- Do not run tests at tests/lua/threads
- Disable thread object at Lua API
- par tactical becomes an alias for interleave
- Disable some unit tests that use threads
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
Recursive functions that may go very deep should invoke the function check_stack. It throws an exception if the amount of stack space is limited.
The function check_system() is syntax sugar for
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
There was a bug in the app_rewriter1_tst. If we apply the ADD_COMM RW to
f(0), then the result should be f(0) since there is nothing to do for
f(0) = f(0)
The proof for this equality should be Refl(Nat, f(0)). But it was
Refl(Nat -> Nat, f)
which is wrong. Somehow, the previous kernel didn't detect this type
mismatch and recent changes of the kernel found the problem.
I fixed the bug and re-enable the test as it was.
Now, it produces the following outcomes:
1- A proof
2- A counterexample
3- A list of (unsolved) final states
Remark: the solve method does not check whether the proof or counterexample is correct.
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
The idea is to make it clear that io_state is distinguish it from proof_state, and from leanlua_state.
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
Instead of having m_interrupted flags in several components. We use a thread_local global variable.
The new approach is much simpler to get right since there is no risk of "forgetting" to propagate
the set_interrupt method to sub-components.
The plan is to support set_interrupt methods and m_interrupted flags only in tactic objects.
We need to support them in tactics and tacticals because we want to implement combinators/tacticals such as (try_for T M) that fails if tactic T does not finish in M ms.
For example, consider the tactic:
try-for (T1 ORELSE T2) 5
It tries the tactic (T1 ORELSE T2) for 5ms.
Thus, if T1 does not finish after 5ms an interrupt request is sent, and T1 is interrupted.
Now, if you do not have a m_interrupted flag marking each tactic, the ORELSE combinator will try T2.
The set_interrupt method for ORELSE tactical should turn on the m_interrupted flag.
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
It was not a good idea to use heterogeneous equality as the default equality in Lean.
It creates the following problems.
- Heterogeneous equality does not propagate constraints in the elaborator.
For example, suppose that l has type (List Int), then the expression
l = nil
will not propagate the type (List Int) to nil.
- It is easy to write false. For example, suppose x has type Real, and the user
writes x = 0. This is equivalent to false, since 0 has type Nat. The elaborator cannot introduce
the coercion since x = 0 is a type correct expression.
Homogeneous equality does not suffer from the problems above.
We keep heterogeneous equality because it is useful for generating proof terms.
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
We need that when we normalize the assignment in a metavariable environment.
That is, we replace metavariable in a substitution with other assignments.
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
- We have been writing several comments of the form "... trace/justification..." and "this trace object justify ...".
- Avoid confusion with util/trace.h
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This normalization rule is not really a computational rule.
It is essentially encoding the reflexivity axiom as computation.
It can also be abaused. For example, with this rule,
the following definition is valid:
Theorem Th : a = a := Refl b
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>