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Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "util/rc.h"
#include "frontends/lean/lean_operator_info.h"
namespace lean {
/** \brief Actual implementation of operator_info */
struct operator_info::imp {
void dealloc() { delete this; }
fixity m_fixity;
unsigned m_precedence;
list<name> m_op_parts; // operator parts, > 1 only if the operator is mixfix.
list<expr> m_exprs; // possible interpretations for the operator.
imp(name const & op, fixity f, unsigned p):
m_rc(1), m_fixity(f), m_precedence(p), m_op_parts(cons(op, list<name>())) {}
imp(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, fixity f, unsigned p):
m_rc(1), m_fixity(f), m_precedence(p), m_op_parts(to_list<name const *>(parts, parts + num_parts)) {
lean_assert(num_parts > 0);
imp(imp const & s):
m_rc(1), m_fixity(s.m_fixity), m_precedence(s.m_precedence), m_op_parts(s.m_op_parts), m_exprs(s.m_exprs) {
bool is_eq(imp const & other) const {
m_fixity == other.m_fixity &&
m_precedence == other.m_precedence &&
m_op_parts == other.m_op_parts;
operator_info::operator_info(imp * p):m_ptr(p) {}
operator_info::operator_info(operator_info const & info):m_ptr(info.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
operator_info::operator_info(operator_info && info):m_ptr(info.m_ptr) { info.m_ptr = nullptr; }
operator_info::~operator_info() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); }
operator_info & operator_info::operator=(operator_info const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(operator_info, s); }
operator_info & operator_info::operator=(operator_info && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(operator_info, s); }
void operator_info::add_expr(expr const & d) { lean_assert(m_ptr); m_ptr->m_exprs = cons(d, m_ptr->m_exprs); }
bool operator_info::is_overloaded() const { return m_ptr && !is_nil(m_ptr->m_exprs) && !is_nil(cdr(m_ptr->m_exprs)); }
list<expr> const & operator_info::get_denotations() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr->m_exprs; }
fixity operator_info::get_fixity() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr->m_fixity; }
unsigned operator_info::get_precedence() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr->m_precedence; }
name const & operator_info::get_op_name() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return car(m_ptr->m_op_parts); }
list<name> const & operator_info::get_op_name_parts() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr->m_op_parts; }
bool operator_info::is_safe_ascii() const {
auto l = get_op_name_parts();
return std::all_of(l.begin(), l.end(), [](name const & p) { return p.is_safe_ascii(); });
operator_info operator_info::copy() const { return operator_info(new imp(*m_ptr)); }
bool operator==(operator_info const & op1, operator_info const & op2) {
if ((op1.m_ptr == nullptr) != (op2.m_ptr == nullptr))
return false;
if (op1.m_ptr)
return op1.m_ptr->is_eq(*(op2.m_ptr));
return true;
operator_info infix(name const & op, unsigned precedence) {
return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(op, fixity::Infix, precedence));
operator_info infixr(name const & op, unsigned precedence) {
return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(op, fixity::Infixr, precedence));
operator_info infixl(name const & op, unsigned precedence) {
return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(op, fixity::Infixl, precedence));
operator_info prefix(name const & op, unsigned precedence) {
return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(op, fixity::Prefix, precedence));
operator_info postfix(name const & op, unsigned precedence) {
return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(op, fixity::Postfix, precedence));
operator_info mixfixl(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence) {
lean_assert(num_parts > 1); return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(num_parts, parts, fixity::Mixfixl, precedence));
operator_info mixfixr(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence) {
lean_assert(num_parts > 1); return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(num_parts, parts, fixity::Mixfixr, precedence));
operator_info mixfixc(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence) {
lean_assert(num_parts > 1); return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(num_parts, parts, fixity::Mixfixc, precedence));
operator_info mixfixo(unsigned num_parts, name const * parts, unsigned precedence) {
lean_assert(num_parts > 1); return operator_info(new operator_info::imp(num_parts, parts, fixity::Mixfixo, precedence));
char const * to_string(fixity f) {
switch (f) {
case fixity::Infix: return "Infix";
case fixity::Infixl: return "Infixl";
case fixity::Infixr: return "Infixr";
case fixity::Prefix: return "Prefix";
case fixity::Postfix: return "Postfix";
case fixity::Mixfixl: return "Mixfixl";
case fixity::Mixfixr: return "Mixfixr";
case fixity::Mixfixc: return "Mixfixc";
case fixity::Mixfixo: return "Mixfixo";
return 0;
format pp(operator_info const & o) {
format r;
2013-08-27 22:59:13 +00:00
switch (o.get_fixity()) {
case fixity::Infix:
case fixity::Infixl:
case fixity::Infixr:
r = highlight_command(format(to_string(o.get_fixity())));
if (o.get_precedence() > 1)
r += format{space(), format(o.get_precedence())};
r += format{space(), format(o.get_op_name())};
return r;
case fixity::Prefix:
case fixity::Postfix:
case fixity::Mixfixl:
case fixity::Mixfixr:
case fixity::Mixfixc:
case fixity::Mixfixo:
r = highlight_command(format("Notation"));
if (o.get_precedence() > 1)
r += format{space(), format(o.get_precedence())};
switch (o.get_fixity()) {
case fixity::Prefix:
r += format{space(), format(o.get_op_name()), space(), format("_")};
return r;
case fixity::Postfix:
r += format{space(), format("_"), space(), format(o.get_op_name())};
return r;
case fixity::Mixfixl:
for (auto p : o.get_op_name_parts())
r += format{space(), format(p), space(), format("_")};
return r;
case fixity::Mixfixr:
for (auto p : o.get_op_name_parts())
r += format{space(), format("_"), space(), format(p)};
return r;
case fixity::Mixfixc: {
auto parts = o.get_op_name_parts();
r += format{space(), format(head(parts))};
for (auto p : tail(parts))
r += format{space(), format("_"), space(), format(p)};
return r;
case fixity::Mixfixo:
for (auto p : o.get_op_name_parts())
r += format{space(), format("_"), space(), format(p)};
r += format{space(), format("_")};
return r;
default: lean_unreachable(); break;
return format();
char const * notation_declaration::keyword() const {
return to_string(m_op.get_fixity());
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, operator_info const & o) {
out << pp(o);
return out;