Polymorphism: syntax trees

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@ -414,3 +414,191 @@ Proof.
simplify. simplify.
equality. equality.
Qed. Qed.
(** * Syntax trees *)
(* Trees are particularly important to us in studying program proof, since it is
* natural to represent programs as *syntax trees*. Here's a quick example, for
* a tiny imperative language. *)
Inductive expression : Set :=
| Const (n : nat)
| Var (x : var)
| Plus (e1 e2 : expression)
| Minus (e1 e2 : expression)
| Times (e1 e2 : expression)
| GreaterThan (e1 e2 : expression)
| Not (e : expression).
Inductive statement : Set :=
| Assign (x : var) (e : expression)
| Sequence (s1 s2 : statement)
| IfThenElse (e : expression) (s1 s2 : statement)
| WhileLoop (e : expression) (s : statement).
(* First, here's a quick sample of nifty notations to write
* almost-natural-looking embedded programs in Coq. *)
Coercion Const : nat >-> expression.
Coercion Var : string >-> expression.
Infix "+" := Plus : embedded_scope.
Infix "-" := Minus : embedded_scope.
Infix "*" := Times : embedded_scope.
Infix ">" := GreaterThan : embedded_scope.
Infix "<-" := Assign (at level 75) : embedded_scope.
Infix ";" := Sequence (at level 76) : embedded_scope.
Notation "'If' e {{ s1 }} 'else' {{ s2 }}" := (IfThenElse e s1 s2) (at level 75) : embedded_scope.
Notation "'While' e {{ s }}" := (WhileLoop e s) (at level 75) : embedded_scope.
Delimit Scope embedded_scope with embedded.
Example factorial :=
("answer" <- 1;
While ("input" > 0) {{
"answer" <- "answer" * "input";
"input" <- "input" - 1
(* A variety of compiler-style operations can be coded on top of this type.
* Here's one to count total variable occurrences. *)
Fixpoint varsInExpression (e : expression) : nat :=
match e with
| Const _ => 0
| Var _ => 1
| Plus e1 e2
| Minus e1 e2
| Times e1 e2
| GreaterThan e1 e2 => varsInExpression e1 + varsInExpression e2
| Not e1 => varsInExpression e1
Fixpoint varsInStatement (s : statement) : nat :=
match s with
| Assign _ e => 1 + varsInExpression e
| Sequence s1 s2 => varsInStatement s1 + varsInStatement s2
| IfThenElse e s1 s2 => varsInExpression e + varsInStatement s1 + varsInStatement s2
| WhileLoop e s1 => varsInExpression e + varsInStatement s1
(* We will need to wait for a few more lectures' worth of conceptual progress
* before we can prove that transformations on programs preserve meaning, but we
* do already have enough tools that prove that transformations preserve more
* basic properties, like number of variables. Here's one such transformation,
* which flips "then" and "else" cases while also negating "if" conditions. *)
Fixpoint flipper (s : statement) : statement :=
match s with
| Assign _ _ => s
| Sequence s1 s2 => Sequence (flipper s1) (flipper s2)
| IfThenElse e s1 s2 => IfThenElse (Not e) (flipper s2) (flipper s1)
| WhileLoop e s1 => WhileLoop e (flipper s1)
Theorem varsIn_flipper : forall s,
varsInStatement (flipper s) = varsInStatement s.
induct s; simplify.
(* Just for the sheer madcap fun of it, let's write some translations of
* programs into our lists from before, with variables as data values. *)
Fixpoint listifyExpression (e : expression) : list var :=
match e with
| Const _ => []
| Var x => [x]
| Plus e1 e2
| Minus e1 e2
| Times e1 e2
| GreaterThan e1 e2 => listifyExpression e1 ++ listifyExpression e2
| Not e1 => listifyExpression e1
Fixpoint listifyStatement (s : statement) : list var :=
match s with
| Assign x e => x :: listifyExpression e
| Sequence s1 s2 => listifyStatement s1 ++ listifyStatement s2
| IfThenElse e s1 s2 => listifyExpression e ++ listifyStatement s1 ++ listifyStatement s2
| WhileLoop e s1 => listifyExpression e ++ listifyStatement s1
Compute listifyStatement factorial.
(* At this point, I can't resist switching to a more automated proof style,
* though still a pretty tame one. *)
Hint Rewrite length_app.
Lemma length_listifyExpression : forall e,
length (listifyExpression e) = varsInExpression e.
induct e; simplify; linear_arithmetic.
Hint Rewrite length_listifyExpression.
Theorem length_listifyStatement : forall s,
length (listifyStatement s) = varsInStatement s.
induct s; simplify; linear_arithmetic.
(* Other transformations are also possible, like the Swedish-Chef optimization,
* that turns every variable into "bork". It saves many bits when most variable
* names are longer than 4 characters. *)
Fixpoint swedishExpression (e : expression) : expression :=
match e with
| Const _ => e
| Var _ => Var "bork"
| Plus e1 e2 => Plus (swedishExpression e1) (swedishExpression e2)
| Minus e1 e2 => Minus (swedishExpression e1) (swedishExpression e2)
| Times e1 e2 => Times (swedishExpression e1) (swedishExpression e2)
| GreaterThan e1 e2 => GreaterThan (swedishExpression e1) (swedishExpression e2)
| Not e1 => Not (swedishExpression e1)
Fixpoint swedishStatement (s : statement) : statement :=
match s with
| Assign _ e => Assign "bork" (swedishExpression e)
| Sequence s1 s2 => Sequence (swedishStatement s1) (swedishStatement s2)
| IfThenElse e s1 s2 => IfThenElse (swedishExpression e) (swedishStatement s1) (swedishStatement s2)
| WhileLoop e s1 => WhileLoop (swedishExpression e) (swedishStatement s1)
Compute swedishStatement factorial.
Fixpoint swedishList (ls : list var) : list var :=
match ls with
| [] => []
| _ :: ls => "bork" :: swedishList ls
Lemma swedishList_app : forall ls1 ls2,
swedishList (ls1 ++ ls2) = swedishList ls1 ++ swedishList ls2.
induct ls1; simplify; equality.
Hint Rewrite swedishList_app.
Lemma listifyExpression_swedishExpression : forall e,
listifyExpression (swedishExpression e) = swedishList (listifyExpression e).
induct e; simplify; equality.
Hint Rewrite listifyExpression_swedishExpression.
Lemma listifyStatement_swedishStatement : forall s,
listifyStatement (swedishStatement s) = swedishList (listifyStatement s).
induct s; simplify; equality.

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ AbstractInterpret.v
Frap.v Frap.v
BasicSyntax_template.v BasicSyntax_template.v
BasicSyntax.v BasicSyntax.v
Interpreters_template.v Interpreters_template.v
Interpreters.v Interpreters.v
TransitionSystems_template.v TransitionSystems_template.v