This commit is contained in:
Michael Zhang 2024-09-15 19:39:17 -05:00
parent c1788c20fb
commit 81fb1d0c77
6 changed files with 7 additions and 144 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ node_modules

.ignore Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ module lemma211 where
module lemma212 where
lemma : {A : Type l} {x y z : A} x y y z x z
lemma {x = x} p q i = hcomp (λ j λ { (i = i0) x ; (i = i1) q j }) (p i)
lemma {x = x} p q i = hcomp
(λ j λ { (i = i0) x ; (i = i1) q j })
(p i)
module lemma214 where

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@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --without-K #-}
module CubicalHottBook.Chapter2 where
open import CubicalHottBook.Prelude
l l2 : Level
### Lemma 2.3.5
transportconst : {A : Type l} {x y : A}
→ (B : Type l2)
→ (p : x ≡ y)
→ (b : B)
→ subst (λ _ → B) p b ≡ b
transportconst B p b i = {! !}
### Definition 2.4.1
__ : {X : Type l} {Y : X → Type l2} → (f g : (x : X) → Y x) → Type (-max l l2)
__ {X = X} f g = (x : X) → f x ≡ g x
### Definition 2.4.6
record qinv {A B : Type} (f : A → B) : Type where
constructor mkQinv
g : B → A
forward : (f ∘ g) id
backward : (g ∘ f) id
### Example 2.4.7
id-qinv : {A : Type} → qinv (id {A = A})
id-qinv {A = A} = mkQinv id id-homotopy id-homotopy where
id-homotopy : (x : A) → (id ∘ id) x ≡ id x
id-homotopy x = refl
### Definition 2.4.10
mkIsEquiv : {A B : Type} {f : A → B}
→ (g : B → A)
→ (f ∘ g) id
→ (g ∘ f) id
→ isEquiv f
mkIsEquiv {B = B} {f = f} g forward backward = record { equiv-proof = eqv-prf } where
helper : (y : B) → (z : fiber f y) → (g y , forward y) ≡ z
eqv-prf : (y : B) → isContr (fiber f y)
eqv-prf y = (g y , forward y) , helper y
### Theorem 2.11.3
-- theorem2∙11∙3 : {A B : Type} {f g : A → B} {a a' : A}
-- → (p : a ≡ a')
-- → (q : f a ≡ g a)
-- → subst (λ x → f x ≡ g x) p q ≡ sym (ap f p) ∙ q ∙ ap g p
-- theorem2∙11∙3 refl q = sym (unitR q)
### Theorem 2.11.5
-- postulate
-- theorem2∙11∙5 : {A : Type} {a a' : A}
-- → (p : a ≡ a')
-- → (q : a ≡ a)
-- → (r : a' ≡ a')
-- → (transport (λ x → x ≡ x) p q ≡ r) ≃ (q ∙ p ≡ p ∙ r)
-- theorem2∙11∙5 {a = a} refl q r = f , mkIsEquiv g {! !} {! !} where
-- f : (q ≡ r) → (q ∙ refl ≡ r)
-- f refl = unitR q
-- g : (q ∙ refl ≡ r) → (q ≡ r)
-- g refl = sym (unitR q)
-- forward : (f ∘ g) id
-- forward refl = {! refl !}

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --without-K #-}
module CubicalHottBook.Chapter6 where
open import CubicalHottBook.Prelude
open import CubicalHottBook.Chapter2
dep-path : {l l2 : Level} {A : Set l} {x y : A} → (P : A → Set l2) → (p : x ≡ y) → (u : P x) → (v : P y) → Set l2
dep-path P p u v = transport P p u ≡ v
syntax dep-path P p u v = u ≡[ P , p ] v
## Circle
### Lemma 6.2.5
lemma6∙2∙5 : {A : Type}
→ (a : A)
→ (p : a ≡ a)
→ S¹ → A
lemma6∙2∙5 a p base = a
lemma6∙2∙5 a p (S¹.loop i) = {! !}
### Lemma 6.2.8
lemma6∙2∙8 : {A : Type} {f g : S¹ → A}
→ (p : f base ≡ g base)
→ (q : (ap f loop) ≡[ (λ x → x ≡ x) , p ] (ap g loop))
→ (x : S¹) → f x ≡ g x
lemma6∙2∙8 p q base = p
lemma6∙2∙8 p q (S¹.loop i) = {! !}

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --without-K #-}
module CubicalHottBook.Prelude where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function public
open import Data.Product.Properties public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv public
module Inductive where
open import Cubical.Data.Equality public
open Inductive public using (id)