2016-09-09 16:43:09 -04:00
Copyright (c) 2016 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
2017-07-08 13:39:23 +01:00
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Ulrik Buchholtz
2016-09-09 16:43:09 -04:00
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
Reduced cohomology of spectra and cohomology theories
2016-09-09 16:43:09 -04:00
2017-07-17 13:58:36 +01:00
import ..homotopy.spectrum ..algebra.arrow_group homotopy.fwedge ..choice ..homotopy.pushout ..algebra.product_group
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
open eq spectrum int trunc pointed EM group algebra circle sphere nat EM.ops equiv susp is_trunc
2017-03-01 22:58:50 -05:00
function fwedge cofiber bool lift sigma is_equiv choice pushout algebra unit pi
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
2017-02-02 17:14:48 -05:00
namespace cohomology
2016-11-17 16:21:40 -05:00
2017-05-24 08:25:58 -04:00
/- The cohomology of X with coefficients in Y is
trunc 0 (A →* Ω[2] (Y (n+2)))
2017-06-05 17:09:48 -04:00
In the file arrow_group (in algebra) we construct the group structure on this type.
2017-05-24 08:25:58 -04:00
2016-11-23 23:54:57 -05:00
definition cohomology (X : Type*) (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) : AbGroup :=
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
AbGroup_trunc_pmap X (Y (n+2))
2016-09-09 16:43:09 -04:00
2016-11-23 23:54:57 -05:00
definition ordinary_cohomology [reducible] (X : Type*) (G : AbGroup) (n : ℤ) : AbGroup :=
2016-09-09 16:43:09 -04:00
cohomology X (EM_spectrum G) n
2016-11-23 23:54:57 -05:00
definition ordinary_cohomology_Z [reducible] (X : Type*) (n : ℤ) : AbGroup :=
2016-09-09 16:43:09 -04:00
ordinary_cohomology X agℤ n
2017-07-02 01:14:18 +01:00
definition unreduced_cohomology (X : Type) (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) : AbGroup :=
cohomology X₊ Y n
definition unreduced_ordinary_cohomology [reducible] (X : Type) (G : AbGroup) (n : ℤ) : AbGroup :=
unreduced_cohomology X (EM_spectrum G) n
definition unreduced_ordinary_cohomology_Z [reducible] (X : Type) (n : ℤ) : AbGroup :=
unreduced_ordinary_cohomology X agℤ n
definition parametrized_cohomology {X : Type*} (Y : X → spectrum) (n : ℤ) : AbGroup :=
AbGroup_trunc_ppi (λx, Y x (n+2))
definition ordinary_parametrized_cohomology [reducible] {X : Type*} (G : X → AbGroup) (n : ℤ) :
AbGroup :=
parametrized_cohomology (λx, EM_spectrum (G x)) n
definition unreduced_parametrized_cohomology {X : Type} (Y : X → spectrum) (n : ℤ) : AbGroup :=
2017-07-07 22:32:57 +01:00
parametrized_cohomology (add_point_spectrum Y) n
2017-07-02 01:14:18 +01:00
definition unreduced_ordinary_parametrized_cohomology [reducible] {X : Type} (G : X → AbGroup)
(n : ℤ) : AbGroup :=
unreduced_parametrized_cohomology (λx, EM_spectrum (G x)) n
notation `H^` n `[`:0 X:0 `, ` Y:0 `]`:0 := cohomology X Y n
notation `oH^` n `[`:0 X:0 `, ` G:0 `]`:0 := ordinary_cohomology X G n
notation `H^` n `[`:0 X:0 `]`:0 := ordinary_cohomology_Z X n
notation `uH^` n `[`:0 X:0 `, ` Y:0 `]`:0 := unreduced_cohomology X Y n
notation `uoH^` n `[`:0 X:0 `, ` G:0 `]`:0 := unreduced_ordinary_cohomology X G n
notation `uH^` n `[`:0 X:0 `]`:0 := unreduced_ordinary_cohomology_Z X n
2017-05-24 08:25:58 -04:00
notation `pH^` n `[`:0 binders `, ` r:(scoped Y, parametrized_cohomology Y n) `]`:0 := r
2017-07-02 01:14:18 +01:00
notation `opH^` n `[`:0 binders `, ` r:(scoped G, ordinary_parametrized_cohomology G n) `]`:0 := r
notation `upH^` n `[`:0 binders `, ` r:(scoped Y, unreduced_parametrized_cohomology Y n) `]`:0 := r
notation `uopH^` n `[`:0 binders `, ` r:(scoped G, unreduced_ordinary_parametrized_cohomology G n) `]`:0 := r
2016-09-09 16:43:09 -04:00
2016-11-23 23:54:57 -05:00
-- check H^3[S¹*,EM_spectrum agℤ]
-- check H^3[S¹*]
2017-05-24 08:25:58 -04:00
-- check pH^3[(x : S¹*), EM_spectrum agℤ]
/- an alternate definition of cohomology -/
2017-07-02 01:14:18 +01:00
definition cohomology_equiv_shomotopy_group_sp_cotensor (X : Type*) (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) :
2017-05-24 08:25:58 -04:00
H^n[X, Y] ≃ πₛ[-n] (sp_cotensor X Y) :=
trunc_equiv_trunc 0 (!pfunext ⬝e loop_pequiv_loop !pfunext ⬝e loopn_pequiv_loopn 2
(pequiv_of_eq (ap (λn, ppmap X (Y n)) (add.comm n 2 ⬝ ap (add 2) !neg_neg⁻¹))))
2016-09-28 10:33:21 -04:00
2017-07-02 01:14:18 +01:00
definition parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_spi {X : Type*} (Y : X → spectrum)
{n m : ℤ} (p : -m = n) : pH^n[(x : X), Y x] ≃g πₛ[m] (spi X Y) :=
2017-07-08 12:22:31 +01:00
apply isomorphism.trans (trunc_ppi_loop_isomorphism (λx, Ω (Y x (n + 2))))⁻¹ᵍ,
apply homotopy_group_isomorphism_of_pequiv 0, esimp,
have q : sub 2 m = n + 2,
from (int.add_comm (of_nat 2) (-m) ⬝ ap (λk, k + of_nat 2) p),
2017-07-08 22:45:18 +01:00
rewrite q, symmetry, apply loop_pppi_pequiv
2017-07-08 12:22:31 +01:00
2017-07-07 22:32:57 +01:00
definition unreduced_parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_supi {X : Type}
(Y : X → spectrum) {n m : ℤ} (p : -m = n) : upH^n[(x : X), Y x] ≃g πₛ[m] (supi X Y) :=
2017-07-08 15:11:11 +01:00
refine parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_spi (add_point_spectrum Y) p ⬝g _,
apply shomotopy_group_isomorphism_of_pequiv, intro k,
apply pppi_add_point_over
definition cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_sp_cotensor (X : Type*) (Y : spectrum) {n m : ℤ}
(p : -m = n) : H^n[X, Y] ≃g πₛ[m] (sp_cotensor X Y) :=
2017-07-08 15:40:43 +01:00
refine !trunc_ppi_isomorphic_pmap⁻¹ᵍ ⬝g _,
refine parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_spi (λx, Y) p ⬝g _,
apply shomotopy_group_isomorphism_of_pequiv, intro k,
apply pppi_pequiv_ppmap
2017-07-02 01:14:18 +01:00
2017-07-08 15:11:11 +01:00
definition unreduced_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_sp_ucotensor (X : Type) (Y : spectrum)
{n m : ℤ} (p : -m = n) : uH^n[X, Y] ≃g πₛ[m] (sp_ucotensor X Y) :=
refine cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_sp_cotensor X₊ Y p ⬝g _,
apply shomotopy_group_isomorphism_of_pequiv, intro k, apply ppmap_add_point
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
/- functoriality -/
definition cohomology_functor [constructor] {X X' : Type*} (f : X' →* X) (Y : spectrum)
2016-09-28 10:33:21 -04:00
(n : ℤ) : cohomology X Y n →g cohomology X' Y n :=
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
Group_trunc_pmap_homomorphism f
2016-09-28 10:33:21 -04:00
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
definition cohomology_functor_pid (X : Type*) (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) (f : H^n[X, Y]) :
cohomology_functor (pid X) Y n f = f :=
2016-09-28 10:33:21 -04:00
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
definition cohomology_functor_pcompose {X X' X'' : Type*} (f : X' →* X) (g : X'' →* X')
(Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) (h : H^n[X, Y]) : cohomology_functor (f ∘* g) Y n h =
cohomology_functor g Y n (cohomology_functor f Y n h) :=
2017-02-02 17:14:48 -05:00
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
definition cohomology_functor_phomotopy {X X' : Type*} {f g : X' →* X} (p : f ~* g)
(Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) : cohomology_functor f Y n ~ cohomology_functor g Y n :=
Group_trunc_pmap_phomotopy p
2017-02-02 17:14:48 -05:00
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
definition cohomology_functor_phomotopy_refl {X X' : Type*} (f : X' →* X) (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ)
(x : H^n[X, Y]) : cohomology_functor_phomotopy (phomotopy.refl f) Y n x = idp :=
Group_trunc_pmap_phomotopy_refl f x
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
definition cohomology_functor_pconst {X X' : Type*} (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) (f : H^n[X, Y]) :
cohomology_functor (pconst X' X) Y n f = 1 :=
2017-02-18 19:01:24 -05:00
definition cohomology_isomorphism {X X' : Type*} (f : X' ≃* X) (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) :
H^n[X, Y] ≃g H^n[X', Y] :=
Group_trunc_pmap_isomorphism f
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
definition cohomology_isomorphism_refl (X : Type*) (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) (x : H^n[X,Y]) :
cohomology_isomorphism (pequiv.refl X) Y n x = x :=
2017-07-07 22:32:57 +01:00
definition cohomology_isomorphism_right (X : Type*) {Y Y' : spectrum} (e : Πn, Y n ≃* Y' n)
(n : ℤ) : H^n[X, Y] ≃g H^n[X, Y'] :=
2017-07-08 15:40:43 +01:00
cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_sp_cotensor X Y !neg_neg ⬝g
shomotopy_group_isomorphism_of_pequiv (-n) (λk, pequiv_ppcompose_left (e k)) ⬝g
(cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_sp_cotensor X Y' !neg_neg)⁻¹ᵍ
2017-07-02 01:14:18 +01:00
2017-07-04 12:57:46 +01:00
definition parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_right {X : Type*} {Y Y' : X → spectrum}
2017-07-07 22:32:57 +01:00
(e : Πx n, Y x n ≃* Y' x n) (n : ℤ) : pH^n[(x : X), Y x] ≃g pH^n[(x : X), Y' x] :=
2017-07-08 15:11:11 +01:00
parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_spi Y !neg_neg ⬝g
2017-07-08 15:40:43 +01:00
shomotopy_group_isomorphism_of_pequiv (-n) (λk, ppi_pequiv_right (λx, e x k)) ⬝g
2017-07-08 15:11:11 +01:00
(parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_spi Y' !neg_neg)⁻¹ᵍ
2017-07-07 22:32:57 +01:00
definition unreduced_parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_right {X : Type} {Y Y' : X → spectrum}
(e : Πx n, Y x n ≃* Y' x n) (n : ℤ) : upH^n[(x : X), Y x] ≃g upH^n[(x : X), Y' x] :=
2017-07-08 15:40:43 +01:00
parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_right (λx' k, add_point_over_pequiv (λx, e x k) x') n
2017-07-07 22:32:57 +01:00
definition unreduced_ordinary_parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_right {X : Type}
{G G' : X → AbGroup} (e : Πx, G x ≃g G' x) (n : ℤ) :
uopH^n[(x : X), G x] ≃g uopH^n[(x : X), G' x] :=
2017-07-08 15:40:43 +01:00
unreduced_parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_right (λx, EM_spectrum_pequiv (e x)) n
2017-07-02 01:14:18 +01:00
definition ordinary_cohomology_isomorphism_right (X : Type*) {G G' : AbGroup} (e : G ≃g G')
(n : ℤ) : oH^n[X, G] ≃g oH^n[X, G'] :=
cohomology_isomorphism_right X (EM_spectrum_pequiv e) n
2017-07-04 12:57:46 +01:00
definition ordinary_parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_right {X : Type*} {G G' : X → AbGroup}
2017-07-02 01:14:18 +01:00
(e : Πx, G x ≃g G' x) (n : ℤ) : opH^n[(x : X), G x] ≃g opH^n[(x : X), G' x] :=
2017-07-04 12:57:46 +01:00
parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_right (λx, EM_spectrum_pequiv (e x)) n
definition uopH_isomorphism_opH {X : Type} (G : X → AbGroup) (n : ℤ) :
uopH^n[(x : X), G x] ≃g opH^n[(x : X₊), add_point_AbGroup G x] :=
intro x n, induction x with x,
{ symmetry, apply EM_spectrum_trivial, },
{ reflexivity }
2017-07-02 01:14:18 +01:00
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
/- suspension axiom -/
definition cohomology_psusp_2 (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) :
Ω (Ω[2] (Y ((n+1)+2))) ≃* Ω[2] (Y (n+2)) :=
apply loopn_pequiv_loopn 2,
2017-06-02 12:15:31 -04:00
exact loop_pequiv_loop (pequiv_of_eq (ap Y (add.right_comm n 1 2))) ⬝e* !equiv_glue⁻¹ᵉ*
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
definition cohomology_psusp_1 (X : Type*) (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) :
psusp X →* Ω (Ω (Y (n + 1 + 2))) ≃ X →* Ω (Ω (Y (n+2))) :=
2017-02-02 17:14:48 -05:00
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
psusp X →* Ω[2] (Y (n + 1 + 2)) ≃ X →* Ω (Ω[2] (Y (n + 1 + 2))) : psusp_adjoint_loop_unpointed
... ≃ X →* Ω[2] (Y (n+2)) : equiv_of_pequiv (pequiv_ppcompose_left
(cohomology_psusp_2 Y n))
definition cohomology_psusp_1_pmap_mul {X : Type*} {Y : spectrum} {n : ℤ}
(f g : psusp X →* Ω (Ω (Y (n + 1 + 2)))) : cohomology_psusp_1 X Y n (pmap_mul f g) ~*
pmap_mul (cohomology_psusp_1 X Y n f) (cohomology_psusp_1 X Y n g) :=
unfold [cohomology_psusp_1],
refine pwhisker_left _ !loop_psusp_intro_pmap_mul ⬝* _,
apply pcompose_pmap_mul
definition cohomology_psusp_equiv (X : Type*) (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) :
H^n+1[psusp X, Y] ≃ H^n[X, Y] :=
trunc_equiv_trunc _ (cohomology_psusp_1 X Y n)
definition cohomology_psusp (X : Type*) (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) :
H^n+1[psusp X, Y] ≃g H^n[X, Y] :=
isomorphism_of_equiv (cohomology_psusp_equiv X Y n)
intro f₁ f₂, induction f₁ with f₁, induction f₂ with f₂,
apply ap tr, apply eq_of_phomotopy, exact cohomology_psusp_1_pmap_mul f₁ f₂
definition cohomology_psusp_natural {X X' : Type*} (f : X →* X') (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) :
cohomology_psusp X Y n ∘ cohomology_functor (psusp_functor f) Y (n+1) ~
cohomology_functor f Y n ∘ cohomology_psusp X' Y n :=
refine (trunc_functor_compose _ _ _)⁻¹ʰᵗʸ ⬝hty _ ⬝hty trunc_functor_compose _ _ _,
apply trunc_functor_homotopy, intro g,
apply eq_of_phomotopy, refine _ ⬝* !passoc⁻¹*, apply pwhisker_left,
apply loop_psusp_intro_natural
/- exactness -/
definition cohomology_exact {X X' : Type*} (f : X →* X') (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) :
2017-03-06 01:01:36 -05:00
is_exact_g (cohomology_functor (pcod f) Y n) (cohomology_functor f Y n) :=
is_exact_trunc_functor (cofiber_exact f)
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
/- additivity -/
definition additive_hom [constructor] {I : Type} (X : I → Type*) (Y : spectrum) (n : ℤ) :
H^n[⋁X, Y] →g Πᵍ i, H^n[X i, Y] :=
Group_pi_intro (λi, cohomology_functor (pinl i) Y n)
definition additive_equiv.{u} {I : Type.{u}} (H : has_choice 0 I) (X : I → Type*) (Y : spectrum)
(n : ℤ) : H^n[⋁X, Y] ≃ Πᵍ i, H^n[X i, Y] :=
trunc_fwedge_pmap_equiv H X (Ω[2] (Y (n+2)))
2017-02-18 19:01:24 -05:00
definition spectrum_additive {I : Type} (H : has_choice 0 I) (X : I → Type*) (Y : spectrum)
(n : ℤ) : is_equiv (additive_hom X Y n) :=
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
is_equiv_of_equiv_of_homotopy (additive_equiv H X Y n) begin intro f, induction f, reflexivity end
2017-02-18 19:01:24 -05:00
/- dimension axiom for ordinary cohomology -/
open is_conn trunc_index
theorem EM_dimension' (G : AbGroup) (n : ℤ) (H : n ≠ 0) :
is_contr (ordinary_cohomology pbool G n) :=
apply is_conn_equiv_closed 0 !pmap_pbool_equiv⁻¹ᵉ,
apply is_conn_equiv_closed 0 !equiv_glue2⁻¹ᵉ,
cases n with n n,
{ cases n with n,
{ exfalso, apply H, reflexivity },
{ apply is_conn_of_le, apply zero_le_of_nat n, exact is_conn_EMadd1 G n, }},
{ apply is_trunc_trunc_of_is_trunc, apply @is_contr_loop_of_is_trunc (n+1) (K G 0),
apply is_trunc_of_le _ (zero_le_of_nat n) }
theorem EM_dimension (G : AbGroup) (n : ℤ) (H : n ≠ 0) :
is_contr (ordinary_cohomology (plift pbool) G n) :=
@(is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev -2
(equiv_of_isomorphism (cohomology_isomorphism (pequiv_plift pbool) _ _)))
(EM_dimension' G n H)
2017-07-02 01:14:18 +01:00
open group algebra
theorem ordinary_cohomology_pbool (G : AbGroup) : ordinary_cohomology pbool G 0 ≃g G :=
--isomorphism_of_equiv (trunc_equiv_trunc 0 (ppmap_pbool_pequiv _ ⬝e _) ⬝e !trunc_equiv) sorry
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
/- cohomology theory -/
structure cohomology_theory.{u} : Type.{u+1} :=
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
(HH : ℤ → pType.{u} → AbGroup.{u})
(Hiso : Π(n : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} (f : X ≃* Y), HH n Y ≃g HH n X)
(Hiso_refl : Π(n : ℤ) (X : Type*) (x : HH n X), Hiso n pequiv.rfl x = x)
(Hh : Π(n : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y), HH n Y →g HH n X)
(Hhomotopy : Π(n : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} {f g : X →* Y} (p : f ~* g), Hh n f ~ Hh n g)
(Hhomotopy_refl : Π(n : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y) (x : HH n Y),
Hhomotopy n (phomotopy.refl f) x = idp)
(Hid : Π(n : ℤ) {X : Type*} (x : HH n X), Hh n (pid X) x = x)
(Hcompose : Π(n : ℤ) {X Y Z : Type*} (g : Y →* Z) (f : X →* Y) (z : HH n Z),
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
Hh n (g ∘* f) z = Hh n f (Hh n g z))
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
(Hsusp : Π(n : ℤ) (X : Type*), HH (succ n) (psusp X) ≃g HH n X)
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
(Hsusp_natural : Π(n : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y),
Hsusp n X ∘ Hh (succ n) (psusp_functor f) ~ Hh n f ∘ Hsusp n Y)
2017-03-06 01:01:36 -05:00
(Hexact : Π(n : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y), is_exact_g (Hh n (pcod f)) (Hh n f))
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
(Hadditive : Π(n : ℤ) {I : Type.{u}} (X : I → Type*), has_choice 0 I →
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
is_equiv (Group_pi_intro (λi, Hh n (pinl i)) : HH n (⋁ X) → Πᵍ i, HH n (X i)))
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
2017-06-08 14:04:58 -06:00
structure ordinary_cohomology_theory.{u} extends cohomology_theory.{u} : Type.{u+1} :=
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
(Hdimension : Π(n : ℤ), n ≠ 0 → is_contr (HH n (plift pbool)))
attribute cohomology_theory.HH [coercion]
postfix `^→`:90 := cohomology_theory.Hh
open cohomology_theory
2017-03-01 22:58:50 -05:00
definition Hequiv (H : cohomology_theory) (n : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} (f : X ≃* Y) : H n Y ≃ H n X :=
equiv_of_isomorphism (Hiso H n f)
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
definition Hsusp_neg (H : cohomology_theory) (n : ℤ) (X : Type*) : H n (psusp X) ≃g H (pred n) X :=
isomorphism_of_eq (ap (λn, H n _) proof (sub_add_cancel n 1)⁻¹ qed) ⬝g cohomology_theory.Hsusp H (pred n) X
definition Hsusp_neg_natural (H : cohomology_theory) (n : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y) :
Hsusp_neg H n X ∘ H ^→ n (psusp_functor f) ~ H ^→ (pred n) f ∘ Hsusp_neg H n Y :=
definition Hsusp_inv_natural (H : cohomology_theory) (n : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y) :
H ^→ (succ n) (psusp_functor f) ∘g (Hsusp H n Y)⁻¹ᵍ ~ (Hsusp H n X)⁻¹ᵍ ∘ H ^→ n f :=
definition Hsusp_neg_inv_natural (H : cohomology_theory) (n : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y) :
H ^→ n (psusp_functor f) ∘g (Hsusp_neg H n Y)⁻¹ᵍ ~ (Hsusp_neg H n X)⁻¹ᵍ ∘ H ^→ (pred n) f :=
2017-03-01 22:58:50 -05:00
definition Hadditive_equiv (H : cohomology_theory) (n : ℤ) {I : Type} (X : I → Type*) (H2 : has_choice 0 I)
: H n (⋁ X) ≃g Πᵍ i, H n (X i) :=
isomorphism.mk _ (Hadditive H n X H2)
definition Hlift_empty.{u} (H : cohomology_theory.{u}) (n : ℤ) :
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
is_contr (H n (plift punit)) :=
let P : lift empty → Type* := lift.rec empty.elim in
let x := Hadditive H n P _ in
note z := equiv.mk _ x,
refine @(is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev -2 (_ ⬝e z ⬝e _)) !is_contr_unit,
2017-03-01 22:58:50 -05:00
refine Hequiv H n (pequiv_punit_of_is_contr _ _ ⬝e* !pequiv_plift),
apply is_contr_fwedge_of_neg, intro y, induction y with y, exact y,
apply equiv_unit_of_is_contr, apply is_contr_pi_of_neg, intro y, induction y with y, exact y
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
2017-03-01 22:58:50 -05:00
definition Hempty (H : cohomology_theory.{0}) (n : ℤ) :
is_contr (H n punit) :=
@(is_trunc_equiv_closed _ (Hequiv H n !pequiv_plift)) (Hlift_empty H n)
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
definition Hconst (H : cohomology_theory) (n : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} (y : H n Y) : H ^→ n (pconst X Y) y = 1 :=
2017-03-01 22:58:50 -05:00
refine Hhomotopy H n (pconst_pcompose (pconst X (plift punit)))⁻¹* y ⬝ _,
refine Hcompose H n _ _ y ⬝ _,
refine ap (H ^→ n _) (@eq_of_is_contr _ (Hlift_empty H n) _ 1) ⬝ _,
apply respect_one
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
2017-03-01 22:58:50 -05:00
-- definition Hwedge (H : cohomology_theory) (n : ℤ) (A B : Type*) : H n (A ∨ B) ≃g H n A ×ag H n B :=
-- begin
-- refine Hiso H n (pwedge_pequiv_fwedge A B)⁻¹ᵉ* ⬝g _,
-- refine Hadditive_equiv H n _ _ ⬝g _
-- end
definition cohomology_theory_spectrum.{u} [constructor] (Y : spectrum.{u}) : cohomology_theory.{u} :=
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
(λn A, H^n[A, Y])
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
(λn A B f, cohomology_isomorphism f Y n)
(λn A, cohomology_isomorphism_refl A Y n)
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
(λn A B f, cohomology_functor f Y n)
2017-02-20 16:23:57 -05:00
(λn A B f g p, cohomology_functor_phomotopy p Y n)
(λn A B f x, cohomology_functor_phomotopy_refl f Y n x)
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
(λn A x, cohomology_functor_pid A Y n x)
(λn A B C g f x, cohomology_functor_pcompose g f Y n x)
(λn A, cohomology_psusp A Y n)
(λn A B f, cohomology_psusp_natural f Y n)
(λn A B f, cohomology_exact f Y n)
2017-02-18 19:01:24 -05:00
(λn I A H, spectrum_additive H A Y n)
2017-03-01 22:58:50 -05:00
-- set_option pp.universes true
-- set_option pp.abbreviations false
-- print cohomology_theory_spectrum
-- print EM_spectrum
-- print has_choice_lift
-- print equiv_lift
-- print has_choice_equiv_closed
2017-06-08 14:04:58 -06:00
definition ordinary_cohomology_theory_EM [constructor] (G : AbGroup) : ordinary_cohomology_theory :=
⦃ordinary_cohomology_theory, cohomology_theory_spectrum (EM_spectrum G), Hdimension := EM_dimension G ⦄
2017-02-18 16:56:38 -05:00
end cohomology