Leonardo de Moura
fix(frontends/lean/notation_cmd): fixes #808
This commit and 2b1d2c fixes #808
2015-08-31 18:05:58 -10:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(library/unifier): fixes #809
Daniel is correct when he says the interaction between choice
case-splits, delta case-splits, and coercions can be subtle.
I believe the following condition
reduces counter-intuitive behavior. Example, the coercion should not
influence the resulting type.
BTW, by removing this condition, many files in the library broke when I
tried to compile from scratch
make clean-olean
I used the following workaround. Given a delta-delta constraint
f a =?= f b
If the terms are types, and no case-split will be performed, then
the delta-delta constraint is eagerly solved.
In principle, we don't need the condition that the terms are types.
However, many files break if we remove it. The problem is that many files in the standard
library are abusing the higher-order unification procedure. The
elaboration problems are quite tricky to solve.
I use the extra condition "the terms are types" because usually if they
are, "f" is morally injective, and we don't really want to unfold it.
Note that the following two cases do not work
check '{1, 2, 3}
check insert 1 (insert 2 (insert 3 empty))
Well, they work if we the num namespace is open, and they are
interpreted as having type (finset num)
2015-08-31 17:59:30 -10:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(frontends/lean/util): bug when parsing priorities and numerals are overloaded
2015-08-31 15:08:21 -10:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(library/tactic/apply_tactic): do not report elaboration failure in apply tactic when proof_state.report_failure() is false
2015-08-21 15:45:52 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean/token_table): add 'proposition' keyword
2015-08-19 08:05:31 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(frontends/lean): rename multiword keyword "suffices to show" to "suffices"
2015-08-18 17:57:53 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean): add "suffices to show A, from B, C" construct
2015-08-18 17:04:38 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(frontends/lean/elaborator): fixes #803
2015-08-17 14:56:41 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean): allow user to overload notation containing foldr/foldl and/or scoped expressions
see new tests for a summary of new features
see issue #800
2015-08-16 18:24:30 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(library/normalize): fixes #801
2015-08-16 14:22:02 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(library/definitional/equations): fixes #796
2015-08-14 14:39:23 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
refactor(library/logic): move logic/choice.lean to init/classical.lean
choice axiom is now in the classical namespace.
2015-08-12 18:37:33 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
refactor(library/data): move vector as indexed family to examples folder
2015-08-12 15:05:14 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean/util): remove hack that overrides priority namespace
closes #789
2015-08-11 18:01:40 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean/decl_cmds): closes #791
2015-08-11 17:53:33 -07:00
Jeremy Avigad
fix(tests/lean): fix three tests broken by setext renaming
2015-08-09 22:14:25 -04:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean/decl_cmds): allow recursive examples
closes #774
2015-08-08 08:26:25 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean/builtin_exprs): rename 'show' hidden name to 'this'
This is useful if 'show' is recursive
2015-08-07 13:29:21 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(library): add 'noncomputable' keyword for the standard library
2015-07-28 21:56:35 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(library/util): fixes #751
2015-07-28 16:30:20 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean/bultin_cmds): add 'print [congr]' command for displaying active congruence rules
2015-07-23 18:52:59 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(library/simplifier): add API for extracting simplification rules defined in a given namespace
2015-07-22 18:47:56 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean,library): rename '[rewrite]' to '[simp]'
2015-07-22 09:01:42 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(tests/lean): adjust tests to recent changes to the standard library
2015-07-19 21:32:42 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(tests/lean/run/finset): adjust test to recent changes to the
standard library
2015-07-19 11:53:21 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean): add simp tactic frontend stub
This commit also removes the fake_simplifier. It doesn't work anymore
because simp is now a reserved word.
2015-07-14 09:54:53 -04:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean/parse_rewrite_tactic): change the semantics of rewrite[↑f] when f is recursive
After this commit it behaves like 'unfold f'.
That is, it will unfold f even if it fails to fold recursive
applications. Now, only 'esimp[f]' will not unfold f-applications when
it cannot fold the recursive applications.
This commit also closes #692 . It is part of a series of commits that
addresses this issue.
closes #692
2015-07-12 13:20:21 -04:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(library/tactic/unfold_rec): support indexed families + brec_on at unfold_rec
see issue #692
2015-07-12 12:45:05 -04:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(library/tactic): use occurrence object in unfold tactic family
2015-07-11 18:53:45 -04:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(library/tactic/unfold_rec): add annother brec pattern that should be checked in the unfold recursive definition tactic
2015-07-10 22:16:23 -04:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(library/tactic/rewrite_tactic): try to fold nested recursive applications after unfolding a recursive function
See issue #692 .
The implementation still has some rough spots.
It is not clear what the right semantic is.
Moreover, the folds in e_closure could not be eliminated automatically.
2015-07-08 21:19:18 -04:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean): rename '[unfold-c]' to '[unfold]' and '[unfold-f]' to '[unfold-full]'
see issue #693
2015-07-07 16:37:06 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(frontends/lean/elaborator): fixes #724
2015-07-06 15:19:19 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(tests): to reflect recent changes in the standard library
2015-07-06 15:05:01 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
test(tests/lean/run): add test showing new coercion module addresses issue #668
2015-07-01 16:41:19 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean): allow user to assign priorities to notation declarations
2015-06-30 17:10:27 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(library/tactic/rewrite_tactic): fixes #702
2015-06-28 20:37:17 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(frontends/lean/elaborator): fixes #687
2015-06-28 19:58:57 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
test(tests/lean/run): add test for <d
see issue #695
remark: we have to fix the tutorial the ASCII notation for fold is `<d`
instead of `<D`
2015-06-28 13:10:15 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean/parse_rewrite_tactic): accept trailing comman in rewrite tactic
see issue #695
2015-06-28 11:45:30 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(tests/lean): adjust tests to reflect changes in the elaboration process
2015-06-26 17:18:30 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
fix(tests): update tests to reflect the change of notation from \~ to ~
2015-06-25 22:55:05 -04:00
Leonardo de Moura
refactor(library/init): define prod as an inductive datatype
Motivation: prod is used internally in the definitional package.
If we define prod as a structure, then Lean will tag pr1 and pr2 as
projections. This creates problems when we add special support for
projections in the elaborator. The heuristics avoid some case-splits
that are currently performed, and without them some files break.
2015-06-25 17:59:06 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(datatypes): let the type of unit be the lowest non-Prop universe
The definitional package (brec_on and cases_on) now use poly_unit instead of unit
closes #698
2015-06-25 17:33:46 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(library/tactic/constructor_tactic): restore 'constructor' tactic old semantics, add 'fconstructor' tactic
See issue #676
Add new test demonstrating why it is useful to have the old semantics
for 'constructor'
2015-06-17 23:48:54 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(library/tactic/rewrite_tactic): fixes #682
2015-06-17 18:49:02 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(library/class): allow any constant to be marked as a class
closes #679
2015-06-17 16:26:45 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(library/tactic/constructor_tactic): use 'fapply' in 'constructor' tactic
closes #676
2015-06-16 12:03:31 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
fix(tests/lean): adjust tests to reflect changes in the standard library
2015-06-10 17:00:47 -07:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean/builtin_exprs): make notation ( e : T )
In the previous approach, the following (definitionally equal) term was being generated
(fun (A : Type) (a : A), a) T e
2015-06-10 14:52:59 -07:00