Michael Zhang 399845160c
2018-01-29 17:35:31 -06:00

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Homework 2: Working with higher order functions.

CSci 2041: Advanced Programming Principles, Spring 2017

Due: Friday, February 17 at 5:00pm

Lab 4 on February 7 and Lab 5 on February 14 will be dedicated to answering questions about this assignment and to providing clarifications if any are needed.

Note that for this assignment you are not to write any recursive functions. Further information on this restriction is detailed in Part 3 of the assignment.

Corrections to mistakes in original specification

  • The type of convert_to_non_blank_lines_of_words shoud be char list -> line list not string -> line list.

Introduction - The Paradelle

In this homework assignment you will write an OCaml program that reads a text file and reports if it contains a poem that fits the "fixed-form" style known as a paradelle.

Below is a sample paradelle called "Paradelle for Susan" by Billy Collins from his book Picnic, Lightning.

I remember the quick, nervous bird of your love.
I remember the quick, nervous bird of your love.
Always perched on the thinnest, highest branch.
Always perched on the thinnest, highest branch.
Thinnest of love, remember the quick branch.
Always nervous, I perched on your highest bird the.

It is time for me to cross the mountain.
It is time for me to cross the mountain.
And find another shore to darken with my pain.
And find another shore to darken with my pain.
Another pain for me to darken the mountain.
And find the time, cross my shore, to with it is to.

The weather warm, the handwriting familiar.
The weather warm, the handwriting familiar.
Your letter flies from my hand into the waters below.
Your letter flies from my hand into the waters below.
The familiar waters below my warm hand.
Into handwriting your weather flies your letter the from the.

I always cross the highest letter, the thinnest bird.
Below the waters of my warm familiar pain,
Another hand to remember your handwriting.
The weather perched for me on the shore.
Quick, your nervous branch flies for love.
Darken the mountain, time and find my into it with from to to is.

Following this poem, Collins provides the following description of this form:

The paradelle is one of the more demanding French fixed forms, first appearing in the langue d'oc love poetry of the eleventh century. It is a poem of four six-line stanzas in which the first and second lines, as well as the third and fourth lines of the first three stanzas, must be identical. The fifth and sixth lines, which traditionally resolve these stanzas, must use all the words from the preceding lines and only those words. Similarly, the final stanza must use every word from all the preceding stanzas and only those words.

Collins is actually being satirical here and poking fun at overly rigid fixed-form styles of poetry. There is actually no form known as the paradelle. This did not stop people from going off and trying to write their own however. In fact, the above poem is slightly modified from his original so that it actually conforms to the rules of a paradelle.

To write an OCaml program to detect if a text file contains a paradelle we add some more specific requirements to Collin's description above. You should take these into consideration when completing this assignment:

  • Blank lines are allowed, but we will assume that blank lines consist of only a single newline '\n' character.

  • Punctuation and spacing (tabs and the space characters) should not affect the comparison of lines in a stanza. For example, the following two lines would be considered as "identical" because the same words are used in the same order even though spacing and punctuation are different.

"And find the time,cross my shore, to with it is to"

"And find the time , cross my shore, to with it is to ."

Thus, we will want to ignore punctuation symbols to some extent, being careful to notice that they can separate words as in "time,cross".

Specifically, the punctuation we will consider are the following :

. ! ? , ; : -

Other punctuation symbols will not be used in any input to assess your program.

  • Also, we will need to split lines in the file (of Ocaml type string) into a list of lines and then split each line individual line into a list of words. In the list of words there should be no spaces, tabs, or punctuation symbols. Then we can compare lists of words.

  • Capitalization does not matter. The words "Thinnest" and "thinnest" are to be considered as the same.

  • In checking criteria for an individual stanza, each instance of a word is counted. But in checking that the final stanza uses all the words of the first 3, duplicate words should be removed.

    That is, in checking that two lines "use the same words" we must check that each word is used the same number of times in each line.

    In checking that the final stanza uses all (and only) words from the first 3 stanza, we do not care about how many times a word is used. So if a word is used 4 times in the first 3 stanzas, it need not be used 4 times in the final stanza.

  • Your program must return a correct answer for any text file. For example, your program should report that an empty file or a file containing a single character or the source code for this assignment are not in the form of a paradelle.

Getting started

Copy the contexts of the Homework/Hwk_02 directory from the public class repository into a Hwk_02 directory in your individual repository.

This file contains some helper functions that we'll use in this assignment. The remainder are sample files containing paradelles or text that is not a paradelle. The file names should make this all clear.

Part 1. Some useful functions.

Your first step is to define these functions that will be useful in solving the paradelle check. Place this near the top of the file, just after the comment that says

(* Place part 1 functions 'take', 'drop', 'length', 'rev',
   'is_elem_by', 'is_elem', 'dedup', and 'split_by' here. *)

a length function, length

Write a function, named length that, as you would expect, takes a list and returns its length as a value of type int

Annotate your function with types or add a comment indicating the type of the function.

list reverse rev

Complete the definition of the reverse function rev in Currently is just raises an exception. Remove this and replace the body with an expression that uses List.fold_left or List.fold_right to do the work of reversing the list.

list membership is_elem_by and is_elem

Define a function is_elem_by which has the type

('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'b -> 'a list -> bool

The first argument is a function to check if an element in the list (the third argument) matches the values of the second argument. It will return true if any element in the list "matches" (based on what the first argument determines) an element in the list.

For example, both

is_elem_by (=) 4 [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7]

and ```is_elem_by (fun c i -> Char.code c = i) 99 ['a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd']`` evaluate to true.

Next, define a function is_elem whose first argument is a value and second argument is a list of values of the same type. The function returns true if the value is in the list.

For example, is_elem 4 [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7] should evaluate to true while is_elem 4 [1; 2; 3; 5; 6; 7] and is_elem 4 [ ] should both evaluate to false.

is_elem should be be implemented by calling is_elem_by.

Annotate both of your functions with type information on the arguments and for the result type.

removing duplicates from a list, dedup

Write a function named dedup that takes a list and removes all duplicates from the list. The order of list elements returned is up to you. This can be done with only a call to List.fold_right, providing you pass it the correct function that can be used to fold a list up into one without any duplicate elements.

a splitting function, split_by

Write a splitting function named split_by that takes three arguments

  1. an equality checking function that takes two values and returns a value of type bool,

  2. a list of values that are to be separated,

  3. and a list of separators values.

This function will split the second list into a list of lists. If the checking function indicates that an element of the first list (the second argument) is an element of the second list (the third argument) then that element indicates that the list should be split at that point. Note that this "splitting element" does not appear in any list in the output list of lists.

For example,

  • split_by (=) [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11] [3;7] should evaluate to [ [1;2]; [4;5;6]; [8;9;10;11] ] and

  • split_by (=) [1;2;3;3;3;4;5;6;7;7;7;8;9;10;11] [3;7] should evaluate to [[1; 2]; []; []; [4; 5; 6]; []; []; [8; 9; 10; 11]].

    Note the empty lists. These are the list that occur between the 3's and 7's.

  • split_by (=) ["A"; "B"; "C"; "D"] ["E"] should evaluate to [["A"; "B"; "C"; "D"]]

Annotate your function with types.

Also add a comment explaining the behavior of your function and its type. Try to write this function so that the type is as general as possible.

Reading file contents.

Notice the provide helper functions read_chars and read_file. The second will read a file and return the list of characters, wrapped up in an option type if it finds the file. If the file, with the name passed to the function, can't be found, it will return None.

Part 2. Preparing text for the paradelle check.

The poems that we aim to check are stored as values of type string in text files. But the read_file function above will return this data in a value of type char list option.

We will need to break the input into a list of lines of text, removing the blank lines, and also splitting the lines of text into lists of words.

We need to write a function called convert_to_non_blank_lines_of_words that takes as input the poem as an OCaml char list and returns a list of lines, where each line is a list of words, and each word is a list of characters.

Thus, convert_to_non_blank_lines_of_words can be seen as having the type char list -> char list list list.

We can use the type system to name new types that make this type easier to read.

First define the type word to be char list by

type word = char list

Then define a line type to be a word list.

Then, we can specify that convert_to_non_blank_lines_of_words has the type char list -> line list.

In writing convert_to_non_blank_lines_of_words you may want to consider a helper function that breaks up a char list into lines, separated by new line characters ('\n') and another that breaks up lines into lists of words.

At this point you are not required to directly address the problems relating to capitalization of letters which we eventually need to address in checking that the same words appear in various parts of the poem. You are also not required to deal with issues of punctuation, but you may need to do something the be sure that words are correctly separated. For example, we would want to see that,barn as two words.

Part 3. The paradelle check.

We will now need to consider how punctuation is to be handled, how words are to be compared and, in the comparisons of lines, when duplicate words should be dropped and when they should not be.

We can now begin to write the function to check that a poem is a "paradelle".

To do this, write a function named paradelle that takes as input a filename (a string) of a file containing a potential paradelle. This function then returns a value of the following type:

type result = OK 
	    | FileNotFound of string
	    | IncorrectNumLines of int 
	    | IncorrectLines of (int * int) list
	    | IncorrectLastStanza

This type describes the possible outcomes of the analysis. For example,

  1. OK- The file contains a paradelle.
  2. FileNotFound "test.txt" - The file test.txt was not found.
  3. IncorrectNumLines 18 - The file contained 18 lines after the blank lines were removed. A paradelle must have 24 lines.
  4. IncorrectLines [ (1,2); (11,12) ] - Lines 1 and 2 are not the same and thus this is not a paradelle. Also lines 11 and 12, in the second stanza, do not have the same words as in the first 4 lines of that stanza, and this is another reason why this one is not a paradelle.
  5. IncorrectLastStanza - the last stanza does not properly contain the words from the first three stanzas.

Remember, you are not to write any recursive functions. Only read_chars, take, and drop can be used.

Furthermore, below is a list of functions from various OCaml modules that you may also use. Functions not in this list may not be used. (Except for functions such as input_char in functions that were given to you.)

  •, List.filter, List.fold_left, List.fold_right
  • List.sort, List.concat,
  • Char.lowercase, Char.uppercase
  • string_of_int

The sort function takes comparison functions as its first argument. We saw how such functions are written and used in lecture.

These restrictions are in place so that you can see how interesting computations can be specified using the common idioms of mapping, filtering, and folding lists. The goal of this assignment is not simply to get the paradelle checker to work, but to get it to work and for you to understand how these higher order functions can be used.

Some advice.

You will want to get started on this assignment sooner rather than later. There are many aspects that you need to think about. Most importantly is the structure of your program the various helper functions that you may want to use.

We recommend writing your helper functions at the "top level" instead of nested in a let expression so that you can inspect the type inferred for them by OCaml and also run them on sample input to check that they are correct.

Feedback tests.

Feedback tests are not initially turned on. You should read these specifications and make an effort to understand them based on the descriptions.

If you have questions, ask your TAs in lab or post them to the "Hwk 02" forum on Moodle.

Feedback tests will be available next week.