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Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "util/lua.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "kernel/metavar.h"
#include "library/expr_pair.h"
#include "library/simplifier/rewrite_rule_set.h"
namespace lean {
class simplifier_monitor;
/** \brief Simplifier object cell. */
class simplifier_cell {
friend class simplifier;
class imp;
std::unique_ptr<imp> m_ptr;
\brief Simplification result
class result {
friend class imp;
expr m_expr; // new expression
optional<expr> m_proof; // a proof that the m_expr is equal to the input (when m_proofs_enabled)
bool m_heq_proof; // true if the proof has type lhs == rhs (i.e., it is a heterogeneous equality)
explicit result(expr const & out, bool heq_proof = false):m_expr(out), m_heq_proof(heq_proof) {}
result(expr const & out, expr const & pr, bool heq_proof = false):m_expr(out), m_proof(pr), m_heq_proof(heq_proof) {}
result(expr const & out, optional<expr> const & pr, bool heq_proof = false):
m_expr(out), m_proof(pr), m_heq_proof(heq_proof) {}
result update_expr(expr const & new_e) const { return result(new_e, m_proof, m_heq_proof); }
result update_proof(expr const & new_pr) const { return result(m_expr, new_pr, m_heq_proof); }
result() {}
expr get_expr() const { return m_expr; }
optional<expr> get_proof() const { return m_proof; }
bool is_heq_proof() const { return m_heq_proof; }
simplifier_cell(ro_environment const & env, options const & o, unsigned num_rs, rewrite_rule_set const * rs,
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor> const & monitor);
result operator()(expr const & e, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv);
void clear();
unsigned get_depth() const;
ro_environment const & get_environment() const;
options const & get_options() const;
/** \brief Reference to simplifier object */
class simplifier {
friend class ro_simplifier;
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_cell> m_ptr;
typedef simplifier_cell::result result;
simplifier(ro_environment const & env, options const & o, unsigned num_rs, rewrite_rule_set const * rs,
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor> const & monitor);
simplifier_cell * operator->() const { return m_ptr.get(); }
simplifier_cell & operator*() const { return *(m_ptr.get()); }
result operator()(expr const & e, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv) {
return (*m_ptr)(e, menv);
/** \brief Read only reference to simplifier object */
class ro_simplifier {
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_cell const> m_ptr;
typedef std::weak_ptr<simplifier_cell const> weak_ref;
ro_simplifier(simplifier const & s);
ro_simplifier(weak_ref const & s);
explicit operator weak_ref() const { return weak_ref(m_ptr); }
weak_ref to_weak_ref() const { return weak_ref(m_ptr); }
simplifier_cell const * operator->() const { return m_ptr.get(); }
simplifier_cell const & operator*() const { return *(m_ptr.get()); }
\brief Abstract class that specifies the interface for monitoring
the behavior of the simplifier.
class simplifier_monitor {
virtual ~simplifier_monitor() {}
\brief This method is invoked to sign that the simplifier is starting to process the expression \c e.
virtual void pre_eh(ro_simplifier const & s, expr const & e) = 0;
\brief This method is invoked to sign that \c e has be rewritten into \c new_e with proof \c pr.
The proof is none if proof generation is disabled or if \c e and \c new_e are definitionally equal.
virtual void step_eh(ro_simplifier const & s, expr const & e, expr const & new_e, optional<expr> const & pr) = 0;
\brief This method is invoked to sign that \c e has be rewritten into \c new_e using the conditional equation \c ceq.
virtual void rewrite_eh(ro_simplifier const & s, expr const & e, expr const & new_e, expr const & ceq, name const & ceq_id) = 0;
enum class failure_kind { Unsupported, TypeMismatch, AssumptionNotProved, MissingArgument, PermutationGe, AbstractionBody };
\brief This method is invoked when the simplifier fails to rewrite an application \c e.
\c i is the argument where the simplifier gave up, and \c k is the reason for failure.
Two possible values are: Unsupported or TypeMismatch (may happen when simplifying terms that use dependent types).
virtual void failed_app_eh(ro_simplifier const & s, expr const & e, unsigned i, failure_kind k) = 0;
\brief This method is invoked when the simplifier fails to apply a conditional equation \c ceq to \c e.
The \c ceq may have several arguments, the value \c i is the argument where the simplifier gave up, and \c k is the reason for failure.
The possible failure values are: AssumptionNotProved (failed to synthesize a proof for an assumption required by \c ceq),
MissingArgument (failed to infer one of the arguments needed by the conditional equation), PermutationGe
(the conditional equation is a permutation, and the result is not smaller in the term ordering, \c i is irrelevant in this case).
virtual void failed_rewrite_eh(ro_simplifier const & s, expr const & e, expr const & ceq, name const & ceq_id, unsigned i, failure_kind k) = 0;
\brief This method is invoked when the simplifier fails to simplify an abstraction (Pi or Lambda).
The possible failure values are: Unsupported, TypeMismatch, and AbstractionBody (failed to rewrite the body of the abstraction,
this may happen when we are using dependent types).
virtual void failed_abstraction_eh(ro_simplifier const & s, expr const & e, failure_kind k) = 0;
class simplifier_stack_space_exception : public stack_space_exception {
virtual char const * what() const noexcept;
virtual exception * clone() const;
virtual void rethrow() const;
simplifier::result simplify(expr const & e, ro_environment const & env, options const & pts,
unsigned num_rs, rewrite_rule_set const * rs,
optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv = none_ro_menv(),
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor> const & monitor = std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor>());
simplifier::result simplify(expr const & e, ro_environment const & env, options const & opts,
unsigned num_ns, name const * ns,
optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv = none_ro_menv(),
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor> const & monitor = std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor>());
void open_simplifier(lua_State * L);