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Revising HoareLogic
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@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
Require Import Frap.
(** * Syntax and semantics of a simple imperative language *)
Inductive exp :=
| Const (n : nat)
| Var (x : string)
| Read (e1 : exp)
| Plus (e1 e2 : exp)
| Minus (e1 e2 : exp)
| Mult (e1 e2 : exp).
Inductive bexp :=
| Equal (e1 e2 : exp)
| Less (e1 e2 : exp).
Definition heap := fmap nat nat.
Definition valuation := fmap var nat.
Definition assertion := heap -> valuation -> Prop.
Inductive cmd :=
| Skip
| Assign (x : var) (e : exp)
| Write (e1 e2 : exp)
| Seq (c1 c2 : cmd)
| If_ (be : bexp) (then_ else_ : cmd)
| While_ (inv : assertion) (be : bexp) (body : cmd)
| Assert (a : assertion).
(* Shorthand notation for looking up in a finite map, returning zero if the key
* is not found *)
Notation "m $! k" := (match m $? k with Some n => n | None => O end) (at level 30).
(* Start of expression semantics: meaning of expressions *)
Fixpoint eval (e : exp) (h : heap) (v : valuation) : nat :=
match e with
| Const n => n
| Var x => v $! x
| Read e1 => h $! eval e1 h v
| Plus e1 e2 => eval e1 h v + eval e2 h v
| Minus e1 e2 => eval e1 h v - eval e2 h v
| Mult e1 e2 => eval e1 h v * eval e2 h v
(* Meaning of Boolean expressions *)
Fixpoint beval (b : bexp) (h : heap) (v : valuation) : bool :=
match b with
| Equal e1 e2 => if eval e1 h v ==n eval e2 h v then true else false
| Less e1 e2 => if eval e2 h v <=? eval e1 h v then false else true
(* A big-step operational semantics for commands *)
Inductive exec : heap -> valuation -> cmd -> heap -> valuation -> Prop :=
| ExSkip : forall h v,
exec h v Skip h v
| ExAssign : forall h v x e,
exec h v (Assign x e) h (v $+ (x, eval e h v))
| ExWrite : forall h v e1 e2,
exec h v (Write e1 e2) (h $+ (eval e1 h v, eval e2 h v)) v
| ExSeq : forall h1 v1 c1 h2 v2 c2 h3 v3,
exec h1 v1 c1 h2 v2
-> exec h2 v2 c2 h3 v3
-> exec h1 v1 (Seq c1 c2) h3 v3
| ExIfTrue : forall h1 v1 b c1 c2 h2 v2,
beval b h1 v1 = true
-> exec h1 v1 c1 h2 v2
-> exec h1 v1 (If_ b c1 c2) h2 v2
| ExIfFalse : forall h1 v1 b c1 c2 h2 v2,
beval b h1 v1 = false
-> exec h1 v1 c2 h2 v2
-> exec h1 v1 (If_ b c1 c2) h2 v2
| ExWhileFalse : forall I h v b c,
beval b h v = false
-> exec h v (While_ I b c) h v
| ExWhileTrue : forall I h1 v1 b c h2 v2 h3 v3,
beval b h1 v1 = true
-> exec h1 v1 c h2 v2
-> exec h2 v2 (While_ I b c) h3 v3
-> exec h1 v1 (While_ I b c) h3 v3
(* Assertions execute only when they are true. They provide a way to embed
* proof obligations within programs. *)
| ExAssert : forall h v (a : assertion),
a h v
-> exec h v (Assert a) h v.
(** * Hoare logic *)
Inductive hoare_triple : assertion -> cmd -> assertion -> Prop :=
| HtSkip : forall P, hoare_triple P Skip P
| HtAssign : forall (P : assertion) x e,
hoare_triple P (Assign x e) (fun h v => exists v', P h v' /\ v = v' $+ (x, eval e h v'))
| HtWrite : forall (P : assertion) (e1 e2 : exp),
hoare_triple P (Write e1 e2) (fun h v => exists h', P h' v /\ h = h' $+ (eval e1 h' v, eval e2 h' v))
| HtSeq : forall (P Q R : assertion) c1 c2,
hoare_triple P c1 Q
-> hoare_triple Q c2 R
-> hoare_triple P (Seq c1 c2) R
| HtIf : forall (P Q1 Q2 : assertion) b c1 c2,
hoare_triple (fun h v => P h v /\ beval b h v = true) c1 Q1
-> hoare_triple (fun h v => P h v /\ beval b h v = false) c2 Q2
-> hoare_triple P (If_ b c1 c2) (fun h v => Q1 h v \/ Q2 h v)
| HtWhile : forall (I P : assertion) b c,
(forall h v, P h v -> I h v)
-> hoare_triple (fun h v => I h v /\ beval b h v = true) c I
-> hoare_triple P (While_ I b c) (fun h v => I h v /\ beval b h v = false)
| HtAssert : forall P I : assertion,
(forall h v, P h v -> I h v)
-> hoare_triple P (Assert I) P
| HtConsequence : forall (P Q P' Q' : assertion) c,
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall h v, P' h v -> P h v)
-> (forall h v, Q h v -> Q' h v)
-> hoare_triple P' c Q'.
Lemma hoare_triple_big_step_while: forall (I : assertion) b c,
(forall h v h' v', exec h v c h' v'
-> I h v
-> beval b h v = true
-> I h' v')
-> forall h v h' v', exec h v (While_ I b c) h' v'
-> I h v
-> I h' v' /\ beval b h' v' = false.
induct 2; eauto.
Theorem hoare_triple_big_step : forall pre c post,
hoare_triple pre c post
-> forall h v h' v', exec h v c h' v'
-> pre h v
-> post h' v'.
induct 1; eauto; invert 1; eauto.
eapply hoare_triple_big_step_while; eauto.
(* BEGIN syntax macros that won't be explained *)
Coercion Const : nat >-> exp.
Coercion Var : string >-> exp.
Notation "*[ e ]" := (Read e) : cmd_scope.
Infix "+" := Plus : cmd_scope.
Infix "-" := Minus : cmd_scope.
Infix "*" := Mult : cmd_scope.
Infix "=" := Equal : cmd_scope.
Infix "<" := Less : cmd_scope.
Definition set (dst src : exp) : cmd :=
match dst with
| Read dst' => Write dst' src
| Var dst' => Assign dst' src
| _ => Assign "Bad LHS" 0
Infix "<-" := set (no associativity, at level 70) : cmd_scope.
Infix ";;" := Seq (right associativity, at level 75) : cmd_scope.
Notation "'when' b 'then' then_ 'else' else_ 'done'" := (If_ b then_ else_) (at level 75, b at level 0).
Notation "{{ I }} 'while' b 'loop' body 'done'" := (While_ I b body) (at level 75).
Notation "'assert' {{ I }}" := (Assert I) (at level 75).
Delimit Scope cmd_scope with cmd.
Infix "+" := plus : reset_scope.
Infix "-" := minus : reset_scope.
Infix "*" := mult : reset_scope.
Infix "=" := eq : reset_scope.
Infix "<" := lt : reset_scope.
Delimit Scope reset_scope with reset.
Open Scope reset_scope.
(* END macros *)
(* We should draw some attention to the next notation, which defines special
* lambdas for writing assertions. *)
Notation "h & v ~> e" := (fun h v => e%reset) (at level 85, v at level 0).
(* And here's the classic notation for Hoare triples. *)
Notation "{{ P }} c {{ Q }}" := (hoare_triple P c%cmd Q) (at level 90, c at next level).
(* Special case of consequence: keeping the precondition; only changing the
* postcondition. *)
Lemma HtStrengthenPost : forall (P Q Q' : assertion) c,
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall h v, Q h v -> Q' h v)
-> hoare_triple P c Q'.
simplify; eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
(* Finally, three tactic definitions that we won't explain. The overall tactic
* [ht] tries to prove Hoare triples, essentially by rote application of the
* rules. Some other obligations are generated, generally of implications
* between assertions, and [ht] also makes a best effort to solve those. *)
Ltac ht1 := apply HtSkip || apply HtAssign || apply HtWrite || eapply HtSeq
|| eapply HtIf || eapply HtWhile || eapply HtAssert
|| eapply HtStrengthenPost.
Ltac t := cbv beta; propositional; subst;
repeat match goal with
| [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => invert H; propositional; subst
repeat match goal with
| [ _ : context[?a <=? ?b] |- _ ] => destruct (a <=? b); try discriminate
| [ H : ?E = ?E |- _ ] => clear H
end; simplify; propositional; auto; try equality; try linear_arithmetic.
Ltac ht := simplify; repeat ht1; t.
(** * Some examples of verified programs *)
(** ** Swapping the values in two variables *)
Theorem swap_ok : forall a b,
{{_&v ~> v $! "x" = a /\ v $! "y" = b}}
"tmp" <- "x";;
"x" <- "y";;
"y" <- "tmp"
{{_&v ~> v $! "x" = b /\ v $! "y" = a}}.
(** ** Computing the maximum of two variables *)
Theorem max_ok : forall a b,
{{_&v ~> v $! "x" = a /\ v $! "y" = b}}
when "x" < "y" then
"m" <- "y"
"m" <- "x"
{{_&v ~> v $! "m" = max a b}}.
(** ** Iterative factorial *)
Theorem fact_ok : forall n,
{{_&v ~> v $! "n" = n}}
"acc" <- 1;;
{{_&v ~> True}}
while 0 < "n" loop
"acc" <- "acc" * "n";;
"n" <- "n" - 1
{{_&v ~> v $! "acc" = fact n}}.
(** ** Selection sort *)
(* This is our one example of a program reading/writing memory, which holds the
* representation of an array that we want to sort in-place. *)
(* One simple lemma turns out to be helpful to guide [eauto] properly. *)
Lemma leq_f : forall A (m : fmap A nat) x y,
x = y
-> m $! x <= m $! y.
Hint Resolve leq_f.
Hint Extern 1 (@eq nat _ _) => linear_arithmetic.
Hint Extern 1 (_ < _) => linear_arithmetic.
Hint Extern 1 (_ <= _) => linear_arithmetic.
(* We also register [linear_arithmetic] as a step to try during proof search. *)
Theorem selectionSort_ok :
{{_&_ ~> True}}
"i" <- 0;;
{{h&v ~> True}}
while "i" < "n" loop
"j" <- "i"+1;;
"best" <- "i";;
{{h&v ~> True}}
while "j" < "n" loop
when *["a" + "j"] < *["a" + "best"] then
"best" <- "j"
"j" <- "j" + 1
"tmp" <- *["a" + "best"];;
*["a" + "best"] <- *["a" + "i"];;
*["a" + "i"] <- "tmp";;
"i" <- "i" + 1
{{h&v ~> forall i j, i < j < v $! "n" -> h $! (v $! "a" + i) <= h $! (v $! "a" + j)}}.
(** * An alternative correctness theorem for Hoare logic, with small-step semantics *)
Inductive step : heap * valuation * cmd -> heap * valuation * cmd -> Prop :=
| StAssign : forall h v x e,
step (h, v, Assign x e) (h, v $+ (x, eval e h v), Skip)
| StWrite : forall h v e1 e2,
step (h, v, Write e1 e2) (h $+ (eval e1 h v, eval e2 h v), v, Skip)
| StStepSkip : forall h v c,
step (h, v, Seq Skip c) (h, v, c)
| StStepRec : forall h1 v1 c1 h2 v2 c1' c2,
step (h1, v1, c1) (h2, v2, c1')
-> step (h1, v1, Seq c1 c2) (h2, v2, Seq c1' c2)
| StIfTrue : forall h v b c1 c2,
beval b h v = true
-> step (h, v, If_ b c1 c2) (h, v, c1)
| StIfFalse : forall h v b c1 c2,
beval b h v = false
-> step (h, v, If_ b c1 c2) (h, v, c2)
| StWhileFalse : forall I h v b c,
beval b h v = false
-> step (h, v, While_ I b c) (h, v, Skip)
| StWhileTrue : forall I h v b c,
beval b h v = true
-> step (h, v, While_ I b c) (h, v, Seq c (While_ I b c))
| StAssert : forall h v (a : assertion),
a h v
-> step (h, v, Assert a) (h, v, Skip).
Hint Constructors step.
Definition trsys_of (st : heap * valuation * cmd) := {|
Initial := {st};
Step := step
Definition unstuck (st : heap * valuation * cmd) :=
snd st = Skip
\/ exists st', step st st'.
Lemma hoare_triple_unstuck : forall P c Q,
{{P}} c {{Q}}
-> forall h v, P h v
-> unstuck (h, v, c).
induct 1; unfold unstuck; simplify; propositional; eauto.
apply IHhoare_triple1 in H1.
unfold unstuck in H1; simplify; first_order; subst; eauto.
cases x.
cases p.
cases (beval b h v); eauto.
cases (beval b h v); eauto.
apply H0 in H2.
apply IHhoare_triple in H2.
unfold unstuck in H2; simplify; first_order.
Lemma hoare_triple_Skip : forall P Q,
{{P}} Skip {{Q}}
-> forall h v, P h v -> Q h v.
induct 1; auto.
Lemma hoare_triple_step : forall P c Q,
{{P}} c {{Q}}
-> forall h v h' v' c',
step (h, v, c) (h', v', c')
-> P h v
-> {{h''&v'' ~> h'' = h' /\ v'' = v'}} c' {{Q}}.
induct 1.
invert 1.
invert 1; ht; eauto.
invert 1; ht; eauto.
invert 1; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
propositional; subst.
eapply hoare_triple_Skip; eauto.
econstructor; eauto.
invert 1; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto; equality.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto; equality.
invert 1; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence with (P := h'' & v'' ~> h'' = h' /\ v'' = v').
apply HtSkip.
simplify; propositional; subst; eauto.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
simplify; propositional; subst; eauto.
econstructor; eauto.
invert 1; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
simplify; propositional; subst; eauto.
eapply HtConsequence.
eapply IHhoare_triple; eauto.
simplify; propositional; subst; eauto.
Theorem hoare_triple_invariant : forall P c Q h v,
{{P}} c {{Q}}
-> P h v
-> invariantFor (trsys_of (h, v, c)) unstuck.
apply invariant_weaken with (invariant1 := fun st => {{h&v ~> h = fst (fst st)
/\ v = snd (fst st)}}
snd st
{{_&_ ~> True}}).
apply invariant_induction; simplify.
propositional; subst; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
cases s.
cases s'.
cases p.
cases p0.
eapply hoare_triple_step; eauto.
simplify; auto.
cases s.
cases p.
eapply hoare_triple_unstuck; eauto.
simplify; auto.
(* A very simple example, just to show all this in action *)
Definition forever := (
"i" <- 1;;
"n" <- 1;;
{{h&v ~> v $! "i" > 0}}
while 0 < "i" loop
"i" <- "i" * 2;;
"n" <- "n" + "i";;
assert {{h&v ~> v $! "n" >= 1}}
assert {{_&_ ~> False}}
(* Note that this last assertion implies that the program never terminates! *)
Theorem forever_ok : {{_&_ ~> True}} forever {{_&_ ~> False}}.
Theorem forever_invariant : invariantFor (trsys_of ($0, $0, forever)) unstuck.
eapply hoare_triple_invariant.
apply forever_ok.
simplify; trivial.
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ LambdaCalculusAndTypeSoundness.v
@ -3191,7 +3191,7 @@ Nonetheless, the essential proof structure winds up being the same, as we once a
\section{An Imperative Language with Memory}
\section{An Imperative Language with Memory}
\newcommand{\writeto}[2]{\readfrom{#1} \leftarrow #2}
\newcommand{\writeto}[2]{\readfrom{#1} \leftarrow #2}
To provide us with an interesting enough playground for program verification, let's begin by defining an imperative language with an infinite mutable heap.
To provide us with an interesting enough playground for program verification, let's begin by defining an imperative language with an infinite mutable heap.
@ -3436,10 +3436,10 @@ In fact, we can prove that any other state is unstuck, though we won't bother he
By induction on the derivation of $\hoare{P}{c}{Q}$, appealing to Lemma \ref{hoare_skip} in one case. Note how we conclude a very specific precondition, forcing exact state equality with the one we have stepped to.
By induction on the derivation of $\hoare{P}{c}{Q}$, appealing to Lemma \ref{hoare_skip} in one case. Note how we conclude a very specific precondition, forcing exact state equality with the one we have stepped to.
\begin{theorem}[Invariant Safety]
\begin{lemma}[Invariant Safety]
If $\hoare{P}{c}{Q}$ and $P(h, v)$, then unstuckness is an invariant for the small-step transition system starting at $(h, v, c)$.
If $\hoare{P}{c}{Q}$ and $P(h, v)$, then unstuckness is an invariant for the small-step transition system starting at $(h, v, c)$.
First we weaken the invariant to $I(h, v, c) = \hoare{\lambda s. \; s = (h, v)}{c}{\lambda \_. \; \top}$.
First we weaken the invariant to $I(h, v, c) = \hoare{\lambda s. \; s = (h, v)}{c}{\lambda \_. \; \top}$.
That is, we focus in on the most specific applicable precondition, and we forget everything that the postcondition was recording for us.
That is, we focus in on the most specific applicable precondition, and we forget everything that the postcondition was recording for us.
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