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Comment LambdaCalculusAndTypeSoundness
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@ -5,13 +5,27 @@
Require Import Frap.
Require Import Frap.
Module Ulc.
(* The last few chapters have focused on small programming languages that are
Inductive exp : Set :=
* representative of the essence of the imperative languages. We now turn to
| Var : var -> exp
* lambda-calculus, the usual representative of functional languages. *)
| Abs : var -> exp -> exp
| App : exp -> exp -> exp.
Fixpoint subst (rep : exp) (x : string) (e : exp) : exp :=
Module Ulc.
(* Programs are expressions, which we evaluate algebraically, rather than
* executing for side effects. *)
Inductive exp : Set :=
| Var (x : var)
| Abs (x : var) (body : exp)
(* A function that binds its argument to the given variable, evaluating the
* body expression *)
| App (e1 e2 : exp).
(* Applying a function to an argument *)
(* Key operation: within [e], changing every occurrence of variable [x] into
* [rep]. IMPORTANT: we will only apply this operation in contexts where
* [rep] is *closed*, meaning every [Var] refers to some enclosing [Abs], so
* as to avoid *variable capture*. See the book proper for a little more
* discussion. *)
Fixpoint subst (rep : exp) (x : var) (e : exp) : exp :=
match e with
match e with
| Var y => if string_dec y x then rep else Var y
| Var y => if string_dec y x then rep else Var y
| Abs y e1 => Abs y (if y ==v x then e1 else subst rep x e1)
| Abs y e1 => Abs y (if y ==v x then e1 else subst rep x e1)
@ -21,8 +35,8 @@ Module Ulc.
(** * Big-step semantics *)
(** * Big-step semantics *)
(** This is the most straightforward way to give semantics to lambda terms:
(* This is the most straightforward way to give semantics to lambda terms:
* We evaluate any closed term into a value (that is, an [Abs]). *)
* We evaluate any closed term into a value (that is, an [Abs]). *)
Inductive eval : exp -> exp -> Prop :=
Inductive eval : exp -> exp -> Prop :=
| BigAbs : forall x e,
| BigAbs : forall x e,
eval (Abs x e) (Abs x e)
eval (Abs x e) (Abs x e)
@ -32,7 +46,8 @@ Module Ulc.
-> eval (subst v2 x e1') v
-> eval (subst v2 x e1') v
-> eval (App e1 e2) v.
-> eval (App e1 e2) v.
(** Note that we omit a [Var] case, since variable terms can't be *closed*. *)
(* Note that we omit a [Var] case, since variable terms can't be *closed*,
* and therefore they aren't meaningful as top-level programs. *)
(** Which terms are values, that is, final results of execution? *)
(** Which terms are values, that is, final results of execution? *)
Inductive value : exp -> Prop :=
Inductive value : exp -> Prop :=
@ -41,6 +56,7 @@ Module Ulc.
Hint Constructors eval value.
Hint Constructors eval value.
(* Every value executes to itself. *)
Theorem value_eval : forall v,
Theorem value_eval : forall v,
value v
value v
-> eval v v.
-> eval v v.
@ -50,7 +66,7 @@ Module Ulc.
Hint Resolve value_eval.
Hint Resolve value_eval.
(** Actually, let's prove that [eval] only produces values. *)
(** Conversely, let's prove that [eval] only produces values. *)
Theorem eval_value : forall e v,
Theorem eval_value : forall e v,
eval e v
eval e v
-> value v.
-> value v.
@ -60,24 +76,39 @@ Module Ulc.
Hint Resolve eval_value.
Hint Resolve eval_value.
(* Some notations, to let us write more normal-looking lambda terms *)
Coercion Var : var >-> exp.
Coercion Var : var >-> exp.
Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs x e) (at level 50).
Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs x e) (at level 50).
Infix "@" := App (at level 49, left associativity).
Infix "@" := App (at level 49, left associativity).
(** * Church Numerals, everyone's favorite example of lambda terms in
* action *)
(* Here are two curious definitions. *)
Definition zero := \"f", \"x", "x".
Definition zero := \"f", \"x", "x".
Definition plus1 := \"n", \"f", \"x", "f" @ ("n" @ "f" @ "x").
Definition plus1 := \"n", \"f", \"x", "f" @ ("n" @ "f" @ "x").
(* We can build up any natural number [n] as [plus1^n @ zero]. Let's prove
* that, in fact, these definitions constitute a workable embedding of the
* natural numbers in lambda-calculus. *)
(* A term [plus^n @ zero] evaluates to something very close to what this
* function returns. *)
Fixpoint canonical' (n : nat) : exp :=
Fixpoint canonical' (n : nat) : exp :=
match n with
match n with
| O => "x"
| O => "x"
| S n' => "f" @ ((\"f", \"x", canonical' n') @ "f" @ "x")
| S n' => "f" @ ((\"f", \"x", canonical' n') @ "f" @ "x")
(* This missing piece is this wrapper. *)
Definition canonical n := \"f", \"x", canonical' n.
Definition canonical n := \"f", \"x", canonical' n.
(* Let's formalize our definition of what it means to represent a number. *)
Definition represents (e : exp) (n : nat) :=
Definition represents (e : exp) (n : nat) :=
eval e (canonical n).
eval e (canonical n).
(* Zero passes the test. *)
Theorem zero_ok : represents zero 0.
Theorem zero_ok : represents zero 0.
unfold zero, represents, canonical.
unfold zero, represents, canonical.
@ -85,6 +116,7 @@ Module Ulc.
(* So does our successor operation. *)
Theorem plus1_ok : forall e n, represents e n
Theorem plus1_ok : forall e n, represents e n
-> represents (plus1 @ e) (S n).
-> represents (plus1 @ e) (S n).
@ -96,8 +128,15 @@ Module Ulc.
(* What's basically going on here? The representation of number [n] is [N]
* such that, for any function [f]:
* N(f) = f^n
* That is, we represent a number as its repeated-composition operator.
* So, given a number, we can use it to repeat any operation. In particular,
* to implement addition, we can just repeat [plus1]! *)
Definition add := \"n", \"m", "n" @ plus1 @ "m".
Definition add := \"n", \"m", "n" @ plus1 @ "m".
(* Our addition works properly on this test case. *)
Example add_1_2 : exists v,
Example add_1_2 : exists v,
eval (add @ (plus1 @ zero) @ (plus1 @ (plus1 @ zero))) v
eval (add @ (plus1 @ zero) @ (plus1 @ (plus1 @ zero))) v
/\ eval (plus1 @ (plus1 @ (plus1 @ zero))) v.
/\ eval (plus1 @ (plus1 @ (plus1 @ zero))) v.
@ -107,12 +146,16 @@ Module Ulc.
repeat econstructor.
repeat econstructor.
(* By the way: since [canonical'] doesn't mention variable "m", substituting
* for "m" has no effect. This fact will come in handy shortly. *)
Lemma subst_m_canonical' : forall m n,
Lemma subst_m_canonical' : forall m n,
subst m "m" (canonical' n) = canonical' n.
subst m "m" (canonical' n) = canonical' n.
induct n; simplify; equality.
induct n; simplify; equality.
(* This inductive proof is the workhorse for the next result, so let's skip
* ahead there. *)
Lemma add_ok' : forall m n,
Lemma add_ok' : forall m n,
(subst (\ "f", (\ "x", canonical' m)) "x"
(subst (\ "f", (\ "x", canonical' m)) "x"
@ -139,6 +182,7 @@ Module Ulc.
(* [add] properly encodes the usual addition. *)
Theorem add_ok : forall n ne m me,
Theorem add_ok : forall n ne m me,
represents ne n
represents ne n
-> represents me m
-> represents me m
@ -165,6 +209,8 @@ Module Ulc.
apply add_ok'.
apply add_ok'.
(* Let's repeat the same exercise for multiplication. *)
Definition mult := \"n", \"m", "n" @ (add @ "m") @ zero.
Definition mult := \"n", \"m", "n" @ (add @ "m") @ zero.
Example mult_1_2 : exists v,
Example mult_1_2 : exists v,
@ -210,7 +256,7 @@ Module Ulc.
rewrite subst_m_canonical'.
rewrite subst_m_canonical'.
apply add_ok'.
apply add_ok'. (* Note the recursive appeal to correctness of [add]. *)
Theorem mult_ok : forall n ne m me,
Theorem mult_ok : forall n ne m me,
@ -247,6 +293,9 @@ Module Ulc.
(** * Small-step semantics with evaluation contexts *)
(** * Small-step semantics with evaluation contexts *)
(* We can also port to this setting our small-step semantics style based on
* evaluation contexts. *)
Inductive context : Set :=
Inductive context : Set :=
| Hole : context
| Hole : context
| App1 : context -> exp -> context
| App1 : context -> exp -> context
@ -269,6 +318,9 @@ Module Ulc.
* *call-by-value* instead of other evaluation strategies. Details are
* *call-by-value* instead of other evaluation strategies. Details are
* largely beyond our scope here. *)
* largely beyond our scope here. *)
(* Compared to the small-step contextual semantics from two chapters back, we
* skip a [step0] relation, since function application (called "beta
* reduction") is the only option here. *)
Inductive step : exp -> exp -> Prop :=
Inductive step : exp -> exp -> Prop :=
| ContextBeta : forall c x e v e1 e2,
| ContextBeta : forall c x e v e1 e2,
value v
value v
@ -278,7 +330,8 @@ Module Ulc.
Hint Constructors plug step.
Hint Constructors plug step.
(** We can move directly to establishing inclusion from basic small steps to contextual small steps. *)
(* Here we now go through a proof of equivalence between big- and small-step
* semantics, though we won't spend any further commentary on it. *)
Lemma step_eval'' : forall v c x e e1 e2 v0,
Lemma step_eval'' : forall v c x e e1 e2 v0,
value v
value v
@ -396,8 +449,12 @@ Module Ulc.
End Ulc.
End Ulc.
(** * Now we turn to a variant of lambda calculus with static type-checking.
* This variant is called *simply typed* lambda calculus, and *simple* has a
* technical meaning, which we will explore relaxing in a problem set. *)
Module Stlc.
Module Stlc.
(* Expression syntax *)
(* We add expression forms for numeric constants and addition. *)
Inductive exp : Set :=
Inductive exp : Set :=
| Var (x : var)
| Var (x : var)
| Const (n : nat)
| Const (n : nat)
@ -421,7 +478,7 @@ Module Stlc.
| App e2' e2'' => App (subst e1 x e2') (subst e1 x e2'')
| App e2' e2'' => App (subst e1 x e2') (subst e1 x e2'')
(* Evaluation contexts *)
(* Evaluation contexts; note that we added cases for [Plus]. *)
Inductive context : Set :=
Inductive context : Set :=
| Hole : context
| Hole : context
| Plus1 : context -> exp -> context
| Plus1 : context -> exp -> context
@ -472,13 +529,16 @@ Module Stlc.
(* Syntax of types *)
(* That language is suitable to describe with a static *type system*. Here's
* our modest, but countably infinite, set of types. *)
Inductive type : Set :=
Inductive type : Set :=
| Nat
| Nat (* Numbers *)
| Fun (dom ran : type).
| Fun (dom ran : type) (* Functions *).
(* Our typing judgment uses *typing contexts* (not to be confused with
(* Our typing relation (also often called a "judgment") uses *typing contexts*
* evaluation contexts) to map free variables to their types. *)
* (not to be confused with evaluation contexts) to map free variables to
* their types. Free variables are those that don't refer to enclosing [Abs]
* binders. *)
Inductive hasty : fmap var type -> exp -> type -> Prop :=
Inductive hasty : fmap var type -> exp -> type -> Prop :=
| HtVar : forall G x t,
| HtVar : forall G x t,
G $? x = Some t
G $? x = Some t
@ -499,6 +559,7 @@ Module Stlc.
Hint Constructors value plug step0 step hasty.
Hint Constructors value plug step0 step hasty.
(* Some notation to make it more pleasant to write programs *)
Infix "-->" := Fun (at level 60, right associativity).
Infix "-->" := Fun (at level 60, right associativity).
Coercion Const : nat >-> exp.
Coercion Const : nat >-> exp.
Infix "^+^" := Plus (at level 50).
Infix "^+^" := Plus (at level 50).
@ -506,6 +567,8 @@ Module Stlc.
Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs x e) (at level 51).
Notation "\ x , e" := (Abs x e) (at level 51).
Infix "@" := App (at level 49, left associativity).
Infix "@" := App (at level 49, left associativity).
(* Some examples of typed programs *)
Example one_plus_one : hasty $0 (1 ^+^ 1) Nat.
Example one_plus_one : hasty $0 (1 ^+^ 1) Nat.
repeat (econstructor; simplify).
repeat (econstructor; simplify).
@ -527,19 +590,24 @@ Module Stlc.
(** * Some examples of typed programs *)
(** * Let's prove type soundness first without much automation. *)
(** * Let's prove type soundness first without much automation. *)
(* Now we're ready for the first of the two key properties, to show that "has
(* What useful invariants could we prove about programs in this language? How
* type t in the empty typing context" is an invariant. *)
* about that, at every point, either they're finished executing or they can
* take further steps? For instance, a program that tried to add a function
* to a number would not satisfy that condition, and we call it *stuck*. We
* want to prove that typed programs can never become stuck. Here's a good
* invariant to strive for. *)
Definition unstuck e := value e
\/ (exists e' : exp, step e e').
(* Now we're ready for the first of the two key properties to establish that
* invariant: well-typed programs are never stuck. *)
Lemma progress : forall e t,
Lemma progress : forall e t,
hasty $0 e t
hasty $0 e t
-> value e
-> unstuck e.
\/ (exists e' : exp, step e e').
induct 1; simplify; try equality.
unfold unstuck; induct 1; simplify; try equality.
@ -635,7 +703,8 @@ Module Stlc.
cases (x ==v x'); simplify; eauto.
cases (x ==v x'); simplify; eauto.
(** Raising a typing derivation to a larger typing context *)
(* This lemma lets us transplant a typing derivation into a new context that
* includes the old one. *)
Lemma weakening : forall G e t,
Lemma weakening : forall G e t,
hasty G e t
hasty G e t
-> forall G', (forall x t, G $? x = Some t -> G' $? x = Some t)
-> forall G', (forall x t, G $? x = Some t -> G' $? x = Some t)
@ -722,8 +791,8 @@ Module Stlc.
(* We're almost ready for the main preservation property. Let's prove it first
(* We're almost ready for the other main property. Let's prove it first
* for the more basic [step0] relation. *)
* for the more basic [step0] relation: steps preserve typing. *)
Lemma preservation0 : forall e1 e2,
Lemma preservation0 : forall e1 e2,
step0 e1 e2
step0 e1 e2
-> forall t, hasty $0 e1 t
-> forall t, hasty $0 e1 t
@ -793,7 +862,7 @@ Module Stlc.
(* OK, now we're almost done. *)
(* OK, now we're almost done. Full steps really do preserve typing! *)
Lemma preservation : forall e1 e2,
Lemma preservation : forall e1 e2,
step e1 e2
step e1 e2
-> forall t, hasty $0 e1 t
-> forall t, hasty $0 e1 t
@ -811,14 +880,12 @@ Module Stlc.
(* Now watch this! Though the syntactic approach to type soundness is usually
(* Now watch this! Though this syntactic approach to type soundness is usually
* presented from scratch as a proof technique, it turns out that the two key
* presented from scratch as a proof technique, it turns out that the two key
* properties, progress and preservation, are just instances of the same methods
* properties, progress and preservation, are just instances of the same methods
* we've been applying all along with invariants of transition systems! *)
* we've been applying all along with invariants of transition systems! *)
Theorem safety : forall e t, hasty $0 e t
Theorem safety : forall e t, hasty $0 e t
-> invariantFor (trsys_of e)
-> invariantFor (trsys_of e) unstuck.
(fun e' => value e'
\/ exists e'', step e' e'').
@ -842,7 +909,8 @@ Module Stlc.
(** * Let's do that again with more automation. *)
(** * Let's do that again with more automation, whose details are beyond the
* scope of the book. *)
Ltac t0 := match goal with
Ltac t0 := match goal with
| [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => destruct H
| [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => destruct H
@ -880,7 +948,7 @@ Module Stlc.
Hint Resolve weakening_snazzy.
Hint Resolve weakening_snazzy.
(* Replacing a typing context with an equal one has no effect (useful to guide
(* Replacing a typing context with an equal one has no effect (useful to guide
* proof search). *)
* proof search as a hint). *)
Lemma hasty_change : forall G e t,
Lemma hasty_change : forall G e t,
hasty G e t
hasty G e t
-> forall G', G' = G
-> forall G', G' = G
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