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-- Authors: Floris van Doorn
import homotopy.smash ..move_to_lib .pushout homotopy.red_susp
open bool pointed eq equiv is_equiv sum bool prod unit circle cofiber prod.ops wedge is_trunc
function red_susp unit
/- To prove: Σ(X × Y) ≃ ΣX ΣY Σ(X ∧ Y) (?) (notation means suspension, wedge, smash) -/
/- To prove: Σ(X ∧ Y) ≃ X ★ Y (?) (notation means suspension, smash, join) -/
/- To prove: A ∧ S¹ ≃ ΣA -/
2016-11-03 15:34:06 -04:00
/- associativity is mostly proven in smash_adjoint, the only hole in the proof is in this file -/
variables {A B C D E F : Type*}
namespace smash
open pushout
protected definition rec_eq {A B : Type*} {C : Type} {f g : smash A B → C}
(Pmk : Πa b, f (smash.mk a b) = g (smash.mk a b))
(Pl : f auxl = g auxl) (Pr : f auxr = g auxr)
(Pgl : Πa, square (Pmk a pt) Pl (ap f (gluel a)) (ap g (gluel a)))
(Pgr : Πb, square (Pmk pt b) Pr (ap f (gluer b)) (ap g (gluer b))) (x : smash' A B) : f x = g x :=
induction x with a b a b,
{ exact Pmk a b },
{ exact Pl },
{ exact Pr },
{ apply eq_pathover, apply Pgl },
{ apply eq_pathover, apply Pgr }
definition rec_eq_gluel {A B : Type*} {C : Type} {f g : smash A B → C}
{Pmk : Πa b, f (smash.mk a b) = g (smash.mk a b)}
{Pl : f auxl = g auxl} {Pr : f auxr = g auxr}
(Pgl : Πa, square (Pmk a pt) Pl (ap f (gluel a)) (ap g (gluel a)))
(Pgr : Πb, square (Pmk pt b) Pr (ap f (gluer b)) (ap g (gluer b))) (a : A) :
natural_square (smash.rec_eq Pmk Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) = Pgl a :=
refine ap square_of_pathover !rec_gluel ⬝ _,
apply to_right_inv !eq_pathover_equiv_square
definition rec_eq_gluer {A B : Type*} {C : Type} {f g : smash A B → C}
{Pmk : Πa b, f (smash.mk a b) = g (smash.mk a b)}
{Pl : f auxl = g auxl} {Pr : f auxr = g auxr}
(Pgl : Πa, square (Pmk a pt) Pl (ap f (gluel a)) (ap g (gluel a)))
(Pgr : Πb, square (Pmk pt b) Pr (ap f (gluer b)) (ap g (gluer b))) (b : B) :
natural_square (smash.rec_eq Pmk Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b) = Pgr b :=
refine ap square_of_pathover !rec_gluer ⬝ _,
apply to_right_inv !eq_pathover_equiv_square
definition smash_functor' [unfold 7] (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) : A ∧ B → C ∧ D :=
fapply pushout.functor,
{ exact sum_functor f g },
{ exact prod_functor f g },
{ exact id },
{ intro v, induction v with a b,
exact prod_eq idp (respect_pt g),
exact prod_eq (respect_pt f) idp },
{ intro v, induction v with a b: reflexivity }
definition smash_functor [constructor] (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) : A ∧ B →* C ∧ D :=
fapply pmap.mk,
{ exact smash_functor' f g },
{ exact ap inl (prod_eq (respect_pt f) (respect_pt g)) },
definition functor_gluel (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) (a : A) :
ap (smash_functor f g) (gluel a) = ap (smash.mk (f a)) (respect_pt g) ⬝ gluel (f a) :=
refine !pushout.elim_glue ⬝ _, esimp, apply whisker_right,
induction D with D d₀, induction g with g g₀, esimp at *, induction g₀, reflexivity
definition functor_gluer (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) (b : B) :
ap (smash_functor f g) (gluer b) = ap (λc, smash.mk c (g b)) (respect_pt f) ⬝ gluer (g b) :=
refine !pushout.elim_glue ⬝ _, esimp, apply whisker_right,
induction C with C c₀, induction f with f f₀, esimp at *, induction f₀, reflexivity
definition functor_gluel2 {C D : Type} (f : A → C) (g : B → D) (a : A) :
ap (smash_functor (pmap_of_map f pt) (pmap_of_map g pt)) (gluel a) = gluel (f a) :=
refine !pushout.elim_glue ⬝ !idp_con
definition functor_gluer2 {C D : Type} (f : A → C) (g : B → D) (b : B) :
ap (smash_functor (pmap_of_map f pt) (pmap_of_map g pt)) (gluer b) = gluer (g b) :=
refine !pushout.elim_glue ⬝ !idp_con
definition functor_gluel' (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) (a a' : A) :
ap (smash_functor f g) (gluel' a a') = ap (smash.mk (f a)) (respect_pt g) ⬝
gluel' (f a) (f a') ⬝ (ap (smash.mk (f a')) (respect_pt g))⁻¹ :=
refine !ap_con ⬝ !functor_gluel ◾ (!ap_inv ⬝ !functor_gluel⁻²) ⬝ _,
refine whisker_left _ !con_inv ⬝ _,
refine !con.assoc⁻¹ ⬝ _, apply whisker_right,
apply con.assoc
definition functor_gluer' (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) (b b' : B) :
ap (smash_functor f g) (gluer' b b') = ap (λc, smash.mk c (g b)) (respect_pt f) ⬝
gluer' (g b) (g b') ⬝ (ap (λc, smash.mk c (g b')) (respect_pt f))⁻¹ :=
refine !ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ _,
refine !functor_gluer ◾ !functor_gluer⁻² ⬝ _,
refine whisker_left _ !con_inv ⬝ _,
refine !con.assoc⁻¹ ⬝ _, apply whisker_right,
apply con.assoc
/- the statements of the above rules becomes easier if one of the functions respects the basepoint
by reflexivity -/
-- definition functor_gluel'2 {D : Type} (f : A →* C) (g : B → D) (a a' : A) :
-- ap (smash_functor f (pmap_of_map g pt)) (gluel' a a') = gluel' (f a) (f a') :=
-- begin
-- refine !ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ _,
-- refine (!functor_gluel ⬝ !idp_con) ◾ (!functor_gluel ⬝ !idp_con)⁻²
-- end
-- definition functor_gluer'2 {C : Type} (f : A → C) (g : B →* D) (b b' : B) :
-- ap (smash_functor (pmap_of_map f pt) g) (gluer' b b') = gluer' (g b) (g b') :=
-- begin
-- refine !ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ _,
-- refine (!functor_gluer ⬝ !idp_con) ◾ (!functor_gluer ⬝ !idp_con)⁻²
-- end
definition functor_gluel'2 {C D : Type} (f : A → C) (g : B → D) (a a' : A) :
ap (smash_functor (pmap_of_map f pt) (pmap_of_map g pt)) (gluel' a a') = gluel' (f a) (f a') :=
!ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ !functor_gluel2 ◾ !functor_gluel2⁻²
definition functor_gluer'2 {C D : Type} (f : A → C) (g : B → D) (b b' : B) :
ap (smash_functor (pmap_of_map f pt) (pmap_of_map g pt)) (gluer' b b') = gluer' (g b) (g b') :=
!ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ !functor_gluer2 ◾ !functor_gluer2⁻²
lemma functor_gluel'2_same {C D : Type} (f : A → C) (g : B → D) (a : A) :
functor_gluel'2 f (pmap_of_map g pt) a a =
ap02 (smash_functor (pmap_of_map f pt) (pmap_of_map g pt)) (con.right_inv (gluel a)) ⬝
(con.right_inv (gluel (f a)))⁻¹ :=
refine _ ⬝ whisker_right _ (eq_top_of_square (!ap_con_right_inv_sq))⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝ whisker_right _ !con_idp⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝ !con.assoc⁻¹,
apply whisker_left,
apply eq_con_inv_of_con_eq, symmetry,
apply con_right_inv_natural
lemma functor_gluer'2_same {C D : Type} (f : A → C) (g : B → D) (b : B) :
functor_gluer'2 (pmap_of_map f pt) g b b =
ap02 (smash_functor (pmap_of_map f pt) (pmap_of_map g pt)) (con.right_inv (gluer b)) ⬝
(con.right_inv (gluer (g b)))⁻¹ :=
refine _ ⬝ whisker_right _ (eq_top_of_square (!ap_con_right_inv_sq))⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝ whisker_right _ !con_idp⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝ !con.assoc⁻¹,
apply whisker_left,
apply eq_con_inv_of_con_eq, symmetry,
apply con_right_inv_natural
-- definition smash_functor_pcompose_homotopy [unfold 11] (f' : C →* E) (f : A →* C) (g' : D →* F)
-- (g : B →* D) : smash_functor (f' ∘* f) (g' ∘* g) ~ smash_functor f' g' ∘* smash_functor f g :=
-- begin
-- intro x, induction x with a b a b,
-- { reflexivity },
-- { reflexivity },
-- { reflexivity },
-- { apply eq_pathover, exact abstract begin apply hdeg_square,
-- refine !functor_gluel ⬝ _ ⬝ (ap_compose (smash_functor f' g') _ _)⁻¹,
-- refine whisker_right _ !ap_con ⬝ !con.assoc ⬝ _ ⬝ ap02 _ !functor_gluel⁻¹,
-- refine (!ap_compose'⁻¹ ⬝ !ap_compose') ◾ proof !functor_gluel⁻¹ qed ⬝ !ap_con⁻¹ end end },
-- { apply eq_pathover, exact abstract begin apply hdeg_square,
-- refine !functor_gluer ⬝ _ ⬝ (ap_compose (smash_functor f' g') _ _)⁻¹,
-- refine whisker_right _ !ap_con ⬝ !con.assoc ⬝ _ ⬝ ap02 _ !functor_gluer⁻¹,
-- refine (!ap_compose'⁻¹ ⬝ !ap_compose') ◾ proof !functor_gluer⁻¹ qed ⬝ !ap_con⁻¹ end end }
-- end
-- definition smash_functor_pcompose [constructor] (f' : C →* E) (f : A →* C) (g' : D →* F) (g : B →* D) :
-- smash_functor (f' ∘* f) (g' ∘* g) ~* smash_functor f' g' ∘* smash_functor f g :=
-- begin
-- fapply phomotopy.mk,
-- { exact smash_functor_pcompose_homotopy f' f g' g },
-- { exact abstract begin induction C, induction D, induction E, induction F,
-- induction f with f f₀, induction f' with f' f'₀, induction g with g g₀,
-- induction g' with g' g'₀, esimp at *,
-- induction f₀, induction f'₀, induction g₀, induction g'₀, reflexivity end end }
-- end
definition smash_functor_pcompose_homotopy [unfold 11] {C D E F : Type}
(f' : C → E) (f : A → C) (g' : D → F) (g : B → D) :
smash_functor (pmap_of_map f' (f pt) ∘* pmap_of_map f pt)
(pmap_of_map g' (g pt) ∘* pmap_of_map g pt) ~
smash_functor (pmap_of_map f' (f pt)) (pmap_of_map g' (g pt)) ∘*
smash_functor (pmap_of_map f pt) (pmap_of_map g pt) :=
intro x, induction x with a b a b,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover, refine !functor_gluel2 ⬝ph _, esimp,
refine _ ⬝hp (ap_compose (smash_functor _ _) _ _)⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝hp ap02 _ !functor_gluel2⁻¹, refine _ ⬝hp !functor_gluel2⁻¹, exact hrfl },
{ apply eq_pathover, refine !functor_gluer2 ⬝ph _, esimp,
refine _ ⬝hp (ap_compose (smash_functor _ _) _ _)⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝hp ap02 _ !functor_gluer2⁻¹, refine _ ⬝hp !functor_gluer2⁻¹, exact hrfl }
definition smash_functor_pcompose (f' : C →* E) (f : A →* C) (g' : D →* F) (g : B →* D) :
smash_functor (f' ∘* f) (g' ∘* g) ~* smash_functor f' g' ∘* smash_functor f g :=
induction C with C, induction D with D, induction E with E, induction F with F,
induction f with f f₀, induction f' with f' f'₀, induction g with g g₀,
induction g' with g' g'₀, esimp at *,
induction f₀, induction f'₀, induction g₀, induction g'₀,
fapply phomotopy.mk,
{ rexact smash_functor_pcompose_homotopy f' f g' g },
{ reflexivity }
-- definition smash_functor_homotopy [unfold 11] {f f' : A →* C} {g g' : B →* D}
-- (h₁ : f ~* f') (h₂ : g ~* g') : smash_functor f g ~ smash_functor f' g' :=
-- begin
-- intro x, induction x with a b a b,
-- { exact ap011 smash.mk (h₁ a) (h₂ b) },
-- { reflexivity },
-- { reflexivity },
-- { apply eq_pathover,
-- refine !functor_gluel ⬝ph _ ⬝hp !functor_gluel⁻¹,
-- refine _ ⬝v square_of_eq_top (ap_mk_left (h₁ a)),
-- exact ap011_ap_square_right smash.mk (h₁ a) (to_homotopy_pt h₂) },
-- { apply eq_pathover,
-- refine !functor_gluer ⬝ph _ ⬝hp !functor_gluer⁻¹,
-- refine _ ⬝v square_of_eq_top (ap_mk_right (h₂ b)),
-- exact ap011_ap_square_left smash.mk (h₂ b) (to_homotopy_pt h₁) },
-- end
-- definition smash_functor_phomotopy [constructor] {f f' : A →* C} {g g' : B →* D}
-- (h₁ : f ~* f') (h₂ : g ~* g') : smash_functor f g ~* smash_functor f' g' :=
-- begin
-- apply phomotopy.mk (smash_functor_homotopy h₁ h₂),
-- induction h₁ with h₁ h₁₀, induction h₂ with h₂ h₂₀,
-- induction f with f f₀, induction g with g g₀,
-- induction f' with f' f'₀, induction g' with g' g'₀,
-- induction C with C c₀, induction D with D d₀, esimp at *,
-- induction h₁₀, induction h₂₀, induction f'₀, induction g'₀,
-- exact !ap_ap011⁻¹
-- end
definition smash_functor_phomotopy [constructor] {f f' : A →* C} {g g' : B →* D}
(h₁ : f ~* f') (h₂ : g ~* g') : smash_functor f g ~* smash_functor f' g' :=
induction h₁ using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction h₂ using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
definition smash_functor_phomotopy_refl [constructor] (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) :
smash_functor_phomotopy (phomotopy.refl f) (phomotopy.refl g) = phomotopy.rfl :=
!phomotopy_rec_on_idp_refl ⬝ !phomotopy_rec_on_idp_refl
definition smash_functor_pid [constructor] (A B : Type*) :
smash_functor (pid A) (pid B) ~* pid (A ∧ B) :=
fapply phomotopy.mk,
{ intro x, induction x with a b a b,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover_id_right, apply hdeg_square, exact !functor_gluel ⬝ !idp_con },
{ apply eq_pathover_id_right, apply hdeg_square, exact !functor_gluer ⬝ !idp_con }},
{ reflexivity }
definition smash_functor_pid_pcompose [constructor] (A : Type*) (g' : C →* D) (g : B →* C)
: smash_functor (pid A) (g' ∘* g) ~* smash_functor (pid A) g' ∘* smash_functor (pid A) g :=
smash_functor_phomotopy !pid_pcompose⁻¹* phomotopy.rfl ⬝* !smash_functor_pcompose
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pid [constructor] (B : Type*) (f' : C →* D) (f : A →* C)
: smash_functor (f' ∘* f) (pid B) ~* smash_functor f' (pid B) ∘* smash_functor f (pid B) :=
smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl !pid_pcompose⁻¹* ⬝* !smash_functor_pcompose
-- definition smash_functor_pconst_right_homotopy [unfold 6] (f : A →* C) (x : A ∧ B) :
-- smash_functor f (pconst B D) x = pt :=
-- begin
-- induction x with a b a b,
-- { exact gluel' (f a) pt },
-- { exact (gluel pt)⁻¹ },
-- { exact (gluer pt)⁻¹ },
-- { apply eq_pathover, refine !functor_gluel ⬝ !idp_con ⬝ph _ ⬝hp !ap_constant⁻¹,
-- apply square_of_eq, reflexivity },
-- { apply eq_pathover, refine !functor_gluer ⬝ph _ ⬝hp !ap_constant⁻¹,
-- apply whisker_lb, apply square_of_eq, exact !ap_mk_left⁻¹ }
-- end
-- definition smash_functor_pconst_right [constructor] (f : A →* C) :
-- smash_functor f (pconst B D) ~* pconst (A ∧ B) (C ∧ D) :=
-- begin
-- fapply phomotopy.mk,
-- { exact smash_functor_pconst_right_homotopy f },
-- { refine (ap_mk_left (respect_pt f))⁻¹ ⬝ _,
-- induction C with C c₀, induction f with f f₀, esimp at *, induction f₀, reflexivity }
-- end
-- set_option pp.all true
definition smash_functor_pconst_right_homotopy [unfold 6] {C : Type} (f : A → C) (x : A ∧ B) :
smash_functor (pmap_of_map f pt) (pconst B D) x = pt :=
induction x with a b a b,
{ exact gluel' (f a) pt },
{ exact (gluel pt)⁻¹ },
{ exact (gluer pt)⁻¹ },
{ apply eq_pathover, note x := functor_gluel2 f (λx : B, Point D) a, esimp [pconst] at *,
refine x ⬝ph _, refine _ ⬝hp !ap_constant⁻¹, apply square_of_eq, reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover, note x := functor_gluer2 f (λx : B, Point D) b, esimp [pconst] at *,
refine x ⬝ph _, refine _ ⬝hp !ap_constant⁻¹, apply square_of_eq,
rexact con.right_inv (gluel (f pt)) ⬝ (con.right_inv (gluer pt))⁻¹ }
definition smash_functor_pconst_right (f : A →* C) :
smash_functor f (pconst B D) ~* pconst (A ∧ B) (C ∧ D) :=
induction C with C, induction f with f f₀, esimp at *, induction f₀,
fapply phomotopy.mk,
{ exact smash_functor_pconst_right_homotopy f },
{ rexact con.right_inv (gluel (f pt)) }
-- example {X : Type*} {A B : Type} {a : A} (f : A → B) :
-- pmap_of_map f a ∘* pconst X _ = pconst X _ :=
-- idp
-- example {X : Type*} {A B : Type} {a : A} (f : A → B) :
-- @pcompose_pconst X _ _ (pmap_of_map f a) = sorry :=
-- begin unfold [pcompose_pconst] end
/- we need a coherence rule for smash_functor_pconst_right for the naturality of the
smash-pmap adjunction -/
private definition my_squarel {A : Type} {a₁ a₂ a₃ : A} (p₁ : a₁ = a₃) (p₂ : a₂ = a₃) :
square (p₁ ⬝ p₂⁻¹) p₂⁻¹ p₁ idp :=
proof square_of_eq idp qed
private definition my_squarer {A : Type} {a₁ a₂ a₃ : A} (p₁ : a₁ = a₃) (p₂ : a₁ = a₂) :
square (p₁ ⬝ p₁⁻¹) p₂⁻¹ p₂ idp :=
proof square_of_eq (con.right_inv p₁ ⬝ (con.right_inv p₂)⁻¹) qed
private definition my_cube_fillerl {A B C : Type} {g : B → C} {f : A → B} {a₁ a₂ : A} {b₀ : B}
{p : f ~ λa, b₀} {q : Πa, g (f a) = g b₀} (r : (λa, ap g (p a)) ~ q) :
cube (hrfl ⬝hp (r a₁)⁻¹) hrfl
(my_squarel (q a₁) (q a₂)) (aps g (my_squarel (p a₁) (p a₂)))
(hrfl ⬝hp (!ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ (r a₁) ◾ (r a₂)⁻²)⁻¹)
(hrfl ⬝hp (r a₂)⁻²⁻¹ ⬝hp !ap_inv⁻¹) :=
induction r using homotopy.rec_on_idp,
induction p using homotopy.rec_on_idp_left,
exact idc
private definition my_cube_fillerr {B C : Type} {g : B → C} {b₀ bl br : B}
{pl : b₀ = bl} {pr : b₀ = br} {ql : g b₀ = g bl} {qr : g b₀ = g br}
(sl : ap g pl = ql) (sr : ap g pr = qr) :
cube (hrfl ⬝hp sr⁻¹) hrfl
(my_squarer ql qr) (aps g (my_squarer pl pr))
(hrfl ⬝hp (!ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ sl ◾ sl⁻²)⁻¹)
(hrfl ⬝hp sr⁻²⁻¹ ⬝hp !ap_inv⁻¹) :=
induction sr,
induction sl,
induction pr,
induction pl,
exact idc
definition smash_functor_pconst_right_pcompose_homotopy {A B C D E F : Type}
(a₀ : A) (b₀ : B) (d₀ : D) (f' : C → E) (f : A → C) (g : D → F)
(x : pointed.MK A a₀ ∧ pointed.MK B b₀) :
square (smash_functor_pcompose_homotopy f' f g (λ a, d₀) x)
(smash_functor_pconst_right_homotopy (λ a, f' (f a)) x)
(ap (smash_functor' (pmap.mk f' (refl (f' (f a₀)))) (pmap.mk g (refl (g d₀))))
(smash_functor_pconst_right_homotopy f x)) :=
induction x with a b a b,
{ refine _ ⬝hp (functor_gluel'2 f' g (f a) (f a₀))⁻¹, exact hrfl },
{ refine _ ⬝hp !ap_inv⁻¹, refine _ ⬝hp !functor_gluel2⁻²⁻¹, exact hrfl },
{ refine _ ⬝hp !ap_inv⁻¹, refine _ ⬝hp !functor_gluer2⁻²⁻¹, exact hrfl },
{ exact abstract begin apply square_pathover,
refine !rec_eq_gluel ⬝p1 _ ⬝1p !natural_square_refl⁻¹,
refine !rec_eq_gluel ⬝p2 _ ⬝2p !natural_square_ap_fn⁻¹,
apply whisker001, apply whisker021,
apply move201, refine _ ⬝1p !eq_hconcat_hdeg_square⁻¹,
apply move221, refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine ap (hconcat_eq _) !ap_inv ⬝p1 _ ⬝2p (ap (aps _) !rec_eq_gluel ⬝ !aps_eq_hconcat)⁻¹,
apply whisker021, refine _ ⬝2p !aps_hconcat_eq⁻¹, apply move221,
refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝1p ap hdeg_square (eq_bot_of_square (transpose !ap02_ap_constant)),
apply my_cube_fillerl end end },
{ exact abstract begin apply square_pathover,
refine !rec_eq_gluer ⬝p1 _ ⬝1p !natural_square_refl⁻¹,
refine !rec_eq_gluer ⬝p2 _ ⬝2p !natural_square_ap_fn⁻¹,
apply whisker001, apply whisker021,
apply move201, refine _ ⬝1p !eq_hconcat_hdeg_square⁻¹,
apply move221, refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine ap (hconcat_eq _) !ap_inv ⬝p1 _ ⬝2p (ap (aps _) !rec_eq_gluer ⬝ !aps_eq_hconcat)⁻¹,
apply whisker021, refine _ ⬝2p !aps_hconcat_eq⁻¹, apply move221,
refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝1p ap hdeg_square (eq_bot_of_square (transpose !ap02_ap_constant)), esimp,
apply my_cube_fillerr end end }
definition smash_functor_pconst_right_pcompose (f' : C →* E) (f : A →* C) (g : D →* F) :
phsquare (smash_functor_pcompose f' f g (pconst B D))
(smash_functor_pconst_right (f' ∘* f))
(smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl (pcompose_pconst g))
(pwhisker_left (smash_functor f' g) (smash_functor_pconst_right f) ⬝*
pcompose_pconst (smash_functor f' g)) :=
induction A with A a₀, induction B with B b₀,
induction E with E e₀, induction C with C c₀, induction F with F x₀, induction D with D d₀,
induction f' with f' f'₀, induction f with f f₀, induction g with g g₀,
esimp at *, induction f'₀, induction f₀, induction g₀,
refine !smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ⬝ph** _, refine _ ⬝ !refl_trans⁻¹,
fapply phomotopy_eq,
{ intro x, refine eq_of_square _ ⬝ !con_idp,
exact smash_functor_pconst_right_pcompose_homotopy a₀ b₀ d₀ f' f g x, },
{ refine _ ⬝ !idp_con⁻¹,
refine whisker_right _ (!whisker_right_idp ⬝ !eq_of_square_hrfl_hconcat_eq) ⬝ _,
refine !con.assoc ⬝ _, apply con_eq_of_eq_inv_con, esimp,
refine whisker_right _ !functor_gluel'2_same ⬝ _,
refine !inv_con_cancel_right ⬝ _,
refine _ ⬝ idp ◾ ap (whisker_left _) (!idp_con ⬝ !idp_con ⬝ !whisker_right_idp ⬝ !idp_con)⁻¹,
symmetry, apply whisker_left_idp }
definition smash_functor_pconst_right_pid_pcompose (g : D →* F) :
phsquare (smash_functor_pid_pcompose A g (pconst B D))
(smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A))
(smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl (pcompose_pconst g))
(pwhisker_left (smash_functor (pid A) g) (smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A)) ⬝*
pcompose_pconst (smash_functor (pid A) g)) :=
refine (_ ◾** idp ⬝ !refl_trans) ⬝pv** smash_functor_pconst_right_pcompose (pid A) (pid A) g,
apply smash_functor_phomotopy_refl,
definition smash_functor_pconst_right_pid_pcompose' (g : D →* F) :
pwhisker_left (smash_functor (pid A) g) (smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A)) ⬝*
pcompose_pconst (smash_functor (pid A) g) =
(smash_functor_pid_pcompose A g (pconst B D))⁻¹* ⬝*
(smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl (pcompose_pconst g) ⬝*
smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A)) :=
apply eq_symm_trans_of_trans_eq,
exact smash_functor_pconst_right_pid_pcompose g
definition smash_pequiv_smash [constructor] (f : A ≃* C) (g : B ≃* D) : A ∧ B ≃* C ∧ D :=
fapply pequiv_of_pmap (smash_functor f g),
apply pushout.is_equiv_functor,
exact to_is_equiv (sum_equiv_sum f g)
definition smash_pequiv_smash_left [constructor] (B : Type*) (f : A ≃* C) : A ∧ B ≃* C ∧ B :=
smash_pequiv_smash f pequiv.rfl
definition smash_pequiv_smash_right [constructor] (A : Type*) (g : B ≃* D) : A ∧ B ≃* A ∧ D :=
smash_pequiv_smash pequiv.rfl g
/- smash A B ≃ pcofiber (pprod_of_pwedge A B) -/
definition elim_gluel' {P : Type} {Pmk : Πa b, P} {Pl Pr : P}
(Pgl : Πa : A, Pmk a pt = Pl) (Pgr : Πb : B, Pmk pt b = Pr) (a a' : A) :
ap (smash.elim Pmk Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a a') = Pgl a ⬝ (Pgl a')⁻¹ :=
!ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ !elim_gluel ◾ !elim_gluel⁻²
definition elim_gluer' {P : Type} {Pmk : Πa b, P} {Pl Pr : P}
(Pgl : Πa : A, Pmk a pt = Pl) (Pgr : Πb : B, Pmk pt b = Pr) (b b' : B) :
ap (smash.elim Pmk Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' b b') = Pgr b ⬝ (Pgr b')⁻¹ :=
!ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ !elim_gluer ◾ !elim_gluer⁻²
definition elim_gluel'_same {P : Type} {Pmk : Πa b, P} {Pl Pr : P}
(Pgl : Πa : A, Pmk a pt = Pl) (Pgr : Πb : B, Pmk pt b = Pr) (a : A) :
elim_gluel' Pgl Pgr a a =
ap02 (smash.elim Pmk Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (con.right_inv (gluel a)) ⬝ (con.right_inv (Pgl a))⁻¹ :=
refine _ ⬝ whisker_right _ (eq_top_of_square (!ap_con_right_inv_sq))⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝ whisker_right _ !con_idp⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝ !con.assoc⁻¹,
apply whisker_left,
apply eq_con_inv_of_con_eq, symmetry,
apply con_right_inv_natural
definition elim_gluer'_same {P : Type} {Pmk : Πa b, P} {Pl Pr : P}
(Pgl : Πa : A, Pmk a pt = Pl) (Pgr : Πb : B, Pmk pt b = Pr) (b : B) :
elim_gluer' Pgl Pgr b b =
ap02 (smash.elim Pmk Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (con.right_inv (gluer b)) ⬝ (con.right_inv (Pgr b))⁻¹ :=
refine _ ⬝ whisker_right _ (eq_top_of_square (!ap_con_right_inv_sq))⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝ whisker_right _ !con_idp⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝ !con.assoc⁻¹,
apply whisker_left,
apply eq_con_inv_of_con_eq, symmetry,
apply con_right_inv_natural
definition elim'_gluel'_pt {P : Type} {Pmk : Πa b, P}
(Pgl : Πa : A, Pmk a pt = Pmk pt pt) (Pgr : Πb : B, Pmk pt b = Pmk pt pt)
(a : A) (ql : Pgl pt = idp) (qr : Pgr pt = idp) :
ap (smash.elim' Pmk Pgl Pgr ql qr) (gluel' a pt) = Pgl a :=
!elim_gluel' ⬝ whisker_left _ ql⁻²
definition elim'_gluer'_pt {P : Type} {Pmk : Πa b, P}
(Pgl : Πa : A, Pmk a pt = Pmk pt pt) (Pgr : Πb : B, Pmk pt b = Pmk pt pt)
(b : B) (ql : Pgl pt = idp) (qr : Pgr pt = idp) :
ap (smash.elim' Pmk Pgl Pgr ql qr) (gluer' b pt) = Pgr b :=
!elim_gluer' ⬝ whisker_left _ qr⁻²
definition prod_of_wedge [unfold 3] (v : pwedge A B) : A × B :=
2016-11-03 15:34:06 -04:00
induction v with a b ,
{ exact (a, pt) },
{ exact (pt, b) },
{ reflexivity }
definition wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (v : A + B) : pwedge A B :=
2016-11-03 15:34:06 -04:00
induction v with a b,
{ exact pushout.inl a },
{ exact pushout.inr b }
2016-11-03 15:34:06 -04:00
definition prod_of_wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (v : A + B) : prod_of_wedge (wedge_of_sum v) = prod_of_sum v :=
2016-11-03 15:34:06 -04:00
induction v with a b,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity }
2016-11-03 15:34:06 -04:00
end smash open smash
namespace pushout
definition eq_inl_pushout_wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (v : pwedge A B) :
inl pt = inl v :> pushout wedge_of_sum bool_of_sum :=
2016-11-14 18:04:41 -05:00
induction v with a b,
{ exact glue (sum.inl pt) ⬝ (glue (sum.inl a))⁻¹, },
{ exact ap inl (glue ⋆) ⬝ glue (sum.inr pt) ⬝ (glue (sum.inr b))⁻¹, },
{ apply eq_pathover_constant_left,
refine !con.right_inv ⬝pv _ ⬝vp !con_inv_cancel_right⁻¹, exact square_of_eq idp }
2016-11-14 18:04:41 -05:00
variables (A B)
definition eq_inr_pushout_wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (b : bool) :
inl pt = inr b :> pushout (@wedge_of_sum A B) bool_of_sum :=
induction b,
{ exact glue (sum.inl pt) },
{ exact ap inl (glue ⋆) ⬝ glue (sum.inr pt) }
2016-11-14 18:04:41 -05:00
definition is_contr_pushout_wedge_of_sum : is_contr (pushout (@wedge_of_sum A B) bool_of_sum) :=
apply is_contr.mk (pushout.inl pt),
intro x, induction x with v b w,
{ apply eq_inl_pushout_wedge_of_sum },
{ apply eq_inr_pushout_wedge_of_sum },
{ apply eq_pathover_constant_left_id_right,
induction w with a b,
{ apply whisker_rt, exact vrfl },
{ apply whisker_rt, exact vrfl }}
definition bool_of_sum_of_bool {A B : Type*} (b : bool) : bool_of_sum (sum_of_bool A B b) = b :=
by induction b: reflexivity
/- a different proof, using pushout lemmas, and the fact that the wedge is the pushout of
A + B <-- 2 --> 1 -/
definition pushout_wedge_of_sum_equiv_unit : pushout (@wedge_of_sum A B) bool_of_sum ≃ unit :=
refine pushout_hcompose_equiv (sum_of_bool A B) (wedge_equiv_pushout_sum A B ⬝e !pushout.symm)
_ _ ⬝e _,
exact erfl,
intro x, induction x,
reflexivity, reflexivity,
exact bool_of_sum_of_bool,
apply pushout_of_equiv_right
end pushout open pushout
namespace smash
variables (A B)
definition smash_punit_pequiv [constructor] : smash A punit ≃* punit :=
fapply pequiv_of_equiv,
{ fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact λx, ⋆ },
{ exact λx, pt },
{ intro x, induction x, reflexivity },
{ exact abstract begin intro x, induction x,
{ induction b, exact gluel' pt a },
{ exact gluel pt },
{ exact gluer pt },
{ apply eq_pathover_constant_left_id_right, apply square_of_eq_top,
exact whisker_right _ !idp_con⁻¹ },
{ apply eq_pathover_constant_left_id_right, induction b,
refine !con.right_inv ⬝pv _, exact square_of_eq idp } end end }},
{ reflexivity }
definition smash_equiv_cofiber : smash A B ≃ cofiber (@prod_of_wedge A B) :=
2016-11-14 18:04:41 -05:00
unfold [smash, cofiber, smash'], symmetry,
fapply pushout_vcompose_equiv wedge_of_sum,
{ symmetry, apply equiv_unit_of_is_contr, apply is_contr_pushout_wedge_of_sum },
{ intro x, reflexivity },
{ apply prod_of_wedge_of_sum }
2016-11-14 18:04:41 -05:00
definition pprod_of_pwedge [constructor] : pwedge A B →* A ×* B :=
2016-11-14 18:04:41 -05:00
{ exact prod_of_wedge },
{ reflexivity }
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definition smash_pequiv_pcofiber [constructor] : smash A B ≃* pcofiber (pprod_of_pwedge A B) :=
2016-11-14 18:04:41 -05:00
apply pequiv_of_equiv (smash_equiv_cofiber A B),
exact cofiber.glue pt
2016-11-14 18:04:41 -05:00
variables {A B}
/- commutativity -/
definition smash_flip [unfold 3] (x : smash A B) : smash B A :=
induction x,
{ exact smash.mk b a },
{ exact auxr },
{ exact auxl },
{ exact gluer a },
{ exact gluel b }
definition smash_flip_smash_flip [unfold 3] (x : smash A B) : smash_flip (smash_flip x) = x :=
induction x,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover_id_right,
refine ap_compose' smash_flip _ _ ⬝ ap02 _ !elim_gluel ⬝ !elim_gluer ⬝ph _,
apply hrfl },
{ apply eq_pathover_id_right,
refine ap_compose' smash_flip _ _ ⬝ ap02 _ !elim_gluer ⬝ !elim_gluel ⬝ph _,
apply hrfl }
variables (A B)
definition smash_comm [constructor] : smash A B ≃* smash B A :=
fapply pequiv_of_equiv,
{ apply equiv.MK, do 2 exact smash_flip_smash_flip },
{ reflexivity }
variables {A B}
/- smash A S¹ = red_susp A -/
definition circle_elim_constant [unfold 5] {A : Type} {a : A} {p : a = a} (r : p = idp) (x : S¹) :
circle.elim a p x = a :=
induction x,
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover_constant_right, apply hdeg_square, exact !elim_loop ⬝ r }
definition red_susp_of_smash_pcircle [unfold 2] (x : smash A S¹*) : red_susp A :=
induction x using smash.elim,
{ induction b, exact base, exact equator a },
{ exact base },
{ exact base },
{ reflexivity },
{ exact circle_elim_constant equator_pt b }
definition smash_pcircle_of_red_susp [unfold 2] (x : red_susp A) : smash A S¹* :=
induction x,
{ exact pt },
{ exact gluel' pt a ⬝ ap (smash.mk a) loop ⬝ gluel' a pt },
{ refine !con.right_inv ◾ _ ◾ !con.right_inv,
exact ap_is_constant gluer loop ⬝ !con.right_inv }
definition smash_pcircle_of_red_susp_of_smash_pcircle_pt [unfold 3] (a : A) (x : S¹*) :
smash_pcircle_of_red_susp (red_susp_of_smash_pcircle (smash.mk a x)) = smash.mk a x :=
induction x,
{ exact gluel' pt a },
{ exact abstract begin apply eq_pathover,
refine ap_compose smash_pcircle_of_red_susp _ _ ⬝ph _,
refine ap02 _ (elim_loop pt (equator a)) ⬝ !elim_equator ⬝ph _,
-- make everything below this a lemma defined by path induction?
refine !con_idp⁻¹ ⬝pv _, refine !con.assoc⁻¹ ⬝ph _, apply whisker_bl, apply whisker_lb,
apply whisker_tl, apply hrfl end end }
definition concat2o [unfold 10] {A B : Type} {f g h : A → B} {q : f ~ g} {r : g ~ h} {a a' : A}
{p : a = a'} (s : q a =[p] q a') (t : r a =[p] r a') : q a ⬝ r a =[p] q a' ⬝ r a' :=
by induction p; exact idpo
definition apd_con_fn [unfold 10] {A B : Type} {f g h : A → B} {q : f ~ g} {r : g ~ h} {a a' : A}
(p : a = a') : apd (λa, q a ⬝ r a) p = concat2o (apd q p) (apd r p) :=
by induction p; reflexivity
-- definition apd_con_fn_constant [unfold 10] {A B : Type} {f : A → B} {b b' : B} {q : Πa, f a = b}
-- {r : b = b'} {a a' : A} (p : a = a') :
-- apd (λa, q a ⬝ r) p = concat2o (apd q p) (pathover_of_eq _ idp) :=
-- by induction p; reflexivity
theorem apd_constant' {A A' : Type} {B : A' → Type} {a₁ a₂ : A} {a' : A'} (b : B a')
(p : a₁ = a₂) : apd (λx, b) p = pathover_of_eq p idp :=
by induction p; reflexivity
definition smash_pcircle_pequiv_red [constructor] (A : Type*) : smash A S¹* ≃* red_susp A :=
fapply pequiv_of_equiv,
{ fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact red_susp_of_smash_pcircle },
{ exact smash_pcircle_of_red_susp },
{ exact abstract begin intro x, induction x,
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover, apply hdeg_square,
refine ap_compose red_susp_of_smash_pcircle _ _ ⬝ ap02 _ !elim_equator ⬝ _ ⬝ !ap_id⁻¹,
refine !ap_con ⬝ (!ap_con ⬝ !elim_gluel' ◾ !ap_compose'⁻¹) ◾ !elim_gluel' ⬝ _,
esimp, exact !idp_con ⬝ !elim_loop },
{ exact sorry } end end },
{ intro x, induction x,
{ exact smash_pcircle_of_red_susp_of_smash_pcircle_pt a b },
{ exact gluel pt },
{ exact gluer pt },
{ apply eq_pathover_id_right,
refine ap_compose smash_pcircle_of_red_susp _ _ ⬝ph _,
unfold [red_susp_of_smash_pcircle],
refine ap02 _ !elim_gluel ⬝ph _,
esimp, apply whisker_rt, exact vrfl },
{ apply eq_pathover_id_right,
refine ap_compose smash_pcircle_of_red_susp _ _ ⬝ph _,
unfold [red_susp_of_smash_pcircle],
-- not sure why so many implicit arguments are needed here...
refine ap02 _ (@smash.elim_gluer A S¹* _ (λa, circle.elim red_susp.base (equator a)) red_susp.base red_susp.base (λa, refl red_susp.base) (circle_elim_constant equator_pt) b) ⬝ph _,
apply square_of_eq, induction b,
{ exact whisker_right _ !con.right_inv },
{ apply eq_pathover_dep, refine !apd_con_fn ⬝pho _ ⬝hop !apd_con_fn⁻¹,
refine ap (λx, concat2o x _) !rec_loop ⬝pho _ ⬝hop (ap011 concat2o (apd_compose1 (λa b, ap smash_pcircle_of_red_susp b) (circle_elim_constant equator_pt) loop) !apd_constant')⁻¹,
exact sorry }
{ reflexivity }
/- smash A S¹ = susp A -/
open susp
definition psusp_of_smash_pcircle [unfold 2] (x : smash A S¹*) : psusp A :=
induction x using smash.elim,
{ induction b, exact pt, exact merid a ⬝ (merid pt)⁻¹ },
{ exact pt },
{ exact pt },
{ reflexivity },
{ induction b, reflexivity, apply eq_pathover_constant_right, apply hdeg_square,
exact !elim_loop ⬝ !con.right_inv }
definition smash_pcircle_of_psusp [unfold 2] (x : psusp A) : smash A S¹* :=
induction x,
{ exact pt },
{ exact pt },
{ exact gluel' pt a ⬝ (ap (smash.mk a) loop ⬝ gluel' a pt) },
-- the definitions below compile, but take a long time to do so and have sorry's in them
definition smash_pcircle_of_psusp_of_smash_pcircle_pt [unfold 3] (a : A) (x : S¹*) :
smash_pcircle_of_psusp (psusp_of_smash_pcircle (smash.mk a x)) = smash.mk a x :=
induction x,
{ exact gluel' pt a },
{ exact abstract begin apply eq_pathover,
refine ap_compose smash_pcircle_of_psusp _ _ ⬝ph _,
refine ap02 _ (elim_loop north (merid a ⬝ (merid pt)⁻¹)) ⬝ph _,
refine !ap_con ⬝ (!elim_merid ◾ (!ap_inv ⬝ !elim_merid⁻²)) ⬝ph _,
-- make everything below this a lemma defined by path induction?
exact sorry,
-- refine !con_idp⁻¹ ⬝pv _, apply whisker_tl, refine !con.assoc⁻¹ ⬝ph _,
-- apply whisker_bl, apply whisker_lb,
-- refine !con_idp⁻¹ ⬝pv _, apply whisker_tl, apply hrfl
-- refine !con_idp⁻¹ ⬝pv _, apply whisker_tl,
-- refine !con.assoc⁻¹ ⬝ph _, apply whisker_bl, apply whisker_lb, apply hrfl
-- apply square_of_eq, rewrite [+con.assoc], apply whisker_left, apply whisker_left,
-- symmetry, apply con_eq_of_eq_inv_con, esimp, apply con_eq_of_eq_con_inv,
-- refine _⁻² ⬝ !con_inv, refine _ ⬝ !con.assoc,
-- refine _ ⬝ whisker_right _ !inv_con_cancel_right⁻¹, refine _ ⬝ !con.right_inv⁻¹,
-- refine !con.right_inv ◾ _, refine _ ◾ !con.right_inv,
-- refine !ap_mk_right ⬝ !con.right_inv
end end }
-- definition smash_pcircle_of_psusp_of_smash_pcircle_gluer_base (b : S¹*)
-- : square (smash_pcircle_of_psusp_of_smash_pcircle_pt (Point A) b)
-- (gluer pt)
-- (ap smash_pcircle_of_psusp (ap (λ a, psusp_of_smash_pcircle a) (gluer b)))
-- (gluer b) :=
-- begin
-- refine ap02 _ !elim_gluer ⬝ph _,
-- induction b,
-- { apply square_of_eq, exact whisker_right _ !con.right_inv },
-- { apply square_pathover', exact sorry }
-- end
definition smash_pcircle_pequiv [constructor] (A : Type*) : smash A S¹* ≃* psusp A :=
fapply pequiv_of_equiv,
{ fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact psusp_of_smash_pcircle },
{ exact smash_pcircle_of_psusp },
{ exact abstract begin intro x, induction x,
{ reflexivity },
{ exact merid pt },
{ apply eq_pathover_id_right,
refine ap_compose psusp_of_smash_pcircle _ _ ⬝ph _,
refine ap02 _ !elim_merid ⬝ph _,
rewrite [↑gluel', +ap_con, +ap_inv, -ap_compose'],
refine (_ ◾ _⁻² ◾ _ ◾ (_ ◾ _⁻²)) ⬝ph _,
rotate 5, do 2 (unfold [psusp_of_smash_pcircle]; apply elim_gluel),
esimp, apply elim_loop, do 2 (unfold [psusp_of_smash_pcircle]; apply elim_gluel),
refine idp_con (merid a ⬝ (merid (Point A))⁻¹) ⬝ph _,
apply square_of_eq, refine !idp_con ⬝ _⁻¹, apply inv_con_cancel_right } end end },
{ intro x, induction x using smash.rec,
{ exact smash_pcircle_of_psusp_of_smash_pcircle_pt a b },
{ exact gluel pt },
{ exact gluer pt },
{ apply eq_pathover_id_right,
refine ap_compose smash_pcircle_of_psusp _ _ ⬝ph _,
unfold [psusp_of_smash_pcircle],
refine ap02 _ !elim_gluel ⬝ph _,
esimp, apply whisker_rt, exact vrfl },
{ apply eq_pathover_id_right,
refine ap_compose smash_pcircle_of_psusp _ _ ⬝ph _,
unfold [psusp_of_smash_pcircle],
refine ap02 _ !elim_gluer ⬝ph _,
induction b,
{ apply square_of_eq, exact whisker_right _ !con.right_inv },
{ exact sorry}
{ reflexivity }
end smash