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Assessment for Lab 08
Below are the automated scores for Lab 08. If you feel that our scripts are incorrectly assessing your work then please email csci2041@.umn.edu
and explain the problem. If your code is right you will get credit for it - just maybe not right away.
Total score: 59 / 109
Run on April 28, 15:10:28 PM.
Pass: Change into directory "Lab_08".
Pass: Check that file "hwk_02.ml" exists.
5 / 5 : Pass: Check that an OCaml file "hwk_02.ml" has no syntax or type errors.
OCaml file "hwk_02.ml" has no syntax or type errors.
5 / 5 : Pass: Check that an OCaml file "hwk_02.ml" has warnings.
OCaml file "hwk_02.ml" has no warnings.
Pass: Make sure you are only using recursion in functions take, drop, read_chars
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
length []
matches the pattern
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
length [1;2;3;4;5;6]
matches the pattern
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
rev []
matches the pattern
[ ]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
rev [1]
matches the pattern
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
rev [1; 2; 3; 4]
matches the pattern
[4; 3; 2; 1]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
is_elem_by (fun x y -> (x+1) = y) 6 [2;3;5;7]
matches the pattern
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
is_elem_by (fun x y -> (x+1) = y) 0 [2;3;5;7]
matches the pattern
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
is_elem_by (fun x y -> x < y) 4 [2;3;5;7]
matches the pattern
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
is_elem_by (fun x y -> x < y) 0 [2;3;5;7]
matches the pattern
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
is_elem 3 []
matches the pattern
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
is_elem 3 [1; 2; 3]
matches the pattern
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
is_elem 4 [1; 2; 3]
matches the pattern
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
List.sort (fun x y -> if x < y then -1 else 1) (dedup [1;1;4;5;2;3;2])
matches the pattern
[1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
List.sort (fun x y -> if x < y then -1 else 1) (dedup [[13; 1]; [13; 1]; [1; 2]; [10; 5]])
matches the pattern
[[1; 2]; [10; 5]; [13; 1]]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
dedup []
matches the pattern
[ ]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
List.sort (fun x y -> if x < y then -1 else 1) (dedup [4;5;2;3])
matches the pattern
[2; 3; 4; 5]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
split_by (=) ['a';'b';'c';'d'] ['c']
matches the pattern
[['a'; 'b']; ['d']]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
split_by (>) ['a';'b';'c';'d'] ['c']
matches the pattern
[[]; []; ['c'; 'd']]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
split_by (=) ['a';'b';'c';'d'] []
matches the pattern
[['a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd']]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
split_by (=) [] ['x']
matches the pattern
[[ ]]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
split_by (=) [] []
matches the pattern
[[ ]]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
List.map (List.map (fun y -> List.map Char.lowercase y)) (convert_to_non_blank_lines_of_words ['W'; 'h'; 'e'; ','; 'a'; ' '; 'b'])
matches the pattern
[[['w'; 'h'; 'e']; ['a']; ['b']]]
. -
1 / 1 : Pass: Check that the result of evaluating
List.map (List.map (fun y -> List.map Char.lowercase y)) (convert_to_non_blank_lines_of_words ['W'; 'h'; 'e'; ','; 'a'; '
'; 'b'])
matches the pattern `[[['w'; 'h'; 'e']; ['a']]; [['b']]]`.
+ _1_ / _1_ : Pass:
Check that the result of evaluating
List.map (List.map (fun y -> List.map Char.lowercase y)) (convert_to_non_blank_lines_of_words ['W'; 'h'; 'e'; ' '; ','; 'a'; '-'; 'b'])
matches the pattern `[[['w'; 'h'; 'e']; ['a']; ['b']]]`.
+ _1_ / _1_ : Pass:
Check that the result of evaluating
paradelle "../../../../public-class-repo/Homework/Hwk_02/not_a_paradelle_emma_1.txt"
matches the pattern `IncorrectLastStanza`.
+ _1_ / _1_ : Pass:
Check that the result of evaluating
paradelle "../../../../public-class-repo/Homework/Hwk_02/not_a_paradelle_empty_file.txt"
matches the pattern `IncorrectNumLines 0`.
+ _1_ / _1_ : Pass:
Check that the result of evaluating
paradelle "../../../../public-class-repo/Homework/Hwk_02/not_a_paradelle_susan_1.txt"
matches the pattern `IncorrectLines [(1, 2); (11, 12); (17, 18)]`.
+ _1_ / _1_ : Pass:
Check that the result of evaluating
paradelle "../../../../public-class-repo/Homework/Hwk_02/not_a_paradelle_susan_2.txt"
matches the pattern `IncorrectLines [(11, 12); (17, 18)]`.
+ _1_ / _1_ : Pass:
Check that the result of evaluating
paradelle "../../../../public-class-repo/Homework/Hwk_02/not_a_paradelle_susan_3.txt"
matches the pattern `IncorrectLines [(1, 2); (11, 12); (17, 18)]`.
+ _1_ / _1_ : Pass:
Check that the result of evaluating
paradelle "../../../../public-class-repo/Homework/Hwk_02/not_a_paradelle_wrong_line_count.txt"
matches the pattern `IncorrectNumLines 9`.
+ _1_ / _1_ : Pass:
Check that the result of evaluating
paradelle "../../../../public-class-repo/Homework/Hwk_02/paradelle_emma_1.txt"
matches the pattern `OK`.
+ _1_ / _1_ : Pass:
Check that the result of evaluating
paradelle "../../../../public-class-repo/Homework/Hwk_02/paradelle_susan_1.txt"
matches the pattern `OK`.
+ _1_ / _1_ : Pass:
Check that the result of evaluating
paradelle "../../../../public-class-repo/Homework/Hwk_02/paradelle_susan_2.txt"
matches the pattern `OK`.
+ _1_ / _1_ : Pass:
Check that the result of evaluating
paradelle "../../../../public-class-repo/Homework/Hwk_02/abc.txt"
matches the pattern `FileNotFound "../../../../public-class-repo/Homework/Hwk_02/abc.txt"`.
+ _5_ / _5_ : Pass: Check if the solution contains no semicolons in the .ml file - 5 points [only 0 or 5 (all or none)]
+ _5_ / _5_ : Pass: Check for clumsy list construction - 5 points [only 0 or 5 (all or none)]
+ _5_ / _5_ : Pass: No grotesque formatting - Specify lines if there is an issue[all or none]
+ _0_ / _10_ : Pass: IMPROVEMENT 1: Code improvements were made and they match the comment describing them.
What was improved? Not mentioned.
+ _0_ / _10_ : Pass: IMPROVEMENT 1: Does the solution provide a good desription of the improvement? - half credit for brief descriptions
+ _0_ / _5_ : Pass: IMPROVEMENT 1: Proper attribution of ideas?
+ _0_ / _10_ : Pass: IMPROVEMENT 2: Code improvements were made and they match the comment describing them.
+ _0_ / _10_ : Pass: IMPROVEMENT 2: Does the solution provide a good desription of the improvement? - half credit for brief descriptions
+ _0_ / _5_ : Pass: IMPROVEMENT 2: Proper attribution of ideas?
#### Total score: _59_ / _109_