2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
Copyright (c) 2016 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Eilenberg MacLane spaces
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
import homotopy.EM .spectrum
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
open eq is_equiv equiv is_conn is_trunc unit function pointed nat group algebra trunc trunc_index
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
fiber prod fin pointed susp EM.ops
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
namespace EM
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
/- Higher EM-spaces -/
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
/- K(G, 2) is unique (see below for general case) -/
definition loopn_EMadd1 (G : CommGroup) (n : ℕ) : Ω[succ n] (EMadd1 G n) ≃* pType_of_Group G :=
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
refine _ ⬝e* loop_pEM1 G,
cases n with n,
{ refine !loop_ptrunc_pequiv ⬝e* _, refine ptrunc_pequiv _ _ _,
apply is_trunc_eq, apply is_trunc_EM1},
induction n with n IH,
{ exact loop_pequiv_loop (loop_EM2 G)},
refine _ ⬝e* IH,
refine !phomotopy_group_pequiv_loop_ptrunc⁻¹ᵉ* ⬝e* _ ⬝e* !phomotopy_group_pequiv_loop_ptrunc,
apply iterate_psusp_stability_pequiv,
rexact add_mul_le_mul_add n 1 1
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
definition EM2_map [unfold 7] {G : CommGroup} {X : Type*} (e : Ω[2] X ≃ G)
(r : Π(p q : Ω[2] X), e (@concat (Ω X) idp idp idp p q) = e p * e q)
[is_conn 1 X] [is_trunc 2 X] : EMadd1 G 1 → X :=
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
change trunc 2 (susp (EM1 G)) → X, intro x,
induction x with x, induction x with x,
{ exact pt},
{ exact pt},
{ change carrier (Ω X), refine EM1_map e r x}
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
definition pEM2_pmap [constructor] {G : CommGroup} {X : Type*} (e : Ω[2] X ≃ G)
(r : Π(p q : Ω[2] X), e (@concat (Ω X) idp idp idp p q) = e p * e q)
[is_conn 1 X] [is_trunc 2 X] : EMadd1 G 1 →* X :=
pmap.mk (EM2_map e r) idp
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
definition loop_pEM2_pmap {G : CommGroup} {X : Type*} (e : Ω[2] X ≃ G)
(r : Π(p q : Ω[2] X), e (@concat (Ω X) idp idp idp p q) = e p * e q)
[is_conn 1 X] [is_trunc 2 X] :
Ω→[2](pEM2_pmap e r) ~ e⁻¹ᵉ ∘ loopn_EMadd1 G 1 :=
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
exact sorry
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
-- TODO: make arguments in trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc implicit
attribute is_conn_EMadd1 is_trunc_EMadd1 [instance]
definition pEM2_pequiv' {G : CommGroup} {X : Type*} (e : Ω[2] X ≃ G)
(r : Π(p q : Ω[2] X), e (@concat (Ω X) idp idp idp p q) = e p * e q)
[is_conn 1 X] [is_trunc 2 X] : EMadd1 G 1 ≃* X :=
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
apply pequiv_of_pmap (pEM2_pmap e r),
have is_conn 0 (EMadd1 G 1), from !is_conn_of_is_conn_succ,
have is_trunc 2 (EMadd1 G 1), from !is_trunc_EMadd1,
refine whitehead_principle_pointed 2 _ _,
intro k, apply @nat.lt_by_cases k 2: intro H,
{ apply @is_equiv_of_is_contr,
do 2 exact trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_conn _ (le_of_lt_succ H)},
{ cases H, esimp, apply is_equiv_trunc_functor, esimp,
apply is_equiv.homotopy_closed, rotate 1,
{ symmetry, exact loop_pEM2_pmap _ _},
apply is_equiv_compose, apply pequiv.to_is_equiv, apply to_is_equiv},
{ apply @is_equiv_of_is_contr,
exact trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc _ H,
apply @trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc, rotate 1, exact H, exact _inst_2}
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
definition pEM2_pequiv {G : CommGroup} {X : Type*} (e : πg[1+1] X ≃g G)
[is_conn 1 X] [is_trunc 2 X] : EMadd1 G 1 ≃* X :=
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
have is_set (Ω[2] X), from !is_trunc_eq,
apply pEM2_pequiv' (!trunc_equiv⁻¹ᵉ ⬝e equiv_of_isomorphism e),
intro p q, esimp, exact to_respect_mul e (tr p) (tr q)
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
-- general case
definition EMadd1_map [unfold 8] {G : CommGroup} {X : Type*} {n : ℕ} (e : Ω[succ n] X ≃ G)
(r : Π(p q : Ω[succ n] X), e (@concat (Ω[n] X) pt pt pt p q) = e p * e q)
[H1 : is_conn n X] [H2 : is_trunc (n.+1) X] : EMadd1 G n → X :=
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
revert X e r H1 H2, induction n with n f: intro X e r H1 H2,
{ change trunc 1 (EM1 G) → X, intro x, induction x with x, exact EM1_map e r x},
change trunc (n.+2) (susp (iterate_psusp n (pEM1 G))) → X, intro x,
induction x with x, induction x with x,
{ exact pt},
{ exact pt},
{ change carrier (Ω X), refine f _ _ _ _ _ (tr x),
{ refine _⁻¹ᵉ ⬝e e, apply equiv_of_pequiv, apply pequiv_of_eq, apply loop_space_succ_eq_in},
exact abstract begin
intro p q, refine _ ⬝ !r, apply ap e, esimp,
apply inv_tr_eq_of_eq_tr, symmetry,
rewrite [- + ap_inv, - + tr_compose],
refine !loop_space_succ_eq_in_concat ⬝ _, exact !tr_inv_tr ◾ !tr_inv_tr
end end}
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
definition pEMadd1_pmap [constructor] {G : CommGroup} {X : Type*} {n : ℕ} (e : Ω[succ n] X ≃ G)
(r : Π(p q : Ω[succ n] X), e (@concat (Ω[n] X) pt pt pt p q) = e p * e q)
[H1 : is_conn n X] [H2 : is_trunc (n.+1) X] : EMadd1 G n →* X :=
pmap.mk (EMadd1_map e r) begin cases n with n: reflexivity end
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
definition loop_pEMadd1_pmap {G : CommGroup} {X : Type*} {n : ℕ} (e : Ω[succ n] X ≃ G)
(r : Π(p q : Ω[succ n] X), e (@concat (Ω[n] X) pt pt pt p q) = e p * e q)
[H1 : is_conn n X] [H2 : is_trunc (n.+1) X] :
Ω→[succ n](pEMadd1_pmap e r) ~ e⁻¹ᵉ ∘ loopn_EMadd1 G n :=
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
apply homotopy_of_inv_homotopy_pre (loopn_EMadd1 G n),
intro g, esimp at *,
revert X e r H1 H2, induction n with n IH: intro X e r H1 H2,
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ _, refine !ap_compose'⁻¹ ⬝ _, esimp, apply elim_pth},
{ replace (succ (succ n)) with ((succ n) + 1), rewrite [apn_succ],
unfold [ap1], exact sorry}
--exact !idp_con ⬝ !elim_pth
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
-- definition is_conn_of_le (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type) [is_conn (n.+1) A] :
-- is_conn n A :=
-- is_trunc_trunc_of_le A -2 (trunc_index.self_le_succ n)
-- attribute is_conn_EMadd1 is_trunc_EMadd1 [instance]
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
definition pEMadd1_pequiv' {G : CommGroup} {X : Type*} {n : ℕ} (e : Ω[succ n] X ≃ G)
(r : Π(p q : Ω[succ n] X), e (@concat (Ω[n] X) pt pt pt p q) = e p * e q)
[H1 : is_conn n X] [H2 : is_trunc (n.+1) X] : EMadd1 G n ≃* X :=
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
apply pequiv_of_pmap (pEMadd1_pmap e r),
have is_conn 0 (EMadd1 G n), from is_conn_of_le _ (zero_le_of_nat n),
have is_trunc (n.+1) (EMadd1 G n), from !is_trunc_EMadd1,
refine whitehead_principle_pointed (n.+1) _ _,
intro k, apply @nat.lt_by_cases k (succ n): intro H,
{ apply @is_equiv_of_is_contr,
do 2 exact trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_conn _ (le_of_lt_succ H)},
{ cases H, esimp, apply is_equiv_trunc_functor, esimp,
apply is_equiv.homotopy_closed, rotate 1,
{ symmetry, exact loop_pEMadd1_pmap _ _},
apply is_equiv_compose, apply pequiv.to_is_equiv},
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
{ apply @is_equiv_of_is_contr,
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
do 2 exact trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc _ H}
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
definition pEMadd1_pequiv {G : CommGroup} {X : Type*} {n : ℕ} (e : πg[n+1] X ≃g G)
[H1 : is_conn n X] [H2 : is_trunc (n.+1) X] : EMadd1 G n ≃* X :=
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
have is_set (Ω[succ n] X), from !is_set_loopn,
apply pEMadd1_pequiv' (!trunc_equiv⁻¹ᵉ ⬝e equiv_of_isomorphism e),
intro p q, esimp, exact to_respect_mul e (tr p) (tr q)
2016-04-26 17:33:17 -04:00
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
definition EM_spectrum /-[constructor]-/ (G : CommGroup) : spectrum :=
spectrum.Mk (K G) (λn, (loop_EM G n)⁻¹ᵉ*)
2016-04-26 16:07:15 -04:00
end EM
2016-06-24 09:49:45 +01:00
-- cohomology ∥ X → K(G,n) ∥
-- reduced cohomology ∥ X →* K(G,n) ∥
-- but we probably want to do this for any spectrum