eauto.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
simplify; propositional; subst; eauto.
econstructor; eauto.
invert 1; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
simplify; propositional; subst; eauto.
eapply HtConsequence.
eapply IHhoare_triple; eauto.
simplify; propositional; subst; eauto.
Theorem hoare_triple_invariant : forall P c Q h v,
{{P}} c {{Q}}
-> P h v
-> invariantFor (trsys_of (h, v, c)) unstuck.
apply invariant_weaken with (invariant1 := fun st => {{h&v ~> h = fst (fst st)
/\ v = snd (fst st)}}
snd st
{{_&_ ~> True}}).
apply invariant_induction; simplify.
propositional; subst; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
cases s.
cases s'.
cases p.
cases p0.
eapply hoare_triple_step; eauto.
simplify; auto.
cases s.
cases p.
eapply hoare_triple_unstuck; eauto.
simplify; auto.
(* A very simple example, just to show all this in action *)
Definition forever := (
"i" <- 1;;
"n" <- 1;;
{{h&v ~> v $! "i" > 0}}
while 0 < "i" loop
"i" <- "i" * 2;;
"n" <- "n" + "i";;
assert {{h&v ~> v $! "n" >= 1}}
assert {{_&_ ~> False}}
(* Note that this last assertion implies that the program never terminates! *)
Theorem forever_ok : {{_&_ ~> True}} forever {{_&_ ~> False}}.
Theorem forever_invariant : invariantFor (trsys_of ($0, $0, forever)) unstuck.
eapply hoare_triple_invariant.
apply forever_ok.
simplify; trivial.