990 B
Executable file
CS3081W Google Test Framework
This directory contains a combination of TA-written and student-written unit tests for the project. All of the tests are written on top of the Google Test testing framework. The Makefile will generate a new unittest execuable by compiling all of the tests specified in the .cc files in this directory with a pre-built version of the Google Test library (libgtest.a, libgtest_main.a).
Compiling and Running Tests
Running 'make all' will generate ../build/bin/unittest, which you can run directly as you develop your project to see how the current code works with the current set of tests.
The CSci-3081W staff will create this file of tests. You should never need to edit this file. In fact, it is important that you do not edit it. Think of it as a contract.
Writing your own tests
Add to the student-tests1.cc file or rename it and/or create your own files to add your own tests to the test suite.