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Copyright (c) 2016 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn
2016-02-04 19:02:15 -05:00
import types.int types.pointed types.trunc algebra.hott ..group_theory.basic .fin
2016-03-03 11:56:56 -05:00
open eq pointed int unit is_equiv equiv is_trunc trunc function algebra group sigma.ops
sum prod nat bool fin
namespace eq
definition transport_eq_Fl_idp_left {A B : Type} {a : A} {b : B} (f : A → B) (q : f a = b)
: transport_eq_Fl idp q = !idp_con⁻¹ :=
by induction q; reflexivity
definition whisker_left_idp_con_eq_assoc
{A : Type} {a₁ a₂ a₃ : A} (p : a₁ = a₂) (q : a₂ = a₃)
: whisker_left p (idp_con q)⁻¹ = con.assoc p idp q :=
by induction q; reflexivity
end eq open eq
structure succ_str : Type :=
(carrier : Type)
(succ : carrier → carrier)
attribute succ_str.carrier [coercion]
definition succ_str.S {X : succ_str} : X → X := succ_str.succ X
open succ_str
definition snat [reducible] [constructor] : succ_str := succ_str.mk nat.succ
definition snat' [reducible] [constructor] : succ_str := succ_str.mk nat.pred
definition sint [reducible] [constructor] : succ_str := succ_str.mk int.succ
definition sint' [reducible] [constructor] : succ_str := succ_str.mk int.pred
notation `+` := snat
notation `-` := snat'
notation `+` := sint
notation `-` := sint'
definition stratified_type [reducible] (N : succ_str) (n : ) : Type₀ := N × fin (succ n)
-- definition stratified_succ' {N : succ_str} : Π{n : }, N → ifin n → stratified_type N n
-- | (succ k) n (fz k) := (S n, ifin.max k)
-- | (succ k) n (fs x) := (n, ifin.incl x)
-- definition stratified_succ {N : succ_str} {n : } (x : stratified_type N n) : stratified_type N n :=
-- stratified_succ' (pr1 x) (pr2 x)
definition stratified_succ {N : succ_str} {n : } (x : stratified_type N n)
: stratified_type N n :=
(if val (pr2 x) = n then S (pr1 x) else pr1 x, my_succ (pr2 x))
definition stratified [reducible] [constructor] (N : succ_str) (n : ) : succ_str :=
succ_str.mk (stratified_type N n) stratified_succ
--example (n : ) : flatten (n, (2 : ifin (nat.succ (nat.succ 4)))) = 6*n+2 := proof rfl qed
notation `+3` := stratified + 2
notation `-3` := stratified - 2
notation `+3` := stratified + 2
notation `-3` := stratified - 2
notation `+6` := stratified + 5
notation `-6` := stratified - 5
notation `+6` := stratified + 5
notation `-6` := stratified - 5
-- definition triple_type (N : succ_str) : Type₀ := N ⊎ N ⊎ N
-- definition triple_succ {N : succ_str} : triple_type N → triple_type N
-- | (inl n) := inr (inl n)
-- | (inr (inl n)) := inr (inr n)
-- | (inr (inr n)) := inl (S n)
-- definition triple [reducible] [constructor] (N : succ_str) : succ_str :=
-- succ_str.mk (triple_type N) triple_succ
-- notation `+3` := triple +
-- notation `-3` := triple -
-- notation `+3` := triple +
-- notation `-3` := triple -
namespace chain_complex
2016-02-04 19:02:15 -05:00
-- are chain complexes with the "set"-requirement removed interesting?
structure type_chain_complex (N : succ_str) : Type :=
(car : N → Type*)
(fn : Π(n : N), car (S n) →* car n)
(is_chain_complex : Π(n : N) (x : car (S (S n))), fn n (fn (S n) x) = pt)
variables {N : succ_str} (X : type_chain_complex N) (n : N)
definition tcc_to_car [unfold 2] [coercion] := @type_chain_complex.car
definition tcc_to_fn [unfold 2] : X (S n) →* X n := type_chain_complex.fn X n
definition tcc_is_chain_complex [unfold 2]
: Π(x : X (S (S n))), tcc_to_fn X n (tcc_to_fn X (S n) x) = pt :=
type_chain_complex.is_chain_complex X n
-- important: these notions are shifted by one! (this is to avoid transports)
definition is_exact_at_t [reducible] /- X n -/ : Type :=
Π(x : X (S n)), tcc_to_fn X n x = pt → fiber (tcc_to_fn X (S n)) x
definition is_exact_t [reducible] /- X -/ : Type :=
Π(n : N), is_exact_at_t X n
-- definition type_chain_complex_from_left (X : type_chain_complex) : type_chain_complex :=
-- type_chain_complex.mk (int.rec X (λn, punit))
-- begin
-- intro n, fconstructor,
-- { induction n with n n,
-- { exact @ltcc_to_fn X n},
-- { esimp, intro x, exact star}},
-- { induction n with n n,
-- { apply respect_pt},
-- { reflexivity}}
-- end
-- begin
-- intro n, induction n with n n,
-- { exact ltcc_is_chain_complex X},
-- { esimp, intro x, reflexivity}
-- end
-- definition is_exact_t_from_left {X : type_chain_complex} {n : } (H : is_exact_at_lt X n)
-- : is_exact_at_t (type_chain_complex_from_left X) n :=
-- H
definition transfer_type_chain_complex [constructor] /- X -/
{Y : N → Type*} (g : Π{n : N}, Y (S n) →* Y n) (e : Π{n}, X n ≃* Y n)
(p : Π{n} (x : X (S n)), e (tcc_to_fn X n x) = g (e x)) : type_chain_complex N :=
type_chain_complex.mk Y @g
abstract begin
intro n, apply equiv_rect (equiv_of_pequiv e), intro x,
refine ap g (p x)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine (p _)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap e (tcc_is_chain_complex X n _) ⬝ _,
apply respect_pt
end end
theorem is_exact_at_t_transfer {X : type_chain_complex N} {Y : N → Type*}
{g : Π{n : N}, Y (S n) →* Y n} (e : Π{n}, X n ≃* Y n)
(p : Π{n} (x : X (S n)), e (tcc_to_fn X n x) = g (e x)) {n : N}
(H : is_exact_at_t X n) : is_exact_at_t (transfer_type_chain_complex X @g @e @p) n :=
intro y q, esimp at *,
have H2 : tcc_to_fn X n (e⁻¹ᵉ* y) = pt,
refine (inv_commute (λn, equiv_of_pequiv e) _ _ @p _)⁻¹ᵖ ⬝ _,
refine ap _ q ⬝ _,
exact respect_pt e⁻¹ᵉ*
cases (H _ H2) with x r,
refine fiber.mk (e x) _,
refine (p x)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap e r ⬝ _,
apply right_inv
-- cancel automorphisms inside a long exact sequence
definition type_chain_complex_cancel_aut [constructor] /- X -/
(g : Π{n : N}, X (S n) →* X n) (e : Π{n}, X n ≃* X n)
(r : Π{n}, X n →* X n)
(p : Π{n : N} (x : X (S n)), g (e x) = tcc_to_fn X n x)
(pr : Π{n : N} (x : X (S n)), g x = r (g (e x))) : type_chain_complex N :=
type_chain_complex.mk X @g
abstract begin
have p' : Π{n : N} (x : X (S n)), g x = tcc_to_fn X n (e⁻¹ x),
from λn, homotopy_inv_of_homotopy_pre e _ _ p,
intro n x,
refine ap g !p' ⬝ !pr ⬝ _,
refine ap r !p ⬝ _,
refine ap r (tcc_is_chain_complex X n _) ⬝ _,
apply respect_pt
end end
theorem is_exact_at_t_cancel_aut {X : type_chain_complex N}
{g : Π{n : N}, X (S n) →* X n} {e : Π{n}, X n ≃* X n}
{r : Π{n}, X n →* X n} (l : Π{n}, X n →* X n)
(p : Π{n : N} (x : X (S n)), g (e x) = tcc_to_fn X n x)
(pr : Π{n : N} (x : X (S n)), g x = r (g (e x)))
(pl : Π{n : N} (x : X (S n)), g (l x) = e (g x))
(H : is_exact_at_t X n) : is_exact_at_t (type_chain_complex_cancel_aut X @g @e @r @p @pr) n :=
intro y q, esimp at *,
have H2 : tcc_to_fn X n (e⁻¹ y) = pt,
from (homotopy_inv_of_homotopy_pre e _ _ p _)⁻¹ ⬝ q,
cases (H _ H2) with x s,
refine fiber.mk (l (e x)) _,
refine !pl ⬝ _,
refine ap e (!p ⬝ s) ⬝ _,
apply right_inv
-- move to init.equiv. This is inv_commute for A ≡ unit
definition inv_commute1' {B C : Type} (f : B → C) [is_equiv f] (h : B → B) (h' : C → C)
(p : Π(b : B), f (h b) = h' (f b)) (c : C) : f⁻¹ (h' c) = h (f⁻¹ c) :=
eq_of_fn_eq_fn' f (right_inv f (h' c) ⬝ ap h' (right_inv f c)⁻¹ ⬝ (p (f⁻¹ c))⁻¹)
definition inv_commute1 {B C : Type} (f : B ≃ C) (h : B → B) (h' : C → C)
(p : Π(b : B), f (h b) = h' (f b)) (c : C) : f⁻¹ (h' c) = h (f⁻¹ c) :=
inv_commute1' (to_fun f) h h' p c
-- move
definition fn_cast_eq_cast_fn {A : Type} {P Q : A → Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y)
(f : Πx, P x → Q x) (z : P x) : f y (cast (ap P p) z) = cast (ap Q p) (f x z) :=
by induction p; reflexivity
definition cast_cast_inv {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) (z : P y) :
cast (ap P p) (cast (ap P p⁻¹) z) = z :=
by induction p; reflexivity
definition cast_inv_cast {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) (z : P x) :
cast (ap P p⁻¹) (cast (ap P p) z) = z :=
by induction p; reflexivity
-- more general transfer, where the base type can also change by an equivalence.
definition transfer_type_chain_complex2 [constructor] {M : succ_str} {Y : M → Type*}
(f : M ≃ N) (c : Π(m : M), S (f m) = f (S m))
(g : Π{m : M}, Y (S m) →* Y m) (e : Π{m}, X (f m) ≃* Y m)
(p : Π{m} (x : X (S (f m))), e (tcc_to_fn X (f m) x) = g (e (cast (ap (λx, X x) (c m)) x)))
: type_chain_complex M :=
type_chain_complex.mk Y @g
intro m,
apply equiv_rect (equiv_of_pequiv e),
apply equiv_rect (equiv_of_eq (ap (λx, X x) (c (S m)))), esimp,
apply equiv_rect (equiv_of_eq (ap (λx, X (S x)) (c m))), esimp,
intro x, refine ap g (p _)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap g (ap e (fn_cast_eq_cast_fn (c m) (tcc_to_fn X) x)) ⬝ _,
refine (p _)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap e (tcc_is_chain_complex X (f m) _) ⬝ _,
apply respect_pt
definition is_exact_at_transfer2 {X : type_chain_complex N} {M : succ_str} {Y : M → Type*}
(f : M ≃ N) (c : Π(m : M), S (f m) = f (S m))
(g : Π{m : M}, Y (S m) →* Y m) (e : Π{m}, X (f m) ≃* Y m)
(p : Π{m} (x : X (S (f m))), e (tcc_to_fn X (f m) x) = g (e (cast (ap (λx, X x) (c m)) x)))
{m : M} (H : is_exact_at_t X (f m))
: is_exact_at_t (transfer_type_chain_complex2 X f c @g @e @p) m :=
intro y q, esimp at *,
2016-03-03 11:05:44 -05:00
have H2 : tcc_to_fn X (f m) ((equiv_of_eq (ap (λx, X x) (c m)))⁻¹ᵉ (e⁻¹ y)) = pt,
refine _ ⬝ ap e⁻¹ᵉ* q ⬝ (respect_pt (e⁻¹ᵉ*)), apply eq_inv_of_eq, clear q, revert y,
apply inv_homotopy_of_homotopy_pre e,
apply inv_homotopy_of_homotopy_pre, apply p
2016-03-03 11:05:44 -05:00
induction (H _ H2) with x r,
refine fiber.mk (e (cast (ap (λx, X x) (c (S m))) (cast (ap (λx, X (S x)) (c m)) x))) _,
refine (p _)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap e (fn_cast_eq_cast_fn (c m) (tcc_to_fn X) x) ⬝ _,
refine ap (λx, e (cast _ x)) r ⬝ _,
esimp [equiv.symm], rewrite [-ap_inv],
refine ap e !cast_cast_inv ⬝ _,
apply right_inv
-- definition trunc_type_chain_complex [constructor] (X : type_chain_complex N)
-- (k : trunc_index) : type_chain_complex N :=
-- type_chain_complex.mk
-- (λn, ptrunc k (X n))
-- (λn, ptrunc_functor k (tcc_to_fn X n))
-- begin
-- intro n x, esimp at *,
-- refine trunc.rec _ x, -- why doesn't induction work here?
-- clear x, intro x, esimp,
-- exact ap tr (tcc_is_chain_complex X n x)
-- end
/- actual (set) chain complexes -/
structure chain_complex (N : succ_str) : Type :=
(car : N → Set*)
(fn : Π(n : N), car (S n) →* car n)
(is_chain_complex : Π(n : N) (x : car (S (S n))), fn n (fn (S n) x) = pt)
variables {N : succ_str} (X : chain_complex N) (n : N)
definition cc_to_car [unfold 2] [coercion] := @chain_complex.car
definition cc_to_fn [unfold 2] : X (S n) →* X n := @chain_complex.fn N X n
definition cc_is_chain_complex [unfold 2]
: Π(x : X (S (S n))), cc_to_fn X n (cc_to_fn X (S n) x) = pt :=
@chain_complex.is_chain_complex N X n
-- important: these notions are shifted by one! (this is to avoid transports)
definition is_exact_at [reducible] /- X n -/ : Type :=
Π(x : X (S n)), cc_to_fn X n x = pt → image (cc_to_fn X (S n)) x
definition is_exact [reducible] /- X -/ : Type := Π(n : N), is_exact_at X n
-- definition chain_complex_from_left (X : chain_complex) : chain_complex :=
-- chain_complex.mk (int.rec X (λn, punit))
-- begin
-- intro n, fconstructor,
-- { induction n with n n,
-- { exact @lcc_to_fn X n},
-- { esimp, intro x, exact star}},
-- { induction n with n n,
-- { apply respect_pt},
-- { reflexivity}}
-- end
-- begin
-- intro n, induction n with n n,
-- { exact lcc_is_chain_complex X},
-- { esimp, intro x, reflexivity}
-- end
-- definition is_exact_from_left {X : chain_complex} {n : } (H : is_exact_at_l X n)
-- : is_exact_at (chain_complex_from_left X) n :=
-- H
definition transfer_chain_complex [constructor] {Y : N → Set*}
(g : Π{n : N}, Y (S n) →* Y n) (e : Π{n}, X n ≃* Y n)
(p : Π{n} (x : X (S n)), e (cc_to_fn X n x) = g (e x)) : chain_complex N :=
chain_complex.mk Y @g
abstract begin
intro n, apply equiv_rect (equiv_of_pequiv e), intro x,
refine ap g (p x)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine (p _)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap e (cc_is_chain_complex X n _) ⬝ _,
apply respect_pt
end end
theorem is_exact_at_transfer {X : chain_complex N} {Y : N → Set*}
(g : Π{n : N}, Y (S n) →* Y n) (e : Π{n}, X n ≃* Y n)
(p : Π{n} (x : X (S n)), e (cc_to_fn X n x) = g (e x))
{n : N} (H : is_exact_at X n) : is_exact_at (transfer_chain_complex X @g @e @p) n :=
intro y q, esimp at *,
2016-03-03 11:05:44 -05:00
have H2 : cc_to_fn X n (e⁻¹ᵉ* y) = pt,
refine (inv_commute (λn, equiv_of_pequiv e) _ _ @p _)⁻¹ᵖ ⬝ _,
refine ap _ q ⬝ _,
2016-03-03 11:05:44 -05:00
exact respect_pt e⁻¹ᵉ*
induction (H _ H2) with x,
induction x with x r,
refine image.mk (e x) _,
refine (p x)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap e r ⬝ _,
apply right_inv
2016-02-04 19:02:15 -05:00
definition trunc_chain_complex [constructor] (X : type_chain_complex N)
: chain_complex N :=
(λn, ptrunc 0 (X n))
(λn, ptrunc_functor 0 (tcc_to_fn X n))
intro n x, esimp at *,
refine @trunc.rec _ _ _ (λH, !is_trunc_eq) _ x,
clear x, intro x, esimp,
exact ap tr (tcc_is_chain_complex X n x)
definition is_exact_at_trunc (X : type_chain_complex N) {n : N}
(H : is_exact_at_t X n) : is_exact_at (trunc_chain_complex X) n :=
intro x p, esimp at *,
induction x with x, esimp at *,
note q := !tr_eq_tr_equiv p,
induction q with q,
induction H x q with y r,
refine image.mk (tr y) _,
esimp, exact ap tr r
definition transfer_chain_complex2' [constructor] {M : succ_str} {Y : M → Set*}
(f : N ≃ M) (c : Π(n : N), f (S n) = S (f n))
(g : Π{m : M}, Y (S m) →* Y m) (e : Π{n}, X n ≃* Y (f n))
(p : Π{n} (x : X (S n)), e (cc_to_fn X n x) = g (c n ▸ e x)) : chain_complex M :=
chain_complex.mk Y @g
refine equiv_rect f _ _, intro n,
2016-03-03 11:05:44 -05:00
have H : Π (x : Y (f (S (S n)))), g (c n ▸ g (c (S n) ▸ x)) = pt,
apply equiv_rect (equiv_of_pequiv e), intro x,
refine ap (λx, g (c n ▸ x)) (@p (S n) x)⁻¹ᵖ ⬝ _,
refine (p _)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap e (cc_is_chain_complex X n _) ⬝ _,
2016-03-03 11:05:44 -05:00
apply respect_pt
refine pi.pi_functor _ _ H,
{ intro x, exact (c (S n))⁻¹ ▸ (c n)⁻¹ ▸ x}, -- with implicit arguments, this is:
-- transport (λx, Y x) (c (S n))⁻¹ (transport (λx, Y (S x)) (c n)⁻¹ x)
{ intro x, intro p, refine _ ⬝ p, rewrite [tr_inv_tr, fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (c n)⁻¹ @g, tr_inv_tr]}
definition is_exact_at_transfer2' {X : chain_complex N} {M : succ_str} {Y : M → Set*}
(f : N ≃ M) (c : Π(n : N), f (S n) = S (f n))
(g : Π{m : M}, Y (S m) →* Y m) (e : Π{n}, X n ≃* Y (f n))
(p : Π{n} (x : X (S n)), e (cc_to_fn X n x) = g (c n ▸ e x))
{n : N} (H : is_exact_at X n) : is_exact_at (transfer_chain_complex2' X f c @g @e @p) (f n) :=
intro y q, esimp at *,
2016-03-03 11:05:44 -05:00
have H2 : cc_to_fn X n (e⁻¹ᵉ* ((c n)⁻¹ ▸ y)) = pt,
refine (inv_commute (λn, equiv_of_pequiv e) _ _ @p _)⁻¹ᵖ ⬝ _,
rewrite [tr_inv_tr, q],
2016-03-03 11:05:44 -05:00
exact respect_pt e⁻¹ᵉ*
induction (H _ H2) with x,
induction x with x r,
refine image.mk (c n ▸ c (S n) ▸ e x) _,
rewrite [fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (c n) @g],
refine ap (λx, c n ▸ x) (p x)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap (λx, c n ▸ e x) r ⬝ _,
refine ap (λx, c n ▸ x) !right_inv ⬝ _,
apply tr_inv_tr,
-- structure group_chain_complex : Type :=
-- (car : N → Group)
-- (fn : Π(n : N), car (S n) →g car n)
-- (is_chain_complex : Π{n : N} (x : car ((S n) + 1)), fn n (fn (S n) x) = 1)
-- structure group_chain_complex : Type := -- chain complex on the naturals with maps going down
-- (car : N → Group)
-- (fn : Π(n : N), car (S n) →g car n)
-- (is_chain_complex : Π{n : N} (x : car ((S n) + 1)), fn n (fn (S n) x) = 1)
-- structure right_group_chain_complex : Type := -- chain complex on the naturals with maps going up
-- (car : N → Group)
-- (fn : Π(n : N), car n →g car (S n))
-- (is_chain_complex : Π{n : N} (x : car n), fn (S n) (fn n x) = 1)
-- definition gcc_to_car [unfold 1] [coercion] := @group_chain_complex.car
-- definition gcc_to_fn [unfold 1] := @group_chain_complex.fn
-- definition gcc_is_chain_complex [unfold 1] := @group_chain_complex.is_chain_complex
-- definition lgcc_to_car [unfold 1] [coercion] := @left_group_chain_complex.car
-- definition lgcc_to_fn [unfold 1] := @left_group_chain_complex.fn
-- definition lgcc_is_chain_complex [unfold 1] := @left_group_chain_complex.is_chain_complex
-- definition rgcc_to_car [unfold 1] [coercion] := @right_group_chain_complex.car
-- definition rgcc_to_fn [unfold 1] := @right_group_chain_complex.fn
-- definition rgcc_is_chain_complex [unfold 1] := @right_group_chain_complex.is_chain_complex
-- -- important: these notions are shifted by one! (this is to avoid transports)
-- definition is_exact_at_g [reducible] (X : group_chain_complex) (n : N) : Type :=
-- Π(x : X (S n)), gcc_to_fn X n x = 1 → image (gcc_to_fn X (S n)) x
-- definition is_exact_at_lg [reducible] (X : left_group_chain_complex) (n : N) : Type :=
-- Π(x : X (S n)), lgcc_to_fn X n x = 1 → image (lgcc_to_fn X (S n)) x
-- definition is_exact_at_rg [reducible] (X : right_group_chain_complex) (n : N) : Type :=
-- Π(x : X (S n)), rgcc_to_fn X (S n) x = 1 → image (rgcc_to_fn X n) x
-- definition is_exact_g [reducible] (X : group_chain_complex) : Type :=
-- Π(n : N), is_exact_at_g X n
-- definition is_exact_lg [reducible] (X : left_group_chain_complex) : Type :=
-- Π(n : N), is_exact_at_lg X n
-- definition is_exact_rg [reducible] (X : right_group_chain_complex) : Type :=
-- Π(n : N), is_exact_at_rg X n
-- definition group_chain_complex_from_left (X : left_group_chain_complex) : group_chain_complex :=
-- group_chain_complex.mk (int.rec X (λn, G0))
-- begin
-- intro n, fconstructor,
-- { induction n with n n,
-- { exact @lgcc_to_fn X n},
-- { esimp, intro x, exact star}},
-- { induction n with n n,
-- { apply respect_mul},
-- { intro g h, reflexivity}}
-- end
-- begin
-- intro n, induction n with n n,
-- { exact lgcc_is_chain_complex X},
-- { esimp, intro x, reflexivity}
-- end
-- definition is_exact_g_from_left {X : left_group_chain_complex} {n : N} (H : is_exact_at_lg X n)
-- : is_exact_at_g (group_chain_complex_from_left X) n :=
-- H
-- definition transfer_left_group_chain_complex [constructor] (X : left_group_chain_complex)
-- {Y : N → Group} (g : Π{n : N}, Y (S n) →g Y n) (e : Π{n}, X n ≃* Y n)
-- (p : Π{n} (x : X (S n)), e (lgcc_to_fn X n x) = g (e x)) : left_group_chain_complex :=
-- left_group_chain_complex.mk Y @g
-- begin
-- intro n, apply equiv_rect (pequiv_of_equiv e), intro x,
-- refine ap g (p x)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
-- refine (p _)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
-- refine ap e (lgcc_is_chain_complex X _) ⬝ _,
-- exact respect_pt
-- end
-- definition is_exact_at_t_transfer {X : left_group_chain_complex} {Y : N → Type*}
-- {g : Π{n : N}, Y (S n) →* Y n} (e : Π{n}, X n ≃* Y n)
-- (p : Π{n} (x : X (S n)), e (lgcc_to_fn X n x) = g (e x)) {n : N}
-- (H : is_exact_at_lg X n) : is_exact_at_lg (transfer_left_group_chain_complex X @g @e @p) n :=
-- begin
-- intro y q, esimp at *,
2016-03-03 11:05:44 -05:00
-- have H2 : lgcc_to_fn X n (e⁻¹ᵉ* y) = pt,
-- begin
-- refine (inv_commute (λn, equiv_of_pequiv e) _ _ @p _)⁻¹ᵖ ⬝ _,
-- refine ap _ q ⬝ _,
2016-03-03 11:05:44 -05:00
-- exact respect_pt e⁻¹ᵉ*
-- end,
-- cases (H _ H2) with x r,
-- refine image.mk (e x) _,
-- refine (p x)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
-- refine ap e r ⬝ _,
-- apply right_inv
-- end
-- TODO: move
definition is_trunc_ptrunctype [instance] {n : trunc_index} (X : ptrunctype n)
: is_trunc n (ptrunctype.to_pType X) :=
trunctype.struct X
/- a group where the point in the pointed corresponds with 1 in the group -/
structure pgroup [class] (X : Type*) extends semigroup X, has_inv X :=
(pt_mul : Πa, mul pt a = a)
(mul_pt : Πa, mul a pt = a)
(mul_left_inv_pt : Πa, mul (inv a) a = pt)
definition group_of_pgroup [reducible] [instance] (X : Type*) [H : pgroup X]
: group X :=
⦃group, H,
one := pt,
one_mul := pgroup.pt_mul ,
mul_one := pgroup.mul_pt,
mul_left_inv := pgroup.mul_left_inv_pt⦄
definition pgroup_of_group (X : Type*) [H : group X] (p : one = pt :> X) : pgroup X :=
cases X with X x, esimp at *, induction p,
exact ⦃pgroup, H,
pt_mul := one_mul,
mul_pt := mul_one,
mul_left_inv_pt := mul.left_inv⦄
-- the following theorems would also be true of the replace "is_contr" by "is_prop"
definition is_embedding_of_trivial (X : chain_complex N) {n : N}
(H : is_exact_at X n) [HX : is_contr (X (S (S n)))]
[pgroup (X n)] [pgroup (X (S n))] [is_homomorphism (cc_to_fn X n)]
: is_embedding (cc_to_fn X n) :=
apply is_embedding_homomorphism,
intro g p,
induction H g p with v,
induction v with x q,
have r : pt = x, from !is_prop.elim,
induction r,
refine q⁻¹ ⬝ _,
apply respect_pt
definition is_surjective_of_trivial (X : chain_complex N) {n : N}
(H : is_exact_at X n) [HX : is_contr (X n)] : is_surjective (cc_to_fn X (S n)) :=
intro g,
refine trunc.elim _ (H g !is_prop.elim),
apply tr
definition is_equiv_of_trivial (X : chain_complex N) {n : N}
(H1 : is_exact_at X n) (H2 : is_exact_at X (S n))
[HX1 : is_contr (X n)] [HX2 : is_contr (X (S (S (S n))))]
[pgroup (X (S n))] [pgroup (X (S (S n)))] [is_homomorphism (cc_to_fn X (S n))]
: is_equiv (cc_to_fn X (S n)) :=
apply is_equiv_of_is_surjective_of_is_embedding,
{ apply is_embedding_of_trivial X, apply H2},
{ apply is_surjective_of_trivial X, apply H1},
end chain_complex